9:55pm London room Paul, Natalie, James and Meech
Natalie wonders if Paulie will get booed. Michelle doesn’t think so she thinks she’ll get booed.
Paul brings up Corey thorwing the throwing competition today. (Production tells them to stop whenever they talk about it. I suspect this is what Friday’s show is about)
Natalie – dude I can’t believe he threw the TV comp
Paul – Ya
Natalie – ever since the beginning I’m going to try and win everything I can I don’t care.
Paul – I really want you to win this week’s HOH so you can sh1t on them
Natalie says Wednesday morning in teh Bathroom Zakiyah and Nicole were getting ready when she walked in none of them talked to her none of them said good morning, ‘they thought she was safe and they were all safe.. none of them said 1 word to me”
Nicole comes in asks Natalie how her neck is. Natalie says it’s still hurting.
Paul says production told him he’s doing a great job with the costume.
10:03pm Paulie gets the music to start baking a pie , “FU*K” (image above)
Paulie asks Nicole if she wants to hang out with him while he bakes. Nicole says she has no makeup on “I look scary”
Nicole – just come over here after your pie. Roll it out quick,
Nicole looks at a picture of Corey “so cute” and “what a good looking man Corey is” lets out a big Sigh..
Paulie begins baking the pie.
Throwing some old pies out.. (wasteful)
10:24pm Nicole and Corey in their tokyo bed
Nicole says Paulie has been acting weird he’s always taking inventory of where everyone is. She’s stressed about next week.
Corey – this week or next week
Nicole – well this week but Next week i really want HOH
Nicole is certain paulie is going to try something
Nicole – I just want everything to be fineeeeeeeeeeee
Corey is going to go hang out with Paulie. Nicole heads to bed.
10:28pm Only 32 minutes left for the pie to bake
They talk about “Mr Pectacular” being at the carnival today Paulie “he’s a hilarious guy”
Corey – ya
Chit chat about meet and greets after
11:01pm Nicole has come out she’s been called to the Diary room. In the bathroom putting makeup on and working on her hair/ Corey says that must suck being a girl and having to put makeup on every time you go into the Diary room.
Paulie says if he was a girl he wouldn’t put that much on says his sister puts hardly no makeup on.
They comment on the waste of food but the people in the house are not eating enough even though it does taste good.
11:17pm Nicole and Corey
Nicole – you’re being so weird .. are you hating meeeeeeee
Corey – you messing with me right now
Nicole – you messing with me right now
Corey – you messing with me right now..
(Fuck!ng hell)
11:44pm- mindnight Nicole, Corey and Paulie
Paulie says there isn’t a jury buyback. Corey says they’ll need to either win the next HOH or win some care packages.
Paulie goes over the days left in the game. Says if there is another double there will be a buyback.
Nicole – there’s always a buy back..
They go round and round speculating the twists that can come into the game and save their sorry situation.
Paulie says he’s got the number ten for the return trip
Paulie – I wanted to get number 10 because that was Cody’s number in college..
Paulie was thinking about going around and asking people to open their tickets cause he wanted to know what his chances are.
Nicole says nobody will open their cards because you never know what Big Brother will do they could extend the length the cards are valid, there could be a double.
Paulie says the vote will be 5-0
Nicole says that’s what she went out on.
Nicole – I don’t want no sympathy vote.. if you guys want me out don’t give me a sympathy vote
Nicole says Zakiyah rarely did any cooking. Says she wouldn’t even toast bread. One day Nicole was busy making a meal and asked Zakiyah to toast the bread so it’s ready at the same time. After the toast was ready Zakiyah didn’t even want it so it got thrown out.
Paulie – that’s what she would say to me.. I’m hungry when are we eating
Nicole says Zakiyah never shared food when she made it, “really bizarre”
Nicole says Zakiyah was talkign “Smack” about her
Nicole – and when she ate a meal never washed her plate.. if someone cooked for me I would wash my plate.
Nicole says she has more stories about Zakiyah but “I’m done”
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WEEK 4 – August 14th to August 19th
This winner automatically becomes Co-HOH, sharing all HOH perks and responsibilities for the duration of the week, including choosing 1 of the 2 nominees.
[polldaddy poll=9496376]
Are people really still voting for Michelle??? Or is the poll just not up to date?
Because that would sad. Very very sad :/
Yah, but a vote for Vic is a vote for Paul…. nah, I’ll pass.
James your a fool.
Your getting played by letting your game go.
Your focus should be your and what’s good for your family (daughter).
Strategic planning/play doesn’t have to mean letting someone else call shots for you.
You and your family is the drive you need.
Not someone that you’d like to think would have you after the show.
It won’t work James do you.
Natalie looks great but focus guy.
Don’t be blinded by her Venezuelan booty.
I read that comment as a put down to Paulie due to the disrespect Paulie gave to Z/women in the house. To show Paulie he respected how Natalie felt. James has been the decision maker of the two. Natalie used strategy on James to get him to vote Z out/care package prior to that he Paulie was “his leader”.
Ummm…paulie, you don’t want to campaign against Corey…right? Then why are you campaigning against Corey?
James is not serious. That’s his way of getting out of having to entertain a conversation about voting with Paulie.
the way Vic handled this HOH, he deserves the CO-HOH care package for next week.
he may deserve it, but i have a feeling he will still be OK given his ability to win comps. even on the slight chance he is on the block, it would give him the chance to play and win veto, which is what he’s really concerned about. getting a care package to be co HOH may mean he can’t play and actually win the next HOH.. meaning he loses a chance to win a comp towards his number 10.
Karma is what is driving the votes in the poll, for michelle to get it. and be the one to put up whoever corey/nicole. divine karma is corey goes up, nicole is the winner of the HOH, she puts up vic, he wins his veto, and she replaces with whoever, but corey still goes home, on HER HOH. really rattled, and she can’t play in the next HOH, so out she goes, maybe.
what i wanted to see next care package is paul wins the bribe, and successfully bribes Vic to lose a comp. vic gets that 5 K, so its a win win.
I think the poll was up before Victor put up Paulie. I was voting for Meech but changed it to Victor just in case Paulie has the RT seeing he cannot play in the next HOH. On the poll I voted for Meech and it was at 49% in her favour the day it went up.
Not ideal for meech to win ACP but I think Paul is more than capable of keeping Big Meech in line if she does……Besides it would be hilarious!
Paul is cracking me up on those security checks. He looks so funny.
It would be fun to watch Michelle be co-hoh.
I’m voting for meech. She needs an advantage. Plus she’ll drive the HOH nuts. I like the idea of more drama.
I think people voted on the poll early b4 anything really happened in the house and actual voting began so the results may be skewed. Comments seem to indicate they are actually casting votes for VICTOR ??
Pathetic Paulie (still uses his baby name) needs to go home
Maybe he needs lots of kisses from Daddy? Freakin weird sh!t
Paul and his daddy like to kiss don’t they? And the south gets a bad rep. Maybe his ex couldn’t handle the competition from his incessual family
There’s nothing like a daddy’s affection towards his son.
They say they’re a very touchy feely family. A little weird if you ask me.
Sometimes it seems like Michele is trying to make the feeds go to fish.She is a “super fan” so she knows what happens when you talk about certain things. She needs to STFU about non game stuff so we can watch the gaming. Very annoying.
Good Grief!!!!!!!!!!! Will Thursday EVER get here??????????????
Paulie saying he is not campaigning yet but then campaigns to James.
He’s been campaigning but not really campaigning this whole time. Ugh he’s such a douche
“On my Aunt that is dying of cancer” Using your family’s pain to try and get ahead in a game… The most pitiful comment of the season.
It is driving Nichole and Cory crazy, so that is fun to watch. Paranoia is creeping in like Paul said. I am thinking Paul is running the game now. Not my favorite, but he has creep into the leader spot without anyone noticing it.
Paulie has zero self awareness.
And Down Goes Paulie….He’s Staggering to Get Up. His legs look wobbly. He’s down again. It’s a Knockout!
giant douche
Watching Paulie talking to Meech on BBAD – jeez, he must have gotten the mother of all come to Jesus meetings, because he is sounding normal and rational. Still campaigning hard, but the histrionics are gone for now. But they either laid down the law hard or gave him a shot of something. Frankly I wish they had evicted him for behavior above and beyond what’s acceptable.
Paul and Vic, Nat and James, stand firm! Meech, just stand. Upright preferably.
Wish there was an LOL button….sitting here laughing at the Meech comment…
Ziggy Marley made a pass at Natalie but she’ll never tell James until she needs something from James.
Paul, Vic, Natalie and James stand firm
Meech just stand, preferably upright.
Paulie once told Frank not to make a fool out of himself – pot meet kettle.
I wish Paul would repeat the speech Paulie gave to Frank that would put the icing on the cake for the feeders.
#1. – “Paulie says he hasn’t started to campaign yet, he’s not sure if he will” – So Paulie, let’s see if I have this down. You won’t campaign against Corey. So that kind of sounds like he’s your number one ally, but you want people to vote him out and keep you. So isn’t that actually campaigning? And screwing your number one ally?
And if they save you you won’t put them up… but won’t you have to put someone up at some point if you want to win or even get to final 2.
#2 “Paulie – my social aspect is done.. I don’t want to be in the Jury for XX amount of time.. I don’t want to roll over and die but when it’s my time to go.. I’ll gladly lay my self up use me as the nom ”
—- You’re the nom now… it’s your time to go dude.
#3 – “Paul says Paulie didn’t wear protection.. “Full comes out has a BB baby”” —- He better hope a baby is the only thing he got from that… Zakiyah sure was scratching her woman parts a lot.
I guess Paulie is trying to use reverse psychology on the HGS. He really sound stupid.
Paulie reminds me of the Looney Tune Character Wile E. Coyote. The Coyote is so dumb yet he still try to get the road runner…same thing applies to Paulie
If anything Z caught something from Paulie. Wait till she sees the feeds. She was too good for him. She should have made him kiss her a$$.
What he got from her? I think it’s the other way around. Paulie has been digging at his balls every time he sits down for 2 months straight! Must have picked up something from all the girls he boned before his girlfriend became his “ex”
I started out really wanting to root against Paul, but he is so darned funny! Yeah, he’s a bit of a sneaky player. Who cares? It’s Big Brother! I find myself actually laughing out loud at things he says.
Yeah.. that awkward moment towards the end of the argument between Paulie, Natalie and Bridgette. During a tense silent pause Paul trying to quietly reach for a Cheeto. Ended up being loud. Too funny. Then when Paulie said, “he didn’t care.” Bridgett replied, “wow.” And the look between Paul and Victor. Priceless.
I know it’s like they were there for the show! Best big brother moment this season in my opinion.
I laughed so hard at Paul trying to quietly get that Cheeto that I cried lol. Hysterical.
Why is Paulie not required to do his punishment of baking pies? Why does he get a free pass? I call BS!
I call it favoritism, Shar. It’s not right!!!
Wake me when it’s Thursday. I’ve had enough of Pitiful Paulie.
Paulie might have a bb baby! Lmao…. maybe dumbo shld of used a condom they have them in the house. Z wow girl he used u and abused u and u still want that cry baby??? Im still voting all votes everyday for vic, so if ppl want vic vote vic for co-hoh do it cuz on other sites there all voting for him too.
Paulie looking to make deals and asking what they want? does this turd have even ounce of self respect? Just evict him already because if any of them James, Nat Paul or Meech vote to keep him and Paulie stays all bets are off Paulie will go back on his word and pull some shady shit to get Paul & Vic on the block or James & Nat on the block. these four need to vote his ass out and let Paulie fist pump his way back to jersey.
Frank & Tiffany must be peeing their pants laughing at Paulies Meltdown….pass the popcorn.
I don’t get the live feeds and I’m behind on the updates on here so I was just wondering if anybody has heard anything about this Friday’s episode. Could it possible be about the carnival games they played at the Ziggy Marley concert maybe?
More than likely the episode will show them at the concert and playing those games. Which is why the feeds will keep cutting out when they get too specific about the events.
Im hoping there is no Jury Buy back and it is a filler piece and HaveNot highlighs
Paulie’s all talk, and a whiner at that. But he DID cross the line tonight by saying that he would “Punch one of them (V/P/J).” If he wasn’t called in and severely reprimanded for THAT, then I don’t know what BB has in store for him? I’m banking his Ticket (that he keeps in the top drawer of night stand where it can easily be switched during a lock down…yeah, yeah **FISH**, Don’t talk about Production…) has become a Round Trip!
Hey Corey, ya ever watch that show called The Adams Family? They got a motherfucker on there called LURCH!
Too funny!!! I’m laughing so hard at these comments. I’m dying!!!!
I saw a dude in the grocery store the other day looked just like Corey. Big blonde guy, same stupid no-hawk haircut. Ironically, he was even staring at the wieners.
1. all those condoms, and these fool a$$ idiots can’t figure out maybe use them (altho, have to say, the girls probably on BC and they all got std/hiv tested prior to coming in the house. going to assume that, because the alternative is these people are just idiots and nasty)
2. paulie keeps saying, keep me and when it’s my time to go, no problem. dude, THIS is your time to go. no need to wait for it.
3. paulie keeps saying, really, trust me, i got your backs. Just like a week ago, and two weeks ago and basically every single week ago, he said the same thing to them all. dude, give it up cuz no one believes that based on track record.
4. paulie keeps saying ‘best friend in the house’ to Paul and James. who both thought up until a week or so ago that THEY were Paulie’s bestest friend in the house. dude, should stop talking cuz the hole it’s just getting deeper.
Since Corey is already fisting Baldwin the Eagle, if he was creative he’d use him as a shower loofa, load him up with soap and wash those hard to reach places.
I think to show his genuineness as far as the game goes, Paulie should open his ticket thus making it invalid. If actions speak…
If he has the round trip then vote out Corey, crippling Nicole, and take out Paulie the next week. If he doesn’t have it, vote him out, then round trip twist is over and there is no risk of someone coming back in that you just voted out.
My girl Bridgette will be back in the house Friday night!……and she’s gonna put up Corine and Ratcole after she wins HOH!…..SWEET KARMA PIE!….THUMBS UP IF YOU AGREE!
Nicole is Coreys girl Not James…LMAO!
I’m sick of the Paulie bashing. Just in case production does troll lets suggest how the show can change.
1. Have the veto winner pick the replacement.
2. Don’t have the votes in private.
3. Comps have to change. My fav was bb Canada’s board game.
4. Secret tasks but not America’s player.
5. No returnees.
6. Have less physical comps – gender fair.
7. Make them earn their food. Don’t give as much.
Anything else anyone wants to add.
I’m sick of the Paulie bashing too!
For the millionth time: Shut up Cody and stay off these boards!
You said make them earn their food. Well the girls would starve to death because they haven’t won s!#t.
I enjoyed BBCan with 2 International cast members – would love to see half Canadian half American cast – see how that dynamic would play out.
If they had to vote where everyone knew you’d have more predictable votes. Most of the folks they pick now are spineless. I’d rather they not even tell the house guests the vote count.
Good point. So how about don’t announce the vote count?
I’m shocked that you, a woman, I presume, think that less physical comps would be more fair. Women could just as easily win those physical comps, but casting sucks. There just has to be more female players like Janelle, Rachel, and Vanessa. Instead of reducing the amount of physical comps, I’d say fire the casting team and get a new one.
– No to #2. That would further cement house voting. Instead don’t reveal house count so people can vote how they want. If I could only make one change, this would have the biggest impact.
– Stop the CBS/BB “it’s who you know” thing in getting players.
– The earn food thing…yes but not as individuals. The house has tasks to complete as a group. If not successful, minimal food for the week. The slop thing is getting tired.
– Simple punishments for breaking rules that make fish come on. Like wear a gag for hours for breaking no singing rule.
– More stuff to do inside and out to keep them out of the beds and make feeds more interesting.
I like this one. Tired of hearing “please stop singing”
– Simple punishments for breaking rules that make fish come on. Like wear a gag for hours for breaking no singing rule.
First off – If you don’t like the Paulie bashing ( eye roll ) then skip those comments. You have pretty much come on to a site, where more than a few players, over numerous years have been bashed for tedious things when they do stupid things. But Paulie has had a lot of Glorious mental break downs that he deserves to be called out on. But like I said to each their own.
Next, on your topic of how BB can change it’s structure – DO not Change it like BB Canada. I am Canadian. and I like my BB Canada the one and only – I also like BB US the one and only maybe change a few aspects but don’t change it into one or the other.
– I think Get rid of telling the House Guests the Vote counts that way everyone can vote how they want to.
– Maybe also play for food every week instead of having have nots. That way everyone has to play a more social game. You don’t win food for the house you may get on someone’s bad side !!!
-I would also like to see reward and punishment style type of games throughout the house every week as well you don’t complete the task you don’t get anything. Makes it even more competetitve within the game.
Also they seriously need to make a new BB house. This one is old and decaying. And small. Compared to other BB houses.
That would be, at least, a good starting point I think, for them moving forward with the show. I like the direction they are taking with them going Online – because eventually, that is where most people will get all of their content from!
James needs to cut Nat after Paulie gets evicted. James should still stay close to Nat but play his own game. James got this game in the bag if he just wakes up and come back to reality that Nat will only want James as a friend. It’s so obvious.
“Keep him making pies, just reduce the level of difficulty.”
Whats up with Meech?
I think Ziggy snuck her some Magic Mushrooms….
I am LIVING for Paul’s short sleeved outdoor security suit LOL. Hated him first of season, but he is fricking funny. Over the Paulie drama. Girl, BYE.
Usernames will have to be a bit more PG please. At the least censor them with @*(#^%_
Thank you! All they do (Nicole V…for ex) is completely discredit any comment made by the poster IMO.
Way to go Paulie! No son of ours should be seen baking pies. That’s women’s work! You keep whining and threatening to crack some faces or don’t bother coming back home. That’s how real Calafiore men role. So proud!
Does anybody else think Paul in his outfit looks like a seventies era Ringo Starr.
Did you hear when I told Corey about Cody being in a movie? That’s why I’ve been trying so hard, I have to try to keep up with my movie star brother. You should watch it, it’s great, just like the two Califiore brothers.
Does anyone agree with me that they should send a hair dresser into the house to cut Nick-Holes blond mop. No matter what she tries to do with it, it’s a mess.
Love her orange unitard. Glad she’s wearing it and not Bridgette. Hope she’s told that she came in second in the vote. Burst that bubble for sure.
Usernames must not contain so much adult content please adjust or censor
I think I will change my name I just found out in the Urban dictionary a PPG is
A girl who commonly uses crack cocaine – I thought it was cute twist on the power puff girls
F#ck you!
Thank you Simon
Paulie staring at hot tub water at 12:19am. That dude has been medicated. He is on some heavy shit; That is the look of someone on Thorazine. Sad.
I love Paul’s security checks especially last night!!! He kills me when he jumps on people sleeping, and his couch rollovers are halarious… He’s killing it!!! That was funny when paulie asked nicole to open her rt ticket so he can see what his chances are and shes like NO might need it for double eviction… LOL… nicole plz open it so we can see it says winner round trip and paulie is crushed and self evicts!!!
Nicole is such a mean girl!!!!! Why is she ragging about Zakiyah???!!!! Z is out of the BB house and is a jury vote!
If you can’t say anything nice…keep your trap shut!!!! All you do is whine whine whine and moon over Corey. Why take the place of someone who wants to play? You’re so useless and have no value to the game. Corey is in the same boat…. The “S.S. Useless”
She has no awareness of how people are perceiving her. Think she forgets we’re watching.
Corey needs to go next. I want to see what she will do when her shields are gone.
Damn the has to be somewhere close by that they can donate those pies to. All of the starving people everywhere and they just throw stuff away. I can imagine all of the stuff in that overstocked pantry that goes bad just sitting there.
HGs made have seen all the places Paulie puts his hands while he’s preparing the pies. Eww!
Sounds like ole Paulie boy does not feel like he has alienated enough people in Jersey. Now he is talking about the Jewish kids in N. Jersey ALL being a$$holes. I would love to see them give him a rash of s*it in the house again. I guarantee he does not have the balls to call all Bruce Lee like he said he would but would cry in the corner once again.
Yeah, after the comment about the Jewish kids- would be astounded if he had the return ticket. I think at this pint, it would be best for this putz to just go away.
I liked James last season when he was not so desperate to have a girlfriend. His behavior this season being “ruled by a girl’s emotions and feelings” is just outright plain ridiculous and embarrassing!! He cannot be that desperate for a girlfriend!! So NOT my favorite this season, same goes with Nicole with her insecurity of a showmance need. They are more concerned about their showmances at this point than the GAME!!
Nicole is hands down the most cringe-worthy female I have seen in a long time. Her comments about it being better to go with the flow instead of protesting and that’s why Bridgette was gone disgusted me. That is the perfect illustration of her: say yes to everything, agree with everyone and don’t stick your neck out for anything.
She needs realize that if people didn’t protest, our country would be vastly different.
Corey and niccole- your acting weird no your acting weird, no you, no you… Both of you are weird so shut the hell up already!!! These two makee wanna puke! Soo useless and annoying…
Simon…hat tip to you! Your side comment (FUCK!NG HELL) tonight gave me a laugh I really needed. Thanks man!
I want Nicole gone after Paulie. She is a mean, nasty young woman and she needs to do some self reflection, not just looking at her reflection in the mirror.
I loved Nicole on her season, this one… she’s so annoying. I wis they would have brought back J-Macc!
No one can have a deep convo with Corey he just sits and stares off into no where because there is nothing in his head. He is just a total doufus. Nothing at all there. Even Paulie seems brilliant compared to this doufus. Paulie tries to talk to him but all Corey can say is “yup” “for sure” and then stare off into his vast world of nothingness.
Nicole and Corey’s convos consist of just fake fights about who’s being weird or Nicole making up some fake ex gf or girl in house drama so Corey will say “No it’s you that I want not them” No one wants your gay dumb as dirt goofy no brain doufus Nicole.
Nicole going on the block and home next week will be wonderful. Just kinda sucks we have to watch her whine and cry for a week how she deserves this more than Natalie. She will cry to Corey all week how he will hook up with Natalie when Nicole leaves. God spare us.
Can’t wait to not have to see Nicole’s rats nest hair or her pushing up her lame big glasses or the stupid look she gets on her face when she looks at her reflection every chance she gets.
No one this season will I enjoy more walking out of that house more than Nicole.
James wake up..she wont sleep in same bed with..and barely talking to you yesterday ..but when Paul came in the room she was laughing and giggling at everything he said…WAKE UP..REALIZE..UR A FRIEND NOTHING MORE! Play ur own game…and we will respect you more!
Now that Nat is in charge she will push them constantly towards the breaking point. As opposed to James’ boring safe game strategy. It does make sense though play safe till jury then go wild making deals and taking out big targets.
A care package, support, an award… something needs to go to Simon and Dawg. Got the feeds (link thru this site) and WOW. Paulie is exhausting. I don’t know how you guys do it. I don’t think I could transcribe his gibberish. Last night when he was talking to Natalie (while James and Paul slept), she showed concern over his aunt dying of cancer and at one point it was like he “forgot” about his aunt. He kept talking game. Everyone show some support for Simon and Dawg.
Thank you! Its definitely not easy doing this 7 days a week. We really appreciate your support.
PAULE … by a vote of 5-0 you are evicted from the Big Brother house …
HOUSE GUESTS … are you ready to see if Paulie has the round trip ticket?
JULIE … open the envelope, pull out the one way ticket, and tell Paulie his game has ended and he will be making his way to the Jury house.
then the following happens …..
Corey wins Hoh and Victor receives America’s Care Package …. Corey nominates Natalie, Victor nominates Nicole. Corey wins Veto and pulls Nicole off … Corey replaces Nicole with James ….
sound like a good scenario? … sure would keep the game interesting wouldn’t you say …
I think the HOH or co-HOH that has a nom pulled would pick the replacement, just like in the roadkill scenario
Meech is too all over the place to be co-hoh, especially if Nic or Corey were HOH. That could be a disaster. I am on CBS Big Brother voting for Victor. Would like to see Paul get the final ACP “Bribe”. It would be really entertaining. The remaining hg’s; not really that deserving in my opinion.
Gosh even Nicole/Corey are afraid that Paulie will do something this week. On BBAD Nic suggested that Corey stay around him while he is up (presumably to keep him calm) and Corey dutifully is sitting in kitchen while he makes a pie this morning.
Note: Paulie is actually making a pie & waving flag BUT then you compare that the Paul still doing security checks b4 that with humor and grace.
Does anyone else think Ziggy Marley was an odd choice? He must have a new album coming out because “Tomorrow People” came out in 1988. I’m sure most of these HG were in diapers or not born yet.
I’m getting nervous with all these people still voting for Michelle as co-HoH. Victor must get this co-HoH to have the best chance of Nicole or Corey going home.
Worst case scenario, either Corey or Nicole wins HoH. Nicole/Corey will put up Victor. If he’s co-HoH, he’s safe. He will also nominate Nicole/Corey and keep nominations the same if he wins veto. If he’s co-HoH, he will play in the veto and has the best chance of winning it.
Best case scenario, someone from the good guys wins HoH. Right now, I’m throwing all my votes behind Vic. If Natalie, James, or Paul wins HoH, I’ll start voting for Michelle.
I like Nicole less and less as the season goes on. She shows her true colors once she doesn’t need someone anymore.
How can anyone argue Paul has not played the best game this season. You may or may not like him ( I find myself yelling ” pshhhh never cared”) I could not stand him at first but he brought himself from the game and caused every truly big play
Frank and Bridgette up after James said he wouldn’t and this last one. I’m very impressed as he has done it his way. I like many others love James but hard to say he should win.
I hate this season they are all nasty group . Pail and victor and Natalie are the worst . The are liars and just as bad as the people they complain about. And the language is horrible.