POV Holder: | Zach | Next POV | Aug 16th |
POV Used | Yes | POV Ceremony | Aug 18th |
HOH Winner 1: | HOH Winner 2: | Christine | |
Battle of the Block Winner | Frankie/Caleb | Next HOH | Aug 15th |
Original Nominations: | |||
Final Nominations: | Donny & Nicole | ||
Have Nots | Donny and Zach | ||
POV Players | Christine, Zach, Donny, Nicole, Caleb, Derrick |
1:20am In the living room – Cody, Christine, Zach, Frankie, Nicole and Victoria are still playing with the Jenga blocks. Cody asks Victoria if she is wearing any clothing that is pink. Victoria says no. Then she looks back and laughs and says oh my gosh my thong! F**K! Zach says oh daddy! Cody says she’s wearing that whale tail!
1:30am In the bathroom – Derrick talks to Christine. Derrick says she asked me if I should just give up, like I have no chance. I told her I am not telling you to give up like you have no chance. In the conversation that I did have with her I explained the pros and cons she was like, Christine was like yeah. Nothing bad, but she didn’t say anything good. No not really. She was like I know its probably impossible but I refuse to go home and give up. I told her that’s great. I am just letting you know that it’s not looking great. And she was like I know her and Cody are close and maybe Cody can convince her. I was like okay. Christine says he tried. Derrick says but I didn’t tell her she is going home but it softens it. She said that Christine is definitely Donny’s target. She’s not mine. And I was thinking yeah that’s why Donny’s going to go home next week. Derrick say you won 3 HOH and have a good chance at winning another one. Donny talks to no one and if he wins HOH then we can work with that and make sure he loses the battle of the block and HOH. It is what it is, its a game.
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1:38am – 2:15am Nicole and Christine head into the fire room to talk. Nicole says so I talked to Cody and Derrick and they basically said they’re on board if you are. Christine says they said that to you? Because that’s not true, that’s bull crap! Nicole says they said that if you wanted me to stay they would be the three votes and then you would be the tie breaker. Christine says that’s so irritating that they’re pinning this on me to be completely honest. Nicole asks really!? That’s frustrating for me too because they were also like we’ll tell you, we don’t want you to look like a fool and we’ll tell you what she’s thinking. And you have a very good case that you’re not going to put her up. Christine says this is what I was thinking if you go home, Donny is definitely coming after me. The bad thing is if you stay then three people are coming after me plus Donny that’s 4 people! Nicole says oh if I stay then people are going to be angry. Christine says I would have Zach, Cody Caleb and Donny mad at me. Nicole says I am just pissed they’re giving me false hope. Christine says Cody and I talked about what was best for our game. Nicole asks if I go who are they going after. Christine says Donny and Victoria. They’re sacred of you that’s why they want you out so bad. Nicole says they were making it like there was something personal reason why you put me up and that’s why I wanted to come talk to you. Christine says there was nothing personal I was told by three guys that if I don’t put you up then they’re coming after me next week. Nicole says I can’t believe how scared they are of me. Cody and I legitimately want you to stay. Christine says Donny has always hated me and I don’t know why. Nicole says I want Frankie to change his mind, what if we talk to him together. Christine laughs and says I don’t think so. We have got to want Frankie to want Donny out of this house. Nicole says I generally think that Derrick and Cody would vote to keep me in this house. Are they really that scared of them. Nicole says that every time Zach is nice to you, then he just did something mean to you. They end their conversation and leave the room. Christine says lets just sleep on it you never know. Nicole laughs.
2:20am – 2:40pmNicole talks to Derrick and Victoria on the backyard couch. Nicole explains that Christine says that its not her that wants me out. Derrick says it makes no sense. Derrick tells her that on Wednesday night he will ask her two reflective questions about her game. Nicole says I am going to be mad. Derrick says you can’t be mad you came here knowing there was only a slight chance you could win. If we walk out of here not winning we go back to our lives the way they were before we left. Nicole says it sucks to be going out 8th.
2:50am In the kitchen – Nicole says I can’t believe our show sucked so bad that we didn’t have a showmance. Derrick and Zach say oh yeah we did. Nicole says you think I had a showmance with Hayden? What does a showmance entail? Zach says you kissed! Nicole says no I didn’t. (Yes they did multiple times) I wish I did but I didn’t! Zach asks you wish you would have kissed him? Nicole says yeah I wish I had but I didn’t. Zach says you’ll have an opportunity to kiss him this weekend! Nicole says you’re such an A$$! You’re nothing but an A-HOLE! Zach asks me an a$$ hole? You’ve got to be kidding! Nicole says you’re the biggest cuddly sweetheart I have ever met. On Thursday I am going to say that. Zach jokingly says you better not say that.. you B***T! If you say I am a sweetheart on national television, I will ruin your life out the door. Nicole says I will call you the most disgusting, meanest! Zach says oh that I like! Zach says if you want to waste your last chance to swing votes go do it. Nicole laughs at people changing there votes. Zach says Christine said it best things change hourly in here. You can start right here. Nicole says okay can I have your vote? Zach says if you want to talk, we can talk in the bee hive. Nicole says its not worth a try, I know you won’t change your vote. Zach asks how do you know that? Zach asks how do you know that?! Nicole says because you’re the reason I am on the block! Zach laughs and says oh my god do not go there?! I’m the one that got you on the block?! That’s funny!!
Nicole asks why did you want me on the block? Zach says only one reason because I wanted Victoria to stay. Zach says straight up you chose Hayden over me, so I am going to choose Victoria. Zach asks why should I vote to keep you? Nicole says because I could be an asset to your game. Zach asks how? why!? I think you’re a liability. Nicole asks really?! Zach asks how are you an asset to my game. Nicole says several reasons! Well you’re not my target! Zach says do I believe that?! No! Go on! Nicole says I really have no argument for you to keep me. Zach says oh come on you have to have something! Nicole says no because I know how much you like Donny. Zach says Donny voted to evict me twice already. TWICE! Why the f**k should I keep him! You never voted me out. You tried to get me gone. Nicole says it wasn’t my master plan. Zach asks can we talk about this actually!? I want to know what happened. Nicole says no I don’t trust you. Zach says promise you I will give you my vote if you explain everything that happened to me last week. Nicole asks do you promise I have you’re vote. I’m scared. Do you think your vote is going to change everything? Zach says its a start! Nicole asks what do you know so far? Zach says so Frankie and Christine went up to you and said we need to get Zach out of the house. Nicole says I don’t know if they said need. They might have said should. Zach says so you got excited and said yeah lets do it. Nicole says yeah I’m not going to lie I said lets do it. Nicole says the next thing they wanted you to do was convince Hayden but he didn’t want to do it. Frankie joins them and the conversation ends.
Cody is a fucking moron, he cant even see Derrick is mind fucking him…. He hates people because Derrick has him brain washed….. Cody is so stupid, he needs to ask Derrick why he wants to keep Victoria over the other detonators…. damn this kid is retarted…
More from Frankie J. Grande SMM :
“people are like, is it hard just being Ariana Grande’s brother and I’m like, No, it’s a wonderful thing. I’m happy that now I’m Ariana Grande’s brother, FRANKIE.”
“people come up to me now and want to meet me … People now know ME.”
“It’s in everybody’s best interest for me to get 1st or 2nd so somebody else can have the 25K”
“I can’t say Ariana is better than Mariah and Whitney, but she is on the same level.”
“that’s right, my last name’s Grande, so whose my sister? Saaaaaay it.”
“I already came in here with a fanbase”
Frankie wondering when CBS will show the “big reveal” – thinks it may be a “cliff hanger”
“This (in BB house)is very much a side of me that THE WORLD(caps mine) does not know, beacause my sister was on Nickelodeon and I had an obligation to be appropriate….”
“I desperatly want to have my own TV show..”
(about Nicole and Zach plotting against him) “that was probably one of the most traumatic days of my life to date. Because, like, no one doesn’t like me.”
“I hate when people don’t like me…it’s the worst thing for me. When people don’t like me, it drives me nuts.”
Well Frankie, I hate you passionately. You are a sniveling, sneaky, rat faced snake!!! You need to get out of the house and great your followers. I bet you have more people that can’t stand you then you have followers that love you. Awe poor asshole, what are you going to do now?
“I hate when people don’t like me…it’s the worst thing for me. When people don’t like me, it drives me nuts.”
Wait until you get out Frankie and see the boards. Hope it won’t drive you too nutty.
This season is deja vu of the Friendship Alliance (Nerd Herd) from Season 6
wil had a good segment on frankie in this weeks bb16saga:
Hahahahaa so true!
Lol, and isn’t the fact of being so dumb that day after day he looks less and less attractive? Does he knows Christine is married, or better yet, does he knows what marriage means?
You cannot blame the other person. He’s not married to Christine’s husband. She’s the one that needs to stop. That’s what so many people wrongfully do. They always want to blame the other person that’s not even part of the marriage.
And for respect at Tim he should stay away, for some reason the wedding ring is a sign to others that that person is taken
“He should stay away?” LOL. Well, I don’t think he exactly wants her. I don’t think he is trying to take her away. He’s doing it for gameplay, and she’s being a fool. As far as respect. Not to sound harsh, but he doesn’t have to respect the husband. Christine does. I do feel bad for her husband. I don’t think there is anything wrong with flirting, and even a little flirting if you’re married. But to the extent of what she is doing in front of him, and all of America is what is disrespectful.
Not only is he a moron…but a gutless walking vagina. I am not surprised he is having dreams about calling people out…that is the only time he would really confront anyone…instead of whining and sniveling about it. I think it is funny that he woke himself up by actually punching himself in the face during that dream. He couldn’t even get it right in his sleep.
Also, that pathetic cackling twat keeps referring to herself as “we”…meaning her and the sniveling snatch…as if they are a couple. And SHE has the nerve to claim Amber and Brittany were making her uncomfortable with the attention they were giving vagina-boy…more like she didn’t like him giving anyone else attention. Speaking of attention…Cackle-twat’s whole game revolves around what he wants…and wanting him. She is blinded by the bright sun spot blazing through the gap of where Cody’s balls should be…
As far as Nicole goes, Hayden has already been a casualty of her stupid trust in Chief Wiggum. I am not in favor of Donny having to go instead of her as well…especially since she SHOULD have put the pieces together about Chief Wiggum and that snot-sucking pansy by now. She had numerous chances to make big moves…her luck has run out…time to go.
Ugh…at this point, my only hope it that Hayden comes back and he and Donny can either join up with Zach and The Princess Cried (if they can detox themselves from Wiggum’s Koolaid…flavor is Misty Mountain Berry) or Hayden and Donny just destroy the whole house themselves.
I was going to say that…if production’s Molden Child is in jury house, we are screwed because they will make sure he is the one brought back in. But, I then came to my senses and remembered that production will make sure Spankie is never evicted…so it doesn’t matter…
You’re just figuring out that Cody is retarded now? lol. The kid couldn’t form a sentence without saying “like” 10 times if his life depended on it.
I’m pretty sure Paris Hilton could construct better sentences than Cody.
I HATE how people will not vote for themselves! I think it says a lot about this season of BB that this is the first time we’ve actually seen someone campaign hard to stay. If it wasn’t for Derrick I think Nicole could have pulled it off. It’s not that I necessarily want Nicole to stay over Donny or vice versa but I am just sick to death of all this voting with the house BS!
It shows how controlling Derrick is as a person. He thinks that if he tells Nicole that she may as well give up, she will do it and leave the house quietly. He does not want her stirring up anything for his game next week. What surprises me is that the HG’s with the exception of Donny have pretty much rolled over and given Derrick the F2 spot. In most seasons, the other HG’s would have had Derrick out fast. He is a huge threat and none of these airheads can see what he is doing to their games. They only have themselves to blame once they are out of the house and see what was up throughout the entire game.
Right up to the very second that someone walks out the door, Derrick thinks beyond and locks in a jury vote. I’ve notice he makes sure he hugs and whispers something self-serving in that person’s ear so that they don’t leave him on a bad note. He is very clever that way. I think he snagged Nicole’s vote at this point too by being the one to tell her that despite the fact he wants her to stay, the votes just aren’t there for her. Very slick!!
WOW, Christine, now you’re doing what’s best for you and Cody’s game? Please somebody evict her and put us out of our misery.
Not if twat face Allison Grodner has anything to say about it.
I am amazed that EVEN NOW nichole doesnt realize the big alliance run by derrick. Why does she trust derrick so much and doesnt even listen to donny. I like her but what a dummy she deserves to go. If hayden or her come back it wont matter they didnt do anything when they were in there she won a few comps. Even if donny wins a hoh theres no sign of the bob twist ending soon he has to put up victoria to stay hoh. And unless veto is used he cant put up a detonator and if he does get to put up a derrick cody they still have all the votes. Theres no chance this awful season is over
I do think Nicole knows derrick is running the show, it finally clicked on her head when she and Zach was talking in the bee hive room… it also dawned on Zach that he really is alone in the game and that derrick and cody was in on the plan to get him out last week. Zach and Victoria wanted to keep Nicole in the game but derrick already brain washed cody into believing that Nicole had to go this Thursday.. As much as Zach and Victoria wants to flip the house for Nicole to stay, they just don’t have the votes…
It is very frustrating to watch (read) Nicole play the same ole same ole. Shame because if Nicole gave all the information including Derrick and her working together since their HOH and everything, Zach would have more to work with but when you’re throwing everything on Frankie and Christine, pretty much game over.
I honestly feel that Frankie would’ve been much easier to convince to vote for her than Derrick and Cody.
The way Derrick operates is he always puts himself as being conflicted, like it’s a tossup who goes, but that’s never true. Derrick has never wanted to be in an alliance with Nicole and have always planted seeds like he does about everyone else. I don’t think Nicole had a chance to stay because Derrick never wanted her to stay.
Zach still shows me why he’s my fave and IMO he should be a strong contender for AF. Zach plays the game that is best for him. I think after having that conversation with Derrick, although Zach wants Nicole to stay, I think Zach knows what the deal is.
Cody could rant about Zach all he wants, about how he hates Zach because the way he treats Victoria or Nicole or whatever. Cody probably only wishes he could be like Zach and not be a puppy.
With this few people left in the house, it’s time to get rid of the double HOHs. Only one HOH now with only two people on the block. Sure, 2 HOHs might’ve been a good twist at the beginning of the game when there were 16 house guests, but now that we will be down to only eight HG, let’s go back to only one HOH! Enough is enough, the twist has lost its “unexpectedness”.
So sorry that Nicole is throwing Donny under the bus. Go out with some class, Dingus.
Donny should have stayed quiet. I have no respect for Nicole now. And just read that Caleb tried to get up during botb with Frankie and production told him to sit down. Lost respect for the show.
No, Because by throwing the competition, Caleb would have prevented Frankie from competing. It’s one thing to throw a comp for HOH, or veto, but in this case, one player would have actually prevented another player from competing. Don’t you think that would be wrong?? That’s one reason why this BOB twist is unfair. Does anyone remember Season 7 All Stars?? The twist was 2 HOHs had to agree on 2 nominees, and if they couldn’t agree, then the 2 HOHs became the nominees. Janelle and Jace were the 2 HOHs, and many of the other houseguests wanted Jace to disagree with the noms , so they could get Janelle out. Of course, it didn’t happen, but that was the one and only time they did the twist.
If Caleb really wanted to throw the BOB (given the type of comp it was), he would have been better served “helping” Frankie as opposed to sitting on the ground. He literally could have made it so none of the balls went in.
Also, am I the only one who thought it was beyond weird that they let the two of them argue it out about getting Caleb to play? Since when does THAT happen? Every comp I can think of begins as soon as the rules/instructions are finished being read. IMO Donny and Zach should have started right at that time and let Frankie and Caleb have their little tiff.
Awful, All these people need to be detoxed off of Derricks mist. Just when I think there is hope Zach is actually listening he runs and spills to Cagney & Lacey. Victoria seemed sincere, damn you Zach, Lacy even seemed sincere, then they get misted. What house is Lacey in? Really Donny is a schemer. Donny has no one, has been on the sidelines all season but he’s a big schemer. Lacey I do not believe Cagney intends on you as his #2 I always felt that was Victoria. Lacey take the first shot at Derrick, i just don’t see you winning. You might make a good informant in the real world.
Thought this was interesting convo
Derrick & Cody “Caleb DID try to get up during that challenge”..(speaking of the BOB Frankie won)
Derrick says to Cody that BB stopped Caleb from rejoining BotB when he noticed Frankie was winning
So I see production did stop Caleb from causing Frankie to loose game
I bet they also told him how the game was played after he opted out of playing so he wouldn’t know how easy it would have been to throw it if he played.
What’s going to happen is the jury member that comes back in will be a HOH and someone from the house will be the other HOH. What do u guys think of that? BOOM lol
im thinking two hoh is over this Thursday.. there is really not enough people to be put on the block.. there will only be 8 people in the house , two hoh and four nominations, the winners of bob is safe for the week so that two people on the block if one wins pov the only replacement nom is the one person not yet on the block and the dethroned hoh…. I think they will go to single hoh and two noms this Thursday.. The bob happens again next Thursday, after the fourth evicted house guest is talking to Julie, Julie will announce a bob compition will be held to determine which two house guest gets to re enter the house?
please try and remember, it wasn’t cody’s brain that was photographed modeling underwear. of course, derrick is playing cody, and, cody is completely unaware.
i will miss nicole, but zach’s line was priceless! on a game note, her open relationship with hayden is also the main reason she gets alone time with him in the jury house this weekend.
For any of you who do not think production gets involved Derrick and Cody said that BB stopped Caleb from rejoining the BOB competition when Frankie was winning. Caleb did try to get up. If production did not step in Nicole and Donnie would not be on the block now. It would have been Caleb and Frankie or Christine!!
BMC should have waited until he saw what the comp was before bowing out. He had told production that he wasn’t going to play. He can’t have it both ways. I am not a Frankie fan and believe he got lucky to win that challenge.
cody you are a dumb dumb person,trusting derrick.so sick of this cast of wanna- be,s
Why did Zach tell Cody that Nicole says he hates Zach???! Why can’t anyone keep information to themselves instead of reporting it to the bosses.
I think Derrick and Frankie will not vote out Donny or nominate him because they need him for team America mission and they’re hungry for the money. they are just saying to everyone they want him out. I hope Donny makes it far. I hate Frankie and Derrick.
Donny is going to stay for awhile. He is the smartest of the bunch! He could out Derrick and Frankie as part of TA if he gets wind that he is seriously going home. The HG’s would get rid of those guys ASAP if they knew TA is setting them up and being paid to use them in different scenarios. I think it will eventually come up (perhaps in the jury house) and there will be some fallout with the final votes in the finale. The other HG’s are going to be irritated TA made money while most of them got diddly squat for their efforts in the house.
I really don’t think they, meaning ‘TA’ can tell anyone, or they forfeit all monies.
There’s a bigger slut than Christine in the BB house. Her name is Frankie, a washed-out over 30 loser who tries to molest every guy in the house no matter how much younger than him. This vagina envy pervert just can’t keep his hands off of young boys, he had to lie about his age on national tv to make himself look like less of a predator for having his hands all over every guy that would let him.
And yes, I know that the other guys reciprocated, but could you imagine this floozy coaching a boys high school sports team? He would be in the pants of every young teen by trying to impress them that he is a media mogul! Parents, remember Frankie’s face, it is one of a sexual predator that preys on young boys.
Frankie strikes me as someone who would roofie a guy. How dare someone turn me down, I’m Frankie Grande, Ariana’s brother,i’ll show you. This asshole has serious delusions of grandeur.
I don’t see this game turning around anytime soon. I don’t understand the huge trust in Derrick. I’m confused? Why does Zach and Nic think Frank and Caleb have more power over Derrick and Cody? Why is it so hard for them to see that Derrick is in control. Derrick almost made Zach cry the other night, and now he is being scolded again. Zach should try to get back in with Franky and turn this house on it’s head. Watching Nic, Zach, and Vic is like watching a game of hotter colder (your getting hot, hotter, cold, cold, really cold).
This BB16 cast is a snore fest.. Nothing is unexpected with this predictable cast of sheep.. Thank you for sparing me the misery of watching it on my DVR.
Is it just me or does anyone else want zach and Nicole to get together? They have amazing chemistry! Just want zack to turn and kiss her lol
Yeah, I’ve said it before. I like their chemistry. He’s outgoing, she’s introverted. Good combo. I never really saw any real chemistry with her and Hayden.
I can’t wait to see how Porky the cop get’s the wanna be tough guy/cuddle toy self-evict, because it’s a “strategic” game move.
Who are people rooting for? I’m kinda rooting for Zach,Victoria,Donny,Or Caleb to win the game (not in that particular order) because Nicole was stupid to put up Jocatsta when she could’ve worked with her. She couldve made an aliance with Jocasta,Donny,Hayden, and Christine Christine is dumb enough to think one of the guys will take her to the end, and I just hate Cody,Derrick,Frankie.
Honestly I think if Nicole’s campaigning with Zach paid off then she would still go after him but I doubt that since that is sorta what Christink did to her. And every time that Zach’s name comes out of Cody’s mouth you can practically smell the jealousy that America loves Zach and not him. And Derrick is a sociopath. I understand that lying is a part of the game but lying to someone’s face and telling them that they are not your target or that you were never targeting them and then attacking them is despicable. Derrick needs to be tossed out on his head where the crowd will boo him and throw bacon and pig stuffed animals at him
Christine…get off cody’s jock. You are married…and its not to Cody. Enough Said.
Cody definitely needs to cut of his genitals and stitch himself a huge vag!na! What a miserable, disgusting POS!
He and Crustine deserve each other and the Dirty Cop is just a cherry on the sh!t-cake!
Good Grief!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will someone please wake these people up!!!!!!!!!!!
Why can’t anyone besides Donny see through Derrick?????
These people are dumber than a bag of hair!!!!!!!
“Dumber than dirt”, according to Donnie.
Let’s just hope Caleb, Zach, and Victoria come to their senses and see Derrick’s true natural and goals.
And joins Donny to get Cody and Derrick out of the house….
Victoria will neeeevvvveeeerrrr leave Derrick. He’s got her hook, line and sinker. She is hopelessly devoted. Derrick and Cody are playing similar games in the fact that Derrick is playing the PG rated version, tagging Victoria along to the end (no sex involved, very PG). Cody is playing the PC13 rated version, tagging Christine along (more sexual innuendos because that’s the only gift Cody appears to have-he certainly is not very sharp). But Derrick and Cody both know they can win against those women. They were pretty smart to make an alliance between the two of them and then drag an unsuspecting female along (it was just SO easy). They fell into their laps. Literally. Derrick is smarter, and knows Cody is indeed a pansy, but they are both strategically playing the same game. Hang in together, play a woman and drag her along, then at the end Derrick will dump Cody or visa versa and take one of the dumb chicks along. Hopefully next year there will be some strong powerful women. This group embarrasses me.
Well said Cassidy. In school Cody probably only had his looks and sports going for him. He has very little between the ears. His looks will fade, he will age, any underwear modeling gigs and private parties(stripping, key parties or whatever he does) will dry up. Definitely not a leader. I’m not sure these people would get a clue if we wrote it in crayons on construction paper.
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What’s going to happen is the jury member that comes back in will be a HOH hayden and someone from the house will be the other HOH zach What do u guys think of that? BOOM lol
thumbs up if you want Donny for hoh in golden power of veto
thumbs down if you don’t
production this will tell you why you should help or not cause of the fans big rating
I will always listen to the fans cause they the one that we trying to make happy if fans happy your show rating a be skyhigh
so please look at the reults thank you go Donny go im a big fan
Christine’s face is skerry, so skerry.
I bet it looks better covered in goo! Her Cuckold husband can be on clean-up duty for all of Cody’s baby batter covering her face and glasses.
Loved the link with her frigging herself while staring off in the distance. I believe she was looking at a picture of Cody or had him on the spy cam why she rustled her hairy bush!!!
WOW! Too funny. lmao@baby batter. Christine would take a facial from Cody without question. Do these people have any self respect, Christine going to town on herself as if cameras aren’t everywhere. Chrisitine and hubby are probably craigslist regulars seeking a third.
Simon, an informal request, whenever Cody starts bitching about ANYBODY, you can just write “blah blah blah blah blah”.
Derrick, “Everything you say will be used against you.” Come ON!!.!! what more does this dude need to say?????? ‘If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed to you.!’
What is wrong with this group? They are so afraid to go against these guys. The first time Christina threw the girls under the bus about starting an alliance. The guys pretty much told them they couldn’t and if they did they would come after them. The girls should have put a stop to that right then. They should have told them that the guys left them no choice because they were picking
them off one at a time.At that time they could have got Hayden and Donny on their side and they would of had good numbers. But when the girls won HOH they let the guys make all the decisions as if they had won. The guys even took over the HOH room. What’s up with that. With all the comps the girls won they could of put a dent in the guys alliance, I mean dicktatorship. By the way, a nine person alliance, what were they thinking?Saying they can’t go against the alliance. that’s more than half the house. They have to go after the alliance. Not to mention that everyone and their dog had ended up with a alliance.
Hayden and Donny on their side and their numbers would have been good. The girls won HOH and the guys.
I think people have forgotten about The Feedwatchers? alliance Derrick and Nicole formed when she won her first HOH. I know Derrick wasn’t sincere, but Nicole was, and Derrick has been using her all along. It was supposed to be a secret alliance, because that was the first time they ever talked game, and noone would suspect they were working together, and they said they wouldn’t need to talk to each other that much, but would always have a final 2 deal. Nicole has been honoring that alliance with Derrick, which I think is why she never throws his name out there. He’s always feeding her BS to make her think he’s still with her, so she’s not had a reason to turn on him. She doesn’t see what we see.
Have no idea how that text ended up that way.lol
As much as I hate Frankie, I agree with production not allowing Caleb to jump back in the game. He had already chosen to sit out the comp forcing Frankie to play alone. Caleb should’ve played with Frankie and thrown it by not helping him in the comp. He could’ve taken a seat during the comp if necessary. If he wasn’t so dumb, he could have assessed the comp first and then decide what the best way to throw it was.
Derrick saying: “if I was her (Victoria’s) parent at the finale I would wait until no one was looking and then I would murk him (Zach).” Just him saying that, makes me question his ethics and integrity as a police officer… Just saying…
Nicole needs to go to the jury house and stay there.
She is so stupid it is maddening.
She is still protecting Derrick. Zack is willing to work with her if she just tells him about the Rationales.
I think Zack knows that Frankie could not orchestrate his eviction without Derrick’s OK.
How can she still trust Derrick and Cody after they flipped on the Rationales?
Can’t She count? She had five votes locked to evict Zack (Donny, Hayden, Cody, Derrick and
hers as the tiebreaker). Done. There is no reason Zach stayed other than Cody and Derrick
cannot be trusted and don’t have your back.
Girl look what they do, not just what they say.
I’m not at all surprised – she trusted Christine TWICE after knowing Christine lied to her face. She truly is an idiot in this game. She may be book smart (according to her), but she’s extremely frustrating to watch (and annoying to listen to). I still haven’t figured out how she’s second as fan favorite on this site.
BB needs to change it up and make the BOB winner hoh stay hoh. That way when they throw a comp they will not dethrone the other hoh.( but don’t tell the houseguest until after the comp). That would be a good twist and breakup the boys club.
Just for fun I have compiled a list of well known characters I associate with each of the HGs
Nicole – Cher from “Clueless”
Christine -Anna Karenina
Victoria – Rapunzel
Zach – Happy Gimore
Frankie – Ruby Rhad from “The Fifth Element”
Derrick – Danny Atlas from “Now You See Me”
Cody – Julian from “American Gigolo”
Calen – A Rhinestone Cowboy
Donny – Groundskeeper Willie from “The Simpsons”
Frankie – Ruby Rhad – Fifth Element. Perfect, lmao
The look on Haydens face when he was on the block, I thought for sure he was going to blow Derrick and Cody up when he walked out that door. Notice when everyone talks about who they should put on the block or who should be the pawn that nobody ever says Derrick. They act like he is off limits. The only person I have heard saying he would like to put up Derrick and Cody so the could feel what its like was Donny. But he can’t get anyone to listen to him.
I like how someone on here said Derrick’s mist…it really is true he has everyone so misted he may never even go on the block wow! He’s the only good player in there. Cody would be a good player if he didn’t trust Derrick so much there is no way Derrick will not get Cody out closer to end he is to much of a competition at the end no way he is taking him to the end I think he wants to take Victoria to the end so he can easily beat her. I think Zach is playing very well also and I know he acts crazy at times but I think most of that is game honestly he is playing it like he isn’t a threat because he is so crazy but think smarter than he lets on!
I wanted to root for Nicole, but even this past week she could have saved herself. She could have exposed Derrick and Cody and the Rationales, and the plan to evict Zack. Even now, Zack is asking her to tell him everything, and she’s not. What does she think, that she is going to be safe by not exposing Derrick and Cody? And she could have also talked to Christine, before the veto meeting, and exposed the 5 guys, Zack, Derrick, Cody, Frankie, and Caleb, and let her know that they also wanted her backdoored this week. And even Donny, whom I am rooting for can possibly save himself by letting everyone know about Derrick and Cody, but he’s not. He is choosing to keep quiet, which is the reason he will be on the block next week, unless he wins HOH, or veto.
Amber did the same thing. It was so stupid. She said she wanted them to know she wasn’t playing both sides. Hello, idiot, you’re leaving the house – who cares?!? They’ll find everything out once the show is over. I would go out singing like a canary.
So, we lose Nicole, tommorw, and the plan is already in place to evicit Donny, and Zach in the near furture. What is their going to be left to watch? Victoria crying, and cluelessly wondering around the house? Frankie making sure he is as loud as humanly possible and talking about his famous sister like she is a martyr? Caleb lying, and bragging on himself to the point of inducing one to want to remove their ears? Cody…he’s just useless. Derrick puppeteering a group of easily influenced idiots with no spines? Christine skirting the line of committing adultery on a daily basis, and blowing her gigantic nose? This season is lost. May as well give Derrick his check and air reruns of Two In A Half Men.
Derrick has so much control over the house that when they are discussing who they are going to put up for eviction now they don’t even invite the hoh to the meeting.
I was thinking about the conversation Derrick and Cody were having about final four being Caleb and zach and the two of them. I think Derrick plans on getting rid of Cody then. He will have one of either zach or Caleb win Hoh and put up both of them making the one vote to evict either Caleb or zach and convince them to vote out Cody… Thus no blood on his hands. He will end up final two with either Caleb or zach neither of which will get votes and then he will also assure Cody’s vote in jury. He won’t take Cody to the end. To many people like him, but he will orchestrate it to make it look like he couldn’t do anything. Cody is a fool, they all are.
I wish that Gator on Zach shirt , would come alive and snatch up Derrick,Cody ,Frankie And Christine .
Caleb may be annoying and a stalker, but, I respect his game.
“it scares me how gullible zach is”
uhm…you were just talking about beating up zach. gullible? really? more like FINALLY he got real information and STILL derrick is protecting wussy cody.
I hate this season because of cody and christine and frankie. those 3 are the freaking worst
I hope someone here works for CBS and finds a way to get them to put all of the times the “COP” Derrick made threats about zach.
seriously. I want a clip of all of the times he did it, and I want him to be as embarrassed as possible. he is shouting out to all the firefighters and policemen out there, OK, lets show them what you are really like.
Bye Nicole. What a disappointment. Her “game” is all over the place and so is her version of the “truthlie”. I’m over her already. Hayden was sacrificed because of her ill-placed trust that she KEEPS holding on to, while she CONTINUES to believe what these same people who KEEP lying to her say even though she knows they are liars. She’s the girl in the “skerry” movie who has to open the door at the end of the dark hallway, upstairs in the dark haunted house after she heard someone in there screaming bloody murder! I’m irked by her stupidity.
Go to the Jury House. The end.
It’s astonishing to me that no one has called out Christine being married as a game play. How can you trust a woman who is married…and is all over another man.. ON LIVE FEEDS! Her and Frankie have to go. Smart move by Frankie though to save his ass too bad it won’t last. Haha
I’m sorry but Nicole game is terrible so she needs to go. Zach basically gave her the opportunity to turn her game around and she didn’t take advantage. Why won’t she say the truth when she has nothing to lose. Imagine she would have said that she was with Derrick and Cody and they were the rationales. They first tried to backdoor Frankie but it was not possible so they decided to get Zach out. I would have added that the plan was to split them apart because they were a strong duo in the house. Connect someway last week with what happen with Frankie this week. I mean Zach would probably go to Frankie with this info and flipping the house would be possible. All she does is repeat the same old story that has her in the predicament to begin with.
I couldn’t stand Zach. But he has gotten so crazy he has started blowing his self up, funny as he!! . Now I can’t wait to hear what comes out of his mouth. He just can’t shutup. BB should have made that a punishment. No talking or comunicating with anyone for 24 hours, and they can’t sleep. They have to hang out with the other house guest the whole time. Another nice twist would be if the last 8 hgs get to see a clip of the other house guest talking when they are not in the room. That could flip the house upside down.