POV Holder: | Donny | Next POV | ? |
POV Used | YES | POV Ceremony | June 29th |
HOH Winner Team 1: | Frankie | HOH Winner Team 2: | Caleb (current HOH) |
Battle of the Block Winner | Brittany, Victoria | Next HOH/ Next BOB | ? |
Original Nominations: | Caleb noms (Donny, Paola) |
Current Nominations: | Joey, Paola | ||
Have Nots | Cody, Hayden, Joey, Brittany | ||
POV Players | Donny, Paola, Cody, Zach, Caleb, Victoria (HOST = Jocasta) |
1pm Backyard suntanning by the pool – Brittany, Nicole and Christine. Brittany says that its amazing how they now know people all over the world. She says I’ve never had an excuse to go to Michigan before but now I do. Nicole says yeah we can go to sports games or .. Brittany says Oh I can have the best time down an isle at Walmart.
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Up in the HOH room – Frankie and Caleb are talking in the bathroom. Caleb says its fine for you, it didn’t happen to you. Devin joins them. Devin says me being a germaphob what do you think just got me right now! Caleb pauses and then says Frankie not washing his hands after the bathroom. Caleb defends Frankie and says that he normally does wash his hands. Devin tells Caleb how Amber said his name as one of her final 4. Caleb says dude I’m done with her! Caleb says I don’t care about keeping everyone happy any more. Devin tells him for the sake of the alliance they should stay cool.
1:20pm In the earth room – Frankie lays down with Zach and Derrick. Frankie says that he has been working on getting rid of Devin. Derrick says we can’t right now. Frankie is I know. Frankie leaves. Derrick and Zach continue to talk. Derrick says watch Devin HOH this week now. Derrick says that Caleb and Devin think that I’m close with them but I’m not. Zach says we’re 5 now! Derrick says yeah we’re 5 now but more so 3. You, me and Cody. I know I can trust you guys to a tee. Zach agrees. Zach heads out to the backyard. Derrick gets called to the diary room.

In the kitchen – Devin tells Caleb don’t let anything get you down. Caleb says I won’t. Caleb heads outside to the pool. Christine, Nicole and Caleb comment on how they love Judd from Big Brother 15. Brittany comments on how she gets better with age. Christine says that her husband said that about her ..she gets better with age and that she was an investment.
In the earth room – Zach talks to Derrick about how last night everyone thinks that Devin is a cop or a CO and lying about it. Zach asks what does he say he does. Zach says a salesman in training for harley davidson. Derrick says there’s no way he rides. Derrick talks about how he used to have a R6 motocycle but got rid of it when he started driving like an idiot. Derrick says my mom caught me driving like an idiot down central avenue. I had a helmet with a mohawk to so I looked like a ret@rd. Derrick catches himself and says I’ve got to stop saying that word. I’m working on it. Zach heads into the storage room and talks to Christine. He tells her its just the alliance of 5 now.
2pm Out in the backyard – Frankie leads the others on a meditation journey.. Inside the house Hayden wakes up and is shocked that its already 1:45pm. He asks how did that happen!?
HOW ARE THEY ALLOWED TO SLEEP SO MUCH????? @DawgsBigBrother @bigbspoilers
— Neda Kalantar BBCAN (@NedaBBCAN) July 1, 2014
2:15pm – 2:35pm In the living room – Devin and Zach are talking about random things. Zach wonders what this HOH competition will be like? Devin says I don’t care! Devin says its relax time… naps and pool, naps and pool. Cody lays out by the pool and comments on how he really wants to lay out in his boxers. Frankie says so do it! Do you want me help?! In the living room – Devin, POW POW and Zach talk about random things like what cars they dive. Zach says if he won he would buy the cheapest car. I am so cheap its so hard for me to even give someone a dollar!
2:40pm – 3pm Caleb comes out of the diary room with the HOH camera. They start talking photos. Caleb heads out to the backyard and takes a photo of Frankie and Brittany. Frankie says I wanna take a selfie!! Frankie says now I just want to be HOH to get the camera to take photos and post em on twitter.
Cody heads over to where Cody is laying out on a lounger with Nicole. Frankie then straddles Cody. Nicole is playing with and running her fingers through Cody’s hair.
FRANKIE STRADDLES CODY @bigbspoilers #bb16 @FrankieJGrande pic.twitter.com/Ntqm1eJeJT
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) July 1, 2014
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ZACH tells POW POW her name should be KUNG POW! @bigbspoilers #bb16 Zach says "You're totally my type!" pic.twitter.com/BZPbjYB1m2
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) July 1, 2014
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Bomb Squad = Frankie, Caleb, Devin, Cody, Derrick, Zach, Amber, Christine
Fragment of bomb squad no name = Christine, Frankie, Cody, Derrick Zach
Sub alliance of the Bomb Squad = Derrick, Cody, Zach
Double Ds = Devin, Donny
Bed buddies = Nicole, Christine
Final 2 Deal Zankie= Frankie, Zach
Old defunct alliances
TheCrazy8s = Frankie, Donny, Joey, Paola, Devin, Amber, Nicole, Cody
El Cuatro = Paola, Amber, Joey, Nicole
Where the vote is
As of now Joey is going home.. (Still early)
[polldaddy poll=8154372]
Caleb is acting like he never got rejected before…….Pow Pow is basically Throwing herself at Cody and he’s rejecting her and she’s fine…and Nicole rejected Hayden and he’s fine….Caleb is ruining Amber’s game…not every girl on the planet is suppose to like you…Caleb needs to grow up..
And this is exactly why they need to keep people like Devin and Caleb in the game.Otherwise it will get boring on the feeds. (As much as i hate to say it)
Anybody think cody looks like Diego boneta?
Caleb’s getting tough….. watch out!
Ok so it is 5 different alliances stemming from the bomb squad alliance..lol let the backstabbing begin, i can’t wait..heheeh, i predict jocasta going far, she is non-existent
“God is my alliance!” Jocasta
Probably one of the better lines I’ve heard.
i legit sharted when i hear her say that laughed so hard
Their alliance sizes change more often than my dress sizes.
Frankie is being lined up to be the next Britney by Derrick and the douchebags who are getting ready to send him packing at final 4-5.
Christine is so annoying with her idiotic chuntering laugh. She’s insensately parrots what other people have to say. Without question the most daggiest pointless cast member ever to be on reallity TV.
I think Caleb is gonna pull a Willie Hantz and lose his mind and end up getting escorted off the property, all because Amber rejected him. So much for the thoughtful humble man. I bet we are going to get to see the real Caleb now.
caleb most likley never rejected pre-BB. Zankie showmance is so great so refreshing
Caleb is about to turn into bb11 Russell he will soon be crawling around the house spying on people listening to convos
Let’s hope someone wins HOH and puts Caleb up for eviction.
We can only hope !
Game comparison:
Zach = Ferrari
Pow Pow = Noddy car.
Where did they find this guy. He’s like a cartoon character – Stop the pigeon. Stop the pigeon NOW!
It’s amusing how Devin always tells Caleb about his interactions with Amber. Then he’s like keep it together man… lol