Frankie tells Zach this is exactly why you because dangerous to me in this game.. these little white lies you tell people. Derrick talks to Zach about how him coming clean f**ks all of them over. I am here to win money for my family and when you come clean you are taking food out of my daughters mouth. Derrick says when you go and want to spill your game and then name me, Frankie, Cody… you are throwing us all under the bus. Zach says fine send me home! I want to go home! I am taking food out of your daughters mouth! I am stealing books from kids in Africa! Derrick asks why are you doing this, you could win this game. You’re smarter than me especially when it comes to numbers. And right now we have the numbers! Derrick explains that Victoria is a number for us and would never vote against us until the end. Why would you make her distrust me?! By doing that she can turn and say I don’t want to do anything that Derrick says any more. Then we lose another number.
3:10am Derrick says if you care about me at all you wouldn’t do that to me. You’re hurting my game! Zach says I know I am sorry. Zach says I have nothing to lose that this point. Derrick says but I do! And you’re throwing me under the bus! Derrick says you could say my bad, my head was out of it, I’m sorry I’m back in it. Zach repeats it and then Derrick says but say it like you mean it. Frankie and Zach start getting into it about their issues. Frankie says says what you did to me I should never forgive you. It was a horrible, horrible feeling to be ostracised and had to fight for my life. Zach says you’re forgetting this was after you tried to get me out!! Your time line is all f**ked up!! Caleb chimes in and says that you Zach tried making an alliance without me in it and so by doing that you are trying to get me out. Derrick says what you told Victoria she can’t even remember so she doesn’t matter. What you told Nicole she remember verbatim. She can’t do anything about it this week but next week she could. She would fail but she could try to do something about it. Derrick says I just need you to smooth things out for me. Derrick says we only need one person as HOH and we have they numbers, we can’t lose. Zach says okay I just won’t talk, I won’t talk game to anyone. They talk about how the plan is for Caleb to try and convince Christine on the NFL trip to put up Nicole. And then they vote her out.
3:35am In the living room – Victoria is crying to Nicole and Cody about how she opened up to Frankie and he took that and turned it into something else. Victoria say how dare you!! As Victoria is crying and explaining how upset and mad she is at Frankie… Cody starts talking about his slippers to Nicole saying he thinks they’re hers.

4am – 4:20am Up in the HOH room – Frankie and Zach hug it out dropping the issues they’ve had and agree to work together moving forward. Zach tells them he is going to go down stairs and say f**k all of those guys up there to throw them off that we’re still working together. Derrick says great whatever you want to do to throw them off. Zach leaves. Frankie, Caleb and Derrick talk about Zach. Frankie says I have been dealing with this with Zach since week two. Derrick asks will it work though? Frankie says it will work for a week or two. Caleb says until he gets depressed again then he will blow up again. Derrick says that’s fine all we need is a couple weeks. They talk about how they think it was the confrontation with Zach went well. Derrick says I’m sure you (Frankie) feel better after getting things out with Zach. Derrick says Zach got submissive when you started getting upset. Frankie is upset about hearing that Nicole said Frankie thinks he has you in his back pocket because of his sister Ariana. Derrick tells him to confront her about it another time so that she doesn’t think we were up here talking about it. Derrick says and send her out next week.

4:25am – 4:30am In the storage room – Cody tells Derrick that Nicole loves me dude! She loves me because I told her that I told you it wasn’t her telling Victoria lies about you. Derrick asks so did Nicole buy everything up there in the HOH room? Cody says she was super pumped. Cody tells Derrick that Victoria has been waiting to talk to you. She doesn’t believe anything Zach says. Derrick says that everything with Zach is smoothed over. Derrick says that Zach will be the first one of us to go. We can’t let him know that but once we get down to the 6 he has to go. Caleb and Christine joins them. Derrick talks about calling Zach out. Derrick says crisis averted.
4:38am In the bathroom – Frankie talks to Victoria about the comment that Nicole made. Frankie sasy it is actually the most horrific, horrible thing that could have been said. That is revolting! I won’t speak to her about it, I don’t have to speak to her about it. (About Nicole saying that Frankie thinks he has Victoria in his back pocket because she loves his sister Ariana.) It’s disgusting! It’s revolting! Frankie asks for a hug. Victoria hugs him. Frankie says I told you that and I did think it would bring us closer together but did I think we would work together. I don’t know. I am not even going to say anything to Nicole. I will let the world sort it out with her. I am appalled that she would say that. Its just so spiteful, mean and hurtful. Victoria says its a horrible thing to say because its uses my insecurities and turns them against me. I just hope that you don’t take my insecurities and personal struggles against me. Frankie asks did someone say I did that? I would never do that. Victoria asks if it was Caleb that told Frankie. Say yes if it was him because if it was I want to say something to him. Big Brother blocks the feeds. When then come back – Victoria says I am just not going to talk about anything personal with anyone but Derrick.
4:50am In the fire room – Victoria tells Derrick obviously you’re upset with me and I kind of understand why. I went to Nicole when you were in the diary room and she was the only one that knew. Zach told me not to tell you and at first I believed it for a slight second. Victoria says I was just going to sleep it off and disregard it. I get that you’re hurt. Derrick says I want to talk to you but not here with him (Zach) right out side the room. I don’t trust him. They head to the bee hive room. Victoria says when information comes to me I don’t know how to handle it and I get confused. You were in the DR and I couldn’t even come talk to you. I think that I have been completely honest with you and I didn’t want to cause drama. I think this was something small that got turned into something huge because of someone’s paranoia.
Victoria says I broke down last night just thinking about the possibility of you not being here in the game with me. My head was exploding just wanting to talk to you when you were in the HOH room for over an hour and I just wanted to talk to you. Derrick says I am not mad any more. You think this is something small when its not. You took the word of the biggest liar in the house and believed it. You talked about me and my game to someone else in this house. The only reason Zach came to me and told me a lie is because he knew what happened in the HOH would happen because I am not afraid of him or anyone else in this house. If you ask me a question I will tell you the truth and if you don’t like it then thats on you. Derrick says you walked past me 7 times with a look of disgust. When you can up to the HOH room to ask Nicole a question you looked at me in disgust and I had to ask you to talk to me. And what you don’t know is that I had already gotten to the bottom of it. Victoria what you don’t realize is that I am the reason why you are still here. Derrick says you going to Nicole helps them, it helps their game. Derrick recounts the events of finding out about it all and how he confronted everything to find out the truth. Derrick says in this house all you have is trust and when you break that its very hard to get it back. What do you want me to say?! Victoria says I don’t know Derrick. Victoria says you are my person in this game that I 100% trust and can’t be here without. Derrick asks when did you start trusting Zach.. when he comes to you and tells you a lie you buy it and run to Nicole about it. That’s the person you despise and you believed him over me.
5:30am – 5:40am Why do you think you stayed off the block this week? Just because you wore a pretty dress this week!? No, you stayed off because I went to Christine and Nicole and got them to keep you off. Does that mean you or I won’t go up on Monday? No, we probably will after all of this and it will probably be me. No hard feelings I am over it. Victoria says I am sorry, I just feel like sh*t! Derrick says apology accepted. Victoria says I know something is still wrong that’s not how you talk to me. Derrick says like I said its over with. They hug and Derrick says don’t doubt me again. Victoria says I never doubted you, I didn’t. They leave and head to bed.
5:40am – 6am Cody and Caleb chase Victoria into the fire room with pillows. Cody, Victoria, Caleb and Nicole all have a pillow fight. Cody then runs out and hugs Christine on the earth room bed. In then fire room – Victoria tells Nicole about her conversation with Frankie. Nicole says oh well, I don’t care. I am already Frankie’s target anyway. Victoria says making up a lie you f**king piece of sh*t! You’re disgusting! You don’t do that in this game. It’s ridiculous! F**k you Frankie! Derrick joins them. Nicole asks are you guys good? Derrick says I don’t know are we?
6am All the house guests go to sleep…
“The HITMEN” – Cody & Derrick
Team America = Donny, Derrick, Frankie
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I hope Zach wins this game. I just cannot take much more of Frankie now using his sister for game play and now Derrick using his daughter (Devin #2) Zach looks defeated and so he should but I just hope that he makes it to the end and wins this. Team #zachattack now all the way! He even gets my vote for America’s favorite
I wish Frankie gets evicted first.. “My sister is famous…” UGH UGH UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Nicole and Victoria are on verge of tears to even THINK of evicting ARIANUS GRANDE brother UGHUGHGUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I died at arianus…. good one. #frankieout
Lol Frankie is basically mad at Nicole because she told the truth. He does think everyone is in his back pocket because of who his sister is. That is the entire reason he revealed it. If I were in the house and he told me, I would say, “WHO?” and stand there with the most perplexed look on my face. Then he would start reciting her song lyrics and telling me about her shows and I would STILL act dumbfounded. The look on his face would be priceless. I honestly think the only money Frankie will walk away with is from the TA missions. The look on his face when he doesn’t get América’s favorite is something else I look forward to.
Frankie has Caleb because Caleb is going to have a duet with Frankie’s sister on her next album. Frankie needs to go . He isn’t impressing anyone and mat very well be hurting his sister now. Pop stars get their 15 minutes and she may or may not be a hit in 3 years, like Frankie’s broadway career. I don’t remember HG playing so much to the camera as they have this year but we never had phoney Frankie and his cast of characters. Zach just can’t keep his mouth shut……..At this point I think I like Nicole and Donny but know they don’t have much of a chance. If Frankie is there at the end I know the fix was in with BB and again have no respect for their producers or the show. It’s either a game or it is a show orchestrated by others playing favorites.
I really hope he doesn’t get America’s favorite. The thing I’m worried about is if he does, due to editing of the shows. I wonder how many big brother viewers actually read or watch the live feeds. If they did they would get a full picture of how disgusting Frankie really is. Frankie doesn’t appear as hatable if a viewer only watched the show. I really hope he gets his conceited ass evicted soon.
Frankie has social media followers….and they will vote him America’s player….that is a cinch. I do not think he deserves it, but then I am not sure who on this year’s cast does?
I mean….really…it is kind of a nondescript cast this year. In a way Julie even let on to that reality, when reaching for straws, she said to Hayden, “you and Nicole are ‘sort of’ the Jeff and Jordan of this year”.
Truth is Hayden was not even close to the entertainment value of Jeff and while Nicole is sort of “sweet” like Jordan, she has even less game…which is pretty hard to accomplish.
I think the producers are trying to find a story here and there is slim pickings.
Sadly, about the only thing they have to work with is the emotionally unstable Zach…who it appears doesn’t even know that he is probably gay, bi-sexual, or maybe the very definition of a fruit loop dingus? And he feeds into the “my sister is the flavor of the year pop star” and I am an awesome “foe celebrity” for the gay crowd on youtube because I am such a self-centered, “I sparkle” esteem attention maniac that I represent thousands just like me. Gee that is just great (not).
Honestly, I think BB may be getting a bit “long in the tooth” if every season we are going to have to have either the gay person or the minority person win because that is the only story they can successfully cast.
Devin has never used his daughter. There is a big difference between Devin’s, “I have a daughter,” as in talking about setting an example for her, and Derrick’s, “You’re taking food out of my daughter’s mouth.” PLEASE!! How can no one call Derrick out on that? Anyone that plays the game for themselves, is taking food out of his daughter’s mouth? So I guess, he is taking schools out of Africa, and taking away Zack’s car and house. People really need to open their eyes to this hypocrite. It looks like he is going to win. I hope Donny exposes him to everyone in the house.
And in true police fashion he lies to get the answers he wants. I bet he wishes he can taaer a few of them.
Sorry, but I don not trust cop 5 of them tasered my cousin and he died.
They have a way of lieing to people and turning everything around. I bet Derrick is one of the best at doing this in his job as you can tell he has a lot of practice
Thanks for saying that. He has the same amount of charisma as a zucchini. I hope someone creates a I HATE DERRICK FROM BB16 page so I can join or follow it. He’s so annoying. If he wins it’s gonna be just so blargh…
yes! but I think a zucchini has more charisma
Zack?? He has played the worst game by far..
Really? What if they get Ratine to put up Derprick. Caleb, Fakie and maybe NoB@llsCody vote out Donny. Zach, Nic and Vic vote out Derprick and Ratine breaks the tie by voting out Derprick. Wouldn’t that change the game for everyone?
Zach had the girls on his side and then he blows it by telling the guys what he did. What an idiot!
I’m still holding out hope that Nicole and Christine decide to backdoor Derrick. Nicole is the key because I think she can talk Christine into this plan.
Nicole, Zach, Victoria vote out Derrick; Cody, Caleb, and Frankie vote out Donny; Christine breaks the tie by voting out Derrick.
What’s up with Derrick saying that people are taking food out of his daughter’s mouth? I thought he has a job. If they can’t make end’s meet, then aren’t their food programs? 🙂
If he is so worried about food being taken out of his daughters mouth, he should have stayed at his job…..
Derrick took his baby’s father away for 3 months. That’s even worse. Children don’t need money, they need their daddy.
Caleb should just tell chris that he would guarantee her two weeks of safety with zach and donny being the next targets!
These people are a piece of work. Give Derrick the money. Zach tells the truth but can’t stay focus. He tells that it was a lie on Nicole , ok. But the alliances were true! Forget you put it on Nicole and hammer the main points. Is he on meds. You see his Derrick used his power to turn Victoria. Why, because she never addressed the alliances. That dummy Nicole sitting there and hear Derrick say I’m in no alliances. Omg he wax in one with you! What make you think he not in another one. All the girls are gone. Accept Victoria. Think think why? Cause she is being carried by Derrick. He has not called a open meeting before, it’s because Zach touched a sore spot.
A while back Zack said he wasn’t taking his meds for ADHD. I bet production had a lot to do with it.
Wow what a hectic night!
Keep it up Zach…making this season somewhat entertaining
Totally agree! BB house would be boring without him
Hello! First time watching BBUS! One question, are the members of the Jury obligated to stay members? Or they can quit and not vote? Like if they were sore losers and don’t want to participate in the program as they lost and wont get any money… Or do they get paid by the production to stay jurys? Thanks in advance!
Yes a jury member could quit but they then wouldn’t get their stipend money. Every week the house guests are in the house / jury they get about $1000 a week.
I used to love Derrick, but he is a master manipulator and outright liar. I can see he has a tremendous potential to be a dirty cop on the outside. He said of himself when he was younger, he was a punk kid. I think he is a punk adult too.
Earlier he was describing putting Zach in a choke hold and breaking every bone in his jaw. He didn’t say choke hold but that’s what he was describing. He’s a asshole pig.
I am team Derrick FTW and while I don’t like his “food out of my daughter’s mouth” tactics, I think it is unfair to assume he is a dirty cop. He is playing a game to win $500k by any means necessary. To think these people wouldn’t lie, cheat and steal to win is ridiculous and people probably shouldn’t watch if it offends them. I personally think it’s unfair to assume that his integrity in real life is the same as it is in the BB game. He is clever and he is playing the best game. Like him or not, if he is judged on his game play alone, he wins hands down. I am TDFTW based solely on his game which is ultimately the only thing that should be on the table – at the end of the day. I don’t care for some of the others in the house because their games are not solid but it is obvious Derrick is both a student and a master of the game. I’m just saying. The only one in that house that clearly shows what kind of person he is on the outside is Frankie. His comments about other people, i.e. the mean things he has said about Jacosta’s walk and killing herself are a testament of his character not his game. As for the girls talking about Amber – that is female jealousy and insecurity…it’s a self esteem issue with them…not a character flaw.
All this to say I don’t think it’s fair to accuse someone who is playing a GAME as having those characteristics spill over in to a career where he puts his life on the line everyday when there is zero evidence of that. It’s a game people…a game.
Derprick was an undercover cop so that gave him an unfair advantage in the game. He was government trained to make friends, set them up and send them to jail. Of course he’s played the game well he did it in real life.
Derrick is an undercover cop in Providence, Rhode Island. Have you ever been to Providence? It’s about the size of any shopping mall in Los Angeles. It’s not like he was trained to be an undercover cop in New York, Chicago or LA. Get real.
Derrick was undercover at Abercrobie & Fitch busting teenage shoplifters.
Can’t agree with you about Derrick.
This is the problem I have….Derrick has been an undercover cop. He has skill sets that the other players don’t have. In any other format….this is called “rigging the game”.
Same problem I have with Frankie & his sister’s fame. The teeny-bopper vote will probably get him Americas Favorite….this is called “rigging the game”.
Neither one of them should be in the game.
That is why I’m hoping they both get evicted and the game and we can get back to a game that isn’t rigged.
“That is why I hope they get evicted and we can get back to a game that isn’t rigged”
It’s the opposite of what you’re saying. Derricks career characteristics are spilling over into the game. The choke hold issue, the time he said he would blow someone away and held his gun to the mirror shooting, threatening to break someone’s face. I’m just surprised no one has picked up on this and fingered him as a cop.
Zack just surpassed Donny for America’s Fav in my eyes. Donny really got the ball rolling with Nicole by telling her Derrick was the brains of the house alliance of guys.
Zach basically has gas cans going lighting everyone’s shit up, it’s awesome. There you go Derrick, the first flaming bag of shit left on your doorstep in the season, I look forward to watching you try to stomp it out and get more shit all over you. I hope Zack continues to be a catalyst and get some shithawks circling that p*ssy Cuddles McGee (Cody). The only one Zack shouldn’t edge on is Beast Mode, that guy is ready to explode.
At this point, it looks like Derrick is the one that will win Big Brother. Production showed a commercial last week basically emulating how thw HGs are acting: they are treating him as if he is the Don of the house (if the house were the mob) and acting like he can do no wrong even if they get screwed by him.
There are so many true lies in that place now you don’t what anyone is gonna do until they have to pull the tigger. If this next HOH is still the BOB then it will be a big shift, tight people are gonna have to start gettin burned. You throw some wild cards like Zach/Victoria/Nicole in HOH I think they will tear shit up, heads will roll. Derricks gettin smoked out like Donnie Brasco, if they keep putting him and Cuddles on the spot their house of cards will come down like it did for Frankie. Beast mode is so blindly loyal and hates unfaithfulness, focus on dirtin up Derrick to him, he will start kickin’ like a bull.
It seems Zach did learn something from his talk with Donny and I like him a lot more than the others but Donny is the one who set all this in motion after being alone all season. Donny has survived the fratbrats and Fakie/Ratine and done it with honor and grace. Still TEAM DONNY!!
I do like Donny and I give him a ton of credit for being observant and seeing through the BS that no one else seems to. And maybe to this point he’s played it smart (or just safe) by planting seeds, but in the end what you do with the info is as important as having the information and I just don’t know that he has it in him to actually use it when needed. A lot of HG’s are getting a bad wrap for being liars and manipulators, and to some extent it is necessary to do so, but some of them don’t seem to draw any lines and seem to trade their morals and integrity for a chance at a half mil. I think that is what makes Donny so refreshing is he has enough life experience to understand what is important in life and is not willing to sell his soul for a stack of cash and I think that is a big part of the reason that he is a favorite to win it.
Nicole is pretty blinded by Derek’s persona to her and continually vies for his favour. She only heard/understood part of what Donny told her and handled that information poorly. Her attempts to formulate an alliance with Cody, prior to renom, is an example of her weak social game.
Maybe I am blinded because I like Nicole, but between what Donny has told her and then the whole Zach/Victoria situation I think she could more of an idea than we give her credit for. I was impressed by the fact that when Victoria was upset with Derrick that she didn’t automatically start bashing him, and I think that she is right that Derrick does care about Victoria on a personal level. Even if she has her doubts about Derrick, she has to be smart enough to know that based on his relationships with the rest of the HGs it would be suicide to try and do anything about it at this juncture. Maybe I am giving her too much credit, but I also see her as I do Donny, someone who is not willing to trade their moral fortitude to win a game.
zach is so damn entertaining and I’m happy for him that he won PoV but man he is just awful at this game…. he throws derrick under the bus after derrick literally saved him from what looked like a lock that he was going to be evicted TWICE
Zach knows if he stays with them he’s going home so why not blow up the house. He has nothing to lose and can cause chaos in is wake. This is the first time all season I’ve liked Zach.
Derrick saved him because it suited his interests at the time, if it suits him, he wouldn’t just throw him under the bus he would drive it over him, back up and drive it over him some more. He himself said he doesn’t give a crap about Zach, he wanted the numbers against Donny, Nicole and Hayden.
What Derrick wants, Derrick gets. He’s a cult leader.
Cody, please buy a clue for 500,000. Derrick doesn’t want what’s best for your game, thus no Christine or Nicole in the alliance. How many times does he have to shot that down for you to get it?
Let’s face it Zach is just not very bright!
Are these girls complete idiots? It’s hard to watch sometimes.
Yep, they’re idiots. No way to sugar coat it. Victoria apologizes to Derrick, wtf??? Nicole gets great info from Victoria and can’t wait to tell Cody about it, who will then tell Derrick, instead of using that info for herself, wtf??? Christine cuddling and giggling with Cody thinking she’s manipulating him, wtf??? I. Give. Up.
The women left are a complete embarrassment to the female sex. Sorry, but they are driveling idiots. Apologizing (!!!) and bowing down to Don Derrick. Licking the feet of a has-been that never was because his teenybopper sister is sorta kind of famous (if you have heard of her) and trusting the “cute” boy when it’s been shown time and time again he runs to the Don with all their info. I actually could not read the entire post because I became nauseated. The way they are so easily manipulated is just sad.
The girls have been scary stupid (in the game) and have no second thought or conviction about throwing another girl under the bus or being part of their eviction . They’ve made if frustrating to watch this year. One or two girls like that is pushing it but to see a group of them like that in one season makes me shake my head.
Sadly I agree with you, I ‘ve been hoping that at some point the girls would realize the gender bias going on and would band together, but unfortunately just as it is in real life, young girls are so intimidated and distrusting of one another that they don’t realize until it is too late that they need each other. And just as in real life, guys will play girls against each other for their own gain.
Frankie can just leave. Cant stand him he thinks he already won Americas Fav. ZACH OR DONNY TO WIN!
Still laughing at Caleb performing the full double twirl in the kitchen 🙂
Dirty fugly Cop and the Evil Gay Clown are THE WORST!
Lol! Wow. Derrick is smoooooooth.
He’s just that good.
NO HE’S NOT!!!! People are just that stupid. DAMN!!!!
The more and more I hear Derrick talk about zach it pisses me off!! You won’t punch him STFU!! He’s pissed cause he know zach isn’t under his control and if zach wanted it would be possible for zach to get him out! Derrick is getting scared you can tell!
NOBODY controls Zack. That is why he’ll go home soon. Nobody trusts him not to blow up their games. He proves that time and again.
Lol Donny hits the bunk early and misses the late night fireworks everynight.
And yet they still think he’s this great mastermind controlling the house. Shows how stupid these fratbrats are. Now if Ratine would just grab a few brain cells and nom Derprick and Vic joins with Nic/Zach it will be a 3-3 tie and Ratine can get Derprick out. NoB@llsCody will have to decide if he’s with Fakie/CrazedCaleb or Donny/Zach/Nic/Vic. Come on Ratine find a couple brain cells!!
Look how hostile Derrick got when his schemes finally got called out. This sh*t keeps getting harder and harder to watch with all these cocky bone heads who are always in power and can never be sent packing. Damn it I don’t want Donny to go, just hope he gets to re enter the house and wins wins wins everything.
Pray for Donny because I’m TEAM BEARD FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What preseason game are they going to? There isn’t a game until next week now.
That is probably a twist.
They are take them to the Jury House so they get a change to talk with Hayden and Jocasta.
San Diego has a home game on Monday night
And the reasons I loathe Derrick just keep presenting themselves over and over again. I love how his reaction to anything that upsets him is to talk at using violence.
I love how they blame Donny as the dirtiest player in the house, when in fact it is Derrick. He’s manipulating everything, even turning last night to his advantage. Donny is going to be evicted this week and who does that leave in the house worth watching besides Zach and he went last in the game much longer. I seriously cannot stand reading or listening to the Derrick/Frankie entourage strutting around and puffing up their chests any more. Even when they turn on each other it’s boring.
It’s like I’m watching a season of the blabber mouths and not BB.
Can you believe everything is in the hands of Ratine/VapidVic? If Ratine puts up Derprick and VapidVic votes to keep Donny its a whole new game.
Christine willl play it safe and get out Donny. It would be great if Donny could stay in the game, but he would still be fighting n his own since Nicole and Zach so easily get pulled back into the other people’s trust. It’s so frustrating to watch how mindless they are being!
They won’t. They do not have the mental capacity to figure it out. The three females left really are dimwits.
Honestly, I think the Team America twist (which has been just as ridiculous and frustrating as the 2 HOH twist) can possibly save Donny this week. Frankie said last night that he would like to keep Donny around. Derrick didn’t care for the idea, and we all know why — Derrick knows Donny has him pegged. Well, Donny going to the jury house before the possible return of a jury member can throw a serious curve ball at both Derrick and Frankie, especially if he tells the other jury members about TA. Imagine the damage anyone returning to the game can do with that little tidbit of information. Do I think Donny would say anything? Maybe; maybe not. The key is neither Derrick nor Frankie know what he could or would say. Plus, they do not know if the jury members are sequestered alone or together in the jury house. It’s a huge risk sending Donny to the jury with key information that could potentially blow up both Derrick’s and Frankie’s games, especially when someone may be re-entering the BB house. If these two self-professed BB super fans would use their brains and knowledge of the game, they would realize the need to keep Donny until after someone returns to the house. While Donny is still in the house, anyone other than TA members with the knowledge of TA blows up three games. I doubt Donny would spill anything while still in the BB house. They might even be able to find a way to complete the TA mission this week by getting someone (Victoria maybe, to prove her loyalty to Derrick???) to volunteer to be on the block next to Donny as a pawn and then vote her out. Derrick and Frankie are all about the money — schools in Africa & food in a daughter’s mouth. Any true BB super fan should see this possibility…
I pretty much agree with all you’ve said EXCEPT – Frankie is NOT all about the money – he’s all about the attention/fame
That would just leave Donny fighting the same battle he’s been fighting all season. Nope get Ratine to put up Derprick. Have VapidVic vote to keep Donny. If NoB@llsCody won’t join the others to get out Derprick then its a 3-3 tie and Ratine sends Derprick home.
Derrick is amazing to watch. He is playing the game. He is hands down the best this season.
Saying he could be a dirty cop is outrageous.
Omg!!!!!!!!! Agree agree agree! I was just on my soap box about the same thing further up the page! 1000 thumbs up on your post…I couldn’t agree with you more!
I totally agree! Everyone is saying Derrick is playing a dirty and manipulative game but it’s those people who are remembered as greats in the end anyway. Think about dan and dr will and even evel dick (even though I think Zach is sort of taking up that role)… They played very similarly to Derrick and they are considered to be the best! I think Derrick does an amazing job diverting attention away from him and gaining trust and influence from almost all the other houseguests. People can’t hate on Derrick for playing the game!
I hate Derrick all I want,
I hate Derrick all I want,
I hate Derrick all I want.
There Derrick, I SAID IT LIKE I MEANT IT !!!
He is playing the best game by far, because all the other people are just so stupid and weak.
He would be just a floater if he was part of any past season.
So true, fabio. Perfectly said.
He’s taken you in too……….
This man is an undercover cop! He has skills that the other HGs don’t have.
He never should have been allowed on the show.
Would you play tackle football with an NFL player & call the game fair?
For the record, I’m a Donny fan and would love to see him win.
But, Derrick must be constantly thinking to himself “this is too easy”. He has to win this based on game play alone.
Derrick, what an arrogant, sorry, manipulative, conceited, big-headed SOB, how dare he tell Zach you’re messing up my game – your game, hello this is everyone game this game is not called Derricks BB, how dare you.
Come to think about it I bet your wife is so glad you were chosen to be on BB so she wouldn’t have you around for three months.
I wished Christine would think about putting up Frankie or Derrick she has the votes she would just have to be the tie breaker. Pull up your bra straps, get the thong out your butt and let’s get this Game Going!!!! If you want a chance at winning this money the time to make a move is now – if not those guys are going to Annihilate You and the Game
I was thinking the same exact thing! The smart move for Christine, would be to put up the seld centered, master manipulator, Derrick!
When Nicole was HOH, didn’t Christine try to get her to put up Derrick or Cody?? It sounded like Christine, Frankie, and Zack had planned on turning on Cody/Derrick. And now, they’re not going to, and Christine doesn’t want to take the same advice she gave Nicole. Frankie, and Christine really need to turn on Derrick/Cody. If they want to win, eventually they’re going to have to. Otherwise, the dumbasses are just giving Derrick and Victoria (LOL) the money.
To be fair, when Christine told Nicole that she should put up Cody or Derrick (at least during their convo on the couch in the living room) she followed that statement with “because you know that they would be safe”.
Frankie is safe – remember that “miraculous” BOB win.
Frankie can’t be put up – he won BOB.
Frankie cant be put up. He won BoB with Caleb. Also i want to say that zach calling christine a bigger floater than victoria……… ok zach. Ok lol
This season is so confusing, so much backstabbing. One sec Cody is getting petted by Nicole or Christine and the next second, talking about them… Same with everyone else. It’s so hard to follow who is true to who, I have lost the ability to decipher which alliance is actually real or not… With that said, I’m rooting for Zach all the way. He is completely unpredictable and absolutely spontaneous. He is that child, that you remind to behave when you take take them out, but as soon as you get there, their hanging from the chamdeleir… I don’t think anyone can control Zach, I’m thinking he has seen Frankie for the friend he is not and I beleive Zach has no allegiance to anyone at this point. He is the only entertainment thus far this season.
At this point the dream scenario would be: Zach and Donny get together and convince Christine to put up Derrick. Then the votes to evict Derrick would be Nicole, Zach, and I think they could convince Victoria to vote, too. It’s a tie and Christine breaks it.
most of the house guests this year are just annoying. they’re playing the game. most of last yr’s guests were just gross.
This is turning into a giant cluster-f**k. Hard to follow who’s with who and the why behind it anymore. It happens every year, its why I love Big Brother. Thank God I found Simon and Dawg!
It’s so hard to decide whether I hate Frankie or Derrick more…
Dear Rocks in a Box,
Please accept my condolences regarding recent statements made by some stating an intellectual equivalence between yourself and Victoria. You clearly have more intelligence.
I actually want Christine to put up Derrick if the PoV is used.
Just tell Frankie, Zach, Victoria and Nicole
“Don’t you want to cut the head off the snake that bit you? Of course you do.”
Look at the game… who is the one name that is never brought up. He has never been on the block or talked about putting up on the block…. put him on the block and get him out. It might work if Zach, Frankie or Victoria do not chicken out.
Do what is best for your game and get Derrick out now. Cody will have lost his brain and need to cuddle.
Christine gets a ton of hate on here. I too think she should put up Derrick. Pull the trigger now, will make her game look a little impressive. I don’t have a problem with how she’s played(minus the Cody cuddle sessions), Yeah she’s talked behind backs, she’s petty, catty, a bitch, yup heard it all and so are the rest. Looking at the game, she’s social, won some comps, set herself up in a strong alliance, gathered/shared info with alliance, strategized(maybe shares to much, keep mouth shut sometimes) lied, made up stories and kept herself safe. The house has divisions, she’s not so tight with Derrick. This move is right now Christine, DO IT. Time to cut the head off, strike first or your not going to last much longer. There is not much time left. If she gets this done I think she’d be in the -she could make a strong case for herself category..
I’m really tired of the so called “cop” threatening to knock people’s teeth out BEHIND THEIR BACKS. He is really the biggest douche I’ve ever seen and I pray if he makes it to the end, no one votes for him. I’d rather even Victoria win over him.
Derrick is playing a damn good game… I tip my hat, get called out on your lies,,and escape clean…. Better him than Arianus Grande’s brother, who’s being protected by production..
I don’t like Derrick, but I respect his dominance in this game… I think he would rival Will, Dan and Dick, if he ends up winning…
Even a 3 year old could manipulate almost everybody in this house.
Derrick just got luck we got a really weak competitors.
Do not insult Dr. Will or Dan or even Evil Dick by comparing Derrick to them. They actually had to play with people that had brains, whereas, Derrick is dealing with individuals that have non existent IQ’s. There is no comparison, Derrick is a disgusting individual that is an embarrassment to policemen everywhere in this country.
Something about a policeman and former military always threatening violence against the other house guests is a little concerning. Once they start threatening violence on other house guests, just do not think they should be allowed to stay on the show. Also as much bad publicity as police have had over they years with accusations of violence against individuals, some proven and some not proven, Derek is definitely not a good representation of what you would expect for how the police should be shown. I would never want my daughter or a family member pulled over by a cop after watching Derek explode and talk so readily about committing acts of violence. Do have to still stay that pink cockatoo is still the sickest pervert in the house. His and his families claims about using all the money and building schools in Africa is such a load of BS!They have enough money already and if that was in anyway a fact it would of already been done. I know a lot of Gay men that are wonderful and terrific individuals and hate to say it but Frankie gives all of them a really bad name and is an embarrassment to all. He is a serious perverted individual. Hoping for a miracle that Christine will have enough sense to put Derrick on the block and get him out, but I do not see that happening. So disgusted by production interference this year cannot watch the prime time show any longer and just come on here for updates. Send your letter to CBS complaining about this years BB!!
Just wait until all stars and bb bringing skankie back to the show. I can’t stand the way he and Derrick are playing. Yes it’s a game about lying, but there is such a thing as stepping over the boundaries. All this back and forth, he said she said is getting annoying. This twist is complete bs because it gives the strong players 2 opportunities to save themselves. Go back to the old style and this years game would be completely different. People are winning hoh solely based on who they put up. When you win, you should be rewarded. Nicole won the early highest number wins and Derrick gets to be hoh? Who cares about getting blood on your hands, your intent is to get the target you want out. Not throw away hohs because you’re scared to be a target.
These girls are useless
The girls have a chance to flip the game. If Ratine puts up Derprick and VapidVic votes to keep Donny then Ratine breaks the tie and they have a chance. Who’d of thought the game would come down to Ratine and VapidVic?
Frankie cannot be put up this week because of botb but Derrick could and that would be great. Christine isn’t bright enough to see she is bring played.
All that training in professional manipulation really pays off for Derrick here. He gets caught red-handed & ends up making the other person feel bad like they wronged him. Sorry, but it’s typical scummy police type behaviour.I hate people who use these passive-aggressive type moves in real life & in there. It’s so condescending & demeaning. If Victoria was worried about looking stupid for being used before, she’s going to feel even worse now. Derrick is literally scum in how he uses people’s insecurities against them. Some of these people should never have been cast on the show with someone like Derrick. It’s almost worse than Frankie’s fame-mongering because, as obnoxious as that is, it’s at least blatantly obvious.
Derrick is a master manipulator and Victoria is a idiot for believing him everything Zach said was the truth. Someone needs to take Derrick off his high horse and put him on the block he controls everyone in this house.
As much as I dislike Christine, it’s not too late for the 3 females to come together & make a move. If Christine could put up Derrick or Cody I think they could get could get one of them out. I don’t think Frankie would have any qualms about voting out Cody or Derrick & they could maybe even get Zach to do it if they catch him at the right time (while he’s feeling he’s been wronged by everyone in there). Nicole stood there while Derrick spun his tales of indignation for not being trusted to Victoria. She knows he lied and I hope she tells Victoria. Derrick has Victoria feeling so bad that she even offered to do his laundry & he asks if this is her way of apologizing to him – what a d*ckhead.
Unfortunately I think they’re not bright enough to do this on their own. If ever there was a time for some blatant Diary Room manipulation for the stupid ones, this would be it. It is after all Season of Rigging.
Movies that each houseguest remind me of: Derrick (The Godfather) Caleb (Fatal Attraction) Frankie and Zach (Broke Back Mountain) cancel that (that was last week) Frankie (A Star is Born) oops! that was meant for Ariana. Zach (Animal House) Christine (Mean Girls) Victoria(Clueless) Cody (American Gigolo) and Nicole ( Born Yesterday). Anyone else have other suggestions?
This is hysterical!!!!!!!!!
Donny “Gone with the Wind” which is probably what will happen Thursday unless these idiots get together and flip the house on Derrick.
Derrick is even better than Dan Gheesling, forget the mist Derrick is all smoke. You can’t see through it.
Dan had Danielle……Derrick has Victoria…..I wonder if this is one of the secrets to making it to the end in the Big Brother game. I cant believe we have another Danielle on our hands!
It’s BB/Survivor 101; called having a “GOAT”. Person perceived as worthless/undeserving by their peers while sitting next to an accomplshed manipulator. Victoria is the perfect goat. She’s even doing Derrick’s laundry! Next BB should be an all stars with psych clearance, no health problems, and no twists. Don’t like family members of past winners or famous people as HG(s). It gives them an unfair advantage and I would be pissed if I were in Derrick’s shoes too.
Donny saw through it early in the game its just that no one would listen. But they are listening now.
I seriously can’t believe NO ONE in the house (but Donny) has noticed that Derrick and Cody do absolutely nothing, don’t win comps, no POVs, and yet manage to never get on the block. How is it that there are super fans that have not noticed those two have NEVER been mentioned as being put up. Only Christine has mentioned it, but the second the male hooker Cody comes over to act like he enjoys cuddling her, it fades. Derrick even urges him to flirt with Christine or Nicole!! If a girl did that, there would be so much bashing on here. At least Derrick is instructing people what to do, while sitting back. I don’t like Derrick at all and don’t want him to win, but at this rate, he will. I love how he flat out lied and said Victoria don’t even talk to me if you believe what Zack said! WOW! Master Manipulator over here… Everyone is so focused on ‘targeting’ the loud ones, but not Cody or Derrick. Come on Christine! Put up Derrick and get that Zack/Nicole/Frankie/Victoria team together to vote him out!! That would be her smartest game play. Then she could have Cody all to herself… (sorry Christine’s husband.).
At this rate, the divorce papers are already filed and the next hoh she wins, she will be receiving them instead of a letter of encouragement.
Never thought I dislike someone as much as that big nose, gross looking, do nothing Victoria. Guess what Victoria, everyone hates you, you spoiled PIGLET!
Victoria’s nose makes her a bad competitor? That makes no sense. I get that she hasn’t done a lot in the house to earn her keep and if thats why you don’t like her that makes sense, but commenting on her nose is just unnecessary.
please hand Derrick the 500usd check already. coz others are dummies to not notice cody/derricks
please hand Derrick the 500kusd check already. coz others are dummies to not notice cody/derricks
lol wait the house guests are dummies? I mean at least they know how to speak english correctly…learn to use correct grammar before you insult someone, it does’t have the same impact if you sound less intelligent….
“Victoria what you don’t realize is that I am the reason why you are still here.”
No Derrick, Vicky kept herself in the house by being awful at everything. Anyone could win the final against her. ANYONE.
Simon can you post a poll on who has the best chance of winning the game as off now
Who is zooming who? I like to think that Zack is rattling every cage in the game and pitting one side of the house against the other. Or he has just thrown in the towel? Seems like everyone is lying to both allies and enemies! Can anyone unravel this for me?
How the Hell does Derrick keep coming out of these things unscathed? How are everyone elses lies not equal to his? OMG…his sh*t don’t stink!!! Figure it out people before it’s too late!!
Why can’t these houseguests keep their mouths shut? They are slowly figuring out Derrick and Cody and say they can’t trust them and then turn around and tell them everything. Donny could possibly blow up Derrick’s game if he confessed Team America to a select few but who knows what these idiots would do with the info. I was glad Zach told Vic about Derrick but he then turns around and blames it on Nicole. Why? How can it not be obvious Derrick and Cody are in an alliance whenall the boys and Christine are meeting all the time?? Ugh.
All I can say is Frankie is a Slick dude. It seems this show is a strategic effort to catapult his career and take him to the next level. Sure….he is happy for his sister and they both are on the entertainment path, but I know he feels Why not me too and I want mine now….this is expected. For this reason, it is apparent he strategized all of this even before he started this show. Reality TV was the obvious next step, after social media. It was interesting reading the comments, on her sites he has established. The timelines of everything does make you question the sincerity….Game or No Game….there is a cost for empty words…..playing the charity card is unnecessary….we all have our own personal cause or charity case….everyone has a need
Sr23 you are correct, Frankie is just trying to capitalize on his sisters success and I must say I never even heard of the little girl before the show started. Salong is doing the same with Beyonce “Elevator Fight” ? Jealousy will kill you in the long run. I was watching the feeds last night and Zack is gay he may not know it but he is gay. Nothing wrong with that I have gay friends that I work with, however I would never let them hug on me 15 times during a 5 minute conversation?
yaaaaaas. I have never agreed with something so strongly before
I like Donny, but he was wrong to tell Nic to go to Cody. Nic should be going to ppl that are low on the alliance totem poll. Especially when one is Hoh. She has nothing to loose, she knows she’s on barrowed time (and should point out they all are). Go to Chris, Zach, Frank and feel them out about putting Derrick up. Wake up underdogs!
noooo going to Frankie and Christine is a terrible idea they F her over all the time
Somewhat true IMO. I don’t think Donny realizes just how much of a hold Derrick has on Cody. But I think he’s right that Cody could definitely be the weak link – look how much he flip-flops & turns 180’s & 360’s in the space of 5 minutes & he believes pretty much everything he’s told. The right person could utilize that against Derrick instead of for him, but unfortunately Nicole is definitely NOT that person.
If no one would blab or knew how to keep a secret! Derrick’s game would of been messed up by now. Everything they discuss gets leaked to him, giving him the chance to do damage control. It is so frustrating to watch! The only thing i’m waiting for is that all this will blow up in Derrick’s face. With this group of knucleheads it probably won’t.
I know I know I know it is a game but what Derrick is doing to Vic is terrible (to say the least)… I didn’t think he would sank so low. He’s damaging her. I think she is going to need serious psychological help. I am genuinely worried. Hope production is keeping an eye open.
DUMBASSES STOP!!!! Derrick is not great at all. These naïve idiots are just stupid!!! Dan, Dr. Will, Derrick? PLEASE!!! None of these players were that great. They were just damn lucky to be in a house full of idiots. Evil Dick and his daughter were smart, and played a good game. They were both good at competitions, used common sense, and strategized. That’s what made them good players. They did not manipulate, nowhere near to the extent of the others mentioned. That is the difference between Evil Dick, and the others mentioned. Evil Dick’s game did not depend on the stupidity of the other houseguests. The others, Derrick, Dan, and Will, depended on other peoples’ stupidity, not their own gameplay. DAMN!!! However, the dumbasses in the house, Season 8, were fools to let Father and Daughter get to the end. If Christine, Zack, and Frankie are smart, and they make a move to get Derrick out, along with Nicole, would Derrick still be so great?? NO!!! So, why is he just because they are too damn stupid to get him out? His gameplay depends on the stupidity of other people. He wouldn’t be in that house if Evil Dick and Janelle were there. WHY?? Because they would have the common sense to GET HIM THE FUCK OUT!!!! DAMNN!!! DUMBASSESS!!! Janelle was also one of the better players, even though she didn’t win.
Dumbasses everywhere 🙂 Actually I agree with you – Derrick’s ONLY game is manipulation. There’s little to no strategy involved.
I agree that Derrick is not a great player, but he is the greatest player in the house. Only Zach is willing to go against him and now he doesn’t have the numbers to oust Derrick because Nicole and Victoria are both lower on the intelligence scale than a box of rocks. But it is fun to imagine Derrick’s and Cody’s faces if somehow Zach could convince Christine to put up Derrick as the replacement Monday. I might be the screen shot of the season.
The females are playing with emotions and no their brains, I am a female and know that you do not show emotions – or at least show emotions when you need to (like Brittany) but Victoria is unstableble and she is derrick lapdoggie, she has not played at all, she needs to back off a married man, I like derrick he is playing the game, Donny is awesome and played the game, he has been on the outside because he is smarter than the others and then know it. Frankie is using everything and playing unfair using his sister, and if he has money already then people he does not need anymore, stop handing him the money. He is there for frame only, he his not going to give it to Africa or he would given his money already. Use your brains not your heart. Its a game of wits you do not have to be ugly, mean, but use you head. Frankie is ugly on the inside, I did like him at first but he has shown his true colors and he would throw anyone under the bus to save himself. His fakeness is ugliness in my eyes.
“Nicole and Christine know that the guys in the living room just heard them try to open the door to listen.”
– Finally! It’s about time someone in this house remembered the art of the eavesdrop.
You know BB must give these people psychological tests before putting casting them. Therefore I can only assume they deliberately cast a lot of people with problems (lots of narcissists on BB for one) , dummies or the immature & naive. What would this game be like if they actually cast more intelligent, mature, insightful people. I think it could be really interesting. Or maybe instead of a bunch of sheep they get a bunch of leaders to go at it – that could get really cutthroat and fun.
I have weeks of different suspicions and thoughts built up and they are finally all coming together. Prepare yourselves for a rant like no other:
Number one: Earlier Frankie said he’s living “check to check” yet he has/had the money to be going to Africa twice a year for the last five years? Two contradicting statements. Plus if you’re that big of a youtube/vine personality then you often will be sponsored or receive money for doing stuff, and if thats the case, than he isn’t living check to check. Frankie also claims he doesn’t want to use Ariana’s fame and wants to make it on his own, yet he finally decides to reveal his secret (that has been “eating” at him) when everyone has realized what a liar he is…how convenient. I mean it’s a good move strategically, but I still wonder how honest he’s being about using the money to help people in Africa. I mean yeah he might give them 5-10% and that will still be giving to Africa, but the majority of the money would be his. None of the things Frankie is saying or has said match up to one another. He just wants the attention/fame, and there is obviously no better way to get people to like you than by saying you are giving the money to Africa.
On another note, Derrick claimed in his first interview that he would have an advantage by being a cop. He said he could sense when people are lying/playing him but has that proved to work out well? In my opinion no. I mean look at what just happened, he believed Zack when he is told that Nicole is to blame for talking sh1t to Victoria which is a flat out lie. He also tried to get Cody to side with him when Cody told him Christine asked Nicole “Cody or Derrick?” To which Christine once again lied her a$$ off when finally confronted. Derrick may be in a ton of alliances, but he is horrible at telling when people are being dishonest. Also, taking food out of your daughter’s mouth? Seriously Derrick? He could leave this competition with only the money he got from the few TA missions that were completed. That money won’t be much after it goes through taxing, people seem to forget that part. If that happens I will seriously laugh because he will have barely any more money than he starred with. Derrick’s claiming that food is being taken out of his kids mouth, which metaphor or not, is implying his financial situation is bad. Yet if he leaves without winning, he’s wasted a whole summer that he could have spent finding more work or applying for different food programs, plus spending time with this wife and child.
Last person I want to rant about is Nicole. Props to her for telling Derrick she wanted to be there when he talked to Victoria and standing her ground when Zack was brought in. It’s much easier for people to lie and turn things into a he said/she said situation if you don’t confront everyone involved at the same time. I think Nicole finally realized that, because when Cody turned on her it was after he confronted Christine without Nicole being present. That gave Christine the opportunity to lie and manipulate Cody into believing her and he then went to Derrick and said that Nicole’s the one who lied, and Derrick automatically agreed because he already doubted Nicole. I hope the house comes to their senses and realize that Nicole is not the one who has been playing them, although I doubt that will happen.
Okay, rant over.
Derrick is a bully in a very quiet way.
*Yawn* Snoozefest.
Wish it was the winter so BB Can was on again.
Only Big Brother still worth watching
“Derrick says the things Victoria is mad about aren’t that big of a deal. She doesn’t have the capacity to handle certain aspects of the game.”
She doesn’t have the capacity to handle certain aspects of the game? He really said that? Out loud? What a condescending jerk.
I would not put Derricks game on the level of Evil dick and Dr Will, they are not similar in many ways.
There is something that makes a good BB Villain that we cheer for. Look back at those Seasons ther is something about Evil Dick and Dr Will… they were both more honest in their games than the guys that called themselves the good ones. Most Big Brother Villains are more upfront in villainy. They get in the persons face… like Zach. People keep them because they will always be a bigger target or they think that know one will vote for them in the end because they are so awful as human beings. The only one in that house that is like that is Zach.
Derricks actual game is more like Andy. Everybody compares Frankie with Andy (OK they are both gay, but their games are way different. Frankie is so much more obvious.) , but Derrick is playing a game more like Andy’s he has set himself up to flip to any side of the house he needs to. He is trying to take the weakest girl in the game to the final two as he can (No not Cody), he wants Victoria.
Christine, Nicole, Victoria, Zach and Donny need a Three Week Alliance of “I don’t like you, I don’t trust you but lets get Cody Derrick and Caleb out.” then it is game on. Christine should nominate Derrick then get him out of the game. The next week should be about getting out Caleb or Cody and so on.
I have to agree that Andy’s game was more like Derricks than Frankie’s. Both of them have taken what they are good at and played that up. Derrick’s is impressive manipulation of the other house guests. His downfall maybe in not being able to keep so many people in line, but so far he has done a very admirable (not likable) job so far. But if Zach can get enough people buzzing this week or next there is a chance that Derrick could be waving goodbye instead of walking out the door to a check for $500,000.
I hated Andy last year but thinking about with the perspective of a year gone, I think he was in his own way rather masterful yet a bit more subtle than Derrick.I really think Andy thought it out his the persona he wanted to project before going into the house. He knew he has nerdy tendencies and decided to play that up, and look non threatening. He projected an almost childlike personalty that was non threatening to the other HG’s and therefore floated to the end. Amanda’s histrionic personality and Helen’s inability to pull the trigger played right into his hands and gave him remarkable cover. He even brought clothes that made he look like an overgrown 6 year old. That silly cat tee shirt was priceless.
I dont even know where to begin! I always knew victoria was an idiot but wooow. I can’t wait for her to watch and see how foolish she’s been trusting derrick. The worst bb player I’ve seen.
Derrick to Victoria: “Don’t question me again. OK!” as he’s waving a toy knife around the whole time he’s talking to her.
Pure intimidation! Do you think the knife was deliberate, unconscious, or just innocent???
Wow, Derrick was waving a toy knife around while talking to Victoria. Victoria is so childlike that in her mind and possibly others as well that is an implied threat. Not a Victoria fan at all, but she takes everything so seriously that I bet she did get very intimidated and felt threatened. That is a very typical subtle threat from Derrick. Something is seriously wrong with Derrick mentally with all of his threats and talk of beating people up. Sorry, but that is just wrong for a policeman to act that way either on or off a television show. Seems like he has some mental issues.
It is called psychological intimidation, and by waving that toy knife around he is implanting the thought in her mind to scare her. Sorry, but that is just wrong!
Christine needs to put up Derrick,Cody(unlikely), or anybody detanators then Zach,Vic,Nicole vote out Derrick or whoever keep Donny any flip the house since they would have the numbers. If they are smart game players they will take this opportunity and production should let them otherwise everybody can already see the boring unfold for the rest of this season…
No matter what happens or what is said victoria will never vote out derrick. After last night I seriously worry about this girl when she gets out and watches the show and sees how derrick has talked about her, very emotionally unbalanced girl. Thats one reason im disgusted with derricks game play, he knows this and doesnt care what emotional scars he is leaving.I think derrick could convince her to do anything. She would self evict if derrick convinced her it was best for her game.
Derrick the biggest lying sack of shit out of the BB16 cast. He portrays himself as some saint saying how loyal he is to alliance members, but oh yeah Derrick which effing alliance are you referring to? He is in so damn many of them. Derrick was the one to first get rid of Zach when it suited him and then he flipped the house to target Jocasta. Derrick continues to lie to Zach’s face as he schemes to get rid of Zach next week. Donny said it best: Derrick and Cody have never been put up yet and all the guests that have been evicted thus far were done by Derrick and Cody.
Derrick’s damage control skill is awesome! and how he can get people do things is that he let people execute it and make them think it is the best for their game, not just derrick’s.
I think Victoria is going home this week. She’s a liability. Derrick called her out for two reasons 1) she believed the information and 2) she never came and talked to him. He can never completely trust her again and visa versa. Way too many shots of her just sitting there with an empty stare. She has zero entertainment factor and I think production has run of out patience with her. I’m sure she promised in her interviews to stir up all sorts of drama and such. Big fail.
Some woman must be manning the cameras this morning, only way to explain the prolong shot of Cody sleeping next to a can of Raid.
Zach I expect to not keep quite but really Nicole! Honestly this cast except for donny are so sensitive to lies! It’s Big Big Brother! You have to lie and back stab to have a chance. Cody is just lucky he has derrick cuz he would have been gone a long time ago!
CHRUSTINE WAKE UP ! She has an opportunity to take out the biggest Anaconda in this pit of snakes. She’ll play stupid and put Vicsnoria the little garter snake
I am so tired of you misdirected anger against Derrick. Firstly, he is playing the game. You all love Donnie, but all he is hooked on is the fact that there are 2 people never been on the block. That happens in other seasons too, and it is usually the people that are playing the game well, and can cover their tracks. Big Brother is all about manipulation and lying. None of you know what kind of a policeman Derrick is, and talking about him as if he is a crooked, mean cop with a pig nose shows how uneducated you really are. Saying you are going to punch someone in the mouth is an expression most people have used. I can’t believe that you people cannot see that the way he manipulates the people in the house, and talks to them without disrespecting them is fantastic. He is blowing mist up their asses, and they are believing it. He is working every single minute in that house and if he manages to get someone out that is your favorite, too bad!!! For God’s sake, get with it people and take it for what it is.
I don’t hate Derrick… actually my list of Big Brother House guests I truly dislike or annoyed me severely is rather small. Douche and the Beast (Brenchal) 2 Big Brothers and an Amazing Race… I really find them annoying as all hell. Then there is last Seasons House Guests I found large chunks of them loathsome… Still a small list maybe Cowboy… he annoyed the crap out of me.
Still I don’t think I have that kind of reaction to anyone this season. I see their game choices. My only thing is their are times to make a big game move and people this season seem to be afraid to do it. For her game Christines’ best move is to take out either Cody or Derrick. Out of Cody and Derrick, it should quite evident that Derrick is a bigger threat. If you take out Derrick now somebody else can absorb Cody, Caleb and Victoria. It will flip the house. They should also know that Donny as a Mastermind is just hype… mostly because it is hype that they created. It is nothing personal, I just hate watching people making bad game moves.
The posters hating on Derrick probably should stop watching this show because they don’t understand the game at all. He is playing brilliantly — he reminds me a lot of Boston Rob from Survivor.
He stays off the block because he has the ability to empathize with other people, and can legitimately give them good advice on their game while at the same time making sure it aligns with his own goals.
They are all following Derrick. Can’t they see they may be a team now but he’s just going to have them picked off.
i dont understand why zach is letting all of this nonsense be blamed on him.. yes he stupidly blamed nicole for telling victoria… but the fact remains that everything he told her was true…
and then he lets caleb believe that lie that he tried to start an alliance without him (detonators) without correcting him…
zach is looking to me like he is missing some meds.
I agree with someone’s comments, about the women. Unfortunately, the men have manipulated all of them, based upon their emotions, naïveté and jealousy. None one has gone into bitch mode and had the courage to fight back…..Nicole gained some insight after Hayden left, but it’s as if she went into selective denial, about Christine and some others….I just don’t get it. Victoria almost disassociates or is brainwashed like a stepford wife….I don’t understand. It is okay to be cute and cutthroat, at times. I really wish the women would defend themselves. Although everyone has mixed opinions of Zach, I can honestly say I respect the guy…..once he realized the truth…..all bets were off….it was Game On for him at that point…..I am glad he won POV and would love to see him make it to the end or at least Americas Fave….I wish Nicole and Victoria realized they needed to secretly align with him, instead of telling everything to the other guys….but then that would be a bitch move
It seems here nobody in team america deserves there spot. Because of stupid Devin, it is pretty hard to get people out because who is it to get out? I hated Zach from the beginning. I thought he is dans twin but he is his stupid evil brother. Thx Caleb for keeping him. Everybody in Bob is stupid. I don’t think anyone desevers the money. Donny Caleb and derrick Is debatable and Frankie is stupid for even talking to Victoria about his sis
Ari. With. Anyway Zach is stupid Nicole is annoying Frankie is freaking rich doesn’t need the money derrick needs to go home Jocasta Christine and Victoria is therefor nothing donny is there to cheer people up and Cody and Caleb are there to change the game. This is by far the boringest Bob ever. That is not a word
Go Derrick Go!!!! loiving hios gamplay and hid awesome successful manipulations!!! Feel so much pity for Victoria as she is becoming Amber #2 (loyal but being fleessed!!!!)
I only understood bits and pieces, please speak a real language, thanks.
I hope to goodness that Victoria has flipped the script and is playing Derek. Otherwise she is a total disgrace to herself and her family. This relationship is not unlike that of a pimp and his prostitute.