Z to B – “1 of you 3 put (Ashleigh) up and I’ll vote her out.. Why do you look so skeptical”

POV Holder: Bruno Next POV April 10
POV Used NO POV Ceremony April 12
HOH Winner Bruno Next HOH April 15th
Nominations: Johnny and Sarah
Have Nots Brittnee, Pilar, Willow (Pickled Eggs & Chicken Feet)
POV Players Bruno, Sarah, Johnny, Bobby, Brittnee and Kevin
Zach is the POV host

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8:09pm Kevin, Brittnee and Johnny
After some giggling with Pilar she leaves. Kevin says he never thought he would be in a showmance. ASks johnny if what he’s in is a “Showmance”
Johnny – you guys are 100% a showmance,.
Kevin – alright I accept it

8:18pm Bruno and Godfrey
Talking about Godfrey’s environmental charity and Bruno’s child’s clubfoot.

Godfrey eats
8:37pm During dinner they have steaks. Godfrey starts getting after them for not eating the fat on the steaks. They start giving him their fat, “This is where the flavour is”

Watch the video it’s pretty darn funny..

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8:47pm Bobby and Ashleigh
Asks her who she would put up if he won HOH. He says Willow told him she would put up Sarah and Godfrey, “Is that Right”.
Ashleigh – At this point godfrey that is a easy on
Bobby – why is everyone pitching Pilar as a pawn.. we’ll not everyone sorry I don;t know why I said everyone.
Ashleigh – I haven’t heard that one.
Ashleigh would put up Godfrey and Sarah.
He’s thinking about Pilar and Sarah.
Bobby whispers ‘Kevin is the backdoor”
Bobby mentions how EVERYONE knows about the plan next week. He wonders how Kevin wasn’t able to hear about it already :That sketches me out”
Asheligh – Huh everyone knows about him going up?
Bobby says that Jordan knows about it the plan to backdoor kevin.
AShleigh – maybe it’s his plan too?
Jordan told Bobby “The plan is to backdoor kev right.. It really threw me (BobbY) off”
Bobby thinks is was Zach that told him.
AShleigh – I won’t tell Zach regardless I won’t say anything
Bobby is surprised that Ashleigh hasn’t been told about this “I guess he doesn’t tell you everything”
BObby mentions how Zach is good with everyone in the house. Bobby adds that he doesn’t mind as long as Zach stays loyal to them he doesn’t care if Zach spends hi time snuggling Britt in her bedroom.
Bobby points out how AShleigh is in a good spot right now sh’es nobody’s target.
Ashleigh says her intent was not to play under the radar “I haven’t had a chance to compete ouch..” She points out sometimes playing under the radar and being nobody’s target will make you somebody’s target”

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9:09PM Bobby ears some protective gear as he serves up some slop

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9:12pm Jordan and Sarah
She’s wondering why Pilar didn’t go up they could have saved Johnny. Jordan explains that Bruno had it in his head to put Sarah and Johnny up he was like ‘NOPE”. Jordan tells her he should be able to talk Zach into putting Godfrey up as a pawn instead of her.
Zach joins them. Sarah tells him that Brittnee is getting a little insecure she needs some more love from Zach, Points out how Brittnee is use to being the centre of attention.
Jordan brings up his conversation with GOdfrey where he told him he was going to put up Brittnee and Sarah to backdoor kevin. Adds that today Godfrey told Sarah he would put up Kevin and Zach
Zach – he said that today
Jordan – he said that to Sarah
Sarah – he didn’t say your names but said these guys have girlfriends.
Brittnee comes in tells Zach she no longer has a crush on him, “The chase is over”
Zach jokes – That was a little harsh
Jordan – we’re all on the same page for next week we know what will happen.
bobby comes in

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9:20pm Zach and Godfrey playing oxi-ball.
Zach says they gotta with this HOH

Zach – If I win it you’re good
Godfrey – Same here man same here
Zach – boys gotta roll deep
Godfrey – we have to .. these girls are already trying to take out the strong guys.. Sarah pulled me aside saying you gotta keep me you’ll go farther with me
Zach – A lot of guys want to do kevin this week
Godfrey – ya ya that’s fine.. we have to bri
Godfrey – if we can we’ll need to get rid of another girl cause they’ll gang up on us

9:30pm Hot Tub Zach and Bobby
Bobby is covering his tracks says that Asheligh didn’t know that Jordan was in on the plan to take out Kevin. He told her Zach must have said something. He didn’t want Zach to think he was selling him out.
Zach – I never told her specifically

Bobby ninja kicks the door shut

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9:19pm HOH Leg shaving

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9:38pm Zach and Brittnee
Talking about who his pawns would be so they can go through with the plan to backdoor Bobby. His options are Jordan, Willow, Ashleigh and Pilar (this is what he says)
Zach asks what her noms will be if she wins HOH.
Brittnee – Pilar and Godfrey and b@ckdoor Bobby
Zach – nobody knows where Godfrey’s head’s at he hasn’t made a move in the game.
Zach – I think JP will put up Willow and Godfrey.. each of us are in a different spot our pawns will be different.
Brittnee says she trust Bruno more than Willow ‘Pilar, Ashleigh and Willow freak me out they don’t commit to anything.” She points out that Ashleigh only does what they tell them
Zach says after next week they could take out Willow
He thinks after next week all that’s left if Bruno maybe working with Godfrey and Willow, ‘Sorry someone has to go”
Zach is up for taking out Willow
Brittnee – I need Bobby out.. he irritates me and he’s a threat
Brittnee says they need to throw the HOH to Zach so he can do it.
Zach will tells Bruno that Bobby is a threat to him, “He’ll be shattered”
Zach says Bobby’s head will hit the floor when he’s backdoored.
Zach says Ashleigh is a person that is a number for them. “One of you three (Britt, Sarah adn ?) get it put her up and I’ll vote her out”
Zach – it sucks If I get an HOH and it’s time that I have to do it I will
Brittnee says she doesn’t want to be the one who takes out Bruno she feels the same way.

Zach – each of us has those people that will have to do it for each other and that is why way it works.
Zach – right now one of us will take out Bobby.. further down the line one of you girls does Ashleigh .. Somewhere down the line Jp or Kev.. someone does bruno..
Stress that is the beautiful thing about what they have they don’t have to take out the people they are emotional close to.
Zach – why do you look so skeptical.. it’s not going to be easy
Zach – Godfrey has to go, Willow has to go and pilar..
Zach – depending if the other side wins the HOH Bruno might take out a pilar
Zach says once Bobby is gone it’ll split the other group up and if they win the HOH they’ll just get in their ears.
Brittnee asks who bruno is after
Zach – THey want kev out
Brittnee – Out bad eh
Brittnee – it sucks playing with people that don’t want to play
Brittne tells him when she won HOH Sarah wanted Bobby gone but she wanted Graig.
Zach says Bruno is scary “Everybody loves him nobody feels he’s after them”
Brittnee- I’m more nervous about Willow that I am about Bruno .. Still want to see Godfrey go.
Willow comes in

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Week One there’s a lot of Alliance but we’ve tried to make sense of it all.. Read our alliance help guide

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16 thoughts to “Z to B – “1 of you 3 put (Ashleigh) up and I’ll vote her out.. Why do you look so skeptical””

    1. i’m wondering if you felt similarly when britt did nothing to dissuade Bruno from nominating sarah and jonny. I mean, she definitely looked out for herself there. I like britt. and I thought she played her social game to keep herself off the block brilliantly. great move. but why are her allies responsible for safeguarding her, when she did nothing to help them.

      1. No they both vote for Brit to be evicted. So why she take a risk for those two. Sara was hoping the conversation with Zach and JP about keeping Nae would keep her safe. Sarah is just a bad team player

    2. How did she throw her under the bus? She knows that Jordan’s been playing her and Britt and is with Zach, Kevin, Ash, and Pilar. I assumed Sarah was telling Jordan things he wanted to hear and keep up the facade of being helpless and dependent on him.

    3. Sarah is being super emotional, that’s bound to be her downfall. I’m so confused too why she’s painting britt as a target, when that is her only real ally remaining. Too be honest Sarah is still painting a larger target on herself. She knows Johnny is going is going home, but she is stirring the pot (and not in her favour), by being overly emotional and scatterbrained. She needs to chill out for the next few days.

      Oh on a side note , I don’t want sindy to come back because she’ll probably team up with JP….and the diaper alliance (dumbass name btw). Graig also can go home. Risha, I’m indifferent to her (we didn’t see much). Naeha…this one is complicated. Naeha was really aggressive real early, she was fun to watch but like Sarah her emotions seem to be her driving force. Honestly after watching her eviction interviews Naeha seems really hyper? I don’t know if she came back and was more relaxed/less nervous i think she could do well. Honestly I’d like to see johnny come back, he seems level headed (minus the whole kevin thing)

    1. I also voted for forced veto because we were one of the few who even read and waited to see who got nominated before voting. I am so sick of hearing all this bit#@ing about Newport and the game being boring, we had a chance to change the game even if it was just as small as forced veto taking one of the nominees off but no no one even read what they were voting for because all their eyes seen was double veto, they didn’t even go on to read that the veto holder had the option to take 1, 2 or neither off block, keyword being optional. Oh well I don’t want to hear anymore whining and crying when they could of voted forced veto and he would of had to take at least 1 person off and replace with another.

      1. I went back and re watched the April 8 episode before voting. Arisa said Canada gets to vote for OPT. 1 a forced veto , veto must be used or OPT 2 both players must be replaced , she never once said OPT. 2 had the option to not remove anyone!!!!! Go to ,Global, big brother , April 8, and watch it

    2. i wish i had done that …too excitrd by the idea of forceod double and assume hoh might want to change one but have to do both. stupid twist was who cared if it was a forced one nom …… two was better. just it isnt a twist having it optional.

      i wish zach and brit wad a real final two. far more interesting than any other possible HG combo right now. i dont like zach cuz he is athleic and can win comps due to that….i like his commitment to plsying the game. that is also why i like britt’ s coversations as they stay focused on that too.

  1. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I am actually kind of glad the veto thing flopped.
    Say if Bruno did use the veto and either Zach or Kevin get evicted, they both have an extremely strong chance in returning to the game.
    At least with the way it worked out there will be Sindy, Naeha and Johnny that have a strong chance to return and could really change things next week if one of them or their allies win HOH and decide to take a shot at Zach or Kevin (or any other member of the shitty diaper alliance).

  2. hoping last night’s dance of the gummybears was a spoiler and not just sound and fury signifying nothing. this isn’t because I want Newport to go (i’m pretty vocal that i’m annoyed by their personalities and personas), but because we’re far enough into the season that the excitement should be amped up. i’m hoping there aren’t any more “easy weeks”.
    part of what I like to see in the game isn’t just how players strategize, but how they react to adversity, and how they alter their strategy to keep moving forward.

  3. Well. Johnny spilling the beans on Sarah’s plan, hatched with himself last night, to Zach.
    No reason for this,
    I no longer am rooting for him to win the buy back comp.

    1. he’s trying to flip the diaper’s to vote for him to stay. 5 votes required.
      he’s hoping Zach flips his alliance to save jonny and vote against the house. then he wouldn’t have to worry about winning his way back in, because sarah would be walking out the door. it’s part of the problem I had with sarah giving jonny the information, and him instructing her to move so that the camera’s could capture the scene. don’t understand why she shared it with jonny in the first place. (the most cynical part of me always thinks production cues them, like righting their lines for d/r, they aren’t so much affecting the outcome, as increasing the drama).

  4. LOL such an epic fail on big brothers part with this veto thing. It would be so hilarious to watch this on tomorrows episode though. Only if the rules would have been much more clear I would have not voted for the Double Veto.
    On a side note the video with Godfrey was so funny but it definitely shows how much he values the importance of food and doesn’t believe in wasting it.

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