“You’re my boy, Friendship, Never Cared.. Homegirl going home” – Paul’s nomination speech

POV Holder: ? POV Competition July 30th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 1st
HOH Paul Next HOH Aug 4th
Original Nominations: ? AND ?
After POV Nominations: ? AND ?
Have Nots Natalie, Paulie, Corey, Zakiyah

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Big-Brother-18 2016-07-29 02-25-08-027

2:12am Nicole in the HOH with Paulie, Paul, Zakiyah and Corey
Paul keeps reiterating his target is Bridgette but they can’t decide who the pawn it. Everyone is volunteering. Paulie makes sure he brings up the dangers of Da’Vonne. Paulie says if they can get Da out this week he’ll put Bridgette and and Victor up next week.

Paulie – Bridgette may only be able to win comps.. Maybe … last comps she won were 2 weeks ago..
Paulie – if she doesn’t go this week she goes next week..
Paulie – Da stays and will spin stuff.. You know. DA will sit here and say Ride or die but what comes outta her mouth when she’s right in your face isn’t ride or die.. She’s looking out for her she has no team she’ll spew what needs to be spewed.
Paulie says Da’Vonne is doing the same thing as Frank and she’s still able to manipulate and do whatever.. Or at least try to .. if you feel safer with Bridgette gone..
Nicole – Ya Bridgette is gone
Paul – In no world does Bridgette does not go home

Paulie – I’m so annoyed with Natalie
Paulie – me too
They talk about Natalie during a meeting in the HOH room and how upset they are in the way she acted.
Paulie – James get your little puppy dog here..
Nicole impersonates Natalie but it’s just Nicole and her whiny voice.
Paul – I want someone I can trust and is good to make sure the POV lands and everything this week goes smoothly .. It’s not just a seat filler… it’s a trust thing .. F***G trust me .. I blew sh1t up last week Frank’s gone this week i’ll do what I need to do
Nicole – I trust you
Paul – I know you do
Paul looks at PAulie.., “If you’re ready to PP this sh1t out.. We’ve done it before you’ve put me on the block.. Never cared”
Paulie – Friendship
Paul – done
Paulie – f**** it I’m going up.. I don’t f***ng panic it’s the f****G block .. I know Da is going to start campaigning against me
Paulie says Da is going to go to Vic and throw him under the bus. He’s not worried about Meech, Natalie and everyone in the room.
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Paul- PP is doing it I like it
Paulie – f**k it I like Veto competitions..
They jokes about putting Corey and Paulie up because they both are so willing to volunteer to be a pawn. Paulie says that will be DaVonne’s dream Corey and Paulie up.
Paul says his goal is to get Bridgette out, from the beginning his plan was to get her out and he doesn’t want to deviate.

Corey – If you want me up i’m down 1000% friendship.. Never cared
Paul – I just don’t want you to freak out
Corey – I’m not freaking out.. Homeboy’s getting the job done
Paul – friendship

They go back and forth on the pawns it’s the most annoying conversation.. Nicole leaves Victor and Da’Vonne comes up..

Paul nomination speech.. “You’re my boy Friendship Never Cared.. Homegirl going home”
Paul saying he’s got 3 options for people to put up and they all said they won’t be mad if the go up.
Back and forth joking about how everyone is volunteering. Paul says he’s flipping a coin.
Paul- who gets a easy HOH never cared.. I have options
Pau l- at the end of the day homegirl is going home never cared
Victor – I feel like I can chill in HOH room comfortably
Everyone leaves..
Victor looks at the camera.. “Looks like i’m safe i’m happy about that.. Thought it was a possibility I was going up on the block doesn’t like they’re is.. My boy Paul pulled through.. “
Feeds flip

2:30am Living room Corey, Nicole, James and Natalie
Corey – people are fighting to go up on the block who cares..
Corey now saying he was in the HOH volunteering.
Nicole – it should be exec (Vic)
James says the only way you can go home this week is if you really go out of your way to piss people off.
Corey – it doesn’t matter whoever goes up on the block isn’t going home..
James- ya it’s true.. The only way you are going home is really piss everyone off

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2:33am Nicole and Paulie
Nicole – I trust you and Paul so much I’ll do it for you guys
Nicole is certain it’ll be her and bridgette nominated, “I’m fine with it”
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2:36am Paul and Paulie
Paulie – dude you put me up never cared.. Never cared.. Sorry.. PP.. d1ck jokes in the corner.. Never cared.. Pissed..
Paul – PP is literally cruising..
Paulie – or we’re just f****g stupid

Paulie – who do you honestly want.. Either one
Paul – either one.. It has to be backdoor.. Personally I think it’s smart to get Bridgette out because Bridgette wins comps, Da never wins anything her entire life..
Paulie – we keep Bridgette guess who she goes after.. Nicole. Boom .. we get rid of Da she can’t harm us at all.
Paul says Victor will go after Nicole.
Paulie – Guess who goes after Bridgette.. VIC.. hahaha cruising.. Don’t give a sh1t..
Paul – ahahhaha

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2:47am Nicole tells Corey that Natalie is going to cuddle with him this week .
Nicole – why do you look happy about it
Corey – are you kidding me
Nicole – I think she would
Nicole – she’s made several; moves on you she rubbed her legs..
Corey points out it was 3 weeks ago.

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3:31am HOh Paul, Paulie and Zakiyah (Chief Exec = Victor, in case you were wondering)
Paul tells us his assistant is a hot Russian with double D’s, full sleeves.. She gave him a b**w J** once it was a “force Blowj” (She forced it on him) Paul adds she’s super good at her job but is a b1tch

Paulie – I wonder when Natalie is going to stop using the excuse to stay off the block..
Paul doesn’t want Natalie on the block because she doesn’t win sh1t.
Paul – she’s made it very far doing absolutely nothing..
Paulie is saying he’ll clip her next week
Paul – I saw the scar where her fake t1ts were put in ..
Zakiyah – I worked at hooters I know the difference… I felt it..
Paul says he’s putting Paulie up
Paul – If I put PAulie up if anything she’s feeling comfortable.
They talk about winning the HOH. Paul wasn’t expecting to win it. Mentions how if it wasn’t him Nicole would have won.
Paulie says Nicole would have been the wisest move
Paul agrees but is worried about the amount of paranoia that would create.

Da’Vonne joins them.

They joke about Victor losing his mind because of how strange he’s been acting.
Paul brings up Frank and Bridgette cuddling in the HOH during the HOH lockdown. They talk about Frank’s girlfriend seeing that.
Paul- his applause wasn’t that loud was it?
Da says it was loud.
Paul – that guy could have gone far as f*** if he didn’t try being someone he’s not.

Zakiyah – Natalie legit cried.. I’m like b1tch why you crying
Paul – this is a game bro
Zakliyah – would you rather be doing this or working.. b1tch embrace this
They mention it’s Paulis first week being have nots
Da’Vonne wants “Chief Exec” to be a have nots
Paul – “Chief Exec” is a different breed..

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Vic joins them.. tells them what he was doing in the safari room “Talking to live feeders eating a sandwich”

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4:20am HOH Paul, Victor, Zakiyah and Paulie sleeping

Victor says he was talking about Paul’s HOH letter in the Diary room.. Says he teared up seeing it. Victor reads through the HOH letter
Vic – You’re my closest friend in the house..
Paul – That’s friendship
Victor wishes he had won that last competition.
Paul – one of us won it.. it’s like the friendship… never cared…
Victor says the 2 weeks he spent in sequester was groundhog day.

Paul – hopefully we get some liquid friendship
Victor leaves.. Pauli and Zakiyah wake up.
they giggle
Paul – Hommie can’t take a hint
(looks like they were fake sleeping so Victor would leave)

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4:32am Victor, Nicole and Corey
Victor complains hat Paulie and Zakiyah are sleeping in the HOH bed. Victor adds that Paul wanted to sleep alone.
Corey and Nicole are having trouble sleeping, too many people going in and out of the Diary room.

Victor – how do you feel about tomorrow
Nicole – fine
Corey – no one cares..
Victor says he would have volunteered to go up if he hadn’t already been evicted and come back.
Corey – I volunteered because I knew nothing was going to happen.

(They are being called in the Diary room.. at 4:30am ! )

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4:43am Zakiyah and Paulie
Paulie about Frank’s game “He blew up his spot 2 weeks in..”
Paulie – dude the whole plan was to get out that side of the house than our 5 wold take care of the rest.. ”
PAulie – people f*** up
Paulie says he trusts Corey and Corey trusts Nicole, He trusts Zakiyah and she’s got MEech.
Paulie – All I need is 4 votes..
Paulie is confident he’ll be fine in the event of a tie, “I f***g like PAul”
Zakiyah – do you think he’ll do the Da route or the Bridgette route
Paulie thinks PAul will do the Da route.. Paul told him the only people that will be pissed if Bridgette doesn’t go home this week is James, Michele and Possibly Zakiyah..
Paulie and Zakyah agree that Bridgette is lost now. Paulie doesn’t think she’s a threat at all. Zakiyah doesn’t trust her.

Zakiyah – Michelle is all heart broken
PAulie – low key crush
Zakiyah – it’s not low key.. I was liek how you doing girl
Zakiyah as Michelle – ohh I miss Frank already you know I had a crush on him
Zakiyah is conerned with Meech becuase she’s really close with Nicole.

Paulie says he hopes it gets to the point where people don’t take things personally. Says Cody’s season people never took things personally.
Paulie says it’ll be so much better once Victor goes again.

They think Natalie is the Definition of a floater.
Paulie – Rachel Reilly would tear her a part
Zakiyah – YEEEES

Zalkiyah is upset that she’s never won a competitions yet, “I’m letting peoples down.. I’m letting you down.. I want to prove myself”

Zakiyah – there’s 3 legit losers
Paulie- You, Natalie and Da

Paulie goes on to count everyone’s Competition wins. Says Victor has only one 1 competition says he doesn’t count the battle back wins. (LOL of course Paulie won’t)

5:04am Paul comes out of the Diary room grumbles that he’s getting called into DR’s at the butt crack of dawn.

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5:05am HOH Zakiyah, Paul and Paulie (Exec = Victor)
Talking about Victor being pissed.

Paul – so yeah friendship.. boning..
Paulie – Friendship.. boning
Zakiyah heads to the toilet..
Paul whispers to him that Bridgette is going or they will backdoor Da’Vonne, Never cared.
He told the Diary room PP all the way friendship
Paulie – we’re going to be sitting there final 2 lauhging..
Paulie – hey everyone Bridgette is going home.. psych.. Da’Vonne you’re going home whoops

Paul – dude EXEC is so pissed..
Paulie – Bridgette we’re the only people you can trust.. next week your out whooops
Paul – whoops..

Feeds cut, when they’re back Zakiyah is now with PP, talking about competitions.
Paulie says he’s going to go to Nicole on Saturday and blow Da up.
Paul – what about MEECH
Zakiyah says she’s closer to DA than her.

Paulie is going to work on Michelle.

Paul says Meech doesn’t have a thought of her own unless she hates someone than she’s got all sort of thoughts of her own
Zakiyah agrees.
Paulie says Da is roping Bridgette in
Paul – Da approached me 30 times
Paul adds she grills him every time he comes out of a room.
Paul – if you came out a room with Genghis Khan I wouldn’t ask you so many questions..
Paul says Da’Vonne is doing sketchy sh1t.

They try to think of ways to prevent Victor from wanting to sleep in the HOH with Paul.
Zakiyah – EXEC is going to get punched in the face
Paulie – Ezxec has max 4 weeks
Zakiyah – If I get he’s going home
Paul – this week Bridgette or Da,
Paul – next week ?
Paulie – the other one…
Paulie – the next week ?
Paul – Natalie or the other one..

5:40am everyone sleeping
9:24am A few people up but mostly sleeping

10:38am Sleeping all feeds

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152 thoughts to ““You’re my boy, Friendship, Never Cared.. Homegirl going home” – Paul’s nomination speech”

  1. It would be cool If Paulie was up, someone like Da won and left noms the same and then Paulie went home. That would suddenly propel this season to awesomeness.

    1. it is what we ve seen many times, HOH nominates their friends as a pawn and the pawn goes home…BBCAN3 was the last time…it s just so stupid and common that it makes it uninteresting for me… and even tho Paulie is a douche , he is the closest to playing the game…if he goes we ll be left with the Bachelor cast- Z , Nicory and James, and to some extent Natalie (tho love Jatalie but on a personal level, as players they are a snooze)…lost puppies – Paul&Victor&Bridgitte , a mean girl and Day as the only person who at least tries to play , but cant win for sh*t…which is so sad that I actually feel like Vanessa and want to just cry and yell at them and evict them all

    2. Yes, those idiots need to realize that Paulie feels like he’s running the House regardless of who is HOH. Put his ass on the block and send him packing. That will definitely open up the whole game. Let’s start breaking up these stupid showmances.

    3. if Paulie goes up and goes home, then the pack just falls in line with whatever James/Da wants. Da already somewhat has Zac, Paul and Meech.

    4. That would be too perfect to happen. This is shaping up to the worst season ever. As boring and predictable as Derrick’s pecking order – but with the most unlikeable, unwatchable HG in BB history. There’s not one of them that I’d like to see win.

    5. it would be cool but there is ZERO chance of it happening at all. zero. which is too bad because otherwise these people are all playing for Paulie to win. at this point, who wants him out? Not even DAY.

      And ZAK calling NAT a FLOATER is a JOKE. At least Natalie has stuck around to getting close to the end of comps, while zak is usually first one out.

      Paul mentioned if he didn’t get it Nicole would have, so she is doing not badly. the boys don’t see that as anything threatening tho, cuz you know ‘GIRL’ but she didn’t do badly at OTEV, and pretty sure she got her coconuts done first. anyways, she still has a target on her back, a fairly big one, because the boys are basically jealous of her relationship with corey.

      i can see Bridget winning this VETO comp, that would be kind of funny. and Paul would be good at making a big stinking production out of ‘making a huge move, getting out comp beast paulie, blah blah, and put Day up and say, never cared, either one, out the door,: etc for high drama.

      i may want them gone, and i may not like what they are doing to fan favs, but if Paul and Paulie were final 2 i would not think they got their by being lazy or lucky or smearing others. i think they are playing and playing hard, and Paul came back from association on the targeted side, made himself useful, and then made himself indispensible. i can totally see paulie changing his final 2 to paul and away from corey, if he hasn’t already. i think he likes working with someone who is focused and goal oriented.

      1. I would take bets that Paulie will not go home this week (if he stays on block) these HG’s seem to be only concerned for their “weekly safety” no long term planning. Hope I am proven wrong!

        If Bridgette wins the Veto and Da goes up. I think James may vote for Paulie to leave. Last night he realized he is the low man on the totem pole when Paulie was strong armed Natalie to go on the block.

        I think Paulie will drop Paul when Paul has done all the dirty work and take floater Z to the end.

  2. Production please call Paul to the DR and tell him that America hates when he uses the words “Friendship ” and “Yo Boy”. Thank You Sincerely

    1. OMG if I hear homeboy, homegirl, friendship or even about his double d, forced b***J** giving assistant – who’s a biatch…I may spontaneously combust his beard wearing, friendship yelling homeboy ass!

      Sorry I had to get that out. He is like a bearded muppet running around thinking he is more important than he is! I love nose rings but his ring may be on too tight and affecting the oxygen he takes in.

      Wow, this is my first ever mean mugging post! It HAD to be said, I had to say it!

      1. OMG If I hear Paul say “PISSSSSSSSSSSSSED” one more time I am going to scratch my eyes out.
        He is the epitome of Hipster Vomit!!

        1. Be careful “homegirl” if you make “your boy” “pissed” he will “clip” you. This is not a game, this is about “friendship” I would “bet my balls on it”

          1. Paulie has morphed into Paul. They are clones that use the same verbiage and mannerisms. They’re vile and disgusting morons. They scream look at me, pay attention to how “cool and powerful” I am. Again I say thank you OBB for this site. Reading what’s going on and then the posts help vent my frustrations.

            1. Paulie morphs in to every single guy in there. It all depends on who’s ass he has to kiss. He’s got them all down pat and they are all too stupid to realize what he’s doing and that he has a final 2 with almost all of them…

        1. LOL! Yup, been calling him that since the first week million! He sooooo looks like a muppet!?! Don’t get me started about the beard or boner stuff…

    2. Production needs to tell Paul that America hates him along with his words and his using the F word with Paulie……..they are vile people Probably will skip watching this week. I would rather have Austin back in the house in place of these idiots

      1. This is one of the worst seasons ever. I may stop watching altogether. I enjoy a “villan” in the house, but not these despicable people.

  3. Paulie has no shame when it comes to trying to trying to influence the HOH. I’m surprised nobody else has thought about his influence besides Day. That’s the only reason he wants Nat and Day out because they are unpredictable.
    This week might be a snooze unless an argument happens that changes things.
    Funny seeing Nicole get jealous with Corey with Nat when she was just bitching to everybody about Zak being jealous. I hope they send her hypocritical ass home in the next few weeks.
    Paul is a decent player he went from being a pawn and expendable to getting an HOH during jury phase. Wouldn’t it be FrIeNDsHIp if he put Corey or Paulie up and done of em went home ????????????????????????????

  4. If they pass up another chance to evict Paulie they deserve to lose….he s basically controlling the house since week 2..even a blind person should see that

    1. No, I hope Da wins it, takes Brigette off (or keeps it the same) and they flip it to vote out Paulie or whoever the pawn is. I just hope it’s not Natalie. It needs to be Paulie or Corey.

  5. Did I read that right? Did Paul-uka say he forced his assistant to blow him? Even though it is just another one of his far fetched stories it is a new low for someone I didn’t think I could have less respect for. Don’t you just love people who have been everywhere and done everything? Bring up any subject and they have either been the and done that or have done something even better “yea magic, I used to be a magician” Most of us have run into one of them at some point (mostly in high school) Totally random but I wonder if he dipped his face in a pan of cooking oil before last night’s show. He had so much beard juice shining in the DR (at least he offset it with the pink headband) Just when I think he can’t get any lower or shallow he drains a little more water out of the pool. PP is exactly right, these two are clearly a couple of di*ks.

      1. Thank-you sir I was like WTF! Still a tall Paul-uka tale but at least he isn’t bragging about a sexual assault.

    1. That disgusting little two faced troll had such venom for Frank, being a “bully” & “misogynist”,: Homeboy had no clue about the game, he supposedly forced a girl to blow him (a crime & gross). The PP banter is 8th grade at best. HATE him. Delusional and low on the food chain!

  6. That troll looking F*ckboy is HOH? FML…more DR sessions where he claims he’s “your boy”. Someone punch his in his face! And i guess i missed why everyone’s pissed at Natalie. It sounds petty. With Frank gone are they just picking new people to hate on for no reason? Is everyone still not picking Brigette for Care package? She’s not likely to make it to next week, and i don’t want to reward anyone else in the house with that pass and make them feel like we actually like them.

      1. If people don’t want Paulie to win any other care packages..don’t vote for him. I doubt as weeks go on people are going to vote for him as he’s already got enough power in the house. I voted Bridgette for this one, next week ill pick Da’vonne (if she’s on the block next week that could help it flip, even though i’m not a fan of hers) And the last 2 weeks are between James and Natalie. Hopefully in 2 weeks they’ll realize they’re at the bottom of the totem pole and make a big move.

        1. I’m not so sure about that. A lot of people on the feeds are saying Paulie will win bc of all the Derrick/Cody minions.

    1. If we give Bridgette the No-More-HaveNots, we’ll save the real “powers” for someone who may actually use them to get out Nicorey or the Pauls and as an added bonus the “mean girls” will totally be thinking WTF! I can already see pathetic meech having a full breakdown realizing America really does hate HER not Bridgette!!!
      Vote Care package for Bridgette!!

  7. Simon and Dawg,

    have you both considered getting on big brother? would be awesome to see you both as houseguests. We would root for you

      1. Thank God for OBB! Simon I appreciate this site so much, especially now! I can’t stay sane and watch the feeds while Paul is in the house. As soon as he speaks I feel annoyed and anger! Thanks for all you do:)

    1. If Simon and Dawg go on Big Brother, who will provide feed coverage for those unable or unwilling to listen to the endless crap spewing forth from these idiots?

  8. this is really tough to watch, im rooting for Bridgette but if she goes home then i have no choice but to hope that Da can get Paulie/Paul out

    1. The only thing I’m rooting for this week is for Paul to go on such a ridiculous power trip that the entire house wants him out.

  9. This squabbling over who should be the pawn could be the start of something. Everyone wanting Nat up could get James going. The vets could compare notes and realize that PP is telling Da that Nic needs to go and vice versa. And they could tell James that after Bridgette Nat has been mentioned as the next girl to “clip”. Those 3 plus Vic and Meech and Bye Bye godfather Paulie on Paul’s watch. Epic but highly unlikely. Sigh…..

  10. I can’t believe these assholes. Now they are bad mouthing Victor. They love to talk about “friendship” but as soon as Victor leaves the room they talk crap about him. I despise these people.

    1. Too cocky to realize that you can’t win if you piss people off. They know he’s not happy but they don’t care. I so hope that it comes back to bite them.

  11. Z calling someone else a floater is so laughable, evoking rachel Reillys name who played toe ta toe w dudes in two seasons Wtf is she smoking

    1. I was thinking the same thing! Con Corleone says “Natalie is the definition of a floater” and MAX-Z is like “yeeessss” I almost fell out of my wheelchair!! In the same breath she says “I feel bad about not winning anything I am letting peoples down” Has MAX-Z even been in the running or close to winning anything? She is always one of the first ones out. And calling other people bitch*s for crying when she was just crying over Con Corleone the other night and offering herself up to someone else to teach him a lesson. The only thing she does is hang all over the Con and say “you right, you right” She would need to play better to even be a floater.

    2. Right. Z said yesssss about the Rachael comment and I’m thinking Rachael would’ve tore you a new asshole too Z. Smh. She is the epitome of needing to grab a life vest.

    3. Z is just self absorbed and ignorant. She’s nothing more than a decoration in the house with a mouth. Useless and shallow.

      1. She’s the biggest floater in BB history, and she’s not even that good looking, especially when you take the pound of makeup off her face.

  12. Paul & Paulie are the root of all the ugliness this season.

    You can see Paulie laying the seeds for the next 4 evictions


    So now he’s setting up and faking anger about Natalie to arose the rest of his pack to get mad at her too.

    When the hell are these people going to wake up and realize they’re all going to be picked off 1 by 1 unless they join forces and get rid of the core problem.

    Paul and Paulie need to go.

    1. You can thank James spineless ass for turning this season into a sh*thole worried about the house getting mad at him when none of them can win comps except maybe 1-2 people at the most

  13. On another note…I pray Renée G. on BBUK sniffs out that rat Frankie and gives him the beatdown he deserves!

  14. I have no idea where to begin with this crew. I do know I need someone not under Paulie’s influence to win HOH but those folks are far and few between.
    James is really pissing me off this season: he stood 5+ hours in an endurance comp and still had to have it thrown to him and then gave his HOH away to Paulie.
    I honestly believe Meech and Da’ are playing the best games so far….Meech never gets mentioned come nomination time and Da’ is perceptive, apparently good at endurance (she should not have tossed that HOH) and works with Paulie just enough to extend her lifeline one week at a time. Yes, her name comes up every nomination and she has been on the block but she manages to stay in the game and did not have the team protection Frank had.
    Paulie…not sure if he is playing the game or just is working with a bunch of sheep who ar enthralled by his “status” of being friends with the great Derrick. However, this just points out how idiotic this houseguests are: the man was trained/taught by the Season 16 winner and they don’t see a reason to nominate him or put him up. I was rooting for him but he is exactly the type of man and person I learned a long time ago to steer clear of.
    Natalie is a pawn but instead of either embracing the role or winning shit to break the stereotype, she is whining about it…to James, low man on the totem pole.
    Victor…I had high hopes for him upon his return but he is a male Natalie with a target on his back bigger than Frank and Da’s combined.
    Paul…if alcohol were alcohol, he would have died of alcoholic poisoning by now,
    Not a fan of Nicole, Corey or Bridgette….just waiting for them all to get blown up and leave.

  15. The girls could really shake things up this week………….and I’d love to see it.

    If Paulie is up on the block with either Bridgette or Da’Vonne it will be 5 girls voting against 3 guys voting.

    The guys would absolutely crap there pants if the girls voted Paulie out in a surprise vote.

    Now that would be entertaining………………not this same old predictable crap that they’re running through right now.

    If they continue with this predictable crap of singling our one person and then having the whole house turn on that one person this will end up being the worst season of BB ever.

    1. The girls getting together to oust Paulie would be a dream were it to happen, but there’s one major flaw in that plan: Zakiyah

      This chick is PATHETIC. She will sell out all the other girls in exchange for 10 minutes of attention from Paulie….. so there’s no way in hell she’s voting him out. Does she know that she’s being recorded? Has she never thought to herself “Hey, I might be looking like an obsessed psycho on national television.” She’s a fool.

  16. What is with this “your boy” crap?
    First it was Paul (barf), then I heard Frank saying it, and now Victor is using it. Gross.
    I am pulling for Bridgette at this point. She’s the one that I hate least.

  17. Why can’t they realise that this game move only benefits Paulie and not them. Paulie’s excuse to James was Bridgette is targeting less people. Yeah,James one of those targets is you. Paul would of not a been a target to Da’Vonne right away she would of went after the couples first. Also Nicole waking up Natalie to be the pawn because she didn’t want to be the pawn was so selfish.

  18. Dept of health will visit hooters in the near future. Regrettably they will forever be linked in my mind. In general this is one sicko season. Should I worry that I watch?

  19. Just watching BB14 for a second time to get a bit more Frank in me. One thing I notice is although there is a lot of tension there is much less bitchiness between the house guests. I honestly think casting made a mistake this year. They cast too many people who are punitive. One or two is ok but I feel like 6 or 7 of them are useless, catty floaters this year.

      1. oh $hit..i dont have the feeds…so they are actually saying “never cared” every few seconds..jeez must be annoying as hell to listen to. Thanks for clearing that up
        wow! Friendship crap is annoying enough!!

          1. You have to understand they have a limited vocabulary. Since the morphing began so has the language they speak. It won’t be long until it starts spreading to the females in the house. They will start shaving the sides of their heads soon. A little like Manson followers. BB no longer has anyone who truly plays as individuals. (Lol)

            1. The problem is too many idiots in their early 20’s, they need to cast more people in their 30’s and even a few older, more diversity, then they are less likely to become clones of one another. these people are like a flock of sheep, sheep all following the herd, This is now the worst season of BB ever, at least Frank was funny, just too bad he was to trusting of little rats like Nicole and James ” his word is his bond” And no reason to be so damn mean Paul, is a sickening troll and these catty girls are disgusting bullies, all idiots in the house of sheep. Following Paulie around BaaaaBaaaaBaaaa

          2. And “your boy”… I don’t know how you and Dawg can stand to watch so much of it. Thanks for sparing the rest of us.

    1. Is it as bad as Dude, Bro of season 16 I think. I try not to think of the season that should not be named…

  20. I’d love to see Paulie, Corey, Nicole, or Da’Vonne on the block this week…it may be a target someone would take a whack at.

    1. He’s a designer??? Sure doesn’t show up in his clothing choices. You’d think he’d want to show some of his clothes off. What he wears is absolutely ugly!!!

      1. He sells T-shirts, puts a skull on them that sort of thing I would not rate him as a true clothing designer. We can all put an image on a sweatshirt, t-shirt it does not take much talent.

  21. Zak making fun of Natalie because Natalie doesn’t wanna be used as a pawn AGAIN. Bitch, why don’t you get your ass up on the block? I don’t see you volunteering either. And you can’t win shit.

    1. I cannot believe how self unaware these people are! Not one of them! Maybe it’s because of their age, lack of life experience or even the feeling of entitlement. Whatever it is… They suck!

  22. I would love to see Paul Nominate Bridgette and Paulie as the pawn this week. Then in a perfect world Da would win the Veto and all the crap Paulie has been talking about getting her out of the house would come to light. Then she would use the veto on Bridgette and Paulie would be stuck up on the block with someone else, begging for his FRIEND to bake him some MUFFINS so he could offer those in exchange for votes !!!!
    BUT – Paul is too much of a wuss and he is too scared of Bridgette he wants her gone. I don’t see him not getting rid of her this week. The easiest way to get rid of her is to put Corey up with her because he can’t win anything, AND he is scared of his own shadow in that house or maybe it’s just because he looks at all the guys when they aren’t watching !!!!

    1. Paul may want Bridgette gone but most of the rest of the house are more concerned with some other target. Michelle is really the only one spoiling to get her out. Zakiyah will get out whoever isn’t her and will do what Paulie tells her to, Da’Vonne would be willing to overlook Bridgette for Paulie or Nicole if she thinks she could get away with it. It’s possible that someone sitting next to Bridgette may be the one to go. Much like Donny in his season, at least I think it was Donny.

  23. It’s cute how Paul thinks he is running his own HOH when we all know Paulie is running it. It’s delusional how Nicole thinks she has the power to influence a jury. It’s sad that James just now figured out where he ranks on the totem pole instead of figuring it last week when it could have made a difference. (Oh, that’s right-Paulie ran that HOH too.) IF Paulie takes the pawn seat and the house does not take advantage of this situation to get him out, they are trully the most pathetic group ever.
    Paul-Should have seen Paulie’s influence over every HOH but, let’s face it-he’s an idiot. He wouldn’t vote unless it was a tie.
    Bridgette-She shouldn’t trust Paul but, actually she can’t trust anyone. She wouldn’t vote unless she pulled herself off the block.
    Zakiyah-She needs a man. She is not voting Paulie out of the house.
    Michelle-She hates Bridgette too much to not vote her out when she has the chance.
    James-Not the brightest crayon in the box but, I think he is sick of Paulie winning, I mean running, HOH every week. I think he is sick of Paulie pushing Da when James knows Da would be good for his own game. Paulie pressured him last week telling him he ‘Had To’ break his deal. I think he figured out (finally) that he ranks on the bottom. He also knows that Paulie is the main one pushing to ‘clip’ all the girls. James doesn’t want to sit in a house full of boys all summer, especially not without Nat.
    Natalie-She would vote with James. She has said she does not trust Paulie.
    DaVonne-She has been waiting for the opportunity to slice Paulie. This would be the cherry on top of the sundae that Frank’s eviction was.
    Victor-There really shouldn’t be a question. He should vote out Paulie. For some reason these ‘bros’ get in a room together and it’s like one shared brain between them. Victor seems to have joined the cult of Paulie, but maybe he is just doing a really good job of hiding things. Maybe he does remember why he got evicted the first time. Maybe he will have a Michelle-like meltdown and admit that he is jealous of Paulie because Paul and Victor used to be super close and then Paulie swooped in and stole little P from Vic. I need him to vote out Paulie for my own sanity and because the next two are the biggest questions so we need Vic’s vote.
    Corey and Nicole are probably going to continue voting together and making decisions together. Paulie has made decisions for the alliance, invited others in and then moved them up the ranks (little P) without including Corey in those decisions. I think Corey has had second thoughts about his alliance but he’s also somewhat of a wishy washy coward so…I don’t have much faith. I don’t think he would vote Paulie out unless Nicole persuaded him to. Nicole should know. She is a vet. She has seen what the boy’s club can do. She knows Cody and Derrick and should realize that Paulie as a threat because of that connection was always more real than Tiffany as a threat because of Vanessa. She should want to make a big move. But mentally, she still seems like a teenage girl. Sometimes having cute boys around pumping up your ego is more important than winning the game.

    1. Ugh completely agree. Especially disappointed in James and his decision last week. James was aware that Paulie was the leader but I guess he thought he ranked higher in the ranks. Still disappointed in that game, he was just seeking Paulie’s protection and he just realized that Paulie does not care much for him and Natalie. Maybe he should have listened to Nat and used her connection with Bridgette to team up with Frank. He also had the perfect excuse: he broke his word last season and he could not do that two seasons in a row or else people would not trust him (and making deals in front of the whole house is different than breaking deals made privately which should be taken with a grain of salt imho). Under that excuse, he could have protected Bridgette and Frank, they would not go after him and the house would have had bigger targets to worry about than James. Good for you for figuring it out this week James. Sometimes it is one decision that tanks your game in the BB house and this might have been yours.

  24. Y’all might be in trouble. Paul has proven he is no joke. He figured out the secret room before any one else and he just won HoH. That happens sometimes when you leave a rat in your house so you know it’s PnP all the way. The rest of all y’all, GG. Most will be happy to get drunk and play footsies in the jury house though so no biggie.

    1. If Paul has proven anything, it’s how much of a joke he really is. I bet he thinks #friendship is trending right now.

    2. 8 down votes? that was NOT a pro Paul post. If you thought so then your bad. It’s obvious Paul can compete and he’s aligned with another strong player and knows how to play back and forth like that gay weasel (I can’t remember his name right now) did so the point was he might sneak up on the rest of the house and do some damage.

  25. Would be amazing if Da or Bridgette won PoV and kept noms the same, the mess would blow up in their face. Just the thought of it is priceless, MAKE IT HAPPEN PLZ.

    1. imagine if Bridgette won POV? The bullying that will occur? thats when BB better step in and make it clear that the public has not been happy with Paul..that will shut the Fu%×er up once and for all!

    2. Why would Bridgette leave the Noms the same?? That’s even more stupid than Paulie volunteering to be a pawn!

    3. In my dreams Brig wins POV and Z is placed up there with Paulie but we all know that won’t happen. Nat will probably be up there as I don’t think Paul really wants Da up.

  26. OMG….Once they vote Da’ out there will officially be no one playing the game. These house guest are so stupid they are just handing Paulie the 500K. Arghhhh…. . this is so aggravating to watch.

  27. This is without a doubt the wackest season of big brother I’ve ever wasted a second of my life watching. I’m glad I stopped wasting them a few weeks ago. I’ve tried wasting a few second since, because nat’s boobs, but this shit is just too wack!

    One good season since 2009 already wasn’t cutting it, but this bullshit… smh

    1. It occurred to me recently that I might only be watching now because Nat is hot. When she goes I think I will too.

  28. I really want Natalie to win HOH and get Paulie evicted. She’s my only hope because Zakiyah, Michelle, and Nicole are clearly a lost cause!!

    1. What has Natalie done that makes you believe she is likely to win a competition? Counting on Natalie to get something done is an exercise in futility.

      1. Maybe Natalie will pull a Jordan and start kicking butt later in the season. I mean she is athletic, it’s not out of the realm of possibility

    2. I agree!! I’m starting to think she is the only hope. It’s funny because when I first saw her I totally didn’t think she would figure out as much as she has.

  29. I can’t stand reading it so I don’t know how you can stand watching it, did they really say “never cared” that many times? Morons all of them, I can’t take their vocabulary anymore, friendship, PP, don’t care, never cared, I want to pull my hair out. Love how awful they talk about the girls in the house and girls outside the house and yet they were so terribly offended by Frank. What a bunch of misogynistic douchebags.

  30. Any reason to hate on someone. I mean why do these people think Natalie’s boobs are any of their damn business anyway?

  31. Just checked out all the care packages that can be sent….. Ugh I don’t want to send ANY of those to ANY of these hg’s. Eliminate Two Votes, Co HOH, HOH Bribe, Super Safety…. Ugh. Why couldn’t any of those be this week? If anyone is interested in making a big move then I will totally vote…..

  32. One of the risks of being HOH is getting blood on your hands.

    Why are these idiots letting Paul play this pawn volunteer crap.

    They should be forcing him to make his own selection for who he wants to be the pawn.

    I swear none of the fools know how to play this game.

    Stop making it easy for him.

  33. Just to make more people annoyed …… Just watched Celebrity BB UK First episode from last night and guess who is on it this Summer ? – None other than Frankie Grande !!!! – I think I just threw up again typing this.

    1. I hope Renee Graziano see through his crap and rips him a new a-hole! Take warning, Frankie…do not mess with a Mob Wife or your bright light WILL go dim!!!!

      1. You can watch on Y – Tube Just type in Celebrity BB UK – Just started last night. The most recent Season. They have a channel you can watch from. – No need to subscribe.

  34. James is the new Paul for me. Him and his “game” just annoys me.
    I don’t particularly care for Da but at least she is actively playing the best game she can considering she is not good at challenges.
    Paul… I can’t.
    Meech go back to 6th grade.
    There is always that one cast member you keep forgetting, I am talk to you Z.
    Paulie if you are so confident for the love of God make some ballsy moves already!

  35. Of all the reasons to hate Paul…and there are so many, the fake Napoleon, fake tough guy act, the bullsh*t claims of being a model, having hot girls mouth rape him, the constant sh*t talk and bashing people…the only one that bugs me to no end is the treatment of Vic.

    This is a game. Your’re supposed to want to win. Victor is ally-less, he’s all but proclaimed his devotion to Paul and it’s legit, which Paul has reason to believe since he stood by him through eviction…this is the person you embrace, work to get him 100% accepted by your other allies because he will take you to the end if given the choice….you don’t act like a catty girl, trashing him to the cool kid table, and you don’t clock him as easy to eliminate.

    It’s fine to be an insufferable brat….but playing the game for Paulie is unforgivable…

  36. *****SNORE*****
    Maybe its because Im an old lady now whos been watching for over a deacade ;)….But This season is full of gutless, non competitive, immature & whining brats! Bunch of immature narcissistic boys and mean/jealous/insecure girls acting like they’re still in highschool.

    EVERYONE who’s won a comp seems to win out of pure luck, No one has any real stradegies for the comps or the Game of Big Brother.

    Don’t have to be a psychic for this boring & predictable season.. *Super Duper Lameo! *

    However, I Will at least give credit and say it is amusing to see this narcissistic group of clowns try to convince themselves that they are making this one of the best seasons ever. ***Pffft***

    Can someone just please wake me if they actually start playing BIG BROTHER how it was meant to be played, otherwise I think I’d rather another 2 months of watching more political conventions hahaha. 😉

  37. This week appears to be the a lost cause. After the get Bridgett out. Let’s all pray that someone with their own mind wins HOH like Day or Natalie. Day already said she would post up Corey and Nicole if one of em pull there self off she will pull the Paulie up. Natalie will definitely post Paulie and Paul up with the replacement being Nicole. Everyone else in the house is working on a timeline Bridget,Day,Victor, Michele. It’s sucks how predictable this season has turned.
    It would even be exciting if production laced laxatives in PP food before a competition lol, give us something CBS, Julie Chen, the BBGods

  38. Other news…. because Paul is basically is paulie’s bitch and this is paulie’s HOH and I can’t stand hearing ” your boy”,”PISSED”,”friendship”, “homeboy” ,”homegirl”,”never cared”, and “don’t care”.
    I like the cast of celebrity BB UK except frankie grande which I don’t get how nobody booed him when he was walking on stage ugh…. just everything about him is fake and his damn glitter everyone else seems pretty chill and I’m liking the atmosphere so far .

  39. There is potential in this season. I don’t like her but Da’Vonne has attitude even if she can’t win fries during McDonald’s Monopoly. Victor may be willing to put up someone with some power and he can win stuff. Paulie is pushing multiple targets and that could come back to bite him if anyone talks about it, James and Natalie are at the spot James and Meg were at although they aren’t main targets yet so they may be willing to do something crazy. Corey could win something and I think he could be swayed if you could convince him it’ll be his shot at the prize, man, girl, or money. Michelle has little loyalty and may be willing to smother a girl if she thought she’d get away with it. Bridgette, if she stays, could do some damage, she can win and has several power positions she’ll be willing to take a swing at.

    Any of that is predicated on someone being willing to break some eggs and make an omelet. (I refuse to use the blood saying!)

    1. Hahaha @ “Even if she can’t win fries in McDonald’s Monopoly game” hahahahahaha Yaasssssss!!!!!
      (Story of my life too ha)

  40. Another thing…James won two “endurance” comps. Both of those were comps where you had to stand still and do next to nothing…kind of like his game.

  41. Seems the only thing getting played here are the fans and I. I dont know about you all, but day after day, I keep tuning in HOPING I’ll finally start seeing a GAME being played, but NOPE, I consistently get duped, when every time I’ve tuned in and it turns out the same; a bunch of clueless & gutless wussies who just cuddle/sleep, eat, whine, & repeat.

    Somebody call Guinness book of World Records, Cause, Whoever wins this season, will have won the EASIEST/Didn’t have to do a thing $500,000 dollars in the history of money winning. Ha

    And yes…I am jealous I can’t win half a million for sleeping, eating whining and complaining…and so are you!! Haha 😉 😉

  42. Ps THANK YOU for Onlinebigbrother, at least here I get to read all the hilarious comments and see how others would ACTUALLY PLAY the game and moves/strategies they would make…seems to be The ONLY Big Brother related ACTUAL entertainment I’ll be getting this year! So Hats off crew, I thank you for this website!

  43. I think Paulie or Corey would be great for Never Have Not pass I don’t want to see Paulie or Corey have any advantage id like to see a good person like James Natalie Bridgette Day have an advantage I’m torn between who goes this week either Day or Bridgette but id rather have Bridgette cause shes a competitor going into the next week if one of them wins things will start shaking up James will take girls over guys and out of all the guys James is most likeable ive always been a fan of his and don’t plan on turning on him. if you all remember right Frank was the one who said he doesn’t need to make it to jury cause he has a kid. So I hope everyone votes wisely so Paulies power gets knocked down a notch I know no one believes me but if James won another big HOH he will make a big move I actually think he threw OTEV hoping he could take out Victor again but I will say one thing don’t think James is just gonna lay down and die considering previous alumni had told him to lay low and throw comps till the right time and that’s what he will do

  44. Please get Da out this week…Bridgette is no threat….Paul has no loyalty whatsoever does he he’s Vic’s best friend the first couple weeks now he’s talking s*it about him….Hey Paul I’d much rather hang out with Vic than you any day. I hope Paul goes soon like next week!

  45. Finding it totally hilarious that Z is talking so disdainfully about floaters. Check the mirror, Z. You are the definition of a floater.

  46. I think everyone should vote Glen for AFP. He is the only one that does not annoy me, of course he went out first, so he never had a chance to annoy the viewers. But the way I see it, being first out this year should be awarded. These people stink! Everyone should thank Simon and Dwag for sacrificing their health in watching this garbage. By the end of the season I will be surprised if they are not hemorrhaging from their eyes, and nose.

    1. Not happy at all that she got this!
      Now she is eligible for the others that powers that could help save her and it is making the mean girls even meaner.

  47. I am ticked that Nat got the 1st Care Package! What are people thinking???? Now she has no reason to not go up on the block plus it paints a target on her back.

      1. Her getting this package paints a target on her back .. these people will get jealous and want her out they will think she is America’s favourite. I wanted her to get a package further down the road. I was hoping Paulie would get this one to make the HG’s wake up.

  48. Not-Codyis trying to play Derrick’s game. However home boy forgot one thing. Don’t be pissed enough to volunteer to go on the block because you never cared. Friendship only takes you so far. Then you have to rip your own balls of and thrown them in your boy’s face.
    With that said, Not-Cody doesn’t want Bridgette gone because he needs a Victim, er Victoria. Max-Z doesn’t work, because she’ll rip his balls right off,if he try’s to cut her out in third place.
    He can’t keep Meech, Nicole, or Day around, to dangerous to the boys club.
    Natalie belongs with James, who is also on his hit list.
    Poor old Paul, without his balls to support him is playing Caleb’s part. Not-Cody is NOT taking him to the end. He’s too much a RatAndy. Despite Not-Cody saying he only watch the one season and spoke to Derrick. I think he watch a few more.
    Victor is just as much a non-entity as well, Victoria. But, still won’t make it to the end.
    Not-Cody plans on Googley Eye, aka Corey to be his ride or die bro.
    He needs pretty and dumb to frame his strategy and win.

  49. What is Paulie doing.. target Tiff, Frank , Da… he will be left with a bunch of kids and he will be the next target.. this people are dumb YOU NEED to keep the targets around, unless you’re Victoria, but if you’re a threat, keep them! i bet if he gets Day out, his next target will be James.

  50. Paul is an idiot if he puts up Bridge.

    A. she is not going after him
    B. what a WASTE of an hoh

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