“You’re going to have to control me when I’m HOH & I want to take off Kaitlyn’s head!”

POV: Tyler Next POV: July 7th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 9th
HOH: Kaitlyn Next HOH: July 12th
Noms: Winston, Scottie Have Nots ?

6:10pm Hammock. Angela and Winston. Winston – you’re safe this week. Angela – you don’t know that, if he (Swag) has the power. Scottie gets pulled off, he gets put up, he pulls himself off.. she’s got to put someone else up. Winston – she said she would put up Bayleigh. Angela – oh really? Okay, that’s good to know. Winston – you’re fine. She was going to put up Kaycee but we talked her out of it. The only reason she thought Kaycee is because she hadn’t talked to her this week. Swag is acting really safe this week. Angela – Fez and I would be friends outside of this but Swaggy I just don’t know. I would have to see on a personal level to just see if we would vibe as friends. Winston – he is just young and impressionable. He tries to carry such a hard ego. Angela – like everyone else I just know we would be like this (crosses her fingers). Swaggy I just can’t read. And everything he says to me just doesn’t feel authentic or real. Winston – yeah. Angela – I don’t know maybe he will act totally different outside of here and we’ll be best friends. He is going to be living in LA so I know we will be hanging out. I’ll introduce him to my friend group and let them decide. Winston – I already know how that will go. Angela – Fez will fit right in. I don’t know about Kaitlyn …she might clash with them. She is funny, like legitimately funny. I just don’t know if people always understand that she’s being funny. Its really funny that Sam though you and Rachel were in a showmance. Winston – that is hysterical. Angela – It makes me question a few things.. like what are you seeing. Winston – she (Rachel) follows Brett around like a lost puppy. Its cute, its fine. But I can tell that Brett is fully aware of it. Angela – does it annoy him? Winston – no, who knows they might even get together outside of here. Angela – I don’t know I feel like Brett needs someone a bit more even keel .. to bring home to mama. Winston – he is returning the flirt. Angela – like he is to everyone.

6:50pm Storage room. Brett & Winston. Brett – you’ve got to relax. That is normal behavior. Winston – for Kaitlyn? Brett – yes. Dude, she’s been doing it to Scottie all week. I mean I don’t think its good gameplay. Winston – no. I agree. Brett – I’m just saying its not out of the ordinary. She’s doing what she’s supposed to be doing. Winston – I’m telling you, though I’m losing it. Brett – and I am telling you, you’re over thinking it. Winston – She said it right in front of Swaggy! Brett – right. That’s perfect. Winston – All I have to say is you’re going to have to control me when I am HOH and I want to take off Kaitlyn’s head. And I would never do that. I would never do that but you’ve got to keep me steady. Brett – all I have to say is don’t erase that comment. Bury it in your mind. That’s why I say its not good gameplay… first off you put me on the block and you’re a f**king a$$hole. Winston – it is a good thing because then I can use her as a pawn. Brett – she’s been doing this the whole time and we’ve been doing exactly what we’re supposed to be doing. Winston – right.

6:30pm Backyard. Sam, Rockstar and JC. JC – Did you ever have a lesbian experience? Sam – Yes, but purely experimental. Something that I’ve been embarrassed about is being
a very sexual person(Sam puts up her middle fingers so that CBS won’t use the footage on the TV show.)

7pm Kaitlyn gets the HOH internet sunglasses. They start recording and posting messages.

7:05pm HOH room. Brett, Fez and Kaitlyn. Brett – I need to go F**KING workout! I need to get these ribbed em for the honeys for when we get out of here. Do you want me to be single forever?! I’LL DIE ALONE OKAY! YOU’VE ALREADY GOT GEPETTO!

7:30pm Big Brother switches the feeds to the BB re-runs.. not sure why probably for Rachel’s punishment of being roasted.

7:40pm The live feeds return.

Rockstar – I don’t run around here running my fingers through peoples hair so I had to think of a different way to .. I knew there were going to be showmances and sh*t but there were things that I expected and things that I didn’t expect. I really didn’t think I would be cast as the .. they always have two older people. Fez – no usually one. Haleigh joins them.

8:20pm Scottie and Tyler. Tyler – We do what we can in the big brother house. Scottie – gotta act crazy to get attention. Tyler – trying to trend around here guys. Scottie – people on Pop probably vote. Tyler – hey Pop tv get us trending! Don’t get me not trending. That’s what I’m worried about. Scottie – I think I have a legit shot next week. Tyler – I think I do too. Scottie – because over this week Steve goes, Swaggie and I doing the fashion thing, I get nom’d .. and then we’re at where we’re at right now. Scottie – I don’t really want it, I just don’t want other people to have it.

9:08pm – 9:20pm Hammock. Rachel and Kaycee. Kaycee – I heard Kaitlyn told Haleigh about the plan. Rochel – yeah she did. Kaycee – it happened for real? Rachel – yes. And she’s on board. Confirmed. She’s not telling the others till that day. Kaycee – its crazy she trusted her to keep a secret.

Angela joins them. Angela – you know that bathing suit .. the bars used to be gold. The chlorine took the gold off, that’s how strong it is. Kaycee – they’re trying to kill us. Angela – my v@gina was legit on fire. Like what is in here!? Kaycee – you were in there for a minute though.

10pm The hot tub crew are playing never have I ever.

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28 thoughts to ““You’re going to have to control me when I’m HOH & I want to take off Kaitlyn’s head!””

  1. I still can’t believe Kaitlyn couldn’t keep her mouth shut about Swaggy going up. There goes the big blindside plan. Would’ve been really fun to see happen. Now it’s just going to be a normal fight.


  2. I am living for the feeds tomorrow after the veto meeting…. although Kaitlyn is unpredictable and could change her mind 20x between now and then. Wonder if Swagz will give another shoutout to America tomorrow with another “ F**k You, America”

    1. His reaction to not getting the Power App on tonight’s show was completely arrogant and quite demanding. I just hope that’s not what he is like in the real world. Major narcissistic entitlement syndrome, IMHO.

      The nice thing about Big Brother is that he will be able to look back on all of this and positively reflect on his actions and words. Hopefully he will make the most of it.

      1. Yeah, he’s a young guy, after the show ends, watching the episodes and reading the blogs, hopefully he’ll reflect and get that personality in-check a bit. Found it interesting after being denied access in the App Store when he said, “I’m in a showmance, what else does America want from me?” Guess he forgot about all the showmances that got them evicted.

      2. Are you kidding? I’d bet my husband’s left nut (and I love him very much) that he’s exactly like that off the show. Probably worse. When he watches the show afterwards, and he’s too vain not to, he won’t even recognize his faults, let alone learn anything from them. I sure hope the backdoor plan works out. I want him to ‘gets to steppin”, as Boogie used to say!


  3. the group sucks this year. they are ugly and boring. worst year ever. not following for first time

  4. i am so glad Tyler got the power and not SHAGGY…. sorry this guy has no swag… he has no manners ,,, his feelings for the american people are sad… he thinks his sheat dont stink .. he feels all whites should bow down before him … and no one and i mean no one has the right to call anyone STUPID or IDIOT .. and he uses those often .. please please please follow through and put SHAGGY up ..

    1. He has whined and complained since day 1. He isn’t even entertaining like I thought he would be. Always has that sullen look on his face like he is pissed at everyone. The only people in his alliance that can trust him is Bayleigh–and actually he would drop her like a hot potato if she got in his way in this game.

  5. That nasty thing that calls herself “rockstar” just said she hates white people. Where do they get these scum of the earth people from?

    1. The things that Rockstar says are very disturbing. She’s filled with a lot of jealousy and resentment. Hopefully she’s not around long.

  6. Kaitlyn’s. play is starting to remind me of big brother 15. When Helen threw her whole alliance under the bus in favor of the ruling alliance. Then they kicked her off too!

  7. Where’s the convo with rockstar & Bayleigh…I wanted to know what they were talking about. It’s hard wanting to talk about big brother with others that aren’t of color. It’s never the other side of the coin being discussed

  8. I feel like I am left out of the avatar crew.

    When I hit settings the only option that comes up is ‘delete all my comments’ lol. No change avatar option.

    I have been going all season with the notion that this site hates my Samsung phone and me;-0

    Ok moving on…

    I’d just like to say that RockStar implying that America has not given Bayleigh or Swag the Power App because they are black is so disgusting of her to say. Like she is trying to say America has loved every couple but them. There are so many reasons people do not like Swag and Bay. None of them being race.

  9. I’m shocked haleigh didn’t tell rockstar kaitlyn plan. I guess its kind of a good strategy for her though. I love how JC is totally clueless and keeps giving people terrible advice.

    1. I’m thinking more and more that Haleigh isn’t as vapid as I thought. She may be seeing the shifting power and she wants to hold on to Angie as a number but she’s looking to jump ship from FOUTTE.

  10. Cant wait for the veto. Tyler is really the biggest surprise of this season so far! cant get why a guy with such a grasp can be a life guard or whatever rather than successful

    1. Who says being a lifeguard is not a success?

      Please go tell a parent of a child saved by a lifeguard that said lifeguard is a failure at life.

      Tyler has said he loves the sea. His biggest love in life he gets to be near everyday and gets paid for it. I also would caution you not to judge someones success or failure in life based only on what job/career they have.

    2. If your bills are paid and you can do whatever you really want all day, is that a failure? Some people aren’t about having the most shiny stuff.

  11. I don’t know what’s more satisfying , watch winston evicted out of nowhere, watch swaggy going up& evicted or watch swaggy got the crap app?? sorry..

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