Your boy won HOH! “As long as he puts those two (Terrance & Alyssa) up, we’re good!”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head Of HouseHold: Turner
POV Players: 
POV Winner: 
Veto Ceremony:

Lock your ranks in before midnight

10pm The live feeds return after being blocked for the HOH competition.

TURNER WON the HOH Competition!

Turner – so could you tell when Hayden wrote the second HOH letter, could you tell that it was more recent? Michael – yeah. Turner – oh so you could tell. I did say please Meghan.. if not my mom. Taylor – this man is going to need a designated letter reader. Turner – who? Taylor – you. Turner – oh yeah, it will be bad again. I hope to god its a Meghan letter bro! I think I only submitted like 5 pics though so I hope they got more. There was a pic of me and Meghan doing Van life together. I hope it there.

Storage room – Michael and Taylor.
Taylor – do you think he will put up Terrance? Michael – when he (Terrance) did just put him (Turner) up so easy but.. Taylor – I literally want to go out there and be like so are we still the Leftovers?! Michael – I don’t know, we’ll check in. As long as he puts those two (Terrance & Alyssa) up, we’re good! No matter what!

10:12pm Storage room – Terrance and Taylor
Taylor – she had a whole fake alliance called Girls Girls but excluded me on purpose. Terrance – I heard about that G. Your boy wasn’t build ford tough to say the least. Taylor – yeah. I know exactly what you’re talking about .. I have ford in my blood. I had a feeling you would put up Kyle and Joseph. Terrance – I had to .. neither one of them were really talking and it just seemed sketchy. I may regret that now but I had put up Tuner and Joseph initially… because the conversations with Joseph were just not adding up and Kyle was talking in circles. So when I won the veto I was like let me go ahead and take Turner down.. and put Kyle up just so that I can have a couple days to try and see what was going on. Well we are here to fight another week, I guess?!

10:26pm Bedroom – Turner and Brittany.
Brittany – so how do you feel about not having to spend your last week with a certain somebody (Jasmine)? Turner – the whole time I was like this is what I wanted! Like its okay, you’ve wanted this for so long. Brittany – she was talking so much sh*t about you the whole week. Turner – really? Oh my god can you please fill me in on specifics? Brittany – I can’t even remember everything … and what is crazy too is thank god you told me that conversation remember when you sat right next to me at Indy’s eviction. She tried to tell me on my one on one with her… Turner told me that Monte and you were going to go up. Turner – OH COURSE! Brittany – and I told him don’t touch Brittany. Turner – it was the exact opposite! Brittany – I did not believe her. She did not bank on this. Turner – I’m excited for that F**King room. Brittany – oh yeah. Turner – this is obviously going to be pretty simple but like obviously I put you on the block last time but you would never touch the block if it wasn’t for that one pawn situation. In this situation you are totally safe. Brittany – thank you Turner. They hug. Turner – you were the first person to come up to me and you have no idea how much that meant. You made me feel sane in that first few weeks. Brittany – same to you. Were you in an article in a somewhat local paper with you and the Rug Shack? Turner – yeah. Brittany – but your hair was completely blond. Turner – yeah how did you know? Brittany – I can’t tell you. Just the moment we walked into the house I saw you… Turner – that is so crazy. Big Brother switches the feeds.

10:35pm – 11:05pm Bedroom – Turner and Michael.
Turner – I already told Brittany this but obviously I put you guys up as a pawn last time… and that is not going to happen in a million years. Michael – okay. Turner – You guys were the first people to ever come to me in this house when I didn’t know what the f**k was going on ..that meant the world …I hated what I did last time and that is not going to happen again. You guys are totally fine. Nothing to worry about. Michael – okay, thank you. Monte, Brittany and Kyle join them. They talk about how they told Jasmine she was being evicted. Kyle – Joseph and Jasmine.. Monte – with Indy. Oh god! That will be quite the house. Kyle – I think out of everyone they will have great time. The day of the eviction, she (Indy) told me the only mistake I made in this game was trusting you. I am like .. ummm okay. So yeah if I go into that house she is going to meet me with a knife. Brittany – I think Jasmine and Joseph will have a lot of explaining to do. Monte – to Indy yeah.. Brittany – and Joseph to Jasmine.

11:35pm – 12:10am Taylor made dinner for everyone. Taylor – no one is saying a word… it must me good. Kyle – you have no idea how good this is! Taylor – I know for you guys this is extra. They finish up eating and continue to chat.

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99 thoughts to “Your boy won HOH! “As long as he puts those two (Terrance & Alyssa) up, we’re good!””

  1. So Turner won…yeah, but will he play with the snake, grossmance, or will he go after Michael? I need Kyle to go, and I can’t believe that Joseph didn’t tell Turner about Kyle’s ratting them out.

    1. Did you not watch tonight’s episode? They had a whole conversation where the leftovers were outted. Turner knows he didn’t do it so obviously it was Kyle, if it wasn’t explicitly stated but I think it was.

      1. Kyle need to go. I voted him as the worse player. I knew he’s going to rat on leftover because he previously told Micheal that the colored people should leave the white in the house. HE’S A RACIST.

        1. The “colored people”? Yet you call Kyle a racist? Maybe you need to look in the mirror and update your vocabulary from the 1950’s before you judge other people, not to mention Kyle never said what you said he said.

        2. Kyle’s not right and to tell Michael what he said concerning the people of color on NATIONAL T.V. ,he is not worthy of even being in the Big Brother house let alone on the show.

        3. Yo …Fola…you are a liar!!! No crap like that was ever said! You are worse than a racist…you are a sh-t stirrer!!

      1. Turner has been the biggest ? for me.He just seemed to be going along,first with Pooch then the pound,now he has to make moves and expose himself.

      2. Agreed. He could be playing the dumbmance, keeping his eye on Terrance and what he spills, remembering Kyle’s betrayal, and taking a shot at the biggest target…Michael. That’s why I’m glad he won!! Its up in the air.

      1. I’m going to be 100 here, it seems to me this season twitter has completely decided that the other houseguests may only play the game to benefit Taylor. If they don’t, they are racist and cancelled, have bad reviews of their business (Turner Weeks 1-3, 7+) or try to get someone fired from their job (Michael weeks 5, 6). The same crowd can’t use the reason because she was bullied without looking like idiots for their complete and total hypocrisy. There are currently 8 people playing big brother, but in twitter’s mind, there’s Taylor, who benefits Taylor, and who doesn’t benefit Taylor. I like Taylor, I don’t like the twitter fandom much.

  2. Terrance is laughing on the inside while he’s talking with Taylor in the storage room. The leftovers are in for a surprise, they want Terrance & Alyssa nominated.

    If Turner is really with the other side, than Taylor, Monte or Michael are not safe, so after nominations, this should really be an interesting week. If the Leftovers lose Michael, the leftovers might be steam rolled by Kyle & Turner.

    Next HOH needs to be mental, hopefully Brittany might win her first HOH, put Kyle and Turner up, do not waste an HOH putting Alyssa & Terrance on the block. Take out the strong guys, they need to weaken the After Party Alliance, so Kyle or Turner needs to be evicted. Taylor will be still pushing for Alyssa and Terrance, which is dumb.

    i just can’t pull for Kyle, I know it’s a game, but I don’t like the way Kyle has played Alyssa, and how he turned on the Leftovers as soon as he thought he was going on the block last week.

    I’m just not a fan of Kyle, I think he’s a snake, Alyssa is just a weak woman, wait until she is out of the house, there’s no way she can still like Kyle after she sees how he wanted her evicted, and it’s true that Kyle was pushing to have her evicted, after telling everyone all of the information she gave him about the Girls Girl, Old School, etc…

    I also think her mother and father will tell her Kyle is a jerk, and he did not always have her back. They need to talk with her about being so man hungry, she comes off as desperate !

    1. so true, she was so angry that Joe lied to her, how about the guy you been hooking up with lying to you? some women……………………

  3. I have to believe Turner is still team Leftovers. He had to play coy last week, but his promise to Michael and Brittany seems sincere. I think the house is a firm 5 to 3 now.

      1. Got to make that move on Michael now while there are numbers to back you. Hope he doesn’t play in the veto.

    1. turner should side with the afterparty. he wins every final 2 except michael/turner and monte/turner right now (though his flipping could change that), so michael and monte should be his obvious targets. he can still use kyle/alyssa as a shield if the leftover leftovers win next week . only has kyle as a comp threat at final 4 (so he should win either veto or hoh that week and coast into the final part of the final hoh comp), and ends up on the right side of a 4-3 split house versus the right side of a 5-2 split with monte and michael still in the game as both social and comp threats (plus taylor as a more formidable comp threat than alyssa or terrance).

  4. I’m not rooting for anyone in this game. But logically speaking, If turner doesn’t take the opportunity to put Michael and monte up, he is really going to regret it. turner is at the bottom of the ladder with either alliance. However, with the after party, he stands a better chance in competitions than he would with Michael being in the leftovers.

    1. It’s a simple numbers game at this point. If he goes with the leftovers and pretends that’s still a thing, he’s at the bottom with Kyle and allysa not on his side. So this puts him in the bottom 7 and for what? To get out Alyssa or Terrance?

      If he goes forward with the after-party, he’s top 4 in a alliance that will now have a 4 to 3 lead after this week.

      Turner is in the best spot in the house, if he can get Michael out.

      1. yeah, even if kyle and alyssa are on the outs of the remaining 7, that still only puts turner in 5th. with kyle/alyssa/terrance he’s in 4th at worst with two pretty weak comp threats in terrance and alyssa.

      2. The leftovers will have the majority of the jury votes! Do you turn on them now and lose 5 Jury votes? Including Joes!

        1. They have to vote for someone, and if it’s between a Leftover and an After Party, the Leftover will win. So even more reason all Leftovers have to go.

        2. If it’s Turner in a final 2 seat against Kyle, Alyssa, or Terrance, you still think the LO’s won’t vote for him? Against all 3 of them, I think they will, based on how things have gone to this point (they are down on Kyle, Alyssa has done basically nothing, and Terrance has been on the outs with ALL of them).

          Of course, things could change based on future game play.

  5. I think Kyle did the right thing, he was clearly at the bottom of the pecking order and they were pressuring him to take out Alyssa. Which, they could use against him later, and honestly, is just a terrible thing to do to another human. I am loving this season. Can’t wait to see how it plays out. I think Michael will win, but I’m team Terrance!

    1. Perfectly said. It is a terrible thing to do to a person. All the self righteousness about Kyle going against the LOs, with disregard of how awful it is to put him in that position after he’d established a genuine relationship with Alyssa.

      Taylor with her girl power ideals also does not realize that move would have been akin to Boogie completely using and humiliating Erica. Same old story of a man using a woman’s vulnerability in order to coldly advance himself.

    2. For sure. It seems that it was actually Taylor’s actions that started the LO’s breakup – she suggested putting Turner OTB which immediately gave him red flags about where he fell in the alliance, then she pushed to backdoor Alyssa bc she took a trip from her (can’t even begin with how petty that is) and should have known full well that her petty-ness would have to wait another day when the other half of Alyssa’s showmance had the Veto to put her up. But she pushed and vented with other LO’s who pushed Kyle as well, making him feel he was at the bottom when he didn’t use it. I hope either Michael or Turner will win. And I want Taylor out so Twitter will shut up and maybe start thinking about game again? I don’t know – it’s my first year on BB Twitter but somehow I thought they cared about the game, not trying to make it into a soap opera with a Taylor main character. It’s ridiculously childish.

  6. I’m shocked, upset, and angry to hear that Jasmine has been playing up her injury. I never saw that coming, and I’m sure the houseguests feel exactly the same way!

    1. It was totally obvious she was playing up the injury. And her accent just happened to be SO overdrawn when she knew the cameras were on her?. Happy to see her go!

      1. Pretty sure Soorena was being sarcastic. Lol
        So glad Jazzy is gone with all of her faking. It’s kind of sad that she developed that fake persona because I have a suspicion outside the house she might be quite pleasant.
        She was not a threat at all, but UGH so thankful she is gone.
        However, I think Michael missed his shot at making the big move and it just might be his demise.

    2. Everybody knew she was playing up her injury , even though she just admitted to it !! Like really ??? Jasmine isn’t the brightest light bulb in that bunch !!

  7. When Turner takes out Michael or Monte he’ll look like the biggest threat.How long will it take Kyle to put that knife he’s been saving for Michael into Turners back?

  8. Wow, super surprised turner would win. No one was targeting him and I think everyone in the house intended to take him to at least 4th

    1. Getting to final 4 is completely useless if you don’t have the moves to show the jury you deserve to win.

      Getting out Michael would single handedly shoot him to the top of the list

      1. yeah, the more i thought about it, the more i like turner taking a shot at michael or monte now. it builds his resume and puts him in a position where he’s more likely competing against alyssa and terrance in comps instead of michael and monte, and obviously competing against alyssa and terrance is preferable.

    2. I always thought that Turner can possibly win. The only thing that I got wrong is me thinking Turner would be the villain this season

      1. How the Hell is Turner the villain? Everybody here, or at least 75% of the people seem to think KYLE is the villain! Last week Turner either had to go along with the other 3 outside, or be isolated and alone for basically the whole week with just Joseph to commiserate with over his leaving (he was leaving anyway with Terrance casting the tie breaker), and then re-entering the house to encounter 4 people united against the outside group, including Turner!

        You did see that the 4 insiders were united against the 4 outside, right? I know everybody wants the LO steamroll to continue, but that’s just not how the game works with only one winner, and the break-up was inevitable, pushed up by production interference (the twist). So, Turner is just reacting to what’s happening around him and trying to improve his position in the game. He’s no villain.

  9. Turner will put up Taylor and Monte, just like Kyle always wanted. Not shocked at all he told Micheal and Britney they’re safe. This is the alliance that Kyle wanted (minus people of color). Poor Terrance will realize he’s their token by next week, when he finally looks at the memory board.

    1. Recall Turner and Kyle have a final 2 and just formed Turner Kyle Alyssa final 3. Taylor or monte Gone!!! Terrance will likely push for Taylor . As Terrance said outside Taylor monte take a seat. I’d also tell Michael and Brittney if either use pov to take one down the other will be the replacement nom.

      1. yeah, turner can probably reliably bank on that final 2 with kyle. it’s really all about who wins veto at final 4 anyway, so as long as that’s not alyssa (which considering her comp performance seems a safe bet) turner just needs to win that or hoh for the deal to be good (unless terrance in hoh).

    2. With over half the house being represented by minorities, you’re bound to run into people of color being on the wrong end of a vote.

      Pretty sick to insinuate that Kyle is a racist when Taylor is the one who said flat out tonight that she would never nominate a black woman.

      So she’s the one making decisions based on race but that doesn’t matter I guess.

    3. Right, Kyle is so racist that he wants to take out Michael. We have heard over and over that Monte and Taylor want to get Kyle out but he should just be like oh the color of their skin is darker than mine, so I should just let them pick me off. GtFOH. You should probably go to Twitter instead, they are a bunch of race baiting, hateful people and you would fit right in. I really wish I could block idiots on this site.

  10. So Taylor asks Turner are the leftovers still a thing and he says of course. Not a lie as 4 of them still exist. Love that type of answer. Taylor should have asked are the SIX leftovers still a thing to get the correct answer.

  11. What should be Redflag:
    Turner is supposed to be in an alliance with Britt and Michael. Why would he need to tell them he won’t use them as pawns?
    That doesn’t mean he won’t put one of them up on the block, that means if he puts them on the block, they won’t be a pawn, they’ll be the target.

    Turner has to show his cards. He was in the safest position of everyone… and he won HOH. hmm.
    Now, whichever way he goes, let’s be honest: Turner’s jump to the after party wasn’t a bad move for Turner, given the indoor Leftovers were hoping to final 5 with Joseph.
    However, in laying out his cards this week, he becomes a big target that… nobody is going to save.

    1. he can and likely will deflect the target onto kyle. as long as kyle’s in the house, turner is fine, and turner would probably be more than happy to go to the end with kyle as turner probably wins that final 2.

  12. Poor Monte is going to be upset when he’s back on the block,first the women wouldn’t do as they were told,now it’s the guys.Why won’t these people do as they’re told?

    1. Monte thinks he can get to the end based on pure machismo loyalty and what he would consider to be clean play. Once he’s gone he’s going to make the same implications as Joe that he’s still glad he played a straight game with one group.

      Goodbye to the prize then.

      Pretty interesting how people still come into the game with some sort of allegiance to values, where they hold onto a manufactured core to convince themselves they aren’t bad people. Like it’s ok to lie and exclude one set bc my heart didn’t actually bond to the people I lied to.

      Alyssa so perfectly held Joe accountable on that. To literally run with info from her directly to the LOs ;yet bc he’s so likable his fans are willing to excuse him.

      I can’t say I’m astounded these type of players still exist since human psychology is so vulnerable.

  13. I’m just going to say this about Joseph’s exit interviews:
    Remember when Joseph sold out and trashed Taylor, Monte, Michael and Britt outside in order to stay?
    He doesn’t.
    How else can you explain him saying Kyle played a dishonorable game and sold out people in a way Joseph couldn’t imagine doing?
    Sorry. I don’t respect revisionist theory from a guy that’s had a girlfriend for a year that negotiated a fauxmance for camera time. Maybe not sorry.

    1. yeah… i’d been waiting to see how joseph played when he wasn’t coasting. i had hopes he’d be really good. instead i was appalled. i don’t really understand the fanbase rallying around him.

      1. They are excusing Joe’s immoral behavior because he’s “colored”. They are villianizing Kyle’s innocent behavior because he’s white. Smh…

    2. Wait, you’re saying Joe has a long standing girlfriend outside of the house? Yet, even after eviction he was STILL (somewhat) playing up the showmance with Taylor, by saying “I hope she calls me after” when Julie asked him about it?

      And people here are calling Kyle a snake for protecting his showmance, and trying to improve his position in the game, while talking about what a “nice guy” Joseph is, who was the FIRST guy to start playing the rat game in the house this season!

      1. There is a video clip of him Taylor in the hammock – he tells her he was in a ‘situationship’. And his brother was on a radio show discussing it too calling her a ‘significant other but NOT HIS GIRLFRIEND – weird.

        Sounds like friends with benefits to me which was sort of how he described it to Taylor but said the girl caught feelings & I think he decided to be exclusive (again not as a girlfriend though, lol).

        His brother also thought it was possible Joe caught feelings for Taylor & maybe that’s why he’s waiting. OR it could be the exact opposite & he wanted to wait until they were outside to tell her he’s committed elsewhere. I’m way out of those years & have no idea how the 25 years old deal with these “situations” lol now so your guess is as good as mine but all I know is boyfriend/girlfriend was never used to describe their circumstance.

  14. Turner is the definition of a floater but in his defense, he’s never been the top tier of any of his alliances so I think he’s playing the correct game.

    His best bet is to take out Michael or Monte because currently he’s top 4 in his new alliance where if he sticks with the old one he’s bottom 5 or 6.

    Does he have the balls to do it though?

  15. As Kyle tried to plant seeds that Joseph outed the Leftovers to Britt, the inherent problem with the ‘blame someone else for outing the alliance, and our betrayal looks kosher’ deal became evident: Britt basically said so what if the Leftovers is out in the open, one of the Leftovers (Turner) is HOH. There goes the preconceived notion that Kyle was hoping for: Oh the Leftovers isn’t a secret anymore… every man for themselves.
    Britt has clocked Kyle with these little tidbits of his for 3 weeks.
    Kyle has dropped the ‘who knows if Joseph spilled’ thing five times to different people, three times to Michael and Britt. The response isn’t panic. That’s gotta be eating Kyle up inside. He really wanted panic and mayhem so that the move this week would make sense.
    Turner, dropped it once to Monte and kept moving. Kyle is dropping it like it’s some big headline… after a Leftover has won HOH. So the lie was never going to matter if a Leftover won HOH.
    Kyle offered Britt the final five deal: Michael Britt Alyssa Kyle and Turner (said Turner is on board) After he left the room Britt said ‘oh, we can’t do that’ (the we’re so white we’re gonna get cancelled alliance). What Britt now knows then: If Turner is on board, and he’s offered her not to be a pawn…and Alyssa is in the five he is on board with… Well she pretty much knows his noms… or thinks she does, but doesn’t know his target. If she kept paying attention past her worry about how the public will perceive Kyle’s dream team.
    Word on the street is Taylor and Alyssa both sucked at the HOH, and that Kyle almost won.

    Terrance, who put Turner on the block last week, is laughing and jovial, not worried in the slightest that Turner is HOH.

    The HOH reveal has an interesting dynamic: Alyssa is asleep in the HOH bed, Kyle and Terrance are off to the side while the indoor people are playing a question game. It’s the grand wait… for either Terrance and Alyssa to leave for an Leftover celebration… or Britt, Michael, Monte, Taylor to leave for an After Party celebration. BUT look at the dynamic again. Kyle isn’t really involving himself with his past alliance. ANOTHER CLUE they are failing to pick up. Social dynamic is off.
    Being in control for weeks on end and having a relatively easy week last week has primed the Brochella 4 to be blindsided bigger than they should be. Yes, Britt has already warned Michael something is off, but he heard and didn’t listen again. Then again, Michael’s face when cams returned showed some crack. He knows Turner is the one HE has to worry about most.

    I’m too tired for wating for one on ones. Sorry, I’ve been really off today, real world bad mood.
    Turner’s mentioned targets: Taylor, Michael, Terrance (no longer a priority).
    Turner’s mentioned plans: Monte and Taylor noms with Michael Backdoor.

    1. okay. maybe I can handle one on ones if they are short.
      MONTE HAS PICKED UP THE CLUE THAT HE’S NOT SAFE FYI. His little comments were very telling earlier. He’s aware that there’s scheming that has happened outside. Let’s see if he feints with Pound to push his Leftover Agenda?
      With Kyle: What it boils down to:
      Turner tried not to win HOH, but Kyle was dragging his feet. (gee so he wanted you to get the blood maybe?)
      KYLE wants Michael out, doesn’t trust Monte, Taylor is out to get him, go with Alyssa and Terrance. TURNER wants the pound. He wants Monte to be with Kyle and Turner. Alyssa sucks at comps so they can’t count on her to save them next week. He wants Monte to be good with targeting Michael.
      Now Kyle trusts Monte more than the other three because Turner wants Pound. But don’t give Monte any information because he could tell Taylor. So How? Tie Turner’s hands with all of this… but keep Monte?
      Turner trusts Britt over Michael. Kyle says they’d put Turner on the block next week if they kept Michael and Britt and Taylor together.
      Turner wants Kyle to come back for another one on one after he’s got all of his one on one talks done. Kyle wants to go out and get information for Turner, Turner doesn’t want Kyle to do that.
      Kyle knows he can beat Alyssa in comps, thinks he can beat Terrance, the other 4 had an easy week last week inside and that wasn’t fair. (He’s still pissy he was put outside).
      With Terrance:
      Michael was rooting for Monte, and Terrance tells Turner what he was telling the inside group.
      With Alyssa:
      Tried to give it to Kyle, but damn, the other side couldn’t win. Alyssa contributes no game talk to the discussion, just best friend almost cried about your letter.
      With Britt:
      trusts her. he’s still Leftovers. He will not put a leftover on the block. She says last week they talked through if they should take another shot, but they trust Leftovers, so they couldn’t do that. Turner says he offered people outside safety and so did Kyle once Joseph started Pooching, so he’s losing two juror votes tomorrow and hopes the leftovers don’t chop him first at six for remaining loyal. He says she and Michael are fine. He hates going back on his word to the people outside. Turner tells Britt it looked like they had an alliance outside the proof will be in his actions, but he had no choice but to be best friends with them. Turner says it will suck to put those two up (terrance and alyssa?), Britt says if he needs her to do anything, she will.
      Monte saying Pound first. Joseph was Poochinng and saying Taylor was dragging him into a final 4 with Michael and Britt when she was HOH. Monte says with the Alyssa backdoor plan, everyone sensed Kyle didn’t want to do it, and nobody was being direct with Kyle. There was no communication (THERE WERE THREE MEETINGS). There was no talk past the seven, and there was talk about getting Kyle, but Monte wants Kyle there. Taylor switched targets so much. (Monte knows, and he’s throwing Taylor Britt and Michael to the wolves he was an innocent and never talked about taking out Kyle it was everyone else um dead to me were his words… he wanted Kyle to be in the meeting with them). Monte says Michael and Britt are playing both sides… sides of what? That was me confused about both sides….
      Turner says do we just take out Alyssa? All Turner cares about is Monte and Kyle. Monte says Terrance could shoot at anyone. Turner says Terrance would go for Monte, Taylor and Michael. MONTE SAYS TERRANCE THIS WEEK, let them take out Alyssa next week and then it’s 3 on 3. Monte tells Turner the other 3 are more against Kyle than Turner by far.
      MONTE PUSHES TERRANCE AGAIN. Asks if Kyle is Pound Strong. Turner says yes. Turner says he fucks his game if he goes for Terrance and Alyssa. Monte is still TERRANCE MUST GO. Possibly Monte is using reverse psych. he knows that the outsiders bonded and he’s using pound as leverage to continue doing the Leftover’s work. Now that Monte has made his wishes clear… remember what happens when Monte doesn’t get his way. Turner didn’t convince Monte to break Leftovers. Uh oh. Monte did clock that Michael was playing both sides in the veto controversy during Taylor’s HOH. But Terrance is more important to take out.
      With Michael:
      Congratulations on 2nd HOH. Turner says he promised Terrance safety while he was on the block, but he’s Team Leftovers, so he’ll break his word. He says he’s putting up Terrance and Alyssa. Short talk as usual between Michael and Turner (Michael… get your head out of your ass in your schmooze Turner game. Big failing with Michael).
      With Taylor:
      Target should be Terrance for blindsiding Turner and putting him on the block. Terrance promised him safety then nom’d him, what’s up with that?? Turner says Leftovers until I die.

      So Monte is trying to keep the POUND on LEFTOVERS track.
      Kyle wants to go rogue. Turner is Sophie’s Choice because he’s screwed.
      Terrance on the block squeals. We KNOW this. THIS is Turner’s headache.
      Turner Loses 2 jury votes, has one person after him… or at least 2 people gunning for him for breaking the leftovers… and loses 2 jury votes anyway.

      Turner cam talk: maybe promising everyone in the house safety was a mistake. Apologizes to Joseph’s family.

  16. Correct me if I’m wrong. Jasmine’s strategy was 1) gain sympathy indefinitely for a sprained foot, 2) get multiple passes from being on the block because she had a birthday, and 3) ride coat tails & smile a lot.
    A moment of silence to give thanks we don’t have to listen to that phony drawl anymore.

    1. Her DR sessions made me want to puke.. especially her “compliments” to Julie. The other major Julie suck up was whats her name who had to read Shakespeare and in a showmance. She never looked at the camera when she said her rehearsed “compliments”

  17. its the 10 year anniversary of arguably the most iconic bb weekend in history…the final 8 round of big brother season 14…dans funeral speech happened on this day a decade ago, sunday night august 26, 2012 at approx 7.45 pm on the feeds after his 24 hour solitary dance party punishment that went from approx 6.30 pm saturday to around 4.30 pm sunday

    here is a great in depth recap for those who havent read it featuring the houseguests and producers recollections

  18. What I think is in Turner’s mind right now:
    He is trying to be Pound again because Turner’s go to Pathology is to surround himself with the biggest physical men in the house to feel like he has strength and protection. He isn’t down with Terrance (and wasn’t last week when he was saying final 3 to Alyssa and Kyle). Alyssa in comps basically told him that keeping Alyssa is keeping the place Kyle sticks his dick, not keeping a valuable ally. She’s got no protective strength to offer him.
    Michael is still a background backdoor. He will be all week. He’s not priority target because he doesn’t have Monte’s blessing. If Monte gives blessing… Michael becomes priority target.

    If Turner moves against Michael without Monte’s blessing, he loses Monte.
    If Turner doesn’t do what Kyle wants Kyle will shank Turner, most likely saying TURNER outed the alliance and that’s why Terrance removed him from the block.
    Both Monte and Kyle expect to get their way and for others to do what they desire. Monte broods. Kyle flips. THERE’S the difference between Kyle and Monte.

    The diffference in Turner and Kyle is this:
    Kyle wants to be alpha and be leader and only pick a fight with someone known to be weaker than him. A strong target… he needs someone else to do it.
    Turner, on the other hand, wants to have protection, wants to be one of the cool kids so badly you can taste it, and has to have the men’s approval. Y’know what… Even with how little of Turner’s game he talks about, if I didn’t know his youth… I’d know.
    Without Monte and Kyle agreeing, Michael will not be priority target, the easiest way in Turner’s mind will be target Terrance.

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