POV Holder: | ? | POV Competition | Aug 27th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | Aug 29th |
HOH | Nicole | Next HOH | Sept 1st |
Original Nomi1nations: | Paul AND Big Meech | ||
After POV Nominations: | ? AND ? | ||
Have Nots | Corey and Victor | ||
Care package | Corey |
POV players picked = Nicole, Paul (picked Corey), Michelle, James, Victor
Watch the next week of the feeds for FREE – 1 week Trial!
9:12am Tokyo room Michelle and Natalie
Talking about how sick they are of Paul and how they want Paul out of the house. Natalie doesn’t think they are the target.
Michelle – why are they so confident though.. Picking Corey.. Why
Natalie and Michelle agree Nicole and James love each other and Nicole will never put James up.
Natalie says Michelle is a pawn and the real target is Paul if Paul pulls himself down they will put up Victor.
Natalie – this was a perfect game move on their end.. They put one of them up.. That is why they are being so nice to victor because if Victor stays they are buddy buddy..
Michelle – I’m just really discouraged right now that draw… I wanted you to get drawn..
James joins them.
Meech – why would Paul pick Corey.. That was weird..
James munching on a sandwich .. “Who knows I might be a target”
Michelle – Nicole won’t do that to you
James- who knows backdoor me..
Michelle is pissed that Paul keeps talking about winning the veto, Michelle really thinks she’s the target this week.
Michelle – who knows maybe those 4 are coming after us three… (Ding ding ding)
Michelle – it just sucks going in there knowing Paul and Victor are playing.. It’s not fair..
Michelle – i would feel confident if Victor wasn’t playing..
James – they’re still a bribe in play
Meech – why would they be hanging out with their target..
James- I dunno.. My turkey sandwich is really good though
James points out that Victor and Paul are hanging out in the HOH.
Nat – you better gun for that Veto..
James is calling Paul and Victor Flip Flopper saying they ran to the side with power. (WTF James you guys voted Victor out 2 days ago why would they work with you)
James says Corey and Nicole are shooting on Victor winning and Corey will Bribe Victor to not use the veto if Paul wins they will put Victor up and Michelle will go home
Michelle – Really
Natalie says it’s the best case scenario is Corey being picked to play than her.
Michelle again saying it’s not fair having strong guys in the house to compete against.
Michelle – It’s me against Paul, Victor, Corey and james.. And Nicole..
James – we’ll assume Paul and Vic told them the same things they told us.. I’ll go after JAmes James voted me out. Nicole put me on the block
Michelle – wouldn’t Corey and Nicole be smart working with them
James says they are friends no doubt..
JAmes- Victor is starting to bump up his social game he’s building relationships.. Paul’s got a good social game.. The thing is Corey knows at the end of the day Victor is the BIG THREAT
9:41am Tokyo room tears..
Natalie says she would lock the noms for 5K to keep them both safe even if it meant she went home.
James – 5 grand i aa lot of money
James- I’m hoping and praying.. I mean if someone else gets it I’ll be happy for them.. .like I’m kinda
Michelle -America’s favorite
James – I’m kinda banking on that
James- if I go out I feel like I have a good chance getting that at least that.. Not saying I’m going to win it there’s some good people here to but I know Julie is going to call my name at least for the running.
9:17am HOH Paul, Corey and Nicole
Talking about the POV player picked
Paul says he’s sorry he sh1t on Corey about not being able to win Comps that is why he picked him.
Nicole – it wouldn’t have made sense for you to pick Natalie
Paul – exactly I told Natalie I didn’t pick her because she’s good at comps and she’ll take Michelle off..
Paul goes over a argument he had with Natalie telling her she’s good at comps while she’s denying it.
Victor rolls in..
Paul – we have 4 against 2 right now.. If one y’all win the veto do what you want with it.. If you do pull me off it’ll be ‘Titght T1tties”
Paul tells them he’s confident about their loyalty but Block paranoia is still something that will happen. Paul stresses he’s not paranoid right now .
Paul – if you do pull me off I don’t mind put all their heat on me..
Paul offers to blow everything up and make everyone hate him more to keep the target on him.
Victor points out if Paul stays on the block it will be a tie vote. (James/Nate for Meech, Cor/Vic for Paul)
Paul- I don’t mind making myself public enemy number 1 I liek it.. I will bait..
Corey asks Nicole if she wants it to be a tie or 3-1 vote
Nicole – I never had to break a tie before..
She laughs.. “It’s kinda scary for me”
Victor says the need to play the POV first then they can make a decision.
Nicole – we can’t get Cocky
Paul – worst case scenario Michelle wins and is pulled down
Corey – James won’t use it.. He’ll know Nat goes up
Nicole agrees says the worst case scenario is if Nat wins than they have show their cards.
Nicole stresses they cannot have Michelle win otherwise they will expect her to put Victor up.
Nicole tells Paul if it’s days Michelle might win they can’t let that happen. She tells Paul he can beat her on days..
They start to study dates..
9:45pm Victor, Nicole and Corey HOH
Victor tells them how they were working with James and Natalie and before he knew it he was on the block going home and now that he’s back they are acting like it’s a mistake. “they’re so stupid, that was their dumbest move”
Nicole – but itt got us to work together
Corey – DUDE.. crazy how the tables can turn like that
Vic – they are shitting their pants.
Nic – we were just by ourse;ves last week
Vic – now we have the strongest people in the house working together
Nic – we’re just done with the stupid crap we just wanna
Corey – all Michelle’s crap
Nic – I just want to stay loyal
Corey – I hate getting screwed over but I would rather get out and be like I got fricken boned rather than having to screw over other people..
They talk about when Julie asks those tough questions when you’re evicted .
Victor – I don’t mind going to talk to Julie.. I haven’t screwed anybody over.. I don’t get those questions.. And now we are the FINAL 4
Nicole says production is excited they are eager to film it. (Final 4)
Nicole talking about how sketch James, Natalie and Michelle were especially last week. She got the feeling that they were holding out to see what was the better option. Nicole didn’t feel like JAmes and natalie were scincree with working with them.
Nicole says she could never get a full answers from them she thought Corey was getting evicted.
Nicole – I didn’t know until the day of the votes.. I couldn’t get a secure answer..
Victor says he was backstabbed by James and lied to.
Nicole – I can’t work with them moving forward
Corey – Too sketch..
Victor says they are normal up until they get power once they get power they “become super sketch”
Paul – comes back They (James,Nat,Meech ) are sh1tting their pants.. Shitting
Paul says that natalie asked him “So you are hanging out with them”
Nicole – well everyone likes Corey so that’s our excuse.
Victor – and what do they expect from me? THEY PUT ME UP.. I WENT HOME
Victor – DO I OWE YOU AN APOLOGY .. I didn’t get a sorry from them..
Paul – you told me it was a mistake he went home (Natalie to Paul)
Vic – I lieterealy did not get an apology
Paul says Natalie told him “Oh my god I can’t believe the worst player in the game sent the best player out by mistake.. “
Paul remember
Victor remembers retells.. That natalie said she can’t believe the worst player sent the best player out “By accident”
Corey – Oh my god..
Vic – yeah heck of accident.. Mistake my ass …
They say that Natalie was telling him she knew Victor was coming back she saw it in a dream.
Paul – she said ‘I knew that was going to happen everything worked out for the best”
They laugh everyone knew Victor was coming back Victor says when he was fighting on the wall he knew he was coming back “i got this” (He’s being sarcastic)
Corey says if Michelle wins the Veto he’ll bribe her with the 5K to not use it
Corey says the best thing to preserve their games is if Victor wins the veto PAul will throw the veto to Victor if he can
Corey – freaking James can win I don’t care as long as MEECH doesn’t win
Victor – you were my targets but now we’re FINAL 4
Paul – what they wanted to happen was for me to go home Vic to stay as their weapon to take a shot at you two.. But it didn’t happen.

Nicole laughing at Victor being goofy..
Nicole – He is something else
Corey – he is man he’s hilarious
(See image above)
They comment on James always saying how much of a veteran he is.
Nicole – I hate it when frank said that too..
Victor – I have the most selfies with Julie.. Best friends.. 4 selfies with Julie..
Paul says he is really pushing the fianl 4 in the DR “They” know this is goign to happen.
Paul – I don’t think America hates us.. it make sense you got it.. you were in a better spot than us two leading up to the HOH.
Paul thinks that 5g’s woldn’t have been enough to save either Victor or Paul if James had won teh veto.
Corey says he would have loved 5g’s (Corey doesn’t want the care package)
Victor – ohh Corey you have 5 g’s (See gif below)
Paul says Victor is the kind of guy that crosses a busy street to get a joke across..
Victor – "Ohh Corey you have 5g's" #BB18 @DawgsBigBrother pic.twitter.com/2oj6EzvkPY
— OnlineBigBrother.com (@bigbspoilers) August 27, 2016
10:38am Victor and Nicole
Nicole – you’ve ever seen pitch perfect
Victor says he thought it was a baseball movie then 2 or 3 songs in he was like “WTF”
11:15am Paul, Victor, Corey and Nicole
Chit chat about philosophy
11:22am Paul and Corey talking about Natalie being “Miss Venezuela” because she always talks about the ONE pageant she’s been in.
Victor joins them.
Paul – we cracked the code.. Natalie is miss Venezuela
Victor – umm no.. Height.. that’s a big one.. a big one..
Paul – are you sure
Victor – 100%
Paul – I didn’t think of that
Victor – height is a big one hommie.. think about the most beautiful women in Venezuela.. and the height factor
Corey – Not her..
Victor says Natalie is just a really pretty girl but not Miss Venezuela
They are wondering why Natalie keeps talking about doing pageants then says he’s only done 1
11:46am Bros.. Studying face morph
12:00pm Paul joins them..
Paul mentions how Cute Bridgette was. They agree Bronte was “jacked”.
Victor now called into the Diary room..
12:12pm Paul and Corey..
Paul reads the car.. Binding contract.. fool has a binding contract.. they must ..
Paul – they must? that is so vague what is the repercussion
Corey – well if you accept it you have to go through with hit
Corey – if you say you’re goign to vote this person out you have to vote them out
Paul – what if you don’t
Corey – you have to.. they’ll just do it..
Paul – see it says in exchange for an action that will benefit your game.
Paul laughs “If no bribe is made nobody keeps the money”
Paul -there’s not way that’s a mental comp
Corey – no way bro.. zero chance
12:26pm Victor Safari room
Vic – evicted twice.. I have been evicted twice.. come back twice.. on the block twice come back twice.. evicted twice..
Paul joins them..
Victor says he’e not worried he’s trusting Corey now even if Paul sits on the block.
Victor and Paul are going to fit hard for the veto.
Victor tells Paul he doesn’t have to do anything extra. Victor trusts Corey and Nicole.
Victor – with them we don’t have to worry.. they’ve never done us wrong”
Paul reminds him they’ve trusted people before.
Victor again telling him to relax and don’t do anything extra they can trust Corey and Nicole
Paul – I don’t want to get f****ed AGAIN
Victor – I feel like we’re good with them.. i’m not worried at all..
Paul says if it’s between the 2 of them he’s goign to toss the veto to him so they are both safe.
Victor – I’m surprised i’m still here.. IO got shot twice… twice..
Paul – i’m just worried about the third time
They laugh at James, Natalie and Michelle thinking that they got the two of them to turn on each other.
They both want to win HOH so they can have the satisfaction of putting James and Natalie up
Corey joins them.. They hope Natalie gets called soon so they can play this comp.
Paul points out “they are still banging out there”
1:10pm BIG MUTHA F**** MEECH
1:24pm Michelle going through the dates..
1:41pm Feeds showing house guests either sleeping or studying..
2:02pm Natalie and Michelle Bathroom
Natalie says Paul and Victor have all the luck.
Michelle agrees complains that Victor has come back twice. (Won comps to come back)
Natalie whispers that Paul had the round trip Ticket (Ohh shit I didn’t know that)
Michelle asks her if she’s seen the costume
Natalie smiles “It’s my poker face”
Michelle – is it poker themed..
Natalie -no it’s my poker face.. . (She’s pretending to have not seen the costume)
4:10pm The live feeds are still blocked for the POV Competition..
Picking off a Player who has won 1 POV and nothing else. Leaving two guys in the house that have won several comps. It will be fun to watch them turn on RATCole
Nicole is probably the WORST BB Player since Victoria
this POV will be interesting if Michelle wins. that will make Nicole show her hand and force her to throw up either Nat, James or Vic. if this happens I believe Nicole will throw up Nat and tell James she’s up as a pawn, and Corey will use the bribe on Michelle to vote out Nat. I rather go with this scenario just for the Nat OTB paranoia drama that will unfold. also will be great having Paulie suffering even more with Nat in the Jury house.
I keep wondering if Paulie is still in the jury house. This will be two weeks that he’s alone (as in with no friends.) He said he wouldn’t stay if he didn’t win the battle back. Does anyone know what happens if you leave the jury house?
If you leave, you forfeit your vote and your stipend
I bet he bails out of the jury house. Paulie doesn’t care about the stipend; he was in it for the big prize and the bragging rights that comes with it. As co-owner of the gym, a trainer, and a DJ, his current net worth is reported to be $450K. That’s not too shabby for a 27-year old.
He lives at home and his gym business failed. He’s a big BSer, he doesn’t have 450 grand.
I don’t know what happens, but I don’t think you can leave the jury house unless it’s some sort of emergency. I don’t see the point in doing that b/c the juror is already out of the game so how does leaving benefit you? From what I can gather based on past HG’s interviews, the jury house is nice, but in an isolated location, at least far enough that it would take you a while to get somewhere if you tried to literally walk away. Former jurors have also said that they are not allowed to talk or review game unless it’s the time when the new juror arrives, so that tells me they must have security or part of production monitoring them to stop that. Ergo, wouldn’t those persons also prevent them from leaving? Who knows about this, but what I do know is that Paulie is acting like an immature jerk, is angry b/c his brother bested him in BB and is taking out his frustrations on everyone.
the problem with floating to the end munch lames and fatalie is you cant win a comp to save your lives so eventually you just get picked off and cant do anything about it.. snorey and nicwhore got lucky this week but they are also doomed.. vic and paul deserve to be final 2 i hope vic wins the 500k
Your nicknames are stupid. Grow up.
getting out meech is the right play for her and corey’s game. if michelle makes final 5 corey and nicole are screwed. vic and paul don’t screw over corey and nicole until final 4 if they’re both in it, and assuming they win the final 6 hoh (and likely target james/nat), one of them won’t play in the final 5 hoh giving nicole/corey/nat/james better odds, leaving the most likely final 4 to be nicole, corey, and just one of nat/james, just one of paul/vic.
But if Michelle goes, the only person targeting her, who does she have to beat in comps? The of the 5 left, 1 takes her to the end while the other 4 are after each other and if the manage to just take away 1 each, the 2 survivors take her to the end. Michelle is the only person who wants her out.
Anybody who plays BB looking only at comps is a very bad player.
Michelle is the only one targeting her now. But if Michelle goes James and Nat will target her. She will have doubled the people targeting her. Not so smart.
She will have 2 weak people targeting her but she will have 3 strong players protecting her, 2 of which have no issues taking out James and Nat. No brainier there!
And then what? She’s got James and Natalie targeting her. Corey, Victor, Paul protecting her. What happens if James and Natalie go home? You honestly think Corey/Nicole are gonna have any chance against Victor/Paul? I love all this logic about short term bullshit. Nobody cares about that. If she gets paul or vic out its 5 against 1. She’s got 1 strong person targeting her, but the rest of the house protecting her. Plus if that person then goes home, she has a WAY better shot at winning than against Paul/Victor. It’s honestly so much better to target Paul/Victor.
Your reasoning says that if Nicole gets Michelle out then James and Natalie will come after her. Who cares? They won’t have the votes. But if she sides with James, Natalie, and Michelle, then she risks not getting further than final 5. Michelle is gunning for her, Natalie is loyal to Michelle and when it comes down to the wire, James most likely will not choose Nicole over her because he thinks he has a chance with “his girl” outside of the house and knows Natalie would never forgive him. Yes, she will have a hard time playing against Paul and Vic but final 4 is a hell of a lot better than final 5 AND guess what? Paul and Vic have won a lot of comps but not all of them. Vic didn’t win the last Veto comp where his game life was on the line and neither Paul or Victor won the last HOH. There are risks on either side but she would be smart to choose the side that doesn’t play emotionally, change their minds incessantly about their targets or self destruct every 5 minutes!
How do you figure three strong players will be protecting Nicole?
Do you think that Paul and Vic will decide that it’s in their best interests to just give the win to Nicole?
Maybe they can self – evict and give the win to her, eh?
That was a stupid comment. If Nicole gets out Meech, James or nat – then she just leaves herself open to Paul and Vic taking her out.
He has a better chance of winning against James and Nat, than she does either Vic or Paul.
If she doesn’t take out Vic or Paul, they’re going to own her. Corey can only do so much – and even if he wins an HoH, he won’t be able to play the week after.
James, and Nat are targeting Vic and Paul (paul specificially) – working with them to get him out is the better play or her game.
Of course this is Nicole, so who knows what will happen (Production will make the decision in any case).
But the idea that getting out two weaker players is the better move is ridiculous.
When did I say that Vic and Paul would just let her win? Nicole is not Paul and Vic’s targets right now. If James and Natalie come after her because she sent Michelle out, Corey, Paul, and Vic won’t let them succeed, either by winning the HOH, the POV, or by voting. Get it? 4 against 2? Let’s take a look at last week. You have 2 HOHs, one that is completely gunning for Nicole. But then the other one is gunning for Vic and Paul, the strong players. But Michelle won’t play her own game so she puts up Paul because she can’t bear to hurt Vic by putting him up. Ok, that makes sense but then when Paul and Vic come at them, they start crying, and whining that they put up their friends…”we are so stupid”. If that was an act, that’s one thing but these 2 buffoons really believed they screwed up. They all agree with Paul and Vic that they will back door Nic or Corey. So Paul (their original target) wins the POV and once again they don’t put up Michelle’s target but is manipulated to put up Corey (because James was manipulating Nat to convince Michelle so go after Corey to keep His buddy Nicole safe). So then Michelle and Nat spend the rest of the week whining that they can’t get Paul out and make up stupid reasons why they hate him so much so they don’t have to think about what dumba**es they are at this game. So now you would think that at least they are getting out Vic, the other strong player, but lo and behold, they unwittingly fall for Vic and Paul’s manipulation. By the end of the night both were convinced that they love Vic, don’t want him gone, and tried to talk James into voting out Corey! And even though James wasn’t falling for it, I think they had him considering it for a minute! If Vic was the target then why would James care if Michelle put up Nicole? Because he knows that Nat and Michelle are wishy washy and unstable. Michelle wanted to keep Vic and he knew that she could probably convince Nat to want Nicole out and then, oppps, he now has to pick his alliance with Nicole over his girl! OMG, how would that make him look? If they ever tried to play strategically their heads would explode! I bet someone could probably convince them to self-evict in order to lock in the AF win and have them believe it was a smart move. There is no way in hell, I would want to risk my game with these mindless idiots? At least with Paul and Vic, Nicole knows what she is up against and knows what she needs to do to win the game. Better to know you lost to a stronger player than to get backstabbed and evicted by those dummies!
Who is the third strong player of the “3”? You can’t possibly mean Corey?! He’s a male Victoria when it comes to comps. He has only won one right? I felt like his long legs gave him the advantage on that one…
I would not call Corey a strong player. He does seem to think he is HOH this week. Can’t wait for him and Nicole to be evicted.
I do not even know why Nicole came back to BB because it is painfully obvious she does not want to play the game of BB for $500,000, an Corey is so blindly stupid it is just hard to watch. Those two together truly are Dumb an Dumber!!!
you would think that she would have learned something the first time she played. If they get out James ( who apparently also learned nothing the first time he played), Cory will jump on Paul & Victor’s jocks so fast she will not even know what happened. The best she can hope for is that she bangs her head during the POV and it knocks some sense into her. That being said I am team Paul for the win with Victor as my second pick. At least they both came to play the game.
FINAL 4 to the end , stay true
I am glad Paul and Vic have a final four, as I think they have played the best game, but it’s with two people who haven’t really played the game…although I guess that is basically the other three too.
Get James and nic out already. They’re clearing working together from an unfair advantage of knowing each other if u ask me. You can tell they try not to say anything about it prolly from production instruction but they’re not good actors, at alllllllllllllllllllllllll.
Yep if they were to make it to the end nic will say for them, we wereeee workinggg together and protectinggg each otherrr the whollllllle time and nooooo one knewwwww. It was strategyyyyyyy.
Shoot me, a wet blanket could have made more moves.
I am for only Corey winning the whole thing now. He is the only one who played a decent game. Almost too nice of a person but is a worthy winner of BB.
…You’re kidding, right?
A nice American psychopath.
Jealous much?
Nicole is one of the dumbest players ever. Who keeps the strongest people in the game. She’s playing for 3rd or 4th place and happy about it. This is her 2nd time playing and still doesn’t understand how to play. And Corey is just dumb. He must have gotten hit in the head with a baseball.
i don’t see it that way at all. she’s in great position getting out michelle as she’s between the two other pairs, and michelle would rock that boat.
this week: michelle goes
next week: paul/vic wins hoh gets out nat/james
week after that: one of paul/vic don’t play in hoh nat/james/corey/nicole win, paul/vic goes home
final 4: nicole, corey, paul/vic, nat/james veto winner’s really the only comp that matters, nicole/corey won’t be the target of anyone
final 3: nicole, corey, paul/vic/nat/james it will come down to complete-jury-response part 3 which is a comp that probably actually favors nicole, leaving a final 2 of her and corey.
I agree with you as long as Michelle doesn’t pull herself down,Nicole can wait for P/V and N/J to pick each other off, if this is a DE.
Michelle has been gunning for Nicole all game
James is further verifying why I think he should have NEVER been brought back into this game. So he says out loud he’s banking (opps….pun) on the AFP. He was never getting my vote anyway but now I will be campaigning to my BB friends to vote Victor.
The best thing to happen now would be Natalie turn on him……….if that happens I’ll be down at Safeway buying the Kraken.
You had me at, “James should have never been brought back”.
I can’t even believe he said that! He said Julie will at the least call his name for the running. Wow! Just because you got it last time? Super cocky. Side Note: Awkward when Natalie was admitting flirting “hard with Everyone” the first two weeks and James said, “you didn’t flirt with me.” And her response??????? “You were on my TEAM.”??? Sorry, but that was super revealing.
She’s been tossing grenades at James since he dropped.
If this showmance blows up on the feeds man… 🙂
I’ll double my last donation! 😉
I’ll see what I can do 😉
Vic was on her team
Just a friendly reminder.
If Natalie dumps James he will be a shoo-in for AFP. They were America’s favorite showmance and if it looks like she just used him to advance her game and then cuts him loose he will get a wave of sympathy votes, not from bitter feeders, but from the casual watchers who enjoyed watching hopefully that something genuine was happening only to see her betrayal.
I’m actually enjoying this HOH! Paul and Vic are actually playing the game! So to all you haters that keep bitching and saying “they are dumb to keep the strongest players” WRONG! They have joined with the strongest players to take out the three James, Nat, and Big Beech. This keep them in good graces helping to secure a vote at the end as well as using Paul and Vic to take them out. If they stayed with the three they know they will be on the block next week! At least one of them would be. Its actually very smart!
No, it is dumb. Paul and Vic have 7 comp wins while Nicorey has 3 (not counting the POV that was thrown to Corey and Nicole’s first HOH). When they get to final four, Paul and Vic are going to destroy them
I don’t think Nicole has been playing this game very well up to this point, but I do think she has realized that her and Corey are screwed with either side. On one side you have 2 strong comp players that are loyal to each other. On the other side you have 3 people. One who has been gunning after Nicole and has burned all bridges with her and the other 2 is in a showmance, loyal to each other. Natalie will be loyal to Michelle so now it comes down to James. I think he does have some loyalty to Nicole but if I was Nicole, I would be very nervous if it came down to James having to choose between her and Natalie. He has flipped on his alliances and broken his promises way too much in this game and Natalie can get into his head. I think it would be too risky to end up in a final 5 when there is a good chance that it would come down to 3 against 2. Whereas, if Nic and Corey side with Vic and Paul, their chances of making it to final 4 is so much better. If she can work it so the Vic and Paul take out the other three, then that improves her chances of getting their jury votes. So if Paul is good at mental comps and Vic is good at endurance, then I would most likely want to be in the final 3 with Corey and Vic. Past final 3 HOH comps tend to be round 1 endurance, which Vic has a better chance of winning. Rnd 2 is a mental comp between Nic and Corey. Then the 3rd comp is usually mental/question and answer. If Nic or Corey win the last 2, then they take each other to the final 2. There are a lot of “ifs” between now and the finale, but I think I would take my chances with Vic and Paul then have to battle against emotional players who can’t stick to a plan to save their lives.
Very much agree, if Nat, James, and Meech would have kept working with Vic and Paul – instead of turning their backs on them all of a sudden the minute Nat got a modicum of power – then they would be in a much better position right now and would have a better shot at making it to F4/F3. Now, it seems like these three will be picked off next, one by one. They made a bad decision, turned on Vic/Paul too soon last week, and that’s that for their games. Oh well. So sad. Too bad.
I think James is willing to let Meech or Nat go in order to have a grand come back story for the end of the game, it’s why he isn’t trying very hard this week. It’s all leading up to “the underdogs” Paul and Nicole taking out the “powerful players” Vic and Paul in the end. They know they aren’t going to get any love from the fans or jury voters if they just steam roll over everyone like they have all season. It’s too obvious with no one for them to hide behind that they are manipulative bullies, they have to change up their tactics.
I am really enjoying the Final Four Alliance too and hope it sticks to the end. One thing that impressed me about Nicole is she is not a petty girl like Natalie and Michelle.
Nicole is as petty as they come. Every time someone other than her or Corey got a care package she couldn’t stop complaining about it all week.
Umm, one of them is on the block this week!!!!
I know I’ve said it before , but here goes, I can not stand Nicole ! Please let anyone be in final two besides her. Michelle actually is good at guessing what’s going on. James should listen to her instead of being so cocky. All he cares about is AFP , and I will truly be surprised if he gets it. Giving this HOH to Nicole is about to blow up in his face.
You’re assuming the general public shares the popular opinion of this place. That’s not necessarily true. Everyone here is heavily influencing each other. But your average viewer isn’t a part of it.
That’s because we’re hella smarter than the “TV only” viewers……AND, we drink Kraken.
BTW, Simon/Dawg the Kraken people should send you a case.
Please vote Jamesy OUT and NOT for AFP. This guy is a joke.Lets all prank him and give his lame ass NO votes.Ha Ha Ha.I hope Nat boots him to the curb and goes out with Vic !!!!!!!
I think it’s weird how she keeps bringing up that she was with Vic in the beginning. So James got sloppy seconds? And hilarious that she says it was her that changed her mind about Vic.
And also Vic said NEVER GONNA HAPPEN after the negative good by message from Nat
I think Gnat first tried to leech onto Corey, then Victor. Victor rebuffed her and she really was offended. Then little Jaaaammeezzziiee was next. She admitted that a couple nite’s age.
What does that have to do with the game? Oh yeah, nothing, because Nat and James aren’t playing BB.
How about you vote for who you want and every else vote for who they want?
What a douche James is! Playing up the AFP all year thinking we’d be morons and buy his shit. Now saying that he’s counting on winning AFP. Cmon people. Let’s not give this weasel any votes.
I second that motion!
I’ll vote for whoever I want.
Ummm, no one said you couldn’t.
Hi there. Where you been?
The guy is totally telling people who not to vote for.
Calm down killer. No need to be captain of the douche canoe.
He’s got my vote too! He’s funny as hell and he’s playing this game. It’s funny…the ones who really play the game, no one likes…but the one who acts like an asshole (i.e.: Paul) everyone thinks is awesome. Interesting.
Paul is winning this game.
Is Nicole thinking that each of the guys are gonna drag her to F2, and then the 5 girls in jury will vote for her?
“Michelle – it just sucks going in there knowing Paul and Victor are playing.. It’s not fair..
Michelle – i would feel confident if Victor wasn’t playing.”
And it’s fair that a “Super Fan” is playing? Constant whining with this girl.
I’m all for Michelle bashing, but what you’re saying doesn’t make sense. What Michelle said was dumb, but how is it unfair for a super fan to play? Is it a super fan’s fault if their housemates didn’t watch as much as them?
As a Super Fan, Michelle should know they will not do another physical comp after doing the wall comp.
Someone should break it to Michelle that life isn’t fair….if she’d get out from under her mama’s housecoat and into the real world she would know that.
Wtf James really all this dude cares about is being AFP and getting a kiss from natalie why him waste of an vet and what would be poetic justice is if gets backdoored and leaves on thursday and gets a blindside bb what were you thinking out of all the people on BB 17 you choose this buffoon I actually wanted to see Jason or Johnny Mac come back with that saying I would like vic to win veto take Paul off the block and sittingducks can be safe for another week .
I would love a backdoor blindside on James. Keeps on bragging that he will win AFP. I got an AFP award for James “Ain’t Funny, Player”
I’ve got one: “A f*cking p*ssy!”
That was a good one.
You deserve a kraken.
lol. He deserves the whole darn bottle!
I just don’t understand why Nicole would keep Vic and Paul? Can someone explain her why?
Because she wants to get steamrolled. She has said she would happily settle for F2 and $50k and let Victor take the $500k. She won’t get anywhere near F2. She and her f*ckbuddy will be long gone before that. They are handing it to Vic and Paul on a silver platter.
Probably cause we all prayed really hard, and God blessed us!
Who is “we all”?
Assuming everyone shares your opinions is lame.
Ok, then. Maybe not all of us, but judging by the thumbs up and thumbs down on our comments it’s at least 70% of us.
Because most people follow the trend and fish for thumbs up. I think it’s a stupid system. All it does is try to enforce conformity and shout down contrary opinions.
The DR told her there was a DE coming up and she thought they said DP. She knows Vic is the best man for the job
Really Paul should get AFP. He was the most entertaining housepet of the season. I laughed more than any season.
Yeah calling women c***s and threatening to punch them in the face is really endearing. Great guy that Paul.
The board has horrible tastes.
5 shots at a care package and didn’t get one.
Victor and Paul not winning an ACP might actually help them. Now the house believes that America loves all of them and not V & P. They may get a bit of a slide by the others not thinking they are fan favorites.
I can’t wait to see Natalie go into full-blown fishwife mode as the week progresses. “James, why did you drop off that wall? That competition was yours to win. Now look where we are! And you said there wouldn’t be a jury buyback. You were wrong about that! I told you we should have voted Corey out. Now Vic hates us! It’s ALL YOUR FAULT!!!”
Lmao! You’re so right about that!
From a fan’s perspective, but I rather have Corey in the house rather than Paulie.
Had James evicted Corey, Paulie would be the one back in the house and that is a horror show
FISHWIFE??? How old are you?
What’s your problem?
If you don’t like the way that I communicate, just give my comment a thumbs down. There’s no need to be insulting.
I’d wager she’s already thinking it but hasn’t said it….yet.
Nicole is verifying why she should have never been brought back..are you kidding me?! James trusts that Nicole will send either Paull or Vic out b/c at this point the biggest threat should be the one to go. Why would he think for a second that Nicole (being a vet) would waste an HoH on Meech. Nicole is a complete dumbass and has no shot of winning if she continues with his whole Paul/Vic alliance.
Not really since James, Natalie and Michelle are a threesome.
Really dumb gameplay from James all season long. But the fat lady sung when he let Nicole have the HOH. He sealed his fate along with Nat and Meech. Still cant understand the logic of NiCorey making an alliance with the two strongest players in the game. Reminds me of watching Dumb and Dumber. Oh well Paul and Vic will be final 2. They deserve to be there. Vic has had a remarkable season. Coming back from BB death twice…i hope he wins. He will certainly get my vote for AFP.
Final 2 can’t win afp
I am no fan of James, but still no need to get nasty.
What did I miss?
This morning James asks Natalie, “Did you call Paul babe?” Natalie says yes, she calls everybody babe. James says thats a term of endearment.
James: You’re leading him (Paul) on.
Natalie: I’m not leading him on. I don’t like the kid at all.
Meanwhile upstairs Paul telling hoh crew regarding fight in kitchen with Natalie that when Natalie gets called out Natalie plays “victim, victim victim”. Paul said I got her number. “The second you are in a tough spot you go play victim. When you are ready to dish it out, you come in hot.”
So yes it’s pretty appalling that Natalie uses sexual harassment as a strategy. When she does it she calls it flirting and her social game but when someone does it back, it makes her uncomfortable and she even called Paul a pervert. She sucks.
That’s sh*tty. I defended Natalie when Paulie sexually harassed her. But then I heard she pinched Paul’s butt, and he told her he didn’t like that, and she made a comment about how he should like it because she’s attractive. Disgusting.
You defended her when it was the popular thing to do. Now that’s it’s not you don’t. This stuff is pretty easy to spot for anyone with an IQ over 100.
It’s not popular to defend someone against sexual harassment. It’s the right thing to do and the only thing to do. If ten years from now someone asks me, “Hey, remember when Paulie sexually harassed Natalie?” I’d reply, “Yeah, that was f*cked up.” None of that makes it okay for her to sexually harass someone else.
James needs to do damage control–tell Vic he suspected a buy back and knew he was the only one who would beat Paulie. (of course, had James voted out Nic as Meech wanted, she would have beat Paulie as we know now).
James said over and over and over (and over) that there was no way there would be a “buy back. ” He’s done this rodeo before you know…and there’s no way that they would do a “buy back.” (those are his words – he’s such an expert that he apparently forgot it was called a “battle back”)
So, I don’t think anyone would believe him if he tried to say that he suspected it? Well, Nat probably would. 😉
Two words: Buffalo Nickel.
If Corey can use the bribe until the next HOH, he could bribe the winner to not put him up I’d think as long as he is in the timeframe of saying that (when does it expire anyhow?). But glad he hasn’t thought of that. I’d like him gone.
The wording said it had to be used in the week leading up to the eviction. That would preclude the HoH contest unless they allow him to use the bribe before eviction for an action beyond the eviction.
Useless factoid — I just Googled it … in order to qualify for Miss Venezuela, one has to be 5’9″.
Isn’t Natalie’s height 4’11?
Lol… Victor was spot on! And he could get Miss Venezuela in a heartbeat.!
From my perspective, it was best that Victor was eliminated. Otherwise Corey would of been out and Paulie would have come back in.
No, James will get AFP. He knows you like his pranks.
Nicole is going to win. She’s a girl.
Corey will get #2 spot because he was smart enough to hook up with a vet. She’s coaching him, like James is coaching Natalie. Those will be the final 4. It was written in the stars.
If Michelle comes off the block there is no way Nicole puts up James or Natalie. Paul and Victor will be on the block again. I believe Corey is sincere about work wanting to work with Paul and Victor but Nicole’s true alliance is to James and between Nicole and James, they will convince Corey this is best for his game.
Preach it girl, braid flip!
Please don’t remind me of the braid flip, I just cringed and threw up a little in my mouth. Don’t want to remember her anymore, was bad enough seeing her in the buyback episode. She seems so angry and evil all the time.
I cringed reading this overdramatic comment
“Toe pick”
I thoroughly enjoyed watching Da roast Paulie in jury.
So did I. It is the best (and only) thing she could do in the game. Ironically when she was on the block no sh*t talkin’ finger poppin’ arm wavin’ braid shakin’, just quiet as a church mouse reading her bible. Waiting on divine intervention. Julie asked her to tell the houseguests why they should keep her in the game. “first I would like to praise Jesus he carried me this far. that is why you only saw one set of footprints in the sand”
Seems to me the low-wattage Corey bulb is burning brighter since he aligned with Victor.
That’s because Victor stimulates him far more than Nicole has or ever could.
No he’s still pretty much an idiot.
I never liked Nicole, but at least she’s doing the one thing she could as HOH that will make this week fun to watch. Maybe it doesn’t make sense to target Meech, but this is going to be way more interesting than seeing an exact repeat of last week, and next week things will be up in the air depending on who wins HOH. And I’ll throw a party if she gets James evicted somehow. I like him as a person, but this is two straight seasons of him making the worst possible game moves at crucial times.
I somehow have never caught what kraken means or a kraken season. Anyone please?
I tried GOOGLE!! before asking and found no association to Big Brother peach.
Kraken is some type of booze. Rum maybe?
Thank you Annie 🙂
Kraken is a rum that Simon and maybe Dawg imbibe when the season takes a frustrating turn either because the players are boring, stupid, or just annoying.
So you will be the one who explains this to the next 20 people who are too slovenly lazy to read the previous posts? Have fun.
kraken – a squid-like sea monster……
Kraken – black spiced rum from Barbados……
I’m a BB fan and I’ve seen a lot of stupid things go on in that house, but NICOLE has to be the most idiotic player I’ve ever watched. (Including Lawan). She has done absolutely NOTHING but WHINE and COMPLAIN the whole season in fear of being put up. Every time I see her she’s in bed with the animal killer. She deserves exactly what she fears the most – public ridicule. And Corey – he is so bad he’s not worth talking about. I hope the Animal Rights people grab his ass the minute the show’s over. And Paul – he is the meanest one in the house. That damn rubber ducky is ridiculous!. He is funny, I admit, but most of the time at someone else’s expense (he has to have some mental problems with all those tattoos and that beard and haircut). Really, would you want anyone you care about to go out with him???? I like Vic but his game is no good – been voted out twice now. It’s the brawn that has kept him in – not his game play. I was pissed at James for putting Frank up, but overall he is a really smart guy – if you REALLY think about it. (He’s stayed in this long and kept that empty headed cheerleader in as well). But Nicole – God – you will lose EVERYTHING you want if you go up against James. I am so mad at her right now!! (PLEASE step in Production!!) Reminds me of Shelley vs. Jeff. Hope she’s fooling us all with this Final 4. If she does go up against James, a lot of people in my world won’t be able to stomach the rest of the game. She is the least deserving of all of them.
So you are actually saying that having a beard and tattoos are in the DSM as traits for a mental health issue? Your comments lead me to believe that you have a mental health issue and you’re simply projecting your square, prude, superficial, judgmental, self-hate on to others. If you watched the feeds than you would see that Michelle is one of the most hateful insecure people ever. Omg!!! did you know she has her nose pierced!!!!!! I’m betting your clasping pearls right now!
I won’t be nasty about it, but I agree with the assessment of Paul. His look is a cry for attention. He has a personality to match.
I agree, Paul is playing the hell out of this game and he gets blasted and stereotyped by the way he looks, what he said and how he acts but Natalie and Michelle, (with their fake everything) smacking, slurping, foul mouths and personal attacks against his beliefs, gets a free pass. gtfoh…
In Paul’s HOH package there was a pic of him clean shaven posed with his sister. He is a cute guy and looks VERY young without a beard. He is the youngest player at 23.
No – I’m clasping diamonds. Tell me, when do you ever see someone looking like Paul as a CEO, Broker, Etc?
It isn’t fair I know, but it’s the truth. Sorry to prick your feathers over honest comments. One of your piercings must be stabbing you
These days people are huge fans of tats. NBD. There are plenty of people who have made tons of money and run businesses even though they have tattoos. Yeah, no, that’s not my cup of tea. But the world has changed. Look beyond the ink and the potty mouth and see the real person.
Paul looks a lot like my brother. Who happens to be a happily married father of four (oldest two are in college) and a self-made multi-millionaire. Yeah, even with a crazy beard and tattoos, can you believe it?
“My turkey sandwich is really good though” James just summed up his game play. He is delusional about AFP and Natalie.
Yea I laughed when I read that as well. Duh I don’t know but my turkey sandwich is good.
Isn’t it good George? Tell me it’s good George, I gonna love it and squeeze it and keep it forever George
the dude could be in the cartoon and doesn’t need animation.
I just want to see who wins Veto!!!!!
You didn’t get my sarcasm. Meech whining bout it being “unfair” to compete with a “comp beast”, but she as a “super fan” most likely knows a lot of comps and how they go, so how would that be “fair”? And most HGs dont watch the show some are extras….
Corey, Vic, and Paul back together.
Corey……”Do you really think I care, your gonna screw us after them over there, come on and join together with the band” “Well we don’t have no direction, and we won’t do no collectin’ come on and join together with the band”
I do not believe Nicole will put up James or Nat if Paul gets pulled off the block. She is just telling everyone what they want to hear. Nicole has done this both seasons. If it comes down to having to choose between putting up James/Nat/ or Victor, Nicole will put up Victor. Her ties with James runs to deep. The only hope will be if Victor wins POV and pulls Paul off the block. Then she will have no option but to put Nat up. That is the only scenario I see Nicole going against James. She is just saying all this right now so she doesn’t upset Cory more than anything because he wants to work with Paul & Victor. If it comes down to her having to put someone else on the block, watch how quick she will flip back to the other side. You can tell James is not worried one bit about all this. He knows since Nicole is in power, he and his girl are safe.
I am not one to disclose how much or how often I donate but come payday, Simon and Dawg are getting a $25 additional tip for that picture of Big MEECH with the cereal bowl plastered to her face!!!
This site is simply the best place for updates, recaps and camaraderie when it comes to BBUS, and that is due to Simon and Dawg’s dedication to and love of the game, and also because of my fellow commenters and posters. You guys make me laugh (out loud in inappropriate places), think, and see perspectives I never thought of.
Thank you all for everything and GO VICTOR!!!
Thanks Robin Glad you like the site 🙂
James you stupid dork, this late in the game you never pass up an HOH, so you let ratcole whine to you to throw it. Personally want Paula to win veto and ratcole to put your ass up for sheer stupidity and let Coreless Vic and Paul send your butt home.
Anyone think Cody looks like a young John Travolta?
Cody?? Calafiore? Or did you mean Corey, the towel-snapping dumbshlt jock boy?
I’m not gonna watch anymore I’ll just check at the very end to see who wins. The fact that Nicole is not going to get one of Paul or Victor out is insane. Corey….I can’t. Such a doofus! I can’t stand Paul it’s like nails on a chalkboard when I look at him. Victor is actually a nice guy but he’s aligned with Paul. Ugh! And yes I’m one of the few that still likes James and Natalie.
Day 2 of waiting for James/Nat/Meech to approach HOH Nicole. I can’t figure this out, it’s like all 3 of them gave up on Thursday.
Agreed… Natalie, Michelle and James have made little effort to talk to Nicoleeeeeeeeeee and Corey. Natalie is hoping on James being able to protect her because of that deal James made with Nicole on the wall.
The same type of deal James made with Bridgette earlier in the season that he broke. I think James just wants to get AFP at this point. Natalie may be realizing James fu**d up, if her and James break it’ll be platinum gold on the feeds. Big Meech had final 3 locked with Paul and Victor and now she’s most likely going home.
This season is an absolute roller coaster..
Agree Simon this has been one of the better seasons of late and here is to the kraken shrine may it flow for years.
Yes. As much as some people (myself included) have complained about this season it has been up and down and unpredictable. I will watch to the end because I have absolutely no idea who will win this. That makes for pretty good TV. Could not care less though without this site. I don’t get the feeds and so appreciate the blow-by-blow recaps. Anyone who bitches about this site can go see where they gotta go.
Gonna send you some more bucks right now.
Cheers. You do a great job.
PS Simon you mentioned an actual get-together for fans. I’m in Vancouver (Burnaby) and thought that might be cool but getting to Campbell River is a journey. Ferries, 4×4’s , helicopters and hiking boots. Just a bit too much. Joking of course. It’s a great town. Fished out of there once.
Have a good one
That whole jury house segment was so obviously scripted it wasn’t even funny.
We all know Zak would still want Paulie even if he shot her. You saw her in the house.
Get Nat out this week!
Not a chance was that scripted. Paulie was shakin in his weird ’80’s style boots shoes whatever.
No way he could act that look on his face. Guaranteed he’s never been called out like that before. I almost felt a bit sorry for him. For a moment.
It was epic and deserved and not scripted.
Michelle would take out Nicole in a heartbeat. Nicole is smart to do what she’s doing. Michelle had a chance to have a strong alliance but she went with gnats plan.
I think Michelle will win veto. Hope not though.
James is not as stupid as people think when it comes to Natalie. He has seen Natalie’s true side quite a few weeks ago. That’s why he didn’t do what she wanted and vote out Cory. But, he knows, he can only win if he takes her to f2. No one will vote for her to win. People in jury are comparing notes and even Bridgette now knows how shady Natalie is. James made a comment saying it’s hard looking people in the face that he betrayed and he knows he won’t win. He thinks he may get the AFP (NOT). Even Paul will beat him in the F2. James stabbed people in the back, that wasn’t necessary too early in the game. He ran to Nicole and Cory and told them, Michelle’s whole plan, the night before eviction and jumped under the covers with them, when he heard someone coming. Looking like a 30yr old idiot. Now, he’s saying Michelle is up because Paul told them. Paul verified what Nicole felt but James gave them detail by detail of what Michelle said and wanted to do. Freaking rat!!! James was trying to play a Derrick game but Derrick played counselor, while positioning players to take each other out. Nicole and Corey teaming up with Paul and Victor, is smart. Paul was loyal to Paulie, until Paulie got a humongous ego and so was Victor. And they were loyal to the five until they turned on them a week later. Nicole is good at mental comps, when she doesn’t throw them and Cory is good at physical, when he doesn’t throw them. So, this might be very interesting with the #F4
I think there is a possibility that Meech might choke during the comp. Once she makes a mistake she won’t be able to let it go and move on. And of course it all depends on what the comp is.
Chocking on all that food she constantly inhales.
Final four will be nicole- james- Corey – Natalie.
I don’t mind if Michelle goes home because it will expose that Nicole and Corey have an alliance with Paul and Victor. Hope James wins Veto, keeps noms the same. Nicole will not be able to explain why Paul did not go home. I want to see Nicole and Corey on the block and sweat a little bit. They both had it way too easy in this game.
The problem for Nicole is, she JUST woke up and is starting to play BB. She is waaaaay behind the other HG’s…well besides Corey. Victor is the only one who deserves the win…..he has overcome two evictions AND remains a decent guy. Paul for 2nd place because he is so strategically smart, makes plans then executes them and is STILL in the house. James will be so embarrassed when he gets out and realizes he in no way was AFP. Humble yourself James. Enjoy your life with narcissistic Nat.
Hey Big Brother, can someone please grab a feed bag for Big Munch Meech?
Make that 2.
Meech needs a trough. Ain’t got time to reload
I think Paul and Victor have both played a good game. Paul has adapted to every situation and Victor is literally a comp beast. A great final 2 plus both worthy. Don’t hate cause you don’t like them
I don’t think that Nicole is wrong to target Meech this week. James and Nat were trying to set up a final 5 where they had the advantage by taking Big Meech as a third wheel. It was JAMES that told Nic that she was Meech’s target. (Real stupid move). After Paul confirmed it Nic knows that Paul is not giving her BS. Along with the Corey vs Vic eviction that she felt it was up to the last minute and it was confirmed by Paul/Vic that for a hot minute Corey would have gone So why would she do James and Co’s dirty work and take out two people who can do HER dirty work and kick James to the curb? I think she has positioned herself and Corey into a nice spot. In the middle where James wanted to be until Nat won HOH and F’d it all up. Let the others take each other out and just sit back and let them court your vote.
I to don’t understand Nicole. Last week she went and pitched Vic//Paul to nat saying they were a strong duo but works with them. I think she knows she is Michelle’s target that’s the reason. She want Michelle out and maybe in a good spot. She will avoid at all costs not putting James or nat up, it all comes down to the veto. Doesn’t she see that Cory isn’t here ride or die? The boys had a convo of an all guys alliance and she reported to girls but didn’t question Cory, I don’t get it? All I can see is she is playing for Cory first. The minute the games over cory’s priority will be a guys thing with nic sitting in the sidelines crying. She will look back and regret her games again.
Rewatching after dark and about 1 hr and 7 minutes in, Paul is talking about taking shots… it sounds like he’s talking about his special reserve of “acid” and telling corey and victor he can’t wait for them to try it. Did anyone else watch this? Is he saying he takes acid or is he saying some kind of liquor that sounds like acid? He says it several times and it really sounds like he is saying acid.
Didn’t watch bb after dark but i’d make a guess he’s saying absinthe.
It’s Absenth.
Why was it necessary for Nat to whisper to BigMeech that Paul had the round trip ticket. That was shown on the live show.
How is that a big deal?
Not a big deal, just curious. It was mentioned in the update as though it was meant to be a secret. Inquiring minds and all that stuff.
hopefully this final 4 keeps the excitement going…stay loyal and get to the end gl
So what, he has tattoos and a beard. He’s a 23 year old kid who’s experimenting and discovering himself. His look certainly isn’t indicative of any type of mental disorder. And as far as him being employable… Paul doesn’t strike me as the type of guy to have a conventional office job so I’m sure his “look” won’t be be a problem in whatever it is he chooses to do. Stop being so judgmental.