“You guys said we were a final 4 and now you have the ability to do it. Now you are going to show us who you are!”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Matt
Nominees: Cirie & Felicia
POV Players: Everyone
POV Winner: JAG
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots: No more havenots

Lock your ranks in before midnight

The Situation: Felicia is Matts target however Jag and Bowie may want Cirie out instead.

4:30pm The live feeds return. The house guests played some search and find prize comp for 5K. Jag helped Matt win the 5K.

Jag – Hey we both won 5K now. Matt – thanks BRO! Jag – yeah I got you! Matt – even I was boosting you too. Jag – I was like I am going to give all five of mine to my boy! Matt – they’re going to be like do you see what just happened there? Jag – Who cares! I am like I am give all five of mine to my boy Matt. And the next time I went I was like lets run it back.. all four to Matt!

4:30pm Kitchen – Cirie and Felicia.
Cirie – one of us might be leaving on Thursday. I’m a talk to Jag and be like now Jag.. him and Matt.. You guys said that we were a final four and now you have the ability to do it. And now you are going to show us who you are! I know you want to win the money but you still got to show us who you are because we still got to give you a jury vote. Cirie – MMMmmHHHmmm.. and do you want to lose two of them. Felicia – because you straight lied and played them. While you’re messing around Bowie Jane might land in one of them two seats. And I will say that because they don’t think we have the ability to while you’re playing around. Matt you see Bowie Jane took second while you were f**king around. And one you might get your feelings really hurt when she sneaks up on your a$$ and ends up in that final seat. Cirie – that would be amazing! Felicia – girl! Cirie – AH HA! Light weight that’s what they’re probably going to do with each other. Felicia – now they’re outside happy. Cirie – yeah now Matt got 5k, Jag got 5K! Felicia – Cameron got a European trip. Cirie – Bowie Jane got zero.

4:32pm – 5pm Backyard – Jag and Bowie playing pool
Jag – I wonder what they’re going to pitch now. Like if they’re going to turn on each other. Bowie – Felicia already said I want to chat with you later to see who you want to evict. So I think she assumes you aren’t going to use it. Jag – are you mad at me? Bowie – I’m not. I just thought we were a three. Jag – we are. Bowie – I was like hang on a sec. Its not the money. I am not pissed seriously. Jag – Bowie we are a three. I don’t want you to think that we’re not a three. Bowie – it was just a little concerning. Jag – No, I don’t want you to think that we’re not a three because of that. I have my personal reasons why.. Bowie – its actually a good reason. Jag – I really do feel like I owed him in terms of that because truly he could have taken the money from me and he didn’t .. he got a punishment instead so it was the least I could do to pay him back. Bowie – I think its good. Jag – I don’t want you to think its anything else. Bowie – no I don’t think its anything else.

5:15pm – 5:57pm They’re grilling again for dinner. They talk dressing up for Halloween. Cirie – with hair like that you should be the lion from the Wizard of Oz. Jag to Matt – you should be the scarecrow. And you (Bowie) should be the tin man. They wonder if BB will give them costumes. Matt – if not we can make our own.

6:05pm – 6:20pm Kitchen – Jag and Bowie.
Jag – we want Cirie gone right? Bowie – Don’t you think? Jag – I think so, I just want to make sure we’re on the same page about that like for sure before we start talking to Matt about it. Bowie – Well we don’t know what she plays like because she’s thrown ever comp. Jag – she did well today. Bowie – She won this game .. this tv show called The Mole. Jag – she played The Mole!? (No, she played & won Traitors) Bowie – that’s what Cory told me. Jag – and she won? They have hella comps. Bowie – and survivor as well. Jag – we will talk because she did really well today .. emphasize that to Matt because ultimately the thing is that its going to be me and you playing in the next HOH against one other person. And you and me have to win. Bowie – yeah. Jag – we have to win if we want the three of us there. Bowie – yup. Otherwise we’re screwed. Jag – and the player that we think we can beat is who we should go against not only for us but for Matt as well. Ultimately Mama Fe did well in obviously Snot a Winner and Humiligram. But Cirie maybe has held back and today she sort of started to show that. Me, you and her were pretty much the same. I was ahead by one. I looked over and I was like damn. Bowie – and maybe he (Matt) has to two with (Cirie) .. I don’t know. Jag – they’ve been really tight this whole time. Jag – that’s fine if he does but you can’t have a two and a three.. like you have to pick one. For you its the three and for him I think it is as well. Bowie – and the thing is he (Matt) gets to keep his jury vote because he can say that he didn’t know it was going to happen.

6:30pm – 7:40pm HOH room – Jag and Matt.
Jag – it worked out.. its honestly best case scenario because then they won’t be pitching as much. Matt – yeah it worked out because if I won they would have been pitching to both. And then they can’t pitch to us at all because I’m HOH and you have veto. They can’t make that work at all. Jag – exactly. Matt – thanks for the “Trick or Treat” (5K). Jag – Yeah I got you! It was the least I could do to pay you back for buddy ball. Now we’re even. You let me hold onto the 5K and I gave you this one. I feel bad for Bowie. Matt – I know. Jag – because you put all your candy into might right? Matt – yeah but then after I put some in.. I put two in hers.. and two in Cirie’s. The only person that I didn’t give any to was Felicia. Jag – Yeah I think she (Bowie) feels some type a way because I gave all my candy to you and never took anything from you. And then when it came to taking I took from everyone but you. Matt – you could tell her because you gave me 5k. Jag – I did. At this point it doesn’t even matter if we’re good with them or not. Matt – it doesn’t. Jag – the only thing that matters is winning the competitions.. so the HOH and the veto. We have to win the HOH first.. either I do or Bowie does. But hopefully I do. SO I have to win the HOH and then one of us have to win the veto. Matt – I know. I have to win the veto. Jag – or Bowie. I talked to her and she is locked in. She isn’t going to evict you. The only thing that matters is we beat the Mamas… this week and next week. Matt – yeah. Jag – what can either of them offer. Matt – they can’t offer anything. Jag – I don’t care about either of them. What I am thinking about is who is going to be easier to beat next week twice.. an HOH and a veto. Part of me thinks .. part of me wants Felicia gone this week. I feel like she has said a lot of things but another part of me thinks.. Felicia joins them and the conversation ends. Jag mentions that he wants to hear what everyone has to say. Jag – I am not dead set on using it or not using. Felicia – I trust you guys. I have always been the team.. the three .. the four. Jag – we will chat again. Felicia leaves. Matt – its funny she pitched us as a two. Jag – we gave her nothing.. we didn’t even say you’re good this week. So Felicia has had a lot more opportunities to win and she hasn’t. And because Felicia has been on the block so much every times she was in a veto she played at 100%. SO we know what Felicia’s 100% looks like. Cirie is going to have two opportunities to win next week and we don’t know her full potential. Low key I think Cirie is 100% if bigger competitor. Matt – at the end of the day we need to get both the Mama’s gone because they’ll win it with a bitter jury. I’ve had to win, you’ve had to win… everyone else has had to win. She (Cirie) hasn’t had to win. She out gamed the whole game. Its a game you win by winning.. and she said f**k it. I will play Big Brother socially and show you how to win by never having win a comp. And not because she is not good.. but intentionally not winning competitions. It might be better to keep Mama Fe and evict Cirie. Matt – here is how I think about it.. you make the decision because you have to compete against them in the HOH comp next week. Jag – if its a mix I feel better against Felicia than Cirie. We could just do 2 – 0 .. Cirie is evicted. That is that. The question is do we tell Cirie. Or just not. Do me and you sit down with Cirie and tell her. Matt – we can’t tell her. We have to wait till veto is used / not used. Let them do the talking.

Backyard – Cirie and Felicia.
Felicia – I got to get these boys to say what they’re doing. Cirie – you should have asked them in the hot tub. Felicia – Wasn’t Bowie there. Cirie – for a hot minute but then she left.

7:42pm – 8:50pm HOH room – Bowie joins Matt and Jag.
Jag fills Bowie in on the conversation Matt and Jag had about how it would be better to evict Cirie. Jag – if Cirie goes this week.. then next week we COOK Felicia! Bowie – its risky letting Cirie get to far (you’re just thinking this now?). Also she’s been in every single alliance but no one ever talks about that. She really has her finger in a lot of pies. Jag – also that little stunt that she pulled last week where she told Blue she was the target. You care about jury management so much.. why don’t you manage them in person. We’ll send you there this week. Bowie – and she was definitely planning to put you two up. Jag – next person on the Mafia’s hit list.. Mama Cirie. Also Mama Felicia makes the best food. You can’t cook as well as Mama Fe can. Keep her in, keep our bellies full.. we’re fueled up ready to go. Bowie – I think its smart that Cirie has gotten so fare in Survivor 5 times or whatever and that she won The Traitor. Isn’t that about .. you have to lie and stuff. Matt – she was one of the traitors and no one guessed that it was her. Bowie – and she promises everyone her vote.. everyone. Jag – I would never put you (Jag) up. I would never put you (Bowie) up. I would never put you (Matt) up. And she can confidently say that because she will never win. Matt – she was one week shy. Jag – we caught onto your silly little game. Bowie – so how will we handle this if this is where we’re going. Jag – we tell them both that they’re good and then we text book blindside Cirie’s a$$ because its what she deserves. She cooked Reilly! She made Reilly think she had her the whole time. Matt – she (Reilly) said f**k Jared. F**k Cory and America. Jag – Cirie probably threw Jared, Cory and America under the bus. She is that good. That is why she won traitors because she is good at lying. Matt – we have to keep them calm. I don’t want awkward for all of us in the house. Jag – we just lie. It doesn’t matter if we’re good with Felicia or not. We just have to win the competition. She doesn’t know but we are her mustard seeds. Matt – we are the three mustard seeds. The conversation turns to talking about how some of the other house guests were selfish / greedy with alcohol / food.

8:50pm Kitchen – Cirie and Felicia.
Cirie – I feel like we’re at clown college and we about to graduate. Look around. I look around some times and I am like what the f**k am I doing here!? There are pictures of other strangers (Memory wall). I used to see them every day.

9:25pm The HGs are hanging out in the kitchen.

9:45pm Quad cam on Cirie reading the bible…..

10pm Bedroom – Jag and Bowie talk about studying the room to be prepared for the final comps of the season.

10:42pm Bedroom – Cirie and Felicia.
The whole time Felicia is going off, Cirie is under her pillow only saying MMmmmmHHHMmmm, MmmmHHmmm, MMmhmmm..
Felicia – they are chilling like they are one big happy family. They played our a$$es last week. But I am going to have a conversation with them and remind them we helped you guys carry out your plan because you told us that we could trust you because we were in a final 4. And ya’ll played our a$$es! Is that really how you treat people? We’re five people left in the house and you need our jury vote because you don’t know who gonna land in them final two chairs because Bowie Jane’s a$$ is still here. And you take it for granted that you’re going to beat her, she might shock your a$$ and end up in one of them chairs while you playing. Because she’s shown she can compete with you. So keep messing around and she get the opportunity to sneak up on your a$$. And I am going to tell them, if she end up in one of them chairs she just might get my vote because ya’ll were stupid enough to carry her all the way to the damn end when she ain’t really done sh*t in the game till the last month. And if you okay with sitting next to that… OKAY! I’m going to be like that is just as bad as having America sitting up there. While you guys think you’re carrying her to the end and she is your sure win, don’t kid yourself because I am going to get over there just like Cameron said and use my persuasiveness and I know it sounds stupid but look what Bowie Jane was able to do … she chased power the whole damn game, never made a decision on her own, you never knew what she was thinking because she never had an opinion on sh*t … and we let her a$$ ride all the way to the end. Nobody ever thought about putting her a$$ on the block.. because you were always looking for the BIG targets and you let her roll her a$$ all the way to the end. Don’t kid yourself thinking Bowie Jane might not win that money. You might get your damn feelings hurt.

11pm – 12am HOH room – Jag, Bowie and Matt talking about veto comp. Jag – we literally cannot let her win the HOH or the veto. There are three spots that we are trying to get and if she wins either HOH or Veto she will claim one of those spots so at this point we cannot let her win because we are fighting for all three of us to make it. Bowie – yeah. Jag – that’s all it is. Bowie – so we basically can’t lose any other competition. Jag – the only one we could lose and still make it is part one of the three part HOH because if you lose it you still have part to and three to make it. They start studying again and talking about past events of the season.

7:30 am zzzzzzz

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116 thoughts to ““You guys said we were a final 4 and now you have the ability to do it. Now you are going to show us who you are!””

    1. I wish folks would stop ragging on Bowie’s age and what she wears, etc. who cares if she acts younger wears a certain hair style etc? I’m 59 and I don’t act my age, I wear whatever I want and rock a pixie cut! It keeps you young. If you don’t like her game play, say that but leave the way she looks and acts alone .

      1. It’s so sad / pathetic when that mid-life crisis kicks in & you so yearn to be cool … yeah you do you … just ignore the snickers behind your back they’re not laughing at you pink hair/ dumbass hairdo / outfit from the 80s … wait they’re 100% laughing at your dumb ass

      2. “If you don’t like her game play, say that but leave the way she looks and acts alone”

        So let see if I have this straight. We can comment on her game play, but we can’t comment on her “looks and acts” ???

        And from what planet are you from in trying to impose censorship, and promotes prohibition on freedom of speech, debate, and expression?



        What is more believable is that her dentures came straight “from the horse’s mouth”. (Ms. Ed?)

  1. Matt has gained a tremendous amount of weight. He now looks like a cabbage patch doll from the 90’s.

      1. Making a comment about a persons weight change isn’t body shaming.

        But he does look like a cabbage patch doll, lol.

        1. Senior….I agree with you, but the problem here lies on a group of posters that get offended when you call an orange an orange, and a prune a prune. Let then go through life that way, in believing in what the want, instead of what it is. Sooner than later they’ll come running for help.

      2. Oh thank you Saint Mimo… God I hate PC people … sometimes people need to be told what they are especially if they’re Olympics level swimmers

        1. I’m not a Saint. Body shaming should never be acceptable. When someone you know commits suicide because of being body shamed on social media, you will understand where I’m coming from.

    1. He gains it all in his face. But what else is there to do. For him, it’s carbo-loading since he’ll hit the ground running in two wks doing high calorie burning training. This is good for him, prob first time in his life..

      1. Last week they showed Matt reclining in the sunny hammock….shirtless – and I paused that video and he still looks pretty damn good. Better than 90% most guys…in any given Home Depot on the weekends. So what if the Olympic Swimmer stuck in a house with the only thing to do is eat…yeah his face might be puffy, but his bod is still A+

    2. “He now looks like a cabbage patch doll from the 90’s.”

      With no sack and no mangos.

    1. It doesn’t matter because the houseguests never wash their.hands; even after using the bathroom! I would not eat their food!

      1. Eww really?

        Someone needs to pull a Danielle Reyes and call the Gerrys out!

        Bonus points if they also get ‘ghetto fabulous!’

      2. With Red, you couldn’t get him out of the kitchen. How much red beard and hair did everyone ingest since it was prob baked into everything. His beard hung right over the stove top when he cooked..ewwww

      3. “It doesn’t matter because the houseguests never wash their.hands”



    2. And she’s holding a grudge against them, yuck! I think I heard her and C commenting in the kitchen about doing something to one of Bowie’s foodstuffs. I think they said, ‘ what should we do to that cold brew’, and then laughed devilishly.

      1. Wasn’t there a time when someone in BB took another’s TOOTHBRUSH and scrubbed the toilet with it, and then later the guy was using it to brush his teeth without knowing what had happened??

  2. These lazy f**ks will be eating pizza pockets every day if the mamas go home. I’m not entirely sure BJ can figure out the microwave. So it might just be sandwiches for a week.

  3. Reminder:
    Cirie was pushing a Jag target.
    The crones were planning a hard push Jag eviction after veto.
    Jag wins veto. Surprised it wasn’t ind. time.
    Prove the final four is real is the hard push?

    Sucks to suck?
    What, I’m supposed to sympathize?
    Eyeroll….shaaaa. naah.
    just don’t have a spare fuq to give. These douchecanoes don’t deserve it.
    Can’t even laugh at their misery I’m so sick of them.

    1. If Cirie goes, I feel like it’s because she’s wanted out for weeks and prodo is finally granting her wish.

      1. If I were Cirie or Felicia, send me to the jury. I don’t want to be in the house another week all by myself while “the mafia” stays in the HOH partying it up. If I ever hear fBj say “yeah, that’s right” it will be too soon!

        1. what does she care? her signing bonus was likely equal to 1/4 to 1/2 the prize to begin with.
          Check niki and tim convos bbcan4. those stuntcasts’ signing bonus was higher than bbcan grand prize.
          Check season 22, they all talked about their negotiated fees.
          Stuntcasts are different scale than their castmates.

          If 1/10th of the survivor viewers that don’t watch bb checked it out for cirie? that means approx 100k more viewers to base their future ad revenue rates on.
          investment more than paid.

          1. Does Big Brother USA have anything to do with Big Brother Canada? Are they two separate entities, or do they have a connection? I’m asking because I really don’t know.

            1. Used to use the same casting company. Both Grodner and Chen have been involved in pre-season meetings with production honchos in Can. The former comp producer of Can produced comps for at least one season of US. Season 21 of US affected Can. The controversy was, in part, a factor in the adoption of the 50% representation policy a season before US.
              I seriously contend that since Can was brought back from hiatus, it has been a betatest for US. Alterations, twists, basic season story premises all seem to line up.

    2. I have felt all along that prodo set Cirie up to win, helping her slide through and not being worried about being put on the block. I also believe that her name never was in the bag and last week when Blew checked and, miraculously found it, that it was done in response to all the viewers questions. Remember, that was not live tv.
      But I also believe that prod has become tired of Cirie’s unwillingness to try to win HOH and her disparaging remarks about being there. I think she came into the game believing that prod would give it to her somehow without making her look bad or her getting messy. Now, I think prod have washed their hands of her and are letting her drown. She doesn’t have a chance surviving Thursday, no matter how nice she has been to Matt. She should not have stood back and let others do her dirty work, like she did in the beginning. Those first weeks were pretty much orchestrated by her and Jared. Imagine if they had gotten Matt and Jag out early. I think she could have ended up in final 2, working hard to get there, with Cam or maybe even Cory. I’m sure she was well paid to be there. Too bad she didn’t actually earn it,.
      Of the 5 remaining I probably dislike her the least, so I hope she finds a way to survive but I really don’t have much hope.

      1. She’s making good money for doing nothing. The not being grateful, humble or genuine in light of that is what gets me. She knew it was 100days going in. AND she got a once in a lifetime chance to play with her son! You’re welcome bitter biddy.

  4. Wow.
    Looks like Matt caved?
    shoulda took out Fe in the double… but his personal grudge that someone else got showmance label and he got….qtips that’s his legacy.
    So now the passive agressive fight over BJ’s vote begins? Or has that ship sailed into international waters?

  5. Felicia is smart. She’s throwing those comps. She said Jag is playing a cowardly game. He wants everybody out that can compete. Cameron and Cory were trying to work with him and he betrayed them because he was scared of them. And he’s going to sneak up on Matt too. He can’t beat Matt. And lookie lookie, that’s exactly what he’s doing. But, Cameron told Matt not to trust Jag and Matt major crap about Cameron and said “Cameron’s a f’ng liar. F@#k Cameron. Hope he remembers those words on his way to Jury next week.

      1. You think? Jag won Veto. If Matt would have put him up, he would have pulled himself off and a line would have been drawn. Dumb idea!

        1. Well he and Bowie could have double teamed Jag out of the house during the double (she won HOH and Matt won Veto) but they idiotically let him survive to win the game…

          Matt very well would have still won HOH against everyone plus America who would have survived in that timeline.

          And whoever was in second this past Veto Jag just won probably would have not been America either. And if so then who cares they would just get her out the following week. She is no comp beast like Jag and even if she would have made it to the Final 2, Matt at least could have beat her.

          I hope their stupid decisions come back to bite them and Jag wins.

          Either that or I want Bowie or Felicia to win against Matt lol.

          Matt is the absolute worst imo.

          1. Regardless of whether you like Jag or not, of this bunch, he deserves to win against any of them in my opinion. Jag was smart to team up with so many pairs, and in the end, it’s Dumb and Dumber who will get him to the end.

      1. Hindsight’ is 20/20. HG’s will watch the season & be embarrassed by their behavior. Mostly the personal attacks they kept spewing after HG’s were evicted. I know lying & talking trash are part of the game but they’ve been immature, disrespectful & hateful with their digs. It’s hard to have a favorite out of this bunch. I don’t like the idea of BJ winning because she’s made such a big deal out of saying she doesn’t want to win. I know people love Cerie but she doesn’t want to be there. Matt has been a perfect puppet. Felicia’s annoying & her sanitary habits make me cringe. So, that leaves Jag. I don’t think he would’ve been a comp beast in any other season. Watching the jury house would be more exciting.

        1. I can’t wait for Cam & fBj to watch the BB25 season back. Especially the segment that was 4 minutes into the 2nd episode when all the HG’s entered the house a second time and find Cirie there, entering the contest too. Cam & fBj we’re standing next to Izzy when she hollered for Jared to “come here Jared”and she told him “You’re Cirie Fields’ son aren’t you?”
          Both Cam & fBj were looking right at them. There’s no way they didn’t hear what she said. It must have been the excitement of the moment that they must not have paid attention. Too bad…..the season could have turned out much differently had production not given Cirie & Jared an unfair advantage.

  6. The week 2 lie is coming back.
    Reilly’s stupid read that Cirie was her wannabe savior only Cory and especially America were traitors.
    That lie.
    The lie that led to Matt swearing to protect Cirie.
    It’s out.

    The grimace part?
    Jag’s known since week 4 that it’s a lie. The two days of America telling Jag the real history of week 2, 3, and 4 including the two of them alliance charting the entire Cirieverse of alliances. Remember? Cory confirmed the flip/unflip part of the start for the season, and that Reilly was never staying. Right before Jag’s first eviction.
    So, he’s opportunistically kept Matt’s personal grudge enflamed even when the 4 were allies?
    I’d respect that as villian moves if Jag owned being a villain.
    No, seriously, I love a good villain that owns villainy.
    Alas, heroic victim of circumstance isn’t villain.

    1. Exactly.

      It is sad that Jag and Matt think they are going to be so loved when they get out of the game.

      Like congrats on winning whatever money you won for 1st/2nd but you will not be loved and or remembered by most.

      Jag can join Maggie, Adam, Michie, etc as a winner from a season most don’t like and or many would have easily preferred someone else won that season instead of them.

      1. I remember when Michie came out of the house after he won BB, and the response was polite but cold. He didn’t understand, and then his parents, I think it was his parents, told him that he was perceived as being racist. The look on his face was really sad.

    2. Getting rid of Cirie? Good idea. Jury temptation.
      Getting rid of Cirie because she’s a comp threat???

      Can’t even eyeroll THAT load of manure.
      I mean… at her BEST yeeeeears ago she wasn’t considered a comp threat.
      She’s a comp beast in the same way Jared’s a comp beast… only if everyone else jumps off the wall.

  7. I find it absolutely hilarious that they were discussing Jag being the cowardly lion from OZ for Halloween when not too long ago that was his nickname in these comment sections lmao SPOT ON!!

    1. No, MATT was going to be Cowardly Lion, Jag scarecrow, Bowie tin man. Go back and read it again…

      1. “Jag to Matt – you should be the scarecrow. And you (Bowie) should be the tin man.”

        Cut and pasted from the update above. Lukas is right. Cirie was talking to Jag about being the Cowardly Lion.

  8. Jag & Bowie are talking in the HOH room right now on camera 1. They just said “next week it’s you & me against Mama Fe”. I guess they’re voting out Cirie on Thursday.

  9. Is it superficial of me to want to see Felicia gone merely because I won’t have to see her freekin’ robe anymore ?

    1. Cuz you’d rather see Cirie’s grey robe? We’re going to see one of the robes unless they both leave this week!

  10. Cirie try winning something and decide your own fate. And stop expecting the houseguests and production collectively to drag you to the end for an undeserved victory.

    1. she played a pretty good game. hid behind jared as a shield until he was gone then faded under the radar. she probably should have tried harder to keep cameron. she needed him to take out jag, was a mistake to think coremerica could do it.

      1. if sucking so bad that no one targets you then yes excellent gameplay. people keeping her around until now just because they are starstruck.

        1. it was the basics of dan gheesling’s strategy with the funeral. “woe is me. i have no chance of winning so vote britney out.”

      1. I’ve held nothing back in my criticisms of the house guests and all of my posts go through. This season has has been an utter disaster and I feel like I’ve lost three months of my life watching these feeds. I haven’t checked the older threads to see if any of my comments have been removed and I’m not going to. I don’t care enough to bother. CBS is not taking any more of my time unless it’s something I find interesting.

    1. I’m looking forward to everyone leaving. I wish they could all lose. It’s like watching teams you despise and trying to decide who you want to lose the least.

  11. I’m shocked that a season where they brought back many notable things from the past didn’t have a Pandora’s Box.

    If Production was ever going to save Cirie they could with that twist somehow.

    They would just need to make it like Bowie opened it so she has to switch places with a ‘random’ nominee.

    Cirie and Bowie switch places on the block.

    Felicia still goes of course but Cirie is safe and who knows if she can win that Final 4 HOH to get to finale night at least or not?

  12. It’s funny Cirie said Jag should be the (cowardly) lion! That’s why he’s been called on this forum.

  13. So as I see it, production wins no matter who wins. I think they have an order even:
    1. Cirie so the reality veteran will
    2. Jag so he will be the first Sikh-Punjabi to win
    3. Matt so he will be the first deaf person to win
    4. Bowie-Jane so she will be the first Australian to win
    5. Felicia so she can be the oldest person to win
    They always want “a first” to win. Just my thoughts.

      1. 1 million percent agree. I guess I mean in their minds they win. Thai season has been a complete s$)& show and I can’t wait for it to be over and I haven’t even watched it since the first episode when I saw Cirie turn around because I knew right then and there that this was going to be “Cirie season.”

  14. I don’t understand why Matt is okay with keeping Bowie and not pushing to get her out this week. Does Matt ever have a thought of his own? The two mamas are not a threat in any capacity. Bowie has proven she can win comps and anyone with two eyes can see she is tied to Jag at the hip. Matty is so clueless, he really thinks Jag will take him to the end. Sadly for Matt, Jag already told Bowie he wants a final 2 with her. Which is smart. Of course. To add insult to injury, he told Bowie he gave Matt the $5K so he wouldn’t feel as bad about cutting him, then told Matt that they are even because they gave each other $5K. Matt is in LaLa Land if he thinks Jag will take him to the end. He will have to win every veto to get past 4. Are we seriously stuck with Jag, Bowie and Mama Fe for a final 3? The only thing that would be make this worth it and hysterical is if Mama Fe somehow gets to pick who goes to final 2. She would pick Bowie. And Jag would be crying for Matty because I think Matt would have taken Jag to final 2. Guess we shall see.

  15. Yes Cirie, you’re gonna see the same 3 HG’s who lied, backstabbed & betrayed every member of the jury blindside you! Thought Blue was gonna be a blindside, but someone told her just before the show went live so she could change her clothes. I wonder what Cirie will be wearing (being that she has no idea she’ll actually be the one evicted from the house this week)? I can’t believe production is really gonna let them evict her, so I’ll believe it when I see her pick up her suitcase and walk out the Big Brother house to join Cam, Cory, America & Blue in the jury house. Maybe then they will all find out that Jared was Cirie’s boy.
    I am surprised that Cirie’s Matty said “She (Cirie) deserves to be blindsided” Wow!

    1. Felicia told Blue about the blindside before the live show last week. They talked about it after the show.

      Felicia ratted out Cirie previously during the week and said she told Blue, but she didn’t. All she said to Blue was “You need to win that veto!”, which anybody who’s on the block needs to do in order to guarantee their own safety. Cirie told Felicia that’s what she said to Blue, and Momma Fe couldn’t wait to run to Jag to tell him not only what she said, but to add to it, by saying she said “You need to win the veto, because you’re the target.”, which Cirie didn’t say.

      Jag told Matt, Matt went to Cirie and she told him what was said, but of course it just became a she said she said, and Jag chose to believe Felicia, even though it was clear Blue didn’t believe she was the target.

  16. All of their mindsets, at this point, should be ‘the only way to stay safe’ is to win the Veto. It doesn’t matter who is put in the block, just win the veto. It’s really anybody’s game at this point. We have to wait for the competitions to play out. It would be nice to see “The Mafia” start taking out their own.
    We saw last year how important it is to pick the right person to sit beside you. If Monte would have chosen Turner instead of Taylor, I believe he would have won. Turner was loyal to Monte all the way to the end. He was the only HG to give Monte a vote.

  17. The winner only needs 4 jury votes. Out of Jag, Matt, Bowie & Felicia, who could get at least 4 votes? I think Matt & Felicia could. I’m not sure who all would vote for Bowie or Jag? It will be interesting to hear the speeches given to the jury by the f2, to hopefully obtain their vote. I don’t think this year’s vote is going to be a slam dunk. I really hope that if Jag makes f2, that no matter who sits next to him, they will get the 4 votes to win! If the jury adapts the mindset that Jag was officially evicted from the house, and the only reason he’s still in the game is because Matt saved him. It hasn’t mattered who was HOH, Jag was still pulling the strings….telling Bowie and Matt what to say! Geez, everyone in the jury house knows that now!

  18. What seems to be going on:
    Jag is grooming Bowie for 2nd chair.
    Matt is grooming Fe for 2nd chair.

    Schrodinger’s cat mixed with Occam’s Razor this bitch out with me.
    Season of established pairs means loyalty will be part of inherent judging criteria.
    No win / win situation. If they go together to f2, they will be judged as stupid for not dragging the layup over the line. If they backstab each other they will be judged as lacking loyalty and morality and who wants that as face of the season.

    Greatest hits of the minute (mY -?nyüt:  : infinitesimal. of small importance. trifling. very small) meh-nnn:
    -named final 3 with juror one.
    -final 6/5/4 agreements with juror two.
    -final 5/4/3/2 agreements with juror three.
    -final 6/5/4 agreements with juror four.
    -final 4/3 and final 4 with current noms.
    Jury management.
    So… if honor / loyalty are a jury factor this time… who’s bringing popcorn?
    Both are saying they’re playing for their community… yeesh, so that’s the game you want your community to be known for? sideye grimace. mmkaaaay.


    1. What’s going on in the house: All Contestants are lying to multiple people. Bowie Jane may be lying the least, but it’s hard to tell. The strategies seem to be fluid, depending on who wins the next event.

      1. Think old adage: those that don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
        Exposure of Cirie’s onion alliances caused ruin
        Think of Jag / Blue / Matt reaction specifically.
        Go in front of the jury with onion alliances created post week 6.
        What’s the effect?
        If Jag / Matt backstab each other so only one has to answer for it?
        These two are already going to suck explaining their games.

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