“You can’t sleep for 48 hours”

POV: Kaycee Next POV: Aug 25th
POV Used NO POV Ceremony Aug 27th
HOH: ANGELA Next HOH: Aug 30th
Noms: Fes & Haleigh Have Not Fes, Haleigh, Kaycee

Big Brother Spoilers What can I say.. Fes has been sleepin like a hibernating bear most of the day and the rest have been mostly chit chatting. They are all convinced tomorrow will either be a double or Battleback.

2:20pm Tyler and Kaycee
T – Everyone thinks it’s you and Angela final 2 .. yeah everyone thinks it’s you two final 2 and you want me final 3
K – how they know
T – they don’t
K – Is that just JC saying that..
T – Brett..
K – ohhhh
K – he’s trying to do something with you..
T – yeah
K – little do they know
Tyler – no one sees it it’s amazing..

2:25pm Haleigh and FEs
H – you can’t sleep for 48 hours
Everything she offers to do with him FEs says no to.. he lays there like a lump

3:04pm Haleigh, Kaycee and JC
Kaycee – how is fes able to sleep..
H – he puts his bandanna over his eyes
Kaycee – let me try that..
JC points out that when Fes was HOH he spent hours and hours up in there sleeping.
JC says if they have only 8 people they shouldn’t have any have nots. Points out that it brings the energy down.

JC leaves..
YHaleigh says for her to come back and play this game they would have to pay her more, “whoever they brings back will obviously bump their ratings” (OMG NO bringing people back is killing this show.. this season is proof of that)
Kaycee mentions how much stress this game puts on your body
H – Fes sad.. I don’t know why he won’t talk to me
Kaycee – theres only so much you can do
H – I’m getting so nervous
Haleigh asks her if she still has the votes. Kaycee says “mmmhmmm you should be good girl.. I know it’s scary because it is”
Kaycee – I can’t believe I was on the block twice..

Kaycee – has fes talked to you about the votes..
H – we haven’t talked about it at all .. what are you going to say
K – you going to do a rockstar
H – no
they impersonate Rockstar trying to get votes for Bayleigh when the two of them were on the block, “This is how many you need (Bayleigh)_ we need just one more” (LOL rocks ohh rocks how I miss you… )
Kaycee – like she really did that. you where there?
H – JC and Bayleigh were and Bay was the one that told me about it
H – I asked Rockstar and she said I didn’t want her to get down
K – I wonder if they played that.. I betcha they did

4:03pm Haleigh rubbing Angela’s arm. Angela is thrilled.

4:30pm Chit chat..
(The two things Haleigh has been doing is a) play and pet Angela’s shoulders and Hair b) say DUDE whenever talking to kaycee) (She’s doing an alright jonb though)

4:48pm Fes and Brett decide to do something and they jump on the climbing wall..
Bretts – going to do 10 or 15 the last time he did 20 his forearms were sore and it was right before the tree comp. (endurance)
Brett says doing 10 with workouts in between is good, “Burpees
Fes – burpees f* that I’ll do jumping jacks..
Fes – wish we didn’t have to wear these helmets.. (it’s that attitude that has FOUTTE’d Fes)

5:49pm they’re not talking..

5:59pm fes speaks
Fes – I don’t know haleigh I spent that last 74 days with you .. that sucks..
feeds go to fish ..
when they come back
H – are you about to shower..
FEs – where are you going
H – somewhere else..
Fes – come here
H – what fes you want me to stare at you in silence..
Fes – you want to talk e
h – You aren’t in a talking mood
F – this is our last day together
H – look If I leave you need to go make friends.. that’s what I am telling you you can’t just sit around all day..
f – It doesn’t matter
h – What doesn’t matter … this game
f – they don’t matter to me
H – you think this game you can play completely by yourself
F – I don’t know how to play this game obviously
H – I don’t either but I know sitting in a room by yourself for 48 hours isn’t a good start
F – I don’t really care about that right now
H – this game doesn’t matter
F – one of us is going home tomorrow
H – and one of us is staying.. i’m telling you to get your sh1t together
F – I’m not staying
H – we don’t know but I’ll tell you this you will be next with your 48 hours seclusion

H – for you to be giving up pisses me off.. you’ve stayed quiet in a room for 72 hours
F – now it’s 72 hours (damn need to change the title)
H – are you doing the math in your head … 3 days is 72 hours
F – everyone is upstairs i’m not going upstairs you gotta be f*ed up … I don’t understand why you are upstairs.. why are you hanging out with just Angela.. she’s the one that put us on the block she doesn’t have a vote
H – I’m not just hanging out with Angela..
Fes says she ran up into the HOH to see Anegla because she came out of the Diary room crying. “I saw she was upset”

H – have you seen the show
F – I don’t think you are supposed to hang out with the HOH that put you on teh block I haven’t seen that on teh show have you ..
H – I’m not just hanging out I’m hanging out with everyone else in the house..
Haleigh tells him everyone is against them not just Angela.. “Only one person can win”
Fes tells her if he leaves tomorrow that he’ll never have to talk to these people in the house again. If he stays he still doesn’t have to.
Fes – if I stay i’ll have Tyler talk to them what I say(this right here is why you wear your damn helmet)

H – Fes I am not winning this game..
Fes – anything can happen
H – I’m already against a group of people that i’m trying to get in with ..
Fes – if they don’t vote me out they are so f*ing stupid..
H – Brett could see you as a asset, JC likes you and Sam hates me..

FEs – I don’t know anything about this game.. I didn’t know it was like that people flipping sh1t ..

6:10pm cuddling

at 6:31pm Angela says the only people she cares about what they think is Kaycee and BRett (and Tyler) everyone else can go F* themselves.
T – yeah
T – I feel like you and I would pick each other over them that’s the problem.. they can’t feel that way
A – yeah, I told Kaycee one of my twitter questions was who is your best friend in the house.. I let her know she’s my best friend in the house
T – that’s really good

They talk about who to get rid of next Haleigh or Sam
T – they are both loners after this..
Angela says they need a person to stay that wants to put up JC (next week).. or they take out JC with the knowledge that Sam and Haleigh will take out each other.
A – at the same time I f*ing love JC and being without JC would be so said
T – I think he’ll put up Haleigh and Sam if he won next week.. It’ll be too early for him to do that..
Tyler says Haleigh is more likely to go after JC
A – then we have to get rid of SAm.. we need whoever stays to put up JC and I don’t see Sam doing that
T – Sam would put up Brett.. (no she won’t she loves Brett)
T – Haleigh has already done stuff to us but Sam hasn’t..
After thinking that they realize that Halegih has put Kaycee, Angela and Tyler up
Tyler points out Haleigh is trying to get in with them
A – she’s doing a good job.. I can see right through it
T – you can see it in her face

6:48pm FEs and JC

JC mentions that the house is getting paranoid about the potential of a double or a battle back tomorrow.
Fes know Haleigh told him they were all upstairs saying “Do you think it’s a battle back do you think sits athletic” Fes laughs..
Haleigh comes in..
JC says last week “they” were saying SAM SAM SAM SAM and she never say the block ..
FES says the numbers are small they can win HOH
JC – I don’t want Sam to go after Haleigh
FEs – as soon as they get out Haleigh they’re coming for you
JC – if Sam wins she’s not coming for her (Haleigh)
FEs leaves..
JC – how do you feel
H – do you think i’m staying
JC – I think you are

7:35pm Brett, Angela and Tyler
They talk about Double eviction strategies. Haleigh first.. if Veto is played on her Sam.
Brett – I love the little f*er I really want to take him to top 5 .. I would feel better in my gut
A – I feel like he’s done a lot of work for us .. damage control getting people to flip vote s
T – if we cut him too early he’ll be bitter ..
B – I agree 100%
They agree JC is not good at comps

B – he’s a non threat.. I don’t want to do that to him send him into the house with ROCKSTAR
Angela mentions they need JC in the house to entertain them
Brett – all I can think about is the jury house faces when FES walks in
Tyler mentions how happy Scottie will be.

7:45pm Brett gets to work on the massages..

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117 thoughts to ““You can’t sleep for 48 hours””

  1. Scottie for jury battle back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Scooby Doo fanboy days are numbered. I can bet that he goes home on the double eviction on September 6.

    I hope they will have some scooby doo in the jury house waiting for him.

    Scottie is gonna pump up for the big day and win his chance back and dominate the game.

    If he loses I can guarantee that he’ll be America’s Fav.

    Scottie FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      1. Agreed. Fes is the best bet to get the game exciting again. C’mon back From, please.

        America loves you

        1. I’m praying for Fes to come back so he can try for the 96-hour nap this time. The anticipation is killing me.

        2. I hope fes comes back…I like Scotty but he will just be another player for tyler..the only thing with fes is jc will be his ear….but it might be jc’s chance to take that shot at Angela and kaycee…but tyler would win veto take Angela down and Sam would go home..

        3. Fes is a dumbass, he deserves all of his own self loathing..even his HOH was as dull as a butter knife, he would fall asleep boning H.

    1. Who ever comes back is leaving next eviction unless they win HOH……l think its just to keep Haliegh in the house one more week for drama purposes…….she won’t be targeted over Fes Rockbutt /Scottie or the screaming banshee…..production loves Haliegh and she’s nice to look at lol.

    2. Oh u can bet that the rat will get afp? That’s a tall order. They’ll def have scooby doo there for him lol

  2. Also does anyone think Tyler’s a barney/Dora/blue’s clues fan???????????? He looks and sounds like the type.

    1. LMAO…your posts are so ridiculous that they’re actually funny. He def sounds like the blue’s clues type

  3. Bayleigh did pretty much the same thing when she was on the block. She just laid around until Haleigh confessed to her; only then did she get out of bed and comb her hair. It’s like they just quit.

      1. Bayleigh is the only 1 besides Scottie that I could see doing damage if either won Battleback. The only reason for Rockstar is to see her facial expressions again. Fes is just a waste of space right now

      2. When this season is over the producers need to have a very long, thorough look at who and how they select players. I cannot believe, after 19 previous seasons, that they could have ended up with half a house of the most inept, insane and irrational players…and just their luck, they all joined the same alliance and now it is boring.

        And sorry folks, L4 only deserves a quarter of the credit for how boring it is. Yes, they’ve played a remarkably cohesive game, but Houtee and the Hive have played a remarkably pathetic game and production, the people who recruiting the idiots and can’t even help them with a six piece puzzle, deserves a full half the credit.

        1. I said the same thing at the beginning of the season. In fact, I nearly ranted about it. You can’t fill the house with half of the players not knowing what the game is or how to play it. Ridiculous! There’s a way to vet people to get the best possible people to play…to begin with, they have to know the game!

          1. Seriously, when was the last time we have seen an alliance stay covert so far into the game. Level 6 +2 or Level 4 +2 as it is now. This is a massive part of their success besides very strong game play, even by Mighty Mouse JC.

        2. Have you seen the show before…..every season half the houseguests are dummies. I think this season has more good players than usual its that there all on one side lol.

          1. In the last several season, we’ve seen two or three people playing the game. Everyone else is trying desperately to become a social media something so they can get paid for breathing. This season everyone is trying to play the game even if it’s so very, very breathtakingly terrible game play. They are trying though and that makes it entertaining.

            It’s like watching a terrible movie, at some point it’s so bad you start to love it.

        3. It would be nice if they chose English speaking people too, I haven’t understood a word JC has said, the caption people on BBad only get about half of it themselves.
          Who in production thought that was a good idea?

          1. I turned on the closed caption on afterdark one time when the convo was hard to hear and it said (whispering…..unintelligible…..more whisperings ect……lol.

      3. “This is why you wear a helmet!” Cracked me up. I thought Fez’s edit tonight was way more positive than what he has actually been in the house. KC had a great edit though. Love her. I told my husband that I think it’s because I married a man who is a gentleman, has a great work ethic, cares about my emotional needs, can cook a freaking meal once in awhile that makes me so disgusted by Fez. I know I’m over board on it, but he’s surpassing Blockstar in my opinions.

    1. I’m biting my tongue on this one. But I will say this goes on in the “real world” where if you don’t get what you want, just sit in the middle of the floor, and either pout or scream. PezFez is choosing the former for now.

    2. “FEs – I don’t know anything about this game.. I didn’t know it was like that people flipping sh1t ”

      On a side note though, I’d like to go ahead and invite Fez to play poker….

  4. Tylers eviction list
    whoever comes back
    beat Kaycee in the final 2 with a unanimous vote with a speech convincing a bitter jury to respect the game and him as a player.

    1. Pretty good….but I think a few changes….

      whoever comes back

      He brings Angela to F2 because it’s going to be a bitter jury & they hate her! So Tyler wins.

        1. Agreed that was the first time he confirmed his first choice for final 2…..but I think his game is so good he could win against anybody left.

      1. His best bet, and I’m sure he’s thought of this, is that he won’t be the one to have to decide on JC and KC/or Angela going out. He almost can’t choose anyone over those three people or they will be super hurt. Although JC would cut him in a moment, which is why he also has been such a good player with a different skill set.


      Tyler made way too many final two and final three deals and he frustrated the hive’s QUEEN BEE so much that she started chewing her own face bloody. You’re getting a bitter jury. If Tyler takes Kaycee to final two, he will lose. If he’s smart enough to take Angela, then he wins.

      1. Valid points but I can also see Baleigh Rockstar and Haleigh as fans of the game respecting Tylers game play,Scottie and Fes will definitely vote for him.The question is how will JC and the other 2 L6 react if Tyler has to their blood on his hands.

      2. Tyler can win against Brett JC or Angela I bet……I think after the last two seasons with ridiculous Josh and whining Nicole winning in spite of clearly better gameplay by the arrogant little gnome production will pressure those assholes in jury to vote for the best player for a change…..I hope so anyway.

        1. The interesting thing is you have Angela and Kaycee with some comp wins and the ability to claim credit for many of the same things Tyler will have to claim. Tyler’s game has been low key and he may need to point to his veto win or a future comp win to solidify his continuing influence. The jury may be more willing to see the comp winners as setting the tone more than Tyler. It’ll come down to the wire between the L6/5/4 folks.

  5. Fessy is a lazy spoiled child. Attitude with Hay is horrible and can you imagine outside of big brother when everything isn’t brand new with the relationship, this guy is only going to get worse. Haliegh should have cut bait with this loser way back when. I can’t watch there “what, tell me, come on, why, I’m just, your just” and all the rest of that bullshit. It’s toxic. I’d would have liked to seen Hay and Brett hooked up instead, Brett would be funny and positive even when times are challenging. Brett is a spark plug compared to Fes any day. Run Haliegh run!

    1. Hmmmm…wait and see how funny Brett is when he is on the block going home …yes he has been on the block but he knew he was 100% safe….

    2. He’s gonna kidnap her and take her back to Pakistan were she can’t escape his pawing hands and creepy seductions.

    3. Fessy is spoiled and entitled. The irony that RS loves him but yet called Brett and Angela the entitled ones is just beyond me.

      1. Bayleigh is also spoiled and entitled, Haleigh too, and Rocklobster loves them as well. I think she just spews the typical radical liberal mantras whenever she doesn’t like someone.

    4. From my experience in the Muslim community, there is a clear division of labour along traditional lines with females doing everything domestic etc and makes being the provider, protector and decider/last word in the house. So Fessy is not spoilt but is a product if his environment. And it does not resonate in this age. And like Bayleigh alluded to, they almost always go back to Pakistani to get a meek, “respectful” virgin who knows her place in society.

      1. Hay is a Texas bred, independent young woman. No way she goes anywhere near Fes’ ideal woman then. I would bet they aren’t ‘together’ long in the real world. Fes is VERY conventional . Remember, he was upset by some of her answers in the ‘never have I ever’ game earlier in the summer. Bet she’s raised Christian too.

  6. Hayleigh is really pulling the woe is me on tonights show. i’m so ready for all the Hivers to be gone.

    1. Yes, the poor thing is stuck in the house with people who don’t want her there…gasp, sob, sniff.

      How quickly she forgets her HoH when she spent most of it laying next to RS, watching everyone else on the monitor and smack talking them.

      She sure did turn it on quick for Brett…and “that” has been the core of her game play so far.

  7. The ONLY HIVE member that I will cheer to win is Scottie. Everyone else is annoying me, except Brett, I appreciate his sincere douche-ness.

  8. Simon Why was Angela crying earlier in the HOH when Kaycee and Haleigh were comforting her????? Please..I can’t rewind feeds . Thanks

    1. The DR was prodding her about about painful family stuff that they have never really discussed because her family isn’t very demonstrative. She regrets all the time away from her family, monopolizing her mother’s time to the detriment of her brother, treating her mother badly when she was 9 to 17 years old. She has some regrets she hasn’t ever told anyone about and she’s apprehensive about expressing them on tape. Only a couple of people know her life story.

      1. Hope production feels good about making her so upset about something that will add nothing to the show and that is really none of their business. Heartless and unnecessary.

        1. Something everyone needs to remember about these so-called reality shows; RATINGS.

          That is the first and foremost priority of production; not the contestants or their emotional welfare. If they can bring out and exploit personal issues, regardless of the impact on the contestant, they are going to do it.

          That is something potential contestants need to consider before they put themselves in these positions.

        2. Production knows she’s considered cold and heartless by some. They want to show some of the reasons. I suspect they would love to take credit for some supposedly therapeutic affect the BB has had on her.

  9. What if they flipped and got out Haleigh? Fez would freak, Scottie would still be isolated if he returned, Angie is Rockstar, Bayleigh might be able to do something with Fez as her muscle, Haleigh might have a tough time with the battle back. Fez has a better chance at winning but is it really winning when you still evict your own alliance on purpose no less. I don’t know what would be more entertaining. I really don’t care who goes and I’d prefer Scottie to return. Should make tomorrow and Friday interesting. LET’S GO!

  10. I hate that they have a battle back. Why? Just to see The Hive bumble their way through getting themselves evicted again? I want all of the clueless Hive gone, so we can get to the infighting of Level 6. Looking forward to Kaycee’s smirky smile disappearing, and the rest getting a taste of humble pie.

  11. Simon. I read somewhere that the 3 jurors are in the jury house. Has there ever been a battle back where they weren’t sequestered before the battle back? I can’t recall a time.

      1. I think even production has been blindsided by how much the HIVE has screwed up. When Julie told Scottie she would see him finale night as a juror, I truly think that was the plan as of that moment. Then someone got a hair up their butt and decided to do a battle back

      2. I mean it’s like they weren’t expecting to do a jury buyback. It’s usually mentioned when the first eligible person is evicted. Something along their chance for the top prize might not be over…of course Sam’s power was supposed to have someone back in too. I’m thinking they debated on whether or not to have a double, decided to do the double and needed an extra person for the days to work out. Either that or do the stupid rewind…

      3. i could be wrong but i feel they weren’t sequestered in bb16. nicole seemed to return with info from hayden she got in the jury house. furthermore iirc, in bb17 and bb18 the most recently evicted houseguest was the one that reentered, thus not giving them time to interact with the rest of the jurors.

    1. My opinion. They have the battle back because it’s exciting and good tv. But with their screw up. Or Kaitlyns screw up. Jurors have been together and now they need a voided week to also have the exciting double eviction. But with the jurors being together and having more info than what they are usually allowed, Fes wins so the others don’t come back with info they aren’t normally suppose to have. Coming back into the house after being able to compare notes and receive info from the others of things they weren’t aware of on their own is just ridiculous. I’m betting Fes comes right back. Maybe they don’t care but I’m just betting it’s fes so no one can say BB screwed the game up.

      1. Sad thing is they had most of that info before and they still got screwed. It won’t make much of a difference in game play. Whoever returns will have Haleigh as a partner and they’ll be on the block next week unless one of those two wins HoH. It’s the only way one of them doesn’t go.

  12. i wouldn’t mind them bringing back some of this season’s players. …just not hayleigh. …and not with newbies. all vets or no vets.

    1. I was cracking up at Haleigh’s comment that she would only come back if they paid her more money. Talk about a diva attitude for someone who has contributed absolutely nothing to the season (except for the entertainment value of that infamous house meeting when she revealed she was the hacker). NOBODY is interested in watching you again, Haleigh.

    2. Perhaps they could do an all vets season with just the WORST players ever. Victoria, Amanda (although I think she’s married), ALL OF THE HIVE, Raven and Matt, Adam the floater, and that girl Kathy that fell of the hotdog.

      1. a season of all the first evicted houseguests of all time. not like we got to know any of them anyway.

  13. Wonder when he gets evicted tomorrow night Fes will know what to go thru??!After all he has only seen 8 leave before him…. is that enough houseguests leaving for fes to figure what door to leave thru or will he need help from the other houseguests???

  14. I would like to give Haleigh credit for trying so hard to get in there and socialize with others while she’s on the block. But I just can’t. She said she hates these people multiple times which. Fine. It’s a game so do what you gotta do. But Angela was very unforgiving in her speech to them. Which she should have been. A day late and a dollar short. Why does Haleigh pick Angela ? Fes was right about that. Bless him. Some insight when he realizes he’s being voted out. She should be clued in to the fact that Angela doesn’t want you now. So why is she not focusing on JC and even Sam. Bury the hatchet with her. She has no clue Sam thinks she’s final 2 with Tyler. To everyone. Sam is alone. In her mind flirting with Brett will get him to save her. I see that. But cozying up to the one who straight up lied about being in an alliance going forward and put you and your person on the block makes no sense to me at all. She’s focusing on the wrong person in my opinion. Brett Sam and JC should be her main focus and who she should be working on getting closer to. Not Angela and Kaycee Plus it just irritates me watching her sucking up to Angela all the time. I have to just skip past those parts.

    1. She should have been trying from day 1. She latched on to Fez and assumed he’d do the heavy lifting and be the shield for her. Now she’s stuck, Brett has a group and no one wants what Haleigh has to offer any more.

    1. Angela will be so self conscious hearing all you losers talk about her mustache. Shame on you. Nothing better to say?

      1. I’m not sure it’s a skin condition but it seems more a lighting issue. Depending on the angle the natural hair that everyone has may cast a more prominent shadow below her nose. Most likely in every day life it’s much less noticeable. TV is bad for distortion in more than one way.

  15. I think Tyler is giving jc to much information…. looks like jc is wanting to turn … talking about how he doesn’t want haeigh or sam going after each other…. JC please please win HOH and turn the house up side down.

  16. who do you hope returns to the game tomorrow night?
    who do you hope wins HOH?
    Will a big move be made next week?

    1. SCottie
      Depends on who wins HOH
      Scottie, Haleigh would hopefully take a shot at lvl6 but chances are they would just foutte themselves and evict the other one.

      1. I can see Scottie trying to take a long view of what’s left of the game. Unfortunately that may mean trying to buy the good graces of some of the other house guests and putting up Sam and Haleigh. Unless he thinks he can make a run of winning vetoes, then he may take a shot at L6/5/4.

    2. Honestly Scottie is the only one who deserves a second chance as much as I hate a Battle Back for this season. The others are a waste of space and they might as well just give the house guests a week off. What’s the point.

  17. I don’t see tyler winning the game…. same thing that happen to Paul in season 18 & 19 will happen to him.

    1. He will have magically turned into an a$$hole the whole season and when confronted by the jury try to deny it?

      I guess that could happen considering how this season has gone but…I don’t see it.

  18. After watching tonight’s tv show. I noticed that Jc couldn’t stand when Fessie told him that he’s going soon in that L6 plans. What’s up with Haliegh
    Where’s her loyalty to Fes :it’s over.
    Guess what Hay it doesn’t matter how much you schmooze with Angela and co. L6 you’re next to go!

  19. just gotta say
    something about Samantha, is making her so desirable to me over all the other women on this show

    1. Highly doubtful. But wait… they’ll use the Haleigh just happens upon a crying Angela and comforts her part in order to boost Haleigh’s good girl edit even more than their manufactured d/r crap. Am I saying production would intentionally ask a house guest questions about incidents that they know (from previous things said about said incidents) would create an emotional response in the hopes they could get a moment between that house guest and their edit darling? Gee. How much of a stretch is that from creating complete fantasy d/r for that same edit darling?

  20. When Fez gets evicted, are they going to need a shovel to dig him out of the bed like a lump of dirt that he’s become? What a sore loser. RUN, HALEIGH, RUN!!!

  21. When a one hour episode of big brother (approx 46 minutes without commercails) has over 21 minutes of d/r clips with ONE house guest i gotta call out yet another round of grodner’s flying monkeys b/s. This is some blatant edit manipulation to get episode only viewers to identify and emotionally bond with that particular house guest. Given that a lot of the commentary doesn’t fit with actual events or timeline on feeds, the manipulation is even more egregious.
    The more the editing and storyline department try to push Haleigh down my throat with false narrative, the more i dislike her.

      1. i’m not sure if anyone else used that term… but i did call it that last week. When i started feeling like i was being played by the editing.

  22. Did anyone see that the girls (Angie, Hay KC) were gonna engage in a little action? KC had a look on her face towards Hay like a fat kid looking at a piece of cake.

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