“You believe the words out of Leah’s mouth when the reason she went up was because she was lying behind people’s back.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Makensy
Nominees: Kimo Leah & Angela
POV Players: Makensy, Angela, Kimo, Cam, Chelsie and Leah
POV Winner: Makensy
Veto Ceremony: Makensy used the Veto on Kimo and nominated Leah in his place.
Havenots: No havenots

Spoilage – Vote is a bit Murky to me at this point.

10:13 am waking up Angela enjoying the pattern on the table after her morning Valium.

11:00 am Rubina stretching.

1:14 pm Dance routine practice

1:30 pm Memory wall chit chat

2:30 pm Makensy and Cam
MJ chomping on a protein bar. “I understand the threat with Leah But I also don’t know if I trust the fact that Kimo and Rubina wouldn’t put us up over Angela”
CAm – I’m more so think.. I don’t know
MJ – I guarantee.. LEAH hasn’t even tried talking to them is not going to talk to them she doesn’t care because if she won she would put them straight up.
Cam – I don’t know.. I mean now she would but I don’t know about before.
MJ – I’m worried if Angela stays.. they don’t win sh1t as soon as they get the opportunity they will use it because they will never get it again.
Cam – but My thing is… I don’t know
MJ – I understand…
Cam – but my thing is also like Angela too like Angela.. if Angela won she will probably put me and Chelsie up
MJ – She would that’s not good.
MJ – Angela will not touch Kimo I know that she told me that.
MJ – Rubina will definitely put you up. Angela and you up maybe.
Cam – Yeah probably
MJ – if Kimo won he’s putting you and Chelsie or me and Chelsie.
Cam – what I’m saying if WE keep Leah that makes you look bad and that makes us look bad which means that will automatically target us.
MJ – I do understand that. Who’s to say they are not already. I guarantee they are and if we are so gungho on well.. if we keep Angela it doesn’t even matter cause we’re still going to beat them.
Cam – Whos to say Leah is telling the truth
MJ – I guaranteed she’s admitted to everything.
Cam – she hasn’t talked to me this whole week.
MJ – she’s packing.
Cam – she’s had multiple conversations with you all
MJ – you know I have you all and I would put Leah up before I put any of you up. I’ve proven that. The place we have to get to is after this week final 5 we need numbers to make sure we stay she would be one to keep us. After that we get to the final 4 at that point Final 4 is winning comps.
Cam – Final 3
MJ – nope, Final 4. it’s whoever wins Veto..
Cam – say Chelsie wins HOH puts me and you on the block. Leah wins veto.
MJ – Chelsie isn’t putting you and I up
CAm – i’m just thinking… you know what I’m saying
MJ – I get it if somebody just didn’t something weird. I don’t think Cheslie will ever do that.
Cam – I’m just thinking Hypothetically..
Rubina joins them and conversation changes.

3:48 pm Leah and Chelsie
Chit chat
Angela joins them.
More chit chat.

4:30 pm Cam and Mj
Still in the HOH but alone again. They talk about Angela vs Leah.
Cam – Angela promised me she wouldn’t put me up. That was Sunday.
MJ – So Chelsie and Rubina
Cam – Her and Chelsie conversation was more so Chelsie asking her.. What can I do having you consider keeping me.
MJ – She may not try to win..
Cam – what’s wrong with that
MJ – nothing is wrong with that again that’s someone that’s not us that wins.
Cam – what do you mean?
MJ – that gives a spot for the other two to win.
CAm – that also gives Me and Chelsie a easier spot.
MJ – I agree
CAM – I’m not denying that before all the leah stuff happened I wanted Angela to go to because I do think she will put CHelsie up if not myself if not both of us.
MJ – I Agree with that.
Cam says Angela has not made any game decisions all season even vote wise.
MJ – that’s what Leah does
cam – she’s always going with either what US told her the first week what Leah has told her or what Tucker has told her.
MJ – IN voting it’s always been Leah telling her.. VOting and Moves
C – now that Leah is gone she will need someone else to guide her that’s what I am trying to get at. She’s not going to make a move by herself she’s going to lean into somebody. It probably won’t be Kimo
MJ – I think it might be. Here’s what we are wrestling with it’s going to be ME or Kimo who does she have a better chance at beating? If IF She gets power why would she not take out somebody.
C – she’s not going to touch you
MJ – I’m not saying she’s touching me she’s touching Y’ALL
C – say she puts up me and Rubina, Who plays in the veto, Me, you and Chelsie. we have a good chance at winning that veto and taking one of us off as well as still controlling the vote.
C – As long as she puts Rubina up which I believe she will
MJ – I don’t know last week she stated how much she loves Rubina and wants her here because of everything she stands for.
C – I thought she wanted to vote out Rubina
Mj – NOPE, I thought she did too but she didn’t. She thought Rubina was the one going home that is why she said that. She thought everyone loved T’Kor
C – regardless
MJ – I see positives and negatives to both and I see it for you as well. What I am trying to figure out if on a rare occasion because you cannot think to expect everything that will happen in this house. I guarantee you nobody would have thought I would do what I did (Yeah we all didn’t expect you to be that dumb)
C – you saying that there is no guarantee Leah will put up Rubina and Kimo
MJ – I get that
C – nobody would have expected you to put up Leah.

Cam – Rubina has thrown our name out, Kimo has thrown our name out, Angela will do whatever Leah says and Leah has thrown all our names under the bus.
Mj – I don’t think she’s thrown yours out. She never spot ill about you other than the showmance
C – which is putting a target on my back. Again undermining you as well as putting a target on my back. Rubina said she’s targeting us three, Kimo has said he would taret us three, Angela We’re assuming would target us three, and Leah has also said she would target us three. All of them are bad but if it comes down to a competition between Angela and Leah who do you think will win?
C – Angela would let Leah win.
MJ – Yeah.. I do believe from the words out Leah’s mouth she will not touch us if she got power next week. I do believe Angela would
C – You believe the words out of Leah’s mouth when the reason she went up was because she was lying behind people’s back.
MJ – here’s the thing I didn’t even speak to her about anything that was being brought and She admitted to Chelsie and she admitted to me.
MJ – Angela would not touch Kimo she would not put Rubina. If she got power you cannot tell me that those two won’t pull her in and tell her you’re stupid if you think you’ll win and she will put you two up in a heartbeat… in a f***ing heartbeat. (She snaps her fingers)
C – she is scared shitless…
MJ – she was scared sh1tless with Bad AI
C – no she wasn’t
MJ – she was because she knew if she didn’t win she would go up.
C – so you think Angela can be convinced by us three?
MJ – I don’t know cause she couldn’t be convinced by Leah to not use the Power of Veto on Kimo and that’s LEAH
C – Leah was also talking crap on her.
Cam says the problem he has with Leah is she doesn’t talk to him directly.

5:00 pm Leah joins the HOH to campaign to Cam. MJ leaves.

6:40 pm Cam and Chelsie
Cam says if Angela is still in the house he wants her gone next if she’s gone then Makensy. He says if Rubina wins the HOH he would want Makensy gone before Angela.

6:54 pm Leah and MJ
Makensy says he thinks Cam and Chelsie talks went well and she’s feeling like they might keep Leah.

Leah says Rubina and Kimo are all song and dance during the day and at night it’s all game game game game.

7pm – 7:49pm The house guests are hanging out and chatting. Leah is cleaning the bathroom.

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Gan ainm

Reality, the only vote those matters is Chelsie’s. She wants Leah gone so Leah is gone. Chelsie told Makensy to make a move that goes against her own interests and she obeyed. Just as Cam will obey Chelsie’s decision on who he will vote out. Abandon all hope ye who enter here.


Yea. She apparently played Mac like a fiddle. I don’t think Mac has a decisively strong section in her body. The others talked her out of her HoH this week. That is the epitome of a weak player.
They have ( or most ) have stated they will not vote Angela to win at finale anyway. Not that I am rooting for Angela ( by far I’m not), but blame the Tkor Kimi Rubina Chelsie group for that, because they are making sure only a “good ” person will win votes. In other words, whatever justifies their social structure of good in their social justice meter.
It is what it is, but the fact they seem to want to drag Angela to the end makes it for very dishonest viewing for us versus what they claim to be doing.


people who go on these type of crusades are rarely honest. at the end of the day t’kor’s gonna vote for whoever she feels the least bitter about (which is likely anyone but angela) and rubina and kimo are so spineless they’ll probably do what t’kor tells them to do if they’re in the jury.

it hardly matters though. this jury is basically just 3 voting blocs of the trios that existed at 9 players remaining. win two blocs, you win the game. slight chance the quinn/angela/leah bloc doesn’t all vote the same or makensy breaks from cam/chelsie but fairly unlikely. as it stands the blocs all vote for whoever’s left of their group with chelsie’s bloc favoring kimo/rubina if forced to choose (though i still think angela can maybe get the votes next to kimo, but probably not next to rubina), while angela and kimo’s blocs favor chelsie/cam/makensy. chelsie wins if she makes the final against cam/makensy, but the cam/makensy and rubina/kimo match ups are kinda close. i think the girl power charge rubina’s leading ultimately secures makensy and rubina the wins in these scenarios, but rubina being the swing vote that ultimately hands cam the win over makensy would be very on brand for her hypocrisy.

The Beef

If Chelsie and Cam backstab Makensy tonight (Thursday), I don’t see her voting “with” them at all. She’ll become the ultimate “bitter juror” if they do that, and likely join up with Leah, Angela and Quinn and become the block that decides who wins.

Now that could still be either Cam or Chelsie, because they could be the two sitting in those final 2 seats, but wouldn’t it be funny if they decided the most “deserving” winner was Cam, based on the fact he played the most “honest and loyal” game? Hell, they’ve all been talking about picking the “best person”, and ignoring comp wins, strategy, big moves, social game, you know, the usual things used to determine who wins, so maybe the jury decides manipulating and then backstabbing your alliance mate does NOT make you the “best person” to win.

People always talk about how important jury management is, and we all know that’s true. I’m not campaigning for one person over another, just saying if it happens the way it appears it may happen, somebodies jury management just might be in trouble here.

Big brother for 26

I swear I truly hope they keep Leah, then she wins HOH and puts Cam and Chelsea up with Mckenzie as the replacement….now that would be funny


makensy as replacement just gets makensy voted out and accomplishes nothing for leah. replacement has to be rubina/kimo, doesn’t particularly matter which, and makensy ends up in the swing vote position as cam/chelsie would never vote out each other and kimo/rubina aren’t voting out each other either.


Haven’t been able to keep up past week, but it looks like they have played Mac like a fiddle.
I honestly have no care either way, but you cannot win this game if you let the others hijack and takeover your nominations and denominations.
I question her “construction manager” skills, because I would not want anything built by someone who cannot make firm decisions and change those decisions because someone gets into her head.
There really hasn’t been a standout in this game, but the lack of logic and strategy is terrible by many.
Maybe if Angela or Kimi wins now, we will see how bad the “copium” or gaslighting will be by everyone on not evicting them earlier. Cannot say they haven’t been on the block enough.
That won’t happen though… Because none of them would vote for Angela. But it makes for scrap tv watching them drag her along with the mindset that she cannot win. It just makes the strategy less appealing to watch. I want players who WANT to be known for getting out players. Not this pussy footed approach of claiming they get others to do it. Just own your game.

The Beef

Her bio says she’s a construction project manager. She’s 22 years old. There’s no way in Hell that she could possibly have the experience to qualify as a certified project manager at her age. Not to mention the fact she said on feeds she quit her job to come onto the show (I think she said they told her they’d hire her back – but she was concerned about it). If they liked her so much, I don’t know why they didn’t just put her on LWOP, and basically let her do her thing until the show was over.

I worked in the electric generation and transmission industry for over 33 years, and a lot of that time was in construction of power plants, transmission lines and substations. When I started in construction it was as a Construction Project Accountant, but I moved into Project Controls and ended up as a Project Controls Engineer. The longest and biggest project I ever worked on was 6 years and over $700 million budget. Can’t tell you how rewarding it is to work on a project like that from the beginning, watch it come out of the ground, and see it through to the end.

My point is, I think they sometimes exaggerate their cast’s job titles a wee bit, to make them sound a bit more important than they really are.


I just want the same thing I have wanted since week 1: Angela out.

Team Taylor

Same here!

I just want Leah and her out — specifically in that order.

un autre nom

What I’ve been noting:
Cam wants to limit Chelsie’s options as much as possible. The minute Leah went on the block he was going to start telling Chelsie that Mak was a threat.
To be honest…. Chelsie does NOT want Mak in final 2 either, but it’s bad for Chelsie for Mak to go. Hmmmm.

If Rubina wins HOH and noms Mak and Angela, they knock out Mak. SO BEING THE ONE TO VOTE OUT YOUR FINAL 3 ALLY is okay with no time to smooth it over sending a bitter juror? TBH, there is a possibility Quinn feels a way. Leah will feel a way. Mak will feel a way in this circumstance.
One bitter juror? Bad. Three bitter jurors? worse. At that point you have to keep Angela to final 3…. because who does Angela talk most with to bounce ideas? Of those jurors?
That’s 4.


yeah, chelsie and cam need makensy out but with retaining her jury vote. imo they overplayed their hand a bit this week and probably can’t go after makensy next as a result, though they still should try to win hoh for safety. angela needs to go to jury before makensy or rubina/kimo need to be responsible for makensy’s eviction, otherwise they likely lose her vote in jury.

The Beef

The only way they get out of this is if Rubina or Kimo wins HOH and puts Makensy and either Chelsie or Cam OTB. Angela votes Mak to stay. Cam/Chelsie and the other Godot votes Cam/Chelsie to stay. Mak leaves on a 2-1 vote, and is still mad at whoever voted for her to be evicted (whichever one it was), but probably not at her block-mate.

If Rubina is smart though, she’d put up Mak and Angela and make Chelsie and Cam have to vote out Makensy. If Mak wins veto, up goes Cam and out goes Angela.

Obviously in the first scenario, if Mak wins veto, Angela goes up and goes to jury.

Another good way to screw things up is for Angela to win veto, take Mak down and force Rubina to put up the second person of the Cam/Chelsie duo. Now THAT’S what double evictions are all ABOUT!

The Beef

This is a great point, and one I just made in response to a post above.

The problem is though, I don’t think they are thinking about this, or how it’s going to impact them, or at least they don’t seem to be. Keeping Angela until F3 might help mitigate it a little bit, but given she’s never going to be real high on Chelsie, I’m not sure that’s enough to help her get the win on finale night, depending on how they handle the Makensy eviction.

If they do “do” her tonight, I think there’s 3 solid “bitter” votes against them in the jury. That may not matter if it’s C vs. C in the final 2 chairs, but it could matter to Chelsie if she’s determined to be the chief backstabber in charge (she is), and she very well could LOSE because of it!

un autre nom

Did I imagine the pool table convo where Kimo and Rubina said they trust and want to protect Makensy?
Has production been earworming again. We saw the Mak d/r in the Sunday episode in her Saturday outfit and hair saying Leah is a possible nom (the decision didn’t happen until Sunday). Now we’ve got a d/r that felt left field to me considering that pool table convo.

Grod gonna Grod? Or am I just imagining a conversation that didn’t happen?
As of that convo it was Angela he was still targeting for being part of the reason T’kor left… and voting him out twice.


Omega BB

We must remember MJ didn’t evict KIMO for SJW reasons, so you can’t dismiss MJ siding with Chelsie for those same reasons + CBS saving Angela again.

Makensy hasn’t been close to Chelsie for most of this season so her sudden trust seems forced.

The Beef

Yeah, the whole Makensy and Chelsie switching their votes at the last second because of Kimo’s “representation” speech, was complete “made for TV” horsesh@t. We know from feeds that both Mak and Chels had already decided to vote Joseph out due to his ego and his blustering during the previous weekend (after veto had been played but before it had been used) where he told BOTH of them he was going to beat them in the end due to his “great” social game, and that he didn’t even need to win anything in the house. He also pissed everybody off with the way he talked down to Angela that same weekend, when she asked him to speak to Quinn on her behalf, and he basically told her “I can’t do anything for you. You’ve made your bed. Now you have to lie in it.”

So no, Kimo’s speech had nothing to do with it, but of course CBS will lie to it’s viewers and say that it did.

Makensy has been desperate to have an alliance to work with for most of the season, and once she started winning consistently, of course people finally wanted to start working with her. That happened week 6 with the Tucker eviction, and we’re in week 10 now, so they’ve been working pretty closely for at least 4 weeks. It’s not like Kimo and Rubina, but for this house where alliances seem to blow up the week after they’re formed, 4 weeks is a good long while.

un autre nom

So far Angela’s campaign to Mak, Rubina, Chels, and Cam has been the same.
I’m an honest lady, I promise if I’m HOH not to nom you, if I’m not HOH I promise not to vote you out.
Note comparison hasn’t happened yet.
Mak told Angela earlier that a lot of the seed dropping is coming from Kimo. She says they may love him as a person, but as a player he could be causing a lot of the trouble.
If Makensy had a brain, she would have caught on very quickly that Cam was not changing his mind, and given up the ghost. Like hours ago.
Cam would still be saying Mak has won too many comps, she gotta go… but he wouldn’t have any distrust grounds.

Something we should be looking harder at in terms of game errors from early game:
Quinn really really pushed week 2 to get the underdogs consolidated. The holdout was T’kor and Kimo, who really really did not want to work with Leah. So first 2 jurors had a chance to change the course of inevitability on week 2…. but failed because of petty.
This is why I have no pity for them. Fact that Leah didn’t push for it harder and build those game relationships… All on her.
Makensy, If my prediction the moment she won the worst HOH she could win hold true? She gave control of HOH AND Veto to people that were ALREADY plotting her demise. Shush. The moment she won HOH everyone looked at her like 20 pounds of candy at a fatfarm. INDIVIDUAL TIME VETO TO MAKE THAT TARGET EVEN BETTER ADDED TO WHAT I HAVE MARKED AS A GROD D/R FROM KIMO? mmhmmm.