“Women at the end but in the final 3? that’s not what I’m looking to do right now I’m gonna make a game decision”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Chelsie
Nominees: Makensy and Cam
POV Players: Everyone
POV Winner: Makensy
Veto Ceremony: ?

11:30 am Wake up.

1:20 pm CHelsie playing cards, Rubina doing her nails.

2:17 pm Makensy and Chelsie
Makensy – She still hasn’t talked to me today
Chelsie – she will at 2 am
MJ – She will
C – maybe her anxiety is high to.
MJ – I don’t know I need to talk to both of them again. I’m like Y’all are allowed to talk it’s not big secret
C – He won’t talk one piece of game with me.. Maybe he’s not talking at all.
MJ – He’s not. The only time he did was that one time with me. It wasn’t about him it was more about why I should keep Rubina.
MJ – I told him I’m not a idiot I know… Have you been here this whole season? I’m very aware of things.
C – I don’t think he’s been here… Here but not HERE
MJ – You don’t have to tell me what the right move is and what is happening because I already see it. I saw it two weeks before it happened.
Chelsie – They both have anxiety because nothing is locked in until Thursday
MJ – Isn’t that crazy?
C – mmmmhmmmm, We’re the only ones that for sure know.

Makensy shows Chelsie a magic trick. Chelsie begs her to teach her. So they go over the details.

MJ – I can’t wait to see what Rubina tells me because I’m just going to be point blank. I’m like, I am going to be honest, I
absolutely do want all girls in the end. But as I’ve been thinking about like, my possibility of winning, there are worries with how high jury management is as well as the game you’ve had. Like, if I sit next to you, I don’t think I’d win. And I’ll tell her, quite frankly, I don’t think that you would choose to sit next to me.
MJ – You can say whatever you want to right now saying that maybe you would choose me but I’m not going to believe it wholeheartedly due to the fact of the position i’m in .
Chelsie – they have never been in a position before to prove.
MJ – never proved it. Neither of them have spoken to me in that sense. So why would I beleive it now.
Chelsie – I don’t even think she will tell you she won’t take you. Both of them are going to bank on you taking them.
MJ – maybe.. Cam didn’t throw you under the bus to me. He’s not going to.
MJ – Obviously we want to make history and have two women at the end but in the final 3? I didn’t come here with that intention in mind. (BB4)
MJ – that’s not my prerogative that’s not my story.. that’s not what I’m looking to do right now I’m gonna make a game decision
Chelsie says Cam had a final 2 with Kimo.

Chelsie – she literally told Cam she feels like she could win this game?
MJ – she said she has a resume that could help her win
Chelsie – I believe that. I believe she has a resume to win. She just needs to get to the final 2 to use her resume to win.
Chelsie – I do believe she has a winning resume.
MJ – Which Cam doesn’t
C – he does not?
MJ – he does not
C – Yeah ..
MJ – Unless jury likes him..

3:00 pm Cam joins them to listen to music.

3:20 pm GAMES!

3:25 pm CARDS!

5:10 pm Whole BUNCH of Chit chat

5:18 pm Chelsie wakes Makensy up with a hug

6:56 pm Burgers

8:37pm Card Games..

8:55pm – 9:55pm They start making their tie dye shirts.

11:30pm They head up to the HOH room to hangout.
12am Makensy and Chelsie playing cards in the HOH room. Cam is now sleeping.

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Team MJ(even if she is brainwashed)

“I’m looking to do right now I’m gonna make a game decision” lol honey if that were the case Chelsie would be long gone


she wouldn’t though. i’ve looked at this and makensy is in trouble in the double eviction if she takes out chelsie earlier. chelsie could have taken makensy out right then and doesn’t. maybe angela and leah don’t take the shot, but then we’d be saying oh my god how could angela and leah not take out makensy, a makensy who just showed disloyalty taking out chelsie, a makensy leah has been throwing under the bus every week, and a makensy who’s the biggest threat comp wise to angela (yeah, angela being a comp beast is hilarious but compared to the rest of the cast save makensy she kinda was). makensy needed to make a play that keeps her safe when she can’t play in hoh and doesn’t win veto and as much as everyone hates it, she did that in keeping chelsie.


Also, she rely on Chelsie for strategic game ideas on who to target and how to garnered votes. That’s one of MJ weaknesses in the game.


yeah, i think makensy’s on jury right now had she taken the shot at chelsie. she likely needs to win the final hoh and eliminate chelsie in third to win, but taking the shot at chelsie earlier than that just puts her on jury next to chelsie and not in a better position to win.


Why can’t production just tell them there has been final 3 with girls and final 2 with girls… it’s obnoxious at this point hating them say this repeatedly (rolls eyes)

Moaning murtle

I have been wondering that as well. Perhaps Julie will tell them or the host of the round table if they have a host like Jerry O’Connell or Ainsley.

Both of them are slightly arrogant. MJ , well you can’t tell her anything she doesn’t want to hear( she’s “aware” of everything) and Chelsie did her a camtalk talking about how she new she would win against either MJ or Cam, blah blah. So you can’t tell her anything either, but to her credit she’s right. She will beat Cam and MJ when facing the jury , she gave her reasons. She’s working MJ hard for Rubina to go. I wonder why Chelsie is more cautious of Rubina? Rubina will leave on Thursday and will skip happily to the jury to join Kimo where he and she can continue being “faithful members to death” of the T’kor club. PS Sorry that was unkind. I hate that Rubina leaves with Chelsie already having misted Rubina with her ” I wish T’kor was here line” I know it’s good jury management on Chelsie’s part cause Rubina will carry that message to T&K. Like someone telling those two : wake up 2 females at the end has been done or doesn’t anyone see what Chelsie is/ has done!? Are they all afraid of her? Is there any HG from the season who’s clocked her game? Sigh…

The Beef

But Murtle, this is why I say I’m still interested in seeing T’Kor’s reaction to Chelsie voting her out. Chelsie saying to Rubina “I wish T’Kor was still here”, she might just be overplaying her hand. What if Rubina goes to T’Kor and tells her she said that, and by now Kimo has most likely already told T’Kor HE is the one that voted for her to stay – not Chelsie. That kind of comment just might be enough for them to view her as the “scheming backstabber”, rather than the “brilliant strategist” Grod has been editing her to be, and could cost her jury votes.

I’m not saying it WILL happen – just that it could happen – especially with touchy feely type people like T’Kor, who came in there with a mission to fulfill her cause, and if she thinks somebody went AGAINST that cause, anything could happen with her and her vote. If HER vote changes, there’s a strong possibility the other two godot votes could change as well.

We’ve all seen some crazy votes that had absolutely nothing to do with who played the best game or who deserved to win over the years. That may or may not happen this season. Absolutely NOTHING is written in stone, until those keys are in that box.

Facts Only

men have won too much in bb and survivor so it has been pushed in recent woke years to rig things to go the other way.


it’s been rigged for minorities (and even that’s debatable. the us population is like 60% white, so casts of 80% white were misrepresentative of the population, swinging to 50% white is actually more equitable than it was, but instead of being at the cost of minorities, it’s instead at the cost of white people, which… meh), not really women.

Facts Only

both. if you look at winners in recent seasons and casting in general. there is an obvious push. It is no shock that straight white Alpha males are 1st targeted and have really no hope in winning in this modern era. Matt only went deep because of his disability last season. And when Gabler won Survivor it was fully against productions plans especially the way they casted. But his final tribal performance was so good he swayed the jury. But yes there is a tier list. and it goes by gender, color, what you identify as, disabilities, etc. the more of those boxes you check, the better chance of winning and being casted. its the brutal truth of the soft modern era we live in today.


cbs is open about the fact they are now casting 50% minority contestants. which does give minorities a slight edge, but it’s nowhere near the advantage white players had in earlier seasons. now the real question is that while this quota system is more reflective of the us population, is it actually reflective of the casting pool as the us population and the casting pool do not necessarily have the same demographic makeup (in fact i would guess it skews whiter and more female. i also imagine the average age of applicants is probably mid to late 30s while the average contestant is probably about a decade younger). it’s also a consideration of what stereotype do the producers want applicants to play. it used to be minorities could basically only be wacky comic relief or jock, but now they’re getting considered for the nerd, boy/girl next store, and basically everything else. this forces white applicants to work harder to be cast, and usually in non-traditional roles that typically aren’t the great strategists which maybe works against white people’s chances but honestly i don’t care about race as long as it’s entertaining and if there were minorities being overlooked in favor of duller white players having an easier ride, i’ll take the more entertaining cast. this season was maybe a dud, but one of the most obnoxiously diverse seasons of survivor, survivor: cook islands got me back watching survivor after skipping several seasons and i think cook islands was ultimately a pretty good season so i don’t consider this diversity push a bad thing while acknowledging it is a slight (and i must keep mentioning slight because the advantage to white players in early seasons was much more than slight) advantage to minority contestants.

Facts Only

I don’t have any issue with diversity when it comes to age, race, etc. It is more the personalities. It seems that casting is so focused on diversity to a point that they are not casting good players. Also I feel they cast in a way that they know the way people would vote if they were on a jury and how they would align in the game which in turn really pushes who will be targeted early on in the game. So while they still click all the diversity boxes. There is a reason why certain archetypes of players are now either targeted 1st, or will never win a jury vote. Prime examples are both Mike and Xander not winning in this new era of survivor.


Am the only one that wants to scream at them, you’re not making history? Big Brother 3/4 had the final 2 Women (Danielle/Lisa & Jun/Alison). Big Brother 6 The final 4 were women (Maggie/Ivette/Janelle/April). Big Brother 11/13 final 2 women (Jordan/Ivette) (Rachel/Porsche)

At this point to me it’s just annoying that they don’t have a clue.

The Beef

I agree, it’s annoying, and I think it’s long past time for production to inform them it’s happened before many times. Maybe they should tell them not only has it happened 5 times, but the last time was BB13, so they can champion the fact it’s been “too long” since there’s been an all women final 2 if they like.

But as it is right now, they just look like buffoons by saying they’re making history because it’s never been done before, and I would think production would want to correct that for that reason alone.


seriously! To me it shows how they aren’t FANS. Why can’t they find people that have actually watched every single season? Ok, that would mean an entire cast of 26 season fans would all be over 40. What’s so bad about that?


i generally don’t like watching fans play, at least the fans they typically cast. very frequently they get paranoid, overplay, and burnout quickly. quinn being a decent example this season of the play you can expect from “fans,” though i wouldn’t consider him a megafan. other common fan play is in seasons with returnees where they completely throw away their game to let the returnee win (see izzy from last season). imo fans are not very fun to watch.

Tyler & Jeff are my faves

To Jazzy & The Beef: They WILL make history IF Chelsie & Rubina make the final 2. Two WOC have NEVER done that!
Thanks to Another Name for another great season of BB analysis. To quote Tina Turner: you’re ”Simply the Best, better than all the rest!” ??
And thanks especially to Simon & Dawg for making it all possible!

The Beef

Okay, point taken, but Rubina has not even been in the conversation with these two since the Veto comp, and is 95% getting evicted tonight, based on what’s been said between Chels and Mak over the past 2 or 3 days. Also that point doesn’t make sense when the conversation is between Mak and Chelsie, and Mak is white as snow, so they clearly aren’t talking about 2 female POC.

But your point is valid if Rubina somehow miraculously survives to final 2 with Chelsie.


Most boring cast in history of BB

un autre nom

okay, late check…
Many may be saying it is stupid for Mak to keep the pair of Chelsie and Cam together. I don’t dispute.
Many may be saying Cam would have been gone a week ago if not for Chelsie. I don’t totally dispute (the d/r call made her decision is my only caveat).
Many may be saying Cam wouldn’t have a campaign THIS week without Chelsie, and would have STILL been sulking. I don’t dispute.

What I WILL dispute is anyone saying Rubina deserves to be in the final 3 when the moment veto happened she dropped the ball and got her mouth out of Mak’s ear.
DAYS of NO game conversation when she is a nominee against a member of a trio…. and the deciding factor is gullible as hell. THIS IS A HUGE UNFORGIVABLE ERROR. Rubina should have joined that sleepover in the HOH and pushed solidarity. Rubina should have told Mak about the POC final three Chelsie and Cam pushed before veto like since it was a final 4 to get rid of Angela and Mak. THEY DON’T HAVE VOTES. Snuff them. Don’t just BUS Cam and Chelsie… DO IT TO THEIR FACES AS A BIG PRODUCTION. TRY TO STAY. What does she do…. Plays stupid card tricks and wallows in her self imposed solitude victimwhining about how she’s in a tough spot. gtfo. no really. Cam and Chelsie have enough sloppiness, especially Cam since the Kimo eviction until the Veto… that Rubina could bury him and dance on his grave. And say it all with Chelsie right there.
Mak? Dumb. real dumb. BUT…. Newschool dumb.
Rubina? WILLFULLY REFUSES TO PLAY THE GAME TO GAIN ADVANTAGE because she is so stuck in whining bottom unpopular outsider. SHE DID THAT TO HERSELF. Weeks ago. She had SO many chances to be social butterfly queen in the game… instead she gabbed about showmances and how on the bottom she is. Rubina’s lack of social currency is due to Rubina’s self image issues. Rubina was to T’kor as Mak is to Chelsie. Why are we neglecting this? Remember the girlliance talks that T’kor would talk Rubina out of because…. 3 of the women were white and 3 were POC and T’kor wanted POC number advantage in the eventual split because in her view of course it would break as crackers / colonizers vs. the good people. Try to argue me on this…. Without the words colonizer and cracker she said it, and Rubina followed along as a toadie does and didn’t push a move that was good for her game wise because it wasn’t good for T’kor ideologically. We need to accept and normalize that Rubina and Makensy are the same in game play, and if Mak doesn’t deserve to win….. how can Rubina even deserve final 3?

Gan ainm

It’s that lack of any decent gameplay that has been so frustrating to watch. They have all allowed Chelsie to walk to the win even though they all recognized her as a threat. Instead of targeting that threat most of them continued helping her and the couple who wanted to never had the courage to act.

The Beef

This is why I hate this season. Not a single house guest had the balls to try and take out the clear best player in the game, other than very early on when she had yet to establish her dominance. I should say “other than Tucker”, as he played with reckless abandon, and brought us the only excitement the season provided (although he played stupidly, by volunteering to go OTB, using the veto on others when he was ON the block, and painted a huge target on himself).

I’m not trying to diminish Chelsie, as I think she’s an above average – good player, but it’s hard to label her as a great player when her competition has been so weak. I don’t think there’s another player that was in that house that is above average, when you look at their overall game.

moaning murtle

Beef and Gan your most recent posts here are both so well stated and does, to my mind capture, what has been so frustrating about this season’s players. I am not trying to diminish Chelsie either ( or at least I hope I haven’t) Chelsie is a good player and and I will her props for that. She has put in the work on her social game by remaining friendly with each jury evictee so whether she sits next to Mj or Cam she has the win. I only hope someone after the game talks with Mj. I know she is only 22 and doesn’t appear to have had the life experiences the others have had but Chelsie’s ability to rope her in and do as Chelsie wills boggles the mind! Example, MJ is now saying Rubina has a good resume ( really.?! Rubina may have two votes and those from two of her only friends) MJ said that because Chelsie said it first.
Anyhoodle, thanks to you both for making this season more fun and palatable!

The Beef

Yeah, I’d say Rubina’s resume’ was shit, if she even had one to look at. The problem is if Rubina handed you her BB 26 game resume’, it would be a blank sheet of paper, other than winning that one AI comp, and even that one is suspect since it came against Kimo and Joseph. Another Name’s scathing report on her lack of any attempt to do anything since the final 4 veto comp posted above, just cemented her total lack of either ability or desire to even attempt to try and make it to final 3, but that really doesn’t surprise me considering she hasn’t done jack squat the whole game long to better her position, other than to whine and moan about things to T’Kor and Kimo.

What really disgusts me about this cast is the fact I have no doubt Kimo and T’Kor would vote for her to win against Mak and probably Cam, if she had made it to final 2 against either one of them. I get they’re friends, but don’t you have any respect for the game? People always talk about who they want “representing” their season, and I damn sure wouldn’t want Rubina representing mine as the winner, after the game she “played”, but I guess the other agendas take precedent with some folks, and yes, that disgusts me.

Oh, and I agree with what you wrote about Makensy 100%. She’s clearly immature, very easily led and influenced by someone she trusts, and that hurt her in this game. Maybe when she goes home and reviews what happened she’ll learn from it and understand people will do whatever they need to do to win big money, and that’s all part of the game.

Moaning murtle

This!! Thanks for posting. I missed your analysis of Rubina during this final stretch of the season( in your analysis of the final 4). Rubina is the most polarizing of the 4 on FB and Twitter not only because she can’t win comps( just the one AI when she was otb) but her lack of urgency to do anything. It’s hard to believe this 35 year old so called lover of the game( as cheerful as she may be) is playing / has played so poorly. She is full of insecurities yet she could ruin Chelsie with all she knows. Recall she told MJ that Chelsie was using her( yeah, she did it poorly ) and MJ didn’t believe her! Despite her height and insecurities issues, she should be running this game at this point. You make a good case as to why she is not. She’s not doing the social thing that Chelsie puts in the work to do, which is why folks on the jury like Chelsie or dislike her but respect the hell out of her game.
Rubina did say, a week or so ago, that MJ has rubbed a lot of people in the jury the wrong way. So I see her happily voting for Chelsie( T’kor would approve) , happily accepting the results being shown the door on Thursday, happily trying to cash in on her perceived fame with Kimo and or Tucker by doing a podcast after the show, and happily thinking she played well. Maybe that’s why she appears to be the most polarizing of all the F4.

un autre nom

Because this is the season of low hanging fruit (as in fruit that has fallen off the vine and lies rotting on the ground), any game at all is considered masterful.
Do I dispute that of the cast this season Chelsie had the better game, no. Do i think in a cast of… well… in ANY other cast, that would be the case? I think we would be far more hyper critical of her game errors than we are.
Chelsie’s jury management should be listed under lack thereof. Not sorry to burst bubbles but it is true.
What she has going for her? Week one sets tone, and casting choices of multiple recruits that didn’t bother to actually research what they were getting into, and damaged loners that psychologically don’t play well in groups. THIS is what has helped Chelsie to look better than she actually has been.
Again, of the people playing this season, yeah, she has game. Take her out of the minnow pool and throw her into a usual season’s piranha infested waters, and IS she a great player? I fear not.
Shush. Put Chelsie in a fact checker receipt handler season. She’s toast.
Put Chelsie in a physical season (check the equitable HOH comps this season, and realize that lack of overtly physical comps has been in Chelsie’s favor).
I can call her a comp specialist in booth comps of compare contrast… but check her Arena performance, and check her veto performances. In a season without permapawns where self interested piranha nominated the heads of the snakes in mid game… Chelsie would have been doomed. Good thing there was a chaoskaren prodoplant to draw attention… Good thing for the longevity of what would in most seasons be considered an overtly sloppy mastermind with zero jury management skills depending on morons that listen to her so that their jury management looks even worse (especially after weird dér calls that seem to convince people to do game suicidal but storyline beneficial things).

Tinfoil Question:
From this season’s casting model of loners unable to play well with others, to the paradigm of alliancing being verboten, to permapawning, to equitable but not egalitarian comp design and placement within the season….
Do we start to see how Grod Grods from the ground up?

Original Rubina analysis was written the day the vote flipped last week before I realized that prodo was manufacturing waffles because actual game had ceased to exist for 2 days.

moaning murtle

Thanks un autre mon! I will see if I can find your Rubina analysis. It’s something I will look forward to reading. Absolutely right on about Chelsie! This is not Cheslie bashing or about her rqce or gender none of that matters. It’s about good gameplay. Enjoying it, debating about why it is so etc.. but you are correct that in any other BB season with a stronger cast Cheslie would have some REAL competition. Not to knock her but I would have enjoyed someone who is as good as she is having an equally skilled opponent. All we get is goofy but chill Cam, who is sliding into F3 and probably F2 ( I want to see how skillfully Chelsie is in getting Cam to do her dirty work for her and get MJ out or MJ get Cam out so she( Chelsie) has ” no blood on her hands,” clueless but cheerful Rubina, and gullible, petty MJ.
Thanks for your posts today. We know you and those in the newest hurricane’s path, well all of us have more pressing things to be concerned about and to do. Endure and thanks for making this season so much better here than on TV.

More Whine, please

I agree that Chelsie is no master gamer, but I will give her credit that she’s a good opportunist. That’s why she’s managed to get to the end. Otherwise, her errors would have cooked her in any other season of piranhas hungry for the money.

Although Andy gets trashed for his game, the guy was desperate for the win. I do believe he’d have known she had to go sooner than later.

He’s just one example I bring up since he’s generally considered as undeserving, yet he’d have not done Chelsie’s bidding.

My opinion is that a game gets labeled as Rat when there are biases such as homophobia and ‘weak awkwardness’ at play (vs maybe a ‘cooler’ gay player). Yet it’s considered skill when it’s coming from a charming white privileged male like Dan. But that’s just an aside.

un autre nom

I respect an original definition floater game as the most difficult social strategy to effectively perform well.
In terms of Andy… when the choice was Andy or Ginamarie what did the Anti-andy’s want? Ginafuqinmarie as the winner?
Honesty: women have been judged by a different set of standards, Lgbt houseguests… judged by a different set of standards. The race debate is alive and as fukakta as ever. AND YOU KNOW WHAT? The casting models and choices have PERPETUATED all of these things.
Get ready. Makensy will be an asterisk houseguest regarding comps…. but Tucker will be considered a comp beast. (I’d asterisk both of them… but that’s just me and my tinfoil). Casting models will continue to include the flamer and deiseldyke style lgbt stereotype…. and that projection of stereotype does nothing positive in terms of image.

Can I be honest? Okay… I’m always being honest whether people like it or agree with it or not… So instead I’ll say I’m going to be frank:
I’d be interested to see what would Happen if they just did a mini season where they had 4 white, 4 black, 4 latinx and 4 asian houseguests wherein there were also 4 lgbt houseguests (not a separate group, members of the other 4 groups) 8 male and 8 female. If the table is gong to be leveled let’s just see what level ACTUALLY Looks like. And then tie Production’s hands by holding them accountable for any bias Production projects into the game by their edit choices.
There WAS A season like this in Can. 9. I’d be interested to see if US viewers and US production expressed their bias in the same way now that the 50 50 has existed for a few years.

As far as THIS season goes…
If you haven’t realized… for THIS season it is intentional.


yup, at the end of the day, rubina is bad at the game. in fact, pretty much all of them are. chelsie is the best of the remaining players but i’m doubtful she even makes jury playing against someone competent. and the rest all probably do make jury, but more due to being carried as non-social threats than due to solid manuevering.

BYE 123

Well Julie is Chelsea’s “Auntie” so Julies NEPO baby is set to win.

Makensy's BFF

On a site that has daily guest ratings, in the past 29 days, Tucker and Leah have been 1 or 2.  In 14 of the last 17 days, Chelsie has been in 16th place.

Of the existing guests, Rubina is 3, Makensy is 7, Cam is 13 and of course, Chelsie is 16. The Master Manipulator is dead last? Rubina is the current leader? The voters (usually 150 to 210 votes per day) obviously don’t read the excellent posts by Another Name.

un autre nom

Rubina and Mak spoke:
bullet points
Chelsie and Cam would take each other to final 2
Rubina can’t win a comp but if she won 2 comps she’d take Mak to f2.
sure she talked to people on jury as friends, but that doesn’t mean they’d vote for her.
Cam has a stronger story than Rubina.
Mak has a stronger story than Rubina.

Mak claims undecided but Chelsie is not making her decision for her, it’s Mak’s decision.

Not sure of exact percentage but a fair bit of what was said was Rubina egostroking Mak, and trying to string along. More than a fair bit of responses from Mak were bullshit.



Has anyone ever won AFP that wasn’t the final 2 or in jury?




cody made jury. how could you forget the terrified look on paul’s face when he realized the only vote left to be revealed was cody’s and cody would sooner disown his own family than vote paul to win.

in fairness, it was a larger jury that season and if they used the same cutoff that season as they did this season, cody would not make jury and likely still be voted afp.

East coast

Are you sure? I thought Cody was the first person in jury in BB19.

The Beef

America’s Favorite Player was first awarded in BB7, the first All-Star season. Since that season, every single winner has either won, finished 2nd, or been on the jury.