Willow writes a secret message on Sarah’s back “I was told to be single”

POV Holder: Zach Next POV April 17
POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 19
HOH Winner Zach Next HOH April 22nd
Nominations: Godfrey and Jordan
Have Nots Godfrey, Sarah, Jordan, Bruno
POV Players Zach, Jordan, Godfrey, Sarah, ?, ?

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3:10pm – 3:25pm Willow is annoyed that that the girls are questioning her relationship with Sarah and why they kissed. Willow says I would hate to be put on the block because I became friends with Sarah. Sarah tells Willow people don’t understand that we can comfort each other because they’re not a guy and a girl. Sarah says what they do is real because they’re a man and a woman but what we feel isn’t because its not normal. Willow suggests they get Cindy on our side. Sarah says that B doesn’t like her (Cindy) too much. Sarah says I love you and I feel like you understand me. Willow writes a message on Sarah’s back. (I think she wrote on Sarah’s back “I was told to be single”) Sarah says I understand now. Willow says when I get out of here I just have to make a phone call. Willow gestures a phone and says “Andrew James Gordon its me”
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3:35pm – 3:45pm Big Brother calls all the house guests to the HOH room. Willow says something is up! Sarah says lets not .. it’s probably just to fix the kitchen sink. All the house guests head into the HOH room. They speculate on whether or not they’ll get a task. Zach says he doesn’t think there will be a task because of everything that’s happened with Cindy coming back. They talk about the returning house guest competition was a KFC challenge. Willow says we should have smelled her fingers! Sarah says what I would do to a bucket of chicken. Zach asks is someone in the diary room right now? They tell him Cindy. Zach says maybe she’ll bring us a bucket of chicken. Sarah says God I’ll eat the bones! They wonder if the havenots would get to eat it. Sarah says If everyone ate the chicken and then made out with me hard. Sarah wonders if she could lick their plates. Bobby says I think that would be considered eating. Big Brother ends the lock down.
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In the bathroom – Sarah tells Brittnee that Zach thing was just about attractivness. This is so good for us. Sarah says if Parhar already told her all that sh*t! F**K YOU Parhar you should be telling me all that sh*t!

3:50pm In the bedroom – Zach talks to Willow about not using the veto.

4pm Jordan and Godfrey are talking in the HOH. Godfrey tells Jordan that he is going to ask Zach to take you down. If I was off I’m not going to vote for you man. If I got off then you would have me, Zach, Ash and Kev. Jordan says that’s only 4 I need 5. Jordan says I’ll try and get a chance to talk to him later today. If he takes you down then I have your vote. Godfrey says Maybe I am taking a sacrifice here but you coming off is better. Godfrey tells Jordan if the girls ask you have to say you hate me. Jordan asks do you have an alliance with anyone? Godfrey says no only the me, you, Bruno and Zach thing. Jordan says so no one has come to you yet? Godfrey says Sarah came to him and the only other thing was when Graig came to me. Jordan says I’ve seen Bruno, Zach, Graig and Bobby. I love Bruno and I trust him … but they might have something we’re not a part of. Godfrey says It makes me nervous.. I know for sure Bruno and Graig had an alliance. Jordan says when you and I were nominated ..NOBODY came up to me saying I can’t believe you’re a pawn.

Godfrey tells Jordan about the “Black and Bru” Alliance with Bruno. Jordan says so that is one alliance that he approached you with. Godfrey says I’m not going to let someone take me out. Am I here to play the game or here to eat chicken you know what I mean. Godfrey says I have no desire to go after Zach. Jordan says if he doesn’t use it one of us is going home. Talk to Zach. If I stay in this game I need you and you need me if you stay. Jordan says as the numbers get less and less then less people are going to go after Bruno. That whole HOH you helped Bruno win and helped him win 5K. Did he ever once ask for your opinion about anything? Godfrey says no, not once. Godfrey says if he (Bruno) really had a deal with me he would have gone to Zach and asked why did you put me (Godfrey) up? Not once did he do that. He might have in private but I doubt it. He only tells me to go talk to him.

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4:30pm – 4:50pm In the bedroom – Bobby tells Bruno we can’t go against Zach. We have to win HOH next week. We can’t lose Godfrey. Bobby says Ash and B would put me up if they won. Bobby says Kevin and Sarah are the next targets. The only reason he doesn’t want to go for Kevin right now is because of the extra person in the house. We have to make sure he knows we’re loyal to the chop shop. Bruno agrees.

Out in the hot tub room – Havenot Sarah talks about how she chewed some cheese and spat it out. They can’t get mad at me can they because I didn’t eat it, right?!

In the kitchen – Kevin asks Sarah if there were any repercussions? (For being a havenot and putting cheese in her mouth and spitting it out) Sarah says It barely went in my mouth. Brittnee says it still counts, just the tip! Sarah wonders if she should go talk to the diary room. Kevin and Britt tell her no.

Out in the hot tub – Ashleigh, Bruno, Bobby and Zach are hanging out talking about cars.

5pm – 5:20pm Jordan and Godfrey’s conversation continued… Godfrey says us sitting next to Bobby is good because he’s well recognized as a threat. Jordan says well recognized. Jordan and Godfrey decide to talk to Zach together tonight. Godfrey says so then he will know we’re on the same page. Jordan says maybe then we can lock it down with Ashleigh and Zach. Godfrey says you would think it was Graig doing all the planning but it was really Bruno. Jordan asks what?! Godfrey says it was Bruno telling Graig. You think Graig is smart enough to pull off a strategy. Jordan says no he was stupid. They end the conversation and leave the HOH room.

5:30pm In the bedroom – Cindy and Brittnee agree that they have to get together with Sarah to talk game for at least 10 minutes. Then we won’t need to be seen talking game for the rest of the week. They head out to the hot tub and talk about life/past relationships. Out in the backyard – Zach and Bobby are talking. Zach says we’ll put her (Cindy?) up next week. Bobby says if you guys keep me safe for the next couple weeks, I’ll do the same for you. I know I’m an easy target. If you keep my name is a non-threat .. say you control me. Keep me safe, I’ll do what the chop wants me to do.

Up in the HOH – Jordan tells Kevin about his conversation with Godfrey. Jordan says Godfrey told me to tell Zach to take me off the block and I was like okay man.

5:45pm Out in the hot tub – Sarah, Britt and Cindy game talk. Cindy says that she wants Zach out. I don’t trust him. If I won HOH I would put up Ash and Pilar .. then if the veto is used I would take Pilar off and put up Zach. Britt says I am so glad you’re back and wanting to make big moves. Sarah says but in that scenario if someone wins the veto and doesn’t use it, it doesn’t work. Cindy says but then we would still break up the couple (voting out Ash).

Part 1 of Jordan telling Zach & Kevin about his conversation with Godfrey




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21 thoughts to “Willow writes a secret message on Sarah’s back “I was told to be single””

  1. So it appears the Willow/Sarah dynamic is half real half show… Poor Willow having to give up a relationship to be on the show. She’s slowing emerging as a one of my favourites just because I’m starting to see what Sarah sees in her, that she’s a kind, gentle soul.

  2. Can anyone explain what the thing willow wrote on her back means? And why she has to make a phone call? Sorry, i’m kinda slow today lol

    1. i think Sarah wants to go for JP but waiting till after the Veto ceremony, BUT Godfrey might screw this up

    2. Because the veto hasn’t been played yet. They are still hoping on the chance that Sarah will go up. The problem with that is even with Sarah sitting beside Godfrey i don’t think they will have the numbers to keep Godfrey. Pilar and Ash does not trust Godfrey, Britnee and Sindy will vote for her to stay, JP and Willow (most likely) will keep her. Having said so, JP can easily manipulate the votes to switch against her. But seeing how Sarah is acting as a lost puppy for JP I don’t think that JP will cut her loose just yet.

      The problem with Bruno’s team is that they are so closed minded about teaming up with the Britnee and Sarah. They are so focus on getting them out and not seeing that the entire house is already rallying against them. i hate to say this but looks like Zach is getting away with his hands clean again.

  3. getting a weird sinking feeling.
    I have the feeling that jp will end up off the block, and sarah will be replacement.
    all of the convos to Zach and jp seem to be bringing up sarah.
    and it fits with the edit of the last two episodes.

    1. Sarah is in danger. But Zach has a lot of disdain for Godfrey…and Godfrey is one of the few that could beat Zach in a physical comp and possible mental one as well. Zach will get rid of Godfrey and try Sarah later.

  4. Ok so im confused… Is jp really mad at zach or is he just acting? And looks like cody came into the house to give zach some tips

  5. I’m going to be so PISSED if Zach puts up Sarah, what a coward. All his smack talk and bravado and just b/c Sindy came back (who JP has on lock) he’s about to pull a turtle. I’m about to say bye-bye BBCAN 3, nice knowing you, when you didn’t interfere. All your twists have caused is the most interesting, strategic players to walk out the door: Naeha, Johnny, Sarah
    Big time BOO

  6. Zach is such a pussy!!! This is the turning point. He is blowing up his own game. take the swing or your gone next week.

  7. I love this new alliance forming with Sarah, Britt, and Cindy with an S! I am having a hard time remembering the last time I have seen such smart/strategic and social gameplay from female players in a while. I do not know if we have ever seen a successful all female alliance, but these women all have a shot.

    Cindy with an S can work, and manipulate Jordan, Sarah can continue to strategize, and work Coasters like Willow (and maybe Godfrey if he stays), and Britt can continue playing a great social game with practically the whole house (I still do not think she is on anyone besides Ash’s radar because of Zach).

    Best-case scenario this week is noms staying the same and unfortunately Godfrey being the next to be evicted.

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