Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Felicia
Nominees: Cameron and Jag
POV Players: Cameron, Jag, Felicia, Izzy, Red, Corey – Host is Bowie
POV Winner: Jag
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots: America, Matt, Red
Lock your ranks in before midnight
4:30pm Hammock – Hisam and Izzy.
Izzy – I completely agree with you. Hisam – I know its makes logical sense. Izzy – can I be honest with you? Hisam – be.. Izzy – I think some times when we chat you do a lot of talking and because you’re very smart and I don’t say a lot necessarily because I’ve thought a lot about the things that you thought about and laid out very just so clearly. But I think people want to feel a little heard. I think it doesn’t feel like a decision we made but it may be a decision you made. And that’s why we have to nourish her vision and help guide instead of tell. That is just my observation. Hisam – that is really reasonable. Izzy – I am not trying to make you feel like you did anything wrong. Like you have been fighting for us but that’s just my observation. And I think it might be I have the power this week and I want to think a little about it first. Hisam – when she said Cam .. I said okay even thought I didn’t think it was a good decision. Now we’re here. And the thing that you didn’t do that you should have done.. Izzy – we’re now suffering the repercussions. And you’re about to make .. like people rarely do things once. Like if you do this again, this could end all of our games. Its .. its fine! I came here to play the game and I came here to do my best to win the game and it requires you to rely on people and my emotions led me to aligning with her. Now he is safe and we have to put someone in his place and if we pick the weaker of the two .. then we suffer. It makes me think why am I working with you? Like if you’re going to f**k us over in the end, like we can’t work together. My game won’t be tied to someone who is making bad decisions. All it takes is one bad decision and you’re out. If you’re thinking of keeping him, then maybe you’re trying to work with him. Cam can’t win a competition to save his live. Izzy – let me talk to Mama Felicia. Hisam – its not time to get Cam out. Izzy – but is it worth then if Blue goes? HIsam – yes because then Cam is still aligned with them, right!? But if we make the mistake of sending Blue home, then Matt doesn’t have to be. The seed of doubt .. all it takes is a seed. It has to be Matt, it has to be.

4:50pm – 5pm HOH room – Felicia, Matt and Cirie
Felicia – anything that you (Matt) hear that you’re going up blind, they’re lying. That is not what I am doing. That’s what some people think. Matt – keep them comfortable. Felicia – he has to believe that I am going to do it. Matt – Hisam is campaigning hard against me. Felicia – he keeps telling me what to do. Izzy – You got to play along. Cirie – in terms of what? Izzy – putting Matt up. Cirie – so we have to say we’re putting up Matt? Felicia – I am just being me. Izzy – he is spiralling. He is just doing that spiral. I said to him you say we made this decision together but honestly you do a lot of talking. Cirie – you said that to him? I think we have to leave space for other peoples opinions and visions. Even if they’re not that logical. He was talking about how Jag needed to be the target and like and of course you (Matt) needed to go first so you could beat Jag. And he goes.. and I feel like you should say this to him when you f**king nominate him. Why would you go after a Knight when you can go after a King? Because he is like Jag is mobilizing everyone.. Jag is dangerous because now we know he can win and he is mobilizing people.. so he is the king right?! And the same thing with you (Matt), you’re a king. So why would you put Blue up .. she is a knight .. when you can get a king (Matt). Well in your own words ..when you have the opportunity to take out a King and not a Knight ..you’ve got to take that shot. That’s it, you’re on the block. It was like poetic. He is out to lunch. He is being incredibly.. Felicia – that might be my verbiage. Izzy – and he will look straight at me. I am not scared. Felicia – I’ve decided that I don’t want to take a Knight out, I am going to take a King out, Hisam you’re on the block. Izzy – and if there is a battle back and he comes back in the house I will throw it back in his face that he told Reilly if she gets evicted and comes back then we can work together. So why should I be scared of you, we evicted you once. We can do it again. Cirie – again and again. He is fixated on Matt .. just like he was fixated on Reilly!
HOH room – Red, Felicia and Izzy.
Red joins Felicia and Izzy. Felicia – are you okay? Red shakes his head to say no. Izzy – do you want a hug? Red shakes his head no. Hisam and Bowie join them. Cirie joins them. Felicia – Jag is going to take himself off the block. Lets go around the room and tell me what your thoughts are, who do you think the replacement nominee should be?
Bowie – UUmmm.. oh I am not really sure?! Maybe .. I mean Matt is strong so he might be the strongest fit person but I am open to anything to be honest.
Felicia – Izzy? Izzy – are we going around in a circle? Yeah I think we’re still going after the Reilly crew and I think Blue and Matt were the closest to her and the two with Matt that are able to mobilize but I agree that Matt we haven’t seen him compete in a lot of competitions but I think Matt would be a good decision even though it hurts to say a loud.
Felicia – Cirie? Cirie – We formed this alliance out of necessity after we were excluded right!? Like we didn’t pick a side. This became our side. Plus I just think that y’all were good people that I liked. SO that being said it has been established that there are two sides so I would not even expect any of our side to even be a consideration. So when you look at that side and the potential.. we haven’t really seen Matt play. We’ve seen Blue play a little bit. I would be more apt to put up an Olympian than just Blue. And its nothing.. I love Matt as a person. I think Matt is cool as hell and it is nothing against him but we’re thinking logically .. it would have to be Matt.
Red – I’m on the same lines its the other side of the house against us. Make the best selection. Overall just putting someone that is a huge competitor on the block makes a lot of sense.
Hisam – Matt beat me. I can’t beat Matt… as much as I wanted to he out.. Big Brother blocks the feeds. Felicia – ..that competitive edge is going to materialize.. Izzy – I also think we also have time to decide and its good to gauge like this. I find it comforting. Cameron joins them. Izzy – how are you feeling Cameron. Cameron – I’m tired but I feel good going into the week.
5:36pm – 5:57pm The feeds switch to kitten cams.. When the feeds return Jag is in a chicken punishment costume “Cock a Doodle ZOOM” Izzy – its hard to take you seriously. Jag – I am happy about this week. Blue – I am happy it was you. Izzy – it protects what we want to do. Like Hisam can’t blame you for using the veto. I am super stoked for you. Jag – this is actually really hot. Izzy – I would not be stepping outside. Jag – that is so funny that Felicia is saying that she doesn’t know what to do with who to put up. Izzy – we were like you have to say okay you’re right Matt .. because he (Hisam) has to feel.. like I was on the hammock with him and he was spiralling. Blue – I really don’t understand why he has such a vendetta. Izzy – but once he’s (Hisam) is gone .. no one else feels that way.
6pm Kitchen
Jag – I look pretty Clucking rediculous. America – go cluck yourself. You mother clucker! Jag – what other puns are there? Red – egg-actly.
6:10pm Backyard Couches – Cory and Jared.
Jared – I think Blue is going to target Bowie but I don’t think Blue is going to target anyone that is with me.. not right now. And if she was, she would just tell me flat out. Cory – she wouldn’t put me up. I know that. Jared – right now its an alliance between Jag, Blue, Cirie, Felicia, Izzy, Me, and Matt. That’s seven. And we know exactly what we going to do with them. Keep them comfortable until..
6:45pm Kitchen – Matt, Jag and Red
Matt – put your wing around me. Jag does it. Red – you’re his wingman.
6:55pm Hammock – Bowie and Meme
Bowie – I would be more worried if America wins. I think I’ll be going up. Meme – why? Bowie – I think she would pick the middle. Would she put you up? Because you’re at least in the bed next to her. Meme – I don’t know but I feel like I’ve talked to her more often. Generally speaking I don’t know where I would stand with her in that regard. Do you feel more comfortable with Blue than her? Bowie – I think so. Meme – I’ve probably had the least amount of chats with Blue. After this week it is definitely going to get.. Bowie – hairy! Meme – Interesting. This week feels like we’re in solidarity because there is a mutual.. Bowie – common enemy. Bowie – we need someone to become a sh*t head so that we can have another common enemy. Meme – sometimes all you’ve got to do is wait .. they always reveal themselves. Bowie – that’s true you can’t hide your personality.
7:05pm Bathroom – Red and America.
Red – That’s the words that I hear about you .. she’s smart, she’s playing a smart game. Not that you’re a threat to anybody but its like we see America but you’ve never been mentioned in a negative light. Just so you know. America – okay, that’s good. Thank you. I haven’t heard anything about you. Red – well hell I’ve been been a ghost. Which is so hard for me because I’m such a social dude.
Comic Bedroom – Izzy talking to herself.
Izzy counting out the votes. F**K! She looks at the camera. Izzy – I don’t know, they’re going to have the numbers. I don’t want to keep Hisam. We can’t keep Hisam. F**k! Jag, Blue, Matt, America, Meme, Bowie, Red, Cameron….. Me, Cirie, Jared, Cory, Felicia..
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Why take out a King when you can overthrow a dictator?
did they take out the flashback feature on paramount+?
Cam to Red “this was my plan to get Hisam.”
Red to Bowie “Cam came up with this get Hisam plan.”
nobody: did Svengali also plan to be on the block?
did he ‘plan’ to lose veto… three times?
Jared already outed Felicia’s new alliance to Cory.
I’m not sure why. It keeps his mom safe with everyone… eyeroll.
then Jared says final 5 with Cirie, Felicia and Izzy.
um…hey Cory, where are you on THAT ladder?
Cirie didn’t raise a good player with him. All he has to do is shut up and enjoy the ride, he’d have cruised to victory.
which of Cirie / Izzy was in d/r.
They’re back on blindside the house and keep Hisam, get rid of Red.
Going to Felicia with their made up alliances that would make them the minority.
If it was Cerie, be ready for a vote change. I bet TPTB pushed that him being such a dictating jerk is good for ratings. Cerie is good at filling people with doubt and confusion.
Omg they are not getting rid of Hisam! Cirie is acting like this is her HOH and Felicia is okay with it. What sheep! Cirie is spinning extreme manic paranoia and they are going to take Bowie out? I have no respect for Cirie – there is something seriously wrong with her.
Flipflop Cirie and Spinkitty Iggy along with granny.
They’ve moved the target from Hisam, to Cam, to Red to Matt, back to Red to Meme to Bowie to America… to Matt again, back to Red. Wash spin, repeat.
in five minutes.
Jared is trying to herd Jag, Blue and Matt up to HOH to solidfy the Felicia alliance to stop this insanity. When Jared is the voice of reason…
The reason for all this insanity? 2 days ago Cory made a joke about all the middle men floaters joining together. Cirie thought the joke was serious.
Matt, Jag, Blue, who have each brought up getting together with either Felicia, Izzy or Cirie, but have been blown off…are in trouble for not getting together with F/I/C to firm up the fake 7 alliance.
When they speak of Matt it’s threaten him with the block if he doesn’t do as they say.
I’m back to the we gotta do what Hisam says plot twist part of my assessment. It hasn’t happened yet, but it’s coming. that means Matt. if I’m wrong, I’m wrong.
Let’s go #CameronHardin#BB25??