POV Holder: | Corey | POV Competition | July 16th |
POV Used | YES | POV Ceremony | July 18th |
HOH | Paulie | Next HOH | July 21st |
Roadkill Competition Winner: | Tiffany | ||
Original Nominations: | Tiffany, Natalie, Corey | ||
After POV Nominations: | Tiffany, Natalie, Da’Vonne | ||
Have Nots | James and Natalie |
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12am HOH room – Paulie, Corey, Nicole and Michelle are talking. Michelle says that Bridgette is rescuing the Gorilla (Tiffany’s Stuffed animal). She (Tiffany) was like I’m just going to assume it slipped through the cracks. I didn’t hide it. Day did. Nicole says some people are doing these high school pranks. Its the only thing she has. Paulie says she did it to herself. Between our crew and their crew we have 4 comp wins and they have 4 comp wins .. which means we need to tag them out BRA! Paul, DaVonne and Z join them.
1am Backyard – Frank and Bridgette are talking. Frank says that Tiffany is really goofy. He says that Tiffany was asking him why does no one want to be around me? I said its nothing personal. One they thought last week you were going home and they felt a little awkward around you but the main reason is they’re just young caddy immature girls. Now that I’m 32 I see it more. I want to send Zakiyah home next week too. Bridgette says she’s horrible. She’s been playing it up to the camera all day and I f**king hate it. I want to vomit all over her. Sorry not sorry! I liked her at first and then all of a sudden she came out of her shell. They’re getting really cocky. Frank says James is willing to go as long as we have the votes and if we don’t have the votes then we vote Tiffany out. Day is still going to come after us. Honestly I just want to flip it. I need the confidence boost after last week. Next week we put Day and Z up next to each other. Got an issue with it, too bad you should have won HOH. I would rather go out in a blaze of glory.
Natalie tells James she is sorry she was mad last night. I was jsut word vomiting everything in my brain. I’m not going to talk like that in front of other people. I feel like other people are just trying to break us a part by telling you that. James says they want us to just be happy. Tiffany joins them.
1:10am James talks to Paulie in the bathroom – Paulie says that DaVonne has lied to me about things. She said that Tiffany offered me a sibling deal and she has never offered me a sibling deal. I know that was a lie. James says Tiffany told me the same thing about Day .. like that when she was trying to pull me in for votes. Day named dropped me .. saying that James doesn’t trust you. He’s gunning for you. James tells Paulie he isn’t coming after him. They end their conversation and Paulie heads up to the HOH room and tells Corey, Nicole, Z about how he was telling James Day said he was coming after him. I was like dude are you coming after me? He was like no, she’s just saying that. And I’m like she didn’t even say that.. I’m just messing with him.
2:35am Backyard – Frank, Paul and Bridgette. Paul tells Frank you need to get to five or else I don’t think homeboy will break the tie. Frank says oh I know he will. I’m pretty sure about that. I don’t think he will now but I’m going to keep pushing. I’m getting close. I’m going to have Tiff talk to Michelle tomorrow. Paul says alright well let me know. Bridgette says everything happens at 2am on Thursday. Paul says oh I know PISSED. I found out after the fact. I feel guilty because maybe I could have helped her. Bridgette says it was my HOH and I feel bad but Bronte I will get revenge. Paul asks who made it flip? Frank says I’m fairly certain it was Day. It was a big f you from Day. Paul says I have somewhat of a plan if I win HOH. Frank says as long as its not us. Paul says I might need your help. Frank says if its a bomb a$$ plan I’ll put my work boots on and go to work! Paul heads inside. Frank talks to Bridgette on the hammock. Frank says I’m interested in what his plan is because he mentioned the two couples a couple weeks ago. We could throw it to Paul or James I think. I had much worse odds in my season so I feel confident. Bridgette says James, Tiff and Paul aren’t coming after us. Frank says I give Day props for her lie but I just want it to bite her in the a$$. Bridgette says they were talking about doing a prom next Tuesday .. I was like b***h you won’t be here, better do it tonight! Bridgette asks what f**king benefit does she (Day) have to anyone right now she can’t win sh*t, she’s not smart, she’s got loose lips! GOODBYE! Tiffany has bigger targets than Paulie, she wants to go after the girls. Frank says I’ll take Tiff to final 2 .. I’ll win for sure. Bridgette punches Frank.
2:40am London bedroom – Pual heads into the bedroom and Nicole and Corey crawl in on the floor. The sneak up beside Big Meech’s bed. Paul throws something of the bed and Michelle wakes up asking what that was? Nicole and Corey jump up and run out of the room.

3:20am Nicole then sneaks into the havenot room to scare James. She crawled on the floor and makes some noise. Natalie asks for James. Nicole tells Natalie its just her, she trying to scare James. Nicole goes over to James’ bumper car and shakes his arm. James doesn’t wake up. Nicole gets up and leaves saying it creeps her out James didn’t even wake up.
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3:45am Nicole and Corey under the sheets. Nicole says stop… stop.. Corey asks why, what am I doing. Nicole says you know how I am. Corey about what? Nicole says awkward stuff. You’re the worst. Corey asks why? I have no idea why. Nicole says god. Corey you’re no fun.
4am All the house guests are sleeping..
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I really can’t stand that self absorbed “dora the exployer” hussy. She’s one nasty little cookie. Smiling and hopping around like a frakin munchkin.
Dora is actually one of the nicest people in the house. Her advice to Tiff yesterday was brilliant. Go have fun! Let them know that no matter how mean they are, it doesn’t effect you. Laugh in the face of all the cattiness! Then she skipped off to go play in the backyard. If only Tiff would take that advice!
So what should she be doing? Hiding her head under a blanket sniffling all day? As much as I disliked her, I do like her enthusiasm and quirky, “nothing bothers me” attitude. Keep your eyes on her, she could go far.
When does Survivor come on?
Just in time for us to have another 12 people to bitch about
September 21st
Anyone out there, besides me, wish they would end the team twist and let them have at it??
Funny how she puts her close friend up then doesn’t use the POV – which she would choose the replacement anyway, however, she stated its because she didn’t know who would go up. Did the rules change or something because how was that bought in any sense?
Bridgette reminds me of those creepy evil female serial killers….just saying
Michelle reminds me of the little girl in the Bad Seed I guess that could apply to Bridgette too. “I love you so much mommy.” creepy
I was thinking Orphan…
Go Rhoda – “That medal is mine!”
Which means she’s probably wild in the sack.
It’s funny how Nicole can slut shame Natalie for flirting when she has no problem playing finger soccer under the sheets.
Lol. Never heard of “finger soccer”… Gonna have to google it….
Nicole is awful and its like nobody notices.
how do we know there was any “finger soccer” with Nic and Cory? Did I miss it clarified?
bottom of here titled special spoiler
How do you know they were playing finger soccer Simon? That could be Corey’s fingers. Maybe he had an itch? Maybe he is ambidextrous? Maybe has small fingers like Marco Rubio?
Corey eluded to it lay night.
Corey and Nicole here talking about it here http://www.onlinebigbrother.com/davonne-i-was-bad-i-hid-tiffanys-gorilla-she-be-looking-for-over-an-hour/
Are Nicole and Corey kissing around already?
What’s the “awkward stuff” ??? (Lol)
Sounds like Corey was trying to go where he is most comfortable and familiar with but Nicole does not like the awkward stuff.
Is limp.
He’s playing with her b***hole!
How did you know that’s what we like?
This season has made me realize that last year we got a break from having anyone truly nasty in the house.
You already forgot about Austin??? Lol. And Jeff supposedly whacking off on Liz?
Oh wow how can we forget about Austin. He was the most repulsive houseguest ever (spencer being a close second).……
Ewwww now I have the image etched in my brain again…
The top pic of Paul and his eagle tattoo, dang is it dark, by the time he turns 40 it’ll have turned into a big greenish-black faded blob.
I thought he just had a different shirt on – D’uh.
I dunno why .. But I feel these peeps don’t hang out as much as pass seasons .. Just a lot of who lied to who game and pranks … Why can’t they find people who know the game and actually play the game … I don’t mind a noob or two .. But let’s get a majority of people who understand this game and let’s see how that game is played !! Without knowledge you get a bunch of whiny babies who cry every time someone mentions their name or they get put up on the block
BB should have known what they were going to get with Vanessa’s sister, they act the same, same voice and extremely insecure. Michelle is a mean girl, as is Bridgette. Bridge is not playing the game, she is hiding behind Frank. She is our Victoria this season. I think Bridge gets Frank more upset than he is. Frank thinks everyone ought to do what he wants. Like the 5-4 vote. He needs to punish those who went against him. Isn’t it more fun when everyone votes like they want to? That was the best show in a long time.
The voting this year is 1000 x’s better than the whole voting with the house crap.
Face it, people like us that know the game very well, are too ugly for TV
and for the most part we all have lives, jobs, and family
mostly jobs
Your absolutely right get back to OLD Big Brother like seasons 3-13 and get back to only the HOH & POV
Is it just me or has BB been casting a lot of unlikable people lately… first with the bigots on BB15, Frankie Grande and the pansies on BB16, The majority of The Sixth Sense alliance on BB17 especially the Austwins, and now this season everyone else who isn’t James and Natalie are unlikable especially with the cattiness of Michelle, Z, Day, and Nicole. Where has Robyn Kass been finding these narcissistic and awful people from?
I think the idea is to find big, loud personalities that will collide with each for our amusement. Too often it’s been more irritating than entertaining. This cast is making it more interesting for me although I’m not a fan of any of them.
Funny you should say that. At jokersupdates James and Natalie are the only two that have a positive rating.
The third person in the America’s Favorite Player top 3 will be there by default.
Forget joker!
It’s All About OBB Son!!!!!
Nobody in the Sixth Sense was even close to being as vile as Michelle, Zakiyah, Paulie, and Corey.
They were kinda the “villain” alliance, but they weren’t actually bad people.
I’ve been feeling the exact same way about casting since season 14. It makes me sick when I hear the people playing talk about how they were found on Tinder(half of the bb17 cast), found in a bar, supposed to be on a modeling show(Jozea), supposed to be on a cooking show(Natalie), etc. It literally makes me sick. I want to watch people that know this game forwards and backwards. Real game players that know what they’re doing. No Victoria’s/Zakiyah’s! It also makes me sick when they put all 20 something models in the house. It’s much better when they throw in some older people ie, Donny, Shelly, Renny, Jerry. It’s so much better when they put real/everyday people in the house. Not people that are out there trying to be on reality TV.
Don’t get me wrong, I like this season, so far. I’m finding it hard to get behind someone to root for. I keep changing. Lol. I’d really like to see James and Natalie pair up with someone(Frank) and ride it out to the end. I’m not even a Frank fan(I hated him in 14), but I think it’ll be more entertaining with him there. He’s not scared to stir $hit up. Just imagine how it will be when it gets down to Paulie, Zakiyah, Nicole, Corey, Michelle, Paul, James, and Natalie. They’ll all be scared to go after Paulie. They’re like his minions, except James. He’d be the only one that would make a move. By that time, he won’t have anyone on his side though. I just really hope they change the casting in the future and get back to their roots 🙂 I’d love to see another BB All-stars or a BB Super Fan season. That would be great:)
I worry that if they had an all-stars, they might be tempted to bring Skankie Frankie back for the shock appeal. That useless little gremlin is certainly getting about. He was on GMA yesterday as part of a housewife makeover team. It is bad enough seeing him in the BB audience but OMG, was he playing to the cameras yesterday.
i dont’ think they are scared of Paulie, i just think he simply isn’t anyone’s true target at this point. Day talks about it, but as long as she was on the same side as him she wasn’t going to do it. she would take out Corey or help with that just because he is closer to Nicole, and now even nicole knows Day’s game plan involves getting people out so they will get closer to her. bad game plan if you tell everyone about your game plan really.
I think Paul plays it better, he is up front about blowing smoke at frank and bridget, then comes back and is the informer. it is informing people what happened that makes that work: they already know what he said, so when frank comes back and says ‘paul said x, y and z, totally on board’ they know that what paul said is working. problem with nicole is she says stuff then denies saying it when a 3rd party comes back with the info cuz who she was talking to told others. as long as she tells one person about the conversations and what she is telling ‘the other side’ she’d be better off. denying the different alliances or how she voted just makes her look like a good liar when it is revealed. brushing what she said or voted as not important would be a better strategy. like, i am not going to vote against a team member makes more sense than denying she voted that way. then she will be seen as a loyal person, a standup person, a truth teller, so that when she does tell a lie she’ll be believable.
Bbcan3 was the superfan season and it sucked in my opinion (shortly tied by bbcan4). All super fans doesn’t work, and the mistakes of people who don’t know the game well us what keeps it fun. In bbcan 2 John won and knew nothing of the show and is by far in my top 5 of bbcan house guests. So some real super fans are needed, for balance and diversity.
The problem with Da’s early approach of sharing too much info with too many people is that now anyone could make up a lie, pin it on her and everyone would believe it.
It’s already happening. Frank is blaming Day for the Bronte flip when it was actually Nicole.
I thought Michelle was the mastermind behind that flip. Or Da’Vonne – I do not know which one started the process. It was noted on her that it was Michelle by a commenter so not sure which one did it. Nicole was the flip flopping back and forth on that flip.
Who masterminded it Da or Michelle?
Apologies to OG BBO I do not know how my name Powder Puff Girl changed to your name. There are more posts on the page, sorry.
Everyone in the house has played some form of a prank, yet when Da’vonne hides petty piffany’s chilidish security blanket (gorilla) it’s high school crap….. At least Da’ is playing the game and not trying to suck dry all the testosterone in the house…. (cough cough) Nicole, Natalie, Zakiyah. Every year these lonely girls come on big brother claiming to wanna play and win the game, yet truthfully they are looking for a hook up. It’s BIG BROTHER PEOPLE not the Bachelor. In the past the cast was made of all age groups, and it made the game better.
She just hasn’t figured it out yet. Thought she would’ve after her first season, but nope.
There is a difference, Da’Vonne does a prank to be nasty, James does a prank for it to be funny!
I keep waiting for James to grow a pair: He thinks the girls trash Nat because they want them to be happy….it’s fine if he’s just saying it for her benefit, but he’s gotta see they’re being self-serving….because it’s a game, not a playpen.
And if only he’d confront Da about this little lie Paulie told him to “mess with him”. She’ll 100% think Paulie’s setting the stage to toss her and keep Tiff and she’ll give him the Frank treatment and everything could blow up.
James The Disappointment is soooo lame! He says he’ll vote out Da “if the votes are there.” THE VOTES ARE THERE DUMB F! Does he not understand HE IS the vote that would make it happen? He’s such a wimp to do it if the “votes aren’t there” because God forbid it draws a line in the sand and he actually has to play the freakin’ game, instead of playing Bumper Cars with whatever her name is. He is literally waiting to get voted out, just so he can be in jury with her. By the way, Michelle as America’s Player. I don’t think sooooo. That girl will leave the show with a nice chunk of hate mail coming her way.
I agree with you on James. He is scared to go against his daddy Paulie. He keeps telling Nat he a tough guy and running the house and saving her when really he just does whatever Paulie tells him is the “plan” All the while snitching to Paulie any info he gets from Frank or Tiff. “He is playing a great game” smh. Oh he went against Paulie with his vote last week? Ummm no he was told who to vote for by his daddy so Frank wouldn’t know who voted what. He begged Paulie to be a Tiff vote so he could say he didn’t vote out Bronte.
Best just to not count on James vote because he is just a little rat following orders.
Clearly nat is the hottest girl that gave him this attention he won’t give up on this till she says hell no but people need to realize she actually likes him, pretty obvious
Anyone who can’t tell that Nat is really into James is just being a stubborn hater.
I hope Natalie is sincere. Unfortunately my life experience tells me that girls like Natalie don’t go for guys like James. I’m not saying this is proper (it is not) but she is more than cute enough to attract just about any guy that she wants. I think Natalie enjoys being fussed over, she likes the feeling of being protected, and with Bronte gone she more greatly values James as a friendly voice and confidant.
You lost me when you tried to psychoanalyze a person that you’ve never met.
You are a hopeless romantic. I’d love to be wrong but I just can’t see it happening. This doesn’t make me a hater. I’m just a realist.
Wonder how you feel reading every other post here …
Why is it’s so hard to believe that Natalie likes James. Guy’s like Paulie and Corey are a dime a dozen. Someone like James is rare for some people personality is very important to them.
You’re acting like James has nothing going for him. It’s not like he’s hideous or something. He’s nice and funny as hell too.
I don’t believe anyone is saying that Natalie SHOULDN’T like James. He has a great personality and comes across as a very sensitive and caring person. Their being together just counters what you normally witness in society. Think about the girls you know who fit Natalie’s profile. How many of them are with a guy like Paulie or Corey and how many are with a guy like James? The ratio is like 50 to 1. If you consider a James type that has money then maybe the ratio goes down a bit to something like 20 to 1.
They’re with lots of guys like James….as long as those guys have 8 figures in the bank…
But it is Big Brother not the Dating Game. Natalie is clueless in the game and isn’t fun to watch. Her immature tantrums because didn’t want her to cook for him is boring. I like how the cast is mixing it up and not voting whole house. That is how it should be.
Girls like Nat I find that a put down. Just because she is pretty w/assets does not mean she wants a tall, handsome man. Natalie is beyond her years she wants someone that is thoughtful, caring, trusting, funny and more. James is an attractive, confident man. I can be judgemental and say that handsome tall men do to have Jame’s qualities but I know that is also false. James and Natalie enjoy each others company they are always laughing and flirting. I think they are adorable and make a great couple.
Natalie seems pretty legit abut her feelings about James. If he ends up winning the heart of that little cutie, he may have gotten a prize worth a lot for than $500k.
Hey Simon or Dawg what season did you guys start this site? I didn’t find it until bb16 but I love this site so much super helpful!
The current format you see now really started with BB12 before that the coverage was different and incomplete. I think I started experimenting with blogging during BB8 to BB11 by bb12 had it figured out.
BBCAN 1-3 we covered with videos
BBCAN 4 I stopped covering, dawg continued but we still posted videos.
i have been following this site for almost 10 years…no lie. I still remember BBgrandma (memories)
HEY! so glad there’s some of you folks still around 🙂
Those old days with rockstar, BBgradnma etc etc.. it was fun.
I’ve been following this site since BB8. (My favorite season) I don’t even remember how I found it. Sending Florida sunshine and love to Simon and Dawg. I remember BBGrandma too.
Hey Sagan! Awesome there’s more people around from the good old days.
Glad so many of you have stuck with us.
yeah have been here since 2009!! which for me is a commitment. Love this site and always tell people to come here for BB info/updates. I bought the feeds through here also. Simon and Dawg amaze me with the work they do, can’t thank you all enough bc it’s made BB so much more of an enjoyable experience for me year after year. Thank you again!! p.s. i remember BBGrandma too.
Hey Bree… another long term reader Awesome to see!
Miss those folks! I still visit and read the comments every day, but rarely comment any more.
Hey Kathie from Canada! I remember your user name.
How you’ve been?
Mponder, you make me feel old. 🙂 I have been around about 7 years; started watching Big Brother when Season 8 premiered and discovered this site soon after.
I like to say it isn’t summer without BB and OBB….it is almost a family reunion coming here.
Who are you liking this season?
I’m so sick of AD focusing on Nicole and Corey laying around. I don’t care how many fans she has, girlfriend should have never been brought back. She WAS never a good player and watching her lay around with Corey is nauseating. The only thing she is perfect at is running her mouth behind people’s backs, but like her season, it’s all BS, because she never followed through on anything. What is up with Paul? Did he go to Andy’s, “how to be a rat” camp? SMDH.
i like it when she’s barefooted. she has cute feet. so does nat, and bridgette. mmmmmmmm
Like boobs or butts or something.
I would love love to see Rachel in this season take back Natalie and add #teamRachel. It would compliment Tiffany emotional craziness lol
I just don’t see Tiff staying. Even if they got Day out this week. Tiff social game is is screwed. People don’t trust her. Day has bonded with people. Everyone said keeping her last week was a mistake. It’s Paulies HOH, he will make sure things get executed the way he wants. Nicole, Corey and James will only vote to keep Tiff if the votes are their. I just don’t see Tiff staying. Day lost cool points when she took Tiff’s stuffed animal. Frank is mad at Zak for being cool with everybody? He should be mad at Paul too.
Frank isn’t mad at Zakiyah for being friendly with everybody. He’s mad at Zakiyah because Tiffany decided to use the ass slapping situation as strategy and told him that both Day and Zakiyah were upset about it. Frank is playing on straight emotions and it’s pathetic. He can’t even fathom that what he did was wrong and is really targeting the two weakest links (Day and Z, who he himself has said can’t win a competition to save their lives) because of it.
A few days ago Frank was Public Enemy #1 and now he has half the votes going his way? Can’t be true, they’ve gotta be pretending to him. Right?
Nicole and Corey have wanted day out. Now she’s on the block so they’re willing to take her out but this is not because of frank. And Paul just doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing. James could possibly be swayed as he is trying to decide which side the of house he wants to go with. Frank’s side or Paulies side.
Wait so is Paulie trying to get James to vote day out? I’m confused. Why would he tell James day said James is coming after him?
Pauline wants it to be a tie so he can be the tie breaker to get Tiff out.
Ahh so Paulie doesn’t realize that nic and Corey will vote out day so he’s trying to become the deciding vote. This is going to be glorious if day gets voted out because Paulie is so stupid and cocky. Of course it has to be about him.
so he can wash himself in glory and paint a bigger picture of himself. (tongue in cheek)
Nicole your nothing but a Tramp Stamp. The only reason you come into the BB house is to find a boyfriend because you cant get one on your own. I wish Corey would just give you the D and maybe you get get back to playing the game. I hope once you leave you never return the the BB house.
If she wants the D I got the D.
You’re right though. She’s just fluff. No threat, not strategy. She rides coat tails. I think because she’s got that midwest cute innocent thing going is why she’s so popular.
James and Nicole must think their on a dating show. They through away their shot at 500K last year over a showmance and are doing the same thing this year. Hard to understand,
Can’t they see how Tiff acted after they saved her last week?
So this season, we get 2 players who know how to play, James and Frank, but have no ability to read people. 4 players , duh , nic, tif, and Paulie, who think they know how to play, but don’t. And 12 passengers. Another grodner failure, but still better than bb16, when there was only one player, Derrick, and it was just a death march.
What happens when Nat goes back to cheerleading and NFL season starts up again? James will go visit his girlfriend at work..where will he find her?
The NFL locker rooms?
This is disaster waiting to happen..I just dont buy it…i want it to be true for James…i just see HURT in his future with her..something isnt right..
is she being sincere?
Natalie is no longer a NFL cheerleader. She was briefly one for the Jets pre boob job. She actually looked better.
No knock on her but Natalie isn’t all that attractive to me. Big nose. Average face. No butt. Fake boobs. Tons of make up. Fake eyelashes. Hair extentions. She is a average looking girl. Some of you act like Adrianna Lima is in the house. lol.
“No knock on her”… then proceed to make several knocks.
She’s hot.
she was an NFL cheerleader? She’s like 4’11”
She’s still way out of James’s league.
No butt? What are you, a chubby chaser? Do you fap over the giant gelatinous ghetto booties in rap videos?
Right! that is the only thing the girl has that is real and spectacular
Everything the girl does indicates that she’s sincere. If you still don’t believe then you are probably a very shallow person.
Some of you people. She spends 90% of her time right by James, but she doesn’t like him. She touches Paulie on the leg and she’s into him. FFS
No one said she “doesn’t like him” People are saying she likes him as a friend. She also feels he is helping her stay in the game.
How many times does a BB “showmance” continue in real world? More often than not very shortly after leaving the house it’s done.
Go ask Austin if Liz was really “into him” last season. It’s a game people. Not a harlequin romance novel. Which by the way are all fake too but many read them anyway. But those reading them admit it’s not reality.
Come to terms with the fact that not much about this show is “reality” and enjoy the “entertainment” for what it is and what it’s worth. For all you know Nat and James relationship was created by a writer for the show. Yes BB has writers believe it or not. All “reality” shows do. Just good clean fun entertainment.
She way hotttt!!!….i am hoping shes into James sincerely..they were talking about her moving to Texas to be Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader…thats why my comment. I think they are great together!
I think they do a good job casting as far as keeping the interest level up. When you have a Michelle in the house that you love to hate you will keep watching to see her demise. I know I can’t wait. I only wish CBS didn’t only allow employees and those affiliated with the show in audience on eviction night now or we could enjoy another Christine moment watching Michelle get booed.
With Michelle, Paulie, and Paul we have some very enjoyable exits coming Let’s face it we enjoy watching people we hate crash and burn.
I agree. I love seasons when I am rooting for people to win but, if I can’t have that I go to the second best option. Rooting for people to lose. You named my top 3 choices-Paulie, Paul and Michelle. At this point, if I can see those 3 people evicted it will be a successful season for me. I wouldn’t even care if they all go before DaVonne because the way people are playing so personal instead of strategic I won’t be surprised if they vote that way. In that case, I don’t think DaVonne would have any chance of winning.
I have to agree the most enjoyable times are when someone very hate-able gets voted out. Nearly brings out a fistpump.
We may have a Michelle and Zakiyah mean girl segment on the show soon. I hope so anyway.
What exactly has Michelle done that makes her a mean girl? Is it because she doesn’t trust Tiffany and finds her to be very strange? She’s right on target with that. Tiffany is a slightly less intense version of her sister. I think Michelle is playing a pretty good game. She is tight with the Paulie/Nicole/Corey wing of the house and has Frank believing he has an ally in her as well. Michelle can sit back and relax regardless of who wins HOH. Not being particularly adept at competitions I think Michelle deserves a lot of credit for creating this situation for herself.
I liked Michelle for a while. The problem is, she’s not sitting back and relaxing. Frank is being incredibly naive in trusting her (and Paul) but that doesn’t mean he likes her. The group that does like her also don’t consider her important. She isn’t in anyone’s final plans. Most of the game talk I have heard doesn’t include her even as far as the final 5. Of all the games Tiff put on blast, Michelle actually didn’t get dragged into most of it as far as having a target on her back. It’s her actions since then that have hurt her game because now a few people have commented that she seems as sketchy as DaVonne and they aren’t trusting her as much. The closest ally she has right now is Paul but since 90% of what they both have said the last couple days has been lies that is not going to help either of them figure out the real house dynamics or help them to divide and conquer the real power structure in the house.
If you pay attention Michelle on AD you’ll see that she is just as bat shit crazy as Tiffany and Vanessa. She’s a spoiled brat and so is Paulie. I think he just needs a kiss from his daddy!!!
I’m glad someone else noticed how gross his daddy acts. His momma needs to give him some maybe he will lay off his boys
Then everything that follows is mean girl behavior.
Actually frank talked about this yesterday with Bridgette. He doesn’t “believe” Michelle is an ally. He said he’s not sure where her head is but she’s always hanging with “them” so he doesn’t trust her. But he is still going to attempt to sway her vote.
And it’s one thing to play a game, but another to make your entire social game about personally bashing other houseguest. Maybe that’s the problem, she really doesn’t know how to be social. She just walks in a room and bashes whoever is in the other room. Then moves onto the next room and does the same.
I don’t believe she’s a “super fan” either. She didn’t watch last season for sure, because she keeps bringing up Vanessa and says “people told her how Vanessa played”. She also didn’t know how a double eviction works. People on here know more about the game than she does. She also doesn’t seem to realize like James, Bridgette, and Nicole (when she catches herself) that you will get backlash once out of the house by acting so petty and hateful. Every bb fan knows that.
Guys a lot of you are moaning about people being mean! But seriously at least they are all playing the game and house is interesting with all the drama and house flipping.
Things could be seriously worst like having people like the nerd herd (bb6) or the whole cast of season 9, who I can’t remember any of them because they were boring and lame!
Enjoy the drama it makes for good tv and entertaining feeds! I’d rather that then them sitting around talking about flowers and rainbows!
I don’t believe “playing the game” requires being an asshole. Plenty of people have played great games without doing so. Sorry but I simply don’t enjoy nastiness from people. If that doesn’t make me a real BB fan in your eyes, I can live with it.
You don’t have to be an asshole, but it helps. Dr. Will was extremely charming in his sociopathy. He mocked and belittled everyone and women creamed their panties watching him do it because did it with a killer smile.
Where are all the Will Kirby’s of the world? Casting needs to re-watch BB7 until they understand what a good, entertaining, clean player looks like.
player(S) A lot of them were awesome! That’s a reason I rate that as the top season overall. Whenever a really boring, subar season filled with unlikables is on, I like to go back and rewatch that one.
I do agree with you! You can win big brother without bitching about people!
And I’m not trying to offend you!
The way I see it, there’s nothing to do in that house, except talk to the same people all day for months!
But what really annoys me is that lots of people commenting on this blog are saying awful things about the players but just because they aren’t in the game no one is calling them out for being mean or rude!
I don’t like insulting people but I can see how it happens in the house!
What I don’t like people passing judgement without knowing what they are going through! And people sitting on their sofas are passing judgement writing rude things anonymously
I find it so interesting that the people I started rooting for in the beginning, I cannot force myself to like now. Of the four returning Vets, Frank was the one I didn’t like even on his season. I found him loud, abrasive and pushy. This year the person who wears those so-called labels is Paulie. I cannot stand him. Everyone has to do what he wants, and these people are following him like sheep to the slaughter. I can’t help it, but find myself rooting for Frank, Bridgette and (god help me) Tiffany. That is how bad these people are!!! Michelle I would love to smack, and Z dancing for the camera, and making cakes for a stuffed animal who she pretends is her and Paulie’s offspring is beyond words. Day once again is the nasty bitch she was on her first season. Nicole on her first season was a lovely little country girl who everyone loved. Not so much this season, as she reeks of desperation and puts a new label on whining her way through the game. None of these people can keep anything to themselves and cannot see the forest for the trees. Paulie is ridiculous in regards to getting Tiffany out of the house. He seems to think she is this mastermind running around the house. He will soon enough realize how stupid he looks sitting there in his HOH room plotting like a Mafia Don talking about “clipping” this one and that one. He has a “little man” complex. I would love if Frank can somehow swing the votes his way this week, because Paulie might be in for a shitstorm next week. If this next comp. is endurance it is anyones game but his. Bridgette is as strong as a bull and much stronger than the other girls. Paul will throw it for sure. He doesn’t want to win and have to expose himself yet. Yep, with one of the evictees returning, this could be a good week coming up. If I remember correctly, Victor really liked Frank. That could be a good returnee, or Tiffany if voted out this week. Just the fact that Tiffany might return makes me twitch in anticipation just to see Paulie and his minions faces. I would pay to see that because she will have a week of immunity and Paulie wouldn’t be able to do anything about it.
Everything you wrote is how i feel about these houseguest.
I was thinking it was time for an endurance challenge…. And I think that will go James’s way..
This season is better than most.
The live eviction and feeds aftermath leading up to the roadkill comp is something we haven’t seen in at least 3 seasons. It was awesome
thing i miss is wish people on the block could vote!
I think Tiffany is perfectly emotionally stable.
Tiffany has cried no more or no less than Michelle and DaVonne. She has a grip on what is going on that she was oblivious to. She owns her shortcomings and hasn’t lied about anything. Not necessarily a fan but she definitely doesn’t deserve hate.
Do you all find it as funny as I do that the Tiffany haters can’t post without mentioning Vanessa “her sister”.
Guess we know where the real hate and jealously lays. Vanessa was on over a year ago get over her already. I know you can’t find much negative to say about Tiff so it’s always related to Vanessa.
Tell me how Tiff isn’t a kind smart girl in a house playing a game without mentioning Vanessa.
Tiffaney may be, a nice, smart, kind woman in real life. On this show, she has allowed her game to be dictated by others, almost from the moment she walked in. She was coached by she who will remain nameless not to play until the fourth week. So Tiff, lay in her bed covers pulled up, sunglasses on, hat pulled low, and allowed others in the house to come up with a personality for her without interaction. She allowed Day to direct her course. Day made up lies and Tiff, not being smart enough to check them out, believed her. She formed very few connections with the others in the house. Those that she did, Meech and Paulie, immediately began to listen to Day and Frank regarding who/what Tiff is. In order to “help” save herself, Tiff went to people on the “other side” to form an alliance. Which in turn bit her in the butt, when they were willing to sell her out. Admittedly most of her problems started with a poor read on the othe houseguests. And Day isolating her to be a meat shield.
However, the couldn’t have happened without Tiffs consent. She has furthered her isolation by that ( absolutely insanely entertaining) eviction speech. She came back to target Frank, then failed. She thought people liked her, but failed to realize that it wasn’t about her but Frank. When she did come to it, she threw a grand hissy fit, crying jag and vowed to tear apart the house. If she had instead gone quietly to Meech, James, Nat, even Nicole/Corey, she may have been able to cobble together something with everything she knows. but she did exactly what the have accused her off and worse. She has played a backward emotional game. One that doesn’t speak to intelligence of any sort.
LOL Nicole’s coin slot nostrils LOL, I thought I was the only person to notice her nose lol. You have the perfect description of her nostrils lol thanks for my laugh today.
I’m so sick of Z touching her eyelashes. Does she have some sort of disease?
It’s because her eyelashes are fake like everything about her. Fake eyelashes come unglued at times so she’s constantly adjusting or messing with them.
I think they will still get Tiffany out but then again people are sure sick of Da so it could go either way!
It really could go either way. And not just possibly go either way to get up drama for the show, but truly go either way. A lot is depending on James.
eviction on sunday let hop so!
I can’t believe all these people hating on Da because she hid Tiff’s Gorilla. – Seriously, Tiffany is a grown ass woman as are the other house guests if you bring a stuffed animal in the house you deserve to have your TOY hidden or even be ridiculed at some point in the house !!!! They are not 12 years old in need of a security blanket.
Tiffany has said and done just as many things as any other person in that house. The only difference is, she does it in isolation but she still does it towards the cameras. She talked sh*t with Da, Michelle and Bronte. Even with Bridgette.
I am not giving Da a pass by any means. She should be doing more by turning things back on to Frank this week. Like, how about saying to everyone – don’t you see what happens if I go this week or he is just trying to figure out what happened with the votes!
Right now the only people I like in that house ( personality – game wise ) are James and Natalie. But they need a third person or they won’t make it very far. Plus they need a third person who knows how to play the game because let’s face it, Nat still has a lot to learn. I would love it if Paul was the third but he is already on so many people’s radar. I said I had hoped Da would be the third wheel but things are looking bleak for her. Let’s hope she can pull off this weak and maybe she can tag up with them !!!
Please let it be Tiffany out the door this Week.
Tiff is a grown ass woman. I agree. She is a grown woman who didn’t carry her gorilla around the house so often that they had to tell her to stop bringing it in the dr. She also didn’t have a birthday party for her gorilla like a certain other grown ass woman did for her giraffe. The reason people are upset about DaVonne hiding the gorilla is because Da is also a grown ass woman who keeps reminding everyone she has a child and needs to be a role model. Being mean, petty and stealing don’t go along with being a good role model. Also, Da can do damage control, deny everything Tiff said, tell lies to take the heat of her and put it on Tiff-that’s fine. That is simply Da trying to save her own game. Hiding the gorilla was just spite. It didn’t do anything strategically to help Da’s game. All it accomplished was an F-U to hurt Tiff. Obviously she doesn’t want the other people to think Tiff was telling the truth but Da knows Tiff was telling the truth. Hiding the gorilla was immature and showed a mean streak. Not something most grown ass women would want their children to see them do.
Day is shook and is resorting to flipping around hair and hiding stuffed animals. Lmao. And you’re defendimg that stupidity? And use the term “grown woman” in the same paragraph? Seriously I’m not defending Tiffany or anyone else for that matter, but why would you even attempt to defend that? Day is acting more childish right now than anyone I’ve ever seen as a “grown woman”. I’m honestly embarrassed for her.
I am in agreement with everything except Paul being a 3rd to James and Natalie, Paul grates on my nerves so badly, he tries too hard, He’s definitely not being himself, always “trying to be the funny one” and he’s soooo NOT! Irritates the hell outta me! Da would be a perfect 3rd (if she’d get it together and stop this flip flopping thing),
I’m dying to see them stick with it this week and vote Tiff out. Then she beasts the battle back and wins her way back in. i prefer Da leaves but I really would love the look on Paulies face when tiff walks right back in the door.
see the look on Paulie’s face when Tiff stays and Victor comes back in.
I really disliked Frank on season 14, not only as a player but as a person. I was willing to give him a second chance this year but quickly remembered everything that made me dislike him the first time. However, I am starting to see things that I want to give him credit for and it all happened as a result of the blindside last week. I’m not defending the things he did that were wrong or supporting him because he is the underdog right now. I’m actually not sure who I’m supporting.
The whole ass slapping/slut comment. I don’t think he should have slapped anyone but, some people do that and genuinely don’t realize it’s offensive or that it bothers people. I was under the impression that he had been told about it and received a warning from the d.r. I am now realizing that doesn’t seem to be the case. Considering he has stopped slapping and making titty comments since it was brought to his attention I do believe that he really was oblivious to the fact that it was upsetting anyone. As for the slut comment, now that I know the whole conversation that led up to it, the fact that DaVonne started the name calling and that they were laughing and joking the entire time, well DaVonne doesn’t look so credible. When Frank said he never called Da a slut, I don’t think it was denial, I think he really didn’t remember because the way it actually happened vs. the way Da made it sound don’t really mesh.
The other things that make me feel like Frank has grown up a little. Season 14 Frank was not a graceful winner and he was a really bad loser. He threw tantrums. He couldn’t grasp that because he was a threat it was a strategic move for the other alliance to try to get rid of him. He took it all personally. He was always playing the victim role. He had no problem threatening, belittling and verbally attacking other people. I remember him chasing Ian around, yelling at him, calling him names while Ian was shaking and a nervous wreck and Britney was begging Frank to leave Ian alone. Thursday night, Frank did none of those things. There was a short confrontation when things blew up between Frank, Da and Tiff but it didn’t escalate. Frank was a little shell shocked but he also seemed to appreciate the game and even found some humor in it. He never would have found humor in season 14. He and DaVonne were able to have a conversation and agree that it’s only a game. She is actually the one who is keeping the digs going at this point. And, when he went to comfort Tiffany and make sure she was o.k., that seemed like genuine caring and compassion. That is not something he would have done 4 years ago. He would have been the one laughing and insulting and trying to make the person cry.
I’m not saying that Frank is an angel by any means. I’m not forgetting the things he has done. But I do have a little more faith that maybe he has matured in the last 4 years. If nothing else at least this year, even if he’s not the best or most popular, he shouldn’t have to worry about being the worst or most hated.
I don’t think Natalie is all that hot. She is no Kaitlin from BB15. Kaitlin got wrapped up in being a bitch with Aaryn but Kaitlin was smoking hot. Omg her body makes Nat look like a fool. Nothing fake on her. Natural beauty. Also got kinda bad rap for her association with Aaryn. She did follow the mean girl thing but she was no Michelle or Aaryn.
Kaitlin top 3 hottest chicks ever on the show. Nat not even in my top 5.
Kaitlin was in the top for sure.
You sound fat.
with no hoh no roadkill and no pov
I’ve recently watched a season of BB Australia and I love their format, much more enjoyable to watch and super funny. BB plays much more of a role in that one, I really like it. I find BBUS has gotten boring. Most of the fun used to be watching people living day to day in an unreal setting, they had parties and did fun stuff, now all it is is the cast crying or bitching about each other. They will go on and on about so and so blowing up their game when they’ve all done it! Nicole (who I used to really like) has flip flopped back and forth and told Frank information herself, I can’t believe she’s so quick to point a finger and abandon Da. In past seasons I couldn’t wait for the next show and would PVR the After Dark shows and watch them the next day AND read up throughout the day on here…this year I really don’t care, they are all back stabbers and can’t be trusted. I think James, Natalie, Paulie, Michele and Z should team up, they seem to be the most loyal and are able to keep their mouths shut! All the rest seem to be flip floppers or just idiots (Paul). the think I’m most curious about this season is if I’ll be able to make myself watch till the end! I sure hope next season is better, get a group of just every day people in there, none of this super fan shit, who cares? I just want to see how everyday people react in the environment, that’s usually the best TV.
I agree to certain point. I love BB Australia ’09, 12-14 They were great Seasons. I love the fact the house Guests get to nominate their fellow house mates each week for eviction. I like the fact that in the DR you can hear BB talk to them and ask them questions – makes it more interesting from a game perspective. They do that too in the UK version of BB – BUT it can get boring in between evictions I find in the UK version.
I kind of wish in BBUS and BBCan they would do away with HoH and let everyone nominate for eviction and put the top 2 people up on the block. That way no one is safe ever. that way you also have to play a social game.
Also this, have and have not thing is dumb to. Make them all play for food and hot water for one week – every week as a house. It will make things interesting and also cause conflicts on its on merit.
At least it might spice the ratings up more! Maybe the shows will last longer.
I remember that they used to have food comps. They had to win different food items to have for the week. Then they started splitting them into teams and the losing team was on PB and J for the week. The whole house nominating people and the 2 with the highest votes being on the block was done the first season. The viewers would call in to decide who got voted out. Unfortunately the first season was kind of boring and I don’t think the ratings were that great. Adding HOH is what led to people forming alliances. I don’t remember when POV started but that added to strategy. I think what has caused BB to go downhill is that no one seems to form true alliances anymore. The season starts out with a large group taking over and then they constantly talk about voting with the house and house decisions so they don’t give away who they are working with. Twists like battle of the block and this year’s teams made it harder for anyone to break up that large group. In truth, half the people don’t really know who they are working with and when they do figure out which people seem to be working together they don’t do anything about it. People used to stick to their alliance and even if they new they didn’t have the votes to keep someone they didn’t vote their own alliance member out. I don’t know why they are so afraid to piss off the HOH. Like this week, Paulie’s power is over. Just the fact that he keeps saying Tiffany is going home would make me want to vote the opposite way just to irritate him. What better time to piss him off than when he’s going into a week where he can’t play for HOH. If he isn’t really working with you before Thursday, he won’t suddenly be working with you just because you didn’t make waves and voted with the house.
Okay, how did you get to watch BB Australia?
There is a video on youtube of one of the other BB reunion show guest that was trying to twerk and she split her pants lmbo?
I noticed that the BB from other countries don’t have a bunch of models on TV too.
All day with no updates?? Do these people sleep all day or it’s just that boring
Hope da leaves this week! Vic will returning and hook up with Frank!!
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday updates don’t come out until early afternoon.. Plus there’s really isn’t a lot going on
Z wants little white babies so badly.
When does the buy back happen? When Tiffany gets voted out this week?
Victor coming back in would shake up the house.
If Tiff leaves I would rather her to come back into the house. I was not a fan but have been won over for several reasons. The sunglasses are off!
I honestly believe they took a group of high school girls and tried to pass them off as women. Actually, when I think back, I don’t think my high school friends were nearly as immature as this group. Zak is crying because Paulie took pictures with Natalie yet she calls Tiffany over emotional. Nicole fantasizing about her and Zak marrying their BB boyfriends and becoming lifelong BFF’s. Wow, when she watches the feeds and finds out Corey has said many times that he doesn’t plan on marrying anyone until he’s in his 30’s her bubble is really going to burst. And I really wish James would put a glass to the wall and overhear how his alliance has been deliberately doing things to make Natalie look bad and cause her and James to break up. I think James would reconsider which side of the house he really wants to be working with.
I don’t care for Michelle or Jakiyah or Paulie or Cory,so when their around I fast forward. I don’t need to suffer them. I can hardly wait though until they are in a bad position in the house. May be then will I stop to pay any attention to what comes out of their mouths. Until then I just read about what they’ve said or done. I get a headache otherwise.
At this point it’s not about who I like the most, it’s about whom I dislike the least.
Not a fan of Bridgette but she is 100% right about Day. Day cant play this game, does not understand still even if this is her second time how this game works. Day plays a personal game, in this game you keep the big target in front of you you dont go and eliminate them. Day has been on a get out Frank crusade for weeks, when if she understood BB she would have let others do that work. She is involved in too many convos too much BS, she cant keep anything for herself and her mouth is her biggest weakness. Day has to understand one thing, while people might not like Frank they dont trust HER which in this game is bigger
It was better when they gave them unlimited alcohol and let them have a “fun” summer. Who cares if they are hung over for the comps… or still drunk… even better. I agree… the “b*tching” gets old. If there is going to be blows ups… thats one thing.. but the day in and day out complaining and crying is not enjoyable to watch. I think everyone likes natalie and James so much because they are positive… I just wish they would bring more to the game aspect too. Nicole was in my top favorites this season in the beginning… now Im just mad at her for poor decision making on game and personal levels… I think shes my biggest disappointment this season. Shes making these mistakes stone cold sober too. tisk tisk.
I with you 100%