Nominations and Veto results “We got problems, bad news all the way around”

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1:37pm LNC meeting… they know they will lose a member this week. They Agree Danielle should be the one that goes. They talk about how Danielle and Shane are expecting him to throw the POV. They expected him to just stand there and not do anything. They agree this was ridiculous.

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1:38pm HOH The Girls and SCott

Happy.. After 3 straight weeks of winning HOH they will finally get someone from the other side out.
They all want Shane out and suspect the other side will vote Danielle out along with America.

Whitney says it’s best that Justin won it because there is so much controversy going on with the other side of the house.
Alex – this is perfect that side of the house is going to be fighting each other
Whitney – they will blame it on us like they do everything..

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1:45pm Kryssie crying
“One of our side is going home”

Shane and Danielle pissed at Justin for not throwing the POV to her.

Kryssie crying after saying that Whitney told her “Alex won the veto” during the contest today.
“I don’t know what to fucking do now.. we have no more strategy”

Kryssie – they’re all just f****G laughing… f***k you guys..
Danielle – I don’t understand why America put me up instead of one of them.. look at them
Kryssie – our sprites are crushed..

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2:39pm HOH Scott, Alex, Morgan, Shelby, Whitney

Scott saying he wants Neeley out if Justin uses the veto on Danielle.
Whitney – we should vote out Kryssie no matter what

Shelby says they can all get Kryssie to quit on her own.
Scott asks the girls if they will support taking out Neeley over Kryssie. The girls agree.
They bring up Neeley lying to Alex.
Scott – we don’t know what she’s capable of.

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Justin comes in..

Justin says he’s 100% voting Danielle out of here.
Scott says nobody will complain
Justin – it’s her or Shane
Scott – it has to be one of the 2
Scott – does anyone really want to keep Danielle..
Justin – who else.. Shane
Whitney – he’s the only option to go up
Alex says he’s not using her Veto.

Justin – If I take Kryssie down y’all voting out Danielle
Girls – that’s what we’re talking about
Justin – My side is voting Danielle outta here
Justin says Danielle is the brains and Shane is the heart.

Justin says he never full trusted Shane and Danielle because they had side alliances with Cornbread and Monte. Shane flipped on them in seconds
Justin – I saw what type of person he was.. he was trying to get me to get Kryssie outta here.. He could turn on me just like that

Scott brings up Shane starting the guys alliance on moving night.

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3:00pm The girls
Morgan – HE fed us the same exact stuff Jason fed me downstairs..
They agree to still get Shane out but make the other side think it’s Danielle.
They talk about everyone on Danielle’s side voting her out and they all vote out Shane and send him home.
Alex – did you notice Justin always refers to them as MY SIDE, we know where his loyalty lies..
MOrgan – he’s being the messenger.. you know Jason fed him that.. this is why we get out Danielle..
Morgan – they shouldn’t know where our heads at
Alex – they shouldn’t
Morgan – it’s no more happy family

3:32pm HOH The girls and Scott
They can’t understand why Kryssie hates them so much. Shelby says it’s because Kryssie is being nominated instead of Shelby. They can’t seem to understand where the Morgan hate is coming from. Morgan mentioned it has something to do with first impressions and the land before time.

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7:14pm Little game talk has happened.

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9:09pm Hot tub chit chat.. Shelby and Alex in the white room, Shelby talking about Paul being into “Friendship” Alex having seen the season explains Friendship. Alex calls Paul the Justin of the season.

59 thoughts to “Nominations and Veto results “We got problems, bad news all the way around””

  1. I’m so sick of the LNC side saying how it’s “unsportsmanlike” both of you are happy when someone besides your friends go home…get over it!!! Excited to see how this week plays out!!!

      1. Something finally happened the way it should. Showmance will be gone. HG will be able to sleep. Giving the next care package to Shelby to tick off krissie. Maybe they will get the hint they are the problem. Hope the plastics win again HOH. All for team Alex.

  2. Ha ha ha! 3-way tie for most ignit acting in the house: Danielle, Kryssie, and Neely!! You can dish it but you can’t take it.

      1. Ohhh Ha ha ha ha ha!! B!t@hslap the N00bs just made an idiot of themselves trying to be so clever! Reminds me of so many of the Late Night Jamboree weirdos. LOL!

  3. I am sorry, but the late night crew has gotten so hateful. They all just feed off each others negativity and nasty behavior. They are all dropping in the polls. I am so ready for something big to happen so the groups will finally mix up and have to kind of work together. If it is going to stay like this until the end, it will not be very entertaining to watch. If I want to watch people be nasty, I will just go back to high school… you know, where the LNC thinks they are just “so above”.

  4. Neeley turned in to that girl from the exorcist. Her head is going to start to spin if she isn’t careful. Sad really. She had potential.
    Now who’s true colors are showing Neeley?

  5. The Late NIght Jamboree crew have been so low rent Jerry Springer/Maury Povitch trashy! Their delusional judgmental bitching and moaning about anything The Ball Smashers say or do is so pathetic, yet sadly hilarious to watch.

    1. Zzzzzz, you’ve got to be kidding me! This was one of the best days ever! I love karma even if they don’t get it. Bunch of crying low lifes. They dish it hard and cry momma when it bites them on the ass. Agregious arrogant butt wipes. Out with all of the low life crew and next we will tear up the plastics. Whoo hoo #BBOTTWalmartversion.

  6. I like how the house is always trying to come up with how America votes… like America’s vote is all strategic. It is ALWAYS a popularity contest. There are entirely too many people voting for it to be strategic. If America votes you as a have not and then votes you as a nominee, accept the fact that America is not impressed with your game play! Last week they told Monte it was proof America hates him, but apparently that is not what it means for Danielle, Can’t have it both ways.

    1. You are so right. Danielle is probably thinking – “the reason America put me up is because they love me and want me to play in the VETO.” LOL I hope someone calls her out and tell her that America finally sees her true colors……

      They are all starting to get on my nerves. I am not impresses with Neely – She is awful…. and I don’t get why everyone hates Shelby so much. I kind of like her and the more they gang up on her the more I will cheer for her to win.

      1. Needy wants a strong black woman to win. Sorry, more like mad black women. You can’t be what you’ve never been.

        1. This sites posters doesn’t care about black people. You know its true. Now dont sprain your white fingers pressing the thumbs down!

          1. of this F#@king race baiters. Just like Neeley saying there’s no black people in Harry Potter, OMFG!! Go AWAY!

            1. Is there black people in Harry Potter? Neeley was stating a fact so why is it so wrong of her to point out that fact? Give yourself a break and face other people’s reality and get out of your own

          2. I really liked Neely until her attitude got ugly. Danielle is horrible and neither has anything to do with color. I don’t like Shane either and he’s white. No racism, it’s about character. Last season I had equal disdain for Zakiyah and Nicole. Explain that as racism. Love Da!

    1. I agree – her group is full of stuck up, conceited snots – they are no better than the LNJ and say just as shitty things. Honestly, my top three favorites are Justin, Scott, and Alex – the rest suck,

      1. Yesterday Alex said “Kryssie thinks she’s the smartest person in the house”, Shelby said “oh when did she say that?” Alex goes “oh she’s never said it, you can just tell”. Shelby goes “oh I know, she’s always trying to use big words. Like shut up, you’re a waitress”.

        It’s funny how some people are crying about “Jason’s side” being mean when the other side says some pretty nasty things too. I only watched for about 15 minutes yesterday and saw that. People only see what they want to see.

  7. Yay, there is a BB God! Justin and Alex win, one of the Misfits is going home! Dani is a horrible sport and a crybaby!

  8. Glad that turned out the way it did with nominations and the now played Veto. But reading all the things Neely, Danielle and Kryssie were saying before the Veto and to a lesser extent Jason… they are big vile classless babies. Can’t believe the hurtful things they were saying and wanting to harm the other side. Monte and Cornbread have said some ignorant things, but the rest ball smashers and Scott I really haven’t heard them say anything too bad about the LNC, at least not as vile and hurtful.

  9. YES!!!! Dady won a vito!!!! He ain’t going nowhere yall! I’m so happy I’m going to put in xtra work tonight. making that money!!!

  10. Yeah the fact that anerica doesnt like alex group is crazy thenother side is so caddue and whinny want to quit complaining making stuff up starting monte racist shit pinning shit on scott for there bs.

  11. Well i have hated dani for awhile now (besides aryan she is probably the house guest I have hated most and I have watched every single season and watched feeds for I think 7 yes now) .. but I’ve now had enough with kry also. I can’t believe her crazy butt looked up the rules because of what Scott said to her. she is out of her mind crazy and her ranting is also driving me crazy .. currently I like justin, jason, scott, Alex and Morgan and that’s about it. Up until a couple days ago I also liked neeley and Shane but both of them are getting on my nerves … OK rant over can’t wait to see who wins the next Hoh

  12. I don’t know why everyone loves the plastics so much. They are rude, stuck up, mean snotty little bitches who think their shit don’t stink. I love the LNC accept for Danelle. At least they’re real and not stuck up. LNC all the way!

    1. Real my ass……pure wannabes. Listen to their life stories. Needy, Krusty, and Jason are loser gutter trash. Justin is at least productive. Shane is a clueless boy toy. The plastics aren’t much better but, given this cast, I’ll take them any day.

  13. Dear I don’t know…,

    Your screen name says it all. Obviously you like the Jason side because you are like them. Maybe that’s why I like Alex’s side. If you think your side is real though, you are as delusional as they are. They need a designated safe space and some BB trigger warnings. Who knows, maybe BB will dole out participation trophies this year.


  14. Can’t stand how the Misfits are always complaining about the girls talking trash about them, when it seems to be the oher way around. Embarassing. Scot n the girls actually like(d) K&N, but who knows now? They are just pissed they were nominated. Poor sports, can dish it out but can’t take it. They get my vote.

  15. Yes we did it, got one of the LNC out. Now on to next week what is everyone thinking Kryssie or Neeley ???????

  16. LNC are very possibly the most despicable alliance in the history of Big Brother. And it’s only been 3 weeks. How low can they go?

    1. As bad as I hate LNC Aaryns group from BB15 was much worse. They would say and do nasty sh$t to front of the other hg and laugh about it. LNC is a close second.

  17. I would really like to see Justin use the veto on Danielle, Alex veto Neely and nominate Shane. And then see America be the swing vote that gets kryssie evicted! She’s so annoying

  18. I hope Julie Chen calls out the LNC in their exit interviews for how cruel they have been vocally. But I doubt that happens…..

  19. Here is to hoping Justin keeps his promise to Kryssie and pulls her down. Shane goes up and the plan is a go. The LNC decides to go with the house and take out Danielle but wait….The house takes out Shane! Justin is already in deep doodoo with the LNC. Dani will be lost without Shane, those gnarly fingers will be pointing at each other, It will be utter chaos!! Love it!! Jason has to be sitting there wondering what happened to what he thought was a good alliance for himself. Picked the wrong alliance again, didn’t ya Jason.

  20. Danielle can’t be a have not again if she stays (shucks) but Jason sure can if he doesn’t win HOH, along with Neely & Kryssie–more drama for sure, and they will still blame it on the girls, even though America voted them because of their terrible behavior

  21. I can’t stand that disgusting dirty mouth (and shit stained size XLXLXLXL panties) Kryssie. Her and Jason are trailer trash. I can not understand how the little troll has so many fans. A couple times being or saying something funny does not out weigh the hundreds of times he call women bitches and ho’s. Is it OK for him to degrade women cuz he is gay? But if someone called him a fudge packer he wouldn’t like it. Double standard as usual. You know the late night crew loves Killary. That is her ilk.

  22. I really wanted to like Jason this season, but he is still being catty (just like on BB17) along with the LNC; and am sick of the insults. Cut out the insults and play the @#%$ing game!!!

  23. So Alex wants Neeley out because Neeley lied to her? Seriously Alex??? This is BBOTT…….everyone lies so try again hater!

    1. “Neeley – I am so disgusted in their behavior.. I am beyond.. I work with over privileged and they don’t have that level of disgusting character.”

      And when she says “over privileged” she simply means white. Neeley’s a “ignit” racist.

  24. Thank GOD! So freakin excited about this week. It’s about d*mn time America got their head out of Jason’s a$$ and voted someone from that side as the nom. Super excited Alex and Justin won the vetoes. If Alex was smart she’d go to Krusty & tell her she’s using the veto on her to right the wrong of putting her up when she was HOH πŸ™‚ This way it’s a win win. They wanna nominate Shane anyhow and it will keep Needy up there as well as making Krusty like her again πŸ™‚

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