2:10pm Derrick says freaking Hayden!! Cody says what a weasel! Cody says doesn’t put it in his girlfriend. That shows a lot about what he thinks of her! Caleb says thats the difference between a man and a boy! They comment on how Nicole dived away from Hayden’s kiss too. Cody says freaking coward! Cody says I am stunned that Jocasta sent home Christine. Derrick say the jury got 5K. That’s crazy. They’ve never done that before. For Jocasta not to go for Zach first says it all. She hated Zach. Caleb says that was the lamest Big Brother competition I’ve ever seen. Caleb says dude we were so happy when we saw the luxury comp on there .. and we didn’t even play! They’ve finished cleaning the house and comment on how it looks better now than it did before.
Up in the HOH room – Caleb talks to Cody. Caleb says since when does the jury get a chance to win 5K! I think America voted for this luxury comp. They hate us! Caleb says Victoria only picked Hayden because I said I wanted to pick him. Cody says that Donny has a good chance at winning America’s Favorite. Caleb says I think people won’t like Zach because of how much he cussed and talked filthy like that. Cody says he will have a lot of people that love him and hate him. Caleb agrees. Caleb says there are parents that would not let their kid run around with a pink hat like that. Zach is the type that I would punch straight in the lips if he was yelling at a woman in a restaurant.
In the living room – Derrick tells Frankie if they put you up, we’ve got your back. Frankie says no ones going to get any crazy ideas. Derrick says no. Frankie says I didn’t think anyone would have knocked Donny out. Hayden and Nicole the last people in the house I wouldn’t have thought that. Derrick says that Hayden knocked Nicole out that was crazy. Frankie says there is definitely one person they don’t think deserves to be here.
2:25pm – 2:40pm Big Brother opens up the backyard. Big Brother puts the house guests on a backyard lock down. Derrick says it could have been worse… it could have been a punishment. Caleb says it was. Cody says Hayden f**king COWARD! Derrick says what if Nicole came out with the last chip and dropped it in her own. Cody says Oh my god, I would say what an angel .. I want her I am going to go break that up! Cody says that he was a substitute teacher for math. He says he did it to pay off his $800 a month student loans. Victoria asks what grade? Cody says all of them 6th, 7th and 8th grade.
2:47pm Backyard Everyone chatting about which is more expensive Gucci or ray-bands
Caleb says he’s found Gucci and Diesel clothes for cheap at discount stores.
Victoria and Frankie are saying GUCCI stores never sell anything less than 1 hundred.
Frankie says underwear is 100 dollars t-shirts are 170. Caleb now saying with knock offs nowadays getting name brands are not needed.
Derrick says he has no problems with knock offs because when he scratches them up when he goes out he’s not pissed.
Frankie doesn’t understand why people buy knock offs “Do you want status.. I don’t understand why people want Knock offs unless they want to portray themselves at a higher status”
Frankie says it’s ridiculous people wanting to look like they have more money than they do.
3:13pm Lockdown Over
They have a good laugh about Caleb and how he talks sometimes. Caleb mentioned he had a pair of Prada sunglasses that were really nice and really expensive. Then quickly corrects himself and says they were given to him. (At this point of the game the players are constantly talking about how hard dun up they are in hopes that people feel sorry for them and give them the money)
Backyard Derrick and Cody. Derrick saying they have to stick close to Caleb for the next 24 hours. Derrick honestly thinks putting Frankie on the block is going to razzle him in the POV.
3:28pm HOH Frankie and Caleb
Complaining that the jury members got to come back in and compete for money.
Frankie – 3 out of 5 of us is walking out with nothing..
Frankie adds that 3 out of the 5 of them aare coming out with the same amount of money as Jocasta.
They also complain that the Jury is getting a lot of show time.
Frankie thinks that maybe Nicole is the Britney of their season. Caleb agrees but doesn’t think Nicole is as good as Brittney. Caleb is really caught up on America’s player and the idea that maybe the people in the jury are more popular than the ones in the house. Frankie says that a 3rd prize is deserved because this is the hardest season of all time. Feeds cut (Thank you production )
Feeds come back and Frankie/Caleb continues to complain.. While Derrick is in the toilet.
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Victoria won. Can someone tell me how.
Victoria is hitting her stride just as the playoffs are starting. Doesn’t matter what happened during the regular season. She has a 1 in 5 shot of taking home the bacon.
Sorry, she can’t take home the bacon because he’s married!
Rude much!
Is it less rude if it’s Canadian bacon?
Best comment this season
The best comment EVER!!!
Have you been watching this season? Most likely she will be final 2 but she doesn’t have a chance in hell of winning. She’ll make final 2 bc everyone knows they can win against them.
From what I gathered from the update, it appears that the houseguests didn’t even play….the jurors played and each houseguest was designated a jury member as their comp representative, so to speak. That explains why the houseguests are wearing Team “juror name” T-shirts. It also explains how Victoria “won”….someone else won for her just like every other comp “win” she’s ever had.
she picked hayden for her team and he won .. so that means she won …I would be shocked if she won anything on her own..
My son says she only specializes in comps that don’t count for anything.
YES now win the PoV for entertainment PLEASEEEEEEE!
best I could tell remaining 5 got to choose one of the jury that played in the contest appears if the person you picked won you win
She did not actually play. Hayden did and as his teammate she won because he did.
Victoria is a spoiled brat!
It was I, who picked her up and dropped her on her head…
As much as I dislike Victoria, I can’t say that I blame her on this one. If my personal property was DESTROYED without my consent I would be pissed too. Who’s to say how much that necklace may have cost, if a replacement could even be found for purchase, or even if that necklace had some sort of sentimental value? Tossing stuff around to make a mess of the house is one thing, completely ruining personal items is another and should have been warned against.
Um … Then maybe she shouldn’t be bringing that into the house or going on a reality show in the first place and take her ugly, whiny ass back to her couch at home.
Agree! And start plucking away that 5-o’clock shadow!
Geez, be nice. No need to say such nasty personal things. I am not a big Victoria fan, but some of the comments on this forum take the fun out of the game. It is no different than being an on line bully. I like to come on here and enjoy other peoples opinions about the game and the players, not to listen to juvenile comments from the peanut gallery!
Go away, this site is for haters.
No one did it on purpose. It probably got knocked off wherever it was. And it’s just a little link. It can be fixed. No one meant to destroy anything
It’s the bathing suit episode all over again. We never heard the end of it the entire show. Get over it Victoria.
Derrick is slowly losing my respect. I don’t want him to win anymore.
I would love to hang out with Zach. (provided he had taken his meds)
Well that is just Great..Yes we tortured some folks..
How pathetic is it that people have to insert their political opinions in every single thing on the planet. This is Big Brother for Pete’s sake. Give it a rest.
Terror in the BB house. Savages, all of them.
Grow up.
Told you all that the jury was bitter. This jury is not going to reward bad behavior do Derrick has no chance of winning. Especially when they find out he’s a cop. That’s coming before the jury votes and will taint this jury even more against Derrick.
With 10 grand why would she upset about a new necklace….
In the Middle East the Hamsa symbolizes the hand of God. In some faiths it is a protective sign that also brings happiness, good luck, and good health. Some people wear crosses to represent their beliefs, and others the Hamsa or Evil Eye. Victoria’s necklace could have had precious stones in it and been valuable. Also could have been a gift from family. I would be upset too if I had a necklace with a cross and someone broke it just to be an ass! I would never have taken anything valuable or sentimental knowing it possibly could come up missing or broken. It’s her own fault not BB production, but I still feel bad it was damaged.
she needs to be given the pole…HARD
Ummm Hamasa? Crosses? That’s a leap…the necklace was a bib of flowers from Forever 21. Big Brother instructed the jury members to mess up the house. I’m sure that if the necklace had been purposely damaged, the juror would have made a show of it. It was an accident. For an example of wanton destruction meant as a personal attack (but really just a waste of time) see Victoria’s cutting and ripping of her/Zach’s pink hat. Please.
That was not her Hamas necklace
Victoria won something??? You’re punking us, right?
Victoria won a competition ? Did I read that right ? Truthfully they deserve no luxuries anyway. But if I were handing them a gift they didn’t have, I would give…..
Victoria A brain
Caleb Some guts
Cody A personality
Derrick A nose job
Frankie Some class and character He has neither
Cody talking about Hayden:”Freaking coward”. Pot, meet kettle. 🙂
Frankie portrays himself as having a higher status than he actually has!
Of course the one competition Victoria would win is the luxury comp. I just have to laugh out loud at this. Good grief!
Way to go jury members.The people left deserve it!
not all deserve to be treated that way.
Might be a way for big brother to instill some viewer sympathy for the remaining house guests… Seeing that they are a hated bunch and the jury house is so well liked.
Never been done before… Just a thought …
And like every other big idea they’ve had this season, it DIDN’T WORK!!! It would take a helluva lot more than a trashed house to make me feel badly for them. And Victoria, you’re an idiot – I’m willing to bet all HouseGuest’s were told not to bring anything of value in to the house. Sorry if your necklace from Forever 21 was damaged.
they should get all naked and measure penissss. Vicky’s would be HUGE!
The competition was to find chips hidden in the house it sounds like. They had to go thru everything to find them. I’m sure bb told them to leave mess plus I think it was timed
Not sure how but I just read Victoria won $5,000. Maybe she will be on a roll now.
Victoria cut Zach’s pink hat up and now her necklace gets broken.
Hey Vic…..can you spell karma?
No… She can’t, She doesn’t know how to spell
Hurtful comment that achieves nothing. Troll.
She spelt “Luxury!”
And calling someone a “troll,” accomplishes exactly what?
allows for easier masterbatory inflections to be more forthcumming
Karma – perhaps… It was wrong to break Princess Clueless’s necklace, but she should not have left that exit message for Zach. She took great pleasure in tearing up that pink hat and shoving it down his throat during his exit interview with Julie. He looked really annoyed because he said she told him he could have the hat early in the show. There is definitely no love between those two people. The finale could get nasty. If Victoria goes to jury soon, they better keep those two apart or there could be fireworks.
Guess what dingus froot loop….that wasn’t Zach’s pink hat! It was Victoria’s which is why she took it back and cut it up.
Guess what fruit loops dingus, if you give someone something it is no longer YOURS!!
oh snap
That was HER hat…NOT Zach’s.
Victoria cut up her pink hat.
Victoria cut up her own hat. She just allowed Zach to wear it until he abused the privilege.
It was her hat. Not zach’s. So no karma served.
The pink hat Victoria cut up was her own! She didn’t cut up anything that personally belonged to Zach, he decided he wanted it, but it was hers to do what she wanted. I like both Victoria and Zach and hope they can mend their crazy ways with each other.
Are you watching the same feeds as we are? When Zach talked to her about keeping the hat, Victoria told Zach “Put it this way| I’m not going to ask you for it back” SOOOOOO – she was NOT going to take the pink hat back therefore GIVING it to him!
Victoria won a comp ? Wow that is amazing !! They deserver NO luxuries, but if I was giving each of them a gift.. I would give……………
Victoria A brain
Caleb Some guts
Cody A clue how to play the game
Derrick A nose job
Frankie Some character and class of which He has ZERO
Anyone but Frankie FTW
Dear Victoria,
Shut the hell up you whiney cow! OMG if I could reach through the tv and smack you every time you smacked your food or talked or shrieked, I would need carpal tunnel surgery.
Sincerely Me
Donny was right, with all the girls gone, Victoria is starting to look pretty good. Oops, never mind. I forgot to put in my contacts.
LadyDiana a dumbo.
They should have taken her tweezers and jabbed them into her memory wall photo…. thus forcing her to attend the finale with her uni-brow intact. Now that would kill her. Dumb. tw*t.
Stop the madness & end this horrible and super predictable season already!!!!!! For the love of God!!!
LOL….stop the madness…I think I love you! Oh wait, I hardly know you.
do me after. You excite me
Funny stuff.
And this tantrum for just a necklace? Just think how she will react when she finds out about Derelict’s lies and manipulations.
The hat was VICTORIA`S. It was hers to do as she pleased. Get your facts right.
She gave it to Zach and THEN destroyed it. She got what she deserved.
We know it was Victoria’s hat, but she gave it to Zach to wear and he got it stinky and dirty from wearing it all season, it was her personal hat, but “spiritually” it became his.
Victoria was never going to wear the hat, or even take it home with her, she only took it back and cut it up like a child to get back at him, instead of standing up to him, telling him how she felt about the things he said, like an adult. Hell, she could’ve made a meeting out of it, so she wasn’t alone with him..
ILL WILL a double dumbo.
It was no longer her hat, because she gave it to Zach then took it back out of spite. So yes it’s karma she got back with the necklace. She took the hat back from Zach, why? because of things other people were telling her about Zach? Zach was no longer bothering her. As a matter of fact he tried to help her by telling her Derrick was in an alliance and she wasn’t a part of it. So no the hat was no loner hers. She is a spoiled brat and needs to grow up. She can’t even sleep alone, and tore the hat up for what reason? That’s something children do. So yes her necklace was karma, and If you don’t want your things to be respected try respecting other peoples things and don’t be an endian giver. When you give someone something don’t take it back and definite don’t take it back out of spite because Vic wasn’t going to wear that hat anymore. I don’t think anyone broke her necklace because BB has rules where they can’t damage each others things. It was simply an accident, but one that should remind her you get what you give.
Seriously. Before you attack someone for what they wrote, READ what was written. It was clearly stated that Victoria told Zach he could have that hat.
@delta231: get your facts right or keep your comments to yourself. We all thank you.
Jeez, people it was a stupid hat that is no more. Are you really going to argue over it’s ownership?
Who cares? I know this season is long and boring but come on.
From the way it sounds it seems like the houseguests teamed up with a juror to compete for them or something. So possibly Hayden won the comp for Victoria and also got something out of it.
It’s the only way I can make sense of the fact that Victoria won a competition because I dont see any pigs flying outside my window.
Thanks for the giggle, it made my day!
There’s quite a difference between playing a game and unsportsmanlike conduct. I’m sure the jury members were vigorously urged by production to disrupt the house, but IMHO, this went beyond innocent fun. I probably would have had a problem holding my temper on this one!
I thought they were pretty restrained. I would have really trashed the place. The clothes would just be on the floor the chicken juice would have been all over them and ketchup and mustard, etc. But then I paid for the feeds and have nothing but stooges to watch all season.
Eh, they need to get over it. It’s all part of the game. I’m sure they sign releases stating that bb is not responsible for loss or damage. That logically applies to other HGs as well. They were in there playing the game in a comp when the damage occurred, on the instruction of production. Besides, they’ve all been given an extraordinary opportunity to be on a show and win prizes and money and potentially some notoriety that could benefit them long term. So wah, wah, life is so hard for them, snort.
Some of the game play went beyond Big Brother game play so they will live. Just like how Frankie used a TA challenge to make it seem like Zach stole people’s stuff for kicks. Production probably is being passive aggressive and telling them something anyway.
I think its disgusting BB told the jury to o that! Once you’re out if the house you’re out!
In Big Brother, when they give you something really good, something bad has to happen to even things out.
I agree
.. Don’t blame the jury .. I would do it for a chance at 5000$ also.
Bb trying to stir pot.. They know this season was bad..
And Julie comparing derrick to Dan… Wow.. Any other season they would of evicted him for winning the 5000$ instead of going for hoh. This season everyone is to brain dead to do it .
The dumbest thing by far that the Hgs have done, is not realize that Derrick and Cody are a pair. They haven’t made that much effort to hide how close they are. Any reasonably perceptive person would realize, esp so late in the game. And of course pairs needs to be broken by this point in the game, if not sooner. It’s this critical failure of the other detonators to realize this, that is making Derricks game look so strong. He has been good at making individuals think he’s sincerely taking them to final 2, but by now it shouldn’t be that difficult to see that he and Cody have a strong connection.
I have come to the conclusion that you people on here are nothing more than vile, bitter, uneducated individuals who have nothing better to do than bitch and belittle others. You are all a waste of space talking this way about people you don`t even know. Terrible how shallow you are. I certainly have gotten an education in how not to speak of others. Hope you are all proud of yourselves! Bunch of children here.
Let me guess…you’re a friend of family member of Christine, Frankie or Derrick?
Hi. Irony here. I would like to just point out that if you’re going to throw stones to make sure that none can be thrown back at you.
Calling people a waste of space does not show that you are “better” than anyone. It actually shows you’re just as bad as all of us as you claim.
Remember when you point your finger at someone….you have 3 pointing right back at you. Have a great day!
You say your education gives you the right to insult those who, are insulting pretty despicable people that have also insulted just about every person they’ve encountered? I would request a refund as you apparently have yet to learn about hypocrisy….
That’s my high horse you’re riding!
I know you are, what am I?
I’m rubber, you’re glue…
The purpose of this website is for us to discuss the game and game play of the hg ‘s, (or lack of in this seasons case) AND to comment and give opinions of the players of said game. You say we don’t know them. That is not correct. We did not know them at the start and then we got to know them quite well. What we know is what they have shown themselves to be. You do not hear mean things being said about anyone but those who deserve ridicule for their game play and or actions.
Besides if you are that holy just read the updates and skip the comments. They are not required reading. You shouldn’t even be reading and enjoying BB which is just a gossip group as well with them doing the same as us. You should get your bible and pray on it, ask for forgiveness and then Fuc# off.
Thank you
So tell us how you really feel.
No one cares about your conclusions.
What do you mean, uneducated? I’ll have you know I have a BS, MBA, PHD, CPA, and an E I E I O
Obviously you’re new to our playground – this is our sandbox and if you don’t like it – go play somewhere else.
Hey you should apply to be on the next BB. You have all of the qualifications they are looking for judging by your comment. You sound like the bunch left in the game….add Christine and you are definitely in!
Aren’t you doing the same thing?
Yo, Jerks…STFU, you jagoff!!!!
Wonder if her overreaction will affect who Caleb nominates.
Victoria… don’t you know it’s not a party until something gets broken?
I think that what they did was extreme overkill. I can see throwing clothes and things around, but food, that is just juvenile. You just knew jocasta had a mean streak in her. She was probably a terror in her day before she “found jesus.” They did this before didn’t they where they allow former guests to come and create havoc? I can’t see them showing much of the chaos they caused during the tv show.
It’s been a slow couple of days. They will show this on Sunday
I agree. BB Production is throwing anything at the wall to see if it sticks. They obviously know that the HGs are boring to watch at this point and that some of the most popular people are in the jury.
Yeah, that’s what I was thinking (about the food). Wasting food is just plain wrong and an insult to anyone that goes to sleep hungry. However, I don’t mind them messing up the newly cleaned house tossing things everywhere; I think it’ll be fun seeing the jury members. At this point watching live feeds for jury would be 1000x better than the crap Dawg and Simon have to watch for us. Props to you guys for that!
I am dying to know where that horrible Christine was.
Of course, Victoria wins a luxury comp..but then again those nasty extensions probably need to be replaced and she needs some cash for new ones.
Last night’s episode was one of the best ever on BB…and ONLY because of what went on in the jury house. I didn’t think I could love Donny anymore than I do, but after seeing and hearing his comments last night, I love him even more.
Final thought….I’ve had it with Frankie’s preening and fawning over Julie Chen. My husband doesn’t follow BB as much as I do and even he was shouting “SHUT UP” at the TV when Fakie Frankie was on with his Joker-grin, his overly animated expressions and his Pinocchio pants on.
P.S. The comments on this website make me laugh on a daily basis. You people are infinitely more entertaining and interesting than these fuckwits.
My guess is that they only needed five jurors to play in the comp. One for each HG so perhaps they had a comp in the jury house and Christine lost. Or perhaps she elected to not participate.
Christine self-evicted
OMG! You rock!!
It’s amazing how Frankie enjoys being the “rule/morals” shitter: he’s always shitting some sort of rule of how people should behave and what is or not proper… when he’s one of the most unkind, disrespectful and foul person I have ever seen on TV! Definitely his ideas of behavior comes out of his @ss.
It’s so obvious that jurors were instructed to destroy the house. It’s ridiculous of Caleb, Frankie and Victoria being pissed about it. Can’t hardly wait to see Frankie walking in the jury house next…
They deserved this and it’s only a taste of what they really deserve for all the s**t talked about the jury members
OMG I cannot believe that Victoria Won!!!!!!!!!! I would hate it more if Frankie had won. I really cannot stand that guy. I know he has been feeling off the guys in there, but I never realized that they are babies compared to him in age. Never mind the game, Frankie is in heaven just being locked in a house with 4 YOUNG men. LOL
Victor isn’t a dude.
I know that they better compensate Victoria on her necklace or We might just see the Warrior Princess come alive,and thank you @Jerks for doing to every poster on here what you accuse us of doing to the house guests!You have made me realize just how vile and rude I have been imma gonna go watch this season again to punish myself minute by minute getting to know each contestant over and over. Until I wise up and learn some manners!
Only Xena can own the Warrior Princess title!
If you must call Vaseline something Princess Warrior is the way to go.
I stand corrected,Xena is the Warrior princess so from now on I will call Vic the Princess Warrior.But that also give me the right to refer to Frankie as Vagisil,just saying but on another note congratulations Simon good looking healthy baby boy,And we may have just been introduced too Jack Attack been following your site for some time now and enjoy your site and updates thank you both for a job well done!
I see Zach got another pink hat…. So much for Victoria taking hers back from him LOL
Who the f*** cares!?! HG are just pissed they have to clean up! Jury wanted to make a statement, and they did. Bitter or whatever you want to call it to make yourselves feel better, HGs, you are hated! But wait till you find out it’s not just the jury members that dislike you, just wait for the boos from America!
Didn’t they do something similar in a previous season where a bunch of plastic eggs or something were hidden and one contained a diamond POV? Just wondering if they found a way to “save” Frankie.
Victoria did not win shit, Hayden won for both of them.
Victoria is a useless piece of shit.
Me is a useless piece of sh!t !!!
Wow!! Victoria have fans. Didn’t know that. LOL
Victoria needs to get a grip. She needs to take that 5K and get a real necklace worth whiney about. Pretty obvious this is costume jewelry. I could understand if it was sentimental, but she wants it replaced, and you cannot replace something sentimental. So, now she has the money to buy something nice as opposed to that tacky piece of crap. Princess my a$$!
My original owner victoria gifted the hat to zach … Victoria being immature and wanting to hurt zach took the gift back and destroyed it … So for all those defending Victoria … Why ?? You give someone a gift you don’t sneakily take it back and then destroy it. You be an adult and either say A. I let you borrow my hat and I would like it back OR B. if you want to keep my hat forever please pay me the value of the hat. OR C. You let the person keep the hat (obviously zach liked it .. He wore it frequently). Instead Victoria acted like a juvenile. Do not forget that act … She doesn’t even feel remorse instead bragged in her goodbye message showing the world she has issues and doesn’t know right from wrong. I can see this spilling into her professional carrer as photographer and if she doesn’t like her client having her sit around a fire burning all their pictures. Victoria ..
Don’t be that person. Learn right from wrong, go buy zach a new pink hat and say I am soooo sorry I was wrong !!!!!! Maybe you can learn and grow from that.
I am starting to wonder why I even read the comments on this site. No wonder the BB facebook page took down their comment section. Everything is filled with rude and negative person attacks on people which is so disgusting. Calling people pigs and cows, and ugly and this and that. Easy to do behind a keyboard I guess.
Oh and for the comments yesterday about the game being rigged for Frankie because of the rewind, may we not forget that the Rewind was in place during the week when Frankie won all the power and now what he did was for nothing, not like he did much, but still. He is not in power now so WTF was your issue yesterday.
And for the people saying Frankie should be charged for his sexual molestation or harassment of the house guests, last time I checked Cody and Caleb are grown ass men, who if they had a real issue with what he was doing would tell him to stop and have told him to stop and he did. Also, if they felt so violated they would go to the DR and lodge a formal complaint and I am sure if it wasn’t dealt with they could sue everyone and their grandma for not protecting them. For all we know, the DR has even asked them if they feel violated/uncomfortable with Frankie grabbing at their junk, we don’t know. So how can we as viewers have any day about it, just like we are not Christine’s husband and it is none of our business about their relationship or what she did in the house.
I have been an avid reader and follower of this blog for years and I love it, but if you continue to allow some of the vile disgusting things to be said about people, which is BULLYING, then I don’t know if I can continue with it. Yeah freedom of speech whatever bullshit you have to back up your nastiness is fine for you, but maybe before you all start talking crap about others, maybe you should look in the mirror and take a good hard look at yourself because I am sure you guys are just as ugly if not more for the comments you are posting here about people you DON’T even know.
Keep it game related and not personal.
Lets not overlook that Frankie wants to play in the next HOH. If not for rewind he would not have been able to play. The rewind supported him getting that chance. People may go overboard with personal attacks but we are watching people act like fools and of course we will remark on the boundaries they cross. Personal attacks on looks etc aren’t necessary but actions are fair game. Frankie is not a sex pervert but he does cross boundaries all the time . Yes, these are adults he is dealing with but it is also a game where intimidation doesn’t always get defending because players feel it could put a target on them. Much like abusers get away with their abuse because their victims are made to feel if they speak up it is they who will pay. This game started as a study in human behavior and let us not forget that. It isn’t just a game. Actually it is so orchestrated now that it is less game and people are behaving badly to get better ratings.
I wish Frankie could get locked in a cage with a male gorilla; loaded up on adderall and viagra. The gorilla not Frankie!
I was worried about Izzy. Now you want me to worry about a gorilla! Let’s keep all animals and handsome young men away from Frankie. We’ve had enough of Brokeback Brother this summer.
Apparently you’re new to this site – go back and read the comments from previous BB shows – I recommend the BB show that Ian won.
You sound bitter… Need a Frankie hug?
Apparently Old Timer you need to read my post as I have been coming to this site for YEARS I believe since BB 3 or 4. And I have read comments here and there since then and never have they been as vile as they are now. Last year was bad, but this year it is just personal attack after personal attack like really (mind you last year they were somewhat well deserved). Calling Derrick a pig or he/Christine need a nose job or whatever, it is not necessary.
And maybe Frankie did blow it this week so he could participate next week, but how do we know he will make it. We all know the plan is to backdoor him, and it may very well happen. *Crossing my fingers*
To be honest I liked Frankie in the beginning for like 10 minutes then he opened his mouth and flipped up his leg and that was the end of it, he is also my pick for a pool at work, but I want him gone just as bad.
And to compare the players to actual abuse victims is kind of ridiculous for not wanting to report because they feel they will get punished, seriously this is not abuse, a violation yes, but not abuse, and I am sure if in any way the boys felt that they were in danger and he was going too far, BB would have NO choice but to jump in otherwise like I stated there would be law suits out the wazoo and that would be the end of the show. Flashback to season 2 when that guy held a knife up to Krista or whatever her name was, if she was like oh haha it was a joke no biggie, there would be repercussions to that if after the show she realized hey look I felt violated and I want to sue, but no BB took control into their own hands and kicked him out from the game. Or like Hantz and the Chef guy, that was rather minor but they took control. They legally have to ensure the players are protected and like I said, how do we know that they haven’t ensured with Cody and Caleb that they feel safe…we don’t.
Gosh, why are you picking on me…. If you have been here for years – how can you forget the comments a few years ago that referred to a player as Hitler in graphic detail… now that was hate speech – even Simon and Dawg stepped up to the plate and removed many demeaning comments that year. This year is tame compared to other BB seasons.
The name calling is ridiculous. There are a lot of people of here who seem to think because someone is nice/naive that they should still be in the house. Not sure where that came from. It’s not called Big Brother for those who are morally perfect. Everyone had en equal chance to stay in the competition. If they alligned with the wrong people because those people were, “nice”, then good for them. Everyone can play how they wish and everyone did. What I’m surprised about is how people are so offended by what the house is saying. Really? My co-workers are more vile than this, and I find it hilarious. We joke all day at work and that’s what they are…;jokes! STOP trying to be so PC and laugh once in a while. It’s not Big Brother for adults, it’s not Big Brother only if you are perfectly behaived, so GROW UP!
But when people sat Derrick is a pig they are right He’s slovenly. He’s gluttonous. He’s porcine. He’s everything a pig is. You can skip over this comment if it is not to your liking.
ariana go to bed, itts past your bed time
Really? Come back when you have something to add to the conversation or maybe read what I said to get the actual point of what I am trying to say.
When the HGs get personal, like telling someone to double team a virgin, wanting them to die, wanting to punch a girl in the face, it is hard for people not to make a personal comment. For they are commenting on something the HGs did that was personal and not game play. I try not to be negative, and I love reading this site, better then the show at times. But like the show, if you don’t like it, turn it off , you can skip over the comments you do not care for. But a lotog people on this site pay for the live feeds, and they need a free forum to discuss what they see. Again, skip the comments you don’t care to read !
No shit, same thing goes to the people who all they do is bitch about the show and how it is rigged or whatever, stop watching. But when all I see is Skankie, or pig nose, or Chrustine, or talking about her nose or her this or her that or whatever about their body or their personal life it is unnecessary and has nothing to do with the game. Saying that Victoria and Caleb are delusional or idiots, yeah I get that because they are acting that way and has to do with the game. But I like seeing the comments when they have some actual context and relevance to them but after seeing disgusting negative comments after the other it makes me wonder about the actual people writing them like who are you to talk about the way someone looks?
so now zach is yelling at women in resturants?
look, he played an evel dick type game, but we ALL know he really is a nice guy who tried to play a villain role and didn’t have it in him. so much is made of him v victoria, when the entire house had pretty much tossed her aside, and he would talk to her and was nice to her(this was when she loved that he was wearing those hats she didn’t say she needed)
zach got a BS rep. its funny to see frankie just now pandering to a fan base that is bigger than his. classic on so many levels. because zach has no desire for some hilarious fame that would never ever happen. he actually understands his “popularity” is BB related, and he won’t be modeling or acting or the next big country star (lol at caleb)
Another production gone array . My guess is the HG’s were told to clean the house just so the jury coming in to mess it made a difference. Sounds like they went too far but controlling this group is like herding a corral full of two year olds and making them listen. My guess is Victoria’s necklace getting chipped was an accident but her Princess /brat act is pure Victoria . She is clueless how poorly she presents herself on tv. A real Princess would never whine like she does. She is no Princess, she is a spoiled brat. They have class. Production needs to get some new blood because they have failed greatly making this game interesting and fun to watch this season.
Victoria did not win, she happened to “choose” the person that actually won the comp (in true Victoria fashion, carried along for another win).
Derrick is showing all of his cards to Caleb. All it would take is one heart to heart conversation between Frankie and Caleb to expose Derrick. Unfortunately, Frankie is jealous of how close Cody is with Caleb to even think about asking anything about Derrick, and Caleb is far up Cody’s d^c+ to want to even take a minute to even think to ask Frankie how he really feels about the rest of the guys in the house. Caleb knows that Frankie doesn’t like Cody and vice versa and Caleb has a vested interest with both (knowing that one of those two are most likely going to win HoH). Again, Caleb is still carrying deep resentment of Frankie for the whole week 5 amber situation.
If Caleb is as stupid as I think he is, then he might put up Frankie, knowing that his only chance to make it to the finals is to win every veto comp for the rest of season after Frankie is gone.
The one saving grace is if Frankie does win the veto (or even if he is evicted) then there will be less than 24-48 hrs of “real game play” when the final 4 have to target the last remaining physical threat. Derrick knows he has to take Victoria to the end b/c he is not going to win an endurance comp over any of the guys in the house, so his only shot at making it to final 2 is to win both mental competitions or be carried by the winner of the 2 of 3 HoHs.
Derrick game still could come to an abrupt end if he or his fellow weak allies don’t win any of the next competitions.
Caleb and Frankie having a heart to heart could be very damaging indeed. But though out this entire season, the HGs didn’t bother talking amongst themselves on so many occasions that could have sunk Derrick’s game long ago. I’m assuming that he is revealing more about his game to Caleb now because past experience has assure him that that conversation will never happen with Frankie.
I’m wondering if they scratched out Victoria’s name to show other house guests she’s “hated” prompting everyone to want to take her to the end. Thoughts?
I pretty sure it was Zach and he did it because he knew it would annoy the shit out of her.
cody an cleab think Donny is forgotten by us men im LOL so hard tears coming down
they said America will not vote for him America favorite they think it going to be them
on question don’t you have to have a percentages by your name to me both of you got a 0
Donny America favorite that’s my vote please vote for him to win
It’s so sad when people root for Donny simply because he never did any harm to anyone or did any wrong to anyone. Do I feel bad for the guy? yeah He’s genuinely nice. Does he deserve to win? Obviously not. He had his chance, and that’s how the cookie crumbled. What I find odd is how two of the strongest competition players are still in the game, and yet people continue to defend their opinions of why they should not be in the house (they’re boring to watch, they’re rude, they’re mean) AND your point is? You’re watching REALITY TV! All’s fair in love and reality tv.
OMG ! OMG! Some sick b@st@rd poured vinegar down the sink !!!!!
Oh the humanity.
Pouring vinegar down the drain is recommended to keep it smelling fresh and sanitary. someone did these slobs a favour.
Is it sad that to make the fans happy about this season they have to terrorize the remaining HGs?
Terrorized ??? Really?
Did you ever have your house ‘TP’ed ? Did you call Homeland Security?
Hey Simon and Dawg! I just made a huge purchase on Amazon from your site! Thanks for all the hard work you guys do year after year. I know all of us appreciate it. OBB is the best Big Brother Updates site out there!!!
just goes to show how lame this season is when we all are arguing about the fact that the pink hat was vics and not zach’s…
Wanted to let everyone know some big news that has been effecting the posts and also to throw some EXTRA THANKS to Dawg who was working double duty for me (Worked 24hours one day)
A couple days ago my son Jack was born.

OMG Simon! What a gorgeous baby! He’s such a little blessing. Congrats to you and Mommy! God Bless all of you.
Congratulations Simon!
So cool. Congrats Simon!!
OMG so cute! Congratulations!
Simon, he is priceless and so handsome, congrats to your new family – wish you and your family peace and lots of love and many memories to enjoy
Congratulations!! When I first saw the name I thought it said Zach! LOL too much BB overload! He is a beautiful baby! looks very healthy! So happy for your family!
OMG!!! Congratulations!! He looks so precious…you are very blessed!!!
Wow Simon….how were you ever able to concentrate on this bunch with such an amazing event going on behind the scenes! Congratulations! What a handsome boy…love the name…guessing the late nite shift will be no problem for you!
Thanks Dawg for helping us keep up to date when Simon couldnt…
Congrats Simon and the Mrs. he’s gorgeous. Just think if he was born 2 months earlier it would have helped you combine late night feedings with staying up to monitor the live feeds!
Gorgeous baby! Congrats! And Dawg, 24 hrs? That was a long labor of love too. Thank you both!
With three under my belt and a grandchild to boot – I wish you much happiness – Congratulations Simon!
How much did that beautiful boy weight? no wrinkles pretty color. Bless you and your family and for sharing your life with all of us.
Thank you Dawg we love you too!!
Thank you Simon for sharing the picture of your beautiful Jack with us!
Congratulations Simon and Wife! What a sweet baby!
How do you find the time to do updates when you have a family?
What a little sweetheart. Congratulations to all of your family. Hopefully he will inherit your love of animals. Will DAWG be his godfather? Thank you Simon for sharing a very personal part of your life with all the OBB fans.
DAWG, you need to add Jack to the favourite hg polls.
Thanks everyone! Baby is doing great. He was 7lbs 2oz
I miss rockstar and BBgrandma also 🙁
I am sure the little guy will sleep and cry less then the HG’s, and he certainly is better looking then any of them.
really cool Simon, congrats! 🙂
So handsome! Best wishes to you & your family!
aww just beautiful, congrats to you and your new baby boy and Mama! 🙂
He is perfectly beautiful. Congratulations to you and yours Simon!
Congrats! He’s beautiful!
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! What a beautiful BB BABY!!!!!!!!!!!! That is, BY FAR, the best BB news I have heard all season!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Simon. Jack is amazing…..so cute and adorable. If ever there were a reason to cuddle, he and all little babies would be he reason to do it. Congratulations to you and your wife and enjoy the wild ride of parenthood!
Jack is perfect!! What a beautiful boy!!! Congratulations, Simon!!!!!!!!!
He is beautiful! Congratulations!
Congrats Simon! He sure is handsome!
Congratulations! What a beautiful blessing! I’m voting Jack for America’s Favorite!
Sorry V — not America’s Favourite. He is CANADA’S FAVOURITE.
Congratulations to you and your (better?? lol) half!!! What a perfectly exquisite baby and so very healthy looking!! Apparently you don’t spend all your time online, you created this little wonder 🙂 🙂
CONGRATULATIONS, Simon!!! Cutest. Baby. Ever!!!!!!
Congratulations….what a beautiful baby boy.
He’s beautiful. Congrats Simon!
Jack for AFP!!!!
Awe!!!!! So Cute. Congrats!
Congratulations ! Jack should be added to the poll for the win! He is the winner this year !!!
Jack is a beautiful baby! Enjoy him because he will grow up so fast. I hope he has a blessed life!!!
BEAUTIFUL!!!! Congrats 😀
congrats Simon on a cute little baby, best wishes for you and your family, now when the season of BBUS is over get started on another one, hope your family grows and prospers!!
Who ever had this bright idea really is a sicko, why not use the balloons again? Throwing food and trash on the floor! no way would I clean their mess up, they should have made the jury come back in and clean it them selves,, No just because this is the last one’s that has made it this far did not deserve this mess, childish as hell. now let the HG go to the jury house and do the same and walk away, We’re suppose to look forward to watch this shit? I think not, they really need to stop catering to the little kids and play adult games. This looks just like they turned it over to small kids and said what can we do to make it funny, Oh great ideal. Anyone that enjoyed watching them come in and do this has really got a problem.
Cody was a sub for math, yet doesn’t know how many cups are in a quart.
Cody must be confused. He wasn’t a match teacher for 6, 7, and 8th graders. He was probably hired to strip in front of 6, 7, or 8, women and dress up as a teacher. He probably wore glasses, a blazer with elbow patches and brought a yard stick (meter stick here in Canada) and his brother was the teacher’s assistant as we all know they strip together. He probably thought it was a night class as the students were older women.
ROFLMAO!!!!!!! Turns out the Italian Stallion is a gelding!
And Cody admitted last week he couldn’t do fractions when he couldn’t figure out how much 50% of 1700 was.
Why do y’all think they are in BY lockdown? Could there be a golden egg, LPOV that was overlooked? What would be going on in the house? setting up a luxury dinner for them since they all got so mad? I’m wondering why the BY lockdown!!
Probably to clean up the mess and restock the food.
What was with Caleb’s comments about parents and their kids wearing pink hats? Are his true colours starting to come through now that Frankie is on his way out? Was Caleb tolerating Frankie until he no longer needed him. And why do these people always want to punch people? They might want to watch those comments after the Rice elevator video leak this week.
Its incredible to watch and see how clueless they are about how people see them. They are so obsessed with how popular the jury members are and constantly try to reassure themselves and each other that they are popular. Boy are they in for a rude awakening.
They should make this a regular thing. Jury members constantly popping in to disrupt things, affect competitions, etc.
There is a word for it: Pugilist. Caleb may end up like Ray Rice. When all else fails punch her in the face.
I’m not one that would get happy that people destroyed the house for as a form of vengence………………………… but i’m not that really sad either
And I guess the HG’s came to the conclusion that america don’t really like them……… yey =D
Only one thing to say, Victoria is an idiot from the word GO!! if you don’t like my comment to bad! go away!
ummmm it’s “too”
Excellent news Simon!!! Just wish ‘Rockstar ‘ and ‘BBGrandma’ were still visiting the site to hear the news! Congrats to you and yours! Jack looks like a keeper. 😉
Beautiful baby boy Simon – always loved the name Jack too.
Now Victoria is always telling people that something will be coming out of ‘their pockets’. This girl sued the city remember for falling while staring in a mirror, rollerblading; or something like that.
I’m so happy to see they did that.
On another note; to people who think Derrick is such a genius; um ok he took the easiest route – dragging a barnacle to the end.
Since Derrick is carrying Victoria to the end and they clearly need a name for their partnership/alliance how about BACK BACON?
Now my mouth is watering. Back Bacon is a phrase not often heard outside of Canada. Have not been back to Canada in nearly 20 years but use to get really good back bacon on a kaiser at St Lawrence Market.
I could be wrong but I am pretty sure that what we here in Canada call Back Bacon is referred to as Canadian Bacon in the US.
I will ask my Brother Bob, he will know for sure, eh!
Are you sure the mirrors weren’t on her shoes? Like Joan Rivers said, her trampy friend in high school, Heidi Abramowitz, she wore mirrors on her shoes!”
Make everyone think Victoria is super hated so they ensure she’s goes to final 2-then give her the win…
First CBS is airing a show which condones sexual harassment and vile behavior and now they allow vandalism and destruction of personal property. …wow.
That’s a bit dramatic. These slobs haven’t been treating the house well at all and despite Victoria’s tirade its not like anything bad happened. She was the one that cut up her own hat out of spite after all.
As for the sexual harassment comment, if you’re talking about Caleb and Amber you are correct. He clearly harassed her the entire time she was there. If you are suggesting Frankie sorry, you and the others that keep making that claim are wrong. I am no fan of Frankie but his touching, appropriate or otherwise has not been one sided. How many times have we seen Caleb bend Frankie over to assume the position. It can’t be called joking when one person does it, you have to have the same standards for everyone. Frankie is too touchy feely for my taste but they are all doing it and it is not sexual harassment. If you don’t like him there are many other things to criticize him for but lets not get crazy.
I hope that Victoria gets a charm bracelet with barnacles as replacement !
Get over it Vic!! You hg don’t have much room to talk about the mess that the Jury kids did. Look at the pig sty you were living in before Jeff said something. WAH!!! BABIES!
is the noms today
hey simon I want to say congratulations
Fine looking lad, may he have a long happy life.
“Feeds cut (Thank you production )
Feeds come back and Frankie/Caleb continues to complain.. While Derrick is in the toilet.”
Hm, that about sums it up!
What happened to christine?
When a group is told to destroy a house, the chances of it getting out of hand and emotions running ramped is a given. Feelings are hurt from the rude comments, the lies and manipulation and compassion doesn’t work into the formula. Even some of the bloggers have turned on each with rude comments.
Production set the rules and chose the contestants, they need to step up and rethink some of their decisions.
Are you a real counselor or pretending?
Now everyone absolutley knows the jury hates Victoria. Wouldnt be surprised if she makes her way to F2 after this.
Can’t believe they think this was the hardest season ever, lol. Seriously?? They haven’t had hardly any endurance comps. Except the snowman. They had worse in the past. Season 11 for instance had the whole “team” thing, and their endurance comps were brutal. That swinging one that Natalie was throwing up on was crazy.
These people are the most petty people ever! There horrible! They talk so rudely about people that they want to vote for them! what is wrong with these people are they so stupid that they think, I will treat the jurors like crap and they will in turn love me enough to give me the money! I don’t think anybody in that house right now has a brain to work with! They would never get my vote after you have treated me badly I would vote for the dog Ozzie or the fish
Congratulations Simon what a sweet baby, kids are a real blessing enjoy. Dawg thx so much for being here for all the BB fans.
Man lighten up geesh,we are not saving life’s here people we are once again given a way to articulate our dislikes our likes our anger and our enjoyment,all made possible by Simon and Dawg I personally for one am grateful for this opportunity to express my freedom of speech whether I’m joking bout a hg,or bickering back and forth with some other posters.I mean how hard is it to just scroll past someone’s opinion or reply to it regardless let’s not be so sensitive about where we stand.Come on Rose not everyone is the same I mean think about if all of us agreed on everything on here they would cast us all next season,lol sorry it was there?
I think Victoria isn’t painfully unaware of how a microphone works – just because it’s attached at your chest we can still hear your disgusting elephant farts in the rooms where you let them rip into your spandex, thus causing you to float further up into your bubble of stupidity.
Someone has posted a lot of Victoria’s flatulence on you tube and it’s pretty hilarious because I don’t think she’s aware it’s going to be ‘aired’ (so-to-speak), for everyone in the world to laugh at.
Princess Flatulence rips through rooms and wins. If it were only a comp……
Just gotta say, your Evictoria is hands down way better than my Derelict or Phelmasaurus. Simple genius!
Aww…Everybody poots. Oprah said it on her show one year. Thumbs down if you have never. Then again people do it in sleep too so don’t be to sure you don’t.
On ‘Scrubs’ Turk said that his wife and daughter does and it smells like hotdogs!….lol
I have my counseling licenses and thanks for asking.
rumor mill Christine had a nervous breakdown and was removed from the jury house for observation
How it should have gone down
The Gold reset button should have been a Gold Flip button i.e. as Julie would say twists of all twists
the house and jury are flipped those in the house become the jury those in the jury become the house.
Who would not have watched if it had played out like that?
Victoria is a spoiled brat
Frankie is a narcissistic ass
Cody is a Mimbo
My money is for Derrick and Calib in the Final 2 with Derrick for the win
Donny for AFP
Zach & Donny returning next year as co-zingbots!!
Did you get an attorney ya fruit loop dingus– Says Zonny
Can’t believe Donny would win America favorite – not mine.
So the Vic hate was either
A. Almost entirely from Zach/maybe Christine
B. To trick the houseguests into thinking they can beat her in the end
They definitely don’t hate her as much as Cody or Frankie.
Twas me who thrashed the necklace. Damnable bling stole my air time.
I personally love seeing the jury. Do it all the way to the finale. I am so down for that. And congrats Simon. What a beautiful baby!
Production told them to create a mess, so you can’t really blame the jury, and they told Zach to break something of Victoria because of what she did to the pink hat.
Simon – your little Jack is so beautiful he does not look like a newborn!
God bless your family!