2:40am – 3:15am Derrick heads up to the HOH room. Cody says Caleb is scared as f**k about Christine. He thinks if she wins he is going home. He f**king slipped and said if Frankie wins and one of us (Cody or Derrick) would go home instead of him. Derrick says they slipped in front of me and then they wouldn’t leave me alone to talk to you. Cody asks dude should I throw one of them up tomorrow? Derrick says I don’t think it’s good for your game. I want you to so bad though. So bad you have no f**king idea. Cody asks what did they slip up and say? Derrick says don’t just judge off me, you had Caleb and Frankie in the room and Caleb said something like.. it wasn’t even a slip it was just basically them showing their cards like they’re going to try and get out you and me eventually. They were talking about if Nicole wins HOH and puts up Frankie and Christine .. and Caleb won the veto he would use it to save Frankie. Derrick says he doesn’t need to but doing it would mean me or you go up on the block. Cody and Derrick agree that Nicole isn’t coming after them (Cody or Derrick). Derrick says I have to separate them (Caleb and Frankie). They’re just being blatantly obvious that they’re going to continue to save each other and Christine’s in on it too. Derrick says I think she’s playing us. Cody says here’s the thing if I pull Nicole down we could send one of them home on Nicole’s vote and your vote and Victoria’s vote. Derrick asks and keep Donny?! He’s coming after us. Cody says yeah that would be the only downfall of it. That’s the thing I can’t take the shot. Donny will put you and I up. Derrick says Donny has to go. Cody says if Caleb wins HOH he is going after Nicole. Our only opportunity to go after Frankie is the next one. Derrick says and if not we go after Christine. Derrick says if I win HOH and she hasn’t come to talk to me. I will put Nicole up. Cody says that’s the thing we can’t get rid of her because then it give them the votes. The thing is Victoria is a vote but she’s not a player. Nicole is a vote and a player. Like she can smoke them in any comp just as much as week could and she’ll vote with us. Derrick asks do you think this is stupid.. Do you think we should make a fake alliance with Nicole? Cody says I don’t think thats stupid but what if .. I don’t know how tight she is with Christine. Derrick asks are you using the veto? Cody says no! Well I want to use the veto and get out Frankie because we could get him out. The 3 numbers we need are you, the person coming down and Victoria. But then Nicole and Donny are still here and then we have to battle Nicole and Donny and the other side of the house. One of them will get picked off and one of them will but both of us won’t make it to the end. Cody says Caleb just said he wanted to go final 3 with you and me. He said he doesn’t want to go with Frankie. Cody tells Derrick he will help him study the past comp info. Cody says Christine is a f**king floater.. she isn’t throwing the comps she just can’t win them.
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3:20am – 4am Derrick, Frankie and Victoria are in the kitchen eating and talking about random things. In the bathroom Derrick tries to teach Victoria to whistle but as much as she tries she can’t. He keeps telling her to stop. The live feeders are watching, you’re going to be so embarrassed. They all head to bed. Frankie says I love you guys. Get some sleep you little f**kers!
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People stop wishing for production to give Donny or Nicole a special
power to save them. It’s not going to happen. Production only saves
players that wish to have a career as a BB reality celebrity.
Donny and Nicole both intend to go back to their home towns and resume
their ordinary lives. They are not fame junkies. They have no future value
for CBS. No Survivor. No Amazing Race. No guest appearances on other CBS
shows. They might get asked to do BB All Stars but only to fill out the cast (Chicken
George anyone).
The only people who could possibly get a production save are Frankie and
Caleb. Both desperately wish to be the next Jeff or Rachel. Frankie has a shot
at being the next Rachel. Both are good competitors and definitely annoying.
Production didn’t save Zach. They won’t save Donny or Nicole. Live with it.
A few people have commented on production giving up on Frankie but they are a little late to that game. The fans have hated him since about week 2. He is truly one of the most repulsive people ever to be on a reality show. He is the gay community’s Omarosa.(with apologies to Omarosa!). I actually believe that Frankie is the bastard child of a Kardashian and a toy poodle.
As for production rallying behind Donny, I wish you were right. Based on review of all the past 15 seasons of Big Brother, it is clear that production does intervene when they believe it is in the best interest of ratings. I don’t think that unfortunately, that production really cares about he quality of who wins. Some of the most despicable people have actually won this game and some pretty sketchy other house guests have actually won Americas Favorite. (Jeff Schroeder being just one). I hope that Donny can at least win Americas Favorite as that would redeem this season in a small way.
Based on the tear-filled tribute to Derrick last night, I think production is attempting to rehabilitate him as a good person. The only thing that was missing from last nights episode was Derrick’s 3rd grade teacher saying what a “kind and nice boy” he was. Or maybe they could have showed a video of his starving daughter and how we are “taking food out of her mouth” if he doesn’t win with an 800 number to contribute so she can eat today. I got a cavity watching last nights episode!
Too bad that production does not see how much the fans hate undercover cop Derrick and there is little they can do, even the good edit they gave him last night, ain’t gonna sway the fans that have watched his antics on the live feeds. Adding insult to injury, CBS made us watch his pandering and gaslighting for a full hour last night. For those of you who do not understand the term gaslighting….I will define it for you:
Gaslighting defined: an extremely effective form of emotional control that causes a target to question their own feelings, instincts, and sanity and breaks down the targets ability to trust their own perceptions. The term “gaslighting” has come to be applied to attempts by certain kinds of personalities(narcissistic and sociopaths) who are among the personalities most adept at sophisticated tactics of manipulation — to create so much doubt in the minds of their targets of exploitation that the target no longer trusts their own judgment about things and buys into the assertions of the manipulator, thus coming under their power and control.
You so that you can see that this term accurately describes the exact psychologically damaging tactics that Derrick has deployed in his “mission” to win himself a half million dollars. BTW, this tactic is lesson 101 in any undercover cops training. Even given that most of the rest of the cast are mental midgets, Derrick’s advantage going into this game and the continually advantages he has been given during the game, have actually rigged the game in his favor since Day 1. Without TA, Derrick would not be in the position he is in now and Frankie would also not be in the position he is in now. I find it ironic that Derrick is now trying to use TA against Donny by claiming that Donny is not loyal to TA. And if you have been paying attention, that is a classic example of how gaslighting works.
Maybe Jocasta can speak in tongues to the remaining houseguests and tell them that Frankie is a snake and Derrick is a viper cause it seems like they don’t understand it in any other language.
I don’t know what can be done to save this season but I think it was doomed from the very start with the casting of Derrick and Frankie with a bunch of emotionally stunted kids.
I hope everybody gets a chance to read this…. hope you repost several more times. Nicely written. Of course the trolls will thumbs down because it consists of more than 5 words all spelled correctly…lol
Glad you found it insightful and thanks for all the thumbs-up. Feel free to re-post at will. Hope it helps viewers to see into some of the interpersonal dynamics of this season.
The is where Derrick fails. He is so afraid of Donny that he will allow Frankie to float through and if Skankie wins HOH Cody could be the target or him. If they were smart (hahaha) then they would form a fake alliance with Donny and Nicole and remove Skankie, Ratine, and Dumb Ass Cowboy. But they are afraid of their own shadows to make a move in this game. Even the updates were so boring that is how bad the game has gotten.
Interesting post. I can’t bear to watch show so only read this forum it was interesting to read they are trying to reframe DerPrick as the nice guy. And I guess if the general broadcast audience gets to only see the edit they could probably make him see likable….maybe with some suggestions in DR from production. Since he’s going to win I guess they have to build him up. Did he really start saying he “liked” Donny?? That’s a big clue he’s being coached.
I tried to watch last night’s BB but gratefully fell asleep and missed most of the program.
Thanks for taking the time to wirte this huge and thoughtful response. Everything you wrote is true. Yesterday’s episode was hard to watch. Derrick saying he likes Donny ins the DR was so pathetic. It only goes to show that he’s good in reading the game and realizing he’s a piece of shit who has chosen the wrong crowd. Too late. He may win, but most of us will always remember him as the shady as dude who’s probably a shady ass cop. Using the daughter is ridiculous… but more ridiculous is saying the stuff he says… in one of the recaps he just said that Victoria is “a far in the wind.” So cool, so nice, so kind, sooo polite! I have said this before and will say it again: it’s okay to play the game and lie etc. But insulting people is not necessary. Playing in a “personal attack” level is not necessary. Calling someone a froot loop dingus is funny and not something that will scar a person’s feelings. But calling someone a wet slippery condom is bad. Calling someone b!tch, sl*t and etc is also not okay. Derrick and Frankie are a piece of shit. I’m always like: play… but have some class! The only consolation would be to see Victoria getting the 500K from a resented jury and watching Donny get AFP and Zach being invited back for a different season. Derrick is trashy…
Jeez… today is mispelling day for me.*write / *fart in the wind / *ass / – those were the most obnoxious ones… lol
You take what Derrick said and made more out of it. .Has Victoria done anything? No..that’s all his comment meant, fart in the wind..wind blows it away so it has no effect..Victoria has no effect in the game..You’re just spinning it to prove who you like. Well if that makes you feel better, whatever. So go on and whin ..stump your feet..and bemoan it’s just not fair..boo hoo..Give me a break..
The term “gaslighting” was coined after a very popular 1938 play titled “Gas Light”. The play ultimately had both a British and American film version. US version (1944) starred Ingrid Bergmann, Joseph Cotton and the film debut of Angela Lansbury. If you’re a fan of classic movies this is one of the best. And, it excellently defines “gaslighting” in graphic terms.
I wish they could bring back Devin, Amber or even Joey! lol
I would like Jessie(season 10 and 11) to come back and I can’t stand Jessie that’s how much I dislike these people
You’re just a spoil sport..Derrick is just playing a good game. Donny has won competitions but what about playing the rest of the game. He’s always saying they’re always after him, but when did he try to build a strong alliance. I like him as a person, except for his whining everyone is after him.. Derrick is playing the game the way it’s suppose to be played..This game isn’t based on being nice..If everyone were being real nice and say that’s ok..you don’t have to go home..I’ll go home for you..Give me a break.. The people that are doing well is because of how they played the game. I don’t have anything against undercover cops.. somebody has to do it. There’s bad people out there and we don’t want them to hurt the children or anyone for that matter. You can like whoever you want but don’t be delusional that Donny is this or that..we really don’t know because he hasn’t done anything and he has mad some snide remarks..so he isn’t that saintly. Well..I’m just leaving my comment ..not responding anymore..I have things to do.
what was Donny supposed to do, you had eight people in an alliance and 6 idiots working for those eight people, and then one person who had it figured out, what could he do if everyone was to stupid to listen to him
Absolutely right! 100 thumbs up!
Even Zach’s die hard fans would agree that it seemed Zach didn’t have the heart or desire to go back into the house with the buy back comp. Then again why would he? Other than the money, there was nothing for him there but disappointment and betrayal. I think Zach let his emotions rule his game, and when Frankie backstabbed him then he let his emotions take over. Zach took the game too personally.. I hope to see him on All Stars 2 if it happens. Then again he may just pop up on Big Brother Canada 3 like Dan Gheesling did the 1st season of BB Canada, that way BB fans could see him again and watch him wreck havoc. This would be something that producers of BB Canada would be thinking right now, how to get him to appear BB Canada 3 considering how popular he is. Imagine if Zach showed up on BB Canada 3 and had a secret power?
“Caleb asks Derrick if he’s into guns. Derrick says no, I never really got into them. ”
Derrick is really f***g this guys. Poor Caleb.
You mean poor Caleb because he is too stupid to see through Derrick? Same as Cody? No, Derrick is a genius, evil genuis but he has all these wanna be celebs believing everything and questioning nothing.
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Shut up Derick! Like wtf!!!!!
BT Murf’s Poll #1
Which would you rather do?
A. Get a lower G.I. with a garden hose.
B. Introduce your daughter to Caleb.
Click thumbs up for A.
Click thumbs down for B.
I never claim to actually like Caleb. But in all honesty – Caleb is about 23. When he gets a little older, about 26, he has it in his to be the perfect boyfriend/husband. He will be a superb protector, a great provider, tell his woman she is beautiful everyday, will give 110% attention to his woman, and has a great sense of humor. One day he will be the best boyfriend/husband out there.
As long as she is submissive so he doesn’t need to teach her ‘her place.’
That’s right, like he turned on Amber 3 times this season and tried teaching her a lesson or threatened to throw bananas at her face.
He’s 26 now and a total narcissistic psycho. I think 90% of all his stories are made up, btw.
I find Caleb to be far more likeable than Christine or Victoria. I think he’s got more potential to turn into a decent human being, at some point, than either of the girls have. It’ll take some time, however. And some counseling.
Ike comparing apples and apples.
Umm you’re insane. And get your facts straight he’s 26.
Cody always gets me hyped up with talk of big moves…then he ruins it by telling Derrick, and then he gets talked out of it and pusses out
Ugh seriously. I want him to use the veto and put Frankie up but then Derrick keeps talking him out of it!
Do it, Cody! Make a decision on your own for once!
And all this time I thought you were just some dumb kid…can Donny call them or what?
Now that Cody has won another HOH and a POV he thinks a comp beast. Even though I strongly dislike Christine, he is making comments about her floating through the game and going through a free ride. She won the same amount of things he won plus a BOB. He has been making comments about floaters prior to these two wins. Because he is in a big alliance does he think he shouldn’t be considered a floater? Donny and Nicole and even Brittany and Amber for that matter had to fight to stay in the game. These people in this alliance had it so much easier because they have the numbers. They can thank Devin and Zach for forming the Bomb Squad and Detonators. Cody said if Victoria makes it further than him he would be pissed. How does he think the other houseguests they were evicted feel??
cody has missed opportunities that would have been good for him before, no reason to doubt he’s going to miss this opportunity. If they don’t use the veto to get rid of Frankie or Christine or even Caleb now, when do they really think they are going to have another chance? There will only be 7 people, and Derrick obviously isn’t winning HOHs, and Cody can’t play in the next one. They leave Caleb /Christine and Frankie, and the only people they will be able to put up is Nicole with either Derrick or Cody.
A true statement for certain.
I hope a house fall on Disgustine and Shitoria…two less fugly bitches in the world!!!
Lmao this is the most boring season ever, I don’t think I’m gonna watch the episodes anymore because production edits it to make Frankie and Christine to be innocent and Donny to be the one who betrayed TA.
All you people who say you’re going to stop watching are obviously NOT going to do any such thing. You’re not fooling us. Stop fooling yourself!
I stopped watching. Last week I deleted the series from my DVR. I don’t want to be lied to by CBS. The show does not reflect what is really going on in the house. The editing infuriates me, it’s so insulting. I know my not watching doesn’t affect ratings, but it just makes me feel better. I come to this site to catch up on what is REALLY happening. Plus I love all the comments and I don’t have to endure the torture of listening to the likes of Frankie, Christine and Victoria. This site is so much more satisfying than the weekly CBS revisions of BB. The series should be called Bullshit Brother. I’m totally done and I mean it.
That isn’t necessarily true, George. I stopped watching on the double eviction. I come here to see what is going on; i’d rather help out Simon and Dawg, than CBS, when they’re putting this shitty, piss poor product on the air.
Doesn’t mean i’m not curious – but does mean i’m not watching the show anymore. Or the live feeds. This whole season is a wash. Maybe next year they will get it right again; but given the decline from 14 to 15 to 16, i’m not holding my breath.
BBCA starts this winter – and hopefully it’ll continue to be a better product than the crap BBUS has turned into.
I completely agree with you Kevin. This production has be awful and downright predictable. As for “expect the unexpected” catch phrase, I think that was an overselling point. I too am looking forward to the british version.
Deleted my feeds and have stopped watching, Mr. Know-it-All. Get over yourself.
I stopped watching the live feeds…its turned to garbage! Coming to this website to get updates is so much better than getting infuriated over watching these twits bad mouth Donny and Nicole.
Still watch the shows mainly for the competitions (I miss the grueling, meaningful, comps from past seasons), but I barely watch the feeds… maybe 20 min the past 3 days.
Victoria common. You too? Seriously, u gonna sit there and talk about Donny?
Obviously you are not as smart as Donny thinks.
I’m not going to bother getting my hopes up about Cody getting Frankie out of the game. I know he doesn’t have the guts to do it. And if he did, production wouldn’t allow it. He just mentions it and gets called to the principal’s office (DR).
Watching Caleb play chess, is like watching a cat trying to use a fork.
This just in…cats screeching and committing suicide everywhere! what the meow?!
That play was stupid. What a waste of air time. Frankie is so gross….he’s skinny….ugly….and is one of the worst examples of a gay man. He will be shocked to find out how much he is disliked. This cast might get more hate mail then last year. These guests try to hide their true self but it’s coming out. Last seasoning it came out quickly how the house guests were….Victoria will be known as the not so intelligent floating virgin. Christine will be known as the floater who embarrassed her husband on tv. Caleb will be known as mr. Liar….can’t believe his stories….also as one ugly gross person. Cody will be remembered as the man who didn’t know if he liked men or women and couldn’t make decisions on his own. He is cowardly. Donny will be remembered as the soft spoken man who only wanted to be accepted. ..who was shut out from the beginning. …who was made fun of each day…who is a better person than all of them put together. Derrick will be remembered as the cop who tried to control everyone….The faster he talks the more he’s lying…typical cop mentality. This is the worst season and I have seen them ALL.
Am i the only one who doesnt even watch the cbs episodes anymore?
I hope grodner the Hutt is proud of herself for casting Victoria. Might just be the most clueless non entertaining dipshit ever in the house
Me too Kyle……I gave up the TV and the live feeds…….I’m sticking with Simon and Dawg to finish this up.
Me too.
Me Tres!
I’m no longer watching the show and I cancelled the feeds. Simply too much ugliness, there. I skim this website to stay current with the events in the house, but I can’t make myself watch these truly contemptible people, any longer. I just don’t have the stomach for it.
OMG Cody, yes take Nicole down and put Frankie’s molesting ass up! Donny will always be a target.
I starting to think Frankie could stab a knife into Cody’s head and Derrick would convince him not to bleed.
Now that was funny
30 DAYS LEFT !!!
So Cody and Derrek know that Caleb, Frankie, and Christine are coming after them but they want Donny out instead of trying to work with him for at least a week? No talk of the saboteur? I really think Derrek deserves to win, but now I hope he loses just on pure stupidity!
I now want Derprick out before VapidVic just to see the look on his face
Dont watch it then!
We complain because we want change. The fans still love BB and it’s concept, we’re just tired of it being so boring and predictable. There have been years when my favorite was booted early on but I still watched the rest of the season, because it was an entertaining show. Change it up BB!
Use social media to ask fans to turn off Big Brother for 1 night. Let CBS know just how boring the show has become. Kill the ratings. Power To The People!
I have already stopped watching the live show because they give Frankie an Derrick good edits an do not show them as the horrible ugly people they really are! They both should not have careers to go back too after things they have done an said this year, Seriously what person thinks doing a show in lack face is a good idea? just shows how vile a creature Frankie really is!!! Team Donny!
They’re in my spot.
I really hope Nicole and Donny make it past this week and get even further. This season has been way too predictable so far, too much “I want them out so bad” and “I’m considering making a bold move” but then always doing what “the alliance wants”
Can someone put duct tape over Victoria’s mouth
Remember when she said she “never” says bad things about anyone? Calling Donnie weird or rude for standing around her? She didn’t even talk the first couple of weeks, she would just show up and not say anything and they thought she was weird.
Why stop at her mouth? Just wrap her entire empty head with it.
BB has been my favorite summer show since season 2, season 1 was iffy for me. I now realize the show is trying to keep up with the latest trends of high school kids and first year college students. Those of us who have watched every season are disappointed, but the newer folks are not. The house guests the past two seasons have only seen the prior 2-3 seasons or not at all. Our guilty pleasure is no longer designed for us, and I was wrong to hope for a good thing to last. Next year I will be saying the same thing, damn I wish I could stop watching, but I just can’t pass by a train wreck and not take a look.
Best Collaboration
Beyoncé ft. Jay Z, “Drunk In Love”
Best Video With A Social Message
Beyoncé, “Pretty Hurts”
Best Cinematography
Beyoncé, “Pretty Hurts”
Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award
and Frankies sister (you know the one he said was bigger then Beyoncé)
Best Pop Video
Ariana Grande ft. Iggy Azalea, “Problem”
now I know what Ariana is singing about “she’s got one less problem without you” Frankie I mean it worked out perfect for her having your fame whore ass locked in a house so she could do her thing
Yeah, I kind of laughed thinking about Frankie while watching the opening of the VMAs. Ariana Grande has a pretty voice but little stage presence-Jesse blew her and Nicki Minaj off the stage. This will probably be the zenith of her fame and Frankie was locked up in a dirty house, mugging for the cameras like a demented clown. It’s too delicious.
cody: I want to pull down one of them and put up Frankie or calib what should I do daddy derrick
Derrick: son you do what you need to do but I WANT Donny gone so you don’t do anything
Cody: thank you daddy for doing my thinking for me
Victoria:Donny is so rude he like is mean too me for talking and being social and being a human being
Christine: hes and ass I hate him cause he is so nice and people love him and he gets along with total strangers what an ass how dare he(Donny) be a nice man
Calib: daaaaaaaaaaaaaa hey rocky watch me pull a rabbit out my hat nothing up my sleeve presto ooops wrong hat
Frankie: me me me me my sister ariana you know shes famous mee me me me me
Nicole: I wanted to win now I’m thinking how can I lose and get thrown out of here
Donny: I’m so happy two more days and I get to walk out of here with something NONE of these people will ever have INTERGITY!! AND I get to talk to Mrs Les Moonves
Production: the public is getting angry they have pitchforks and torches on the other side of the wall,we better keep the HG’s in the house locked down for the rest of the season
Craig Ferguson: Keeping it classy all the way to Christmas then CBS can kiss my ass
Geoff Peterson: I am a gay skeleton robot except I don’t have skin or a nervous system so I cant feel anything so the gay part really is useless
Lmao @ Caleb/Bullwinkle.
Your comment —:from a true Dingus froot loop.
I hate Derrick. And I hate Cody more for not making his own decisions. I don’t even think it’s derrick’s fault that these idiots are listening to him because Cody is a puppet pu**y. Ugh it’s just disgusting to watch this shit. Derrick is no fun either.
Derrick is a buzz kill. Every time someone wants to make a good game move, he spoils all the fun.
He wants to win the money. He doesn’t care about entertaining you!!!
I hate how everyone rips on Donny for his lack of social game. He is great at comps, very perceptive and intelligent about what is happening inside the house, and I think has a fine social game. His problem is that everyone he was social with has been evicted. He could have worked with Nicole, Brit, Amber, Hayden, Jocosta, Pao, Zach and maybe even Devin if the evictions had shaken out a little differently and a few of them were still around. They all LOVED him. Just so happens that he has become the last remaining ‘other’ (besides Nicole now). So it isn’t that his social game sucks, it’s just that he didn’t connect with the right people and wasn’t able to crack the big alliances allegiance to one another because he wasn’t ‘with them’ all summer.
Just my opinion anyways 🙂
Donnys game has suffered for one reason and that is that he won’t kiss Officer Wiggum’s as&. It’s that simple.
If you go back, way back to the very beginning of this season, Devin and Cody had a distrust of Donny. I am going to state that this did not just happen out of the blue. It happened because Officer Wiggum profiled Donny as a threat right away and wanted him out. You can trace the problems the rest of the group have had with Donny directly to Office Wiggum. The key is that Officer Wiggum never has allowed the distrust to come directly from him but he uses the other HG’s to spread the lies and observations that he himself has about Donny. And the most heinous thing about it is that Officer Wiggum and Franka&$ have used their membership is Team America as a cover so that they can lie directly to Donny’s face and attempt to make it look like they want to keep him in the game.
I agree, I get annoyed by people saying Donny didn’t start trying to play the game until a few weeks ago. Short term memory loss??? Donny did start playing right away but he stood no chance once the bomb squad was formed day 2 (with the combo of bob) and once Derrick pinned him as smart.
On that note, I have said this before, Derrick has always rubbed me the wrong way, but this is where Derrick actually played a really good game. He felt out every single person in the house within the first week by approaching them with “hey I’m an outsider and so are you, we should team up.” From that he got a read on which hgs would buy his BS and which wouldn’t. That is how he picked Vic and Cody as his closest allies, knowing immediately that he could control them. That is also how Nic and Donny ended up his number 1 targets. If you go back to the beginning of the feeds you hear Nic talking to Hayden about how Derrick approached her and tried to pull the outsiders card with it and how it was complete BS and you can’t trust Derrick. Later you hear Derrick telling the HOH Nic is not to be trusted. Unfortunately Nic forgot about her guy instincts on Derrick and it was ultimately her first downfall in this game.
On a side note I love how Derrick goes around saying how smart NIc is to everyone but then thinks Nic would fall for a 3rd fake alliance with him! Obviously he doesn’t think she is that smart, or he just thinks he is that good.
He connected with the right people. Just not the right people to win the game!
Actually he didn’t… he knew from the beginning Jo/Brittany/Poa were worthless people to align with, which is why he never actually formed an alliance with them. He tried week 2 to form an alliance with Hayden/Nic/Cody/Zach/Amber. Hayden nixed Amber right away when he brought it up but it never came to fruition because Derr already had his claws in Cody and because the bomb squad was already formed.
And of course, them ostracizing him is not helping his “social game” at all. Gee, you think?
Zack was right, these people minus Donny and Nicole are a bunch of fruitloopdinguses!! They deserved a boxful of fruit loops EACH dumped them on the night he got evicted and not a handful. ugh, this season is going downhill fast at a rapid rate.
CBS: we know how you love to manipulate the game and all, but you should’ve kept Zack!!!
Zack is the man!!
I, too, do not agree that Donny didn’t have a social game. We use to learn as children that when there is a group, you try to be cordial and friendly. If the group puts up resistance to the conversations or you begin to sense they don’t want you around, are you suppose to force you presence on them? If Donny was not cautious at the beginning and instead constantly tried to be part of this group regardless of the “get away from us” vibe, does anyone really think he would have been accepted? Or would the group yell all the more, “Why doesn’t he just shut up and sit in a corner!”? … or worse.
This cast seems to exemplify the old adage “Birds of a feather flock together.” When you are around a person who tries to treat others with respect and kindness, it can help a person think/act more kindly. Zach had the conversation with Donny about Donny’s brother. Later, Zach mentions how it is just a game and he has his health (or born healthy), etc. That is not to say Donny is responsible for Zach’s words or actions, but I do feel that he had a positive influence. The more the other group gathers together, the more hate and vitriol they seem to express.
This is not a criticism: I think Derrick is playing the game with the sole purpose of winning. He has one goal in mind and his sole loyalty is to winning. This is why people are expendable – they are either 1) a means to the end or 2) must be removed. This is simply my observation and I don’t think that necessarily reflects on Derrick as a person. I think his talk with Donny was genuine; during that encounter, Derrick stopped his game for a moment and saw the person behind the game moves – perhaps I am incredibly naïve. He has done it on other occasions with other HGs.
It is funny to me that the expression “dumb kid” is thought to be about intelligence. I always thought it is about maturity. Someone says something that is upsetting or hurtful. Maturity dictates speaking directly with the person to see if they meant the statement the way I understood the statement – especially if it seems out of character. It is completely childish to run and complain to everyone else.
I truly like Donny and, sad to say, I hope he is able to go to the jury house on Thursday. I do not think of it as an eviction but an opportunity for some peace. This situation will not turn around but only get worse. Since they get a stipend, staying in that house just doesn’t seem worth the heartache.
Social Experiment: you nailed it! I completely agree with you!
Agree with everything except what you say about Derrick. He was acting when he talked to Donny the other night because he knows that Donny is well liked by fans and production. Derricks just pandering to the camera like he is trained to do as an undercover cop. It’s ok if you originally are sucked in by him but don’t be like the house guests and willfully choose not to see him for the control freak he is.
I agree that I may be totally wrong about whether or not Derrick was genuine in those few, rare moments. I did not watch the CBS episode so I didn’t even see the golden edit. I just read the recap. In the midst of the cesspool that continually flows out of the mouths in the house, I guess I am desperate to see some actions in the best possible light.
I never doubted, however, that the minute that conversation was over, Derrick resumed his game and his single goal – winning the game at all costs. It is a way to play the game… not the style I personally like, but, that is why I would never be good on the show.
I guess the DR finally got Cody to start thinking. … instead of being King Sheep in Derrick’s flock.
I like the plan of keeping Donny/Nicole..
Great! Cody finally has an original thought that would actually work to get Frankie out and Derrick shoots it down. What an idiot! Either side would be smart to pull in Donny and Nicole, but Cody actually has the power to do it and he is going to waste his HOH on Donny or Nicole. That stupid play sounded ridiculous. I hope CBS doesn’t make us watch it!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE DON’T AIR THAT CRAPPY PLAY THING!!!!!!!!!!!
One thing is for sure, there is no way CBS will air Frankie playing the roll of Joey. The FCC wouldn’t allow it. Talking about anal sex. Frankie is just too vulgar. It would take too much editing and bleeping. Sorry Frankie you loose again. Geeze the guy really is a Salvatore. He is sabotaging his sisters career along with his own. Real genius here at work folks.
They already aired it you Dingus froot loop.
No they didn’t Bustafooligan!! They were talking about airing on CBS not BBAD yuh doof-a-ding-dong.
Derrick kind of reminds me of Helen – it’s not the right time! You see where that got Helen. lol. Keeping Frankie and Caleb while they know endurance is coming up is stupid. They both won the first endurance comp.!!
Britany is hot
If Cody actually gets Frankie out I will have gained a lot of respect for him. But sadly I think this is all talk and no action.
after awhile on not watching, I tuned into CBS. yeah, won’t be doing that again. they seriously are trying to shove Cody down our throats, and now 21 jump street derrick? really? because he wears a beanie? seriously? FRANKIE is in his 30’s!!!!!
Derrick: “she’s just a fart in the wind”…And that’s how we’ll remember you, Victoria…as a big fart
Funny how Christine says Donny is rude when she talks shit about EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the house
So CBS is going to have to have the nerve to tell me that America , the people who voted to put Donny as favorite 3, wouldn’t have voted on to keep Donny safe. Derrick would have had perfect opportunity to make 5k and boot out Frankie all in one week. I just don’t get how franki and Derrick didn’t use Donny more to their advantage. It was perfect for them. Make 5k a week and get to final 3-5 and have an extra 50k in the bank. Donny would have been loyal and y’all had chance to say to Donny weeks ago. Listen we have to let you know you’re not in a major alliance after all right now. But we are goin to keep you safe so we can make 5k weekly. This week when you toss your vote to the other house guest just mention to the people you talk to that you think it was so and so. It won’t hurt your game any more then you think because everyone in this major alliance wants you gone anyways. No one would have suspected anything and you wouldn’t have backlash from te people who voted for TA wouldn’t be goof by the house and throwing Frankie or Derrick under a bus.
Ok, so I’m going to go off in a different direction and say that Derrick will not win BB.
Yes many of you out there are screaming at your screens and ready to indicate a thumbs down but give it a second.
Taking Nicole and Donny out of the equation, Cody, Derrick and Frankie have each selected the slackie to bring to the final 2 in order to win the 500k. Right now Frankie and Cody’s slackies are the most legit, Christine and Caleb, because they have actually won something which is not a good thing for Derrick and his slackie Victoria. Because of this 1 slight problem in Derrick’s plan, once Donny and Nicole are gone it is 4 on 2 with the 2 being Derrick and Victoria.
Once we get to these 6 it becomes a battle of keeping the slackies in the game. Derrick, Frankie and Cody all know they are not taking each other to the final 2 so they are now figuring out how to have the most slackies available to choose from in the end. For Derrick though, he must first win something in order to control the game and right now he is showing he can’t win a thing competitively.
He’s starting to feel his days are becoming numbered. Why do you think he’s asking if the POV will be used? He and Cody are tight and Donny has laid the entire game out to Cody who ran back to Derrick. Cody will be Derrick’s demise and Cody will be his own demise because Frankie already has 2 of the 3 slackies, Caleb and Victoria, in his back pocket already.
If production wants a shocker they can work on Cody and Derrick – make an alliance/truce with Donny for one week and get frankie out.
So tired of hearing these houseguests ripping Donnie apart. They take something nice he says and twist it. Really need to grow up. RIP BB16
Victoria I flunked Kinder Garter or whatever You call it
Frankie My Sister did all My coloring for Me, so I passed, barely
Caleb I wrestled a dysfunctional goat to pass kindergarten
Cody I sat next to Derrick all year in Kindergarten
Derrick I played with puppets all Kindergarten One looked like Cody
Christine I f##king hate Kindergarten
Nicole and Donny The Jenga pieces have more personality and IQ then the rest of these idiots combined
I need Donnie and Nicole out of the house so the cast FINALLY turns on each other. I think last season is still the worst and those people were way more vile. I think CBS made a mistake with trying to even out the house by skipping endurance comps, the guys constantly winning them would have become bigger targets or found alliance members to be all talk and no action (derrick) and it would have shaken the house up faster.
The person donny needs to work with is the person he wants out so badly (Derrick). He knows derrick is running the show but too ignorant to work with. Donny made his own bed. The country boy hospitality which i think is fake…. doesnt win BB
I really think that Derrick was talking to Donny to see if there was an opening to work with him. Donny has gone to Caleb, Cody, Zach and Christine trying to work with them and get Derrick out and Derrick knows that. Donny knows that Derrick wants him out. I would just love to see Derrick really take a few minutes to think about teaming with Donny, Nicole and Cody (and Victoria for her vote) and start taking out Frankie, Christine and Caleb. But unfortunately, I don’t see it happening because Donny never really gave Derrick an opening. Donny and Derrick are the 2 smartest people in the house and have the game figured out. What I think the problem is that both of them know the other can win the game and they know that they need to get each other out. Donny’s social game has sucked the entire time and he’s actually resisted making true alliances until the past week or two and now his social game consists mainly of trying to make an alliance with one person at a time. Derrick has played the game like he planned (read his bio) but his big problem is that most of his alliance that is left (Christine & Frankie) have no real alliance to anyone but themselves. I would love to have seen what this game had been like if Derrick and Donny would have teamed up early in the game.
I just think its more about how Derrick has flat out lied and played Donny since they’ve been in Team America. Derrick has worked at times to defend Donny for his own benefit of Team America, but he has never been honest with him. And as Donnie began to see that Derrick was running the house, it became clearer and clearer that Derrick was lying to him. Specifically, last week when Derrick kept telling Donny he’s safe and not the target, then Christine clearly throws the comp to force Donny on the block and Derrick quickly comes into the room to try to control the damage, and Donny saw right through it. And Zach telling Donnie that he didn’t even have a skittle in the bag because he was the one going home.
So if I’m Donny, why would I want to risk working with Derrick. Its at the point where he needs him or anyone for that matter, but Donny knows he’s been the target and that Derrick is the one running the house. So there seems to be very little room for any kind of trust there. How can you trust and open up to someone who lies to you, runs the house and you are the target. That just clearly means you are his target.
Cody needs to be the one to take Donny in. Cody’s gotta see he has no power in the house. Yeah Donny lied to him and he might be a target for Nicole and Donny, but thats just because they have no one. They are both dying to be in some kind of alliance with anyone, and they both have proven in the past to be trustworthy to people that worked with them. Donny is concerned about Derrick and Frankie and Nicole will always want Christine out over any one else, so Cody could have made use of them for some time . This was Cody’s week to put himself in a better position to win and he completely missed it. Again, he’s too busy playing Derricks game and keeps thinking later on he’ll make moves. Unless he is sitting next to Victoria or Christine at the end, he has no shot for the jury votes.
Derprick has constantly lied to Donny all season and Donny knows it. Derprick constantly tells Donny that he’s the reason Donny is still there. Donny knows that Derprick is the reason there has been a target on his back all season. Donny is not some fame seeking fratbrat but Derprick kept talking to him like he was and then actually got pissed at Donny when he didn’t believe Derprick’s lies. Donny will never trust Derprick or Fakie.
Use social media to ask fans to turn off Big Brother for 1 night. Let CBS know just how boring the show has become. Kill the ratings. Power To The People!
cody went against his own intuitions and kept caleb his first HOH…and derrick manipulated him. maybe…just maybe he doesnt want his brother to think he’s a pu$$y and nominates frankie this time. but it would cause major friction with derrick and cody. i dont see frankie getting evicted. cody doesnt like to ruffle feathers.
YOU go sit in the corner, Victoria and Christine! The fans would rather listen to Donny’s dry wit than your constant petty s**t talking. And Cody, nobody has floated on your back. You haven’t done anything ’till this week, and you wasted your wins. Even Christine has done as much as you.
Best idea so far, Cody!!! Put up Frankie and he’ll definitely will be gone this Thursday!!! If they try to do it next week, he can win the HoH and/or the PoV and they both be screwed. Do it, do it, do it!!!!!!!
From Evel Dick’s Twitter
“I hate Frankie the most of any houseguest ever watching the show… and feeds. He makes me want to punch myself in the balls for watching.”
What’s frustrating with this season is that I’ve seen all these strategies designed to allow you to finish third fourth or fifth, as if that’s any better than sixth or seventh. Idiots! You know you have to win competitions to get to the end and guess what? Frankie can win any type of competition, much more so than Donny. So take Frankie out you jamokes and make it easier to win the competition. You fail, then Donnie takes you out rather than Frankie. So what. They all get what they deserve at this point.
Victoria and Cody are bummed because Donny is mocking their intelligence. Haha. The truth sucks doesn’t it???
Stupid, ugly, hateful & demanding. They can never get what they expect because somebody has pampered them into thinking they deserve to be treated like goddesses. When someone genuine gets around them, they have to attack with some outlandish accusations. Donny creeping on them? C’mon you two fugmos, the only guy in the house NOT playing to your insecurities and NOT treating you like the sex objects you demand to be –
He’s the creep, he’s the pervert? You hate him because he doesn’t play the game you demand. Everytime you accuse him with sexual overtones, you are exposing you’re own frustrations. I recommend that you both stay away from all men to reduce your confusion until you learn how to be human beings first. You are both fkin’ pigs who aren’t even smart enough to be delusional about the BB game because you’re so delusional about who you are.
I expect that in real life Donny would be civil to the both of you, but he damn sure isn’t desperate enough to want to date either one of you “Social Skills” ladies. HAHAHAHA……. I loved that Donny called Victoria a genius! I love Donny’s imitation of Devin. I love Donny’s backhanded compliments for Cody. He’s right up there with Zach for rippin’ on idiots in my book. He just leaves them dazed & confused (no bong required)
I agree these two are delusional but, Donny acts like a pervert, all the girls this season complained about his staring and whispered sexual comments creeped them out, a couple didn’t like to be left alone with him..( I heard many of them so I know he said them)..Donny seems like a nice guy and at times I feel sorry for him but, watch the feeds and you’ll see he’s not innocent….his social skills killed his game, if he had started talking to the guys from the start they may have included him a bit more, he knew sleeping when they were all awake was a mistake but, he did it anyway, it’s time for him to go it’s not fun watching a grown man cry because the other kids wont play with him…….
You’re a pervert!! These Bitches couldn’t care less when the young hotties make the crudest of comments and not only make sexual suggestions (including gay Frankie making hetero sex jabs) but physical grab at them. And just because you say all these c*nts say it does not make it true. Vomitoria says he stands too close when she’s cooking?? WTF does that mean (as she pets DerPrick)??? Crustine is the most vile and hates everyone so her word is pointless.
And if you f*cking watched any one the live evictions they all basically say Donny was their favorite!! Including the women. So go sit in a pole knucklehead. You implying that makes you as stupid and delusional as rest of this house.
And BTW I don’t think Donny expected to be put into a house with a bunch of immature children who’s main goal is for “fame”. He was probably expecting more people like DerPrick who know what they are saying and doing and are smart
Thank You GinaB, You said it better than I could, but exactamundo!
about time someone was honest and described these two nasty fuc&ing biches perfectly “c@unts”
Exactly what has Donny said that is so perverted and creepy? I’m not challenging you–I’m honestly asking a question. I see this mentioned here and there, but if anyone has cited an example, I’ve missed it. I just assumed that the girls who were initially creeped out by him were being judgmental and making assumptions based on his looks and accent, as they are clearly stupid and hateful enough to do so. I really am curious as to what Donny may have said or done to illicit such reactions and comments.
They made that crap up about Donny to be cruel an mean because they are little vindictive ugly blotches! it was not true what they said so before you try an destroy a man’s reputation please get your facts straight!
You said you’ve heard it, so give us specific examples. Of what Crusty said, or Shitoria parroted, what you yourself have heard. Because unless you have some special magic sparkle pony live feed to watch at night, no one else has heard this. And if Donny had been as inappropriate as many times as you’re claiming, this board would have blown up. Nice try.
One of the best posts ever. I love it. You are spot on.
So hearing from the outside world that Frankie is possibly a saboteur means nothing to these idiots? From the recaps here, appears there’s virtually no serious discussion going around on what that could mean, or all the money he could be making from the role. Incredible. Is Frankie, Donny and Nicole aware of what was said? Anyone showing any remorse for pinning it on Zach?
Why all the criticism on here about Frankie? He’s clearly the funniest and most talented person in the house! Frankie for the win!!!
Nice try Jack-off !!!!
Go back to the stable Mr Ed where you belong. Go Frankie!!! For the half million!!!
Think of all those schools in Africa!!!
Frankie has talent? By that play last night, he appears to have neither acting, production nor directing talent. A very vile a disgusting person in my book, no wonder he is stuck being just a youtube mogule (his words not mine) no one else probably wants anything to do with him in public or the real world.
Jack anyone that thinks performing a play in black face is a pretty sick person. Just with Frankie making that suggestion should kill any job aspects he ever has or would have along with destroying his sister’s career and along with his comment about euthanizing Zach, dry humping every man on show, comments about other people along with the comment about baby blood on his hands should bring him plenty of bad Karma when show is over. These idiots have no idea how much they are HATED outside of this house and it will be a huge wake up call with huge repercussions for all of them excluding Nicole an Donny. Honestly BB should give them hints to wake them up before they leave or it is going to get ugly for them on the outside!
My guess is that it’s because he’s a fking douche bag.
I hope Christine and Victoria both cry an ocean of tears once they find out what America really thinks of them. What a pair. Have fun reading your fan mail, ladies.
I’m just waiting for the moment when Victoria and Christine come back to reality. Christine, YOU’RE MARRIED..KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF. Victoria, DERRICK IS MARRIED..KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF!!! The ladies are obnoxious for that reason alone!
Pretty sure most of you that say you “hate” derrick would like him if he were not a cop. True fans of the game would be able to recognize his great game play. Remember the beginning when he was pretty quiet? He was sizing up the competition to determine how his game should be played. He found the most naive and sheep like players and made them his closest allies. Just because you don’t agree with his strategy or maybe you don’t like cops does not make him a bad player or a despicable person.
Now frankie and christine on the other hand…
I have been a fan of the show since season 1 and even though I don’t particularly like Derrick I can say in all fairness that he is playing the best game. However, if the truth be told it’s not really hard when you live in a house of fools. I can honestly say that if Derrick were in the house with people like Evil Dick, Janelle, or even people like Rachel or Brendon he would not have been nearly has successful as he is with these stupid house guest. It’s not hard to play a good game when you are competeing against idiots. The only person in the house who sees Derrick for what he is Donny but it’s kind of hard to convince people in that house because they are all blinded by their own self importance and dislike of Donny.
Nice try. Just because many of us see though Derricks BS and gaslighting does not mean we don’t like cops. That’s like saying that those who hate Frankie don’t like gays. Frankie is vile regardless of his sexuality and Derrick is a jagoff regardless of his being an undercover cop. Since you can’t beat the argument you try to discredit the person arguing. BTW—-your tactic is a typical tactic employed by Derrick in this game.
I rooted for Tony in Survuv8r, who was a cop.
Tony played a great game BUT he owned his game. Tony also won quite a bit and worked hard to find idols, etc. Derrick has not owned his game. He is just dishonest and self-important. Doesn’t deserve to win and he won’t. His game is about to get blown up because he has outsmarted himself and underestimated his allies greed. Cops know better than to be overly emotional and while Tony understood this, Derrick hasn’t. Just look at his Derrick has acted the last 2 weeks: not his shining moment
Derrick has not played that great of a game. He had quite a few breaks and in the end, his luck will run out just like your ammunition has.
who is Victoria when did she get in the game Is that the person derrick talk too I thought
she was a shadow did you hear what she said about Donny why she mad at him I know why cause of derrick
Donny did nothing wrong to her just go home victoira we tired of looking at you
Cody is an wuss and cannot wait to see him go, his brother was right, total pussy
Is Donny really being rude to the other houseguests, like they are saying? Or are they just being big babies? I thought the show last night was making it seem like Donny was really intentionally being rude when I thought he was just trying to be funny. I dunno. Maybe he is intentionally being mean because they are driving him crazy. Thoughts? I don’t have the feeds to get what Donny is saying in context. I just read this!
They are just being mean like the bullies they are and you have to remember it came out of that lying Vapid Vic’s stupid delusional lying mouth.
It almost seemed CBS wanted to make America start to dislike Donny and I just don’t see that happening. Live feeders and people who read the updates KNOW what the other houseguest have said about Donny…CBS didn’t show that though.
In THEIR minds, Frankie is a social media mogul, a possible saboteur, using his winnings to build schools in Africa, has a famous sister, can win competitions, and possibly a fan favorite.
Why would they not jump at the chance to take him out?
Because they always think ” next week” is the right time. So sad to think that Caleb could have been out before jury if Cody pulled the trigger. These guys really not have a solid move. Even if they know that there is no big alliance of 6, they are still acting like it is. Grrrr
Derrick keeps saying now is not the time…..by the time Derrick decides now is the time he is going to look around and find there is no one left who will side with him.
Derrick knows exactly what he’s doing. He will not take out any of those other Detonators on his own. First, he needs them to take out his other targets (Donny and Nicole). Then he wants them to self-destruct while he walks through the rubble with Victoria to finale night.
We’re on slop this season because of what went down last season. Through no fault of our own.
EXCELLENT analysis!!!
Everyone dislikes Derrick but he is playing a damn good game its big brother and mosy people dislike him cause he is a cop! Get over it he deserves to win!!disrespect
I Agree hes an Awesome Player
So what’s his strategy going forward?
Is he really playing that good of a game or is everyone else just really bad. The guy was handed a house full of kids, a big alliance others put together for him, and Team America which consisted of the best competition player and the only other person in the house with a head on their shoulders. I’ll give him credit for taking advantage of the opportunities given to him, but he’s not the great player he’s convinced himself he is. This year is just full of a lot of really really bad players. And he’s completely buying into his own hype. The guy is now trying to control the fans like he does the other house trying to convince us Donny is against America because he didn’t want to do that one challenge. He knows the fans like Donny since he was voted into TA but now he’s trying to make us think we shouldn’t. Someones head has gotten a little too big.
I voted him for TA BECAUSE he’s a cop and looked like a dorky underdog. Thought his undercover background would provide entertainment carrying out pranks on the HGs.
Derrick is unlikeable regardless of his status as a cop ( even an undercover cop)
His game has been blessed by luck and his membership in TA. His training as an undercover cop also was a huge advantage for him in a game which he was playing against a group mostly made up of mental midgets.
I dislike Frankie because he is vile not because he is gay. I dislike Derrick because he is a viper not because he happens to be a cop.
Stop attacking the people who dislike Derrick and claiming that they don’t have good reasons for believing that Derrick doesn’t deserve to win. Because the tactic you are attempting to use on us fans who don’t like Derrick is the same manipulative tactic that Derrick is presently using on Donny. Donny’s not falling for it and neither are we.
What a disgusting show that CBS and production allowed last night. I have quit watching BBAD and only watch Thursday to see who goes home and who is HOH. Other than that you nice folks are keeping me up to date as I can’t stomach any more of this crap. Someone please muzzle Christine and Victoria , they make the rest of us women look awful . So full of hate to be so young, just so ignorant. Frankie, my gosh , lock him up and throw away the key, I am so sick of the Frankie show and this is all CBS is showing . Do they honestly think a little teeny bopper singers fans will stay with them for future seasons ? Is CBS looking to lose loyal fans who have been around for years for this mess ? If so then just let this be the last season . This is unbearable. Donny , I pray you will be saved but as everyone else has said, it won’t happen as this year is so predictable and we all know Derrick is calling the shots of who goes home each week. So until later Donny, I wish you a good life and much happiness, you deserve so much better than what has been allowed to be done to you in that house.
Mimi this is s TV show. Nobody cares. Get over it.
I care, jack wad.
I guess production has given up on this being an exciting season. They were trying to rehabilitate Derrik’s image on the show last night. Good father, good cop, likes Donny. blah blah blah.
This season is over for me starting Thursday night.
My point being, they know he’s going to win it. Why bother to watch anymore.
Cody needs to get Frankie, Christine, or Caleb on the block right now or Derrick and Cody will be at the bottam or at least cody will be on the bottam of the pecking order. I say vote christine or frankie out now!!!
Dumb & Dumber are gonna be pissesd off if Frankie wins HOH next week & their asses are on the block Cody this was your chance to get The Pink Pansy out, but you wasted your HOH on Donny listening to Mr.Piggy!! Victoria please stfu you’re annoying as hell!!
OMG, last night when I was watching the feed I heard Cody tell Christian and Frankie that Donny was weird? Keep in mind while Cody is saying this he is in bed with a married woman and a “Man” with makeup on? Let me remind you Cody was stroking this “Mans” Frankie’s arm? Are you serious Cody? Really? Really?
Cody, Christine, and Frankie, all in the same bed. Talk about a freak convention…
Doesn’t Frankie realize that big brother will not show the gross comments that he is making about Joey? With the comments that these houseguests made in their portrayal of other houseguests, I doubt bb will even air that much of it. Prob a good thing lol
Victoria STFU.. please just STFU .. who are you?? just who the hell are you worthless cow???
she’s definitely going to have a major mental breakdown once she walks out of that house
Go back and read what Production Fruduction ! Derrick wants Donny out because he can not get Donny under his control and he knows if Donny gets to the end Donny will beat him.
Simon Dawg thx for info on fankie play sure glad I did not turn on after dark. Just dusting how they talk about past HG.
The people in charge of editing must work a lot of overtime to be able to produce show that depict Frankie and Derrick in such a positive light. So many people out there are confused by the outrage of these HGs on social media because they don’t see the feeds and think that the CBS edited version is an accurate depiction of life in the house.
Just another day at the office for Derrick. He’s playin what he’s been trained in so it ‘s a huge advantage over the other hg’s. . Everyday he slips further and further into his old undercover role from the past and everyday we see more and more of his dirty cop side. Didnt like him in the beginning cuz he was a bore, – dont like him now cuz he’s not just a bore but he’s a dirty cop!
Victoria has a lot of nerve talking about anybody and their game play. This fugly bitch does nothing but sit around plucking hairs off of her face and chest and caking make-up on her face to try to make herself presentable to the public. She is more concerned with how she looks then any game play. Her whole game has consisted on hanging on to Derrick’s dick and doing whatever he tells her to do. She is just about worthless.
Was it yesterday she was talking about dating a guy old enough to be her father? That is all she is good for in my opinion. She would make a good fuck toy for some old guy who is ok with her manly hairy face. She make me sick to my stomach.
Is that really makeup Victoria is wearing…I always thought it was Bondo.
The thing that Cody and Derrick are missing is simple…. Donny is alone in the game, so is Nicole.
Both Donny and Nicole have referred to Christine as an enemy… hell, Christine is the one that
promised Nicole she would not put her up, and then put her up.
Donny has told Cody that he would work with him an alliance change with Donny and Nicole would replace the
numbers loss with the loss of Christine and Frankie.
Cody could easily convince Nicole that she is safe… easily and as far as Caleb, he himself does not trust Frankie or think a final two with Frankie is good.
Victoria she is a moron and she has wanted Frankie out since she was nominated first week.
What are they afraid of Frankies revenge… he would be gone.
They do not loose anything by getting Frankie out. Donny is a loyal man, he has proven that.
Nicole and Donny would take the proverbial life vests and play the game with them and probably more loyal.
Also NONE of them have any real big solo BIG MOVES in the game…. their BB resumes blow.
This is a BIG MOVE…. take out Frankie and solidify Caleb, Donny and Nicole.
You make good points, but this is a season plagued by cautious/timid/predictable play. None of them will do anything to rock the boat. If they could all figure out a way for the whole blob to share in the $500K prize, I have no doubt they’d go for it.
Don’t these people realize part of the game is to make deals to ensure safety for the upcoming week when you can’t play in the HOH. If Frankie and Christine had no problem sending home their “best friends” in the house by their own hand they won’t blink an eye when they get rid of you cody (maybe christine) We’re at the point where everyone’s going after anyone.
Does anyone else think that Victoria is the love child of Fran Drescher and Janice from Friends? With a smidge of the viliage idiot mixed in?
Every time I see her I think of Kathy Najimy from ‘Sister Act’,only not as bright. Or useful. Or entertaining. You get my point.
This has to be the most boring season of Big Brother that ever was and I have watched all of them! Derrick has manipulated the house guests from the beginning, which wouldn’t have been so bad if there had been an epic fail somewhere along the line. He has stopped any big plays and I don’t see how production is going to stop his winning the $500k. The solid votes against the person they want out each week has only added to the failure of this season. In my opinion, this season and last season have been the worst of the worst, and if it doesn’t get any better, the audience is going to diminish as will the ratings.
If I hear the phrases “Expect the Unexpected” and “Most Twisted Summer Ever” again this year I might just lose it. This season has been so predictable and it has not seen more twist than previous years. Unless something happens soon, it is just a bunch of bologna.
This stupid play thing should not be allowed to count as a TA challenge. I do not think it will but we will see.
I believe they are trying to find some way to save Donny and possibly Nicole due to we need them to have someone to root for. I do think that if both Donny & Nicole are evicted then the season will be over for the majority of the viewers. Derrick is playing a good game for himself, but he is ruining it for the rest of us. He should let Cody go after Frankie or Christine. This would help him in the long run as Caleb, Frankie, or Christine will then target Cody and not Derrick first.
To whoever is outside the house with the megaphone, I want to think you for trying to at least help this season and sway some votes.
FELLOW POSTERS: we are saved!!!! I just read online that BBAUS starts Sept 8, hallelujah!!! Where is Jacosta, she needs to get her tongue loosened up.
Serious question: do you think if Victoria makes it to the finale nd wins 50 large you would loose your desire to watch next season? Do you think production will really mix it up to make sure people like her don’t make it far? What would it really take for you to not watch BB anymore? I think Victoia going to the finals is a great game move, but in terms of CBS, drama, ratings, and viewer enjoyment it is a huge thumbs down.
I’m so grateful for this blog. Now I don’t have to watch the show until the mean girls/”cool kids” start battling each other. Then I’ll tune in.
I would love for Victoria to win, not because she’s any sort of game player or, much less, deserves it, but just to stick it to all the rest of them. (And Victoria has too much hair. Just sayin’.)
Just wondering if it’s possible that Franky and Derrick have a deal we do not know about to pick off Caleb and Cody? Maybe to F3 or F4 using Victoria and Christine//////Getting Franky out now would be the smart move and they can make a deal with Donny and Nicky..I don’t think Derrick is that dumb and it is obvious that the endurance comps that come up he would not likely win if Caleb and Franky are playing.
For the first time since the onset of BB, I recorded the episode, but later deleted it….I just couldn’t watch it….the scenario just seems the same week after week. The predictability is just Overwhelming!!!!
1st things first, for most of you that said you stopped watching BB who you kidding, commenting on the feeds shows you interested in it still.and wont give up watching it. 2nd I think even saving Donny at this point is useless, who ever wins HOH is going to be told by Derrick to put him back up again, only chance Donny has is to be saved this week and start winning HOH. Victoria and Christine have a lot of nerve saying Donny is rude, even if he was to say the odd thing, they going to think he is rude because he is older and he has that beard but if he looked something like Cody, they be playing different tune altogether.Actually the only 2 I like in the house at this point is Donny and Caleb, I was going to say Nicole but she had 2nd chance to come back and still wants to be friends with Christine. She does not have back bone. Because what she should been doing is embarrassing the hell out of Christine.I liked Derrick in beginning but I lost a lot of respect for him.