How does the final HOH work
- All three players compete in part 1. (Cody wins part 1 )
- The two losers of part 1 compete in part 2. (Derrick wins part 2 )
- Derrick and Cody compete in part 3. The winner of part 3 gets to decide Who to take to the finale.
1:00AM Derrick, Victoria and Cody
Derrick – Mimosa’s at 12:30
Derrick goes to get them a chug of orange juice.
Cody – Why don’t you cheer up.. you did the best you could
Victoria – My best wasn’t good enough it sucks.
Derrick comes back tells Victoria “You did good kid the best you can”
Derrick – no regrets
Victoria – they asked me if I had any regrets
1:16AM Cody and Victoria
Cody – It took him a 3rd of the time to get over the wall that it took you because of his size of his arms.. The reach that he has also factors in drastically..
Cody explains that Derrick had a big advantage in the competition because he was larger and took go from the bottom right hand corner and the top right hand corner then the top Left hand corner.
Cody – for a small girl it can be tough.. which sucks because you had a competition
Cody – “it’s tougher for someone that’s shorter.. someone that’s taller it helps”
Victoria – I could barley reach it..
Cody – there is a lot of stuff don’t beat yourself up you did do your best.
Victoria says she knew the HOH competition by heart “I never had to stop and question myself”
Cody – that makes it tougher you knew all the answer
Victoria says she never mad a mistake or dropped anything
Cody – you can’t beat yourself up in a situation where you gave it all you could.. You did all you could that is all you can ask for
Victoria – that’s it there is no other cop there’s nothing
Victoria – I went against my best friend in the house.. i’m happy for him but..
Cody knows how she feels say he felt the same way with the before and after.
Victoria – I like truly gave it my all I don’t want to be down these next couple days..
Victoria wants to see how Derrick was able to reach during the last HOH competitions. She wants to know if he was on the bottom he could reach the “the one from the bottom one.. I want to see the difference.. I was flying I was jumping across .. I wasn’t taking my sweet time”
They have a toast “Even though I lost today we will have a very fun couple of days in the Big Brother house cheers to making it to final 3 and cheers to final and let the best person win
Cody – love it I’ll drink to that every time crush it repeat after me … here’s to the breezes,.. that blows through the treezes.. blah blah blah.. (this seems to be Derrick/COdy’s go to toast)
2:06am Derrick and Victoria
Derrick telling her they have 4 days of boredom followed by 5 to 6 days of it being “Nuts”
Derrick says they are going to be texting the entire time “Can you believe that just happened”
Derrick – “We’ll be attached at the hip”
Derrick gets called into the Diary room
Cody – Crush it
Victoria and Cody start going through the memory wall saying one nice thing about every person.
Victoria calls Hayden a sweetheart.
3:50AM Victoria and Derrick
Victoria crying “you told me the other night he’s your friend in this game but “
Hints that he calls her family sister and brother
Victoria – I feel defeated Derrick I can’t do anything
Derrick – what do you want me to say to make you feel better
Victoria – Sob Sob
Victoria says she must sound so stupid in the diary room talking about them having a fianl 2 “ I feel so stupid like I’m in my own little world”
Derrick – I don’t talk game with you I talke life ..
Derrick – I don’t care about the game.. I care about the game because it helps my family but I don’t care how I am perceived..
Derrick – Why are you crying
Victoria – I feel so defeated..
Derrick – you are crying for the comp
Victoria – EVERYTHING do you expect me to feel .. how would you feel wouldn’t you feel defeated
Derrick says if she’s crying about the final 2 that is stupid “I haven’t said anything yet.. you are making your own conclusions again.
Victoria says “Someone” has been putting it in her head
Derrick gets up says he’s going to go talk to production and find out who is putting that in her head.
Victoria backtracks says they have only been asking her questions.
Victoria – I just don’t want ot be surprised in a bad way
She’s worried how she is going to be portrayed.
Derrick – It’s 3am in the morning we’ve both had a couple drinks is this the best time to talk about it we’ll be in the backyard for 3 days
Victoria – I’m just so sad
Derrick – Relax we have 4 f****g days to talk about everything
THey hug, Derrick tickles her “Were you tickleious.. “
4:29am Living Room Derrick and Cody
Derrick says they are guaranteed money and guaranteed “things” They both cannot wait for the finale night. They are thinking about carving “HITMEN” in the bathroom stall.
Derrick – lets do it
Cody – Deep.. bigger than beast mode cowboy to.. maybe in bubble letters
Derrick – the legacy.. hopefully it’s a legacy we’ll see how we’re being portrayed out of here it will be interesting.
Cody starts talking about his weight gain and how he’s going to lose the extra pounds. He blames it on the quesadillas and the cookies
Cody saying the cookies were really bad to “Zach ate cookies every night he was fat as f***”
Derrick – he did gain some weight
Cody – Yeah some weight
Derrick – I’m shocked I ate the same as you guys I never gained weight.
5:02Am talk about the game and the final HOH competition
5:46AM They are finally sleeping
7:43am ZZZZzzzzz
8:36am ZZZZzzz
*** Where’s the updates? ***
There will be no live feed update until Sunday evening. Dawg is getting married tonight out of town and I’ll be attending. I’ll be back on Sunday night to update again. There really isn’t much happening Lots of “HITMEN” and “CRUSH IT” so I’m not expecting us to miss a lot. I’ll still be accessing the comments still so feel free to discuss.
Thanks for understanding you all have been fantastic this season!
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Congratulations Dawg!
Congratulations!! Long life and happiness to Dawg and his Bride!!!
Congratulations (: Also, how come it is a big deal that Derrick made it unnominated, but when Jillian did it, she barely got any credit or acknowledgement?
Do you really think the guys are going to take each other? If I was them I would take Victoria.
I was wondering who the guys are going to take also..This is only my 2nd year watching. I here some say it would be smart for whichever guy to take Victoria. .but would it? How would the jury react to one of the guys actually taking her to the end? I really don’t know, but how I remember some of them saying she didn’t deserve to be at the end, they could vote for her just to spite the guy that brought her..for cheapening the game..Just wondering what the smart move would be for either guy..Don’t respond because you like or dislike one or the other…just game wise what is the best choice?
I neither like nor dislike any of them. I find them all equally worthy of disdain. For different reasons.
If Derrick takes Cody, an argument can be made that since Cody did the dirty work in the first part of the game, Derrick only gets credit for removing Caleb. Therefore no blood on his hands. Remember, the jury doesn’t know what we do. That he has in fact been responsible for every eviction since Devin. On paper his credentials look less impressive than Cody’s. If he takes Vivian, then his argument is that “I have done much better with a social game.” Gambling on a not bitter jury handing the 500k to Valine. I personally think he would sell Cody for a bag of nickels.
Cody could use almost the same arguments against Derrick. If he takes Derrick, he says look, I did all the dirty work. If he takes Veronica, then the argument is I floated her to the end. But using that argument can bite either of them. Why did you play it “safe” by bringing Valencia to the end? Why were you disloyal to your alliance?
Both could use the loyalty argument.
The only way Vivian wins, is one of them take her, and a bitter jury. Her only argument is I was on the block almost every week and survived. But, both Cody and Derrick will point out that she was used by their alliance to remove stronger players. But, latching onto another player and letting them tow you to the end is a valid, if not icky, strategy. She is just like a lamprey to Derrick’s shark. Both are really cold blooded, dead eyed fish.
But could Derrick ‘look’ better to the jury not just for taking Cody because they think Victoria doesn’t deserve to be F2, and it is a sign of weakness to take her, but because by taking Cody he is showing them he is confident that his credentials beat Cody’s? That and that BB fans in the jury will seriously appreciate the F2 long term alliance (from day 2, altho clearly they didn’t have a name until day 27 or something, so is it believable what they are claiming now?). so you have them saying they’ll vote for Victoria if anyone is weak enough to take her, and you have someone who has been subtle thru the game, but talked to enough people that they know he had influence, and as BB fans they would vote for the guy who takes his F2 to the end, has a F2 for that long, and figured out a way for them both to be there. Cody can say the same kind of thing, but at the end of the day F3 includes Derricks back pocket voter, and Cody’s backpocket supporter Christine is long gone.
Lmao at all the different V names u came up with for whats her face….!
My favorite nickname for Victoria is Vamptoria with Vagtoria being a close 2nd.
LMAO@Lamprey. I think that is Vacancies life plan, to attach herself to a man that will carry her through life. Unless of course she drains the life out him first. This is what you get when you’re a self-absorbed, coddled, spoiled brat who receives validation from Mom & Dad for doing squat.
Of course one of the boys will take Victoria. And of course they’ll win if they do. Does anyone really think the jury will reward Victoria for essentially doing nothing all game long?
Pretty much mean she’s pocketing 500K.
I recently binge-watched both seasons 7 & 12; both were way more entertaining than this snoozefest (16).
Can some of the longtime fans please tell me which one I should watch next? Season 7 or 10?
Thank- you.
Oops. I meant to type that I recently watched seasons 8 & 12.
And ,which is better 7 or 10?
*I blame my fat thumbs for my mistake*
I recommend any of the following, BBUK, BBCAN, and BBAUS.
Hands down season 7!
Yup season 7 all the way Season 10 stunk IMO
Derrick game = Flawless
Congratulations to you & your Bride to be Dawg!
As your Journey in life together begins, the 2 of you go into the winds.
Being the rock that each other needs, together you’ll be eternally
XOXOXOXO Much Love & Happiness to you Both
Ok Dawg… So much appreciation for what you and Simon do… Bowing down, and I don’t have pink rooster hair! Thanks… J
And a small token of appreciation.. for you.. My favorite “Marriage” joke I have told at many weddings as a Brides Maid (never a Bride.. LOL!)
SO it is Dawg’s honeymoon night… And Mr. & Mrs. Dawg are finally settling in to a night of passion and disrobing….Dawg strips down to his underwear, takes them off and tosses them to Mrs. Dawg.
“Put those on, PUT those ON!” Dawg says. Mrs. Dawg pulls them up but they keep falling down.
“I can’t wear these!” declares Mrs. Dawg…
Dawg: “YES! And you better realize that the rest of our marriage!!!”
Mrs. Dawg takes her itty bitty thong and shimmies it down her legs over her ankles, throwing them and hitting Dawg in his face! “Put those on… PUT THOSE ON!” she adamantly states…
Dawg grabs them and puts one leg in and then the other… He tries but starts falling from left to right as they will not pull up. “I can’t get into these!” Dawg exclaims…
Mrs. Dawg: “You’re RIGHT!!! And you won’t get into them the rest of this marriage if you don’t change your attitude!”
(Sorry for the long post! … But hope you are laughing!”)
CONGRATS!!! To both you and Simon… I’m going to be a Great Auntie!!!
So what happened to the whole I just want Derrick to win this game bull she was spewing. She really thought that was going to work on him? All of her crying about him being evicted before her was really about it being ‘if he goes, I go’. Now that she’s still there with him, he’s become an opponent and she seems to be having a difficult time being nice to him with all the seething anger that has become so transparent the last couple of days.
He’s walking a delicate line with this one – she is definitely not someone I would want to piss off in the real world because she likes knives and scissors abit too much for my taste.
Vote for Nicole for AFP! Donny ruined Nicole’s game! Nicole deserves to win.
How did Donny ruin Nicole’s game?? Derrick ruined the whole season… Don’t any of you Dumbasses even think he’ll come back to play again, because he won’t.
How did Derrick ruin the whole season? He was by far the best player and gave me someone to root for. I just binge-watched both BB7 and BB10 this summer (aka the clinics on strategy put on by Dr. Will and Dan, respectively), and Derrick really continues that line of great strategic players. One of the top ten, maybe top 5 all time, in my opinion.
In all honesty, the person who really ruined Nicole’s game was Christine. Christine could’ve had a really solid alliance with Nicole, Hayden, and maybe Donny/Jocasta/Victoria, but instead she chose to be on the outskirts of the Bomb Squad/Detonators. If she didn’t know she was the most expendable in the alliance, she was blind, and with that she blew her shot (and also hurt Nicole, Hayden, Donny, etc.).
I agree! Christine was the train wreck that messed it up for Nicole. Typical bitter, ugly, spiteful woman who has no skill of her own and is jealous of Nicole’s lovely personality, physical abilities, and most of all Cody’s attention! She just HAD to find a way to back-stab Nic for all those reasons and More. She got the boos she deserved!
Amen, could not agree more. Crusty had potential to be a fan favorite though chose to run with the “cool” guys and became their sloppy seconds; she probably has become one of the most reviled BB contestants ever. Cacklin’ ho!
In your opinion … Derrrick in the top 10? OK, go back to work all you police in Rhode Island.
I can promise you, Derrick will not be back to play another season. WHY?? Because HE IS the reason this season was so boring.., and BB has to know that. And No, as I said many times, Derrick, Dr. Will, and Dan were not so great, at all. Dan was better in BB10 than BB14, because his success depended more on other peoples’ stupidity than great gameplay in BB14. DUMBASSES who overrate players, like Dan, Dr. Will, and Derrick need to learn the difference between great gameplay, and gameplay that depends on the stupidity of other people. If the player is great, he is great, regardless if other people fall for ther bullshit or not!!! DAMN!!! Why don’t you DUMBASSES understand that??. Why was Derrick so successful?? Because people diid not do what the average person of average intelligence would have done. Same with Dan,with the so called Great Funeral. PLEASE!!! I did not like Evil Dick, but he was a much better player, because his success did not depend on oher peoples’ stupidity. Ian was much better than Dan, same reason. Janelle never won, made it to Final 3 twice, and was cut. If not, she would have won twice. Her gameplay did not depend on other people being so stupid. If these houseguests did what the average person of average intelligence would do, than would the so called great players be so great?? If the answer is no, and it is, then they are not great players. What is great is the stupidity of the other houseguests. DAMN!!! DUMBASS!!
DERRICK RUINED THIS SEASON BY MAKING IT RIDICULOUSLY BORING. He basically kepy anything interesting, or conflicting from happening. When anyone thought about making any move that would have caused conflict, or drama, he either stopped it from happening, or if he didn’t stop it from happening, he made it so that no one would be mad anyone, not just him, anyone. Regardless, if you call that great gameplay, it still made this season ridiculously boring. Possibilities for ALL STARS are Frankie, Zack, and Donny. Call Donny boring, but he will be invited back before Derrick.
You are so brilliantly correct on this, I said back in week four that he is the smartest in a household of idiots, and that that is by no means a compliment! A great player needs to go through some adversity and fight for his life in the house, this idiot never once had to fight for his bb life, so please somebody please explain to me how he is such a “great” player when he slept through the entire season!
Caren, I’m a writer and so this is my explanation.
In a drama, like a thriller, you’d be right. The main character has to go through H E Double L in order to defeat enemies and to commit to his cause, face conflict and to grow as a person through the trials of his or her story. We love that. But, this isn’t that kind of drama. Derrick wrote his own playbook, his own script. He played a perfect game because he was able to read his competiitors and see so many steps ahead in the game. He was able to get the other players to trust him and to look up to him as a leader while he was saying aw shucks, I’m no threat to you. I think this was pretty unique gameplay that Derrick could pull off because of his training and experience as an undercover cop. His game is both subtle and masterful game. I don’t think he’s made a mistake so far. He should win.
ITA no way Dereck gets an invite back. He was the main reason this season was so weak. It became so stale and every time there was the possibility for a little drama he threw cold water on it. On top of that he was the leader of a bang of bullies more obsessed with AFP and twitter followers then how they were actually coming off in this house.
He is no Dan, Dr. Will or any so called “BB Great/Allstar”. He is a pig nosed bore whose endless pandering to the camera and BS DR sessions were grating. He owes some of that TA $ to Victoria for the therapy she is going to require when she realizes her whole “relationship” with Derek was just “mist”.
Tired of hearing this lame ass excuse that just doesn’t hold up. You have zero way to know if the cast is idiots or the player makes them look like idiots.
Great players can only be judged by their record. That is it
Anything else is butt hurt hearsay by the person making the argument because they either like or dislike a certain player.
Dr Will was decent but Dan was great all based upon performance
Derrick has the resume of one of the all time greats plain and simple.
All you cry babies about how bad the opponents are, are just making excuses. The seem dumb because he is that persuasive. His magic has worked on every houseguest and he controlled the entire game
BTW. .. your silly great players are always great? is just immature faulty logic. There is no such thing as an always great big brother player because it is so circumstantial.
Production can also interfere at will so those things have to be taken into account. Jesse was playing one of the best games ever when production gave Jeff the coup de tat
Evil dick only work because americas player saved him.
Derrick is worthy of top 5 minimum . nobody has a better resume then Dan with a 1st and 2nd place finish and the only unanimous winner that makes him the best. Dr Will has more fans than his resume merits but that counts for something so he is number two.
Jillian in Canada didn’t deserve her win (vote snafu) but Gary didn’t either bc he had already been eliminated and no eliminated players should be eligible for greatness because they had to be saved by production.
Everything ELSE is just your sorry ass opinion.
Resume and records are all we can use to judge…
The rest weather you agree or not or like it or not is nothing but tor opinion
Keep it to the facts and Derrick is top 5
If he wins unanimously he is top two.
It may surprise you all now to know I do not personally like Derrick
But rational facts are facts the rest doesn’t matter….
Stop your crying you sound ridiculous.
Derrick sucks they are just dumb…
Want some cheese for that whine?
They look dumb because Derrick makes them look that way…
No, Dumbass, I actually do have a way of knowing if the houseguest are idiots, or if the player makes them look like idiots. If the houseguest doesn’t do what the average person of average intelligence/common sense would do, then yes, I can call stupidity on that houseguest. And what I said, is not an excuse. Derrick was very lucky to be in a house full of dumbasses. Do you not think it was stupid for Nicole and Frankie to not expose Derrick to Zack, when Derrick was planning on evicting him?? That’s not Derrick being “That Good.” That is the other houseguest being absolutely stupid. That is just one example of the stupidity of the houseguests. And what do you mean that’s “Faulty Logic??” DUMBASS PLEASE!!! And you are one big dumbass for saying that he makes them seem dumb, because he is that great. PLEASE!!! Derrick did not persuade Nicole or Frankie to not expose him. And way to twist my words. When did I ever say, “Great players are always great.” I never said that. I said great gameplay does not depend on other peoples’ stupidity. So, if a player is great, they are great regardless if the other houseguests fall for their bullshit or not, because their gameplay does not depend on their stupidity. That is different from great players are always great. Of course, I know circumstances are going to play apart, Don’t twist my words, which you wouldn’t do if you felt confident in your argument, because you wouldn’t feel a need to. And it’s real funny that you say, everything is my opinion, but what you say is fact. PLEASE DUMBASS!! No one is falling for your bullshit.
Damn…calm down! Everything is going to be ok…I promise.
It is apparent that all you are able to do is YELL.
You cannot tell which house guests are dumber than other seasons as you have no point of reference
DUMBASS oh i see this is fun… (dumbass)
Anybody Derrick couldnt pursuade ala nic and frank, did you see that he had them evicted? DUMBASS!
Man i could go on all DUMBASS but I am solid in my logic and have no reason to need to continue DUMBASS
So next time leave your water guns and rubber knives at home…
This is a Judi Chop Fight! SMH
DUMBASS PLEASE!!! Oh, Is that what you mean by all caps?? How much of my post is all caps, compared to yours?? It’s real funny how people always say others are yelling, simply because they are using caps. It’s also real funny how dumbasses like you try to challenge me, but never respond to the points. Your post is absolutely ridiculous, and makes no sense. You say that Nicole and Frankie are gone because Derrick couldn’t persuade them. YOU’RE WRONG!!! Derrick did persuade them, and had them fooled. Again, other peoples’ stupidity. It was just their time. Every person, except the Final 2 have to go at some point, so you would have been able to say that about every houseguest. And when did I ever compare these houseguests with houseguests of other seasons?? There you go again, twisting my words. You wouldn’t feel a need to, if you were so confident in your argument. If you’re going to challenge me, then respond to the points.
Let me explain, try to follow silly rabbit…(it is nicer than DUMBASS)
Your opinion of the players intelligence is just that….
your only reference is that they listen yo derrick. What if they only fooled by Derrick bc he was convincing?
you dont know… there is NO possible way to tell. You are making stuff that is called opinion
When I say he is playing well it is based upon stats that can be measured.
How many times was Derrick in trouble? NEVER that means it is a FACT that he played better than the others. Another point of Reference is if people were better than Derrick they should have had just as easy of a time manipulating these stupid (your opinion) houseguests. They couldn’t, at least not as well as Derrick (another fact reference point for me bc i like to use facts) go back to JV kiddo
you have been weighed Measured and found wanting…
Morning everybody….
AWW!!! Are you trying to tell me off and put me in place?? Do you not like the way I have expressed my points. TOO BAD DUMBASS!!! According to you, the houseguests may not be that stupid. It could be possible that they are actually smart, and Derrick convinced them to listen to him, because he is that good. And what the hell do you call that DUMBASS??? A fact or an opinion?? And how do you figure my only reference to the houseguest being so stupid is because they listened to Derrick?? At times, Yes, They did listen to Derrick. STUPIDITY, NOT DERRICK’S GREATNESS?? Why?? Because some things should have been absolute common sense. At other times, the houseguests stupidity had nothing to do with them listening to Derrick. Not exposing him, not comparing notes, etc. And another one of your points doesn’t make any sense. The other houseguests, that are better (Your words Dumbass) should have had just as easy a time manipulating the other houseguests, that I call stupid… Well , that would be the stupidity of the houseguest against the stupidity of the other houseguests. And when did I say any of the houseguests were better?? So now, your putting words in my mouth, in addition to twisting them. The stupidity of the houseguests is just my opinion?? Derrick’s so called great gameplay is just your opinion. He hasn’t even won yet. And if Cody wins the Final HOH, and takes Derrick, then that is just another example of plain stupidity. Because you know, it is common sense for Cody to take Victoria. But of course, you will just call that an opinion, and not common sense. DUMBASS PLEASE!!!
you sure are a glutton for punishment.
I’ll let you off the hook at this point because clearly you do not know what logic is nor do you understand the points I have been making. You can try and turn the argument over any which way you like.
I only state things based on measurable data…
You have an opinion about Derrick that you cannot justify with facts…
SOOO Sad you are having a rough time.
I will leave you alone now before you blow a gasket.
It is ok to be wrong little grasshopper
I’ll prove it to you one last time…
You said my thinking Derrick playing well was my opinion?
Then why did you try and back me up with your WHAT IF scenario of Cody winning and Bringing Derrick to the final as being “more stupidity” rather than good game play by Derrick?
Why is that stupid for Cody to take Derrick? because he will lose?
Because Derrick was the better player?
that means in your own words Derrick is the better player…
using logic oops forgot you don’t know what that is…
I agree, everyone just calm down it’s just a game. We don’t know these people personally so to call them names is uncalled for. Everyone who leaves BB say that they don’t know who to trust, who is lying and their paranoia level is way up. Derrick is very convincing and people looked up to him because of his calm demeanor. I wouldn’t say they are morons, they were just outplayed. Nicole, Donny and Zach did try to expose them, but there were too many people on the other side. Whenever someone was on to them they were targeted.
I think it was Dawg who said roughly “I’d like to spend my summer sleeping my way to 500 grand. I don’t know which hg he was referring to in fairness to him, but it turns out that was the greatest line of the season. IMHO Derelict talked, ate, laid around and slept. Period. He even admitted he doesn’t do much with his child because he hits the couch when he gets home from work. This is my whole problem with him. Taking the easy, lazy way out. Get a 2nd job if it is so hard to feed your child like most of the country does. Lay around for 3 months and GAMBLE you will win that much money? Easy! I saw the guys on tv tonight who risked their lives as private contractors in Benghazi so they could feed their families. Now that is HARD work. I guess talking is hard work for him. I like to see a little “drive and athleticism and guts” in my BB all-star and that is another reason why this season was so boring and he won’t be back.
Derrick made it look easy, but there was nothing easy about it. Not a single mistake — so far!
Yeah, I feel so bad for those contractors, then I remember they’re getting alot of money and have the best security in the world. After last season, BB did not need another bunch of racist, morons, so they opted for your basic unopinionated morons. Derek deserves the win, having to deal with these fools. I can’t understand all the cop hate either, I sure as hell would’nt want to be one, I’m too chicken. I guess the only one that I fully liked was Donny, but he’s a homeboy.
Definitely NOT a cop hater which was your rude implication! That was my point. The contractors that volunteered in Benghazi DO make good money. Brave work to bring home money to their family. Gambling on winning BB, not so much! Much braver than desk work at home and using a girl at BB.
Some good points. Donny for all stars a no brainer. Imagine walking into the house a second time and seeing Donny. Loyal and competitive those are great qualities. He’d be a force running in a 4 man alliance 1st 1/2 of the season. Zack for all the Zack attack reasons. Frankie is dram got no problem with him returning. Hard time even suggesting a girl from this group. Nicole’s sweet and all but all star material I think not. Lets just hope there are no multiple season players. We don’t need to see Dan again, ect. The exception would be Brit. BB gold in the diary room or the outdoor coach. Best entertainment in years.
I’d add for delusion HG add in Caleb as doubt watching himself would fix anything but god no Amber!
For being a super fan, Christine played a dumb game. Working with Frankie was a mistake. Derrick said – loose lips sink ships and that was so true of both Christine and Frankie. They were relaying information to Derrick not realizing he was the puppet master of the game. The Detonators was a cover for Derrick. He used them to gain information to evict whoever was a threat to his game. Her BIG mistake was getting too frisky with Cody. It became obvious to everyone in the house that she was way too emotionally involved with him. When the HG’s are claiming a married woman is in love with a single man on the show, it’s not a good thing. Her game became about lust and not logic. She will regret not playing a more logical game during her time on BB. Christine entered the house as a well liked HG and left as one of the most disliked players in BB history. Sadly, the boos she got on her way out of the house reflect exactly how she played her game. Not good.
Christine is so disrespectful. I can’t stand her stupid constant nervous laugh. Her own family said she was an embarrassment and Christine herself said she has never acted like a married woman even at work during live feeds. Listen.. After seeing her husband I can sure see why she would run towards Cody. However, as much as I like Cody myself I think he was totally out of line as well!! I damn sure wouldn’t act that way with may BFF spouse! Cody should have shown gentlemanly respect. IMO! Christine’s exit interview with Jeff was super short! Only 15 min. Other HG are 30-38 mins.
We all saw that she was at the bottom of the totem pole from day 1 … so why didn’t she see it!? Blinded by the light of finally being a member of the “cool” group? Instead of working with Nicole and Hayden she acted like their BFF to their faces, while undermining them and ultimately stabbing them in the back. The topper was Cackles’ “literally” adding insult to injury with her speech to Nicole about removing the knife from her back etc. etc.
I had hopes for Christine in the beginning. I just don’t get how she didn’t realize she was at the bottom of the boys alliance and continued to play their game. Pissed me off that she did not commit to Nic/Hayden/Donny. She should not have been surprised to be evicted. We all know her character is disgusting but I do agree a couple different choices from her(after Devin & Brittany evicted) could have sent this season in an entire different direction. If there is a next season I will give it a chance but if it’s one big alliance and unanimous voting I will tune out. I miss a divided house with 2 or 3 groups trying to gain control, maybe that becomes 2 groups and the usual 3 or 4 on the fringe being used by both sides. I’m a guy and I cheer more than not for the women. Please BB go get some strong minded, smart professional women. No push overs. LEADERS!
Only Zankie will be invited back next season for All-Stars. They are the fan favorites that can actually entertain.
BB needs to send a MEMO to Victoria – The game is over on Wednesday, September 24, 2014. You will have to leave the building and get on with your life. Derrick is NOT your brother, cousin or husband. He lives with his wife and child in the state of Rhode Island. He is a cop who played a game called Big Brother where 16 people (you were one of them) competed to win a LOT of money. Good luck in the future – please do not call us – we will call you…
you’re disgusting
You’re absolutely right! Where’s the gratitude? Where’s the “Thank You Derrick, for bringing me to the end of this game and carrying my lazy a** through it ALL”…..even when Cody was trying to get her to hear him, when he told her “This guy has had your back ALL the Way HERE!” She is the most self-absorbed, clueless piece of work I’ve ever had the misfortune to see, in my Life! I just hope Derrick holds firm and takes his man Cody to the end. I don’t envy him these last 4 days with her whining and snotting every minute, as if THAT will convince him he OWES her even MORE than he has already done!!! Grow up girl, and put on your big girl thong! Sheesh!!!!!!!
I saw Cody tell her to put down the knife the other night and thought his reaction was pretty intense.
Vacancy is already a young Alex Forrest!
Have a great time at the wedding guys!! Dawg I just want to wish you much joy and happiness on your big day and for the rest of your life!!! Thank you both for the best BB site on the internet…..looking forward to BBCan!
Thanks Scallywag!
A big “CONGRATS!” to Mr. and Mrs. Dawg from all of us fans here in Western Maryland.
Best Wishes!
Thank you Simon and Dawg. You guys have really worked hard this season. Congrats on all the new wonderful things in your lives.
Congratulations Dawg & bride! I hope you have the nicest Wedding with everything you ever hoped it would be.
Dawg and Simon thanks for all the work you have done during this strange season and I hope BB Canada turns out much better, (and I’m sure it will, being Canadian).
Enjoy the wedding, enjoy each other, enjoy Simon’s new baby, enjoy your guests, enjoy your families and come back refreshed.
Thanks for everything.
Victoria………. You were defeated the minute You walked in the House
I would gain a bit of respect for Cody or Derrick if they do not take Her to the Final 2…But I hope in the long run CBS makes wholesale changes to the casting and screening processes for BB17
I’d like to think an overhaul would be enough – but you are forgetting the main players in the game – Production.
The thing that gets my goat is how BB, in the DR, is trying to stir up Victoria even more than she already is, by putting thoughts in her head that Derrick is ‘betraying’ her and what she should DO about it. She ought to simply be happy and grateful that she got to come (free of charge) this far due to Derrick, and quit trying to drive a wedge between him and Cody because that’s just gonna be the straw that broke the camel’s back…..I hope!
YEAH!!! That’s a great idea for her!!! She shouldn’t try to put a wedge between Derrick and Cody. She shouldn’t try to fight for a Final 2 spot, and just be happy about Derrick taking Cody to Final 2 and vice versa. After all, That’s exactly what you would do, isn’t it??
Derrick made a chariot to bring Victoria to the end and now claims SHE has no right to be there?! So that would make Derrick?……………………………………….
Hey CBS, quit recruiting characters and start casting competitors.
Congrats Dawg!
How much money did Derrick win so far in the big brother house?
he no deserve money
why you say dat 4, derek big guy he win mad much money
I think Team America has three wins so far at least:
Spreading the rumor Zach was related to Amanda.
Getting rid of a physical threat….Amber.
The rat patrol mission.
Plus neighborhood watch. Four in all.
I don’t think they got the rat one because it was rewind. I think it showed that they did not get it because of that. I think they got the one where they hid the things.
it was 4 wins, they won the one where they hid clothing and got people to do a patrol for 24 hours.
4 out of 8 possible, and he and Frankie believe they won at least 5 maybe 6, because they think they won the ‘get two HGs to argue” mission.
So Derrick has 20K from that, 5K from the slippery comp, an extra 50K for getting to F2, so that’s 75K without the F2 win of 500 or 50K. And i think that might be why he is going to risk going F2 with Cody. I think he can make a good case for getting jury votes over Cody, as long as he wins the final comp, their comp wins will be closer in numbers. Derrick can also mention throwing that one comp to Frankie when Frankies grandfather died, which everyone saw and that can be added to his wins count. he can also say his social game had to be spot on, he’d never once been on the block.
You guys are all right. I forgot about the neighborhood watch program.
Derrick $25,000 Frankie $20,000 Donny $15,000
By the end of these next 3 to 4 days of listening to Victoria whine and cry and berate him for ‘betraying’ her (even though she has “earned” NOTHING)….Derrick will have EARNED every cent!!! GO D and C…Hitmen!!!!!
Derrick doesn’t get an extra $50,000 just for making it to Final 2. He has to win first place in order to be awarded the extra $50,000.
sunnydee, I thought Julie said that they (Frankie or Derrick) would win an extra $50K if the WON the game – I didn’t hear that they just had to make it to final 2. Of course, I could have easily misunderstood. Thanks!
How much money did Derrick win so far?
They way I am figuring it,,,,20,000 in TA money and 5,000 for filling water jar in comp….could be wrong???
At least 15K for Team America and an extra 5K for the Holla comp.
So if he win he could get between 570,000 or 575,000 wow
Did she REALLY just figure out that she is useless? Don’t know for sure.
If Derrick still wants to win the game he still needs to win the final comp. That secures his spot in the final 2. You never know, Cody was counting jury votes while waiting for that comp to finish last night. If he wins he just might take Victoria.
Cody is not as stupid as Caleb and he will not take Derrick to final 2. Just don’t see that happening.
You just know that Cody will pull a Powerhouse move and take Victoria. If he is smart he will wait until the very-very end thus giving Derrick no time at all to get in his head/change his mind. Derrick will be bummed but I suspect his cop-sense is warning him about this now…
Im sure codys brother and father are say WTF is he thinking !!!!
I agree with you. He looked like he figured out it was best to take Victoria to ensure his win. Derrick will do the same thing if he wins HOH3. The only reason he is allowing Cody to think that he will take him is he does not know if he will win HOH3 yet. Once he does, he will take Victoria. If he doesn’t win, he wants Cody to take him to the final 2.
Victrola is actually demanding that Derrick carry her to the end, as if he owes her … wheedling and whining that he may not be following through on his commitment. I don’t get it. Weird sense of entitlement.
I think it’s fairly obvious what’s going to happen here. Derrick will somehow throw the final competition so that he leaves it up to Cody to decide to make the final choice. Of course Cody will bring PIG NOSE so once again, piggy doesn’t get any blood on his hands with having to send Victoria out the door. Poor Vic but good lord, how do you not win ONE competition?
Ahhh now, pig nose? I bet if simon or dawg posted a pic of Derrick wearing his hat backwards next to the face of a bat, it would be scary close in resemblance. A pig is too cute for him.
i don’t think he will throw it, but he (and everyone else) are going to be super surprised at how well Cody does on the final comp. He is expected to be physical/athletic, but i think he still surprises everyone with how good he is at these competitions.
If he doesn’t win, it will be very close and probably decided by a chalkboard computation, at which i don’t think he is as good.
Cody is competing against Derrick (Buzz from home alone) and Victoria (I am the prettiest girl in the room, oh wait I’m the only girl in the room). It is not like he is “crushing” it versus Caleb, Devin, Hayden or Nicole. He should be winning everything by now. I would respect his game more if he always thought for himself and wanted to challenge the best of the best from the get go.
I’ve stroked Vicky’s ego and rubbed her back so well that she really thinks she got to this point on her own merit. Damn I am really good.
Simon, have a great time at the wedding and thank you for all you do for us here. Dawg wrote you have a new addition in your family-congrats! Wishing you all the best.
Jana ….Hide the BUNNY!!!!!
Here’s the divorce papers. Say goodbye to your “fucki7g kid”|!
Why are so many people convinced that Derrick’s wife wants to divorce him? He has done nothing in the house that would warrant that type of response. Maybe it is just wishful thinking from people that have such irrational hatred.
I feel there is no way she will even consider divorcing him but i think you have an irrational hatred of anyone who even questions derricks gameplay
CBS take note: We don’t want to see Frankie ever ever again and we sure as hell don’t want you to cram him down our throats like “BAAWWSTON RAAWWB and AMBUHH”. He’s done. A has been. You tried to sell us glttery Peter Pan but he is just a cliched sequined joke. He has vijayjay envy and we are done.
You are right, Boston Rob was so overrated . Yes he finally won survivor , but how many times did he play 4 or 5 times? There was nothing at all to like about him..I’m convinced CBS would have kept bringing him back until he won. You are also right that he and Amber were shoved down our throats…let’s see…she won a million, they played Amazing Race and lost. He came back to survivor and finally won a million….Oh yeah, didn’t they have a CBS televised wedding? How about from now on, no more returnees? you get your one shot and we never see you again…all these games are much better when it’s new people, not retreads…any body else feel the same?
Could not stand Boston Rob. To cocksure for my liking. I was born, raised and reside in Massachusetts myself and I have never been a fan. Another from New England and an overrated douchebag: Mike Malin.
I am with you 1000%! BTW, today’s Washington Post has an article detailing Ariana’s diva behavior and disputes her “mega, mega superstar” status. Frankie won’t vote for Derrick for the win because he doesn’t want him to get the extra $50,000. Going to vote for Donny again, now!!
I don’t believe CBS cares about our distress about Frankie. They care about how many eyeballs watched BB16 and this data is used to sell airtime to advertisers. Advertisers care what we think. Want to get hurrrrd? Gotta write to the CEO of companies who advertise on BB. Enough letters to them may make a dent. And we have to stop watching BB — but we can’t stop! We’re addicted.
Frankie’s sister been tweeting like crazy to her 18.5M fans to vote for Frankie for AFP. It won’t do any good but I let CBS know my thoughts of including a relative of a celebrity on this show at their feedback link:
Cody will loose to either Derrick or Victoria he has to many in the jury dislike him.
cody really is a d-bagger, i hope derrick takes victoria
Congrats Dawg and a long life of blessings!!
Not understanding the thumbs down to the congrats to Dawg.
They’re just silly trolls!
Zach does not need the team America money, because he is rich, however he got the trip to Germany. I think Donny should win Americas favorite, since he is poor.
Being rich or poor is a criteria on winning AFP? Nobody is entitled to anything for free just for being poor. Change the mentality and attitude is you want to succeed in life.
Rich/poor is decidedly different for each person. It isn’t that Zach is rich , but it sounds like his parents are. I don’t think Donny considers himself poor as he doesn’t come across as a material man. He and Zach have very individual value systems. I’m always astounded when I read comments as to who ‘deserves’ the money. That part isn’t our business at all. BB is a competitive game where the winner is rewarded with a nice cash prize. It isn’t intended to be a charity for needy people. Just my two cents.
Zach is rich? Didn’t he just graduate from Univ. of Florida. I am so sick of people saying someone is rich because of their parents bank account. That does not make him rich it makes his parents rich. This game is not about if you already have $$$ or come from $$$ should not a factor.
Cody acts like a female, calling Zach Attack “fat as f*ck”… OKAY Regina George!
Derrick saying how fat Zack is. I mean come on now we all saw his wife and she’s also fat. So Derrick I think you should keep your mouth shut regarding that subject.
Derrick is just gross and I had to put sticks in my eyes after those shirtless pictures of him were posted on this site. I can’t even imagine how he can talk trash about Zach.
Derrick’s wife is beautiful.
Derrick isn’t the one who called Zach fat. He mentioned that he had put on a few pounds. Cody is the one who called him fat.
It was Cody who said Zack was fat, when Cody was complaining about gaining weight himself from any too many cookies. Derrick just said he didn’t know why he hadn’t gained any weight because he ate as much as they did. But Derrick never said anything about Zach or anyone else being fat.
So what if Cody called Zach a fat fuck. He obviously was exaggerating(Zach is not fat) and he probably would have said it to Zach and I don’t think Zach would be offended. He’s the type to pat his belly and say “yeah i put on a few”.
Can’t find the pet rabbit?…check the pot on the stove! Lol
In the flashbacks friday didn’t the house guests look younger? It’s only been 3 months, frankie & derrick look years older.
Dawg can you post a pic of you and the lovely bride?:)
I agree! I would love to a picture.
I will enjoy when I no longer have to hear the words “Crush it”
Victoria always has an excuse about why she didn’t win a comp. Her game strategy is to always ask Derrick about what she should do or what she should say. When all else fails, cry and pout. Awarding her $50,000 for that doesn’t sit well with me.
I’ve watched Cody study, strategize, win comps and make a few big moves in this game. As a grad student with a pile of debt , I can also relate to why he needs the money(pay off student loans). I hope he makes F2 and at least comes in 2nd place. Just being able to pay his high monthly loan payments for a while without worry would be a huge relief. I also like the friendship Derrick and Cody have; it seems genuine. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but when Derrick is with Cody he always has a smile on his face. When Derrick is with Victoria he rarely smiles.
I wish both Derrick and Cody the best of luck and hope they remain friends outside the house.
I agree Derrick and Cody will remain friends after BB is over. They do seem to be good friends who have endured a 3 months of clever teamwork (thanks to Derrick). The Hitmen can wear their shirts proudly as they sit in front of the jury on finale night. Derrick will win almost $600,00. He has played an amazing game and deserves the money. He will probably give Cody kudos for being part of one of the sneakiest teams in BB history. They were under the radar all season with the other HG’s. Even Princess Clueless is starting to realize that they have a huge bond that will go on after the show ends.
If Victoria could’ve found a showmance, and America liked them, the same thing that happened in season 11, would’ve happened again. No hate at all, just facts. – Posted Ill Will.
Ok, here’s my thoughts on your thoughts:
Victoria can’t even find a ‘real life’ romance – she’s not exactly the ‘belle of the ball’ but you can always look away.
Another thing she doesn’t have is a winning personality – humorless, self-absorbed and extreeeeemely shallow existence in my opinion.
‘Where are you going’, ‘What were you talking about’, ‘Are you going to sleep’, ‘Why are you laughing’, ‘How do you think people see me’.
Can you imagine the brain drain being in this girl’s life, having to constantly agree that she is so ‘super-gorgeous’ and girls are jealous of her (yes because of her hair, she claims).
I couldn’t see a showmance happening between her and any other living, thinking human there.
In the other aspect, she is totally and utterly devoid of any skill and any backbone.
Jordan had will and the strength to stand up for herself and was able to compete at a reasonably respectable level in my opinion.
She won, regardless; because she treated people well also so her social skills were respectable (in my opinion again).
Nastily was not going to get the grand prize because well, the fact they nicknamed her Nasily speaks for itself.
Agree to disagree.
I view Victoria as a child – a very, very exhausting child. She is everything you, and others, say she is: immature, needy, shallow, vapid, vain, insecure, which if you look at her objectively, is extremely sad. If Victoria had exerted 1/4 of the energy towards her game that she did to her hair, her hairs’ hair, her makeup, and her ridiculously wardrobe (seriously, how much clothing did she bring?) she may have won something. But no, she studied the back of a tortilla package instead of the photo wall. Great game prep, Vic. Many have asked, and yet it has not been answered: how did she ever pass the vetting process to get on Big Brother? Sorry for the rant, but it pisses me the hell off that she is STILL there.
I believe the live feeds actually had Victoria studying the wall quite a bit. The producers just want to play up the fact she’s basically brainless. I think it was unnecessary and unfair when there were so many other things they could of used to display her near vegetative state.
Kathy B. It has been said here and elsewhere that she was recruited. Go figure.
I understand she was recruited; however, when a person is recruited, whether to play football or for a job, one has to meet a certain criteria to qualify. I’m not clear on how she qualified.
Whatever – it’s almost over. Donny for AFP!
Someone voted for Devin and Joey in the America’s Favorite poll. Really? Maybe evicted house guests do come to this site.
Yeah, most likely their mouse slipped and they clicked on the wrong picture. Elections can be a funny thing.
You got that right.
Right. Don’t get me started on the cleaner, no-jihad world we would have had if the state of florida hadn’t thrown the comp to W. (and his brain).
Frankie and Donny both know Derrick has $20,000 (more than anyone else) they may think $50k is enough for him, especially since he didn’t try to save TA. Caleb seems to feel burned by Derrick, so he’s bitter. Christine will vote for Cody too so he may win it. Finally a BB show with a little suspense.
Guys listen to want Derrick is telling Victoria, He is telling her HE IS NOT TAKING her, she has done nothing but look in the mirror and do her hair. He told her she should be happy that she made it this far. If he does not take Cody, he loses the loyality vote from Caleb and others. He took her along just because if he did not win and she did, she would take him. Cody and Derrick will be the final 2.
It is in Derrick’s best interest to not say anything to Victoria regarding taking her or not taking her. What if Cody wins the final HOH and what if Victoria wants to be in the final 2 with Cody. She can then tell Cody that Derrick was going to take her not him to final 2. I was thinking maybe Derrick is pulling a “Dan” and keeping Victoria in the dark of whether or not he plans on taking her just in case Cody does win the final HOH.
And – she’ll vote for Derrick.
Congratulations to Dawg and the soon-to-be Mrs. Dawg! Have a great wedding celebration and honeymoon!
A baby and brother-in-law for Simon and a new wife and nephew for Dawg, that’s how you end a summer! Thanks and best wishes to both of you, sorry I didn’t buy more Amazon stuff. If that link works after the summer, please let us know next week.
My read on Victoria is she isn’t crazy or even as naive as she’s sometimes labeled. She’s just pretty self-absorbed and thinks she’s better than some people. People were impressed with how she faked cried with Frankie but she’s been doing that kind of thing all along with Derrick. This is the type of girl who is probably used to getting what she wants in real life. He can talk in the camera about her all he wants as a guise but some of it has worked.
And since she lost she really wants to make sure he’s on task with taking her to the end if he wins the final spot. It’s called appearing weak and guilt tripping. Victoria is no mastermind but a she has her own little manipulation skills with him. And she would have been a bigger b*tch in there if she could have. But in the house has had to pull it way back because she has nothing in there to back it up with. She wasn’t the “fairest of them all”, she sucked at comps, her social is lacking, vapid etc. And as much as she cries on the flip side she can also be very controlled and keep certain complaints or belly aching at a bare minimum. She’s useless in the game but not really that stupid. We’ll see what Derrick does. I’m interested to see if he will throw it to Cody or win himself and have to chose one of them.
Congrats to the happy couple, and thanks to both Simon and Dawg for providing this wonderful site. I only found it during BBCAN, and I totally abandoned jokers for this one immediately.
Great job and thanks so much to the rest of the BB fan community for being here to share all your thoughts.
Is Derrick expecting a sibling rivalry to kick into high gear between his house sister and brother ?
Sounds like psychological abuse.
I wonder if Derrick went through bad childhood relationships within his own family and his personal life ?
Bette++++. All your horrifying childhood experiences are coming through. Not to jump to conclusions of course.
Name one past house guest that referred to their alliance with another person standing as brother or sister ?
Derrick IS “BIG BROTHER” to both V & C.
The power of suggestion is a win win situation for Derrick,…..and the fact that Cody and Victoria haven’t compared Derrick’s scthick is mind boggling.
Another poster mentioned he did have a troubled childhood. I could find no information on this except out of his own mouth to some HG…which I do not trust. I would like to know about this because maybe then I could find some sympathy for him and enjoy the win this year. If he does take Cody to F2 though, I will eat MY pink hat!
This is Derrick’s strategy for winning BB … in his own words from CBS site …
Do you have a strategy for winning Big Brother?: My strategy involves three phases.
First, attempt to find common interests with as many houseguests as I can, while developing a profile on them. Second, start using the facts I learned about the houseguests against them.
Finally, if I’m able to win a few HOH’s/POV’s late in the game, I can make some moves that will determine the winner.
check,check,check !
Hope you guys have plenty of xanax ready next Wed for Frankie’s AFP win!
Sorry little jake but I’m pretty sure Donny will win.
LOL! I think I’m gonna need more than a zanax if Frankie wins AFP!
Ariana and her followers were tweeting like crazy early this morning to vote for Frankie. Unless CBS disregards votes for him I am afraid he may be winning it. I really think it is unfair of CBS to expect ordinary people to be able to compete with a relative of a celebrity especially when she is pushing it so hard.
I get my Tuesday BUT Frankie will not win it will be Donny and Zach in second, Victoria may even bet Frankie in that one (that is how much he is so ugly inside and outside).
Well, at least production has the good sense to know that Victoria, has to get used to the fact, that she is not going to be in the final 2. If Victoria was blindsided. the program would not go on as planned. Derrick as a policeman knows how fragile Victoria is, and yes this is a game, but somewhere a line should of been drawn, and he should of stopped leading her on. This was cruel and unnecessary. The most blame goes to BB, she should of never been on the program.
Cody and Derrick think they are like Memphis and Dan. The sad truth, they are not even close. At the start of season 10, Dan was close to being voted out several times. {Ollie had betrayed his alliance for love} Memphis, had a nasty fight with Jerry, and Jerry wanted him out. Unlike Victoria, Jerry could win HOH. They had some good players in that cast, you were never certain which one was going to win HOH or veto.
The TA tasks were ridiculous this year. Dan accepted the AFP for a week, and he completed his tasks which were more difficult, {they all involved Jesse} {Jesse learned how America felt about him} plus he was suspected of being AP, that caused some problems. A very entertaining season.
I really don’t see Vic as being as frail & innocent as some seem to think. She was actually pretty mean early on in the season. And if at 22, she doesn’t know the difference of a finger or a pen$s, (remember when she was talking to the guys about it & Caleb told her that a finger can’t create a baby) – anyway – I’m just not buying her innocent game.
V, I buy it. She has no self-awareness and as you say, is childlike. 22 just doesn’t look/act like this in Miami 2014. My theory, having to do with the hair disease and what ever that was related to, is that she was ill and her over-protective parents thought they could lose her. Still theorizing, they gave her a very slanted view of herself in the world, too much praise, not enough “suck it up,” and now she’s an emotional basket case. I doubt she earns a living. She needs serious marathon therapy, but she won’t get it. Her parents are going to praise her to the moon, and with the $50k affirmation, she’s never going to grow up. She will rest on that laurel for the remains of her life. (not a therapist. just sayin.)
There are two times during the show that I HAVE to turn the volume down or fast forward and they are both to do with Victoria..I always fast forward during her talks with Derrick they are soooooo annoying and whiney. Pathetic mewing whispers,,even Derrick is annoyed you can tell..he will even tell her things like “go do your make-up or hair just to try and get her away from him…he won’t even look at her most of the time while she is talking just puts a pillow over his face..also when she is screaming her nasal sounding valley girl drivel in the D.R . SO annoying ,she acts like a thirteen year old girl… I really think she is emotionally unbalanced. Very sad actually.
Why was Vic recruited? Anyone know?
Congrats Dawg on your wedding! Congrats Simon on that handsome baby boy! I would also like to thank you both for the updates this season! My BB seasons are never complete without this site and you guys!
Hey Dawg,
Crush it!!!! Have the most special day of your and your bride’s life. Simon, relax and enjoy yourself on this amazing family night!!! Love Y’all!!!
First off Congrats Dawg. Also Big thanks to Simon and Dawg for all the updates this Season! – Personally in true Big Brother game fashion it would be in Derrick’s best interest to take Victoria with him to F2 now and evict Cody. He holds the power now and has the chance to secure the money with nothing standing in his way. No way would the jury give the money to Victoria. They all know she did nothing to deserve it.Take Cody and he has the chance of losing a big pay day! Dan would be shaking his fist in the air at Derrick if he took Cody with him instead of Victoria and we all know it!
This is like picking which std you would rather have. The sheeples this season do not deserve to be remembered. Only Donny and Zack. I would like to see Donny in an all-star season to see how he would do. I say Cody for the win. If Piggy takes Vic with him to the end, give it to her. Thanks Simon and Dawg your website has been the saving grace of this season. Definitely much more entertaining than the actual show. I would love to know what Chief Wiggum is going to do if he doesn’t win now that he has exposed himself as a narc on national television. Probably will have a cozy desk job or even better, he can be a traffic cop. Hiding out waiting to bust people for traffic violations would suit him. Sorry Derrick you’ll never be like Alonzo Harris in Training Day.
I think Joey or Pow Pow could have been fun if they understood the game better and had a bit of time to get their feet under them.
He already has a cozy desk job – he hasn’t been an undercover cop in years.
Derrick beats them both 7-0.
Does Freakie get the other two votes for being the undisputed lord & master of the jury?
You will see Frankie on Broadway within the next year…… walking past one of the theaters.
I know taking Victoria to the final 2 is a guaranteed win for Derrick or Cody, but it’s crazy that she gets 50k for spending summer vacation at “camp princess”, not Big Brother. If I was production I would just straight up tell here, “Victoria you’ve done nothing all season but show the world how a grown women pretending to be a princess acts, you can keep the stipend for being at camp princess, but the 50k goes to charity for the deaf,dumb, and blind, you didn’t earn it”.
Derrick came to play BB and Vacancy thought she was at a 3 month slumber party.
This is my first year watching BB and I was wondering if production does anything to prepare the houseguests to deal with being harassed by angry fans on social media when the show is over? I’d imagine some of these guys are going to get a lot of ugly comments thrown their way once they get back home.
F-Winds_— once this is over it’s over. At that point nobody will care anymore.
supposedly there is someone they talk to when they get evicted, before they meet Julie. Beyond that, i am not sure, they do a whirlwind of interviews before they get to the jury house, if there is any sort of counseling it could be during that, see how they are getting on, in the jury house possibly?
Well with the delusions that Fakie and Beast Mode have I hope they talk to a man wearing a hand puppet while they are laying on a couch because those two guys have some serious issues.
Cody is a super D-Bag and why does he think once he explains his servitude to Derrick that Hayden would then vote for him its just so ridiculous.
For ppl who thinks Victoria has a chance to win, honestly she will not get any votes from any of the jurors except for maybe Frankie (only if its Cody/Victoria final 2)
Most of jurors even though they are bitter, all respect the game too much to give the win to Victoria, and some of the jurors ie Caleb imo thinks its all about comp wins
Overall Derrick will win if he’s in final 2
But Cody for sure has Christine’s and Caleb’s vote locked in
Ppl may disagree about Caleb voting for Cody, but like I said above I think he’ll vote by competition performance and in his exit interview with Julie was more bitter towards Derrick
Derrick has like 4 votes locked in already imo n thats why i think he’ll win if he’s in final 2
The 4 being Donny, Nicole, Cody/Victoria and Frankie
And I think Zach, Jocosta, and Hayden will most likely vote for Derrick but if Cody has a good speech and answers to the jury questions those 3 may be swayed
In summary I predict
Derrick/Victoria F2: 9-0
Derrick/Cody F2: 7-2
Cody/Victoria F2: 8-1 if not 9-0
Congrats on the nuptials!!
Ok question to everyone. Derrick is most likely going to win round 3,so who should he take? Bc taking Victoria is not a complete no brainer. Reason is it sounded like the jury is bitter and would vote for her out of spite.. Soo what’s the best move for him let’s face it …he’s the best to ever play the game hands down he deserves the money but could get screwed out of it bc of jealousy like Daniele had to deal with in season 3 what does everyone think ????
I really don’t think the jury is bitter to be honest with you. Derrick has left everyone going into the jury house with a feeling of liking him so much. If there is any bitterness it would be Zach, but the ones he is bitter against are with him in the jury house. I think the jury is going to be able to distance themselves emotionally and realize how smart Derrick is, Victoria, not smart, except sticking very close to Derrick to get to the end, not a great strategy, but it worked. Cody thinks he can beat Derrick because he won alot of comps, but I don’t think they will vote him to win, even Christine may vote opposite of Cody to prove she isn’t attached to him. But I can see Nicole, Jacosta, Donny, Hayden, Victoria, Frankie and Caleb voting for Derrick to win, they all said during their evictions they still like Derrick and even said it again when they were watching when Christine was evicted. Also, all voting depends on the final speeches, that tends to earn the win
Just watched Caleb’s chat with Jeff on CBS BB site…loved Caleb’s response to Jeff’s comment about “shots of pickle juice”. Caleb reveals more of his thoughts on Frankie. Go Beast Mode!!
Really wonder what all of the HG’s will think if they vote for Derick to win then it is revealed all the “extra” money he has won with TA…not to mention the fact that he misrepresented what his occupation is. I hope they give everyone a chance to express their feelings if he does win, but of course CBS will probably have to give Frankie some more time in the limelight.
watching feeds around 2pm, victoria in the shower, and wow, she looks so much better without those stupid extensions. I think she was sleeping in them. took them out, washed them maybe, always looking and checking no one is looking or something.
Looks so good with her hair back away from her face, and not so much of it, that’s all.
I agree, she looks much prettier without out that hair! She should just go with her own natural hair & throw away those awful extensions!
She ruined her own game.
What are Victoria’s chances?
like one out of a million.
So you’re telling me there’s a chance… YEAH!
I really wish people would stop comparing Derrick to Dan, he is nowhere near that standard of a player! I watched an interview with Dan on Wed. night, and he was asked about Derricks game play and he said “while he has played a great game, he did not have to endure any advisory therefore he had it pretty easy never having to fight his way off the block, or out of any issues that would cause any jeapordy to his game”! And I have to agree with him, anyone of the greatest players have had to endure some adversity along the way which made their win more respectable! This years cast was uneducated in the BB game and in my opinion there were really no real respectable BB players in the house at all this year! Derrick was just the smartest of the dumbest players to ever enter the BB house, and that is in no way a compliment!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaamen! And for all those saying “even Dan says he is the best”. Drop it!
It was either Simon or Dawg – can’t remember which now – but one of them said that though they didn’t like Derrick personally because he was too boring, they did think he was one of the best GAME players they had seen.
Congratulations Dawg!!!
Vote Donny Please
don’t forget rewind
Simon congratulations to you and your wife. Your beautiful son will fill your heart with so much happiness and joy. Jack is beautiful!
Dawg congratulations to you and your new wife. May you have a life filled with love, happiness and riches.
Thank you both for all your hard work! Your lives have been so busy lately that I don’t know how you have been able to keep up. Thank you both for all you do!!!
Derrick is the best bc he never had to deal with adversity bc he was just that much better then Dan or Dr. Will they had flaws that exposed them Derrick has had no flaws in his game Dan says what he says bc of jealousy ! And we all know where that gets you …. Nowhere lol Derrick is the best HOLLA
The best players are the ones who fight to stay in the house, obviously you are not familiar with the term getting blood on your hands! The real winners are the ones who make the big moves and are not of getting blood on their hands! The ones who take the risks are the ones that are the better players, and sorry to burst your bubble but Derrick is not one of them! I have watched BB since season one and I have always given credit where it is do, no matter if I like the person or despise them, I cannot give Derrick any credit other than playing with the feelings of a delusional young lady who is not quite all there!
If Cody wins the Final HOH, and takes Victoria will Derrick still be the best?? Because if Cody wins and takes Derrick, then that will be ridiculously stupid. But, it will also be an example of how Derrick’s success depends on other people’s stupidity.
Janelle made it to Final 3 twice, but did not win the Final HOH, and was cut. If she had won the Final HOH, she would have won BB twice, and it would not have been because other players were so stupid, unlike Derrick and Dan. Not too many people talk about Janelle being one of the greatest, but she actually was. People were just smart enough to cut her at the end.
Janelle is the greatest competition player of all time with her record 5 HOH and 4 POV wins back in BB7 All Stars.. A record that still stands to this day and has never been beaten or tied. Guess who is in second place when it comes to comp wins? It’s Frankie Grande with his 5 HOH and 3 POV wins and his single BOB win that Caleb walked off on and refused to play as his partner. Janelle is not only the greatest female competition winner of all time but over all the greatest competition winner of all time.. Frankie Grande is the greatest male competition winner of all time and second to Janelle overall.
Yes Frankie did win a lot of comps, but you have to think that he also didn’t get to keep a lot of those HOH’s so he could compete in back to back comps. Janelle never got that luxury and still won the same amount.
Just my opinion, apparently several, including Derrick and Cody didn’t think Victoria was ‘useless’ in the game. Why does everyone keep referring to her as that? She was was dang useful enuf for the ‘masterful’ Derrick and everyone else that knew she would vote the way he told her. As far as I’m concerned, he seen a females weak points and zero’d in on her weaknesses, manipulated her, and in my opinion he crossed the line and mentally abused her. I can’t stand him.
listen to your self, mentally abused her, good one
anyone else having difficulties in voting for afp? for the last three days it has told me I have reached my limit after voting 15 times. not 20 as advertised.
I have been able to vote 20 times a day. This morning the site was slow so I could vote again but I was able to vote 20 times.
phrases I never want to hear ever again
“beast mode”
“crush it”
Anyone have any others
those two phrases should be banned buried and the earth salted so nothing grows there
I herd dat…was that ever a thing?…I don’t even remember…
“At the end of the day….”
Don’t forget “with that being said”
“I’ll have to see how the house is voting”
Literally at the end of the day I am crushing it in beast mode.
BB Quotes, Cont’d.
“It’s a GAME.”
probably not the same thing… but I’m hoping to never hear the word buh-hin. I’ve wanted to slap them upside the head and say, ‘button. It’s button. encunciate you slack-jawed yokels.’
I find the buh-hin one so strange too. It’s only some Amurrikins that pronounce it this way; you never hear that in Canader. Linguistics interest me and this is definitely an odd one.
Simple as that, i’m calling him out……..
sorry been out of the loop a day or so I have a question that may seem stupid to some but is it definite that cody and derrick are taking each other to the final? and that whoever wins the final HOH is not taking Victoria? I know it’s a low move to take her for the easy win but as a new mother, if it was my husband who had the opportunity to win 500k for our baby and he risked that chance bc of some pseudo friendship (with a 23 year old?) he just developed while playing a game for 10 weeks (and that likely won’t continue) then as his wife I would be very mad to say to the least. To go through all that, play the game as fantastically as he did, and then to just even take the chance that he might lose to Cody – which might legitimately happen – I don’t know how long it would take me to recover from that. That money could put our child through private school and college. Nothing in life is more important than that. It just seems that Derrick is motivated to win purely for his family. I am hard-pressed to believe he would risk losing the money by taking Cody.
What you have to remember is that Derrick (and the rest of the Bomb Squad, Detonators, etc) have all said if anyone takes Victoria to the end, they’ll give her the money….I do believe some would do that….I also believe if Cody takes Victoria to the end, he’ll get ‘smoked’!
The cool thing left is now to see if the jurors see the game as the rest of us saw it….or will it be the Beast Mode Cowboy’s of the jury who count comp wins and give it to Cody.
I believe the true BB fans in jury (Nicole, Chirstine, and even Frankie) will cool down a bit and realize that Derrick played the best (and explain it to BMC) and Derrick wins…
Since everyone on the boards and feeds have made such a big deal out of AFP, I’m looking forward to seeing who pulls that out…My final three for that (no real surprises): Donny, Zach, and Frankie….I believe Zach will pull it out….seems like he has a lot of fans…..should be fun to see Frankie if that happens!
Yep! I’m voting Zach everyday, 20x a day!
Congratulations to you both for all the happiness in your lives right now! So very excited for ya’ll. After the last 8 years of coming to your little community I feel like ya’ll are part of the family. Didn’t post as much but I was here catching up & enjoying the posts! Thanks for another great year!!!!
I just got a copy of the BB16 Finale night 90 minute program.
9:30-9:35 Introduce the evicted houseguests and Jury
9:35-9:40 Final HOH competition and eviction
9:40-9:45 Jury Vote
9:45-10:55 Ariana Grande Concert with Frankie as the lone dancer.
10:55-10:59 Notice of how to buy Ariana CD’s and concert tickets
10:59-11:00 Annoucement of winner and AFP.
Love it. LoVe It! LOVE IT! Ariana is a machine. She gonna to do BB finale, then fly to NYC to do SNL rehearsals. She gonna knock it outta the park!
I heard the competition is to identify the names of songs off Ariana’s CD since the HG’s have been serenaded all summer long with the pop stars music.
Of course there would have to be people like you attacking Ariana Grande for no particular reason, not that people like you need any good reason to spit out venom. Because that’s just the way you are..
I heard that since you can’t really understand the words she sings because she doesn’t articulate, they asked her to just stand with her back to the camera/audience and shake her ass. Frankie is set to join her and the latest addition is Zack, so the three of them will just twerk in silence for 5 minutes.
Lmao. Hilarious. And probably exactly what cbs wants to do. You forgot the 30 minute segment of jeff picking out a tux and the 15 minutes of rachel reilly analyzing victorias hair extensions
If either Derrik or Cody don’t take Victoria, it could be the biggest mistake of their lives.
. . . . I wanted to but CBS wants too much personal info. Name, email add, birth date, zip, and gender. I’m sure they want all this for their demographics, but I don’t trust them. Sorry, Donny.
Just put in all fake information like I do.
can’t imagine anyone entering their real info. Use whatever name, zip, age, etc you want to use. Then vote Donny. Voting closes tomorrow.
Congratulations Dawg and thank you to both you and Simon for keeping us in the loop. So here is my contribution. I’ve been listening to the feeds for ya’ll so you don’t have to go back and report. Nothing has happened except that Victoria is whining. It’s been the same thing for hours. She seems to be thinking that she was a member of the hitmen and Cody is getting pissed about her questioning them as to why she wasn’t told what was going on. When cody is alone with Derrick he tells him that he’s pissed and that Derrick needs to tell her that she wasn’t part of them and that they dragged her along. when Derrick is talking to her he’s careful not to tell her that she’s not going to the final 2 b/c production told him not to tell her. At one point he goes into the diary room and asks to speak to a boss b/c he’s tired of having to have the same convo with her and wants to enjoy the last few days w/o hearing her whining. When he talks to her she says that derrick told her that she was his sister and that she didn’t know that he was that close to Cody and that she should be in the final 2 to make sure that he wins that he’s not going to beat Cody and then in the next breathe she’s telling him who isn’t going to vote for Cody. Derrick finally says to her that many people have mentioned to both him and cody that if Victoria got to the final 2 they would vote for her to win and that this is one of the reasons that they might decide not to take her. He keeps trying to tell her that she wasn’t supposed to be here and that she’s gotten far and that the other girls are jealous that she’s here and they aren’t and that she should enjoy it. He stresses that his relationship with her was more personal than game and that if she decides not to vote for him that’s fine they will still be friends. after about 2 hours of this Cody tells him I’m trying to give you your space but dude, this is annoying and Derrick agrees with him and doesn’t know what else he can say to her. They both agree that this isn’t going to stop that she’s going to keep this up for 4 days and that she just isn’t getting it. And….I hope the wedding was fantastic and that you are enjoying your new baby!!!! thanks again you guys are awesome
Thanks for the update, Rosie : )
Thanks Rosie
who had the baby? and congrats to Dawg and his wife!!
Read a conversation between Deerick and Victoria on another site and she is freakin ANNOYING!! I’m even wondering at this point if she can actually be having a mental break down. I think her feelings for Derrick go beyond how he feels about her. I don’t think she was strong enough to go on this show, I think back to the very beginning of the show when even the HG’s were annoyed because she was always crying. This girl needs to go home ASAP!!!
Might be time to start removing sharp objects from the house, if you know what I mean. The reality of the situation and knowing how’s she portrayed herself throughout the season is sending Victoria in a downward spiral.
Good God, could this girl be more pitiful?! I’m actually angry she was even cast. The girl is nothing but a red flag that screams “emotionally stunted”. How does she think she deserves to be in that seat over Cody? She has such an inflated sense of herself. There’s something in those dark eyes of hers that says “crazy”. She fortunately lacks the intelligence to be a real danger to society in general but I certainly think Derick is playing it safe as he sees her as a total head case. Casting once again threw someone in the game that should have never ever had that opportunity. Geezus after last years bag of garbage I thought they learned a thing or two.
On bbad dick and Vick are playing checkers. I hope dick is letting her slide with some of her moves, but it just goes to show how stupid she is that she can’t even play a game that 7 yr olds play. God it is gonna be a looonnnnggg week. I do feel sorry for her being on TV and everyone can see how dumb she is. I don’t think I could ever get use to those “crazy” eyes!!! I cheer ever time Cody calls her out!!!
Hey everyone, it’s official Dawg is married. Thank you so much for the support and kindness during this. The wedding was lovely i’m so happy for him and his wife everyone had a great time even little jack got down… lol
I have a bit of a drive tomorrow but will be back in the early afternoon to catch up. I’ve heard rumours that Derrick is taking Victoria if he wins final … hmm not sure If i believe it but missing a day of feeds.. anything could happen.
Simon, I really dont think that Derrick will take Victoria to the final 2. I watched some of the feeds today, and she was constantly coming at him from every angle about how he always assured her about where she stood with him in the game. For every point she brought up, he was constantly justifying the reasons why he may take Cody over her. Below is part of her campaigning and his justifications:
1. She told Derrick that he had said that whoever goes up against Cody in Final 2, that Cody would win. His response was that she was correct, Cody could win. He went on to say that there were conversations in the house where people said that if Victoria some how managed to make it to Final 2, that they would vote for her. Of course he stroked her ego by telling her that for all the times she was put on the block, she survived, and that is quite an accomplishment.
2. She told him that he always told her that if he didnt win it, that he wanted her to win it. So, there, why aren’t you taking me? I think he scrambled out of that one by saying that he needs to play the game with his head and not with his heart right now. He also told her that Cody has won competitions that have saved Derrick and have gotten him to where he is now.
This went on for hours. He told her he didnt want to have these morbid convos for the next four days and wanted to enjoy the next four days. He ended up walking into the house while she and Cody were outside, the camera was on the living room while he walked into the diary room and there was a mic leak. I heard a girl in production say, Hey Derrick, what you need. He said, Can I talk to one of the producers. Mic feed cut. He later told Cody that they told him to Shut it down. (Feeds went to fish). I guess he asked production what should he do about her constant badgering. Next, Victoria went into the fire room and started up again with Derrick and he said, I cant say who Im taking if I win the Final comp. I can show you in the rule book that I can’t tell you or Cody if I am taking either one of you. Later, he n Cody were complaining about her whining, etc. It really sounds like Cody n Derrick are taking eachother to Final 2.
Thanks, KL.
for that peek behind the curtain.
Glad to hear everything went well. Is it safe to assume that DAWG will put Mrs Dawg and their honeymoon first and will make no effort whatsoever to watch the finale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Derrick is telling Cody that he is taking him not Victoria. But I think Derrick is just saying that so Cody will take him instead of Victoria if Cody wins 3rd HOH. Also I think Derrick will throw 3rd HOH so Cody has to pick. No blood on Derricks hands to evicted Victoria. But if Derrick does win 3rd HOH, He will take Victoria. If Cody wants to win, he should take Victoria.
People are underestimating how bitter that jury is when it comes to all three of them, Cody, Victoria, and Derrick.. Last one out was Caleb and he said in a post exit interview he blames Derrick for betraying him and I can see him voting for Cody instead out of spite if he makes it to the final 2. I’m sure Frankie feels the same as well, he knew Derrick was pulling the strings and manipulated Caleb into turning his vote so I see him voting for Cody as well . Cody has burned Hayden and Zach in the past for various reasons, Hayden blames Cody for blindsiding him, Zach didn’t like Cody and I can see both of them voting for Derrick. Victoria is seen as someone who shouldn’t be in the final three by most of the jury, she may get a sympathy vote from Jocasta and Nicole, if Cody is sitting beside Victoria in the final 2, I think we know Christine will vote for Victoria out of spite. Frankie is no doubt telling the other house guests everything he knows and who was manipulating whom and since he has respect from the jury because of his comp wins, he may have the influence to sway some votes for Cody or Victoria, I think Frankie’s ego wouldn’t allow him to acknowledge Derrick’s superior social game. Danny I think will vote for Derrick out of respect for his social game that he caught on to early. A Derrick vs Victoria final two may see a stunning upset with Victoria getting a tie breaking win because of the bitterness of the jury. A Cody vs Victoria final two may see Cody get the votes by either a landslide or tie breaker vote. It’s so difficult to guess how bitter that jury will be if Victoria makes it to the final two. Cody vs Derrick final two may see Cody win by a single vote.. Again there is bitterness there from the jury towards both of them for many reasons including the Victoria factor.
I wonder if Donny and/or Frankie will tell the other members of the jury that Derrick has already won money with the Team America escapades ….not sure if it will affect the way people vote…
If Donny or Frankie tell anyone about Team America, all 3 TA Players lose the TA money.
They can’t disclosed that info in the jury house! It’s against the rules to expose game play by BB producers
Will Derrick be the first black person to win Big Brother? I cant think of another. I know that they usually eliminate the diverse people earlier. But wow that will be interesting if he wins. maybe this will make up for the racist comments last season. He played an amazing game. And he will reveal that he’s a police officer and black at the finally. That may just top Frankies big reveal.
Nicoles v’jayjay told me to vote for her for most popular hg (whatever its called) so I did as commanded. Victorias v’jayjay also telepathized something but with the blubbering & all I couldn’t understand her…it. Strangely enough those were the only 2 v’jayjays who sent me messages but a dancing pink woodpecker did dance in between all those messages.
This made me lol!
The only players I would like to see back for another opportunity are Zach & Hayden. Zach has the likability factor, tone down your schtick a bit. He’s a fun guy, harmless. Hayden is the only eviction I was shocked by. I do think he got hosed in this game and would have liked to have seen more.
Doesn’t Frankie remind you of Stanley Tucci ‘ s character from the Hunger Games
Yes, but looks more like Elizabeth Banks, Effie Trinket!
If Victoria thinks I’m buying her “your my big brother Derek” than she is as crazy as her death stare insinuates. If she thinks that I am gonna allow her to be in my husband and Tenley’s life when this game is over , than she is sadly mistaken. Victoria is obsessed with my husband. I want Derek to win, but I am sick to death of seeing her up in his face. And Derek , stop the ass kissing already ok, and just bring the money home to mama.
Did they have an alliance.
Also Dear Hubby, all the lies you told to Miss Eyebrows are coming back to haunt you now. You built her up like a Josh Groban song on loop. You lied to her too good Derry-Boo and now I’m wondering about all the flattery you’ve told me over the years hmmm? Am I really beautiful , smart, thin?
Only today and tomorrow morning left to VOTE FOR DONNY FOR AFP
I don’t subscribe to the live feeds where lots can be observed….. How did Derrick and Victoria become close, what did they have in common.
Nothing really, Derrick recognized how she could be used as a tool if he would just listen to her ramble on for hours on end. She was a pariah in the house and he used that to his advantage.
Both his wife and Vic are jewish shylocks
In my opinion: I heard Victoria say many times that the girls in the house were very catty. The only girl she became close to was Nicole and that was later on in the game because at first Nicole and Christine wouldnt leave eachother’s side. Victoria tried to bond with Frankie and thought she was really close to Frankie during the first week, but Frankie was one of the first HOHs, and threw Victoria on the block for eviction the first week. So she saw how fake he was right away. Derrick n Hayden were the only 2 guys that were genuinely nice to Victoria n created a real bond with her. She was close to both of them, once Hayden was evicted, all she had left was Derrick who she honestly trusted. Caleb was so into Amber that he never paid attention to Victoria and even though Cody flirted with all the girls, he put Victoria on the block. Later, Victoria told Derrick that Cody was very cocky and that she hated him. So I guess Victoria and Cody had some what of negative vibes between them. Zack had a love/hate relationship with Victoria…..mostly hate. Derrick once took up for Victoria in front of everyone when he told Zach to stop berating Victoria because he was a father and wouldnt want his daughter to be treated that way. Derrick was nice to her (ofcourse, he was also looking for a vote). You could tell at one point that Victoria liked him as more than a friend. However, Derrick never flirted with her and constantly spoke of his wife and child, and referred to Victoria as a little sister. She finally got the hint that he was not interested in her in that way and began to refer to him as her best friend in the house and a brother. He always told her that if he didnt win the game that he wanted her to win which is why she was crushed when she heard about Derrick and Cody’s alliance a few days ago and has been depressed and crying for the last few days because she always thought she was the closest person to Derrick in the house, and now realizes that he will probably take Cody to Final 2.
Victoria had a peanut butter & Jelly sandwich, and Derrick took it from her
As much as I like Donny I think zack deserves ap more because Donny got money from Americas team and for a lot of those missions they used zack and made him do their dirty work and he didn’t even get any money from it. So I feel bad
Its called America’s favorite houseguest, not who didn’t get any money houseguest. And besides Zach won a trip, made 13 grand and has his dads money.
Ok then I’d rather vote for the person who was actually entertaining
Simon, I was wondering, how many “America’s Fave” voters have cast in the “Online Big Brother” poll…. Thanks a lot, and thank you for all you do for us Big Brother fans. Everyone please donate.
Thanks KL for the synopsis yesterday. I tried sticking with it but watching Victoria’s child like meltdown became a little too much. I felt sad and a little frightened for Victoria all at the same time. She does not possess a stable enough mindset to be in this position. And even though she is a grown woman; her parents have played a big part in keeping her sheltered from reality, vacuous and very entitled. I also would be surprised when all of this is said and done if she is able to maintain a friendship with Derrick which she has repeatedly said she wants to do. Reality outside of that BB house is going to play one number on Victoria that I doubt she is prepared for emotionally.
and there Cody goes, running his mouth about Zach again, this time about his weight?! Cody is such a prissy school girl. So jealous too, he knows Zach is way more attractive than him. Especially when it comes to personality, but yeah, I’d take Zach over Cody on looks as well.
Well, I give up. I can’t stand any of these people…but if I had to pick what I want to see happen on finale night…Derrick and Victoria final 2.
-Cody doesn’t deserve the money, at all
-The Hitmen don’t deserve to go down as anything in BB history
-Victoria might win due to a bitter jury
-Derrick stabbing Cody in the back seals him as an unlikeable player, and would never be trusted again if BB was ever dumb enough to bring him back for All Stars.
Man, this season had so much potential. The Hitmen flushed it down the toilet, while sitting down that is.
Robobox, if you’re feeling that bad, I think you can donate money to ZackAttack thru paypal
Victoria would drown if there was a mirror in the bottom of the pool !!!
I really hope Cody wins Part 3 and takes Victoria. He needs to evict Derrick so he could say that evicting Derrick was his biggest game move.
All that inner ugliness and anger (which I saw at the beginning of the season), in our little Princess Vomitria, is now coming out and probably being held back because she’s on camera.
I find her slurring her words while she talks really weird; like she’s drunk or something.
So this was her whole game, not really trying to win, and attaching herself to the only person who would give her the time of day. She considered it an alliance, and it was just an ear for her to talk to. I remember Derrick saying it would be nice if you win a comp.
Her hissy fit is really unwatchable and unintelligible at times but I love that Derrick is seeing this side of her finally.
She really thought she was the ‘shit’.
Totally flushable and forgettable but she will definitely put a horrible ‘tag’ to this season if she goes to final 2.
Please show Francis (Frank e) that grabbing guy’s junk and asking them to show their penis and suggesting to take Victoria’s virginity when she’s passed out is not ok! Ladies would you stand for that behavior? Please comment. ..and let’s show him that he doesn’t represent America’s Favorite Player!!
KL: Devin (the big black guy) was the first man in the house to stand up for Vapid Vic as she claimed in the first week that she couldn’t share a bed with a guy. The guys were “razzing” on her and Big Black Devin jumped to her defence and reminded them that she was someone’s daughter and that her father may not be happy with what they were saying about his daughter (Vapid Vic). Yet, in the end, this beatch turned on Devin claimed that she was so scared of him, but White Derrick, oh she loves him so. She suffers with such an inferiority complex (and I’ve met her likes before)! The white man can say anything derogatory to her and she smiles, nods and accepts it, but let the big Black guy say the same and she’s cowering in fear. She’s a flipping Middle Eastern hypocrite who thinks she’s White. I cannot stand her and her voice with the heavy accent, drives me absolutely nuts!