2:30am The feeds return to Julia telling Liz and Austin about how she over heard Johnny Mac in the diary room screaming about how he wanted to win the HOH. There is something up with him. I don’t believe he is a dentist. Austin says lets get him up here and ask why are you screaming in the diary room. Julia asks have anyone ever heard him raise his voice? Liz says he thinks he’s funny. That’s why they call him to the diary room so much. Austin offers Liz to take a drink from the wine bottle and Liz says I don’t drink from the bottle. They talk about how they just caught Vanessa in a bunch of lies. She lied about knowing James tried to throw that BOB. Liz says you should have talked to her. Austin says she f**king lied to my face and I’m drinking right now! I’m going to do what the f**k I want. Julia says so we go with Steve because he is less sneaky. Austin says sneaky Steve. Julia says yeah, I can’t believe I just said that. They keep going back and forth about whether to frontdoor or backdoor Vanessa or not at all.
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2:35am – 2:55am Steve joins them again and says that Vanessa just confronted me and said if you have beef with me you need to tell me. Steve says I need to know what to tell people. They tell Steve about how Julia heard Johnny Mac screaming in the diary room. Austin wonders if something is up with him, he is always in the diary room. Steve says I yell in the diary room all the time. They talk about whether or not to backdoor Vanessa. They talk about how Vanessa needs to go. Austin asks Steve if he can control Johnny. Steve says yes. Steve says if Vanessa is on your side why is she lying to your face? Liz asks if Vanessa goes how is Johnny’s target? Steve says John does not trust James & Meg for what they did to Becky. Steve says we need to come up with a name with Johnny Mac. Austin says us four we’re “The Authority”. The agree to come up with another name with Johnny Mac. Austin says I just can’t believe she (Vanessa) is still lying about knowing James tried to throw the BOB. He told me he was supposed to throw it. Austin tells Steve he is not going up. Steve asks what can I do for you. Liz says when Austin talks to Johnny Mac you need to ease his mind. Steve asks are you putting her (Vanessa) up tomorrow? Austin says most likely. Either her or Meg.
3:05am Comic room – Vanessa complains to Julia about how Austin wouldn’t take 3 minutes to talk alone with her. He needs to realize that its other peoples game on the line. Julia says he drank the whole bottle of wine. If he makes any decision right now it would be rash. Its better talk to him tomorrow. Vanessa says that Steve was being f**king phony. He wouldn’t even budge an inch. He wanted a hug and I was like I’m not giving you a f**king hug. Vanessa says Austin said lets flip for it. Julia asks with what f**king coin? Why do I always miss these conversations. Julia leaves and tells Steve in the bathroom about how Vanessa thinks he was being phony. She says that she wants to go to sleep but can’t with Vanessa in there.
3am – 4am Austin asks Liz what should I do? I trust you more than anyone in the house. Liz says you shouldn’t have won. You’re good though you have no emotion. Austin says I have emotion for you. Austin says he wants to make out now because he’s been drinking, later I’m not going to be drunk any more. Liz asks what are you saying? Austin says right now I’m carefree and later when I’m not drunk I’m going to be worrying about the game. They start making out and then Austin gets called to the diary room. Steve brings up Johnny Mac. Liz tells Johnny that Austin told Vanessa he is thinking of putting her up. Johnny asks putting her up or putting her up as a pawn? Liz says putting her up as a pawn. Johnny asks what is the goal this week? To get her out? Liz says yeah, but do you frontdoor or backdoor her? Liz asks did Steve tell you anything? Johnny says he said it was going to be me or him up against her (Vanessa). Steve joins them again. Liz says they (James & Meg) want Vanessa out too so we would be doing everyone a favor. Steve asks how convinced are you that Vanessa isn’t a goblin. Liz says she doesn’t think so. Steve starts talking to Liz about science / facts / global warming and other random things.
4:10am – 5am Austin joins them and says maybe I just put her up as a pawn and if she goes, she goes. Austin says that he’s all worked up because he was yelling in the diary room about Vanessa. Austin says I think I just put on the top hat and put her up. They talk about getting Meg and James on board with getting Vanessa out. Steve says of the 5 person alliance only 1 of us can go up. Because if the veto is won and not used one of us goes home. Steve asks who is your top choice to go home? Austin says honestly Vanessa. Liz says so if Vanessa goes how is the next biggest target. If someone comes back who are they coming after. Austin says its down to the point where you just have to do it and win to stay in the game. Johnny says if I have to be the pawn I will do it. I trusted you guys last week. Liz says Johnny Mac I am telling you right now you have my vote. Steve says you have my vote. Liz says you have to play nice with her. If she does take you out next week Julia and I are going after her. Austin says everyone is telling me to play nice.. I need two people to put up. I can’t put up James he would have to be backdoored. It between Meg and Vanessa. Austin says we did her damn dirty work last week for getting Becky out. Liz says don’t say that. Austin says we did. Johnny brings up how Vanessa tried to get me out to keep Becky because of her toe but then came and told me she was convincing others to keep me. Austin says she’s JUDAS! Steve says no one in this house is Judas.
Austin says right now going to bed this is what I’m thinking.. I’ll put up Vanessa and Johnny Mac .. she will think James is the target but really she is the target. I’ll tell her she is a pawn all day till I am blue in the face but she won’t believe.

4:40am Bathroom – Steve tells Johnny there is no way he is going home this week. Steve tells Johnny on the night of Gronk Pong a 5 person alliance was made. Me, Vanessa, Austin, Liz and became 5 when Julia came in. (Freaks and Geeks alliance) Vanessa threw it together and it was full of baloney. I’ve had a working relationship with Austin since then. And that’s why I am so happy this stuff with Vanessa happened. You’re taking Vanessa’s spot. I know his loyalty is to the twins. Johnny says at some point we’re going to need to take them out. Steve says I know. Johnny says I had a final four with Clay, Shelli and we were going to pull you or Becky in. Steve says it didn’t happen. Johnny says they went out too early. Steve says I wanted to explain this in case it comes out tomorrow. Steve says as much as it sucks that’s why I was trying to hang onto Vanessa because I saw it as 3 and 3 .. but she’s done too much. Its not going to happen. So yes we can go to final 5. Johnny says good deal.
4:50am – 5:30am Outside the cabana room – Vanessa asks if Steve wants to talk? Steve says he isn’t in the right mind to talk right now. Vanessa starts to get emotional and says no one wants to talk tonight!!! Steve says I cant talk game right now. Vanessa asks can I just talk to you right now. Steve says you deserve to be listened to and I can’t give you that right now. Vanessa says I am so tired of being the bigger person right now. Vanessa gets emotional and goes into the bathroom stall. Vanessa comes out and Steve asks can I say something. Vanessa says I unlike other people will listen when someone wants to talk. Steve says your thoughts need special care and attention and I can’t give you that right now. Vanessa says I want to apologize to you because I think you’re the subject of redirected anger. When you asked for a hug I should have given you one. I respect you and I know you have to do what is best for you in this game. Steve says right back at you. They hug. Vanessa says I asked for 3 f**king minutes from Austin and he couldn’t give me that. Vanessa starts crying. Vanessa says I lost so much sleep trying to save Austin that week he lied to me. Vanessa asks if its you or I on the block will you give me your word you will vote for me? I will vote for you. Steve says I will. Vanessa asks will you shake on it. They shake hands. Steve says you have my word I will vote for you as long as nothing comes out that you lied to me. Vanessa says it won’t, I haven’t lied to you. If anything does come up promise me you will come talk to me about it because people lie. Vanessa asks if you’re in an alliance its implied that they won’t put you up right? Steve says putting someone up knowing they’re safe.. Just like there are so many definitions for what a floater is. Vanessa asks about the deal James made with Austin during the comp. Vanessa says I get it Austin is in a tough spot .. its a tough HOH to win. Steve agrees and says I trust him. Steve says its 5:30am .. we’ve been havenots all week .. I think we need to sleep. Vanessa says I can’t sleep. Steve heads to bed and Vanessa lays on the bathroom lounger staring off into the distance.
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I don’t curse or anything, but after Vanessa told Austin that he owes her for not back dooring him he should have said “Bish Please! Be the first to take a seat on the block! And no deals for you!
Austin could’ve said “you owe me for not voting you out last week”, like really how many times is Vanessa going to use that as an excuse which in reality is saying i was going to BD you but changed my mind, and if Austin had any guts he would use that as a “reason” to put her OTB, then the way she tried to guilt Steve in to being a pawn instead of her was laughable, glad Steve never backed down from her
I like how she tells Steve that he “should be comfortable” being a pawn when she is clearly not comfortable herself.
Also, if you have to tell people constantly that you are a “straight shooter,” it usually means that you are not…
Vanessa is a master of polemics…she stirs up controversy, plants ideas, fights her so called foes by attacking them, twisting the facts against her to make others believe they’re really doing it…constantly deflecting off her like a human shield. What she did to Steve when she wanted to talk with him, and he said he’s not in a good mental state right now to listen, she criies, runs to the wc, and then comes out…wha la.Steve apologizes TO HER…REALLY! what a con artist she is…And a bully,
Vanessa is scrambling hard. Steve stick to your guns. Might not matter as the twins want Van safe. I see them flipping to save her if needed eviction night. Keep saying no Steve Van will attack you like crazy. Has Van ever been a pawn? I don’t think so.
J Mac may survive only because the skags switch to Steve from J Mac. Austin might have a rough week watching the twins betray him. Then again Austin likely noms Steve with JM as Van will get her way again. I’m think the twins unsaid 4 includes Meg and Van. It’s getting a slight BB 13 feel to it.
If that holds true, that Austin owes Vanessa everything, then I guess everyone owes her everything since she has bullied, manipulated and forced agreements out of almost all in the house. Come on CBS, you can’t let her bully you into offering cash and prizes in exchange for keeping her safe…called Extortion.
Not only that, but she has admitted to cheating having her family send clues in her HOH basket.
Up until now everything Vanessa has done was fine gamewise. I didn’t like her but she played the game. She’s been underhanded and manipulative all season but it had been within the context of the game. This is bribing her way past her social shortcomings. She knows Austin and the twins are there to gain exposure for some career, although I don’t think Austin has done himself any favors this season.
Promising gifts of money, cars, and such should get her put out.
Only if it’s against the rules… It’s a fucking game… ANYTHING GOES… Short of breaking the rules.
It is a violation of the rules to offer payment for game advantages just as it’s a rule violation to split the prize money.
Geez, Bribery Kickbacks, Green mail, are illegal. You think CBS side contacts with certain players supercedes FCC or Federal Trade Commission law? Maybe Steve’s parents want to tree mortgage their house to pay for favors!
There’s no respect for right and wrong anymore. Only what you can get away with. Gangster thugocracy only stupid people don’t cheat mentality. Go ahead CBS see what blatant criminal conduct does for ratings. Set up a Ponzi scheme Vanessa, take money from your alliance members and promise returns they’ll never get. She’s comping her fake friends to play in her BB House.
Geez, Production tell her to shut up, she’s making you look bad. Let’s see how many professional crooks with a law degree they recruit next year.
Yeah I am surprised Big Brother didn’t shut this down last week when Vanessa was talking about her “gambling stakes” proposal.
If she keeps this up I think that production will strongly encourage her nomination and eviction. The absolute last thing they want is to have Vanessa in the final four making some kind of deal for everyone to split the money.
Isn’t it against the rules to promise money and cars in return for safety? Vanessa is way out of line! Get her OUT. And Austin, he’s acting more like the priest/demon from HBO’s, Carnivale,The character had a tattoo of the story’s evil tree all over his body. I don’t think I can take another week of Liz/Austin together in the HOH room. You say Judas is coming out but you won’t make a big move and get Vanessa out, who deserves to go home. Come on BB, bring in a golden power of veto, a reset, SOMETHING. Help the good guys. This game is so lopsided. JAMES/MEG….stop believing the other side. JOHNNY MAC – fight to stay in. PS. Thanks for giving Austin SHIRTS! Please wear them.
I was firmly under the impression that no financial deals of any kind were allowed so it’s weird they allowed the staking proposal from Vanessa.
I do remember hearing her say a couple of weeks ago that she asked for permission in the diary room but i never heard if it was approved or not.
Remember when the old Shelly or was it Rachel that offered their ring? lol
Please! Nice try to explain VaMessa’s latest critical blunder. Rachel offered her ring NOT as payment or to keep as a gift! It was her version of swearing on the Bible, a temporary token of giving her WORD, promise of loyalty. Rachel said I promise on my marriage, and held up her ring instead of a Bible, like Vanessa promises her word on her mother, her cats life, Mel’s life, and still no one believes her.
Can you smell the desparation? She’s broken so many promises, told so many lies, now she’s negotiating rules as a lawyer getting Production to sign contracts for Staking Winnings taking Austin to Vegas, Splitting Winnings, Buying Cars for Julia as DIRECT CASH PAYMENT FOR VOTES and keeping her off the block. If Production doesn’t shut that down, next they’ll recruit Donald Trump to play and buy everyone off for airtime and ad dollars. The FCC would jump on CBS for allowing blatant rigging of an advertised game show. Which shows how stupid delusional she is. She’s looking to scam CBS. If she was winning so much at the tables, why’s she wasting her life here for peanuts for more gambling money?
Vanessa’s not a genius, she’s a grifter, a bad grifter who gets caught in her scams over and over again. She really shows the cheater she is, the con artist she is, and really how stupid she is to risk her reputation. Do you really respect players who say I’m so rich I’ll buy you off, since none of my legitimate strategies worked? She’s so crazy unlikable, untrustworthy, no one will play with her. She probably has to tie a pork chop around her neck to get her dog to play with her.
You guys!! NOW is not the time to take out Vanessa. And next week is not the time. Nor the week after that…
Maybe she can say it because she is lying and wont buy them anything? that’s the only reason I can come up with for CBS letting her do it.
I know I wouldn’t trust her to follow through with anything she said.
This whole situation about being the right time to get Vanessa out reminds me so much of BB15 when people wanted Amanda out and Helen kept saying “This is not the right time to get Amanda out”. Helen was out before Amanda. Good possibility that Vanessa will be in the final 3 (not that I want her to be).
That might be true to a point. But it is not in Austin’s best interest nor was it Liz’s to take out Vanessa. Why would it be in the HOH’s interest to take out someone who will not be targeting them, and could also be used as a shield?? If Johnny won HOH, it might make sense to take out Vanessa because she is targeting him; on the flip side, she is also a shield, and the twins and Austin are a bigger threat. HOH should not be about what the house wants, but what’s best for the HOH’s game.
Agreed! Austin is having a horrible hoh already. He has already thrown everyone’s name under the bus and hasn’t even put people up! Now Vanessa, Steve and Jmac really don’t trust you!
This HOH may turn out to be interesting after all. If its just not all talk from Austin, cause he can be a blow hard! Put on the stupid fucking hat! Make a show out of it!
Vanessa needs to go, she is poison, and I dont like her lol.
With that being said, I believe they will ALL be gunning for the austwins after this… So they really can take their pick. Whoever goes home, is a good decision, so he cant fail haha.
Austin talks big game, but he says targets are Meg, JMac, or Steve… The three most vulnerable people in the game. Get some guts and put up Vanessa like you said you would.
Does anyone else think it’s kind of messed up Liz could hear John in the DR? Those are supposed to be private…
Can someone fill me in….what did Julia or Vanessa hear JMAC say in the Diary Room?
She said he was yelling about wanting to have won the HOH. Johnny Mac really wanted to be the on to get out Vanessa.
Thanks Dawg.
Steve is choosing the side of Johnny Mac over Vanessa and he just shot up in my books!
That conversation should have sealed the deal for Vanessa going out. If the twins would have heard everything they would be on board too. The twins are trying to run this HoH. Why does Julia hate James so much? Is it because he knows she was with Vanessa on backdooring Austin.
Julia was close to Shelly and Clay… James put them up and made a big move. She is right to fear him. James will make a big move and there arent many people left to choose from in the house.. I think Julia was right when she said James would have put up Austin and Liz if he had won HOH.
Damn! It looks like another busy week for me in the HOH room………………..this really stinks 🙂
like twin fish
I wonder if I can find something that Meg is good at or at least good for
Everybody keeps talking about wanting to get Vanessa out because she’s “such a threat”. Why are Austwins NEVER targeted? They are coasting their way to the finale. Whoever survives this week needs to band together to ensure this trio doesn’t automatically win.
Because, everyone has been focused on Shelli and Vanessa, and rightfully so! Nobody has yet had the chance to target them, since they have always floated to power, and were hiding behind shelli, clay, and van.
However, if you dont think Van is still a threat… you are wrong. She is smart and manipulative.
If I read this post right… Van said to Liz & julia that she doesnt think JMac is a dentist. Julia replied, she is sure he is as she was a dental assistant, and he knew the chart…
The next thing you know, Julia is telling Liz and austin she doesn’t think he is a dentist, and put it off, like it was her own thought??!! Liz doesnt say a word. Like WTF??? Either Julia and Liz have an agenda to save van, or this trio is easily persuaded. Van is dangerous to everyone.
Do Austin and the twins ever have an original thought? They just parrot what Vanessa plants in their heads. JMAC is a dentist but if Vanessa says he’s from the moon, they’ll be suspicious and believe it! And Austin is thrilled he gets two full weeks of airtime. He and the twins thinks they’re going to be famous from this. So sick of hearing, “JAMESAAAA from Julia/Liz. PLEASE HELP BB…
I think it’s because the house views them as bumbling idiots. I don’t have anything against them personally, I just think the house sees them as the least harmful of the groups.
Of course now there are no groups left so they are probably making a great play by pulling in steve for the hope of some small protection next week.
They may not be able to use the new alliance name of “The Authority” for long because WWE Wrestling uses it for Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, and Seth Rollins . Austin should know this
That’s the reason why he said it. He’s playing up to the wrestling nerds.
The Shyeld?
The Authority will not be used it’s copyright material. Austin knows that’s. He also knows there’s now way in hell the WWE would take him back after the stunt he pulled. And who does Austin ex girlfriend dad know to get him on BB. Because his ex girlfriend sister says it was their dad that got Austin on the show. So needless to say there’s 1 pissed off dad waiting for Austin to leave the house.
The Athourity is a WWE faction that always does “what’s best for business.” Lol. Anyways, I will believe it when I see it with Vanessa going home.
I think the final 3 will be Austin and the twins, with the twins screwing Austin at the end. This season is soooooo much better than the last 2, but I can’t help but think that we are reverting back to the last two seasons where people play defensive and act like BB is going to give them a career is show business. I mean, who has ever benefitted from being on Big Brother??
I thought that The Authority was actually their name since they have been using it for so long, maybe about 2 years or so with Randy Orton. Lol.
A lot, actually…jeff n jordan are on marriage boot camp, brenchel were on some wedding show…cody models…and even that POS frankie just got a show on oxygen
POS Frankie is a judge on MTV’s America’s Best Dance Crew, where he embarrassingly upstages everyone for camera time. But you can probably blame his sister Ariana Gran dudde Licks Donuts and Hates Americans for that gig. Although he did get promo time on The Talk with Julie Chen…ugghh.
Please don’t bring him back again. He was front and center in the audience in one of the first shows in bright pink (so he could be seen.) His new show is AWFULLL..Not surprised CBS is still backing him cuz of his sis. And after the not so nice things he said and did on BB last year. Enough of him.
Dr. Will did!
Wouldn’t it be hilarious if Austin won and Vanessa was able to convince him to play her heads up in poker and she walked away with the $500k in the span of an hour? There are no words to describe how awesome and hilarious that would be. I just hope Vanessa remembers to turn on the hidden cameras before they start playing. She couldn’t possibly do that without sharing the glorious event with us all.
Would Not be shocked if that happens. I have to give it to her, she is a smooth operator, and I am definitely not a fan but she is in it to win it at all costs. Can’t knock her hustle
Jmac has always been my favorite but he just threw one comp too many. I’m very disappointed. This late in the game nobody should be throwing anything. What is he thinking. I hope he realizes now that he can’t trust them, but unfortunately it might already be to late. Wonder how Steve is feeling after hearing about all of Vanessa’s final twos and about her not trusting him. Hope he tells his mom so we can find out.
Why is Austin upset that James was trying to win HOH. Shows that James doesn’t trust them…It’s ridiculous. You should try to win…especially James/JMAC/Meg. They’re being picked off one by one. Get real and start playing to win every damn thing.
Agreed. If Austin believes that, then the same logic should apply to him. Why did he gun for HOH against James, if he actually trusts him? He’s rationalizing his consideration of James as a backdoor target.
Especially when Austin said he was going to throw it to jmac so he could take out Vanessa. Then he turns around and wins it cuz he thinks they should hold on to the so they can NOT MAKE A BIG MOVE! That’s why jmac was yelling in the diary room. Where was Vanessa when she heard him, outside the door with her ear up against it.
Sorry, I mean where was Julia when she heard jmac yell in the diary.
She said she was walking by the living room / diary room door.
Kind of stupid for it not to be soundproof.
I don’t understand his logic. He was expecting James and Austin to throw to him, but wouldn’t that entail Jmac also running as fast as he can? You slow down bc you expect others to? They’d all be running like Grandma.
Damn it, Vanessa…you just couldn’t keep your mouth shut for two days. The hypocrisy of yelling at Steve that he needs to be a them player and go up as a pawn…while fighting tooth and nail to not be put up as a pawn is laughable. Then throwing out the, “You owe me for not backdooring you!” at Asstain. *facepalm* Saying that to him is only going to piss him off…not help her. It is almost like she is trying to get nominated, so she can play in veto and at least not get backdoored. But, I’m sure she is just killing her game with manic rants.
Vanessa annoys the hell out of me…but I don’t want her to go yet for one reason. I want her to win the next HOH and watch the Asstwins squirm while the rest of the house rats them out to her. Then, instead of pathetically going on about how she could have backdoored him but didn’t…she can correct that mistake and get Sir HandsAlot or his Twinevere out of the Big Smother house for good.
Austin owes Vanessa NOTHING! Austin saved Vanessa from the block and voted out Shelli. Liz didnt put Vanessa up when the whole house wanted her gone and Liz would have had a good reason to do it. (Van being part of the plan for James to throw BOB Liz was on.) So if anything Vanessa owes them and should volunteer to go on the block. I love how Vanessa gets pissed at Steve saying he “needs to go on the block as a pawn, we all do at this part of the game”. Steves been a pawn on the block way more times then Van. I want Austin to put her up just because it would be a stupid game move for Austwins and could shake things up again.
And I don’t understand why everyone is expected to follow through with their “deals”. And if they lie and go against them they’ll be butthurt jury members and vote against them. Might just be me but lieing is part of the game, its what WINNERS do! I’m on team James, only one who has the balls in there to make a move for himself. Has gone against a deal and nobody targeted him! It would be in Austins best interest to get him out because everyone else in there are SHEEP!
At this point, I think Austin is being a fool taking out a loyal member and trusting James. If he does take out Vanessa, then I would be pulling for Jackie to get back in to reform the goblins. Then I would prefer James to win HOH and immedately turn on the Ass Turds!! Putting so much trust in the other side because “they are so much fun to hang out with” is moronic!!
The term “loyal member” is very loose. Van will cut them in a second if it benefited her game, plus she is way too volatile. Every single one of the people outside the austwins are a target for them, they really cant go wrong with ANYONE leaving at this point.
Johnny Mac deserves to go IMO! you don’t throw comps this late in the game and expect everyone else to carry your a$$ to the end, especially this group who changes their minds every time the wind blows!
I can definitely see the logic in his plan. His goal is to win the game, not individual contests.
Even if Johnny won HoH this week, he could still be evicted next week – he can’t win twice in a row and he doesn’t have any alliance members who can protect him.
So he might as well find out if the Austwins trust him now rather than later, since if he goes out this week there’s still a chance he could come back.
Thanks for this view. I thought there *might* be some logic to JMac throwing it, but I didn’t see it. This makes sense…at the very least an excellent rationalization of a mistake. I’m buoyed now, thank you!
Vanessa says who goes up as pawns should be her or Steve,but it’s better if Steve goes up? I hope Austwits caught that.
If the 5 of them were in a true alliance, it would make more sense for Steve to go up. The difference between Steve and Vanessa is that Johnny is Vanessa’s target, whereas, Johnny is Steve’s ally. So, Steve could possibly vote for Johnny to stay, but there is absolutely no possibility Vanessa would.
Everyone is so scared of Jackie coming back and teaming up with James and Meg but they keep ignoring that Shelli is the one with the most beautiful track record in challenges. After sending her home Austwins is blinded that Shelli won’t team up with JMac and Steve and go after the three of them. Those three are much more scarier than the one with grandma meg. The best case for their game is to send out Jmac or Steve this week, Meg is pathetic in challenges and could easily be picked off. Vanessa is still in cloud nine and thinks that she’s safe, she will still be gunning for the goblins in case she stays this week.
Austin is mad at Vanessa for doing the same double dealing that he is doing. I can’t believe they let a tool like him even make it this far. Liz looking for a reason to be mad at him is the writing on the wall. As soon as the game is over (or before if he is no longer useful) she is going to drop him faster then she drops her panties! After seeing the you-tube video she has taken the whole whoring herself out for her and her sister to the next level. To each their own but I can’t believe ANY woman (or should I say any decent woman) would allow that hairy, scary creature to constantly paw them like he paws her. He is such a puss! Him and his alter ego can go back to being irrelevant and the sooner the better
Asstin is full if hot air. All talk and no b@lls! He needs to hide behind his Judas hat to pretend to make a move. He needs to hide behind Vanessa too cuz she is a bigger target. Asstin knows he’s next if she goes. bla bla bla … fast forward to austinkins azz out the front door next week. Plzzzzzzz!
Lizard and Snakelia know they will have to break from Austinks at some point. They need Vanessa around to be the one to take him out. These two want to be in final two together so they can split the money whichever twin wins. Their dilemma is how to and when are they going to be able to get out both Austinks and Vanessa before the final two.
At least Lizard and Snakelia are trying and not throwing comps and saying they have been playing a “dead fish” all season. Like a certain loser who wants to slither to the end without doing a damn thing. Sorry douche bag your dead fish summer vacation bout to end. And you go home with nothing. And guess what? Your love Becky would never touch your slimey digusting ass. Oh yeah..and shave that disgusting hairy back. You make people ill that are forced to have to look at you.
Anyone else think Steve’s Memory wall photo looks like Jared Fogel? thank god he grew a beard and got the mohawk now.
Austwins’ target should probably be Steve.
If Johnny goes home, then Vanessa and Steve team up to target the Austwins. If Vanessa goes, then Johnny and Steve team up to target them.
The best way for them to stay safe next week is to keep both Johnny and Vanessa. Luckily for all of us, they are not bright enough to realize that.
Why can’t J-Mac win an HOH? This season isn’t remotely interesting. What happened to the BB Takeovers? Those stopped as quickly as they started. Austin winning HOH? Seriously? It isn’t interesting at all. Austin isn’t willing to make “big moves.” He will play it somewhat safe and I feel like J-Mac will pay the ultimate price for Austin’s poor HOH strategy (or lack of strategy). I guess all I am excited about is Zingbot at this point. At least I know Zingbot isn’t afraid of rusting people’s feathers. Sigh.
I think BB takeover stopped after Audrey left and there was no one for them to use them on.
Yes Vanessa is intelligent, but She is running out of bullets
Stuff like this proves it
11:03pm Vanessa and Julia
Vanessa talking about trying to get an answer from production if she can guarantee people a gift, “Like a car.. I realized there’s 4 of us but only 2 spots”
She is trying to buy Her way into surviving, thats the last card She has to play now
TRULY HOPING that this week is Her eviction week. Odds are Jackie or Becky come back,,Then it would be a perfect time to take out an AusTwin
Johnny Mac shouldn’t have thrown the HOH comp this week, it’s getting too dangerous to do that. I think he doesn’t want to make enemies. I also see him throwing the POV this week which will be dangerous extra dangerous this week. I think Vanessa might be put up but if she wins veto Johnny Mac or James is going home. I really hope whatever the case Austin puts up Vanessa. Everyone should be against the twins and Austin next week it’s way too dangerous to leave all 3 in this long as they are finding out Liz won last week and then Austin!
I do not think Austin has the Guts to put up Vanessa. I will not be surprised today if when the nominations are done today, it will be Meg and JMac, or Steve & JMac. I was very disappointed the JMac threw the HOH competition.
People who are actually John’s fans need to calm down. I told you guys I do not want John to win this HOH at all. I am glad John did not win it.
1. If John won this HOH, let say if John successfully gets out Vanessa, she can still have a chance to get back in. If Vanessa gets back in next week and John will not able to compete in the next HOH, John will be in serious trouble. John will be a sitting duck because he does not have an alliance like Austin to back him up. Noone cares about John.
2. If John won this HOH, let say if John does not successfully get out Vanessa, then he will make either Austwins or James/Meg upset. John will not able to compete in the next HOH but he will have at least 2 enemies to get him. In addition, noone cares about John again.
3. If John won this HOH, people will see him as a comp threat and John will not compete in the next HOH. John and the returned jury will likely be on the block if the returned jury member does not win HOH. This time, they will evict John instead of the returned jury because they see John as a comp threat.
4. If John won this HOH, that means John has to throw the next 2 HOHs in order to compete in the final 4 HOHs so that he will have 2 chances to get to final 3. I rather John throws this HOH now than later because later if he does not win, he will go home. In this game, he has to take a risk.
5. Lastly, I just hope John will win the POV this week. I do not know why are you disappointed when John throws HOH. People threw HOHs all the time. Derrick and Dan did it at this late in the game. I will understand if you get upset when John throws POV. I know you guys want John to win HOH so bad but this is not the one for him to win. You guys want John to make a move instead of what will he go from making the move?
He’s a nice guy and all, but you need to face facts: big brother just isn’t his thing.
Most of this is right on. Johnny is playing to win the game, not win the week.
If he can get the Austwins to trust him, then that is a much bigger advantage going forward than one HoH win. It’s risky but it does make sense.
Jmac is the most useless player to ever walk into the Big Brother house. He’s like JennCity times 4. That old geezer Jerry played more game than JMac, and there was a huge generation gap between him and his house mates. JMac must think he’s playing Big Brother on Neptune, or whatever planet he’s from. He’s completely oblivious to the way the Earth version works.
YES…. please put vanessa up and get her out of the game….
I would love to see Vanessa walk out this week…..and than see Beckie or Jackie come back in and work with John, Steve, James & Meg…. Go after Austin & Twins…..
I hope James wins VETO this week:)
I don’t care who or how but SOMEONE needs to break up Austwins. If these fools do not see that they all deserve to lose.
I honestly see the Austwins in final 4. I don’t know how people are going to get them out…
“Austin says because I’m nuts and want to make good tv.”
You’re not making good tv by trying to grope liz every second of the day.
Put Vanessa UP. Tell her she is a Pawn and then the house votes her out. NO more backdooring, thats the coward way of doing it. Vanessa said she would go up (even though she doesn’t mean it). She argues with Steve that he’s not a team player for not going up. Um Vanessa, look in the mirror….you don’t want to go up either…you are all talk! I don’t understand these people. The threat of you vote me out, you won’t get my vote is crap. They will vote for you, because you got them out. No one left has made a big move to use at the final 2 for the win, except for James. He puts up his targets and lets the house decides at that point. I’m rooting for James at this point. The Austwins need to go. Julia seems to have a brain, but she is tied to Liz which has Austin that is screwing up their game.
Austin, PLEASE trust your gut and don’t listen to the twins!!! I will pull for him if he puts up Vanessa and doesn’t try to backdoor James. I’m praying Vanessa goes this week & Jackie comes back!!! Let’s go GOBLINS
Austin should tell Vanessa he owes Liz for saving him not her. If Liz had not won the BOB Jackie would have remained HOH and Austin or a twin would have been gone!
Pandora’s Box? because I like MAC ATTACK and all, but dang..he might throw the pov….
I will be shocked in Austin nominates Vanessa. I’m sure he will wimp out and go for Johnny Mac and Meg.
Suprise suprise for the hundreth time this season JMAC and Steve are going up! This BB show is so unpredictable the twisted twisted twisted summer ever! I’ve already quit watching the live feeds. The TV show is next. That was the dumbest HOH ever why didn’t they declare Ausdum the HOH and save time.
Austin : get over yourself
Vanessa : wanting to talk “right now” and not being able to understand when people don’t feel like talking, and then crying about it, is not being the bigger person
John : please stoooooop volunteering to be a pawn!
Liz : ………….. can’t say it in a polite way so i’ll just shut it.
People can say what they want about Steve, but he is really stepping up his social and strategic game. He just wiggled out of being used as a pawn without getting any heat from anyone but Vanessa, who is a dead fish at this point anyway. He got the heat off of Jmac regarding the HOH yelling and general consideration of him as a target. He’s realized that it makes more sense to drop Vanessa now, align most closely with Jmac to hopefully break up the Austwins soon. If the twins win HOH next week, he would not be a primary target. He’s covered most bases. James is a concern for him, but it’s best to leave that be for now. He does have a good relationship with him and could potentially work that if he needs to, plus James would be more likely to trust him over Jmac.
But if Vanessa leaves then what in the world will these houseguests possibly have to talk about? At least it’s interesting when there is a villan in the house.
Please let venessa be the one to go.i adore johny&meg.twins not so much!!
I think someone said a few weeks ago: “I’d like to beat the living shit out of Johnny”
Could I join you? I have never wanted to beat a houseguest as bad as I want to beat this “douche bag”.
I’m not sure how it is that I see a total different game playing out than most of the posters here do, not to mention the people playing this game.
I havent been watching BB since the beginning but its my opinion that this season has got to be filled with the greatest ratio of social heavy-floating air heads to gameplaying big brother strategists. The fact that there are only 2 real gameplayers remaining in the final 8 is a testimate to how brutal the cast is this season.
It makes me sick that out of all the people who dream to play this game, someone like Austin or Liz/ Julia could be winner and take home the prize. I honestly might stop watching this season because of them.
I accept that it is a game that requires almost a perfect blend of social, comp and strategy. Strategy being most important as it dictates how you manage the other two your advantage.
You this game to become the champion and win the money.
It blows my mind that someone like Austin would come on this show and “fall in love”. Wake up buddy, she isnt gonna accept your fb friend request on the outside. Play this game for yourself.
Laying in bed, kissing your “showmance” and showing the audience how much you believe your own bs when you continually throw Vanessa under the bus and act like you didnt destroy your solid game moving alliance with her over a girl who didnt like you- not to mention that its well documented that your plan was to evict the twin so you could be alone with the other in jury. Idiot. Now you have the ignorance to carry yourself as though Vanessa is to blame for all the blood in the house. She did in fact save you, she also remained loyal to you afterwards. But you are too cozy in the sheets of your fake romance to play this damn game. At least if you actually had some sort of goal that involved strategizing real game moves and not what will get you kisses, I might have some respect for you. What a waste.
Julia and Liz both seem to forget what Austin did and appear content floating along with that dummy.
I trully wonder if Andy from BB15 coached half the cast before hand. The year of the floater.
Everyone here hates Vanessa. Why? Because she is villianized by the house and for what? Playing the very game they are all there to play? I’ve said it before but I think Vanessa is simply too smart and ambitious for this group of floaters.
Liker her or not, she plays the game and does her best to get things done. Could you imagine this game with out her? There would be one half of the house swimming, the other half cuddling and then when decisions need to be made, they would nominate the weakest friend all the way to the end.
Had Vanessa played in a season with the likes of Derrick, Jeff, Rachel, Etc I think our perception of her would be different because she would have someone on her level to play with or against.
Vanessa has stayed loyal to her original alliance. Yes she has worked the house in search of a partner because she is a gameplayer and this house lacks anything close to that. Why fault her for that? Everyone runs around the house spilling beans on everyone bc they are all weak. I think BB should bring her back again when the cast is stronger.
If you disagree with me- ask yourself if a combination of like 12 alliances with 8 players remaining suggests either a lot of strategy being played or social idiocracy masked as strategy?
Asside from Vanessa, James is the only person willing to play this game and make real moves.
Im sorry I cant hate Vanessa guys. She is the only one keeping this game interesting.