POV Holder: | Liz | POV Competition | Aug 15th |
POV Used | No | POV Ceremony | Aug 10th |
HOH | Liz | Next HOH | Aug 20th |
Original Nominations: | Johnny Mac and Becky | ||
After POV Nominations: | Johnny Mac and Becky | ||
Have Nots | Vanessa, Johnny Mac, Steve |
12:25am – 1am Backyard – Steve and Julia are playing a game of pool. Becky, Meg and Johnny Mac are sitting by the hot tub chatting. Steve join them. They talk about past seasons of Big Brother. Becky says that she didn’t want to sit out of the first HOH because she remembered Memphis Garrett won a classic car. Austin heads inside to start doing all the dishes from their cooking competitions. Becky and Liz help to do the dishes as well. Meg and James talk about how this morning James announced their engagement. James says we haven’t even kissed! Meg asks how come we’re the showmance of the year and everyone else is getting all the action?! James and Julia head outside to play a game of pool.
1:15pm Austin and Liz are staring at the memory wall photos looking at all the details of the house guests faces. They’re studying the differences in preperation for the face morph competition.

1:10am Bedroom – James says I kind of just want to tell her. (Tell Becky she is the one being evited) Meg says no! James says no you’re right, she didn’t tell me. She tried to mess up my whole operation that week. Meg says she would freak out! James says so she thinks she’s staying huh?! Meg says yeah. James so oh boy! Steve joins them. Steve tells Meg James just wants a little kiss. Meg says James is my friend for life. Steve says what you did wrong .. was you just put James in the friend zone. James says she’s not pushing me into the friend zone. Steve tells Meg I know why your dad doesn’t like your “always yes” tattoo… because of the connotation. James says she’s been saying no a lot lately.

1:30am HOH room – Austin says so today everyone has asked me if I want them to throw the HOH to me. James and Meg, Johnny Mac, Vanessa. I could literally win HOH next week if I wanted to set it up. Liz says wow! And why?! Austin says because they’re all on our side. Liz says I can’t believe! James too?! Austin says yeah. But you still have to worry about Steve coming after you. I was like lets see if we can get everyone on the same page about going after you know who and then we’ll talk. Liz says the fairies keep asking me… Big Brother blocks the feeds. Austin says what they want is suspense for the veto because otherwise there is no suspense. It was very cut and dry. Julia joins them. Julia says Becky is so annoying. She was just controlling the conversation by the hot tub. She was complementing Austin’s tattoos. Liz says like back off he’s mine!! Julia says you should go fight her. Liz says I’m going to go fight her. Actually I did already fight her, I beat her in the veto!
1:30am Backyard Hammock – Johnny Mac and Steve are talking. Steve says yup, this game is hard. Johnny says I was out here thinking about what we were talking about earlier. Steve says I had a feeling you were so that’s why I joined you. Johnny says that might be our best move man. We need to go to them separately. Steve says okay. I might talk to them tonight because I’m comfortable with it. My problem is what do we do about Vanessa.. because I don’t know about the Austin/Vanessa relationship? Johnny says its not as strong as I thought. Steve asks would you prefer 5 without or six with? Johnny says 5 without (Vanessa). Steve asks because you don’t trust her? Johnny says yeah, because if I won (HOH) I would put up the goblins (James & Meg) and backdoor Vanessa. Johnny says and then a goblin supporter would probably come back but you still have 4 people versus the .. Steve says 5. Becky knows she is going. Would it be tacky or respectful for me to tell Becky I can’t vote for her? Johnny says she’s not even going to campaign. Neither her nor I are going to. She doesn’t expect to stay. Steve says I would like to give Becky the respect of telling her. If you won HOH you want to target Vanessa? Johnny says yes. If we do 5 with these 3, its not that bad going into the HOH’s. Johnny says there’s always a chance a goblin comes back or James wins an HOH and has to take one of them out. Steve says I’m questioning do we have the 5 or 6. Johnny says we can’t trust Vanessa. Steve says she is going after the people that figured her out. Steve heads inside to talk to Austin.
1:40am HOH room – Steve comes up to talk to Austin but he’s in the diary room so Steve talks to Liz and Julia. Steve asks them if they’re on board with the conversation they had a few nights ago about bringing Johnny Mac in to a 5 person alliance. Julia and Liz say yes. Steve says lets do this tonight? Steve goes to get Johnny Mac. Julia tells Johnny Mac I’m a triplet, there’s one more of us coming in next week. She tells him I am going to keep you. We definitely want to keep you. We heard about the Vanessa craziness and she will definitely be a target next week. Liz says for a lot of people. Julia says because she just did stuff to us that is unforgivable. Like for example when Liz on the block she wanted James to throw the BOB but by the grace of motherf**king god Liz won the battle of the block. I was really close with her and it was like knife in my back that she knew the whole time that Liz could have gone home. She knew and didn’t tell us and to this day she still hasn’t. I would never do someone dirty like that. Liz says not only that other people have told us a lot of other information about her that has been confirmed. Johnny says we have targets on our backs because we’ve won sh*t. Liz says it would be hard for us to put Vanessa on the block because we’re close with her. Johnny says yeah we just need to pacify her. Julia says Austin talked to her (Vanessa) and she is thinking about throwing the next HOH so if you win it .. like if its down to all of us and you .. we are all throwing it to you. Johnny says yeah I want to do it! I’ve wanted to do this for weeks!!! Steve asks is this the right move right before someone comes back? Johnny says she won’t come back against the other 3. Julia comments that Vanessa was trying to make a final 2 deal with Austin. Johnny says that’s what I was paranoid about them having a final 2. They talk about the conversation/fight Johnny Mac and Vanessa had in the cabana room. Julia says we really like Becky and respect her, she is a really great competitor. We feel bad but she has to go.
1:55am – 2:30am HOH room – Austin joins them. Liz says us for have an alliance and you’re not in it. They tell Johnny Mac they’re voting to keep him. Steve says 1, 2, 3, and the tie breaker. Austin says so next week whatever you want to do we’re down. Steve says I think we just have to be careful because next week is the week someone has the potential to come back. Austin says he thinks next week will be a question HOH and the one after will be endurance. Johnny says I would want to play in the endurance one. Johnny says I think we should send out someone like James who could win in it (endurance). They speculate on whether or not the 4 coming back will compete in an endurance with everyone or their own separate comp. Steve says we need to win HOH next week. Julia says if Jackie comes back then she would join James and Meg. That’s why its important to have the numbers. Austin says but you know who she would go after, the person that’s blamed for getting her out (Vanessa). That’s why maybe its not a good idea to take her (Vanessa) out because once that happens its open season. I still think she will throw HOH. Steve says right now only 4 things matter.. 1, 2, 3, 4, BOOM! (Steve points to Liz, Austin, Julia, himself and Johnny as the Boom!) Lets get HOH. Johnny tells them that Becky isn’t going to campaign. Austin says I think she (Vanessa) is going to approach you (Johnny Mac) a deal so tell her whatever you want to. They agree to discuss who to get out next week when one of them actually is HOH. They start studying the dates / events. Steve heads downstairs. Austin comments on how Vanessa will never suspect or know we made a deal with Johnny Mac. She thinks we will not make an alliance with Johnny Mac. She thinks we’ll just promise him our vote. Which is perfect because she will never know we just made this whole 5 thing here, so we basically just replaced her in Freaks and Geeks. Liz says I trust Johnny Mac way more than Becky. Austin says Johnny mac is happy to have a group. Austin says because of what just happened none of us can win HOH. We need Steve, Johnny, James or Meg to win HOH. I could win it but it would get messy. Or you (Julia) could win it and get out Vanessa because it would separate you from Liz and gain you respect from the jury. Liz says that’s a good idea. Julia heads to bed.
2:35am Austin and Liz turn off the lights and start making out.
3am – 4:10am Steve is alone in the backyard. He gets into the hot tub and the pool.. Steve says Johnny is also just telling me what I want to hear right now because he’s on the block. Oh that’s another reason, because if James is here and Shelli comes back Shelli will come after James. But if James is gone and Shelli comes back she will gun after Vanessa and that’s another reason to evict James. Here’s the thing, I don’t want Vanessa to go. Steve mumbles. That’s what got Vanessa into this mess. Steve says if they distrusted me they could have just backdoored me this week. Does Austin have a side deal with James and Meg? Do I make a deal with them. They would know its fake. They would know its so fake! The function of that deal would only be to cover myself if they won HOH. They’re talking to much about an alliance with John and they’re expecting it. I think I’m safe next to any of them. I just have to make sure I don’t defend Vanessa too much or I could be sitting in that chair. Steve heads inside and cooks a pork chop. Becky joins him. They talk about how next havenots would be Austin, Liz and Julia. Steve and Becky head to bed.
- “Goblins/Gremlins” = James and Meg
- “The Generals” = anyone allied with Becky
- “SOS” (Students of Sound) = Steve and Vanessa
- Rockstars = Steve and Jmac
- AUS-Twins = Austin, Julia and Liz
- “Austin’s Angels” = Austin, Liz, Julia, Vanessa
- “Brass Tacks” = Gobins and Austwins
- The new “Brass Tacks” = Aus-Twins, Meg, James + Vanessa
“Freaks and Geeks”“The Scamper Squad” = Aus-Twins, Vanessa, Steve- “The new Freeks and Geeks minus Vanessa” = Austin, Liz, Julia, Steve, Johnny Mac
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How does steve manage to not sleep At night? Is creeping me out
He sleeps most of the day. He is a mess when they wake them up early for things.
Stevie boy is a twit. Everyone knows the early bird eats more worms. They do know what time it is in the house right? That would be interesting if (besides going outside and calculating the position of the sun) they never know the time. That would drive me batty
I don’t think they do. James tried to sneak a watch in and got caught. Production probably tells them from time to time, but for the most part, they just guess!
there’s a clock on the microwave in the house
Aren’t there clocks on the stove and microwave? Wasn’t Meg using the microwave to count them down for the cooking competition?
I am sure, tho, that they can judge time by being aware that they are on live BBAD every night …am sure Production prompts them.
Introverts recharge by alone time. That probably has something to do with it. He can think better and talk to himself which is why he is so smart. Great people have done their greatest works when working alone.
Steve talks to himself more than anyone else in the house.
Wow and I no longer have anyone J want to win….you are all so concerned about Cabessa who is alone that you eont touch the Austwins so guess what you all signed gbe check over god the twins- good job idiots! Simple math people!
I think JMac is being smart in who his target is. Van is STILL more powerful than the Austwins. People that say she lost all her power lives in la la land. Her resume is too long, as her #1 target has went home every single week whether if she was in power or not; this week is no exception. The only way Shelli went home, was because she was beside Van… Otherwise, Shelli would still be in this game. Becky made a great move, that hurt Van, but ultimately didn’t work. You cant knock her for trying!
Van needs to go asap and then the focus can shift to Liz, James and maybe even austin because of his social…
JMAC would be sitting pretty beside anyone Meg, Julia, Steve, Austin.
It would be a battle beside James or Liz
He would lose against Van.
Huh, everyone now thinks Van is not a serious threat, and the Austwins have being playing an excellent game???
The ONLY REASON why they are a threat is because of their numbers; and their numbers will change. The house guests ( Especially Van) are not blind to the flip floppers. Austwins have shot themselves in the foot this week, doing Vans dirty work, then talking bad about her, and making deals with everyone. They are fucked the next HOH.
Everybody will be saying Van is the only one playing the game… blah blah blah.
No, she is not, but she is the only one that is winning this game. She is the only one to beat.
Austwins will throw HOH, to not get blood on their hands, Van would never. She cant be duped like they can.
Once the HOH is decided, Van will somehow escape again… even if JMac wins. Then, the target will be liztin. Mark my words!
All you floaters will be jumping on the bat train come Friday.
Think it’s not so much about Vanessa that people are giving the thumbs down, so much as it is that JMac is not in a great spot right now, and targeting Vanessa doesn’t help improve his prospects much at all.
The groups find him threatening because he can win comps – and since Steve won’t be his target once Vanessa’s gone, the only people he would have left to target are the groups.
And if he shows favoratism for one group over the other, rather than putting up one person from each, then he’ll wind up the bottom of the totem pole of the group he sides with, with the person remaining from the other alliance being mad at him.
There really kind of is power in numbers right now, just because there’s so few people left in the house once Becky’s gone – of the 8 people that’ll be left, 3 are in a rock solid group!
People might find this a bit unpalatable, but probably JMac’s best option would be to form a secret alliance with Steve and Vanessa – Steve wouldn’t be so much of a secret, but Vanessa would be. She’d probably be willing to get her hands dirty for the group, in return for their promise to target the groups instead of her, and vote together as 3. I think she’d be trustworthy because she has so few options herself, but maybe JMac would rather get evicted than have to work with Vanessa?
*yawn*… Damn I hate the twins and their lackey.
Are Steve and Johnny that stupid!? They better realize the need to put up the twins not be protecting them at this point!!!!
It boggles my mind that Jmac & Steve aren’t making side deals with Goblins. Do they think Austwins are going to take them past final 5? I wished they made fake alliance with Austwins and real one with Goblins. Take out Vanessa next week so Scamper Squad loses member and Austwins will think Jmac is going with the plan. And Jmac wants to put the Goblins on the block right away? He’s putting too much trust in Steve and Austwins that they’ll actually use the Veto on one of the goblins if they win…i dont see it.
hey you guys thank you for evicting vanneca and not my friends!
now i can come back and evict you since van is out
the runner up of the year
JMac is so consumed by his only mission to get Van out, he and others are missing that powerhouse of twins/austin. They are continually overlooked. Austin is stupid, as well as Liz and Julia for badmouthing Van all week. He wouldn’t be in the game with her, same for twins
Golbins had their chance to get in with JMac when Becky came to them with the Vanessa backdoor plan. He wanted to align with them then.
Instead they stabbed Becky in the back and kept Vanessa. When they did that they cut off the chance for a real alliance with any other group.
Yes, Becky was so trustworthy that just a week prior to her hoh she ratted out James/Meg/Jackie. Becky just didn’t think that Shelli would tell Vanessa that Becky was telling them that they were going on the block. Becky was petty with her hoh. It made me not want Vanessa taken out by Becky, not in that way. Becky should’ve disclosed at least that she told Shelli/Clay everything they were planning.
The goblins were never going to make it to the end of the game. Point blank. But guess what? Becky’s going home this week instead of James. James will probably go next week but hey, JMac with all the info wants to put James and Meg on the block. JMac knowing that Steve is protecting Vanessa (hello Steve’s hoh) doesn’t even at least talk this out with Becky. Nope, JMac just wants a team like when Shelli/Clay put him on the block as a pawn and asked him not to use the veto.
JMac sold out James/Meg ONLY telling Liz when she was thinking of who to nominate that James came to him with an alliance but that JMac isn’t really all in. Now, if this was a gameplay on Jmac’s part that would be great. Just like I was hoping out hopes with Jmac with all his bizarre gameplay from the beginning when he was my fave by a mile, I eventually had to give up on him. I wished something changes and Becky stays instead of Jmac because at least she wants to win the game.
Steve is just ugh. Creepy
I just LOVE the absolute OUTRAGE of the HG’s against Vanessa for playing BB and trying to strategize. LOL What a bunch of hypocrites! She is even pilloried for trying to find an alliance.
Group think is hysterical but a good insight to how the mob mentality works.
I agree whole heartedly. And love the pilloried. Tomatoes and the odd cabbage thrown at your face. Damn a cabbage would do some damage
Singling out the person who is overplaying is just as much of a strategy as whatever Vanessa is doing.
Julia is lying! She knew about throwing that comp… wow people love to hate on a lot of people but the twins are truly awful with how get treat people. Hey Julia get back to us when Austin sells you out to get an even better control over your sister!
JMac is hopeless, the reason why you’re on the block is because you’re expendable. How come does he not think of these kinds of things????Even steve not realizing that Austwins and the goblins having an agreement is a disaster, James is a better competitor than Becky and this would’ve been the perfect opportunity for a backdoor. I really hope that Vanessa wins veto next week with one of the goblins as HOH. That will put a reality check on these two and hopefully open the eyes of Vanessa and turn things around against Austwins.
If they managed to get Liz out then Asstin would haul ass to get to the jury house like an adolescent horn dog.
Random Fact: Jase was in the game about 6 weeks ago. Remember that guy?
It’s a little humorous that Steve will talk aloud about the game to himself. Like a Diary Room for us the viewer. It is Good to get some self houseguest insight.
Q: Why is nobody targeting Austin and the twins?
A: Either everyone is dumb OR we have to admit
the twins are playing a decent game. Facts: People have no personal issues with them, Liz isn’t making big mistakes in power, they have loyal numbers and they don’t have lots of blood on their hands.
Q: Why is nobody targeting Austin and the twins?
A: Wait for Thursday
Fact: They hid behind the Van and Shelli meat shields the entire game
Fact: Van was on nobody’s radar either (or so we thought), until Becky came into power…
Fact: They cant keep their mouth shut.
Fact: The only true threat is Liz, and the other 2 are like Meg.
Fact: Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica.
Seriously is he playing the greatest game in BB history?
He is getting some action and winning 500 k
*Bow Down and Respect’
C’mob people give him his dues!
Pffsshhh you must know him
This show is getting so boring
The sooner Thursday comes the better.
I’ve lost a lot of respect for JohnnyMac game… I don’t think he really has one and he seems so stuck on Vanessa it’s weird
Johnny is stuck on Vanessa because up until last week his game wasn’t in danger. And she made him more of. Target. She is targeting him, so he should be focused on her. I know people are worried about the twins. But if Vanessa makes it these next two weeks, as much as I don’t like her. She definitely will deserve to win
No he made himself a target by agreeing with his man Clay. He just told her he did not say that, then 3 minutes later says he did AFTER CLAY PUSHED HIM ABOUT IT. Stop blaming Vanessa. Clay is the real cause and jmack made the choice to say no then yes all within 5 minutes. No one to blame but himself. So sick of the whole Johnny Mack can do no wrong when he’s an idiot for handling it that way, and Clay is the one that started it in the first place.
I am Hoping James wins the next HOH takes out vanessa or liz and Beckie or Jackie come back from jury.
It’s sad that he said he’s going to throw it. They are all throwing it to Austin why bother even having a comp? I can just see Austin now going on about how he’s a comp beast and how great he is for winning when he was given it GRRRRR
If James throw’s the comp I hope he get’s evicted next.
Why is JMac saying he’s going against the Goblins?!?! Is he high!?! This is the time to be making some big moves and he’s taking out his own peeps?? I’m so confused! Geez, if he and Steve are that stupid they don’t deserve to win.
JM is an uninteresting person and has no business being on BB. No clue on how to play the game. He cannot go fast enough for me.
Have Austin and the twins not learned anything from Clay & Shelli and Vanessa?
People talk. And this year the HGs talk too much. When you make deals with everyone in the house it gets around.
Clay and Shelli are gone because they had deals with both sides of the house, and when one side found out they had been played — goodbye Clelli. Vanessa is no longer trusted because of all her deals.
And now here we have the Austwins. They are aligned with Vanessa in the old Sixth Sense/Austin’s Angels. They are aligned with Vanessa and Steve in Freaks n Geeks/Scamper Squad. They are aligned with James and Meg in Brass Tacks. They are bringing Johnny Mac into F&G, “replacing” Vanessa — but they still have two other alliances with her. It’s only a matter of time until Johnny, James and Meg realize they are in separate alliances with Austin and the twins. Although they are coalesced to bring down Vanessa, don’t be surprised to see one of them take a shot and Austin and his twins — if they compare notes. And in BB, they always do.
If Steve is a student of the game, he needs to break up the Dumb and Dumber alliance. If not the twins are going to win. All Austin wants is sex. His grouping of Liz makes me sick. Still say she must be easy. She could throw him out…the HOH room has a lock on the door. Atleast Mom and Dad can be proud of Julia for not embrassing the family too bad. Liz said she would move to California to be with Austin? YUCK!!!
You have to remember, these people are around each other 24/7 with no other distractions. After 60 days, of course Liz is all about Austin…there’s no other guy for her to hang on. She likes the attention. Wait until they get out of the house and back to the real world. Austin will see and hear everything the twins have said and will not be able to trust her and the relationship will end.
Liz has Stockholm syndrome…Austin is her Captor
I really think Julia and Liz are playing a great game. They aren’t really getting any blood on their hands, and no one is targetting them. Basically, they are in the best position going into next week. Then there’s Vanessa ahahahahhaahahhaha everyone’s so paranoid about getting her out, and she’s so paranoid about getting backdoored lolololololl.
I really do like Julia, JohnnyMac, and James though.
I wonder if they will do the smart thing accidentally and wait until right after someone comes back into the game to get out Vanessa
This season has WAY too many deals going on my head is spinning. I literally can’t keep them all straight! And the fact that they don’t last long.. geez! Enough with the deals!
I think van has made about 6000 deals per day I’m surprised her head hasn’t exploded.
I hope James wins HOH Vanessa wins the veto and the twins or Austin are on the block for eviction and Shelly comes back teams up with John and Steve and they make it to final 3!
Steve is going to mess shit up. I wish someone would tell him how many times Vanessa, Austin and the twins have talked about backdooring him. I hope Liz finds out about Julia knowing that James was suppose to throw the game so they could back door Austin that week. That would liven things up.
JMac is not a rat. He is a disgusting Weasel, well BELOW rat status.
Steve is simply overthinking his moves and one of these days, someone is going to overhear him talking to himself/the cameras and realize what he’s up to. I can just imagine how freaked out Vanessa and JMac would be if they were to accidentally overhear him talking to himself/cameras. Especially considering how everyone was accusing him of sneaking around the house and eavesdropping at the beginning of the season.
SSsssteve — Snake in the Grass — is THE WORST boogereater on TV EVER! I would rather see Vanessa (human filth == professional poker player) winning it all than the boogereating psychopath.
Other than that, I think Liz received a tip last night — videos show the movements and her complaining that the LFers could’ve seen “it” 😉 Good for her! #HooksInTheHouse
I noticed the Liz thing too, and I can even guess what it was. So when are you going to solidify this alliance with Jmac??? Austin has already said production is pushing him to keep Jmac. I am so sick of CBS propaganda to shove Jmac down our throats. Jmac is playing a terrible game, quit pushing us on him!
Julia tells Liz to fight Becky because she admired Austin’s tattoos? And the endless screaming during the food comp was ridiculous. I have to wonder how many bars these 2 have been thrown out of in Miami.
I think we are all underestimating Austin’s gameplay. He’s so deep in his dumb-lover-comp-weak-sauce character that he misted all cast members and most viewers. He has the best social game this season, he’s never been nominated, he’s friendly AND allied to everyone, he provides entertainment to others(training, jedi “drills”, random games, etc.), the only time he was in danger, he only had to ask(beg) to be removed, even if he’s 6’5 and muscular he’s not perceived as a comp threat by the others, they all think he’s weak and dumb (which is excellent in Big Brother), he expressed many times that he’s only here for Liz and Jury poontang and that he doesn’t care about winning (which is the reason why he’s so despised on this board even if people don’t remember that this element was central to Dr. Will social game).
This is pretty good for a guy who wasn’t a floater and was actively involved in many HoHs decisions. At this point, I think he would win over everyone remaining except MAYBE Liz.
For endgame strategy, even if Liz is gone, he could always bring back his BROgame with JMAC, Steve and James, he has a good relationship with any of them. Plus, he already knows Liz is not taking him over Julia (him saying he’s fine with T3 is just strategy at this point).
I actually agree with a lot of this. Austin has studied this game and he knows what to do.
He doesn’t always execute very well, and he sucks at articulating his strategy in the DR, but he definitely knows the game.
Austin is also James’s twin. Hahahahaha! Hmmm?
Ät this point the only person I trust to win HOH is James.
If J-mac is so good why doesn’t he know about Steve and Vanessa? The key part to next week is in the headline “Vanessa will never know..”. Yes she will, she’ll know because Steve is going to tell her. Gawd.
The Asssstwins right now currently have deals w/ EVERYONE in the house. Unless somebody is going to target them, they will ride along home free for a while, right into 123. James better get smart and start really thinking what’s happening in the house, or he’s the next to go over Vanessa, and then it’s Goblins No more…The Assstwits are running EVERYTHING!
Hey LIZ, Becky was only complimenting his tatts because she was thinking Votes to stay! I seriously doubt she would like someone like him…ewww yuck! These twits are so SLIMY!
So people are back to being stupid.
Someone take out the twins already.
It wouldn’t matter because according to Nicole from BB16 the handlers in jury keep them separated they can’t talk to each other unless cameras are present. They can watch movies together but there is NO talking or contact in jury with others again only when camera’s are in the house. Again this info came from Nicole at meet & greet.
Here’s the gif from last night
Her parents will be so proud (as her sister told her).
“Hey look, there is our daughter getting fingered by some Macho Man Wannabe.”
austin never mentioned that he was a dj
F!ngerb@nged in the bb house SHAME ON YOU LIZ
Lol…everyone is waiting for Johnny-Mac to start playing? He had his chance to start playing…he threw last hoh…and didn’t use the Veto…he trusts Steve…who has a knife already in jmacs…back…with a few more twists left in that knife…
Even if he wins Thursday…I really can’t see him doing any good with it.
JMac should directly put up Vanessa and Liz
Then we will see…action…action all truth come out!
I love how Austin is using the manipulation/lies about Vanessa to get people to hate her, when all those lies and manipulations she did he benefited from the most.
a) got Jeff out, his biggest threat to courtship with Tweedledum
b) got saved from being backdoored.
The sad thing is, the others are so dumb or just believing the power of Lady Sith Vanessa’s mental power rumour, they are too blind to see it.
So, kudos to him. I hate him but if others can’t see thru scapegoat that is Vanessa, that’s their fault.
Derrick not too long ago said that production could steer things in a way to make certain people win HOH’s, so he never said who he was targeting, OR just steered them in a different direction. He really had an advantage in the game, being a police detective. Always getting information, without showing his true cards.
Derrick was nothing more than goat herder on the most boring BB ever. By the end of the season I disliked even the ones I once rooted for because of the awful game play. I won’t even watch/listen to RHAP if any of them are on (and I love Rob).Anyone that admires that pig Derrick drank too much of goat koolaid.Thumbs down my little goats.
Rant over
It really infuriates me to hear production pushing HG’s to keep JMac. Production is supposed to make sure HG’s are not fist fighting, and try to keep us watching. JMac is so fixated on Van, and losing Clay and Shelli, he has no game. I want Becky to go this week, but not because production is pushing their own agenda. When asked by HG’s why JMac in DR so much, steve says he’s doing stuff for BB! What? As AP that’s kept from viewers as well?
Totally agree Austin is playing a very good game. Liz is playing her game well too. They may get caught playing both sides but that’s the risk you take and so far it’s working. I’m actually rooting for Austin / Liz / Vanessa at this point. Strictly based on game. There is no way the twins should have made it into the game but they did. No way should a threesome have made it this far without a shot fired at them. But here they are. No enemies and everyone seeing someone else as a bigger target than them. And still people wanting to align with them. And Vanessa has been blown up and if she makes it to the finals then she deserves it also. I prefer the laid back strategy vs Vanessa’s but they are both working for them.
This season started off really strong and with high hopes.
Now it’s like watching paint dry. Way too many deals. All worried about blood on their hands, not wanting to win just for a piece of A$$.
Production always influencing the players. BORING!!!
This week has been as boring as watching a flower grow…