3:20am Shelli, Johnny and Clay talk in the second HOH room. Johnny says my deal with Vanessa and Austin is that we won’t go after each other or put each other up until 10 people are left. Shelli says I have having a hard time with what to do. Shelli asks do you think Audrey would ultimately try and target us? Johnny says oh yeah and apparently she is targeting me because she had a dream of me winning. Shelli says that’s not a bad dream. Clay warns Johnny on how Audrey manipulates. Clay says we keep her close because its better to keep her on your side. Clay says we were 100% committed to Jeff but he turned on us. I know you and him here close. What we have is real and we’re going to fight for you. We have your back. Johnny says I don’t know if she’s (Audrey) doing it to you but she is implying she is coming after me. Clay says she get so paranoid and starts throwing out situations. Do you target her directly or backdoor her?!
3:30am Liz, Vanessa and Austin talk. Liz says I want to talk to Shelli to see where she is at. I want to her to put up Jason. Big Brother tells Liz to not obstruct her microphone. Austin tells Big Brother to leave her alone. (LOL) Vanessa tells Liz to once you decide who you’re going to up up …then go to each of the people who you aren’t putting up offer then a deal that you won’t put them up, backdoor them or vote against them if they don’t put you up next week. Vanessa adds and they vote the way you want this week. Also make it clear that you and Shelli aren’t working together. Austin says that Becky is a matrix. They talk about putting up Jackie & Becky up with James as the backdoor option. Jackie because she would have a reason to come after you and Austin for Jeff. Vanessa says when you nominate you could say The people I am putting up are the people that have invested the least amount of time in me. James comes up and tells Austin that Jackie is talking about him throwing his name under the bus. He tells Austin that Jackie is saying that you’re going to try to make a deal with her but that you can’t be trusted. Vanessa says well she’s about to go up on the block. Liz says James needs to be rewarded for saying that. Vanessa tells Liz to tell Jackie and Becky if you go up you’re not the target, the target is on the other side. Vanessa says that Jackie is coming after us. We’re a poison apple to her.
4am James tells Shelli and Clay that he has their back. If he ever hears anything about them he will come tell them. He says he won’t put them up. Shelli says you’re safe with us. James says you’re not supposed to tell me that yet. You’re supposed to let me sweat a little bit.
Austin tells James thank you for telling me that about Jackie. Austin thinks its because Jackie is jealous he is up here with Liz. Audrey opens the door and listens to their conversation. James looks at her and Austin asks why is Audrey listening to our conversation. James says that’s what she does. She’s always lurking.
James finds a hiding spot to eavesdrop:
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3:45am Vanessa, Shelli and Clay talk. Vanessa says that Liz is drunk. I had to help her. They drank the whole bottle of wine. Vanessa tells them that Liz wants to put up Jackie & Becky. Austin and Liz join them. Clay says shouldn’t you two decide who wants to stay HOH? Vanessa says you can’t put up a pawn unless you’re okay with losing them. Put up a big target and a little target. If you try to put someone up to over control it.. it will put a bigger target on your back. Shelli says I put up Audrey along with a strong player (Becky). And then put a pawn on the other side to throw it. Vanessa says it would work but you would have to fill Audrey in on it. Austin asks who would you put up with Audrey? Shelli says Becky. Vanessa says other side Jackie and Jason.. and Jackie throws it. Shelli says and we would have Jackie and Becky full aware of the plan. Austin says If anything goes wrong one of them goes home which doesn’t matter because they’re working together. Austin says then it gets you off HOH this week and less blood on your hands. Shelli says and then I’ll just win next week. Shelli says we would tell Audrey if we won veto we would use it on her. We would need to tell Jackie that she needs to lose it so that she and Jason stay on the block. And tell her that the plan is that if we win the veto we use it on Jackie. Austin wonders if Jackie would throw it if Jackie see Audrey up on the other side.
Vanessa says so:
Option 1 Easiest strategy – Liz puts up Jackie & Becky, Shelli puts up Jason & Steve
Option 2 Aggressive strategy – Liz puts up Jason & Jackie, Shelli puts up Audrey & Becky
Shelli says what if we just backdoor Audrey and just end all this. Austin says then if Jason wins veto then we do it. Shelli says I actually just threw that out as a joke. I got light headed just thinking about that. They decide to talk about it in the morning after they’ve slept on it.
4:50am- 5:15am Shelli and Clay continue to talk out the options and go back and forth and in circles. Shelli tells Clay she wants to sleep alone so she can lay up and think about the options. Clay leaves and Shelli heads to bed.

DENIED @bigbspoilers #BB17 pic.twitter.com/tpWR7bfqZt
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) July 17, 2015
5:30am – 5:40am Austin says you could go Jackie & Johnny Mac and leave the backdoor open. Liz says right and then if one of them wins veto put up Becky. Liz says I don’t even know if Julia wants HOH or not. Liz says I don’t even want power. Austin asks you don’t. Liz says I do but only if I was only playing. Austin says Audrey is always a backdoor target. Liz says her vote is a waste, it does nothing for us. Austin says do Jackie and someone .. if they don’t want Jason then do him or if they do then do Johnny Mac. Save Becky for the backdoor.
5:45am Austin and Liz go to sleep. All the house guests are now sleeping..
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I’m so sick of vanessas crap. Im glad she’s tanking in the polls and everyone is changing their mind about her. I seriously only like Audrey.
Like Audrey? Continuously blowing up her own game unintentionally is a reason to like someone then thumb up…….sorry for my thumbs down 😉
Audrey is a disaster in her own right. People are trying to protect her and she’s making it impossibly difficult by pulling all of her paranoia stunts trying to listen in on every sing conversation.
I like the twins, but can’t stand Austin UGHHH
Liz said that James called her his “weekend girl” and he made her skin crawl. The vote to evict him was pay-back. She couldn’t let herself vote to keep him.
Austin, STFU about putting JohnnyMac on the block.
this whole Austin thing is getting harder to watch on the feeds by the moment. he was putting his hands on Liz’s back during a conversation with Shelli that was hard to watch. I know Liz is a flirt and loves the attention. But if I were her I’d be heading as far in the opposite direction from Austin as humanely possible.
Well Johnnie Mac did kiss Liz…
If you do not want to put up John, than DONT.
Austin is getting more and more disgusting.
Jason is probably going home this week. Honestly, I would not mind if Audrey leaves this week. She is kind of dead weight now.
Doesn’t anyone think the whole Austin. St Augustin. August comments in Liz’s HOH letter might be an inside message to be careful of Austin???
It seemed very odd to me too… like some sort of hidden message.
Not enjoying this season at all. It’s the same three people on the block every week with a “back door” “blindside”. This would be far more interesting if just once the two HOHs didn’t work together – but one side of the house either can’t or doesn’t want to win a competition. And Austin is just creepy…
Watching the dominant alliance steamroll the house (particularly when that alliance is controlled by vile and unappealing people like Austin/Vanessa) is an irritating bore. It would have been a much more interesting week if James/Meg or Jason/Johnny Mac had won.
That’s the problem with the BotB. In order to take out your target, you have to backdoor them or have someone throw it. Also the same people get put up to reduce the number of people targeting anyone. This creates a scenario where people like Jackie, Meg, Becky, and even Johnnie Mac try to avoid the schemes and just hang out to avoid the target.
The first group to align and win the HoH has a distinct advantage in this situation because people aren’t willing to confront those in power and make targets of themselves. They don’t make a competing group but try to work into the existing group.
At this point in the game, even if Jason and Meg won HoH, they couldn’t guarantee a target so they’d have to use a shot gun approach and put up Clay/Shelli, Austin, Vanessa, or Liz with the fifth as the replacement nom.
Same as last year. The BOB = Boring!
I did not want to see Jeff go. I was hoping he would get the votes to stay and then go after Vanessa. The first season that I ever watched of the Amazing Race was last season and I really liked Jeff and Jackie. I know it’s a different type of show but I didn’t think he was a bad guy.
Anyways……I wonder if Liz is just putting up with Austin/Vanessa for now because they are helping her hide the twin twist (even though everyone already knows) and then once Julia is in the house she will turn on them. I think Austin is creepy and even though she doesn’t like him like that she seems to keep him thinking that there is a chance so he doesn’t get mad and pull a Calab and get her evicted.
At this point I am routing for Liz and who ever can get Vanessa out of the house.
I am routing for Austin to do something extremely creepy and get backdoored this week. I just can not stand him. If the twins keep HOH and the veto is used, which twin will be in the house to name a replacement nominee? Maybe Julia will put him up?
Liz seems a bit ditzy but when she voted to keep Jeff on the sly I was like, dang, maybe this girl’s got something up her sleeve. I hope she gets to stay HOH, goes all rogue and backdoors skunk ass Austin.
Liz is a clueless player when it comes to BB strategy
Her only game play seems to be to flirt with the guys so they can drag her along
Meet the perfect mark …. Austin
Liz getting drunk when she needs her head straight for picking noms … shows her mentality
She also seems to suck down as much alcohol as possible whenever she can.
Nothing wrong with having a good time … But this is a game for a lot of money
not a frat house or club
Julia is going to be mad when she finds out what her twin did.
The twins message to Jeff made it sound like they voted him out, but Liz voted to keep him. Was she having a Topaz moment or did she do it on purpose and if so, why? I really hope that she is just playing along with Vanessa, Austin, Shelli and Clay and plans to shake up the house, but I doubt it.
She taped that message and THEN changed her mind about the vote…
I do think Jeff triggered something for Liz during the last minute talk with him. The twins’ message was recorded two days (?) ago so I don’t think there was enough time for them to change it. They can’t actually record another one and not show it to the evicted houseguest because that is the sole time to confirm about the twin twist.
Anyhow, this is another long week for the feeds, this is almost the same as when Zach, Pili and Kevin won the HOH in BBCAN. Hopefully a non entity such as Becky, Steve or Jackie gets the boot this week. Johnny, Jason and Meg are the only life in the DR right now and for one of them to go home will be a disaster.
That would be BLEEPIN’ lovely! He disgusts me. Now he is telling Production to “leave her alone”… He reminds me of a perverted creep who forces his attention on people because he can’t believe they don’t want it. Him throwing a hissy-fit over the twin being in the bed with Jeff is indicative of why he doesn’t have a solid relationship outside of the house. I dated a guy that was jealous like that and it KILLS any good vibes that might be flowing!
Shelli PLEASE backdoor Austin!
Hey..did yaz get the little donation last night?
Will do again before the end…
Ya’ll are appreciated muchly. from Canada!!!
I think we did Dawg mentioned one came in yesterday.. THanks!
If prob email me…cuz I thought I may have screwed up thru PayPal and a dif. Bank…even though a receipt came..it hasn’t went out on my bank trans
That’s only reason I mentioned…so whoever gave me a thumb down…piss off! Lol
I am really liking one of the twins! Not sure which one? Even if production convinced her to jump ship, I still enjoyed the surprise vote! This could turn out something big, especially if Julia doesn’t know about the vote. If Julia puts up her own noms, then Liz comes in, and backdoors austin. Cause I am sure she has enough ammo to do so, without risk of backlash… I am just daydreaming I suppose. Just lots of potential!
I don´t know your entertainment concept, but the all the true live feeders are saying if Jason gone it´s going to very boring….
Winning HOH this week could be very bad for Shelli’s — and thereby, by extension, Clay’s — game.
She and Clay are in alliances with almost everyone in the house. This week could expose that to Vanessa and Austin, but also to James, Jason and Meg (not that the latter three can do anything about it).
It would be great if Liz/Julia are dethroned and POV is played so that Shelli has to show her true colors. That won’t be pretty.
Wow who knew Steve had balls!
Jackie’s kinda underrated, she could play a 2nd prize game, which is better than 14 HGs.
I’m just curious why do people not really like clay and shelli? Like I like them they aren’t my favorite that spot is for Johnny! But why is everyone on here not like them? At least they’re not bat shit crazy like Vanessa, Austin and Audrey
I definitely underestimated Steve and Liz…….. Can’t believe they both did that.
And I don’t think anyone has suspected for a minute that it was Liz! Excellent move.. throwing shade onto others and keeping it off the twins.
Sorry, but Austin just disgusts me. His stupid hat and beard pony just grosses me out. And Liz is such an idiot. Why not just throw the HOH comp, if you didn’t want to win it. Instead she let’s Austin and Vanessa tell her what to do. This game is just weird. I hated Shelli and Clay and was rooting for Vanessa and Austin. Now I like Shelli and Clay and want to vomit when I see Austin’s face and hear his stupid diary room chats. The way he walks around with his ugly, body, just …. ICK!!!!!
Liz and Julia are so hot.
Shelli and Liz HOH? make me puke can we get a dam break from the Austin-Clay-Shelli trio…Austin is a creeper with serious mental issues…what is up with those controlling ways with liz? does he think she belongs to him?
shelly put up steve an Jason
liz put up Jackie an jonny mac
shelly put up steve an becky
liz put up Jackie an Jason
How does Shelli think that Audry is a strong player? Audry has one thing going for her and not even knowing it, she will ride the hell out of it as far as she can …
Just watched last night’s show (dvr), and read up here. Was grinning like Meg when they made a fool of Austin on the show.
So, production isn’t stupid. Liz does the nominations and her and Julia switch almost immediately after. Liz gets the weekend to sit in a room by herself doing nothing but thinking of how to deal with Austin. The anger inside at his unwanted advances growing constantly. Then just before the PoV ceremony they switch her back in(get the clearer headed one (Julia) out and bring in miss “I will flirt with whoever I want to”).
Then when PoV is used (God let someone on the block have won it), up goes Austin with NO chance of staying.
Also in the HoH competition last night, Steve’s reaction when he realized he had turned the answer block the wrong way showed that he didn’t throw it, he just screwed up. Don’t think he realized he could have quick turned it back before Julie said the answer.
Yes Austin is getting to me as well, but Vanessa will stop a backdoor on Austin in short order. If she doesn’t, that leaves Clay/Shelli with the controlling share in the alliance, and no one with muscle other than Clay. She leaves herself in a bad situation. She knows she can control Austin. She herself created this situation and pushed Austin to Liz. On the other hand though Shelli is one controlling bitch. It was OK that she and Clay were playing both sides of the house, but for Austin to try and take a hand in the alliance decisions doesn’t sit well with her? I can see some rough waters ahead with this Shelli. Vanessa better put a stop to this before her alliance blows up. Meanwhile that nutjob Audrey continues to skate by. Love it. By the way, I see Clay helping her in her decision making, but I guess that’s OK because its her. Vanessa better straighten Austin out in a hurry.
You said if Austin goes the only muscle they will have is Clay… what other muscle is in the house besides Clay? James is really the only other slightly physical threat. Perhaps you are getting at the fact that it will make Clay a bigger target, which makes sense. Austin is completely unreliable and as each day goes by gets worse and worse and less and less controllable. Another thing, Shelli is a controlling bitch? Really? You have to call her a bitch because she is a strong, smart woman. Is she controlling? Yes.. but if she wasn’t Clay would have sunk her game by now. She trained Clay how to play the game and as a result I have actually started to like Clay. People hate Van and Shelli but I would love to see those two make it to the final 2.
Me too! I am beginning to wonder if the air head even knows what she did. Or else she is the perfect actor at portraying a ditz. Anyone have a thought?
Oops, my reply was intended for “jennab” below. 😉
I think it might have been a mistake, like Topaz in BBCAN voted by accident for the wrong person and cost her best friend the grand prize. However, Liz looked a lot more comfortable in bed with Jeff than she ever does with Austin, so maybe she changed her vote after the message was taped. I guess we won’t know until we see the twin switch on Sunday. Maybe she is such an airhead that she voted wrong and doesn’t even realize it and is looking for the culprit. How funny would that be?
Since you cant stick to a plan about audrey i hope you start being picked apart soon.
I like you guys(even Austin just not creepy one) but you getting annoying with your paranoia. It seems worse than audrey. I hope audrey wins PoV and HoH now.
Can someone please explain why Liz voted to evict James and not Jeff yesterday? I think I missed something..Thanks! 🙂
They should be gunning for Audrey at this point. They kept her around for numbers, but are also convinced her votes are rogue. If whomever stays hoh gets her out, no one will be upset, she can make deals with the other side of the house to stay safe for at least another week.
Yeah, I don’t get it either, why keep her if they are convinced that she is America’s player, especially when they believe she has voted against them for 3 weeks now. How does that make her a number? LOL. She is the easiest target, no blood on anyone’s hands if she goes. Instead they are backing themselves into a corner and picking off the other side and making enemies. That’s fine if they win HOH again next week, but there is still a one week window open to the other side to flip the game.
Audrey is going no where for awhile. Forget all the talk like the previous 2 days. The HG’s are spewing what AG tells them. The fun part will be when enough are gone Audrey can flip the house it will get fun then. The hamsters have just started to turn the wheel. Wish it wasn’t as boring.
We need a new person to start smoking Jason’s cigarettes since Jeff is gone. Jason really wanted to snap on Jeff for it you could tell it was getting to him. I always like a few non-game related blows up to entertain me:)
Jackie and Liz really wana go off on eachother. Ha. And it has nothing to do with Austin as that fool thinks. They are as interested in Austin as they are in James. Not at all. But u can see the hate for eachother. Ha.
Loved Liz’s vote for Jeff – it shows she is playing the game and not just taking orders from Vanessa and Austin. I would love to see Liz try to stay in power this week. It ensures her safety and there are plenty of people in the house that she can target without hurting her game.
If she makes it past week 5 then Liz-Julia-Austin will control three votes every week. The twins will run the game with Austin as a meat shield.
I get the impression that Liz is very self absorbed and egotistical. I think she had a real crush on Jeff and is also getting annoyed with Van and Austin telling her what to do. On the other hand, Julia is more humble and realizes Van and Austin are only trying to help. I think Julia really likes Van and Austin and enjoys their help and advice. I think it will be interesting to see Julia and Liz in the house together with completely different agendas and alliances.
Liz explained it very rationally when she said she wanted to keep Jeff because she could control him.
She’s a good-looking girl and she knows it. She’s probably been controlling men since she was 15 years old, so she knows what she’s talking about.
I don’t think she is that good looking, and that is why she wants to get Jackie out because Jackie is the only one that can compete in the flirt department. That’s probably why Jackie doesn’t like Liz either. Girls can be so petty.
I’m creeped out by Austin and I’m uncomfortable for any woman in the room with him. Shelli/Clay annoy me. Vanessa’s Rube Goldberg paranoia schemes are irritating. I’m confused that the rest of the house hasn’t connected that these 5 spend so much time in the HoH room together.
Liz’s game is starting to be interesting although I’m not sure how well thought out it was. She has a great opportunity to use the paranoia of that rogue vote to crack the alliance after Julia comes in the game. She needs to think of who to stick with after she moves against the other duo of Shelli/Clay.
you could see Liz get silently pissed when Austin came up to the HOH with a wine glass and pored himself a huge glass of her HOH wine without asking – or without her offering it. And she had to sit there and ignore him stroking her back and talking as if it was his HOH. How is she ever going to get rid of him. She will be ready to flip if Johnny Mac is ever in power. He will put up Shelli and Austin.
Once again…WHEN THE HELL DID BIG BROTHER DECIDE TO CROWN 5 HOH’s INSTEAD OF 2? If I remember correctly, Juliz and Shelli won HOH(which I’m not happy about) not Juliz, Shelli, Vanessa, Austin, and Clay.
Hoping for good HOH’s next week…
I’m surprised no one in the house is seeing Meg as a threat at this point. She is very well-liked and an effective manipulator – both qualities of a potential winner. I know there are a lot of more obvious targets (Audrey, Vanessa, Austin, Shelli/Clay), but Meg has been on my radar since week 1. My ideal noms on Liz’s side would be Meg and Jackie with Austin as a backdoor option if the POV is used. Yes, I know Austin and Liz are working together, but Liz made it clear with her vote that she has a mind of her own, we already know Julia is the more calculating of the twins, and it’s become obvious that Austin’s delusions of romance are messing up his alliances’ game.
Few observations…..
AG using the BOB, which has been a complete failure in terms of the season, clearly shows it’s time for a new executive producer.
Poor Becky…. No idea why Liz has decided to hammer her but she is doing a 1st rate job of it. 4th vote my azz! Becky is a lone vote with no danger for anyone in the house. Could have put her on the jury everyone could have had her vote potentially for the 500K.
Austin 12 century knight or 11th century serf? We all no the answer to this question!
Vanessa’s drivel getting harder and harder to swallow.
Shelli/Clay say what you want about game play at least those 2 are relatively sane and seem to respect each other some. Who’d of thunk it?
Other side of the house….. no game, no game, no game! Jason NEXT!
Johnnie Mac wrong vote sir. Once BOB ends(1st double) and jury starts you’ll be in the jury house shortly. Trace everything that keeps him from F4 back to not voting Jeff out.
Well Steve you just created your own bulls eye. That vote by him was so transparent I think he’s sealed his fate this season.
What the show needs is the split between Clay/Shelli and Austin/Liz and then watch a paranoid Nessa play the middle. There are plenty of folks to pull in on either side. If this doesn’t happen soon the season is going down the crapper.
Meg who cares. But for Audrey who I have not mentioned production has her on lockdown with the other HG’s. Last week America’s player she has to go next. Tonight not a whimper from anyone. America’s player “gotta go” crap brought to you by production which I see with a heavier than usual hand in the BB house this season.
By nom time today…. Jason/Johnnie(Shelli) and James/Becky/Jackie(Liz). No Steve by Shelli as I think he’ll be the backdoor if J/J win BOB. Liz comes down and it’s another Shelli HOH. Jason better win POV as it looks now. Becky may be backdoor plan also as the “she’s the 4th vote” seemed to be rampant last night. Becky out Thursday wasted HOH.
I am rooting for Shelli and Clay from now on. They have been the most consistent game players. I was rooting for Vanessa and her core alliance, but they are acting too crazy and undisciplined. They are going to self destruct.
So wanted a power shift this week. The 3 voided votes should have came this week!! It was wasted last week.
Clay and Shelli are going to regret keeping the twins and Audrey, and getting rid of Jeff. Jeff was the only one who was loyal to Clay.