Vanessa to Shelli “I can guaran-fu*king-te you I can talk Austin and Liz to evict her (Audrey)”

POV Holder: ? Next POV July 18th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 20th
HOH Winner Team 1: Liz HOH Winner Team 2: Shelli
Nominations 1 : Jackie & James Nominations 2: Jason & Johnny Mac
Battle of the Block Winner James and Jackie Next HOH/ Next BOB July 23rd / July17th
Original Nominations: Jason & Johnny Mac
Current Nominations: ?
Have Nots ?

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8:23pm Shelli and Vaenssa
Vanessa says Jason is spissed at ajckie for stealing the pumpkin.
Shelli says Audrey is driving her crazy. She’ not opposed to backdooring her this week.
Vanessa brings up that Audrey had a dream that her and Audrey got in a fight.
Shelli thinks the “dreams” of Audrey are just scenarios she’s made up and want to make happen.
Shelli is worried about Austin
Vanessa says he’s a little bit of a wild car “Heads not in the game it’s a big let down.. he’s doing it out of carelessness and rexlansess.. he said in the past he doesn’t even want to be here”
Vanessa say Austin has the money and he doesn’t need to be here for his career. Adds that Austin is being heavily distracted by Liz, “His loyalties are shifting he’s being illogical and making decisions based on emotion”
Shelil says Audrey told her she’s unsure about Austin and Vanessa.
Shelli says after the nominations Audrey has a panic attack.
Vanessa supports Shelli’s nominations 100%
Shelli says she messed up with her conversation with Jason she’ word vomitted.
Shelli – Seriously Vanessa she’s pushing me to the limit and she’s ruining our game.
Shelli brings up Austin saying he’s dying being apart from Liz for 2 days.
Shelli – I would absolutely die if you left for 2 days
Shelli brings up Audrey freaking out at her for her nominations.
Shelli tells her that John is a “Golden JeweL” for them he’s given her and Clay so much valuable information.

Shelli says John was fine with her putting him up she told him he can throw it or win the BOB. Audrey was telling her that John was pissed at her for she’s trying to cause trouble making up stories.

Clay comes in.

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8:31pm Cabana room Audrey and Clay
audrey crying says she’s having a weird day
Audrey says she thought everything was getting better then Jason is talking sh1t about her in the HOH
Clay says it’s squashed and dealt tieh
Audrey – Shelli tells me she doesn’t trust Austen.. Austin always makes eye contact with me and now he never makes eye contact Austin’s being weird
CLay says Austin is on a different level, they try not to talk to Austin about the game.
Clay says he doesn’t know how much better this week can be for her Shelli is in power and Jason is on the block.. “If any week you’re paranoid it’s not this week “

Clay tells her to enjoy the week she’s safe and everyone in their group is safe. Just focus on winning the next HOH.
Audrey whimpering says everyone has a pair in the house and she’s f****g rogue
Audrey is unsure about VAnessa. Clay says he trust her right now, “Just play week to week day to day.. you are safe this week.. get ready for the next HOH, it’s all you can do it’s all you can worry about”
Audrey – I don’t have to worry about Austin
Clay – Worry about Austin, he’s not even part of the equation now..

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8:54pm CLay, Vanessa and Shelli
Clay tells them Audrey is crying because she feels so guilty and so paranoid she’s going to be backdoored because of what she’s telling james. .Clay mentions how he was telling her this is one week she doesn’t not have to be worried.
They Agree Audrey is trying to jam a wedge between them.
Clay brings up Audrey saying Vanessa offered her a final 2. Vanessa denies it say it was Audrey who brought it up.
Clay says Audrey is doing people ‘So dirty’ she’ getting paranoid.
Vanessa says Audrey is incapable of true loyalty to people.
Clay heads into the shower.
Shelli mentions her “20 minutes turn off” with Audrey she will only be able to digest 20 minutes of her talking game at a time.
Shelli goes on and on about how annoying Audrey is and won’t leave her alone.
Shelli says James “Bless his little soul.. he told me before BOB she (Audrey) pulled him aside”
Shelli – She was basically saying if Jason stays he’s going to be gunning for Audrey and he’ll probably put SHelli up with her and Shelli wou’d be naive if she thought she had the votes to stay.

Shelli brings up Audrey telling her Vanessa doesn’t have her back like she has their back.. Vanessa has made a final 2 deal with John
Vanessa- oh my god that is ridiculous I have neer.. I never talk game to her.
Vanessa says going final 3 with audrey is stupid, it will be the ultimate come back and her life story.

Vanessa says she’s fine if Shelli wants to backdoor her, the only problem is Audrey will out Sleeper cell
Shelli – I don’t care I really don’t trust Austin anyways
They complain about Audrye having no loyalty. Shelli says Audrey thinks Vanessa is working with Steve.
Shelli adds Audrey told her Austin and Vanessa have been together with Steve well before Shelli was with them.

VAnessa tells her she has Shelli and Clay loyalty above everyone else.
Shelli says she needs to build trust with John, “You need to let him know you’re a strong awesome player.. he comes with amazing golden information”
Clay says he feels very strongly about John.
Vanessa – She has zero of my loyalty, if you want to put her on I can guaran-fu*king-te you I can talk Austin and Liz to evict her

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9:32pm Vanessa and Julia
Julia says she wishes she would have won she loves the HOH room. Vanessa thinks it’s best that she didn’t win. Says she gets no blood on her hands plus she can play in the next HOH.
Austin comes by Vanessa says they need to have a meeting once the backyard is open.
Austin – everythings ok
Vanessa – everying is 1 hundred billion percent

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9:33pm Storage room James and Austin
Austin reassuring him they are good “I want to keep communicating with you. I don’t want her to spread sh1t:”
James – you’re cool
Sounds like Jackie was telling the girls she’s not interested in him and wants him to leave her alone. Austin says just the other day Becky was saying Jackie is interested in him and he should pursue showmance. (She also told him he needs to address the girlfriend back home thing) . Austin suspects Becky was working with Jeff and their plan all along was to get him in a fake showmance with JAckie.

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9:45pm Bedroom Jackie and Jason
Jason says he’s broken his wrist is hurting. (Hurt it in the BOB)
JAckie – Hopefully it’s counting
Jason- I hope it’s something I can win otherwise I’m f****d
Jason says Shelli isn’t going to backdoor someone she never did it last time she’s not going to do it this time. He feels confident he’s the main target this week.
Jason says week has pretty weak reasons to get him out, but that is how this game goes. The game is to drag other people down so you are higher on the social totem poll.
James comes in
Jason hopes this POV is how bad do you want it because he’s taking all the punishments no rewards, “Jason isn’t getting a vacation during this”
Talking about liz having a twin. Jackie and Clay are indifferent about it. Meg says today was the day she really noticed the differences in Liz jason says the liz at the nominations was different than the LIz at the Competition.

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9:49pm Clay’s new wig

Clay says it’s Kurt Cobain’s hair.
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10:18pm Meg and James
James thinking the target is Audrey . Meg doesn’t know if Jason is a good enough PAwn. James thinks so Audrey is going home if she’s nominated.
James asks her what she would do if she won HOH.
Meg says she will take someone down
James – I would probably take Jason down.. Jason would kill you if you left him up there
Meg – I’m telling you JAson is not a big enough PAwn.. Leave Johnnymac up and Audrey goes home.
James says the vote can be a tie this week it’s 5/5. Meg thinks it’s way too risky to have jason and Audrey on the block.
Meg says Audrey will be able to destroy Jason on the block. She has a past with him a lot of dirt.
James – I know stuff too .. you’re a smart girl.. your eyes.. are gorgeous ..
Becky enters the room briefly
James jokes that he’s hitting on Meg and she can’t exactly say no because they are locked in a house.
James – you know if Jason stays up there he’s got three solid votes all he needs is two more
Meg – I know..

They start talking about last weeks vote, “It was close.. I’m not going to lie I was scared.. scared shitless” -James

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10:05pm chit chat

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10:45pm Chit chat and trying on wigs.

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11:04pm Kitchen John, Meg, james, Shelli Chit chat
James wants a cat in the house. Becky hates cats. Johnnymac isn’t keen either. James swears he’s met girls that don’t like cats but they like Gizmo “I swear.. I don’t like cats but I like Gizmo is what they tell me” (Gizmo is his cat)

11:38pm Pizza feast
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Midnight most houseguests are laying down. Steve, JohnnyMac, jason and Becky roaming around the kitchen .
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12:20am Shelli telling Clay about the breaker they blew in the kitchen.

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29 thoughts to “Vanessa to Shelli “I can guaran-fu*king-te you I can talk Austin and Liz to evict her (Audrey)””

  1. yeah…Audrey may be kind of interesting to keep in the house for live feeds or whatever but…you can’t even trust her to keep her mouth shut, can’t trust her to destroy someone’s game without bringing you into it…I would be looking to get her out of there. she isn’t even a trustworthy vote. I had strange hopes that she would Rachel her way through comps and just be a fun mess to watch. but this really isn’t the case.

  2. ok Production….not a Jason fan but he totally threw down the gauntlet. I am expecting a “how bad do you want it” with stuff as bad as BB7. I mean make the kid shave his head, I mean make him blue, I mean 60 days on slop. seriously. PUNISHMENTS! if he wants to be in the game that bad, I want him to stay because he pulls a Chicken George, not because people feel bad about his wrist.

      1. this is the mentality that has ruined Big Brother

        go watch BB7 All Stars

        all of what I said actually happened. Kaiser had his head shaved, as did Chicken George, both were dyed Blue, and George took 60 days on slop to win the POV.

        If you want to stay in the game that bad, then do it. Jason claims he wants it, this is when you bring out the punishments/prizes.

        and honestly, I have been water boarded, it used to be mandatory in some military training. not that big of a deal. not comfortable, but I’d rather do that than shave my head….

        1. Steve just said last year week four was the rewards/punishments comp so Jason may actually get his wish (I hope he does b/c I want him to stay)… fast forward to next page and see Steve’s storage room soliloquy to feedsters and we see Jason might have a friend if he gets to play in POV!

  3. Hope Jason wins veto. I really like him. Backdoor Audrey….ya’ll dont want to have to deal with her in jury.

  4. Hope they backdoor audrey. Also, would like to see vanessa, shelli and clay pull in jason and johnny mac into their alliance and get rid of austin and the twins. Especially auatin bc his heads not in the game. All he thinks about is bitches.

    1. for me, Austin is a big problem. I would wait a couple weeks, then right around when you are predicting a double, I would get the alliance together and plan his exit. he is a loose cannon, and like Audrey is going to have to be taken out a certain way, or it could easily blow up everyone’s game.

    2. If one of the noms comes down they have 2 plays.
      1)nominate Audrey ever body wants her out and it gets the least amount of blood on their hands.

      2) nominate Liz, in the six person alliance Shelli and Clay are the first to go. They flip the house and Van only has Austin so she’s squirming and Austin is mad but really has no one else. This is best if Jason comes down, I’m not sure Jmac votes out Liz

  5. No way Smelli would backdoor Audrey! She will make all the intro story about putting Audrey up and then right before the POV ceremony she’ll find a reason not to do it. If Smelli and Clayhole were clever they would have backdoored Austin… Ain’t gonna happen!

    1. Things have changed. Clay wants Sithe Lord Aud (I am not the liar you seek) gone and Shelli is seeing Sithe Lord trying to come between her and Clay. This may be Sithe Lord’s last week.

      1. I fear Shelli is too concerned with the media’s perceptions about her motives if she put up Audrey. I hope she does but I doubt it.

    1. BBAD asked who looks the best in the blonde wig/hair. OMFG Becky blew it out the water. She looked like Top Bad Ass Model. Btw when Becky came out and Clay said Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa, the look on Shelli’s face was

    2. EVERYTHING about Austin is annoying at this point. I cannot believe he went on national television and said the whole, “nobody gets between me and my twins.” How embarrassing!

    3. The Judas name is Austin’s alter ego….probably from his wrestling days. He thinks by being called Judas, that makes him a bada_ _. I guess he is to stupid to know that it means betrayer. If anyone else in the house knows that he refers to himself as Judas, and knows the meaning of the word, he should be out the door. I say good riddance to garbage.

  6. The OTHER SIDE is James, Jackie, Jason and Meg, CORRECT?
    So, Meg MUST win Veto to protect her and Jason, CORRECT?

    SIXTH SENSE is Vanessa, Austin, Shelli, Clay, Liz, and Julia
    ???–Steve, Johnny, and Becky

    1. I think she voted to keep Jeff because she said in her DR that she can control Jeff by flirting with him. Whether or not that’s true, we will never know but at least she voted based on what she thought was best for her game, not based on who the HOH wanted out of the house. It makes her an unloyal person to her an alliance, but you have to give her respect for making her own decision. It will be interesting to see whether or not Liz tells Julia the truth about who she voted for in the next episode when we see the twin switch!

  7. I going to say Audrey gets backdoor and goes only to return to the house in a few weeks how that
    happens i don’t know she make her way back in an America’s vote or by winning a comp. CBS
    isn’t just going to sent her home but if count the days of bb running there need at least 1 returning houseguest
    this year.

  8. Im 190% sure Jason isn’t going home. There seems to be an obvious set up to backdoor Audrey and Shelli would be the perfect one do it because she has protected and defended Audrey for weeks so there can be no fear of people claiming discrimination . I don’t think production is trying to save Audrey as others suspect. I think Audrey is similar to the Frankie Grande situation where they had high hopes for him but he became a huge disappointment. Audrey is coming across as highly unstable IMO. If Jason doesn’t win the veto then someone else will and take him off or JohhnyMac wins . Either way I think Shelli is gong to be forced to put up someone else. She has made promises and deals with Becky and Meg. Her alliance members and James and Jackie are safe. That leaves Steve , Audrey and Austin. She has no relationship with Steve and she no longer trusts Audrey and Austin. I this this weeks backdoor is going to be a big surprise. Of course this is all just random and hopeful speculation. Im fond of Jason and I don’t want him to go home yet.

    1. I tend to agree given JMac & Jason are the two most popular players on a lot of sites and you are absolutely right about Audrey. Furthermore her saying how CBS is presenting her and diminishing it on the feeds isn’t helping her cause (nor are her actions). However I think they will create a POV that is geared for Jason to win. Either a timed event that is done individually so no one can question his time or something like he mentioned like a buzz in competition.

      The reason is Production can’t afford for Audrey to go up against Jason. She’s already hinted she’ll attack him and spin comments/lies to call him a racist, etc. It would be terrible for BB, for CBS, for Jason and worst of all for Audrey.

      If you recall earlier in the season Becky was giving an example of something Aaryn said as to why the public were outraged and Audrey spun it into being Becky was a racist.

      So if Audrey is against Jason she’ll snap and go too far and after what happened with Aaryn a couple seasons ago I doubt CBS wants another situation like that especially with Audrey being transgender and her story line was supposed to generate a positive spin.

      Which is why JMac has to stay up on the block b/c she won’t be able to pull the same nonsense against him..

      But, that’s just my instinct, I could be completely wrong.

  9. Yknow I dont like Clay all too much, but I’m impressed he knows who Kurt Cobain is….ok he can stay an extra week

    Also I wish Evel Dick was part of a takeover and just ran thru and cut of Austin’s pony beard cuz he’d be ballsy enough to do it

  10. sometimes i lack empathy for hg’s because i tend to become more interested in strategy and game progression until i find one or two hg’s that i suddenly and inexplicably find myself rooting for.
    that hasn’t happened for me yet this season. i want to like a few of them, but i’m not there yet.
    with that in mind i hope that no one will be too upset when i ask the question: why is there concern for Jason?
    Sure, i laugh at his one liners delivered in the voice of a cranky edith bunker… but strategically he’s sort of a lame duck. What’s his plan? to make it obvious who he’s targeting, avoid talking to people outside of his circle, ally himself with the hoh comp throwing circle then complain about being in trouble? How’s that working so far?
    i can’t get past the feeling that less than half the hg’s are even consistently trying to win hoh, and most of the ones trying are in one alliance. how bad can i feel with people that seem all too willing to be steamrolled? Guess what: if your not in on the planning before nominations you’re not in a good position. If every week you consistently have to talk to people you never talk to because they’re hoh… you’re really not in a good position.

    1. While I’ve had a hard time pulling for most of the hamsters this season too, I also agree partially with your point about these players putting themselves in their current position b/c of not integrating with others.

      However, where I disagree is specifically in the case of Jason and JMac. Here’s why:

      In Jason’s case the whole Audrey and DaVonne blow up happened in the first week and the very next week Day was targeted by Shelli. Jason was guilty by association and had to lay somewhat low. He’s been on the block every week except the first (when he was HOH with James) but been fortunate to win BOTB each time until now. And, he is smart enough to figure out if he had lost the BOTB week 2 they would have sent him home (since Day was evicted), and since he’s gone up every week since. Multiply that with both Audrey & Jeff trying to pin their lies on him and you can see why he’s antsy to do anything especially while he’s on the block.
      (as an aside I found it interesting Jeff told Jackie the night before his eviction if she couldn’t win he would want Jason to win … which kind of points to the fact he respects Jason and feels bad he blamed his lies on Jason!)

      On top of that he’s had to watch 2 consecutive weeks where Shelli and Vanessa saved Audrey to take out someone they personally were afraid of. In addition, things DaVonne said were blown out of proportion to take her out.

      As for John he has been on the block every week as well and put in a position to hear much of the conversations of the people who’ve been in power and seen how they spin things. Further like his hilarious DR sessions indicate “the HOH asks if you’ll throw a comp..what are you going to say .. no?” lol

      For both of them they are in a situation where they know anything can be spun to be represented as a reason to take someone out whether it’s true or not.

      This is the reason I was pulling for the two of them to win HOH b/c it would afford them the opportunity to talk and make deals with others and for the first time in the game give them some leverage. .

      The reason I’ve enjoyed these 2 the most is they have been under constant attack basically as we’re 4 weeks in and between the 2 of them they’ve been on the block 7 times while Shelli, Clay, Austin, Liz, and Vanessa remain the only players who haven’t been on the block. Even Becky and Steve have been on the block once each.

      Finally, neither of them has freaked out despite being in danger so there’s that.

      I think once we see any of the Sixth Sense on the block they won’t be able to be anywhere near as calm as Jason or JMac have been.

      Sooooooooooooooooooooo, I’m hoping for a Jason POV win b/c it would provide the best opportunity for Shelli to take out a big target be it Audrey, Austin or a twin. (my preference would be the creepy Austin)

      Of course, this is all just my humble opinion.

      1. I actually don’t think both have been under constant attack. Everyone in the house seems to really like Jason and want to work with him.. yes he has been on the block, the first week to separate him and Day, the second week he was a pawn and set up to win BOB with jmac throwing it, and this week Shelli really wanted him to win because she really isn’t threatened by anyone in the game right now. I have wanted to like Jason but he has done nothing to get himself out of the hole he is in. A lot of people in the house like him and want to work with him but he has done little to nothing to regroup and gain trust with people (until now that he is on the block).
        Jmac has agreed to throw competitions, that is his own fault. So far it has worked to his benefit, but it will bite him in the butt if he keeps it up. Last week the first words out of his mouth were “you can put me up.” He wouldn’t have gone up last week if it weren’t for that. This week Clay gave him a clear out. Told him if he doesn’t feel comfortable please tell him and they won’t do it. He told him “lets do it.” With that being said I do think his strategy is working for now. However, I still am disappointed on his ability to read people and situations, but I am still hoping for him to surprise me and make some big moves in the future.

        1. see, the reason I was saying I lacked empathy or failed to understand the concern for Jason comes from his social game. I thought he isolated himself with da’vonne too much until her eviction. He’s not branching out. If you were to look at a chart of current alliances he isn’t even on the board, unless you call his unnamed commiserating group with meg and james an alliance. But his next closest thing to an alliance is with the john jeff becky Jackie meg james group.
          In terms of the hoh comp throwing: i’m not talking about jmac volunteering or throwing bob. I’m talking hoh. specifically the hoh for week three and this week. Week three most of the people that did the best in the practice shots the day before are the ones that quite obviously threw the comp. this week half of the competitors were out on the questions 7 or 8 dancers, and 3 or 4 of them male. come on. thrown. and predominantly the throwers are coming from the group that are pretty much in the hot seat both weeks. Complaining about being in trouble after throwing the hoh just doesn’t do it for me.

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