POV Holder: | Clay | Next POV | July 25th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | July 27th |
HOH Winner Team 1: | Jackie | HOH Winner Team 2: | Vanessa |
Nominations 1 : | James & Liz | Nominations 2: | Clay & Becky |
Battle of the Block Winner | James and Liz | Next HOH/ Next BOB | July 30th / July 24th |
Original Nominations: | Clay and Becky | ||
Current Nominations: | ? | ||
Have Nots | Shelli, Clay and Steve |
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9:15am Backyard – Clay says saving Austin would be because we need him. Why do we need him. To spin something unbelievable James is going to know something is up. Shelli says well James likes guys. Shelli says I don’t know. Clay says I know how Austin feels like when he says he’s already won. Shelli says he said to me that if anyone saves me keep me to the final 3 and then send me out. Shelli says there’s a difference in saying keep me till next week and keep me till final 3. Clay says I think he just doesn’t think. I don’t think he’s a saboteur. Shelli says no, nothing has happened. Clay says the Audrey vote was only that week. Shelli says it wasn’t even a bad idea. The bad idea was only telling the twins and not us. Clay says I don’t think he did it intentionally to hide it from us. Shelli says it would be like us not telling Austin and Liz something. Clay was which we do that .. so its not that big of a deal. Clay says I’m going to need a massage some time this week. Shelli says I’m sleeping in that dentist chair too! I’m not a massage giver. Clay says oh you’re going to have to learn. Shelli says when I say that you’re like my brother .. I know the personality. I understand it. Clay says I want to meet him because I’ll know if he is as soon as I meet him. Shelli says well before I knew you I explained how you are and you said I was right. Clay says I need some one that challenges me .. but its a thin line between that and pushing me away.

10am – 10:20am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the feeds come back – Steve and Johnny have joined Shelli & Clay outside. Clay and Shelli head inside. Steve asks if Ausitn was a wreak last night. Steve says he doesn’t treat me well. Johnny says I understand that he’s nice to me. Steve says its either we keep Becky or we keep Austin. And I know how much you don’t like Becky. That was sarcasm. Johnny says I told her want you told me about not spending much time together. It sucks. Steve heads back to bed.

10:35am In the bedroom – Meg, Jason, Becky and Jackie talk about the twins and how its nice that they know they know so they can talk to them about it. Becky talks about how she was giving Steve advice on how she’s given Steve on how to handle social situations. Meanwhile Austin has his head up against the comic bedroom door listening for empirical evidence to save himself from going on the block. Last night Vanessa told him to eavesdrop on Meg/James/Jason/Becky/Jackie’s conversations to give her a reason to put one of them (Meg, Jason, Jackie) up.

10:40am Austin heads up to the HOH room to talk to Vanessa. He says that he listened at the door and heard 3 things from James, Jason, Becky, Jackie and Meg. Austin says A) they were talking about the twins. But the biggest piece of information was that Becky sat Steve down last night and said you want to work with us (Jackie, Becky, James and Meg) Here is what you’ve got to do in conversations when we talk game, you can’t sit there being a freak and then we’ll work with you. The other thing they were talking about was how I was hoping and skipping out of the DR last night. Meg said that .. I never saw her last night. Jason also said Julia I don’t care what her name is I’ll send her out the door. Vanessa says the only piece of useful information is the Steve thing. If he can confirm that .. that’s all I need. Have him come talk to me. Austin says Becky said to Steve this is why we can’t talk game with you. If you want to work with us this is what you need to do to talk game with us. Liz asks what did they say about me. Austin says just about your nicknames and how it doesn’t matter that the other one is coming in we’ll just send one out the door. Jason said that. Liz tells Austin to not stay out in the yard. You need to listen .. this is do or die. Austin leaves. Vanessa says Steve is supposed to be their next target .. why are they making a deal with him. If they’re making a deal to work with him who’s their next target? Liz says Jason is coming after me.
10:55am Vanessa says if I have a chance to throw an HOH to you or your sister this week I am going to because it would be so beautiful. I would love to. It would be retribution. There is nothing more I would love for you to go after Jason. (Vanessa is thinking if this next week is a double / throwing the second HOH that she can play in to Liz/Julia) Liz says I want to call him out so bad. That’s the hardest part of this game not being able to call someone out unless you’re HOH.
11am Bathroom – Vanessa tells Shelli about the info Austin told her about the others telling Steve what to do to work with them. Shelli says I think you should wait to see if Steve comes to you with that information. Vanessa says that’s smart. Shelli says when I was HOH the first time and I was going to put up Liz instead of Meg. Austin came to me with information too. Vanessa agrees that she needs to confirm the information is real. Vanessa heads back upstairs. Austin joins Shelli and tells her what he heard when listening at the bedroom door.
Vanessa says if Austin was the vote to keep Day … and he admits it to me then I will know that Jason was lying because he said it was Audrey. Liz says that I’m scared of Austin because I think he will tell us anything just to stay. Vanessa asks do you think if he stays he would come after me? Liz says no way.. he kisses the floor you walk on. Liz says Austin is the last person we should be targeting when we’re in power.
11:15am – 11:55am Havenot room – Shelli and Clay talk to Steve. Shelli tells Steve I know Vanessa clued you in on everything. Are you cool with all of that? Do you know of anything else in the house going on? Steve says the house is splitting. Shelli asks who is on the other side? Steve says James, Meg, Jason, Becky, Jackie. Shelli asks who do you think is the biggest threat? Steve says I don’t know. Shelli asks do you think they’re a 5 person thing? Steve says that would be my guess. Steve says he would rather Vanessa go after one of those three (Meg, Jason, Jackie). Who would be the easiest of the three to put up? Shelli says if she was going to put up Meg what she tell her. Steve says I wouldn’t tell her anything. I don’t owe her anything. Right now they’re all sitting contently still thinking Austin is going up. Shelli says this next week which ever one of them that does not go home .. they’re going to be on fire. Steve says they’re going to be on fire any ways. Steve says I think Vanessa will have a really hard time putting up Jackie. I think she would feel like its a betrayal. Steve asks if Becky wins HOH who is going to boss her around? Shelli says Jackie. Steve says I think we need to sell Vanessa on what is the least amount of blood on her hands. Big Brother blocks the feeds. Steve says Jackie is already mad at Vanessa for backdooring Jeff. Clay says Jackie is going after Vanessa. Clay says I think the best game move is to get rid of Becky. Steve says who would go up to make sure Becky goes. Shelli asks Steve if any of them have approached him with a deal or about his vote this week. Steve says no. Steve says we can’t to Johnny while Becky is still here. Steve tells Shelli that he, Becky and Jason were up late last night .. they were essentially yelling at me saying that I need to give out more information because they don’t know where I stand. Shelli says and here you are. Steve says they have no idea what I’m doing. Steve says thank you for getting me in good with them (Vanessa). Shelli tells Steve that he needs to step up and win more. This will be a very important HOH with the twins coming in.
11:40am Austin says that he was asking in the diary room what things he is allowed to do. Liz says like Evel Dick. Austin says yeah but they said they couldn’t give me anything. Big Brother switches the camera to the havenot room.
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Austin looks like a perv at the door.
That is a glimpse of what he’ll be doing to Liz in jury, waiting, listening, breathing heavily. Begging for her to open the door.
Heeeeeeeeeere’s Judas!!!!
In for a good day today with the feeds. The whole thing might flip today with Vanessa saving Austin.
I think it’s interesting that there have been so many comments since the veto that have said something like “Vanessa is an idiot. She should obviously _____.” Half of you are saying she’d be dumb to put Austin on the block because she’d be losing a loyal number and half of you are saying she’d be dumb not to put up Austin because she’d piss off the other side. Vanessa can’t see what’s happening like we can, and even the live feed viewers can’t agree on what her best move is. I feel like she’s in a tough spot and she won’t come out of it looking good. I’m leaning towards the keep Austin off and I think she is too, but she’s in a bad spot unless one of the Sixth Sense or Steve wins HOH or she somehow gets the target off of her. If she can make it through this next week though, I think she has a shot of making it towards the end.
No she can’t see what’s going on but she’s sure heard everything that’s going on. She knows everything just like we do because EVERYONE in that house has told her EVERYTHING that has been said and done. Everyone has run to her telling her everything someone else has said to them so she’s armed with a bunch of information,mbecauae everyone seems to trust her more then anyone else in the house. At least that’s what they’re telling her. So she knows exactly what’s going on, and for her game she needs to get Austin out of the game and ris place him with herself. This way she would be three strong with the twins and four strong because she has Steve on th elide against the two strong in shelling and clay and everyone one else in the house. If she keeps Austin they Erwin’s will always be loyal to him first even if Julia doesn’t like him she’s not going to vote against her sister because her sister will tell thee the same thing they’re three votes against everyone else one vote and with people dwindling down they’re going to need those three on their side to take out whoever they want out. So if Vanessa is smart for her game she’d get Austin out because this way the other side she can go to if she ever need a favor plus she has the twins locked which leaves shells and clay out there for themselves which in the end Vanessa won’t win a vote against those two so she needs to secure herself long run not just next week, so get rid of Austin now before the twins come in because if she don’t she will leave before he does.
I think Vanessa likes the idea of Austin+twins alliance more than the work it takes to get this to work. But it’s true, Austin and her both have the goal of keeping Twins+Shelli And Clay. I just think this may burn her down the road as if she wins HOH again (and you know she prob will) she’s lost trust forever and they can’t “work together”. She is super leery of Jackie though, and voting her out before Jury is a good idea for all.
Who is going to target Clay and Shelli?
Vanessa will for sure…at the double eviction or shortly after. She will want Shelli gone for sure; she’s the only one she might not beat in an F2
Exactly. Vanessa wanted to stay HOH for a hot 15 seconds until she realized it was a no-win situation for her, and I think she knew she was screwed when Becky and Clay lost BOB. She’s trying to figure out what her best play is with as little blood as possible – she doesn’t have one right now. Curious to see who she settles on and when she’s going to pick a fight with that person in order to sell it.
I don’t see why anyone in the house or production would want to keep Austin in the house after admitting he’s only there to further his career which is not a bad thing but now he only wants to be there for a woman. He doesn’t need to be paid anymore money to hang out with Liz. This is a game if that’s all he wants he should go him wait for Liz and see if things work out or like someone else suggested go on the bachelor. They’re people there and people,that wanted to play because they need the money he only wants to stay for Liz. He said he doesn’t care about the mine his mind isn’t in so vote him out and let the game playing begin. I would love to see how Liz game would go without him because she can’t play from laying around with him half the day
I am praying two of outsiders win HOH this week so they can knock
The Sixth Sense down a peg or two. I can’t stand another week of
smug Shelli/Clay/Vanessa nonsense!
The Nessa haters no matter what she does.. they spin in to that she sucks…u are right. Or if they can’t find anything to spin in their head to negative about her..They say things about her pimples which we know means they clearly just haters.
Haters gona hate…
Nessa just dominates!
The top 5 is as good as confirmed.
Pretty sad
no way. it’s not. just chill people this is not last season. there are enough good players to keep it interesting. this is not derrick and a bunch of gullible fools.
Just put Austin up already! I mean really! Vanessa has yet to realize leaving Austin in the game is three people working together shells has clay Vanessa is odd man out. Liz is playing both sides between Austin and Vanessa, Julia may not like Austin but she’s not going to go against her sister when they’re three strong with Austin. Vanessa needs to keep her straight shooting word and put him up and stop playing such a predictable game because if she don’t she thinks she’s worried about Jackie coming after her that entire side will be gunning for that side because lines would be drawn and production will see to it that someone from the other side win how next week to keep the drama going once lines are f
Production geared that p.o.v to clay and now is saving Austin. Get him to do the bachelor if u like his creepie showmances so much.
Oppss different station.!
How is production saving him?
I think what Vanessa is forgetting is that the “other side” is shrinking quickly, and the players on that side aren’t posing much of a threat. Even if one of them did win HoH, is she even the target?
Jason – targeting Liz/Julia, not Vanessa
Meg – Will do as Jason advises
Becky – Sort of a wildcard, but would likely target a guy first, Austin, or Clay
Steve – Doesn’t even want HoH, not a factor
Jon – Isn’t gunning for Vanessa unless Becky goes home.
Jackie – Would still likely target Austin first, but might be Vanessa’s one legitimate threat right now.
Keep Austin, get Jackie out the door. Gun for Jason next week, and you’re golden until jury.
next HOH will do whatever ShellI tells them to do.
Ive grown tired of Vanessa’s game. She is everything she proposes to be against. Hope she puts up Jackie and the “other” side will see her true side and lies. Her deals will sink and hopefully she’ll be targeted. First, some of the others will have to win something. If they don’t win this game will continue as it is.
I’ll admit, I get tired of this, “straight shooter” talk. Reminds me too much of Shelly from season 13. No one wins Big Brother being a “straight shooter.” This is a social game of lies and subtle manipulation. Anyone pretending they can win with any other strategy is kidding themselves.
So i’m guessing this might turn into a pagonging of Becky, Jason, John, and Meg? Sweet (sarcasm).
Oh yeah and fuck you Shelli for fucking all this up you fuckface twat.
Aren’t you pleasant.
Didn’t take long for Austin to throw Steve under the bus! – With a white lie added on to the end of that story! After the past few days of watching the feeds Vanessa has really played a horrible game. If Austin doesn’t go this Week you can kiss Vanessa’s ass goodbye! I have never met a bunch of idiot players on BB – yeah let’s keep the twin in the game until her sister comes in and then they can scheme together! Makes perfect sense?! IDIOTS – Should be Austin going this week and a twin next Week!
Agreed. They’re so concerned with getting the twins in for “the number”. Don’t these fools realize it will also be a knee against each one of them? It’s not rocket science people…its BB where only the strongest alliance does the most damage. They will NEVER split the twins up. Just might be those two in the in the final two which would be sweet irony!
This season should be dubbed BB – Blabber Busters because these ppl can’t keep a damn thing secret and Jason surprises and disappoints the most. As a SF, he should know better.
Last years cast was way worse.
That’s where Austin belonged.
This is like a fairy tale. Queen vanessa gives the suitor austin a quest to see if he is worthy of staying in the house with his beloved Liz. Let’s see how it ends.
That is PERFECT. There’s even a troll under the bridge (James), a plucky bar wench (Meg) and a court jester (Jason) Add in the princess and the prince (who push the boundaries on sibling affection): Clay and Shelli. Audrey was the weird witch. (This is fun!) Steve…a wizard’s apprentice. JMac (someone puritanical and noble?) Becky (stumped, a lovely Castle housekeeper?). Jackie ??? (double stumped).
So no one has balls to do anything anymore.
Damn it vanessa don’t give your word unless you plan to keep it. Which looks like you wont.
The only way that austin get at nominated is if johnny mac tells them that he has been talking bad about shelli and clay because they trust him more
austin is such a joke.
this season is just as bad as last season in a way. last season shelli and clay are running everything and manipulating everyone. some people have picked up on it but arent willing to do anything about it.
last year derrick and cody were doing the same thing..well derrick was and cody went along for the ride
what happened to the years of players who werent afraid to make moves and didnty just want to reach jury and say such stupid things as”just let me get ti final 3 then vote me out”. i miss season when we had many strong players not 1 or 2
Austin is a snake, but he’s Vanessa’s snake.
No, he’s a wiener in snake’s clothing.
I now officially hate Vanessa, Austin, Clay, & Shelli. I am sick and tired of hearing about Loyalty,{I am the most loyal person} Meg. James, and Jason they are talking, {Whaaaaaat, they are not allowed to talk, but you four are allowed to do whatever} Becky and Jackie they are a couple. {no, they are friends} {Ahhh, what do you call you 4?} This double standard crap has got to go!!!!
Steve is officially a weasel, {reminds me of Andy, I hate that type of game play} and BB needs to stop their cheating for this group. My one guilty pleasure for the summer, and I want a level playing field. I remember when BB, didn’t get so involved, they let the players play. Anyone remember Janelle? I don’t remember the fairies changing things up so she wouldn’t get evicted, and believe me people would of wanted her saved.. You didn’t see them saving Jeff, { Jordan’s Jeff} so this nonsense with this group has to change. Whatever, happened to the people who were playing BB, just for the fun of playing the game??? No more wrestlers, actors. Just normal people. they are far more interesting>
I wish I could give you 1 million thumbs UP!!!
In speaking with Clay and Shelli, he didn’t talk about the convo with Becky specifically. He may be protecting her – I hope so. He’ll likely tell all with Vanessa, though. Hopefully, Vanessa will concentrate on either Jackie or Austin – either one is fine with me. Just no Becky! Plus, I don’t think Vanessa will want to piss JMac off – she values him WAY more than Jason, Meg or Jackie.
Please for the love of God, make this exciting and give HOH to Becky and Jason. That’s when we will see the “moral side” go completely ape shit. I’m bored with Vanessa, Shelli, Clay and Austin. They do the same shit every week. If my wish comes true Vanessa’s true colors will shine. She will totally through her alliance under the bus. Then it’s game on!
im sorry but how can liz not be gunning to get austin out and asking vanessa to do it when she knows he is willing to get rid of her sister .
if i were there with my sibling and someone in my supposed alliance said that i’d be getting rid of him on my first opportunity. yes getting rid of austin would lose them an alliance member but that would be negated by julia coming in full time.
Austin eavesdropping is like a Neanderthal trying to figure out how a door works.
That’s Neandertal..
Gee thanx Brendan
Personally I think that Vanessa overreacted in the first place. She has told lies to him as well, so where does she get off doing what she did. If I had a problem with an alliance member I would threaten them till they told me the truth. I don’t understand however why she needs something on someone to put them on the block. That is ridiculous. You don’t want them there because they are a threat, just throw them up there. You don’t need a reason. She just continually needs proof and acceptance of what she is doing. Its your HOH……own it!!!
Stop with the dramatics all the time before your head turns into one giant pimple. You are stressing yourself out over the weirdest things.
Wow, u took the words right out of my mouth. It’s so irritating watching Vanessa play this game. You know she’s got it in her to be a VERY good player. She’s smart as hell, has a good social game, and wins things. She could win this thing, but she’s acting really stupid right now. It drives me nuts how she acts like she has to have a direct reason to put someone up(like Jackie). Ummmm…….NO, this is BIG BROTHER. You put them up bc you’re playing a damn game and you know this person is not on your team. Get rid of them. End of story. In her mind, someone has to lie to her before they can be a target. No, No, No, so dumb. Has Vanessa even thought about the long run? Lets think about this for a second. Right now she for sure has; Shelli, Clay, Austin, Liz/Julia, and Steve. So basically its them(7) against JMac, Becky, Jackie, Meg, Jason, and James(6). Pretty good odds. Right? Now lets go with the info she has. She knows for sure the others(6) are targeting. Austin, then Liz/Julia followed by Steve. She knows this. So lets say Austin leaves and 2 of the others win next week and Liz or Steve goes, followed by the other the following week. That’s going to just leave her, Shelli and Clay. Pretty freaking ignorant if you ask me. And u know when it gets down to that, Shelli and Clay have a better chance of getting in with a Meg, Jason, James alliance or Johnny, Jackie, Becky alliance over her. Has she even thought of this?? She needs to. Yes it buys her 2-3wks. But she could make it a lot further if she kept her Alliance, even if it did draw a line in the sand. And all the others are pissed at her. They would still target Austin/Steve/Liz over her. Hopefully she realizes this. I know Steve tried to help her the other night by telling her its better to keep Austin and get out someone u know is targeting your alliance, but shes too hard headed to listen.
Vanessa thinks she has to hyper-justify her decisions from a social standpoint, but she doesn’t to the extent she is – definitely over-playing it and changing her mind a lot – AKA untrustworthy.
Wow, u took the words right out of my mouth. It’s so irritating watching Vanessa play this game. You know she’s got kn her to be a VERY good player. She’s smart as hell, has a good social game, and wins things. She could win this thing, but she’s acting really stupid right now. It drives me nuts how she acts like she has to have a direct reason to put someone up(like Jackie). Ummmm…….NO, this is BIG BROTHER. You put them up bc you’re playing a damn game and you know this person is not on your team. Get rid of them. End of story. In her mind, someone has to lie to her before they can be a target. No, No, No, so dumb. Has Vanessa even thought about the long run? Lets think about this for a second. Right now she for sure has; Shelli, Clay, Austin, Liz/Julia, and Steve. So basically its them(7) against JMac, Becky, Jackie, Meg, Jason, and James(6). Pretty good odds. Right? Now lets go with the info she has. She knows for sure the others(6) are targeting. Austin, then Liz/Julia followed by Steve. She knows this. So lets say Austin leaves and 2 of the others win next week and Liz or Steve goes, followed by the other the following week. That’s going to just leave her, Shelli and Clay. Pretty freaking ignorant if you ask me. And u know when it gets down to that, Shelli and Clay have a better chance of getting in with a Meg, Jason, James alliance or Johnny, Jackie, Becky alliance over her. Has she even thought of this?? She needs to. Yes it buys her 2-3wks. But she could make it a lot further if she kept her Alliance, even if it did draw a line in the sand. And all the others are pissed at her. They would still target Austin/Steve/Liz over her. Hopefully she realizes this. I know Steve tried to help her the other night by telling her its better to keep Austin and get out someone u know is targeting your alliance,but shes too hard headed to listen.
She gave her word to Austin and those in her alliance first. Jmc is probably going to win because that’s who BB wants to win. Why set up a whole dentist themed room. Johnny come lately does not even need to play the game. The most liked in a game are the most dangerous. They just slide through.
I like Vanessa much better when she’s not betraying her alliance members. But why do you need a reason to put someone on the block? They’re not in your alliance, isn’t that enough?
She went to law school so perhaps is trained like a prosecutor to have evidence to use. Someone should have told her you don’t need that in this game.
How annoying! I wish julia would be in the house instead of liz. She is way smarter…would help getting rid of austin.
Have to love how Vanessa tells people “Never lie to me or I will boot your arse out” and then lies to about 90% of the rest of the House herself…Big Brother at it’s best..
Simon and dawg who Do you believe the better twin is Liz or Julia?
Ones great at suntanning in a bathing suit and the other is playing the game.
So Julia basically ????????
Pretty sure Dawg mean’s Julia as the suntanner and Liz as the player. Which is better depends on priorities. 🙂
I want Austin to stay for the drama. Some of the others in there are so boring you forget that they are there. Get rid of jackie or Becky.
I’m disappointed. it looked like Austin was finally going to go, and now we’re back to the usual, Vanessa, Clay and Shelli keeping their people.
I swear, if the other side doesn’t start winning something, this season is going to be as lame as last season.
What happened to the flip each week?
This season has been some of the most sloppy game play in Big Brother history. Letting a super emotional player like Shelli run the house is very dangerous, because thy flipped this plan all because her boy toy Clay wasn’t cheered loudly enough after he won veto. Talk about a rational game move. I have a feeling this will just turn into a weekly of pick off the people who sleep in the purple room and a month from now we will be bored stiff.
I think getting Jackie out would be smart, but I think if she doesn’t want to live with pissed off Jackie for 3 days she should talk Steve into going up as a pawn and vote out Becky. People expected Steve to be the replacement so it would look normal.
Nope, don’t want either Steve or Becky out. If it can’t be Austin, then Jackie.
Wait a second. I’ve been away from this for a bit, so I’m a little confused. The last I heard Vanessa was going to call Liz upstairs to tell her she was putting up Austin. When and how did that quickly turn into her telling Austin she was putting him up? I thought the plan was to keep it from him until the last minute. Someone please explain this to me.
This girl cannot keep her mouth shut for one minute!
I knew he wasn’t going home.
She suddenly realized she might be being dupped by the other side and that she should clarify what happened with Austin. She brought him in and there was ranting and tears and he apologized for what he did, blah blah blah. She realizes he was just an idiot not trying to make a Judas move as she thought. She then told Liz to get her read on things. Liz saying he creeps her out but still defending him. So they don’t want to lose his vote so are thinking of other options since she has the opportunity.
There seem to be 2 big groups:
-Shelli,Clay,Vanessa, with Austin,Liz being the expendable plus Steve as a Wildcard.
On the other hand there’s Jason,Jackie,James,Becky with John as a Wildcard and because of his crush on Becky.With Becky on the Block,John is an absolute vote for her.
The way I see it, if the replacement is Austin or Steve,Vanessa’s side of the game is screwed and the chances of Jason’s group winning HOH and picking the other side one after another becomes considerable.
No! There is only ONE group. Smelli who scolds Clay and manipulates Vanessa to do whatever she wants, and now keeps Jiz and Austin on the strings too. Steve volunteered to be under the Smelli’s wing and that’s it!
The others think they’re good with Smelli and her child, totally unaware of the trap they just fell in…
I’m of two minds.
Austin is a sh!t player in the game. Strategically he’s a bumbling fool.
His own alliance set up the backstab rather than confronting him on his misdeed. Now that they’ve confronted him the stumbling block is that backstab they themselves instituted.
And this is the morally superior group? The rest must be death row inmates or possessed by demons.
the crux of the matter to me is that vanessa clay and shelli have to pick a side.
If they dump Austin they are also dumping the twins, steve and john. those are the people that aren’t in the 8 alliance. Are they as well bonded with the 8 as they are with the 6? clay and shelli may be, they play the two sides game better than vanessa who has hidden herself in the hoh castle far too much most of the game. So Vanessa’s choice is a six she is at the top of or an 8 she’s near the bottom of. is she safer with a guy that has committed the same sins as her, but got caught, or with a group that she has pretty much ignored for three weeks?
when shelli saved Audrey against the house’s wishes, she sited that everyone deserves a second chance. the house didn’t target shelli for that. they kept targeting Audrey. so, given past experience, why does vanessa need justification? if she saves Austin siting the second chance precedent that has already occurred, the result should be a continued enmity toward Austin with Vanessa skating from damage as an emotionally susceptible player. A person that has won something every week should probably try to look a little weaker. Helped shelli’s game, why would it hurt Vanessa’s. pick a side. that’s the problem.
Either way you look at it, Vanessa has created a situation. She either betrays three of her alliance members (Austin this week, with the twins becoming the next targets) or she betrays people she’s been allied with for three days that aren’t really much of a threat given their skills presented thus far.
In my mind its actually a choice between breaking your word to Austin or breaking your word to someone that was her target last week. With current evidence, she will still betray Austin. I don’t think its the best move for her game. It’s the best move for the feeders that can’t stand the six alliance. but for Vanessa’s game its giving up a position of strength for a weaker position in my books.
What the viewers want to see or what’s better for the individual player’s game? seems to be the current debate. Getting Austin out is what many of the viewers want. heck, I know i’m not team Austin. Is it smart for Vanessa’s game to give up Austin and technically giving up the twins and steve for Jackie james meg and Jason? four people she has almost no history with, that have history with each other. puts her in spot 5 at best with the group. but they like clay and shelli more, so puts her in at best seventh position in the hierarchy. Great for viewers. but smart for vanessa?
Super good analysis. So good, that now I REALLY want Austin gone, if only to hurt Vanessa’s game! Okay, Austin can stay – it WILL be fun to keep watching his mistakes and the dynamic between him and both twins. Jackie then. If I were able to pick, I’d much prefer to see James or Meg go home than Jackie
None of this back and forth, indecision, is he or is he not going up, “I’m begging you, please don’t put me up”, “go find me a reason no to” drama and nonsense, would never had happened, if Vanessa would have kept HER BIG MOUTH SHUT!!
Keep Austin. Give Jackie the boot.
This is dangerously converging towards the BB16 type of season: Cougar-Smelli and her child are running the house using the Zitty-Vanessa and now the perfidious sociopath Steve. Once they clean up the house of “smaller people” [as Smelli calls them], they’ll trash Jiz and Austin-The-Creepster and it will all be over… If Jacky or Becky leaves this week, the season will be a major snooze fest.
I HOPE Vanessa will realize today that she’s doing what she’s told by Smelli. If not, we can at least say we had 5 weeks of a brilliant BB season… after which it all went down the gutters. 🙁
SH********T!! Nooooooo. Austin, I am going to throttle you!!! Vanessa will want Becky going home for sure now! I’m genuinely upset by this. Becky has to stay for JMac! Dammit!