2:45am – 3:05am HOH room – Austin, Liz, Vanessa and Steve are talking. Vanessa says I have a really cool idea. We get the whole house thinking that the target is .. whoever it is.. they could think its Steve, they could think its whoever it is. And the plan is to backdoor this real target. Then get Johnny Mac to throw it. If one of them wins HOH or none of them win HOH. We get them to think that Johnny Mac’s job is to throw the BOB. We get Johnny Mac to go up there with the assumption the plan is to backdoor you. When in reality we tell Johnny Mac you’re going to tell them you’re throwing the come but you’re never throwing the comp. Then someone like Austin is on the other side and he is actually going to throw the comp. So it will look like the wrong side retained power. Steve asks why would we do this? Only if one of us and one of them are HOH. Vanessa says no even if they’re both HOHs. Steve asks why? Vanessa says to throw off who is actually working together. Steve says don’t they already know?! Vanessa says they have no idea you’re working with us. Everyone is courting you. Austin says people will never suspect you and I working together because we’ve always had our little thing. Steve tells Austin keep doing that by the way, you haven’t don it in a while. Austin says he was in a bad spot this week but will ramp it up next week. Austin suggest if we can keep getting HOH the next 3 weeks we could keep making those 3 (James, Meg, Jackie) havenots .. by week 3 Meg would be dead. We wouldn’t even have to evict her. Steve says that’s dirty! They tell Steve again he needs to win this HOH. Austin and Liz leave.
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Subtle hints @bigbspoilers #bb17 pic.twitter.com/CUcLtn8js7
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) July 30, 2015
3:05am – 4:10am Vanessa tells Steve. Steve says I have targets. I have ammunition against Meg. Jackie wanted me out this week and James put me up. Vanessa tells Steve that she heard he has a final 2 deal with someone. I know because that person said it in front of a group of people. I am just telling you because that person must not be loyal to you. Steve says I am being completely honest when I say I have not shaken anyone’s hand and said final 2. Vanessa says I doubt they’re lying. Steve says I haven’t made any final 2 deals. Vanessa says its obvious that its Clay and Shelli that told me this and the person that said this is someone (Johnny Mac) that you’re close with and they’re even closer with. Be careful what you say because this person tells them everything! Steve asks who? Vanessa tells Steve he cannot tell anyone that she told him. During the whole Audrey thing, Johnny Mac came clean to Clelli about all of his deals. He really wants to work with them super tight. If you think you can trust him, you can’t. Steve says Johnny Mac and I have a deal to look out for each other but no final 2 deal. Vanessa says that Clelli are worried long term .. if you’re close to me and Johnny Mac. Vanessa says I would never utter a word of our deal to anyone! Vanessa tells Steve she thinks he has a great shot at getting to the end. Vanessa tells Steve that she would never ever put him up. Vanessa advises Steve to watch Clay as a role model for a good social game. Vanessa says that people have said to me “Shelli is running the house and people are letting her”. Steve says Shelli and Clay will not be in the final 2. Steve heads down stairs to shower / go to bed.

4:30am All the house guests are sleeping..
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Where has Johnny Mac been lately? I understand his need to lay low, however, a lot of talking is going on in HOH and he seems to not be in any of it.
All you people hoping for All Stars forget about it. Frankie is a lock to be in it. Chenbot, Grubworm and Les Moonbeam love him. See yesterday’s THE VIEW.
Donut lickers of the world REJOICE!!!
I think Johnny Mac has done a really good job of laying low but if he is going to make a move it had better be this week.
Vanessa made her first big mistake with this whole Austin thing. If not voting him off this week was the right thing it was right before the veto too and there was no need for all the backstabbing drama. She has painted such a huge target on her back.
If only the other side of the house could see it..
Really? Van put a huge target on her back this week? Please give me names of people who are targeting her now. She was “honest” with Meg, James, and Jason- they all believe what she told them. They don’t blame Van AT ALL. The only target formed this week was on Shelli’s back. So once again, who exactly is targeting her???
Everyone now knows Vanessa is the target. She set the first plan up and everyone went along with it. When Liz won anyway she set the new plan. Open your eyes. Everybody knows who is running the house now.
lol looks like you don’t watch the feeds. nobody wants to target vanessa right now. they all think shelli and clay talked her into it.
Vanessa is playing a really great game right now. I don’t think she’s even a target going in to next week!
Honestly can’t even fake a front, Van has every angle covered with all her side deals. She will definitely take Steve to the finals, bank on that if she can continue pulling the strings like she has. I am not saying I am a Van fan lol,but she has Shelli & Clay as her generals & runs everything by them to keep those to close since they have Shelli keeping Clay on her leash,Clay listening in/socializing like the phoney he is. Austin is a minion doing Van’s dirty work,Steve the ultimate rat playing the socially awkward target,Liz motivating Austin to keep her safe & clearly a numbers game once Julia arrives. JMAcC the comp thrower doing the dirty work/jeopardizing his game for them, & Becky the clueless puppet wanting desperately to belong.
Love or hate her, she is constantly on the grind to secure the final check. Just keeping it real, NOT saying I agree with how she got it done so don’t give me thumbs down for stating obviously the best game play this season. I mean even when Jason leaves,Meg will cave & become another trustworthy minion for Van’s disposal. Believe me I want more than anything to see this house get flipped on its assets,but Van’s army is like an uphill David vs Goliath battle. Pisses me off but it’s looking like the obvious.
You are absolutely 100% right. She came to play the game and is actually doing a helluva job. She even has Shelly thinking she’s running shit when it’s actually V pulling strings. We can’t be mas at her for doing what she went there to do. It will be interesting when it comes time to cut Clelli loose.
I also have ‘re-evaluated my thinking when she mentions how she intends to help Jason. I honestly believe her. It WAS a good game move to toss him and even though I love him, she is doing the right thing. Austin will cut off his head before he crosses her….Jason wasn’t giving her that.
As for Clelli, I just don’t like her. She thinks she’s better than some of the other people…not just game wise…in general. Thats what I can’t get my arms around. Her sense of entitlement. Ready for her to exit stage left. Clay can stay because V will have him wearing a skirt if that’s what she wants him to do. He clearly is not a leader.
Cause you told me not to.
Thumbed up to see if I could change it.
Thumbed back down, because at the end of the day I just can’t let you control my game like that.
You do realize that David took out Goliath? What strikes me is that the people in control of the house just happen to be the ones that were recruited and the floaters are the superfans that are just happy to be there. This crap is so staged.
I think you have some facts mixed up here… Van was not recruited. Meg, James, and Jackie (via TAR) were recruits. Jmac, Jason, Austin, and Steve are the main superfans this season, and they are all left in the house, well for another few hours.
I am SO sick of Shelli. Can she go next please? sick of seeing her face
and this week shows that Becky is a moron.
Wish is tomorrow already! Get tonight over with and see if there’s finally going to be big games moves going on or another week wasted, last week had us fooled until Sunday when we were so excited about the move against Austin. Anxious to see if Julia has a mind of her own or will play safe and follow the group because she is more cordial to people outside the alliance and not sure she likes Austin. I’m wondering why BB is keeping her in hiding since last she left she thought Austin was the target and now the lines are drawn? Never the less I just want today to be over with another wasted week in the BB house. Jason would have eventually targeted them but he was in no way a threat right now
BB production better step it up tonight or I’m out!
Ditto! But I’m out if it doesn’t change. Can’t stand this season!!!!
Funny how everyone is stating how much they wish production would interfere with Jason not being evicted, however, Jason (and James and Meg), have said the most vile things thus far in this season about the other house guests. What, we are now rooting for the “scumbags”? Jason is a pure shi*talker. Why do we want that? Vanessa is playing a great game, and Shelli and Clay seem like nice people. Becky is a sweetheart as well but lets root for the “other side”. I disagree.
Thumbs up if you think Vanessa is playing a good game; thumbs down if you don’t!
I thought Vanessa was flushing her game by switching her target off of Austin but she somehow skated away with no target on her back. Amazing.
Vanessa did this by making sure everyone knew Shay was in on it, thereby revealing that they are working with her side. This revelation overshadows the blindside itself because the ADC has been spilling info to Shay as though they were on the same team since week 2.
IMO vanessa isnt playing a good game, but its the people around her that DONT KNOW what game they’re playing. if this week didnt open their eyes, nothing ever will. and from the fact that vanessa isnt an immediate target to anyone, im inclined to think that some of these people have a mental disorder of some sort.
If your surrounded by morons does that make you a genius?
That question is best asked to Derrick, that is how he won. It certainly wasn’t because he’s brilliant. If a female does it, the others must be dumb but if a male does it, he’s a genius………….pah-leeze !!
Jason wtf! U just blew it yo! Omg! Shelly u bitch!
I have to admit, I like the Steve/Vanessa deal. Hope she doesn’t turn on him.
Really hard to say. Van’s original Final Two is with Austin. “The House” is the name she gave that alliance.
I doubt Steve’s her legitimate final 2. She’s already thinking of the end game in great detail, and obviously there are weaker players to choose from as a final 2 wrap. Steve could step up at some point and steal the game from her, making a credible argument for why he should win over her. Even more so when you consider potentially bitter jurors. Once the ranks of the weak get thinner, she may see a better opportunity to get loyalty from one of them.
I was thinking about this yesterday during the show: didnt Liz throw mist at nessa, clay, and Shelli. She said Austin would be a number for them but honestly he is Lizzes number. Vanessa did all the work making her a target, meanwhile the other three look like a blooming rose. Can she really be this foolish to sacrifice her game like this? Also, wouldn’t getting the twins out be worse for Austin because he would be isolated and not able to socialize? These house guests need to learn how to think.
The twins’ game has been limited so far because of the switching and the initial fear of getting discovered. They’ve had to rely on Shelli, Vanessa and Austin for safety and for info.
IMO that’s why Vanessa and Shelli have a false sense of security with them and are underestimating the threat they pose. To this point they’ve been able to control the twins, and they are assuming that will continue.
But as soon as Julia comes in and starts playing for real, that dynamic changes drastically.
I agree with you. The twins are going to have a huge impact on where the power in the house ends up.
Please, please don’t let any of the 6th sense win hoh! How boring if they do. Re-run of Derricks win from last year. Where the heck are the “twists” ???
Really don’t want Shelli to win. Think Vanessa has gotten herself in the best position, (in anticipation of turning on her group), has developed a “relationship” with more of them on the other side of the house.
Can’t stand the fake tears & anxiety from Shelli & Vanessa. Transparent.
Only Jackie would make a big move on the 6th sense if she won hoh.
The twist will come once they are secure that their ” cast” is safe and the twist will have no tangible effect.
this group really is sickening. austin wants to make them have nots all the time, which is just sick and cruel. and lol at steve thinking he can win anything let alone an hoh.
james and jackie need to win hoh this week because they already have meg and becky won over
Austin is such a D-bag! Just like when he said to Liz he wanted to pull an evil Dick on Meg & get in her face & yell-Seriously what a tough guy going after Meg! I can’t wait for him to get hit like a ton of bricks with the reality that the majority of viewers despise his bushface wearing, wrestler wannabe,creeper, pathetic vibe. He is disgusting!
or maybe john could win and show he has a mind of his own and target that group but i doubt it
John is such a wild card that I would like to see him win HOH. I loved when he was laughing when Clay was stressing about being on the block. Clay thought it was no big deal when he asked Johhmy Mac to go on the block.
I bet they give Julia a vote tonight, but since she hasn’t been there all week, she can vote without being under anyone’s influence. With Steve’s comment about how happy he was to see Becky crying, he may swing to Jason (even though Jason was incredibly rude to him a few weeks ago). It could be a close one. Personally it doesn’t matter to me which one goes home, but tonight’s eviction will be interesting. Thanks Simon and Dawg!!
PeeWee Herman Imitator
I think Jason would be a great NFL Commish.
I am curious to see what Jason was thinking once he leaves the house especially trusting Shelli and Clay in the game. It seems like some of the players put all the emphasis on trying to win HOH when it’s only part of the game. You can’t win it all the time anyway. So to not pay attention more to social interactions seems complacent on his part.Jason has been on the block so it’s not like he could have thought he wasn’t in danger. He even joked the other night that he wasn’t safe. I don’t know if he had most of his attention on Audrey since she was such a liar and so extreme while the others were forming an alliance. But it’s like he forgets that it was Shelli who targeted Day and even made it seem like Audrey was a victim. So that means it was Shelli and Clay. So I get being friendly with them but to not consider them as the biggest threat and even trustworthy is interesting. But it’s like he blamed it all on Audrey. The same with Becky, she wasn’t allies with Day but Shelli lied to Becky about her target the week they won HOH together. And it’s like Becky completely washed that from her mind because Shelli talks to her nicely and grins. When personally, I think Shelli thinks Becky is a threat in looks but that’s a whole other undercurrent vibe.
So now Jason has to try to do a final hour “save myself run” which won’t work anyway because the others have already been playing together but you didn’t get it. But he,Meg, and simple minded James should have been paying more attention and going up to the HOH room more. But even before that that simple fact that they were that comfortable with a couple in showmance is mind boggling. I give Shelly and Clay some credit in knowing how to talk to people and their looks probably don’t hurt with this particular group. I don’t find them anything to write home about personally but they have some attractive physical traits that work in their advantage. And Shelli would have done just fine without Clay in the game due how she puts on her personality and persona. But anyway, I like Jason but he got outplayed and unfortunately didn’t help himself by not diverting his attention to observing everyone in the house to know to then keep his mouth shut more and be more strategic about what to say and to whom.
It looks like Vanessa’s crew is going to keep running the house. I just wish for once the outsiders could win HOH. It would be so interesting to see the Silent Six scramble.
Vanessa gets her panties in a wad if you lie to her, but it is OK for Steve to lie. Van is the biggest liar in the house.
The Silent Six is just so arrogant and extremely confident. But the comps are all in their favor. Seems as Allison is favoring the gambler and the hairball.
The comps are in their favor like how? They favor the people who are trying to win?
How would even you make a comp that Meg and Jason would win?
She said baking stuff and certain hipster things are her forte.
I like how a lot people are say Vanessa is a hypocrite.
Have you ever played poker?
Vanessa has played a few hands … It’s called bluffing
Bluffing is simply twisting perception
Lying and deceiving is part of BB …
The Jason fans don’t complain when he does it
Vanessa knows exactly what she is doing … She even has a lot of you fooled obviously
Her game is not perfect by any means, but overall she is playing hard
Her brain is constantly calculating
Just like Sarah and Neda from BBCA … they played hard …
they were constantly in game mode
It worked out for one of them
Vanessa for the win!
Vanessa and her approach to lies is all apart of her game strategy. It’s obviously working.
Thing is, the ADC really has to win both HoH’s. Sixth Sense + side alliances represent such huge numbers that with even one HoH they could nom two of their own people with the intention of BOTH of them throwing, then back dooring anyone other than the two noms who won BoB. They seem poised to skate through the next 3 evictions with a simple numbers crush.
In this case, 6th sense could not backdoor anyone because throwing the HOH means that even if they won POV they would not control the replacement nom. But I do agree, the numbers make it very difficult for ADC to turn this around.
i dont get the popularity of steve. the guy does nothing and wont be winning anything unless its by pure dumb luck. why people even want him around in that house i dont know. he’s not playing any more of a game than people like meg, becky or jason.
and the fact that he was happy to see becky crying…what is up with that? why would you be happy to see someone cry. what a douche
I am not a big fan of Steve and the Becky comments were really weird.. but he did win a POV when he needed so you can’t say he doesn’t win anything
Steve is not a word-smith for sure, his communications skills need work
I don’t think Steve was intentionally trying to be cruel
But as far as him being happy she didn’t win … No Doubt
Could it possibly be that Becky has been blabbing all week long
to whoever would listen that Steve was her target to get out?
What the bullsh*t are these people on? Its too late to flip…. but its not damn late when it happens to my JASON. I mean are you people high. So proud of my Jason for making the effort :’). Head held high Jason and never give up. Hoping for some twist to happen. If Jason stays, I know all hell will break loose and some will be burned baby. #SAVEJASON.
For anyone that was thinking Jason was ever good at this game..that convo with Clelli was one of the worst last minute attempts at saving yourself I have ever seen. Jason you are good at watching TV. That’s about it. Poor Vanessa going to have a hard time finding this kid work. And she obviously isn’t saying she will help him as a game move..that is purely having a good heart.
So Nessa haters keep hating because it is very amusing..but you look more and more like fools everyday.
Bye Jason. Make the exit interview good. U owe us a show!
Your logic makes no sense. If Jason is such a bad player and Vanessa is so brilliant, then why did she jump through hoops to get him out this week? She obviously respects him as a threat.
It’s easy to make moves when you’re in the HoH room every week. It’s hard to make moves when you’re on the block on Wednesday night. We’ll see how Vanessa does when she’s in that position.
She didn’t have to “jump through hoops”
Austin was orginal target but he essa so she gave the fool another chance.
So new target needed. Jackie would have been my personal choice but when choosing between Meg, Jackie, Jason, James..yes Jason is the most smart of those 4 but that isn’t saying much.
As for “wait till Vanessa is on block” I can’t wait for someone to challenge her. Nessa is so bad ass at this game that at times she gets bored with these fools.I want her to be more challenged at some point so we can see her turn up her game a bit. She hasnt had to yet. She owning the game and still in second gear. Four more gears left. Let’s all hope we get to see ’em.
Well you could give him a position at you “Nessa” fan club! The pay sucks but Jason is a pro at sucking
Jason was begging production for help and then at one point bit@@ing at them for not helping him to stay. How about you try this, do something intelligent to help yourself. Instead of the underdogs sitting around talking about useless stories, playing games, pranking each other, sleeping and bit@@ing about the people that are playing the game, they should be banding together and working on a plan. They play the game like this is a vacation and hope to just make it to jury for the payment. Not one of them has ever talked serious game. Can’t feel sorry for them, nor can I root for them anymore. Go ahead six sense pick them off one by one, then we can watch the game begin when you have to compete with each other. Jason lost all my respect as a game player begging BB for a twist or help.
Could not agree with this comment more. I don’t get all the hype for Jason. A person can be a good observer of others, know where the alliances are….but as we saw in Jasons cringe worthy awkward attempt to throw shade on other houseguests, it is a whole other ball game to implement a strategy or plan. His moping around, calling ppl b****** (u need to expand your vocabulary) and hoping to get a way out handed to him on a silver platter is pathetic. I hope when he watches the playback of this game he recognizes that if u want to get something …especially something everyone else wants….u have to get out of your comfort zone and be nice or socialize with ppl that are not necessarily going to be your best friend. Expand your universe Jason!
Oh Jason…
Without Jason, this show and the feeds are nothing. He is very observant and funny. I am sickened and bored by almost everyone. I like that Jackie has guts but she is too distracted by duckfacing in the mirrors.
Yeah sure…I just can’t get enough footage of Jason smoking and calling everybody bitches and hoes!! Real freakin entertainment!!
I am so sick of people throwing comps and rigging outcomes and volunteering to be a pawn. They really need to incentivize these houseguests to actually try to win competitions. $2000 to the winning HOH after the BoB competition. The losing HOH is automatically on slop. $2000 for the veto winner. There were 16 HOHs and 15 veto comps last year. That would be $62,000 total. Guess how much they paid Frankie, Donny, and Derrick for those stupid Team America Tasks? $55,000. (and I’m not counting the extra $50,000 that Derrick won for winning the game as a member of TA). Big Brother can easily afford it, and its enough money to get the attention of every single houseguest in every competition. No more throwing the BoB. No more throwing HOH. No more throwing Veto. Everybody will be playing all out.
I always thought it would be interesting if the HG’s got points throughout the season for HOH and POV wins and where they finished in the tasks. These points could then be used in a silent auctions to buy luxuries, even extra votes or special vetoes. HGs might actually try to win and could add some excitement instead people throw competitions all the time.
Brilliant idea, brilliant comment.That really would be a twist. Hopefully CBS and Gropener’s minions will give consideration to the idea.
Just get rid of BOB already.
Fan favorite? I’ve never seen anyone say they liked it..
Kick Battle of the Block to the curb. It has jumped the shark.
You are right Kevin. I was kinda insulted when Julie Chen tried to tell us that BOB was a fan favorite. She must really think we are stupid. I doubt if anyone was fooled by her statement. Well, maybe a few.
This is an awesome idea. Throwing the comps takes away from the game.
Am I the only one who thinks every girl this season has a long face with giant horse teeth? Meg hides hers better with the bangs, but damn. These girls are not attractive at all. And the guys? Ugh! Clay is gorgeous, the rest are hideous.
Yes, you are the only one. These girls are all pretty!
Shelli is purty.
The problem is the underdogs are so terrified to make a move because they will be the next targets. Wish they would realize they are already targets. They have nothing to lose by taking out a big player and more to gain. Why are they so blind, everyone is being picked off one by one on that side? The double eviction would be their saving grace if they win it. I’m curious to see what they do in that situation.
Big Brother (like poker) is a partial information game, which is one of the reasons Vanessa is so good at it. If everyone actually knew everone else’s priorities and strategies next moves would be easy to calculate. Unfortunately, the weak side of the house has proven themselves to be incredibly poor judges of intention, or as Jason would say, gullible. Barring a miracle and a complete change of charachter, Jackie/James are going very soon.
Well the one thing going for us is that the less people you have left in the game the less votes you need to pull a blindside. Next week you will only need four votes and the HOH’s tie breaking vote vote to get rid of someone.
Next week will be an uneven vote. You need 5 votes to get someone voted out tonight. It will be the same next week. Nine votes total. Julia is coming in.
Your right BB17 fan I forgot about Julia coming in.
Jason said things that made no sense. I don’t believe Becky is targeting them. This is best jason has? I also can’t see JMac saying clay/Shelli running things. He isn’t one to talk like that and it would be foolish to put a target on himself. Jason is full of it, and Clay and Shelli are dumb enough to believe it
That was the Hail Mary plan Jason & Meg came up with.
Jackie for HOH!! (or Meg or James)
anyone that will target the bad guys. muahahaha
I think I could like Clay IF SHELLI LEAVES SOON.
As her puppet/son/little creepy brother, I just can’t!
Poor Becky! Her fate is going to be like when Bambi meets Godzilla!
Sad to see Jason go… would have preferred to see them go with the Austin plan… but it is what it is.
Evicting Jason is sort of a waste of a week….. but the good news is with Jason gone they are going to have to turn on each other sooner than later.
I have a feeling that a Becky/ Johnny Mac and Shelli/Clay alliance are more there style than aligning with Vanessa/ Austin and the Twins. Shlay have already started the ground work for the split.
Vanessa also has started to see the split coming and it trying to lock in Steve and Jackie as her new team.
The twins coming will lead to a huge upset in the alliance. I see them rebelling pretty quick. They may try to cut Austin out first because I doubt either of them want the risk of him in the jury house with Liz…
So who knows, what is going to happen next…. I will say that I will miss Jason, I wish is was as savvy as they thought he was…. Bye Jason, even though Vanessa saying to Becky don’t pack everything your saying is usually a bad sign, and a part of me wants to see an upset in the house and the powers that be shocked by Jason Staying.
Ugh, this is so maddening!! I hate when the show is like this with one side of the house just picking people off 1 by 1, and everyone just sitting back and letting them do it. And WHY do they not see Vanessa as a target?? It sucks that Jason is probably going home because Jackie and Jason were probably the best bet for that other side to change things up. The best I can hope for at this point is that Austin ( as much as I don’t like him) to take his twins and switch to the other side of the house and maybe try to flip this thing and start targeting that “trio”. ( Vanessa, shelli, clay) Steve, johnnymac, and Becky could’ve possibly did this, but I see them getting power and letting the trio run their HOH. We so badly need a power shift to make this interesting again.
LOL its unfathomable that these people make deals with the same people that audrey exposed them for having an alliance for like 4 weeks. do they not realize shelli, clay, vanessa, the twins and austin are in the house at all? did they not see that vanessa didnt put up austing? THAT shouldve been a HUGE hint to what audrey said was 100% true.
YET, the only ones that got a minor clue of the truth are james, meg, jacki and jason. Becky, john, steve? what are these 3 thinking? Oh right they arent, they are just another bunch of floaters not really playing the game, but instead just trying to be with “the cool kids”. i dont know maybe its just me, but this season has more floaters than actual people playing the game.
Hey Becky..We liked You a lot better when You were nowhere to be found
An appropriate alliance name for You would be “Generally Clueless”..You REALLY think Vanessa and Shelli will keep You longterm ?…wow wake up !!
Please Jackie,James..Someone win HOH tonight to shake things up,,this is getting bad quick
So what would happen in Clay called one of the women in the house a “scumbag bitch” on national tv?
Jason is a foul mouth pig. CBS definitely wants his foul mouth gone. That is why they are making no attempt at saving him using production assistance. The kid is degrading to women and a bad representation for the gay community.
Steve is the worst actor period. I do not buy this “im socially awkward” shit for 1 second…it’s soo transparent and I’m so sick of it and his Vanessa talks….
The only thing that would get my respect would be if he votes to keep Jason.
Didn’t Steve say his fraternity brothers call him a name, I can’t remember. Have a hunch as soon as he needs to he is going to start winning. He reminds me a lot of Ian. Ian was socially awkward and I think Steve is playing Ian’s game.
Jason is a prime example of what is wrong with that generation. He came into this and basically has done nothing but lay around, shit talk everyone in the house and sleep… Meanwhile others have been actually playing the game. He gets put on the block and bitches, whines and moans about how he deserves to be there and this isn’t fair… Why because he’s a so called super fan?! There are I’m sure thousands of people who would also like to be on… No one owes him anything! He atleast got a chance… And once on the block, instead of trying to do something to save himself, he sleeps and begs production for a twist or something to save him. Is it really any wonder this kid still lives at home in his parents basement?!! The laziness and sense of entitlement is insane.
Jason is the Turd on the cover of every Mad Magazine.
what the heck is wrong with Jason and Becky seriously dude get you facts straightened out and Becky the generals my butt. i thought you were just playing guess not. well things change i hope
Where did they find this cast? Not enough drama or conflicting personalities! The cast might be too nice. Terrible to say, but it makes it boring. Not enough scheming or game play. Maybe when second twin comes in it will get better. At least Jason is entertaining! Vanessa and her double-talk is comical because she is pretty good at deflecting.
Oh my… I don’t visit this site often because I cannot watch feeds this summer and I’m trying to let the TV episodes surprise me, so I just saw yesterday’s episode and I must say: Vanessa, for being a stupid player and relying on the worst argument ever (“we got the numbers”), you deserve to be evicted… by AUSTIN! LOL!
I was rooting for Vanessa… but after Austin was able to trick her into keeping him, she deserves to be the first out… followed by Clay and Shelli. And Austin deserves to be evicted by the twins… because p*ssy is da bomb and he should never take it for granted… OR think he is such a hot item that Liz would actually care for him. Look up in the mirror, you Hagrid-lookalike-wanna-be!
I was pretty shocked by Steve’s comments in the DR re: Becky. Seemed cruel. No longer a STeve fan.
Van/She/Clay had a great edit.
What a bad bad campaign Jason. I expected more, and he now deserves to go! My question is, why haven’t Shlay discussed Vanessa as a target, as she seems unscathed from this bloodbath? If they are such good game-players, why cant they see how Vanessa has ducked behind them. I dont understand… Is Vanessa that good? I dont think so, there must be something more going on… I refuse to believe these people can be this ignorant. They are studying facts constantly… HOH- Shelli-Van-Shelli-Van… They are obviously working together. That would be enough for me!? I cant even imagine a power shift at this point, because they are all working for them!
How funny would it be if the twins told Austin to back door Vanessa if he wins HOH?
I think they might go for Clay or Shelli first. Break up an obvious team.
Becky has me so confused. I don’t watch live feeds but watch AD and this site. Is she playing shelli and clay or is she actually wanting to work with them? I see her with them, then with the others. Anyone know where her head actually is ? I’m really curious to see what happens when Julia comes in. It could be fun but she will probably just fall in with the people that got her there at first. And it may be the smartest thing for her to do. But would love to see things switch up.
Hoping & praying that Jackie & James win HOH tonight!! I don’t know what James would do because he’s clueless, but maybe Jackie could talk him into going after Shay & Vanessa. I really hope they don’t drag out the BOB twist as long as they did last season. Please tell me it’s almost over!!!
Right on que … early morning 3ish chat HN room
Wussy Clay telling Shellie that they need to throw the comp
Clay proposing that they make a deal with Becky n JM
Till he saw Shellies WTF face
Shelli says don’t throw it … then the snake backtracked
I can’t wait till Clay goes … Hopefully on a comp he throws