POV Holder: | Vanessa | POV Competition | Aug 22nd |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | Aug 24th |
HOH | Austin | Next HOH | Aug 27th |
Original Nominations: | Steve and Jmac | ||
After POV Nominations: | ? and ? | ||
Have Nots | No have nots this week |
12am HOH room – Meg and James are talking to Liz and Austin. Meg says that he (Johnny Mac) has been trying to turn Vanessa on me. I told Vanessa that these things are the smallest little things that mean nothing. Of course they’re going to say things because they want me to go up. Austin says well you’re not going up. Austin says Steve was so adamant of not going up with Johnny Mac .. so that’s exactly what I did. Austin says that next week it will likely be the days comp and Steve & Vanessa will be the front runners on that. Austin says that he was so dead set on Steve not going this week but he’s doing a lot of talking for Johnny Mac. Meg says he is very sneaky. Austin says that if Johnny Mac and Steve stay on the block they’re going to explode. Liz says they try to bring up things about people that aren’t here any more. Austin says that he thinks we’re all good again. Just don’t cry in front of her or her wheels start spinning. James says f**king Johnny Mac .. punch him in the face! Austin brings up how Steve was threatening me before he went up that if he went up with Johnny Mac .. it meant I am more with Meg and James then him. Meg says when Jason left he said get Shelli out and Steve out. James says when I f**ked Shelli and Clay over Steve told me I did a good thing. I was like oh sh*t Steve just talked game with me. James says he wants to asks Vanessa if she can do some detective work.
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12am Comic room – Steve runs to tell Vanessa that they’re together right now. Vanessa asks who? Steve says James and Meg are talking to Lis and Austin. Steve says they’re a very strong force in this game. Steve says I think we’re going to have to make friends with whoever comes back. Vanessa says I just hope its not Jackie. Steve asks can I have a hug? I like hugs. Vanessa hugs him. You going to be okay. Steve says he needs to come up with a speech tomorrow. Vanessa asks do you think it would be okay for me to use it on you? Steve says yes but no, not with Austin’s blessing. Vanessa says maybe we can use it on you and put one of them up so they can procrastinate on the James decision. Steve says Austin would never do that. Steve leaves.
Julia joins Vanessa in the comic room. Vanessa says she has no idea what’s going on. Austin said he needed to talk to James and Meg and so I left the room. Vanessa says that she talked to James and if she could trust him. Julia asks so can you? Vanessa says for one week. He said he would go after Jackie if she returned. Julia doesn’t believe it. Meg is all talk and no action. And in action I mean that she will never win to make a move. Vanessa asks Julia have you done any thinking about where you are with your sister and Austin. You can’t all three go to the finals. Julia says she is just going with it but can’t really think about it until final 5 or 4. Julia says in the final 3 I would choose her and she would choose me. Vanessa says its a strange thing. Julia says I think the only reason Liz and I have made it this far is because of Austin. Vanessa says that Austin needed to clear up something with James and Meg. Julia says I am afraid he will do what he did to Clelli, he will do to Austin and Liz. Julia says as an HOH he is not reasonable. Vanessa says if we get rid of James we leave more potential targets in the house. Julia says if you used it .. then Austin would be pissed. Vanessa says yeah I’m not going to use it without his permission. James joins them. James asks Vanessa if she can find out if Johnny Mac is bullsh*tting. He told Austin that before the HOH comp .. he says that I told him I was going to throw it to me if it got down to me and him. Then he went to Austin and told him I was going to throw it to him. Vanessa asks so that wasn’t true? James says it wasn’t true. I didn’t talk any game to him about any of that.
12:35am – 12:40am Vanessa talks to Johnny mac. Did you have any deals with anyone coming into this HOH? Johnny says yes. Vanessa asks did you have any throwing deals? Johnny says yes, that Austin would throw it to me and James would throw it to me. Vanessa asks 100% he would throw it to you. Johnny Mac says yes. It wasn’t a deal but he was like if we’re the last 2 left I will throw it to you. Vanessa asks he said that? For a million percent sure? Johnny says yes. Vanessa says weird because he swears he didn’t. Vanessa asks why? Johnny Mac says because at the time everyone wanted you out and they knew I was frustrated with you and I was like I’ll do it. Vanessa says that makes sense. Vanessa says that’s weird that he’s lying about it. It might be something helpful. Vanessa then goes and tells James.. Vanessa tells James that Johnny Mac swears it happened because everyone was on board with getting me out. And everyone wanted to get me out and everyone knew he would be willing to do it. Vanessa asks does it make sense that I was the target and you didn’t want to be the one to do it. James says I didn’t say it. I don’t even talk game with him. Vanessa says its very possible that he thinks you said something when you didn’t. James says there is no way it would have happened. If it did I would have told Meg about it. I tell her everything.
12:45am James tells Johnny Mac he needs to talk to him outside. James asks what conversation did I have with you that I said I would throw it to you. Johnny says yeah we were all on board with getting Vanessa out and you said you would throw it to me if it came down to it. James says I don’t throw HOH’s to anyone. Johnny says it wasn’t like it was a hard deal. Austin said he would throw it to me. Steve its not like he wanted to do it. James says I don’t throw HOH’s to anyone. I don’t have a problem putting anybody up. Johnny says yeah it wasn’t a deal but it was said. If it comes down to me and you, I will let you have it. James says I don’t remember the conversation. James says well f**k if you said I said it then I guess I said it. Its not even a big thing and I’m not even tripping. But you said even Austin said it? Johnny says yeah.
12:50am Austin comes out of the diary room and tells the others he has a card. They all head out into the backyard and tells them the live feeders want them to play a game of hide and seek.
Steve goes next. They can’t find Johnny Mac. Julia asks is he in the closet? Steve says no he’s straight. Johnny Mac stumps them all by hiding under a dentist chair.
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James is up up next.
Liz is next.

1:45am – 2:30am HOH room – Vanessa talks to Austin. Austin says I thought I caught Johnny Mac in a lie. Vanessa says they both seemed like they were telling the truth, it was really strange. Austin says and Johnny Mac told James that I told him I was going to throw it too. Like thanks a lot Johnny Mac. Like why would you tells James that. Austin says I think Johnny Mac needs to stay up there and go! I don’t like it. Vanessa says I think it was to target me. Austin talks about how he doesn’t like how Steve’s story about how Johnny Mac and him came together changed 3 times. I want to keep the noms the same. Steve is really smart and dangerous. Austin says I feel better about James and Meg than Steve and Johnny Mac. They’re (Steve & Johnny Mac) going to get to the final four if we don’t get one of them out. Steve joins them and asks what can I do to help you? Austin says just don’t say anything. I need to sleep on it. I am just uneasy on Vanessa using it. As of right now I don’t want her to use it. Vanessa says if Becky comes back we will be happy JMac isn’t here. But if Jackie comes back I’m just worried she will hook up with them. Austin says I hope Steve is really loyal but this whole week made me doubt it. Austin says I feel better about keeping it the same. Austin says I think it might be Johnny Mac. Liz says talking to Johnny Mac is like we’re talking German and he’s talking Chinese. He is not, like he cannot talk. Vanessa says talking to Steve is like you’re talking to a computer with no feelings or sense of morality. They talk about Vanessa speech tomorrow for not using the veto. Vanessa heads to bed. Liz says Jackie is the one person I do not want to come back. F**k that girl. I would want Shelli to come back. Austin says or we pull a Lawon (BB13) and send one of us so we can come back.
1:50am – 2:40am Bedroom – James tells Meg that Johnny Mac says I hinted to him that I would throw the HOH to him. I told Austin that he said he would throw it too. Meg says Austin would never throw a comp to anyone. James says that Vanessa said she could look at both of us and know that neither of us were lying. James says that Vanessa doesn’t know that Austin was going to do it too. Do we tell her? Meg says this is all so dumb. James says you know what’s f**ked up we pretty much told them if Jackie comes back we would put her up. Meg says we’ll just deal with it when we get there.
James scares LIZ @bigbspoilers #bb17 pic.twitter.com/MxzQldO6Vd
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 24, 2015
James scares Steve "AHHh FUCK!"
@bigbspoilers #bb17 pic.twitter.com/FjyMmpUtYM
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 24, 2015
3am – 4am HOH room –Austin says that Steve told Vanessa Austin and the twins are a powerful force. Austin and Liz talk about how Steve is heated about the Johnny Mac thing. We told him at the beginning of the week that we trust him more than anyone. Austin and Liz go to bed / make out.
Austin wonders if @ZingbotOfficial was right about him smelling bad
@bigbspoilers #bb17 pic.twitter.com/u7tfGccjl1
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 24, 2015
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Austin, Julia and Liz are so disgusting! Vanessa is horrible, it looks like CBS is going to have a yucky representative this year in a winner.
I just don’t see how James and Meg can get Van and the Stoogies out!
Derek sucks
You have to get out big players while you have the numbers, not in the eleventh hour…Becky will say “I told you so…” while Vanessa cashes that big half mill check. She has outplayed everyone in that house. Hands. Down. They were so easy to manipulate…bunch of fooligans…!
Vanessa has already started her sneaky campaign against Austin. It’s funny and sad how everyone knows what she’s doing and they still let her. She has put fear in to them all.
It is mindboggling that Meg is sitting there convinced that what VANESSA told her about Jmac is true, that jmac is throwing her under the bus or whatever.
It’s Vanessa, Meg, the same person who is convinced you were crying because vanessa won POV.
Whoever comes back will work with the Goblins to take out Vanessa. Jackie is vindictive, doesn’t care about winning – she just wants to be a super b*tch.
Even if they did take out the nasty nessy they would still be having the same exact problems with Shelli. Becky can say “i told you so” all she wants but the reality is James and Meg are playing the game for themselves not Becky. Only johnny Mac plays to help others people game.
That’s what she was trying to get them to understand and what a lot of us on the outside looking in understand. Unfortunately, the Goblins started talking and convinced themselves that Shelli was a bigger threat b/c they thought she would be vindictive and go after James. They also had it all “planned” about how they were going to go about things, but those plans are contingent on the right people winning which didn’t happen. Plus no one wants to consider anything long term, it’s all just “Let’s keep Vanessa one more week to keep the target off us”. Keeping her one more week is going to take her strait to the final 3.
I agree Austin and the twins are disgusting.
I hope Vanessa doesn’t use the power of veto. I like James and Meg more than Johnny Mac. He has terrible social game and is not very interesting on the feeds. James is very entertaining and him and Meg are pretty good at talking themselves out if hard situations (like during Vanessa’s inquisition). I hope Jackie or another ally return so they can really battle it out with the Austwins.
Yeah! James got Liz and Steve good, they drop like bricks with fear! Love it.
Why is Johnny so high on this poll? I don’t get it!?!
TV episodes.
lol i longed for the day vanessa turned on steve and got him out and it looks like that may happen this week i can’t wait ahh steve you’re an idiot
Austin is an idiot! He won’t take out James or Meg because he has fun with them? I sure hope he has fun watching James spend 500K!
Are the twists happening still?
Why does Vanessa need Austin permission really your forth to them and you need Steve and Johnny Mac to form your own group. I would love to see one person in this game do what they want with the veto and not everyone know in the house what’s going to happen
Initially I was thinking/hoping that V would use the veto without A’s approval to force him to put up a goblin (James). The more I think about it, this would probably piss off the twits. The votes would be V and Steve to keep JMac, the twits and Meg would save James and V would have all the more enemies. So yes, to use it without the HOH approval would be game suicide!!
I was thinking if Vanessa uses it and Shellie comes back she could spin it she took out James, the one that put her and clay up. Also if she uses it and James goes up and Jackie or Becky come back, she is screwed for taking out one of their people, but she may gain Steve and Johnny mac which is a group of three that can win the next HOH. Then we have an all out war…..So I hope she uses it. LOL
Thats been Vanessa’s major strategy, she needs people to agree so she does not take responsibility. Even her own hoh’s she wanted everyone to agree, and that was why she was able to throw shade at shelli and clay. They acted like they weren’t behind the decision, but van got them to admit it. So essentially she can make a move with putting it on someone shoulders.
Her gameplay is really top notch, and she needs to go.
With that being said, I think she would prefer Becky to come back over Jackie. She is really the only one van doesn’t like. I believe its Jackie’s resting bitch face that doubles as a great poker face, and Van cant read her as well. I think her major goal is for a goblin to go. If she can convince people to vote out meg, I will back that crazy bitch for the rest of the way!
Because is Vanessa uses it, Austin will still control the votes. He has the twins and the other goblin.. that’s 3. Vanessa will have either Steve or Jmac, herself.. That’s it! So if I were Austin and I wanted James to stay.. if Vanessa used the veto… I would put up Meg and tell James that Vanessa wanted me to put you up but I didn’t. Now it’s me, you, the twins, and Meg( because they will keep her for a vote) against…Vanessa and Steve or jmac. Not to mention if Shelli or jackie come back…. they have both said they are targeting Vanessa. Vanessa loses.. I think Shelli coming back will be Vanessa’s worst nightmare. I do not think she will have any influence over her any more. If she can just get over the Clay thing.. her and James with a guaranteed meg vote could take them ALL down.
I was thinking if Vanessa uses it and Shellie comes back she could spin it she took out James, the one that put her and clay up. Also if she uses it and James goes up and Jackie or Becky come back, she is screwed for taking out one of their people, but she may gain Steve and Johnny mac which is a group of three that can win the next HOH. Then we have an all out war…..So I hope she uses it. LOL
They might as well write the check out to Vanessa right now…she deserves it.
I don’t think she will win how can she? She is only one the twins and Austin are three she will be the 4th one evicted.
Fuck Austin is an idiot.
But Vanessa isn’t being very smart this week either.
It’s her POV – since when does HOH control that? I mean they’re in an alliance, i get that – but this sycophantic bs is getting to me.
At this point i want Austin and Liz out before vanessa.
You have to WONDER if you smell bad?? How often do you shower? Do you use deoderant? Do you put clean clothes on every day? If you have to stop and think about the answers to these questions, then yes, you probably stink. Good grief, man! Who raised you, wolves? (No offense, wolves)
Austink, if you give a sh*t how much your foul stench offend others, where a shirt – it absorbs sweat and keeps your dead skin and body hair out of people’s face and food. Change your pants, stop getting hard and jizzy all over everything sticking your hands Dien your pants to feel whether your balls dropped or Liz took your nut sack. Wash your hands WITH SOAP and tie your sweaty hair into a pony tail. Wash your skanky beard which had your spit, food, flakes skin and Liz drool caked in it. Better yet cut it off-that’s why they call it CLEAN shaven. What’s the matter mommy didn’t teach you hygiene in home school?? Gross! Or are you too egotistical, and entitled and think your shit don’t stink?
Ha funny. Dude is disgusting, you’d think the D.R. would have a talk about hygiene. Smelling, stinking up all the furniture and his body oder rubs off on other people. Having to smell like Austin on your clothes would have HGs complain. If anybody was going to give out a staph infection, it would be Austin!
We tried our best, he just wouldn’t listen (we think he is AFRAID of water)!
So just keep the nominees the same, get either one out, doesn’t really matter. Vanessa will join the goblins as soon as Jackie comes back in and start disassembling the Austwins. Great use of a HOH Austin.
Getting Austwins out will be the only thing that can redeem Vanessa. Feeds show Vanessa wedging Austin away from Twins, and talking about Julia’s game without Liz. Liz also days she can’t trust Julia she’s too stupid to keep up with the game while giving all the credit to Austink and his cologne fit getting get this far, NOT Vanessa.
Even Steve tries to flirt with Julia using his crude remarks and I’m smarter than you jokes stating they need to partner like Liztin oh Gawd, like how late to every strategy does Steve have to copy? He doesn’t know Vanessa was grooming her while Steve was still afraid to enter rooms? King Austink and Plebe Steve have have that in common at least, Mommy’s bad home schooling which left out personal hygiene class, social skills and independent thought.
I knoowww
That would be funny as hell, if they did pull a Lawon and sends one of their own out, only for them to lose the buy back. Lets be real, Austwits are that stupid.
That’s right Austin you pull a Lawon, you have two choices Julia (has not won a HOH) or Liz, what a brilliant idea! DO IT!!!
Oh it would be amazing tv & redemption for us all to witness one of the Austwits pull such a move(pulling a Lewon). We have been subjected to the nasty Austwits & honestly would love if these idiots went thru with it! Highly doubtful but definitely entertaining!
Vanessa’s hand is so far up Austin’s a$$ she working him like a puppet.
If Vanessa wants to use that veto, he will “decide” it’s a good idea.
The puppet-master knows its easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.
Slopballs, will you be my girlfriend?
Vomit on the Kings meal while he expounds on how to win BB, rule his fiefdom, and bag a blonde Lizard. OG yeah and score mud wrestling contracts. COMPLETE FRAUD. He’s asked her to make a commitment so she doesn’t dump him for sumeone who actually bathes at the Finale Party. Wait til she finds out he’s a complete fraud, never had a wrestling career, lied about having a girlfriend, about everything. He’s been consumed with fear won’t keep her outside the house. Wish he gave a crap about winning money or he wouldn’t be such a horrible player. She’s gonna dump your butt for reals dude, when neither of you win a dime. Couldn’t bear to watch CBS or BBAD for weeks because of these nimrods. I’m actually rooting for Vanessa or anyone to overthrow those pompous asses. That’s who should win the big prize.
Can’t wait for Judas the Jerk to find out exactly how reviled he and his BB showmance is, how the Lizard Queen rants she can’t stand his lips, tongue, tattoos, ex girlfriend real or imagined, hates the long distance, patents won’t approve or pay for their flights while he lies about his fake career and won’t get Liz gigs in the Hollywood. That will be the real fun, watching them crash burn. And pretend to be a couple outside when talking to Julie. Who is wrose McCranda or Liztink? They ruined both seasons hoping to copy Brenchel & JeJo.
Hell yes!!! And I will return all the chickens, except 2, one died in a sexual mishap and I et the other.
All Right!! Meet me Tuesday night at the Hell Hole. Bring yer rubber boots.
Am I the only who’s done with these people? As much as I don’t like Vanessa, I want her to align with James, Jonny Mac, Meg and whoever comes back and take out Austin, Liz and Julia!!!!
Oh vanessa, 100 % sure? One million percent sure hmmmmm…..cause i was told differently. He said he didnt say it……hhmmm….
Uughhhhh lol
Vanessa is going to get hate like Shelli (BB13) but she is a really good player. Annoying personality but really great at manipulation. Everytime she has a little bit of power she maximizes it to full extent. The past two weeks her game exploded but with just a single talk she manages to smooth things over with her allies. I still want her out because she neutralizes the two sides going at each other but if she reaches the finals she deserves to win hands down.
I do agree with you but, you have to look at who she is manipulating (one spineless wantabee wrestler and two spoiled, immature loss morale dimwits, she wouldn’t get away with it if any of these players “exception JMac” really knew how to play the game….if JMac had power a few weeks ago Vanessa would have been gone. James is a good competitor but, that’s about it, he has fallen for her bull time and time again, Meg is just Meg, every season needs a Meg/Victoria. All that being said and although I don’t like her she is really the only one left that deserves to win…..sad but true
Vanessa is so bat shit crazy, the things she’s says negatively about the other HG almost always 100% pertain to her! Steve has no feelings or emotion ? Jmac is a powder keg that can go off. ?! That’s hilarious . Describes you to a T. Keep the cash and degrees from Duke. Your so bananas, can you even enjoy the spoils you have attained ? I’d rather make my few hundred bucks a week and be cool. Big deal your doing well vs … A bunch of 7 graders… Cept jmac.. Waiting for him to wake up and roll these turd sacs~
I did a search on Internet Explorer (Bing) for Austin’s girlfriend. I clicked on a site called Celeb Today. As soon as I clicked on it, scammers hijacked my computer. A blue error screen popped up with a number to call for technical support. I called it. They TOOK CONTROL of my system and downloaded software called superantispyware. They scanned my system, then they spent over half an hour going through the scan log go get a “diagnosis.” While this was happening, the hung up on me, and still had remote control over my system. I called them back and asked for the representative I had been speaking to. A different man answered and threw a fit when I asked to speak to the man I had spoken to before, who still had control of my system. The new guy wanted to handle me himself. The first guy started typing on my screen and told me to hang up on the second rep so he could call me back. The second rep told me to kick the first rep off my computer, so he could get on it. They both kept fighting over who was going to get to talk to me. I hung up on the second guy, and the first guy called back and finished his “diagnosis.” He found 70 internet cookies on my system and wanted me to pay him over $300 to get rid of the cookies with his software. When I refused, he removed his software, told me to call him back when I could pay, got off the phone, and then got off my computer. 5 seconds after I got rid of him, I deleted my internet browsing history and deleted all the cookies FOR FREE. Then I ran a virus scan and my system is clean. These guys were crooks, and they didn’t get a dime from me. I’m telling you this so you won’t get hijacked like I did. They locked up my system and FORCED me to call them. They didn’t unlock my stuff until they realized they weren’t getting a dime from me. Do not go to the Celeb Today website. RUN!!!!!!!
Yes this exact thing happened to my dad (Different website). Only he paid it! He went into the bank and they refunded it because it was considered fraudulent, but a huge mess none the less!
NEVER EVER pay anyone over the phone for this type of stuff!!!
Thanks for the heads-up
You’re lucky, my brother had the same experience but, once he gave them control they wiped out his whole hard drive when he wouldn’t give them a credit card…luckily he had extended warranty on his 3 month old laptop and the insurance covered a the repair/ new hard drive…never give a company remote access, it’s the first rule an IT person will tell you
Dang that sounds scary. I wouldn’t of called the number I hope you didn’t give them any information if you did I would change it fast you wouldn’t be the first one to go shopping and find out all your money is gone and its not easy to get back if at all.
I know you don’t like this year’s cast of characters. Who do you want to come back into the game and do you think Vanessa will ever betray the Austwins?
I would like to see Jackie come back, she deserves a second chance and, Van will not only backstab the Austwins she’s going to do it soon…..she just has to make up a reason to justify it…lol
Vanessa….Stop with the Charlie’s Angels poses. In this game you are Charlie not one of the angels. Austin is just one of your girls.
If at some time soon ( REAL SOON, PLEASE ) Liz is evicted, I think Austin would self-evict. He could not stand to be in the house without his finger friend.
Jmac fans thinks Austin is making a mistake
Goblin fans thinks Austin is making the right move
Personally James is my second favorite, but I still think Austin is stupid for leaving him in! Lol.
Right now I think Steve or James need to go (if I’m Austin). But with a jury member possibly coming back next week, probably smarter to take out James.
I always try to look at it from the gameplayer’s position and not fault the person because they took out my fave player. I definitely think getting rid of either Jmac or Steve is better for Austin’s game, hands down. If you look at the 3 jurors thus far, Becky and Shelli for sure would work with Steve and Jmac, making a strongest bunch. Jackie will for sure work with James and Meg but I do not see a strong team there. James is only good with an endurance type comp and is horrible at anything mental.
The funny thing is Austin and James did talk about throwing the HoH, because they were afraid of pulling the Vanessa trigger. Austin has been campaigning no-stop to get Vanessa out but pussed out when that might happen. Now Vanessa has the power to use the veto… and she won’t… pull the trigger Vanessa use it on Johnny Mac and force Austin to put up Meg or James. Vanessa seriously needs to stop making moves that benefit other peoples game. She needs to realize that Austin has made every move that screwed up her game.
The funny thing is out of Shelli, Jackie and Becky… none of them have really talked about Shelli coming back. They are concerned with Jackie and Becky. Shell is more dangerous for all of them… she has a major Ax to grind and is very competitive. If they are concerned about somebody coming back… use the veto and put up Meg and evict Steve. They other thing is those ladies are in the jury house and they are exchanging notes… none of them are coming back with the same outlook.
My other huge question is now that Vanessa has the PoV and can not be nominated… why on Earth has James and Meg not sat down with Vanessa and informed her that is was Jackie, Meg and James that flipped? Why are they not telling her that “they” went to to the Austwin’s not vice versa? Why are they not talking about how Austin campaigned against Vanessa and all of the Crap talk like Audrey 2.0 etc…? Why didn’t James just say to Vanessa… yes you were the target and Austin wanted me and him to throw it if it came down to one of us and Johnny Mac? Why is James, Meg and Johnny Mac not telling Vanessa, keep the nominations and it only takes three votes to evict and if you are willing we can take out Steve this week and then work to getting the Austwins out? James could just say that yes if it came down to Jonny Mac and me I was going to throw it, but when it came down to me and Austin I really tried to win it because I thought if Austin can turn on Vanessa… how can I trust him? They really need to take out the biggest threats and not all of this petty crap. Everybody has been caught lying so much… perhaps they should start resulting to the truth.
Because Vanessa will run to Austin and tell him “Meg and James are saying u want me out is that true? Hmmm can’t tell whos lying oh well let me use the veto and lets evict James or Meg then”
Vanessa is smart… she kinda leads the horse to water and lets the horse decide to drink
Steve was hitting the horse over the head with a 2×4 and screaming DRINK DRINK.
Horse faced Austin that is.
This season should win an awarded for the most flip flops in a day. Vanessa should win an award for the most bullshit and contradictions in one hour.
Vanessa is at the bottom of the Austin Angeles. Her best bet is to play the Veto, get Meg out, she won’t be back, aline with Steve and Jonny as the top of their alliance. Help the returning guest with James to go after the Austwins. Now she has the power and the numbers, and the blood from Austin won’t matter. She will beat Steve or Jonny Mac in the finals.
IMO…Van is a Manipulative sociopathic delusional, paranoid schizophrenic!!!
Either Vanessa wins with some serious manipulating skills or Austin gets Liz 500k. Cant really see Meg or James winning at this point
Vanessa can’t use the VETO on anyone without Austins OK. What good would that do except to put a target on her back. She does not have the votes to take out whoever goes up. The twins and Meg or James (whoever is left off the block) would vote out the other nominee (Steve or J/Mac) out, and Vanessa will have everyone else after her. Austin knows that at this point Vanessa/Steve/JMac will go after Austin/twins if the nominations change and Steve and JMac are safe. Vanessa trying to get Julia to turn on Liz/Austin is going to bite her in the ass as well. Julia’s thoughts turn like a top, and once she outs Vanessa to Liz, there will be hell to pay. There is not one person (with the exception of Becky) who might return that will not be out to get Vanessa. They all know it is due to her that they are in their current situation. Becky stated that she will try to work with Vanessa. Everyone else is too bitter. Jackie knows it is due to Vanessa that Steve put her up, so Steve and Vanessa would be on the block if she returns. Personally I hope that Steve is the one to go. I can’t stand that friggin little rat.
Austin’s HOH ego is getting worse than Jesse’s.
can’t take this season anymore. Something has to happen real soon (like gross Austin leaving for good) for me to enjoy watching again.
and I know I am not alone here!!
Austin wants to keep James because James can be a server for his relationship with Liz. Austin does not care about anything else except his penis. I guess this season is finished for me this week. I do not like anyone left except John.
Meg said John tried to turn Vanessa against her. Did she freaking bash Vanessa constantly in HOH room to Austwins the whole week.
James said he did not tell John to throw the HOH to him. Did James admit to Meg he would throw the HOH to John so that John could put up Vanessa?
I hate these two-faced Meg and James. They did not nothing in the game. They have no strategy. Rooting for them looks like rooting for Austwins to win.
I just can not watch disgusting couple Austwins, useless Meg, clueless Julia, pervert James and psycho Vanessa. They think they are funny on live feeds by scaring each other and dating each other. I found it boring and disgusting. I rather watch scary or romantic movies instead of wasting my time to watch these dumbo.
Today is probably the last day for me to go on this site since I have no more interest and hope for this season.
Part of me wants Jackie to come back and then part wants Shelli. I want Jackie so then she will team up with the goblins and take out the Austwits but I also want Shelli back. I feel like she will team up with JMAc and the goblins because she doesnt really have a choice and then she will take out Vanessa and then the Austwits. MAybe not but one can hope
I’m not confident that Shelli would try to take out austwins. I’m slightly more confident Jackie would, but only slightly. I think the person that would need to come back would be Becky or whoever is out this week.
That’s the only way they would absolutely be the target.
I think Liz was right that Steve would have a Napoleon complex if he won H.O.H and might go after them. Johnny Mac would be more of a lap dog to them. You can tell by Steve’s demeanor when he talks to them his facial expressions can’t hide what he his feeling inside. He is tired of being the one used as the pawn all the time and their not. He is tired of being their patsy and a storm is brewing inside of him. Also can’t stand to see Vanessa drunk with power, without it, she is such a insecure and lost little girl!
I’m bummed that we are t hearing them talk about their zings. Makes me think they must not have been good zings.
Because no zing will be better than Cody’s
So James is a complete liar and a misoginist who conveiently misremebers conversations and blatently breaks deals. Why do people like this guy? GO JMAC!!!
Hahaha Vanessa continues to control the game despite everyone telling Austwit Vanessa is lying he says he believes them but then keeps Vanessa. I am no Vanessa fan but she will win this game so they might as well just hand her the check now. Once Jackie, Becky, Shelli and most likely Johnny Mac one of them comes back it’s going to be a battle of Twins/Austwit against that side of the house(Meg, James) battling it out with Vanessa staying in because “everyone knows shes a threat”. And on the topic of that in what world is it better for anyone’s game to keep Steve over Johnny Mac if it comes down to it. He doesn’t in anyway have James or Meg’s back and can win comps more than Johnny Mac.
Why isn’t Steve trying to make a deal with Vanessa if she uses it on him? Lame.
Why does everyone think Vanessa is playing the best game. I dont see that at all. The only reason she is still in the game isnt because of her game play it is because everyone wants her out so why not keep her around. She isnt doing anything herself to stay in the game she is being used by them as a shield.