Finale Schedule
Sun, 9/20- 8p
Wed, 9/23– 9:30-11p Finale = Winner of Big Brother
Part 2 of 3 – Liz and Steve will compete against each other
Part 3 of 3 – The winner of part 2 competes against Vanessa
12:45am – 1:10amThe live feeds return from being blocked after Vanessa won part 1 of the 3 part HOH. The house guests are now inside the house. Vanessa and Steve are in the kitchen talking. Liz goes ot shower. Steve says this was the moment I was waiting for. I knew I wouldn’t beat either of you. Vanessa says we made it almost 4 hours! Liz says we did amazing. Vanessa says I wanted it bad. I have no shot in the next one. I’m going to be bruised from head to toe. I’m wrecked! I will be lucky if I can walk on finale night! Vanessa says there will be no camping in my world for a long time! Steve says maybe for Mel. Vanessa says I literally can’t move. Promise there is nothing else physical. Vanessa tells Steve he can win the next one (Part 2 – a physical/mental competition) Steve asks how do you know that? Vanessa says I know. Steve says I think we went longer than average for the final part 1 HOH. Vanessa heads to the bathroom. Steve whispers to himself and says we came in around 12:40am.. my answer would be just over 3 hours. (Part 3 tie breaker question) Steve joins them in the bathroom. Vanessa complains she is wreaked and will probably need a doctor tomorrow. “I need narcotics, I need Vicodin” I took some bad hits. Liz says oh my god my vag!n@ is bruised already! We’re going to be so sore. Vanessa says all I know is finale night no bueno. Liz says Mel and Austin. Liz says my Vajayjay!!! Vanessa says I could have gone a lot longer but once I knew I was f**ked for the second comp I was not letting go.

1:20am – 1:30am Steve goes to take a shower and asks if he’s bleeding!? Vanessa says that’s the red. Liz yells ewww that’s the red. Liz says I just took 3 advils. Vanessa tells Liz – I would highly recommend you eat yogurt because that one was no beuno for us. Being dipped into that.. and second of all there was sugar, cake batter and god knows what in there. Liz says ewwww noooo!! Vanessa comments that when they took their showers it looked like they got their period. Liz says she was thinking the same thing but didn’t want to say it.
Watch the last week of the live feeds for FREE: 1 Week Trial!
1:30am – 1:45am Vanessa whispers to Liz in the bathroom. Vanessa says you cannot tell Steve about our deal. Liz says she wouldn’t. Vanessa asks I have your word? Liz says yes, you have my word. I haven’t made any deal with him. Vanessa says if I tell him anything different, like if he goes around.. I would be lying. I lie to him. I have to. Steve joins them and the conversation stops. Steve heads to the diary room. Vanessa tells Liz that Steve cannot know we have a deal okay!? Whatever the f**k I tell him is not the truth. Liz says okay. Vanessa says okay listen to me.. I give you my word. I am going to take you. Liz asks but does he think you have a deal with him? Vanessa says no. If I win I will take you no matter what I tell him. Liz says okay. Vanessa says that’s all I can offer you and I think that’s fair. I just need you to keep your mouth shut! Obviously you know my word is good. Liz says I know. And I have no intention of making a deal with him. I literally only have you. I am not going to go around and pretend to him. Vanessa says that’s why he was going around being depressed too. Liz says I’m scared though, he knows his sh*t. Vanessa says its more about physical and not so much mental. I think I am going to do very well in jury statements so its good to have me there. (To win part 3 and take her) Vanessa says if he asks if we made a deal the answer is NO! You dropped because you didn’t want to be f**ked for part 2. If he makes a deal with me I am not going to keep my end. Remember how he f**ked me in the game before? My word is good with you and not with him. Liz says he is such a nerd he is going to make so much money in his life. Vanessa says I will keep my word to you as long as your mouth clenched. Vanessa says I need narcotics!! We need pain medication. Liz goes to check on the pizza in the oven.
1:50am – 2:20am Vanessa and Liz are in the kitchen eating pizza and drinking champagne. Vanessa says trust me I am going to get us to finals. You have 75% chance of being in the finals. One comp down, one to go! Liz says and if anyone has that jury sh*t down its you. I have to win that. Vanessa says I will guarantee you we are going to get there. Don’t worry believe it. Its meant to be. Two girls in the finals. Vanessa tells Liz that Austin had said he needed to make deals for himself and that he said he told you to as well. That’s why I didn’t say anything to you because I thought he told you. Vanessa tells Liz to f**king win this sh*t because I couldn’t. After we’ll just sit him down and say sorry dude. Vanessa asks do you know how many comps I’ve won? Liz says 5 HOH and 3 Vetos! Vanessa says 8! Isn’t that sick?! Liz says it sucks what happened with Austin but I am not holding anything against it. He was doing things behind my back and I wasn’t doing things behind his back. It wasn’t against me but it wasn’t necessarily for me. Vanessa says being a trust worthy person got you here and that’s why I kept you over him. Liz says Austin definitely had something with Johnny Mac. Liz says I hope he doesn’t have animosity towards you because if you didn’t do it first he would have done it to you. Vanessa says she hopes he doesn’t too and says she hope they can be friends for a very long time. Liz and Vanessa talk about Austin. Vanessa says if you had ended up with him in the end you would have lost because he would have gotten all the credit for the things you’ve done. Vanessa says we’ve been HOH for 50% of the time here. 7 out of the 15 weeks. I had 5 counting this one. Steve joins them and Vanessa goes into the diary room.
2:30am – 3:20am Liz starts doing her makeup for the diary room. Liz and Steve decide to head to bed. Liz knows that she’ll have to get up for her diary room session but is too tired. Steve comments on how in his diary room session they said this was the longest the final 3 endurance has gone in the last 6 years. Liz says oh my god they told you that!? Steve gets up and goes back to the kitchen to eat. He then heads back to bed.
8:20am – 9am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Steve gets up and takes his blanket and pillows up to the HOH room to take his position on the corner of the floor. Liz and Vanessa head up to the HOH room for a lock down. (They might be getting their final 3 breakfast this morning)
9am Big Brother switches the feeds to the live feed highlights..
10:35am The live feeds are still blocked.
11:45am – 12:35am The live feeds return. All three of them come down from the HOH room. Liz comments on how there are only 3 chairs now. Liz says thank you big brother for the champagne we love it! Keep it coming. That was fun! Now we are going to go to bed and sleep our lives away! Sorry feeders! Steve says I’m happy I got to do reflections today though. Its a classic thing to do and I’m happy I got to take part in it today. Liz says I’m so excited to watch that episode and all the recaps! That was so cute! Liztin! Vanessa says I’m dead to the world now. Liz says goodbye everyone! Steve and Vanessa head to bed. Liz heads to bed and says slumber party!
The final 3 house guests are all napping.. Liz gets called to the diary room and then Vanessa.
Liz waving to the feeders
@bigbspoilers #bb17
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) September 17, 2015
1:25pm – 1:50pm They’re all still sleeping..
The camera operators are keeping busy..
2:35pm Still sleeping..
2:55pm – 3:10pm Vanessa wakes up to eat. Liz, Steve and CoCo continue to sleep. Vanessa heads back to bed. Liz wakes up and Vanessa asks when they (Steve & Liz) will have the part 2 comp? Liz says probably tomorrow or Saturday. I hope it will be Saturday because I need another day to recover.
Jmac would have crushed that comp. Good call on giving him the boot, but knowing Jmac he would have probably thrown it just for shits and giggles.
How many endurance comps did JMac win?
Oh I forgot when he went head to head with Vanessa during the HOH comp he “crushed it”.
Oh wait he lost.
I can see why you think he would’ve “crushed it”
He jumped off the wall behind shelli and james
And the under the rainbow he was close behind Nessa.
He was close behind Becky in the midway mayhem
He was second behind Vanessa in Dizzyland
And I guess that ready set go hoh you could say was an endurance….and he lost bad
So he was by no means an all star, but he did well
You gotta give jmac some credit, you cant say he was weak in compitions when he won 4 vetos and placed 2nd 11 times in hohs or something like that. Jmac played a pretty good game, i dont care what you haters say, finishing 2nd that many times is pretty good and theres one person that has noticed that and thats vanessa all the other house guests are to stupid to know that, kinda like all the haters.
Hey Simon or Dawg, could we have a “Who do you want to win?” poll?
I’ve added it to the last post!
What did you think of this season? Still like it as much as you did at the beginning?
Thanks for the updates this season!
This was one of my favorite seasons in a long time was great all around.
The final week is going to be boring it always is.
When I found out JMAC was voted out, I couldn’t even watch the episode until now. Steve threw the most important comp to Scaressa, now Liz throws Pt. 1 to her? What the hell is that? Who’s getting in their ear? Vanessa has bullied and bribed her way here, including have CBS/Production on her side and swaying comps/questions. I’ve watched since Season 1, left for awhile for the shadiness, gave it another chance last & this year…I’m so done with this show. I truly enjoyed the social experiment when casting had people of all ages and demographics on and did not go searching for cast members to recruit. They promised twists, etc. but gave us twins which was an unfair advantage going in for the HGs. No Pandora’s Box, Diamond POV, Reset, damn, their luxury comp was Frankie Grande. CBS, you couldn’t think of anything better? To say I am disappointed in this season is an understatement. It seems the outcome is so predetermined by who CBS/Production wants. Grodner’s time should be over. Thanks Dawg and Simon for your great coverage. Wish you could do the casting.
John was useless . He was a door mat for so many people in that house.
People do not give this guy AFP
So he was entertaining James was funnier and actually good at the game.
Aren’t they ALL doormats to Vanessa this season?
The main thing that she has on her side is that these stupid mo foes don’t ever compare notes! She has had deals with everyone and still nobody left in the house realizes it! They all say they don’t trust her…but then they trust her! I’m tired of trying to figure these dumb asses out!
you will never see another great like Vanessa.
Much respect.
to the haters, sorry jmac didn’t win but clowns don’t get far in real life either.
see you in the finales vanessa and liz.
steve… go sit down on your mommas lap.
Yeah, Vanessa will win.
We’ll reminisce next year about the drug-dependent, weeping crazoid that bullied, bribed, and sulked her way to the win. Her questionable, irrattic, and often illogical gameplay will be questioned for a year. After that, she’ll fade away and be one of the forgotten, mid-pack winners that no one remembers.
She had a chance at building up yet another career to dash like poker and lawyering but she’s outted herself to the vast majority of fans as just another addled, second rate strategist.
Congratulations, Vanessa, you need to spend that after-tax $250k wisely. Don’t spend it all on one dealer.
Even though I do think she deserves the win I am still hoping for a miracle and somehow Vanessa gets evicted.
Here’s to hoping the jury gives the big money to anyone but Vanessa…
Wow wow wow slow your roll!
I dislike Van and certainly not a decent human being or a nice person as she claims….. but give the money to anyone but, come on now. Liz is deserving of nothing and likely has 50K in her hip pocket. And Steve how can the jury give him credit for much. Don’t forget he just threw POV that if he had won would have allowed Johnnie to get rid of Van. An absolutely stupid game move. Think Liz is spoiled rotten little snob with a sense of entitlement. Steve is probably a decent guy outside this house. Has issues for sure mind you. Neither of these 2 have earned 500K IMHO.
Truth is I didn’t even want to read today as the flavour of the comments was pretty easy to guess ahead of time. My sad reality is the great hope of the unwashed that the dirty that is Vanessa would be vanquished to the jury. Looks like that is not going to happen. Hold your nose and let her get the money no one did more to compete for it. Another season that sucked. Seems is that’s what we have been getting. Bring Van back for all stars next year. She’s a 1 trick pony that would get crushed.
Do you believe in miracles? We can only hope.
Pfffft. Scamnessa’s never won a comp that wasn’t thrown for bribes. If you’re gonna cheat, don’t do it half-assed, go all the way in! Now BB needs to CAST a REAL MILLIONAIRE next year, they’d MAKE it RAIN and WIN with REAL dollars INCENTIVES people, not non-stop abuse, psycho rants and Skittles BS for lots more fun than cheating, screaming, sobbing, potball. Let’s see, there’d be stripping for dollars, jackass stunts for dollars–you know James would have come up with better pranks than hide-and-go-seek, if he was PAID.
We’d see PAYING people off to ACTUALLY PLAY comps for you, without getting out of your chair, not just sit down and quit to throw comps, booorrring. We’d see players PAID to do your makeup and hair so you don’t have to bully Becky into it, then wear beanies and meth face, after you evict her. With a REAL millionaire, they would pay for cooking great meals and eat your slop for you.
We’d see REAL PORN if they were PAID instead of retarded fingerbanging, now you KNOW Asstink & Lizard would have put out if CASH was involved. Incentives, people CASH INCENTIVES not Vanasty’s slanderous loops of Bible hating threats, intimidation and slanky trips to Vegas to be her best friend and slave, BLECH.
And last but not least, we’d see REAL HARD DRUGS if their was a REAL MILLIONAIRE cast it wouldn’t be some Crack Ho with strung out paranoid schizo delusions fightin Production for Adderall Ritalin Red Bullshit. They’d get cocaine for comps, heroine for funny DR sessions, shrooms for pranks, & chronic to sleep. Even K2 if you need to PAY someone to eat the face off those really annoying whining houseguests like the Twits.
If you couldn’t talk bribes during comps, Vanessa would be long gone.
And we wouldn’t have to sit and listen to psychotic lies and REASONS about JMAC turning his back on Steve when she just did the same to Austin. She’s an amateur at best. We need REAL MONEY in that bitch, and as many hos, hobos and mental patients as possible who’d DO ANYTHING for a quick buck next summer. Hook us up CBS! Call it the Cash Bribe Season!
Donald Trump for HOH!
“Vanessa, I love you like a daughter but… you’re fired!”
Oh my GOODNESS you are a whackadoodle!!!!!! I never comment on here and I certainly don’t want to say things about people but just … Wow…
Yea…..what a waste being a DENTIST in real life. He could have been so much more lol………..
I still don’t think Vanessa will make it to F2 – she only has a 33% chance – but I am impressed with her negotiating skills. She talked Liz into dropping in about 3 minutes, and she had 10 years on both of them – they should have been way more fit. She may not be your typical cream-puff BB female HG, but no doubt about it, we are watching an All Star play the game.
Your grade 4 math teacher called looking for you!
Derrick was a better player. In the words of Vanessa “Here’s why”. A) he owned his actions, he had a means to an end and he never played the victim. He did’t have to get that dirty to get people out. B) he was a very self aware and self assured person. Vanessa honestly believes some of her BS. C) Although he played every step in his head to the next week, he knew when to let people hang themselves and when to make the move. D) he didn’t have to bully people to get what he wanted.
And he was never nominated
Derrick was in a season with a bunch of fame whore wannabes though. I agree Derrick owned up to what he was doing for them most part while in the DR but he was playing with people desperate for TV fame.
I was just commenting to my sisters during our BB texting that it would be fun to see Vanessa play the game with Derrick, Rachel and Dan.
This house has turned into Crazy Town. Steve and Vanessa should move in with Gary Bussey once they leave the house.
I don’t call someone “great Vanessa” who has ridiculed, patronized and put down a person with Asperger’s. ( along with the other horrendous things she has done, all the while self praising her true heart, integrity and honesty.) She’s never taken ownership of her actions, just blamed others while ranting, crying and berating.
The problem with this season like last season is that one alliance kept winning all the HOHs – Van 5, Liz 2, Austin 1, Steve 2
Vanessa was always playing with an advantage – the HOH was always in her alliance. That makes her look better than she was.
Only a couple of HOHs went to the other side – James, Becky
Production should have helped the other side win more. It would have been nice to see Vanessa on the block more often. The two best weeks were when James and Becky were HOH. And everybody was onto Vanessa then and nobody was buying her BS. Vanessa was scrambling trying to convince people she didn’t make the 8 person deal. After that all HOHs went to Scamper Squad.. and Vanessa was never targeted.. and the season became boring….
ICAM Vanessa had A LOT OF LUCK on her side. Her alliance kept winning HOH’s and she can thank STUPID Meg and James’ paranoia for her getting this far. Becky made the right move backdoored her and The Goblins were too worried about Shelli who was already checked out after Clay left. IMO that was the turning point in the game. If they stuck w/what Becky & Jackie wanted and got rid of Vanessa it would have been a different game.
I feel bad for Austin b/c he put up with Vanessa’s “Crazy” more than anyone and she did him so dirty. I loved it last night when of course Shelli was singing Vanessa’s praises and Austin was having NONE of it. He should be able to turn a jury that already doesn’t like her even more against her.
Hoping that Steve/Liz win this final HOH and blindside Vanessa’s ass like she did Austin’s.
The problem is….production shouldn’t have helped at all…..
My thought exactly. The same people that complain about the game being rigged and scripted, complain about production this and production that, will now say production should have helped the goblins more? Talk about crazy. Of course a lot of what goes on is scripted and staged as is ALL reality TV (yes even Survivor people)
Just take it for what it is worth……….. nothing but a TV show. If people want reality they should just go outside and play with the kids or go downtown of any major city and dodge the bullets.
There is a right way and a wrong way that Production interferes..
Production has been helping Vanessa all season for ratings. That’s a mistake. They need to be helping the underdogs – no matter who it is at a particular point of time (If goblins were winning a lot, then production should have helped Vanessa too)
The only way it can be a great game show is if it is competitive ..
Just like in sports, nobody wants to watch lopsided victories (Seattle-Denver Super Bowl). Only competitive games (Patriots-Seattle Super Bowl) are fun to watch….
We have to remember, some of the Vanessa lovers are people that only watch CBS…they haven’t a clue as to her unethical tactics and extreme moods. That’s why they think she is a Goddess in their minds. I can remember only having that amount of info…I was clueless too…
I find Vanessa irritating as hell and there’s no question Darrell was much more likable. But they do have one thing in common. Both of them controlled the game every step of the way. Both of them ensured that the person they wanted out was evicted week after week. Love her or hate her or, like me, find her mildly irritating, if she’s in final two and doesn’t get the win, Vanessa will have been robbed. This was her game from beginning to end. You may not like her tactics, but she out thought and out worked everybody else in that house.
Who the heck is Darrell? Did I miss something or did u actually mean to say Derrick?
She didn’t “outthink” or “outwork” anyone. Her out thinking was with the help of production and her diary room sessions and her out working was from getting people to throw it to her – the same people that had already been put on that thought track by their own diary room session. So no, she didn’t out think or out work anyone– CBS production and dr team did the out thinking and out working so maybe THEY deserve the 500k! Vanessa is a JOKE.
Agreed, production is responsible for Vanessa being where she is. They pick their favorite and run with it all summer. She was so coached…
Vanessa didn’t out think or outwork a sole. As far as out thinking, Her dr sessions and production did that for her. Out working was the result of ppl already under the dr influence throwing it to her or them just dropping out. Every time a comp comes up the first thing out of her mouth is ” wonder if they will throw it” NEVER is it I can beat them. Her “GAME” has been CBS productions game — they should win the 500k!
Is there proof of this, or is everybody just being sour because they can’t stand the fact that Vanessa got this far?
So by this logic nobody who is any good would ever win anything because we need to help the incompetents of the world. Let me guess you are one of those people who are against keeping score at kids games because everyone is a winner. Until they have to go out into the real world and find out they are not as special as mommy told them they were and the world in fact does not owe you a god damned thing.
Winners are winners for a reason there is no reason to help losers. If you can’t perform at the same level as others don’t waste our time playing. I want to play basketball but im 5’5 and the NBA just will not accept my application. Could you please start a petition for me because i’m the ultimate underdog.
See how idiotic that sounds?
Not at all.. I am all for winners winning..
My point was only about how to make a great tv game show..
That is only possible if there is good competition..
I have no problem with Vanessa or anybody else winning.. I only care that the tv show be good so that we don’t get bored..
Last few weeks have been boring like last season because one side keeps winning all the comps..
BB needs to choose a full cast of strong people.. Not just a few strong people and rest of them recruits..
That’s when we have Derrick / Vanessa steamrolling the recruits, the tv show becomes boring to watch, ratings go down, and the show gets cancelled…
To make it interesting, Production interferes from time to time to switch balance of power.. like they tried to do for James by having the hiding objects POV and then a endurance competition.. but it didn’t work.. Same thing they have done in the past for Rachel, Ian, Daniele.. And they did it for JMac also with endurance competition to allow him back into the house..
Production just failed at their interference this year because the recruits were not good enough to take advantage of it… Scamper Squad kept beating them at every HOH
The ratings for BB were way down for last night.
Since CBS brought the San Juan-Miami flight back, and the Miami cab driver did not speak English, I knew then CBS would manipulate anyone they wanted to win their Reality Show. That’s when I stopped watching the Amazing Race, and now I will stop watching Big Brother…and Julie Chen is still a China girl!
I hope we get a lot of Jury House footage on Sunday. It looks to me like Vanessa is going to be our winner.
I miss JMAC already.
i believe the next time you see Jury it will be them sitting down with Dr.Will (if he’s still doing it) where they talk about who they think should win and look at everyone in the Final 3. Jmac will walk in at that point to.
I betcha they have Derrek do the jury coaching this year.
Or maybe $450k Cody?
Or Frankie? Yeah! Frankie for jury coach! bwa ha ha
You miss watching him sleep?
Every day, in every way, I’m loving Vanessa more and more.
I know Vanessa deserves to win but I just can’t stand her.
Let’s hope Steve doesn’t have a panic attack before or during the 2nd round.
My last post. After rigging the POV for Vanessa I am done. I know Jmac had flaws but the complete and utter stupidity / conspiracy to keep Vanessa this long can’t be ignored. Shelli’s evil sorority girl support makes me even more suspicious. She is like a glam doll of stupidity. I will not watch next season unless it is an all star one with real players trying to win. Austin whom I think is a creep is the only person I’ve seen really be angry about not winning 500k. No one else seemed to even care about the money!!!! WTF???
Please explain how the POV was rigged for Vanessa to win?
Don’t even bother asking the Vanessa haters questions KL. They will not let themselves give Vanessa one once of credit for anything. On the POV that was mentioned they will say because it was about the days…that because Vanessa knows them best that it’s all rigged for her. Vanessa knows all mental comps best. She is a friggin’ genius. Just cuz she is smarter than these other people doesn’t mean the show is rigged for her. Steve is a smart kid but he doesn’t come close to Vanessa. Vanessa has also proven to be good at physical comps too. So those rigged for her too according to the haters that fear her being remembered as a great player.
Newsflash haters. Vanessa is great at Big Brother and no matter how much hate you spew for her…It won’t change the fact that she will always be mentioned forever more when people speak about the best players to ever play this game.
Jeeez, thank god now if you could really stop trying to convince haters who watch feeds and can’t be bullied or conned like all Vanessa’s other victims, doctors & drug dealers. Just state your (incorrect) opinion and let others do same (correct you). It’s futile to get personal when your so-called god of BB (gag) will make more money being hated and that’s why she acts a diva dominatrix abuser. She will right books like:
Don’t I Sound Important
How to Alienate Friends and Influence Peddling
Bribing your BFF, Now That’s Integrity
Cry and the World Hates You
Incentives, the Only Word I Know
Skittles Makes the World Go Round
BB Game Theory: When Your Word Means 1000% Zero.
Stop bitching and hire the witch for your next bar mitzvah cuz she only came on for DJ exposure and she wouldn’t lie to you would she? You’re her BFF, I mean subject.
This comp was tough on their private parts, and Vanessa has crosstrained private parts.
Cross trained? That’s hysterical!!! LOL
If you watch the feeds then you would have seen Steve talking to the camera, addressing his Mother and saying he threw it to Vanessa…do you recall her asking JMac if he thinks Steve would throw the POV? Well, she obviously did the brow beat and he did it. He kept saying that he just lost $500K…and that he was so sorry and hoped his Mom would still be proud of him. Vanessa did play hard and won a lot, but not without mood altering drugs and asking people to throw it to her. I hope they bring her back for All-Stars and let her play with some real BB players. They would chew her up and spit her out. She got lucky with the adult Summer Camp crew. Whatever…
He couldn’t have “thrown it” to Vanessa. He was out before John and Vanessa were. He could have only thrown it to her if he and she were the only ones left in the game. Grow up! Stop acting like a child. John could never have won the game, all three left would have beat him. He never won HOH and he had already been evicted once.
nobody is buying it that Steve threw it to Vanessa. Not even his mom. Steve was trying like crazy to win, he lost the comp because he wasn’t as fast and Vanessa or Jmac. Hey Steve, give credit where credit is due, you big cry-baby.
Steve did not throw the POV to Vanessa. Right after he said he said, I shounld’nt have trown it, he said, I lost that comp because I wasn’t good enough. Please forgive me Mom. He was teying like hell to win that. Also, IF he would have thrown it, that’s on his dumb ass. Vanessa can’t twist people’s arms to do anything. Stop hating! Vanessa is one of the top 5 House Guest to Ever Play the Game!!! She graduated from Duke in two and a half years!!!
When Steve STOPS PLAYING STANDS THERE during karate days comp scratching his head pretending he can’t guess, that’s throwing a comp. When Vanessa whispers to Liz who drops off HOH apple, that’s thrown. Vanessa doesn’t win comps, she buys them. Production helps by allowing them to throw every comp and let her list all their pay offs before eviction for Jury Votes. Which other drain do houseguests down Red Bull like Vanessa before comps? How many on Amohetamines? Same comp same day every year and she knows what Part 2 is??? The entire show is scripted dude. And computers are down for AFP voting….it’s ghosts right? No its Cheating Bullshit Station aka CBS.
1,Vanessa was HOH last week and still had Red Bull from her basket.
2, They all napped after she drank it and before the comp so it didn’t give her an advantage.
3, She is taking a prescribed non-amphetamine drug.
4, she won the POV because she knew the days better than the other two.
PS: convincing people to drop out of comps is part of strategy and good gameplay (when done by players who aren’t irrationally hated)
1. BB doctors switched her off Adderall to Strattera when she tweeked and overdosed. She admitted she was an addict popping them for concentration and then sedatives to go to sleep, did it all through poker
2. She mixes highest percent alcohol port and guzzles Red Bull on top of her Amphetamine substitute Upper with Downers and Super Caffeine NO REAL DOCTOR WOULD PRESCRIBE OR MIX
3. She argued with DR multiple times for sedatives, and exhibits ALL SYMPTOMS OF STRATTERA ADDERALL ABUSE paranoia, mania, sleep disturbance, sobbing, emotional instability, anger control issues, eating disorder, pacing, delusions, mood swings, rage, hallucinations, anxiety, depression
4. She takes anxiety and depression meds on top of Adderall/Strattera that’s 3 psychotropic meds, alcohol, Red Bull caffeine, uppers downers and requests Vicodin and Narcotics all through physical comps. That’s what addicts do. Addicts and those who enable deny there’s a problem.
5. She resorts to pay offs constantly when her genius strategies fail which is often, so cast with juveniles chronologically & emotionally she appears smarter wiling to sink to low depths, degradation, abuse, sobbing, gay card, slander and bribes weren’t necessary for any other winners.
She is universally disliked, unlikable, and certainly not admired for her gameplay, double standards, cheating, and drugging. The first step of solving her problems with likability or drug dependency is to admit there’s a problem. She will never own them, and that’s why no one respecs her. On or off the poker circuit.
Production had super sonic surgical implants placed into her legs to make her faster than everybody else!
So how exactly does Vanessa already know that she would’ve have been screwed during the part 2 of the HOH comp if she isn’t being “assisted” by production???? Vanessa is all about picking up on the “tells” when someone is lying, well I think she just “told” on herself in the aftermath of her “win”!! I’ll concede that she “seems” to be a good player, but if she has been assisted by production all season, which I strongly suspect, and what Vanessa herself just sort of confirmed, then she is just another mediocre player who happened to be picked as production’s player for the year!! And unfortunately, production picked the player to help this year who probably needed the money the least of all the houseguests…
“Vanessa whispers to Liz in the bathroom. Vanessa says you cannot tell Steve about our deal. Liz says she wouldn’t. Vanessa asks I have your word? Liz says yes, you have my word.”
Liz please tell Steve right away. Vanessa needs a taste of her own medicine. What a witch.
She assumes there will be a physical component because of past final HOH comps. She found the first comp so physically demanding that she didn’t think she’d be able to compete in the second one. If you read the title of the thread that you are commenting on you’ll gain some insight.
Austin wasn’t necessarily mad about the money- he was/is mad because of his ego. You forget- the POV wasn’t live, only the ceremony was- he was on the block in the final 4 and was so cocky (thinking himself the mastermind of the season- which he is not) that he didn’t even bother putting shoes on. He was embarrassed, and hurt that Vanessa “Judased” him. Made me respect him so much less that he couldn’t appreciate the irony/Vanessa’s game play. Austin is a pussy- he has done nothing but whine most of the game. Look at what he did for the first half- systematically voted out all the men who were competition for Liz, he made his bed.
It makes me laugh that everybody says Vanessa has bullied Steve the whole game- it was Austin who bullied Steve for the bulk of the game. Vanessa was one of the only people who gave Steve the time of day for the first half of the season. –That is why she has had such a hold on Steve- she did ‘mother’ him for the first little while, so of course he is going to have a weird thing for her. Plus he IS smart- he does appreciate Vanessa’s game play.
Hoping for Van/Steve final two- although its looking like neither one wants to take the other to F2 now. Lol
Interesting that you won’t be watching next season. That is unfortunate everyone will miss your brilliant insight.
See you next season
Bye! Don’t let the door hit you in the ass.
I do!
Vanessa is being totally played by Steve. He will win the last comp and send her out. He is going to out game the gamer.
Let the crying about a “rigged show” that you continue to watch begin.
The whole knowing about the 2nd round beforehand
They don’t know what the second round comp is. They are guessing based on previous years. Isn’t it usually before/after?
Well, figures…at this point vanessa deserves to win the damn money. Just give it to her and let us complain over how this great season got so screwed up…
This season was great for the first half of the season, but when the unlikable people got in control and people started being spineless that’s when it really started losing it’s zeal. I still think season is leaps and bounds ahead of of the previous 2 seasons, but overall i would say this season is mediocre to average at best.
I hate to say, but Vanessa has controlled the game and deserves to win. But Liz has 2 guaranteed jury votes. And if she sends Liz packing, Steve would have 3 jury votes. It would be interesting to see what Austin is saying in jury.
Here’s to hoping CBS reads all the comments and changes things up next year…surely they can make it mysterious to the HG’s…now they knew exactly what was happening every step of the way and prepared for it. Sick of these tired and over used comps…more luxury, more food, less picking your favorite (Allison Grodner) and shoving them down our throats…there was no reset button, diamond power of veto, Pandora’s box…nothing but the “keep Vanessa” show. Thanks but, so boring…..production has too much influence now…CHANGE IT UP!
And now voting for AFP is not registering. Disgusted at not getting to vote after waiting the required 24 hours.
And the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate….
Go V!
Although…being the best out of this group is no great feat…they were too busy hooking up, playing pot ball and hanging out. She took her “meds” and obsessed 24/7. Sad really. She deserves the money…but made us viewers a bit queasy…she’s not very fun to watch.
I see all of Vanessa’s lesbo friends are on too!
Had to add “lesbo” in there, didn’t you? That was quite unnecessary; let people cheer for who they want.
Yes. It’s crucial that we don’t resort to prejudice and generalities. It demeans us all as a group.
It is far more fun and effective to bash these people based on them being a bunch of socially inept, summer-camping, OCD, junkie, spineless, immature, needy, mama’s-basement-dwelling, tantrum-throwing, cheating, self-obsessed, mean-girl, bully-boy dumb-ass douche bags.
Play fair, keep your stick on the ice.
Won 1st part… No surprise there. The season has been so predictable
I confess. I replayed Austin slamming open the door leaving 10 times. Hysterical

Laughing was so much better…after hearing him calling Steve *Boy* in his speech.
Vanessa,,,as much as I loathe her..should win. No worse than Dan. No holds barred in the game of Big Brother.
My fave never wins
At this point of the game..I’m rooting for Steve. Aaaargh.
I have an antidote, though.
I’m watching Big Brother UK. Laughing my socks off. SO MUCH better than USA Big Brother!!
I thought this season was going to be great. WRONG!!
The ants were more interesting. And..the occasional bat.
Do you find the Big Brother UK online somewhere?
You Tube. Give BB Australia a look also. It is good, they have a great house.
Unfortunately, BBAUS has been cancelled. No new ones are scheduled but last year’s shows were really good. They even tore down the house.
I’m watching BB Canada right now and really like it too. It’s similar to the US version but so far it appears to move a bit faster. Example, in first episode they were all HOH and all immediately had to nominate 2 for evictation. The ones who got the most votes and 4 others played POV right away. This was all in the first show. I’m gonna be watching the series now instead of wondering how much V will browbeat Steve and Liz.
dont forget the Preying Mantis !
—-is it good the new UK BB?
how do you watch other big brother canada and UK ? which website?
Both are on You Tube.
You can watch all the seasons from around the world if you download Kodi (formerly XBMC). Its a free streaming program- easy to install, worth the time.
After all this protesting by Vanessa if Liz doesn`t pull aside Steve to compare stories she deserves to get blindsided.
Even if Liz wanted to, she’d be worried that it would get back to Vanessa. That’s been part of Vanessa’s game since at least the midway point….intimidation regarding her potential blow-ups, which have resulted in flipped targets in the past. I find it annoying that this has worked for Vanessa, but I can’t give her much credit for it in terms of game play b/c I feel it’s just part of her nature to be reactive, rather than a strategy to invoke fear in everyone. But whatever, it’s gotten her this far and it may earn her the win. Go, Steve? Not too hopeful but I’d love if he won HOH and cut Vanessa, just to show that her type of reactive game play can only get someone so far.
I am surprised that Steve didn’t say anything game worthy when Vanessa went to the diary room. He knows how intense Vanessa is. He should know that there is no time to wait to talk to Liz. He’s got to get her wheels turning in his direction now.
vanessa doesnt deserve anything but a kick in the ass goodbye
I wish Liz was not so gullible. She believes everything Vanessa says. Since Vanessa is mentally ill you never know which way she is going to go. Vanessa knows which comp is next. Is production helping CBS’s next Poker Stars host?
I enjoy Big Brother so much, but changes have to be made. No more recruits, no more Tinder or other dating sites, no more rejects from other game shows. Only people who apply to be on the show. No people who need drugs to alter their behavior. No need to embrass them on TV.
Prizes for winning. That would stop the throwing of competitions. Let HOH nominate, but let America eliminate or reverse America nominate, houseguest eliminate. Houseguest are not allowed to discuss who to put up or who they are going to eliminate.
Fire Allison Grodner and her entire team. No competition can be repeated the next season.
Changes must be made. This season had so much hope, but you knew the Justin Bieber wannabe was going to plow her way through.
Whoever takes Vanessa to the finals will be the Cody of this season. This is unless Vanessa wins part 3 then whoever she takes can be happy for the 50k.
I noticed a trend about this season (and maybe this is why it’s been so disappointing) I think all the potential entertaining “game players” got the boot way too early, aka the people who weren’t scared to speak up/potentially make a big move. So what we were left with was a bunch of people who either didn’t know anything that was going on in the house (sorry Goblins) or people who continuously played Vanessa’s game (looking at you Freaks and Geeks+JMac). Can you imagine Davonne, Jeff, Jason, dare I say it even Audrey let Vanessa get away with everything she has this season for THIS long? I’m not saying those group of people could have been great strategists by any stretch of the imagination, but I can assure you they would not have put up with Vanessa’s bullcrap as long as the other houseguests allowed her to. Look at what they did to Becky! She made Vanessa her target, and boom she’s out the next week. All the people who weren’t afraid to be outspoken got the boot! This season has been boring don’t get me wrong, but season 15 and 16 are still the worst seasons. I think this season was just plagued by entertaining/ballsy houseguests leaving WAY too early. Welp, it’s been a fun summer guys until next season! Thank you Simon and Dawg for all you do! This site is amazing
The week Becky nominated V and didn’t get her out was the most delicious week for me. Not because I like V so much, but because I dislike Becky so much. She was so self satisfied (no deals! haha) it was fun to watch the look on her face when the plan blew up. THEN it was great to watch her walk out the door the very next week. Becky and JM the 2 houseguests I liked least. Followed closely by icky,dumb Steve.
I have a theory. I think it doesn’t matter which one of those outspoken/strategic players got evicted (Shelli, Jeff, Day, Jason), as they all had the potential to get to the end but they had to get eliminated by another strategic player (Vanessa) because it makes the most sense. It’s impossible to have plenty of strategic players late in the game and it would be dumb to do so. Notice that when Vanessa didn’t have control over someone (Jeff, Audrey, Becky, Goblins) she got rid of them soon after.
So, if Shelli, Jeff, or even Audrey survived their eviction, a similar script would’ve panned out (we all hated them too lol) and they would be sitting where Vanessa is now. It’s all about who’s the savviest of them all. Hate to admit it, but Vanessa’s the one.
I wouldn’t go as far to say that it’s “impossible” for a couple (maybe 2-3) outspoken houseguests to make it farther in the game than they did. Davonne, Jeff, and Jason were out before the game really begun. Big Brother IS about being the savviest, and I’ll give it to her she is the savviest but Big Brother is also about being lucky as well. What if it was Liz, Austin, and JMac who were one of the first few out and you put Davonne, Jeff, and Audrey in the position they were in? You don’t think the game would be COMPLETELY different? Think about it.
While i partially agree with you, I think there are some bigger picture parts of the puzzle that you aren’t acknowledging in your assessment.
Vanessa wasn’t the driving force behind Day’vonne’s eviction. That was all Clay and Shelli because they thought she was targeting them (and she was as a secondary option). Vanessa was on board to prove her loyalty to Clay and Shelli.
Jeff wasn’t targeted because he was a threat to Vanessa. Jeff was targeted because he was a threat to Austin.
Audrey was targeted because Clay wanted her out of the game, and because Audrey’s game style was too unpredictable to her own alliance. It was all about jockeying for position within the hierarchy of the alliance.
Jason was targeted as a backdoor only because he was a threat to the twins and the sixth sense alliance.
Every move made from week two to week five was made in order to strengthen the sixth sense group, but none of those targets were a specific danger to Vanessa. Shelli’s moves were made to protect herself and Clay. Vanessa’s moves were made to protect the group as a whole while reaping the benefits as a member of the group.
After Clay and Shelli were evicted, Vanessa saw that her alliance was isolating her. She was aware that they were getting close to the goblins. The reason for getting rid of the goblins wasn’t because she couldn’t control or manipulate them, but because the rest of her alliance were setting up a new hierarchy that didn’t include Vanessa. They were social players. Vanessa prefers strategic game to social game.
She had told Steve Jackie had no problem if Steve were evicted in week five. She told the Austwins that James and Meg were willing to target them in week ten. These moves weren’t made because she couldn’t control the Goblins. These moves were made in order to regain control of the scampers so that Vanessa could increase her chances of going further. It wasn’t about the strength and fortitude of the Goblins. It was about limiting the Austwins options.
EXACTLY!! Thanks for pointing all that out, it is the same as I have been thinking all season. While Vanessa always looked out for herself she also looked out for other members of her alliance. You can say the same with the other members of her alliance.
I think you have a point and that is probably why they were cast in the first place, but the problem with the strong personalities is they showed too much of themselves too soon. Jace, Da, Jason, all would have gone further if they’d zipped their lips. Audrey too. She played way too hard, way too soon, lied to too many, and then went over the edge in addition. It was not fun to watch.
It’s too bad that Liz doesn’t of the wits to do some campaigning with Steve and let him know she has a final two with Vanessa then after he tells Vanessa that he does about the final two would Liz and Vanessa comes freaking out to Liz about how all she had to do was keep her mouth shut and she was going to final two then she could deny saying anything to Steve and then go all I get your game get Steve to come talk to me then you come to me saying he said all this crap see you can have your so-called reason to backstab me weigh to go Vanessa great gameplay. But we all know it’s just a pipe dream hoping someone would call Vanessa out on her crap. She’s the best manipulative and strategic player this season but I just don’t like her style.
Punctuation please!
But Liz needs to tread lightly because there is a chance that Vanessa wins the third round. Steve already knows Vanessa makes deals with everyone. Liz needs to solidify a deal with him and help him study if he wins part 2 of the HOH.
Although Vanessa deserves the money, I really disliked her game. If she had made her moves without crying in the DR, I would have a lot of respect for her but she would whine and then expect everyone to love her.
Her crying just showed that she has a heart.
Her crying shows she has a problem.
Those were crocodile tears.
I wish production would mix it up a bit and have another endurance comp for part two. Whether they’re being told what kind of comp is next or they’re just playing off all the repetitive comps over the years – it needs to stop.
They got rid of the twists because this season was going so good they didn’t need to interfere to boost up the drama.
Production always leads players in certain directions in the DR. It is a reality show. All shows have a certain amount of scripted content. Big Brother has the least and this season had less production steering houseguests than in past Big Brother seasons.
Vanessa you can hate her that’s great. But you can’t say she didn’t play hard all season and made the show and feeds far more exciting than years past. Yes she is a great game player and studied game theory. So she should never be allowed to play a game the rest of her life? You all beg for better game players and people who aren’t boring duds every season. Now you got one and you hate on her to the point of ridiculousness.
Again ok you don’t like her personally. You don’t know her personally from watching her play a game but ok we get it you hate her.
To all of us who love this show she is the only acceptable representative of this season. When we talk about season 17 ten yrs from now let’s face it the first name you will mention is Vanessa…love her or hate. She is this season.
The finale should be great. Let’s enjoy. It’s been a fun summer. Thank you Big Brother for giving us a fun outlet to spend some of our spare time. And thank you this seasons cast for not being the total boring duds the last cast was.
You make some valid points..I agree that saying “hate” is pretty raw..People should express their dislike more carefully when expressing it
But to Me..from a game purist perspective..Vanessa and Players of Her type are the very essence of the problem
What would the Vegas odds have been on Day 1 ? She would have been an exponential favorite. She didn’t earn 4 million against the top poker players in the world by not having a strong ability to weigh out probability and statistics, and being able to read people by the “tells” they give off
It would be like asking 15 other people to race against Usain Bolt…
I think people watch Big Brother and enjoy it so much by trying to envision what they would do in the situations the HG’s get into.Be it nominations,campaigning..etc I also believe viewers want to see people that they might interact with in daily life as competitors as well..I agree with You that odds are Vanessa-types are people You would never get to know in the “real life”..Maybe that’s why they draw so much dissent
The Vanessa, or Frankie types..represent,in my opinion, poor casting choices by AG and Crew.. They represent the stacked deck type of Player that many dislike
I don’t need the requisite California Surfer Guy, Or Bikini Blonde, or relative of a pop star, or “almost famous wannabe type Player”..I don’t care how much they give good camera face..I want to see everyday people who strategize. I think that’s why a Dan or an Ian or a Janelle or a Donny are so popular,,I don’t care about showmances or bromances or BFF’s either..I wanna see Players who avoid those situations and are fueled to compete and win.Everyday People with a love of the game
Yeah Derrick was boring,,but at least He was an everyday person..He wasn’t disliked for being that,or being dull..I think it was probably because He really didn’t do much strategy wise..I agree with You that You cant have Your cake and eat it too..But there was nothing interesting about a Vanessa or a Frankie that reek of entitlement either
Good points. But Derrick wasn’t a regular guy. He was an undercover cop. Which makes him even more trained and equipped than what you’re saying Vanessa is. But I agree with everything else. One overly qualified person, vs a couple fans vs people who have never seen the show and are just looking for TV time, meh.
Vanessa is a beast!!!
A beast doesn’t whine, cry, or play victim, point fingers at others, or make up reasons to justify actions. A beast would stand strong and take it with blood on their hands. Vanessa is a lot of things, but not a beast . At least not in the way you meant it.
Personally I was a fan of the sixth sense alliance in the beginning. The way Davonne and Jason thought they owned the house was pathetic. Yes interesting characters but they are just as evil as Vanessa and Shelli. The way they acted towards Jace and Audrey was pretty cruel. So I was happy to see them flip the house. But when Vanessa and Shelli went on the block together, I stopped becoming a fan of theirs. Jackie’s revenge over Jeff leaving was also annoying. And when you got to see Austin and Liz’s true personality, disgusting. But Vanessa was the worst. She seriously thinks she is a good person at heart. But she doesn’t care. The only thing in her mind was how do I make it to the end. And that’s cool but don’t act like you have integrity.
But at the end of the day, I enjoyed this season. Was interesting until James left. I mean dude seriously got in a college football players face and he didn’t do nothing. Seriously I would of called Clay Johnny Football the entire time. And flashed the money sign at him.
That was a long one. I tried to watch but fell asleep about an hour into it. Lol. I give them props for doing that crap for 4 hours.
V need to come back and play again if she win…against all the best players in the game. She won’t make it pass week 1.
The only reason All Star Players would get rid of her the first week is because they know she is a billiant strategist and a beast in both mental and physical comps! Vanessa for the win!!!
Whoever evicts Vanessa and makes her third place deserves to win big brother!
I think Vanessa has a drug problem. It was quite obvious when she had taken her meds, and especially when she didn’t. When you become so aggravated to the point of a melt down when you do not get your way, or heaven forbid, someone doesn’t agree with you…that is a problem. Shame on production for casting someone like that. If she is under physician’s care for a disorder, that should be a deal breaker to be on the show. The whole world knows now that this chick cannot function without substance. They may have ruined many an opportunity for her success in the future. This win for her may get her a half a mill, but it may cost her much more in the future. If Steve boots her in round three, she just might explode, literally. She never let anyone play their own game…she beat them into submission to do it her way. Imagine living in a house with someone like that, and not being able to leave…at all…God, they all deserve 500K just for having to put up with that.
I can’t feel sorry for Liz or Steve. Especially Steve as a super fan. There are red flags all over the field of Van’s game. Her mind psych of “I could stay on this until Christmas” bullsh*t. Her “I could never win the next one I stink so bad at comps” cr@p. (How does she know what it would even be?) Also playing up to Liz how she would lose to Liz and then bragging about winning 5 HOHs! Cause she sucks so bad at comps? LOL! Austin did his girl Liz wrong when he went out the door telling Van that jury will never vote for her because it makes it so much easier for Liz to buy Van’s “You would beat me F2” spin. Aut@ss should have said “You got me!! Another big move! No one could beat your resume in the end. If these fools don’t get you out by F2 you will definitely win!” And finally telling Liz not to talk to Steve. Red flags everywhere.
As much as I don’t like the cut-throat game play Vanessa has played, who else came in there to play this game. Except for Day, whom Vanessa realized would be a major threat and she got rid of her early. Everybody else she scanned and realized was easy to manipulate. She even said, these people act like this is summer camp. They either came in there for a showmance,to become instant celebrities(lol), to win a luxury prize or get to jury for that free stipend check. The last three seasons, all we hear about is these people wanting to get to jury. Or them saying if they make it to jury,they will be happy. Wtf??? There’s $500,000 at stake and they’ll be happy to make it to jury? Everybody knew Vanessa’s word and integrity was salty but they kept her there. Who Do we blame? BB really needs to start picking people who came to play or just be prepared to watch the same shit, season after season until the ratings get so bad and the show is cancelled. The season of the Brigade was last good season. After that it became showmance and floater central. No Vanessa fan but who else really played this season?
Except for Day? DAY???? Day sucked. She absolutely no mind for this game. You don’t win by “keeping it real.”
Day overreacted to Clay and Shelli sending in Jeff to check what she was doing. Day acted sketchy by going into an empty room she didn’t sleep in or have stuff in. Her reaction to them was over the top for something so minor in this game. She could have just said she was counting the pictures, looking for an article of clothing, or ignored it and realized they were suspicious of her. Her extreme defensive posture made the whole thing even sketchier.
She got evicted because she freaked out at being caught counting pictures and for some reason decided it was best to antagonize 2-3 people, I’m not sure how Jeff really felt about Day’s reaction to him.
Not saying Day was a great player. Day caught on to Vanessa the first week and that was a no no for Vanessa. And Day’s chip on her shoulder didn’t help her game either.
While I agree with you, I think part of the issue is that a lot of people who have jobs and make decent money and who would not care as much for the jury stipend cannot probably leave their jobs.
The people who make it there do care about jury stiped. I mean if Jason was a cashier (no offense to anyone who is a cashier) he would probably be making in a summer what he makes in half a year… so of course they are happy with jury stipends.
I totally agree with you. Jason and Jase would be the exceptions because of their economic status. But when 80% of the house is talking about jury money, luxury comps, tv time and they have good to decent employment, it kind of lets us know what kind of season it is going to be. Hoping next year will be better but, kind of not counting on it.
Liz truly has not learned her lesson. How can she trust Vanessa after what was done to Austin. I think that Liz is secretly glad Austin was evicted because he didn’t pull a Clay. Liz should not have never, ever dropped in the competition. Pretty sure Vanessa will start looking at her ” incentives ” and evict Liz in the end if she is the final HOH. Liz would definitely deserve the betrayal
No, Vanessa. You do not need narcotics. smdh
What is up with the voting on CBS for AFP? I voted for James the first night and the last 2 days it tells me I have reached my limit for today before I even cast a vote. Is the fix in here also………wink, wink good job Vanessa. Come on CBS I want my votes for James counted……now! Bad enough the season ends with this joker Vanessa but at least let us get true votes in for James.
Have to say tis comp creeped me out a bit. The pool looked like a vat of blood and the liquid that dripped on the floor looked like blood trails. Ick.
But the most telling thing was the whole “I need Vicodine. I need narcotics. I’m so sore.” I hope all she got was a Tylenol.
The winner of part three decides who goes and who stays.
Vanessa has a spot in part three, but she’s not yet HOH; she still has to beat the winner of part two.
Ok so we know that either James and JMac will be the top 3 for AFF who do you guys think will be the other one?
CoCo for AFP!
Really people? Who thumbs down CoCo?? America’s Favorite Plushie!
Zingbot for AFHG
Still can’t vote for AFP!!!!!!!!! Keeps saying I’ve already voted & I haven’t!
Anyone else having this problem?
Yes. Access aware of problem and reported it. Call 888-274-5343 to complain.
Same here. I emailed cbs and response was they are aware of the problem and to keep trying. AFP will not be legit under these circumstances.
Vanessa’s tears were fake, in her mind if she cries she will appear sympathic. And it worked every time. These HG were to dumb and fell for it each and every time.
After yesterday…can you really still support Jmac for AFP?…come on..he wasnt the guy everyone kept waiting to turn on…everyone was let down including Julie Chen…
Clay Honeycutt “Breakout star of bb17”. Get your clelli shirt now, only $20.
Yes, I do believe I just threw up a little in my mouth, too.
Had to share the pain. First time ever thumbs-downing myself.
A dot org? Anyway…I guess he and Cody can “model” together. That’s how they can make some real money.
That shirt is disgusting
This is a joke, right?
note to cbs..a once enjoyable show is quickly slipping away !!! drastic changes are needed starting with grodner the predictability and not so hidden agendas in promoting certain house guests is destroying this show to the point it has become a complete joke. so many have expressed this for years now and the show keeps getting worse !! a summer without big brother would suck but you are pushing people to the point of saying enough is enough and good bye old friend..maybe grodner and some of her minions such as frankie whom the vast majority despise could occupy the jury house in the off season and get some new blood in running the show
A Vanessa-Liz finale unless Steve wins both part 2 and 3
Almost the worst possible combination of HouseGuests there could have been
I get the sentiment that James should get AFP,,but You can thank James and Meg for Vanessa even being here in the first place
Hey Production…
Twist: the first four house guests evicted pre-jury are secretly sequestered in a room off the main BB house. Each week they compete to be the “alternate HOH”. As AHOH, they are given the ability to fuck with the remaining house guests. They get to assign minor powers, choose what America votes on, get to tamper with the food and alcohol supply,decide micro-twists in the competitions, have the ability to move or remove certain furniture and household items, are allowed to sneak in and steal personal items at night for cash rewards.
If it’s worth casting them, it’s worth utilizing them and letting their bitterness be our fun.
It doesn’t matter who Vanessa is sitting w/ at F2, she’s going to win regardless.
Vanessa: “You know my word is good”. Wow – I got nothing.
Vanessa is a lock for final 2. If she doesn’t win HOH to get herself there, she will have no trouble persuading or intimidating Liz or Steve to keep the deals she made with both of them. She will argue that everyone in jury hates her (after all its true) and they will fall for it. The only real mystery is whether the jury will reward her strategic gameplay or punish her for scumbagging them. Expecting a close vote but Vanessa will probably win. Couldn’t care less at this point.
Ok, though it pains me, I must admit that from a completely strategic view, Vanessa deserves to win the game. I just feel like she had an unfair advantage as did Derrick due to the fact they deceive and read people as a profession. I would though ( oh God, I hate to even write this) I would like to see the best liars, competition beasts and backstabbers play against each other. That’s a game that would be good till the end! I want players on the same level. Can you imagine a game with Vannessa, Rachel, Dr Will, Boogie, Dan, Derrick, Frank, Jannelle? Any one else got names?
Vanessa had another advantage over everyone else: Allison Grodner and Les Moonvas full support and backing.
JAMES FOR *****A F P*****
it appears CBS….wants Jmac though..evidently with the technical difficulties!!!
Nope. I can’t get my votes in for Jmac so was thinking the fix was in for James! Guess we cancel each other out and saved us each some time.
How is AFP going to be fair? I tried again this morning and could not vote. I emailed CBS and got the following response:
“Thank you for taking the time to contact us. If you are experiencing problems being able to vote, we are aware of this issue and are currently working with our technical team to resolve this as quickly as possible. Please revisit the voting page periodically to submit your votes once this has been resolved.”
Followed by the BB voting rules and information as stated on the website.
“We appreciate your patience and trust that you enjoy the remainder of Big Brother 17.”
CBS = Complete Bullshit Station. Cast out all your illusions that CBS involves America in social media or ratings. Internet broke with angry fans after another disgusting scripted show. They weren’t voting for hack Shelli clearly paid to scream Vanessa wins from Jury. There’s is nothing real about America in this game. No one on the cast represents anything real. All scripted actors playing a farce around Vanessa the drug addled pseudo celebrity who got to sleep under her beanie after medication kicked in for her paranoid schizo delusional rants. It took bribes, drugs and CBS casting gullible half-wits to get her to the end. How many comps evictions did you ever see people stand there and quit, they don’t even fake play anymore. This entire show is a scam. Sorry not sorry Least Moonves.
Ba ha ha ha! CBS can’t make an online poll work? Maybe they can give Simon and Dawg 10% and just use their poll results instead.
Simon and Dawg are dreamy!
LOL they should use our poll… Quick everyone vote for Dawg :)))
I rarely get upset about anyone’s game play. It is a game, there are numerous ways to play it and sometimes those tactics can be a bit harsh. Barring physical abuse (or threats of that kind), I’m fine with most types of game play.
Emotional abuse is tough to gauge. The racism of BB15 was out of line. But being able to control and smack talk your way along is fine to me. Everyone knows they are subjected to this possibility on the way in. Sure, it may make you unlikable to the public and maybe it is unbecoming, but all 17 went in knowing it is a social experiment game that is tough and mentally draining. If casting puts the wrong people in that can’t handle that, that’s on them.
When the seasob started, I was rooting for Vanessa. I was interested in seeing how her poker prowess would work in this game. Along the way, I turned on her because her personality was grating and the fact that virtually everyone else pandered to her was eye rolling. To be honest, I like watching chaos in this house more than anything. The blindsides, the cut throat game play, the true twists that make this the ONLY reality game show I watch. I really enjoy the strategy of this game. Like most, I hated Rachel but really appreciated her game play the last half of the season she won.
I’m glad we have the Final 3 we do. It is rare you have 3 people there that have won comps and have done big things in this game. Any of them are deserving. Vanessa, though, has had the ability to BOTH get what she wanted done without power as well as stay alive with a sizeable target on her back
Ness played a good game. I didn’t hate this season. I couldn’t say that for the last two! At this point last year, we were just waiting to see Vacant walk out the door. I really have no idea who will actually be seated in the number two chair.
I know Ness will win, because the other two, for whatever reason, are stupid about her. But I don’t know who will come in second. So that’s something.
I guess.
Hey BB, how about next year being all past AF players? I’m already jonesing for more JMac! I hope he does a guitar performance in Jury and we see some starlight in Becky’s eyes.
Oh my……Am I rooting for Liz to win. WTF How about letting us vote for who should win.
I changed my mind.
Now, I would like Steve to win and Liz to come in second. That’s the most I can hope for, considering the house guests that remain.
It’s hard to believe the education the last three women have as their vocabulary suffers from bankruptcy. What a waste of money their education was!
Every show runs it’s course at some point. Big Brother has had a 17 season run. That’s very good for any show. Even Seinfeld became stale the lasr couple seasons. We just saw American Idol run it’s course and is done.
Big Brother is picked up for next season already. Ratings were good this season. Many here have been saying for a few years now this show won’t be on long. CBS knows what they are doing. It is amazing run that Survivor and BB have had. You are still watching eventhough some of you lie and say you aren’t.
Someday this show will end too just like all others. But it’s been a good run and this season the ratings show was better than some of you claim. Don’t like don’t watch it you fool. Stop ruining things for yourself by complaining about every little thing. You must be a joy to be around:-)
BB lost market share year after year in key demographic, hence no more older players. All data shows BB gets turned off after 1st 30 minutes cabby retain viewers hence twisty twist commercial cross brand marketing takeovers backfired. Les Moonves says ratings mean nothing only content bundles purchased by cable companies, they don’t care if you’re watching, only if it’s DVR’d and Streamed On Demand, is all advertisers pay for. No revenue means no show. No real social media or youth following. Until Kylie Jenner gets cast. Soap opera script format killed it. Casual viewers who check in periodically are all it has left. We’ve got lots better options.
“read Variety get educated”. That is the funniest comment of the year!
Variety is the major entertainment industry’s contract, ad & ratings Daily. Your general reader viewer who thinks BB is real and CBS is reading blogs for market research & concept development ideas, or counting your votes will find Variety easy reading. No one else in the world cares about Big Brother or CBS for that matter. Educated isn’t in their target demographic.
Couldn’t vote for AFHG yesterday, still can’t today….. Mmmm what’s up with that??
I could vote yesterday but today am getting message at site that I’ve already voted for the day. It doesn’t leave a good taste about the network that’s for sure.
If Vanessa sat in the d/r playing the ‘i’m the villain and i own it’ card while laughing fiendishly and twisting her moustache after tying yet another victim to the train tracks she still would get the same hate. Every villain gets the hate during their season.
She’s been navigating the course of the game even when she wasn’t behind the wheel. She hasn’t been about summer camp fun. She’s on a mission. That’s not going to make her likeable. She hasn’t been playing the trained seal balancing a ball on her nose for the gawkers, she’s been clubbing the seals. Looking at game moves James was a villain, but he put on the clown nose and gave the gawkers a song and dance. He tried to form a power alliance week one. He broke his word every time he gave it. But he played the buffoon for the feeder’s amusement to court AFP, so all’s forgiven.
Cut away all of the subjectivity. Look at each of the final three in terms of game style. Vanessa’s game style has been about limiting the odds of others in order to benefit her own odds and crying to look weak. Liz’s game style has been to have a meat shield and look weak. Steve’s game style has been to play under the radar while playing innocent to look weak. All three are viable strategies that have been seen in the past.
The thing for me is that if she had walked in the DR and said she’s loyal to certain people as long as they are useful because she’s playing to win then I would love to hate her. However she goes in and acts like she either has no choice because someone else is forcing her or she’s always trying to protect everyone and she never lies. She goes on that she really meant every deal except we see that as soon as she can she looks desperately for some excuse to turn on someone. That tells me she’s trying to shield her public image from any backlash.
She is as genuine as the image on a magazine cover.
the episodes are a different animal when compared to the feeds.
A lot of people keep confusing what is said to the other hg’s with what is said in the d/r.
I’m not a big fan of the entire d/r role in the game. It’s a production tool.
When a likeable house guest is moody the inevitable explanation of all emotions become amplified in a fishbowl environment comes to bear.
When a disliked house guest is moody the inevitable cries of mental defect can be heard.
When a likeable house guest socially manipulates it’s great game play.
When a disliked house guest socially manipulates liar and bully.
When a likeable house guest collects their meds every day, no mention is made.
A large percentage of the cast is on some form of medication this season.
When a disliked house guest collects their meds mental defect and drug addict.
When a likeable house guest skirts the rules without breaking them in a competition they are heralded as being brilliant.
When a disliked house guest skirts the rules without breaking them in a competition they are called a cheater.
When a likeable house guest offers gifts and money it’s a kind hearted gesture.
When a disliked house guest does it: bribe.
Everything is a matter of perception. There’s always going to be a double standard. That doesn’t mean that two people that do the same thing should get a different reaction, but they always will.
With the season finale next week I must confess this season played way too safe. Where was the drama?? Everyone was too friendly and only a handful came to actually try to win.
I was only able to vote one time on Tuesday also. Called CBS for help. Lady said they know of the problem and have reported it to tech support and that’s all they can do. But doesn’t sound like a lot of people are calling. Number I used was 888-274-5343.
CBS doesn’t care, they give $25,000 to whoever they want. Audience participation like fair competition is an illusion on BB. Sorry if it sounds synical but it’s realistic. We’re barely democratic as it is. Only 1 in 4 Americans vote for President because we know our votes aren’t counted nationally either. Redrawn electoral college boundaries, Jim Crow laws, rigged electronic voting machines, closed polling sites, lost ballots, Florida’s hanging chads, and Supreme Court won’t even recount or fix. Billionaires club & corporate PACs buy all the candidates, judges and legislation. There’s a reason the United Nations wants to observe our elections, and why we don’t let them.
So no, we’re a little too burned to believe CBS intended to give America a vote. It’s another BB scam and the operators don’t sound like they care either.
Bunch of pu**ys this season. “I love you guys, great summer” blah blah blahhhh. The first half of every speech is telling everyone how great everyone is and how they love everyone. It makes me cringe! I miss the drama. I miss the saltiness and outbursts.
WE NEED AN ALL STARS SEASON. Gosh i feel like after that we had a run of mostly great seasons.
When will part two take place?
Likely on Friday ..
When will Part 2 be played?
Thank you, Dawg.
I see your answer above.
As much as I don’t respect most of the moves she had made in the game, she deserves to win this season out of the 3. As much as production may have “helped” her this season, she did win 5 HOH competitions which is crazy! She was able to play the way she wanted to (even if some moves were despicable). No one ever controlled her, it was always the other way around. She is nowhere near Dan/Dr. Will game play, but for this season she was “the best”. I liked her game play more than Derrick to be extremely honest.
Have to give Vanessa some credit. She was slightly less annoying then that obnoxious glitter throwing, pink parrot head Frankie Grande.
If Vanessa wins anything, no worries, she’ll lose it all and then some gambling. Then she’ll be back on the reality TV circuit begging for a chance to win more money. She is PATHETIC and so are the morons that adore her…
Maybe you can blo Johnny dumb play directly if you go to his town! Be careful though he may throw that to someone else
I just wish Vanessa was like Dr Will, owning everything in the DR.
she does some things that are just brilliant, the way she works Liz. how she can control Steve
if she would only tell us this is what she is doing, we finally got a LITTLE of that VIA MAC ATTACK telling us Vanessa knew all about the Austin eviction beforehand and honestly I would be the biggest fan of Vanessa had she acted how she has, then gone into that DR, put on a big smile and explain how she is playing everyone. including using PC tactics, and just about every emotional tug on the heartstrings possible.
just own it Vanessa. please. would be the best villain on reality TV in awhile. such a shame.
Vanessa isn’t using d/r to her best advantage.
I see what she is attempting with her d/r. It isn’t being well received because of the polarity to her game moves. It appears that she is using the d/r to cast the emotional cause/effect side of her process. Because it doesn’t match the logic or the coldness of the moves she makes it is poorly received. She’s played the game with calculation, then tried to add justification. Her d/r has been a poorly presented mirror of this.
Here’s the problem: in the past the pastiche villains and masterminds have usually gone into the game expecting and knowing they would be perceived as villains and masterminds. Vanessa doesn’t perceive herself as a villain. She perceives herself as a dichotomy of logical game move and emotional repercussion.
I don’t really put much stock in the d/r commentary as a whole. I can see what the players are doing in the game, and i can hear what they are saying on the feeds. Given the number of times things have been edited out or reworked to fit production storyline, i’m of the opinion that the d/r isn’t as much about the player making a case as it is the fairies trying to make their storyline work for the masses. I mean, Johnnymac slept for four weeks and was presented as a quirky d/r hero. James on feeds in the early game was a crude mysoginistic walking hormone, but was edited as the fun loving imp. Clay was presented in d/r as having a brain until week six.
that was very well thought out and well written.
I totally agree. I think you nailed it. your comment should be read by BB fans everywhere. I now fully understand why Vanessa isn’t owning it.
makes a heck of a lot of sense.
This show was really really good but over the past few years has gotten much more scripted. This year Vanessa seemed to be acting really and it did seem like she had help…Last year anyone that mentioned getting Frankie out early was then voted out….I still remember Becky telling Chelli the camera zeroed in when they mentioned Steve’s name. This show seems soooo fake and getting worse. At this point it doesn’t really even matter who wins…none of them really worked at it. I know some might say Vanessa did, but it is easy to look like a giant when standing on the shoulders of a giant….(CBS helped her, it was too obvious, even more so than with Rachel). I’m done…Maybe another station will come up with a better show.ugg
Here is why I stepped back off the cliff with this whole Vanessa bs . She is a major pain in the dick, the manipulating, the sleepy cast, ect ect . What really puts into perspective is her hoh and veto wins . Long night, the exact number eludes me, but 2 vetos, this first half of candy apple makes what 5 th 6 th hoh ? That’s the undeniable part .. She’s only been active to even be evicted roughly 50%
If you multiply that factor X who is her comp Austin ? Liz ? Steve. ? Makes it easier to swallow … Kinda like the smarts outpaced her scumbaged ness – when it’s all said and done their was only 2 people that had a shot. … Johhny and shelli. In my opinion . That’s the other factor . No competition . Here’s the metaphor : I’m a pretty strong guy . 40 y. o. Personal trainer . Put me in a contest vs young, weaker comp and we do push ups for contest . I’m prob Guna win … Then out of the 15 times roughly you can vote me out 7,8 of those attemps you can’t even vote me out ? Hmm …. When I saw her on AD eating the salami and wheat thins at. 6 am I knew it was over … They put a snake in the puppy section and watched . Cbs you are silly .
Simon, Dawg, do you know if they are going to show the replay of the season’s events by the three houseguests
during dinner on CBS Sunday, like in the past?
Yes there will be memorable moments episode on Sunday. I’m pretty sure they’re having their final 3 breakfast this morning where they will talk about past moments from the season.
The last couple of years everytime someone is in the finals that no one like every one says it’s rigged. There is a possibility that vanessa will get third will the naysayers retract what they say??? NO
Other years floaters have been in the finals and there have been complaints this year 3 competitors make the finals and last 4 hours which the last HOH’s should be that hard then people have a problem??? The problem isn’t production it’s the fans complaining every season about every little thing.
It’s called BIG BROTHER…. Production is there to manipulate situations it isn’t a game show. It’s a reality show with a few competitions that is showing what people would do for money. People like vanessa who I don’t like by any means represents that. She did what she had to in order to get ahead.
Proving what this show is about what are people willing to do for 500,000. So those complaining have completely missed the point of what this show is.
Anonymous, is it safe to say that one of these five will win the AFP: James, John,
Austin, Vanessa, or Steve? Vanessa is well known as one of the two Vanessa poker
players and will get a lot of public votes from poker fans. She dominated the game.
There are a lot of Steve and Vanessa fans on this site along with haters. Like someone said,
James was on one show for 22 minutes but he finished 7th and people might of
forgotten about him. Austin seems like a real nice guy and people might vote for
him because he was blindsided. Sometimes, with the way Austin left, people will vote for
him. I might too if the phone line problem gets cleared up.
its going to be one of two people…
JMAC or James
it will be really close, I think MAC got some big time help from Brenchel, we all know the pull they have in voting. they threw support behind MAC(to be fair it wasn’t in context of AFP)
really I don’t think anyone else will even get 1/5th the vote.
It’s a foregone conclusion that James and Jmac will have the highest numbers in the AFP.
After checking out twitter I think it’s ridiculous that the pre-jury evicted hg’s are pandering and begging for AFP votes. Like that will happen.
Production spent way too much time crafting Jmac’s d/r personae and James spent way too much time mugging for the cameras with a golden edit for one of the two of them not to win.
Everyone else will be a miles behind.
Austin was evicted in the best way possible for his character storyline. Think about it, he had time to change his clothes from eviction to arrival at jury… but still didn’t put on shoes. Complete production smoke and mirrors. Given how he played the game, he doesn’t deserve sympathy. If anyone other than Vanessa had blind side evicted him, there’d be a huge outcry to crown them the winner.
I cannot stand Vanessa, but must say, she deserves the win. It leaves a very bad taste in my mouth, and I am afraid she will not be proud of herself when this is all over and she realizes how terribly she has treated certain people. I cannot and won’t forgive the way she has treated Steve during this season. She took a socially stinted, trusting sole who just needed someone, and used him terribly. She badgered him, lied the whole time while somehow making him think she was a replacement for his mother. He admitted not having much female contact outside the game, and lacked friends and social skills of any type. We all have bitched about Austin calling him “boy”, but Vanessa did it as well and as often as Austin. If I was his mother, and saw her on finale night, it would be all I could do to not slap her smart mouth. Most of her gameplay was unnecessary, and her constant crying over everything was the same. Her winning this season is a given at this point, but don’t have to appreciate how she got it. The icing on the cake for me was her unnecessary “scumbagging” of Austin. He deserved to be pissed off at her, as I would have been as well. She led him on the whole week and didn’t have the balls to tell him to his face. I probably would have been stunned as well, and if he can take a few votes away from her, I say “Good for him”. She took his loyalty and threw it back in his face.
None of your analysis is correct if Steve was simply playing a character. If so he allowed Vanessa to treat him that way in order to convince the house that indeed the persona he displayed was his real one.
Now as to whether or not he was actually playing a character, I’m torn. If so it was a good strategic move and got him far – probably into the money one way or another. If not, then I generally agree with you.
Re Vanessa, she played the best game of all the houseguests. I can acknowledge that and still not want her to make f2. From this viewers standpoint she just was too unlikeable and treated too many hgs terribly for me to want her to win. Yes, those two thinks can exist at the same time in the minds of some viewers. It’s a game, but a game I don’t want her to win.
Can you give me any specifics of Vanessa treating houseguests horribly?
Everyone tosses statements like that around but how about some backing up of her treating people so badly?
Read feed transcripts, blogs on any site, she’s the most hated like you, who keeps asking for evidence in front of yo.. You blind, deaf, dumb? Feel the meth guilty conscience paranoid psycho bumps on her face like braille. She’s the picture of Dorian Gray- ooops another literary reference and you can’t read.
I’ve only watched the last few seasons of BB, and while the social experiment aspect of it is interesting, the people they choose to be in the house pretty much suck for the most part. I’ve hated watching Vanessa this season honestly, because she acts the same in the DR, like she believes the audience will believe she’s not a liar and has integrity, etc. I’m now watching The old BB Allstars season and WOW! Now that’s what every season should be! Vanessa wouldn’t make it past a few weeks with those folks!
There are very few players that come into the BB house to play the game. All winners were the ones that focused and thought game 24/7. Others who come to make it to jury, showmance, fame (lol), etc, don’t make it far. Vanessa has been one of the few therefore, making it to where she was. It upsets me that there is hate for her for getting rid of Austin. If she didn’t the cry would have been “what a stupid move”. She knew that Liz and Austin were taking each other to the F2, I would have made the same move. Stupid Austin, being a “super fan”, doesn’t recognize this. I disliked Boogie, but respected his reaction when he found out Ian was behind his eviction. He bowed to the move.
Do you think production reads these sites and take into consideration what the fans are say? If they are I’d like to reiterate what others have suggested:
1. Change up the comps. i.e. – don’t have the days comps. I think more of the how much do you want it. Comps where it shows who you are working with, the eliminating ones.
2. Punishments – break rules: talking about production, singing, not wear your mic, call out bad habits, like production telling Austin to wash his hands … lol.
3. First out of comps are have nots.
4. Earn your food
5. I dislike luxury comps, would rather have prizes for the individuals who win comps, more incentive not to throw them.
6. Let America be a little more interactive – let them vote for the hg that has an one of one with someone like Dan G.
7. Without giving away too much let the hg know how they are being perceived by the viewers.
Anything else?
Don’t know why so many people think JMac is funny or even fun to watch. He’s awkward at best, mean, and very uncomfortable to watch. His snigger is disgusting, his speech is unecessary loud, he’s ugly to look at and typical smartass who thinks he’s all that but isn’t.
Steve, is a pussy boy who licks Vanessa’s hoohaa. I don’t wish for any of them to win, especially Steve. He’s your typical shit face scumbag who thinks he’s so smart because he’s a college student, but these days who isn’t.
You suck , and extremely incorrect about John, he will be “camping” in no time!!!!
WOW! I feel extremely sorry for you. You’re horrible comments about people that you don’t even know are what’s UGLY.
I’m thinking Lisa Love is harboring negative feelings about her rejection letters from her college applications
I hope Steve wins 2nd HOH, he not only has a better chance of beating her in part 3 put he might actually evict her if he wins, at this point I think Liz might take her to the end! I’m kinda torn I am not a fan of Vanessa but she has played the best game, but something in me wants her to lose. We shall see.
Hadn’t read any posting lately. I am interested in knowing what your Momma 90yrs young thoughts were as of late and the status of the current events on Big Brother. Who does she feel will win.
What’s your thoughts too Taylor.
I’m hoping James or Johnny mac wins favorite player.
God bless hope you all.
This is a great website. I want to help keep it going but I worry about giving credit card information online.
What can I do?
Thanks for the interest in helping the site.. There’s some idea if you follow this link
Future HG’s just remember you can like a Meg or a Jackie but don’t make them a core of your alliance because winning comps=power. Just saying
Vanessa and Derrick have one thing in common. They both had an age advantage and professional training in manipulation. Both sent into a house of mostly young 20ish year old naïve, hormonally challenged greenies. It is like sending a Rottweiler into the ring with a Cocker Spaniel. Surprise! Surprise! Who won. The game is fixed through casting , DR hints and more DR manipulation. It is not guaranteed but the odds are heavily in favor of the house. They do psyche profiles on these young kids (some like Austin are mentally young) and they know what buttons to push. Why can’t they get a cast on an even playing filed and just sit back and see what happens? Also get new comps and no more BOB.
Wow, Vanessa is the liar of all liars just when I thought the game could be played without lying (much like Derrick did). I don’t doubt her mathematical minded strategies, but her tactics are hard to watch–butter up players about how smart and good they are like a butterball turkey, spread hints of fact-less disparaging remarks about other players, make promises you never intend to keep, lie to everyone, fake cry away your guilty conscience–like it gets you anywhere, cause an argument to try to make the other person feel deservant of ill treatment. never admit you’re struggling in a competition, pretend you struggled in the ones you won, control everyone’s HOH as a dictator.
Anyone else having trouble voting? I made 20 votes on Tuesday and it keeps telling I’ve reached my limit (both yesterday and today).
Only a DRUGGIE would comment right after a physical comp, ” I need some narcotics” LMAO I agree with all the comments on here about BB, this game needs a total OVERHAUL!!! They need to stop recruiting people, do an extensive physical and MENTAL screening of all the applicants..& change up all the comps,..put in a mole or something …have a SOUNDPROOF DR…EVERYTHING in this show is old predictable and BORING! Whoever thought when they said a Takeover Twist, they would silently cancel it in a few weeks??? It’s become sooo RINKY DINK!!
I’ve watched Vanessa play poker on TV and was excited to her her in the BB house. Hated her until she convinced Julia to pick Austin at the POV. That’s when k realized Vanessa is a mastermind in every situation! Ha
Who’s k?
Would be cool if Steve won and chose to take Liz to the end but Van will win final HOH so hands down she wins BB17.
PS Frankie and the glitter comment, he stole that from BBC’s Gary!
She is a master practitioner of NLP! Ha.
Look at all those thumbs down..
Since I’m great at turning negatives to positives, I will thank those folk for rescuing all those cats.
Best player should win. Go V.
Anyone know when they will stop the live feeds? Are they up until finale night?
Hooray, this horrible season is OVER! CBS your “social experiment” has run it’s course much like Julie’s wardrobe and her trash talk show. Amen.
Anyone know where to contact CBS about America’s Favorite HG. It won’t let me vote today.
Call Frankie. I bet your just not wearing enough glitter.
You know what’s going to be the best part of the season ending finale? I don’t have to see or listen to Vanessa anymore. Good riddance.
I don’t care for the three left in the house, it is going to be boring to watch… Vanessa scheming, Liz playing along, Steve talking to himself. Is there any way they could show the Jury House instead? I bet James in still pulling prank on Julie and JMac is as loud as ever! It would be way or entertaining!
Suggestion to add to the “Who do you want to win BB17?” poll: The local exterminator, to finally rid the house of ants.
lol they could just bring back Gina Marie .. she was an exterminator
I got an idea. Have a celebrity BB wiith a bunch of old farts from past TV shows. We could have Fonzie and Richie and Joanie and Ponch from CHiPS and some of the Brady Bunch. And Marie and Raymond. You know everybody loves Raymond….. and Apolo Ohno. I know he wasn’t on a TV show but he sure brings out the cougar in ol’ Min! Now THAT would be a crazy house.
Vote for Coco AFP. He had to put up with hugging, crying, listening to rant after rant from Steeeeeve. He could not do as good of a job as mommy to help console his master so got thrown all around room,under bed,on the floor….talk about being bullied!!! And he has to live with this outside the house!! My vote for AFP and Survivor.
Did I read correctly that Liz dropped so Vanessa could win this round? WTF is wrong with these ppl and who on earth would believe ANYTHING Vanessa promises this late in the game. Are they all idiots? Or still drinking the Vanessa KoolAid? Stupid just can’t be fixed, I guess.
Yes and yes.
Only way Vanessa doesn’t make it to finals (MAYBE) is if Steve wins, She made a smart decision cutting jmac unfortuanley!- knowing how liz plays the game (holds grudges) Liz would never pick steve over vanessa because he got rid of her sister and she only liked him when it was convenient for her- Vanessa got Austin out, but liz seems blind to that already… Steve winning is the only REAL shot at Vanessa possibly not making finals- he knows he cant win next to her..It was a great start to the season, disappointing ending, knowing from pretty much the second week that Vanessa would win this game, twists sucked, however I am not usually a fan of the twists anyways, I feel its just another way to have more control- can’t wait for next season, when they hopefully go back to REAL big brother no more stupid BOB that is why, in my opion, that these last two seasons weren’t as good..another allstars would be good, don’t get why they don’t do that. It would definitely up the ratings!
I’d put this performance by Vanessa behind the likes of Dr Will & Dan but ahead of Derek from last year.
I loved Derek but he was in essence a likeable guy who was the de facto head of a large alliance which shielded him. Vanessa has had to do this largely by herself without anyone she could trust 100%. She’s had to win on numerous occasions to survive.
Impressive, even though I know most of you can’t admit it. lol
Derek had a large alliance, but had the foresight to have a wingman. Talking with casting directors, Cody picked Derek for the win from loyality, and the fact that Derek did such a good job selling himself that Cody thought he would win. That is the difference in play. Vanessa is playing erratic and its hard to smooth game play like Derek did. Even what the “godfather” did in BBCAN3 is WAY superior to Nessas game this season. Nessa was just on the winning side of the house, otherwise she would be out the door like Audrey.
You underestimate how and why Vanessa was on the winning side of the house.
Vanessa weakened the games of both Day’vonne and Audrey by starting the argument that led to the first house meeting. She skated from responsibility by saying she didn’t mean to stir the pot, but she most definitely meant to cause friction by sitting both of them in a room and saying ‘Audrey said this. Day’vonne said this. Discuss.’ She caused havoc to both of the house manipulators without any damage.
She played weak and defenseless while assessing the players in the first week. She saw the opportunity to create an alliance with the outcasts (Austin and Liz), as well as a “power couple” (Shelli and Clay) while also setting up a side alliance with an underdog (Steve).
It was Vanessa that brought together all of these components as a team, but kept them separated just enough that she was insulated. She even included one of the house manipulators whose game she destroyed to act as a shield for a few weeks.
She then sat back and manipulated the players in each of the sections of her alliance in order to maintain control. She had the outcasts that were in desperation survival mode starting at the end of week one fighting to stay combined with the playing both sides contingent trying to make everyone happy to appear a threat to nobody and the unwanted variable that she scooped up and groomed to be her spy with the inclusion of the biggest target in the house as a shield.
She was on the side of the house that maintained power throughout the game because she pulled together an alliance that on the face, would never be an expected alliance.
Add to that the fact that she herself was responsible for a great number of the wins that kept her side in power. She won two hoh comps and a veto while her alliance was at their strongest. She was able to manipulate other players outside of her alliance in order to help save herself when she became a target. She won two more hoh’s and two more vetoes once her power position began to face adversity. And she was successfully able to manipulate someone into throwing the first part of the final hoh.
Her own planning, manipulation and guile got her into the place she’s in. The rest of her alliance are the ones that would have been toast. Jeff would have continued gunning for Austin. Jason would have continued to make the twins a target by keeping them a main topic of discussion. Steve would have been taken out by Jackie or one of the goblins because he annoyed them.
Vanessa created the environment that got herself and the majority of her allies to the place where they are in the game. Whether that be final three or jury, Vanessa controlled the fate or manipulated the perception of every player.
Interesting series of pictures displayed in your post below! Ominous and Illuminating at best. Starting with an “Pike” (Albert) and ending with an “Eye!” What, no pyramid?
1:25pm – 1:50pm They’re all still sleeping..
The camera operators are keeping busy..
Rachel is preggers so that won’t happen next year
Year after year I’ve used this site and enjoy it ! however, it always baffles me that the majority of the OBB people post negative comments about the HG who’s actually playing the game and winning. Every season…It’s always always the same complaining it’s rigged for the person who’s doing the best plays. I just don’t understand why people hate it so much but continue to keep watching while being miserable, angry and just pissed off. Life’s short..turn the channel.
Rachel would have outplayed, outwitted & outlasted & wiped the floor with Vannesa.