“Vanessa has some ideas I think it could be good” -Austin to Clay

POV Holder: Next POV Aug 1st
POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 2nd
HOH James Next HOH Aug 6th
Original Nominations: Shelli and Clay
Current Nominations: ?
Have Nots ?

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9:53pm Hammock room Austin and Jackie
Austin says he wasn’t to play in the veto and keep the noms the same. He’s worried if one of Clay and Shelli win they will start so much trouble.
Jackie says they have the votes to get who they want out this week. (Ie Shelli or Clay)
They agree they all have fun together they want to make it to jury and have a blast.
Jackie says Shelli and CLay’s paranoia puts a damper on things.
Austin heard that Shelli and Clay were trying to get him and a twin up
Austin says Shelli and Clay are going to go hard as f*** “it’s going to be crazy.. going to get ugly”

Austin says he was really worried that JAmes was going to put him up especially after Shelli made that deal with him on the wall. “It means a lot it’s HUGE it’s everything.. he had the power.. that’s the real deal … he’s got my loyalty now
Jackie – that’s awesome .. he is a good guy
Austin – I got you 100%..
Jackie says she’s feeling the same

Austin tells her to not worry about the twins he’s recommending she goes and talks to them.
Jackie says she wants to play in the POV yet she’s not sure
Austin wants to play so he can “Keep things moving the right direction”
He warns Sheli and Clay are going to fight very hard to win the POV

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Production calls Clay out that he doesn’t have his microphone on
Shelli give him shit for not wearing it says it’s going to make people suspicious of them.
Shelli says the twins are flipping “We helped them since my first HOH”
Liz comes in. they tells her they’ve been working them since the beginning Julia can’t trust the other side.

Shelli – Vanessa said she had some sort of a plan.. did you hear it .. I wonder what other targets are out they’re

Clay – if we stay together all they have is three people
Clay says all they need is to get Shelli off the block.

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10:34pm Austin and Julia
Austin says right now they have to keep the nomination the same.
Austin – they are already throwing us under the bus.. they are freaking out they can’t take it.. they were working everyone in the house and now they have no power and they can’t take it
Austin wants her if the POV is played one of them might go up to guarantee Shelli/Clay go hom
He says it will be very scary to be on the block against one of those two.
Austin – they will throw everything in the fucking world at us to get us out
Julia wants Clay or Shelli out.
Austin does to

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10:39pm HOH James, Jackie and Meg
Jackie _ i’m good with Austin.. and if we can get in with the twins we’re pretty much good with the whole house
James – pretty much
Jackie says Austin is itching to work with someone after what he went through last week
Jackie – he said he really wanted to play the veto to make sure the noms stay the same
Meg doesn’t think Austin will win it “He’s not good at comps”
James thinks Austin playing might be their best bet he’ll want to win it to make sure that a twin doesn’t go up.
James has noticed Clay and Shelli are putting in some work earlier today.
Jackie – they talked to Austin
They agree Clay/Shelli are realizing they are dead in the water. Meg points out the crazy thing is they all thinks Clay is the target not Shelli.
James – it’s the best move that could ever been made
Jackie – they can’t win
James – the odds are stacked against them..

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10:45pm Austin and the twins
Telling them they owe James for not putting them up.
Austin tells them the target is Shelli. He stresses to Julia they can’t use the Veto period or one of them are going up.
Austin – one of us will be the replacement if Clay wins it..
Liz – if we win what do we do (LOL)
Austin – we don’t use it

Clay comes in..
Austin – Vanessa has some ideas I think it could be good
Austin tells him last week he went to bat for him Austin will never forget that
Clay tells them if they win the Veto use it on Shelli. as long as veto is played they have the numbers if htey get Steve up.
Clay Leaves

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10:57pm Shelli and Clay
Clay reporting back about his conversation with Austin. Clay is thinking they can control 5 votes in jury they’ll tell james that to get Steve up. Clay wonders if that is what Vanessa has planned.
Shelli says Meg is more angry at them Jackie is a bit more unsure.

Shelli tells him a final 4 with John and Becky would be a sweet deal.

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11:01pm Austin and the twins
Austin makes sure they know they can’t throw the veto if they are picked. They need to hold the veto power because if the veto is played they will go up. (I think the twins finally understands)
They start giggling and having fun. Austin says the room has evil spirits in it from Audrey. Julia pulls out a voodoo doll
Julia – dude what is this is this some voodoo doll that Audrey made
Julia throws it
Austin – it is a voodoo doll..

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11:10pm HOH Becky, James, Jackie and Meg
Becky about Steve – He doesn’t even know how to talk game if he tried this guy is going to make it to the end.
They all seem to agree Steve will win all the competitions near the end of the game like Ian did.
Meg – Once all this shenanigans stop we have to play the easy game .. stop the shenanigans

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11:22pm Liz gets a Austin massage
She asked him

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11:28pm Shelli, Clay and Vanessa
Vanessa warning them about bad mouthing the twins and AUstin because they will need their votes.
Shelli says James was saying to the twins they were trying to get them put up this week
Vanessa- do you honestly think we went up to the HOH last night and tried to get the twins on the block.. Why in the world would we try to get the twins up it’s asinine”
Shelli – are we foolish for thinking if Steve goes up there we have the votes.
Vanessa – No, I can’t guarantee it but they listen to my guidance a lot
Shelli is worried James might try to spin a deal with Austin and the twins.
Vanessa says they need to get their sleep she needs to talk to Austin.
Vanessa leaves
Clay – “Is she being kinda weird”
Shell sigh’s. She doesn’t think so just the day has been hard on them.

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11:39pm Bathroom Austin and Vanessa
Austin says they have to survive this week he wants to help Shelli and Clay but he’s at James’ mercy if he uses it the twins go up.
They decide to make a deal with James after the POV.
She asks him if it’s weird if she goes up to the HOH.
Austin – no we’re all on the same page like last week
Vanessa says becky is doing a bad job she’s running to the power.
Vanessa runs up to the HOH

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11:48pm Vanessa in the HOH with JAmes, Meg, Becky, Jackie and Austin
Chit chat in the HOH

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11:52pm Jmac and Julia
Talking about Teeth while Jmac works abs
John says he’s only in dentistry for the money some people do it because they have a passion but he doesn’t
Julia say she worked with this one dentist that had a pet tiger and drove a big a$$ hummer
Liz joins them says they have to give back the wackstreet boys headsets.
Jmac – that was my swag
Jmac tells them the “Med” Students looked down at dentistry students.
Jmac says Dental school is very hard a lot of people don’t make it.

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12:19am Vanessa and Steve
Vanessa says he will dave Clay shelli if she wins the veto
Vanessa will make a deal
Steve – you know who would go up if you used it.. Liz or Julia..
Vanessa says she has information about Becky
Steve says they need Becky picked to play Veto because that will get the other side of the house thinking “Why did they pick Becky”
Steve – whoever they pick will be seen as with them
Vanessa says if Steve goes up he can rely on the twins, Austin, her Meg and JAckie’s vote.
Steve wants to keep Clay and Shelli. Asks if jackie wins the HOH who goes out.
Vanessa – one of the twins
Steve wants to leave as many layers between them and the house. If they lose Shelli/Clay they lose a layer.

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12:28am Vanessa and JAmes
Vanessa says she told Shelli she will play to win the POV but she will not use it unless she has James’ blessing.
James – at all costs I want Noms to stay the same.
James tells her he wants Shelli to go this week. She asks if he would rather she threw it. If she had a guarantee she wouldn’t go up she’ll throw the POV.
James says if she goes that route it’s awesome but she should do whatever is best for her game

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12:38am Jackie and Vanessa
Vanessa wants to get a group of people to work together to just survive the double eviction.
Vanessa – Shelli and Clay want me to play in the veto if they get houseguests choice, But I told James I’ll only use it if he’s down, To rebuild trust.
Vanessa says she’s got some ideas for a target they can all get behind for double eviction.
Vanessa tells her Clay and Shelli wanted Jason to go
Jackie – Vanessa we’re not stupid we knew that
Vanessa explains it was better for her game for JAson to stay she got a lot of blood on her hands getting him out.
Jackie – I know I know
Jackie says her and Austin are starting over
Vanessa- there’s a lot of options

12:51am Jackie and James
James says he talked to Vanessa and she’s worried about a backdoor plan. James told her not to worry she’s not going up and if she does play in teh POV he would prefer she threw it.
James – we made a big move I think we’ll be OK
Jackie – I think so

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50 thoughts to ““Vanessa has some ideas I think it could be good” -Austin to Clay”

  1. HA. At Meg saying Austin isn’t good at competitions. I like their group but c’mon. You’re not that great either…

    1. Meg and Jackie while I still love them are having a bad case of HOHitis, and they are not even the HOH! Hahaha. James who is the current HOH is smooth sailing and is doing a good job of securing his spot for next week. :))

    2. James is my HERO!! And I just love, Love, LOVE seeing Shelli cry!!!!! WAHHH!!! This is the best action since the show started… THANK YOU Simon and Dawg for staying up all night, giving us the DL..!

  2. Oh man Shelli/Clay would be so pissed if Austin won veto and kept the noms the same. Shelli/Clay/Van ruined their game by saving Austin to get rid of Jason and that would be the nail in the coffin. Although Jason was a big target, Van/Clay/Shelli could’ve thrown Austin to the wolves leaving Julia/Liz with nobody and containing somewhat of an alliance with Jason/Meg/James/Jackie. This is the week they could have flipped on them. Anyways, GO JAMES,MEG, JACKIE!

  3. i wanna really see james face when they try to pull one of shelli clay down and put up steve. ya ok we’ll put up steve so u can save urselves. duhhhhhhhh darrrrrr derrrrrr duhhhh. thats me making retarded paulsy sounds

      1. Just to add to that…people with “severe” cerebral palsy (CP) do not have a compromised intellectual capacity, some are less able to form words, that’s all. Their intellect is intact. CP is also one of those disorders that’s on a continum/spectrum. You can have a “little” CP (an arm or leg that doesn’t work 100% for instance), or a “lot”, with some folks being in wheelchair and needing help with eating or speaking, etc.

    1. sorry if i offended u josh. i wasnt saying retarded paulsy sounds as a diss to the mentally challanged it was a description of what sound i was trying to describe. but ya vanessa and austin must think james is a moron if they think hes gonna put becky jmac or steve up against the other clelli.

  4. vanessa needs to be the replacement . she been running the house along with them. they ran the house for a month. i would love to see shelli and vanessa campain against eachother

  5. Until the POV is played I will not celebrate until I see either Shelly/Clay/Vanessa/Austin/Twins on the block and one of them goes out the door.

  6. “Becky about Steve – He doesn’t even know how to talk game if he tried this guy is going to make it to the end.”


  7. Shel-lie is 33 years old and can’t live without a 23 year old guy she met 40 days ago? Is she an out of touch with reality drama queen or really only 13.

    1. Fans loving a Jeff and Jordan, a misogynist in training and a blond cliche, that’s ok? But a strong, smart woman and a younger guy, who actually share strategy and help each other..that’s a problem? That gets ridiculed and sneered at? Really? Wow, what damn decade is it?

      1. except jeff/jordan were likable, unlike shelli/clay. jeff compared to shelli would be a saint IMO. jeff was a nice guy in the BB house, shelli on the other hand… there’s just no comparison there, shelli’s personality in the BB house is… um?

    2. she wants to be an actress, she’ll probably use clips from the show as an audition tape to show her “emotional range” 😛

  8. Really Shellie, can’t stand to be without clay for more than a few minutes. Really.. sickening… get a grip. I hope Austin or the twins win the veto, and then don’t use it. Ultimate stab to the heart. Hehe.

  9. These Idiots need to stop overthinking it all stick to the plan and start thinking about what to do once the Veto comes thru tomorrow. DUHHH!! IDIOTS!

  10. So apparently on twitter it was leaked that Shellie used to be married, but she cheated on her hubby and took his dog (the one who wrote her that heartfelt letter)…better watch out Clay…once a cheater always a cheater!

    1. To make us laugh about her stupidity with regards to how to play the game of big brother. She thinks she’s making moves by being a rat, but she’s only digging her own grave. Why throw the current hoh under the bus to his two nominees? Shes so clueless it’s almost painful to watch.

  11. Here goes physco eye Vanessa doing one of her cheap fake deals. She thinks she can make these “deals” all the to the finals. Please nobody fall for this crap(James/Jackie!). Just agree and then evict her the first chance you get.

  12. Go James go! If shelly or clay come down Vanessa go up. One of bitches has to go. They are the masterminds of the 6 sense.

  13. i am baffled as to how james and jackie still think they can trust a word of what vanessa is saying, that is just sad. i was hoping shelli/clay would blow up vanessa’s game, but doesnt look like it will ever happen. maybe once veto winner is revealed the cards will fall? im very reluctant now with james and jackie believing vanessa, talk about a big let down.

  14. I’m glad to see Austin appreciates James not putting him or the twins up, and was stressing that point to the twins. I’m not the biggest fans of Austin and the twins, but if they joined up with James, Jackie, and Meg for a temporary basis to get rid of Becky, Steve (who’s going to kill memory challenges at the end), Jmac, and Clay I would be pleased. Even better if those six turned on Vanessa.

    I can already guess who Vanessa is going to get everyone to target for the DE. *cough* Becky *cough* But seriously Vanessa’s sloppy gameplay is going to comeback to bite her in the a** too. Like just stop sticking your neck out. You’ve already pissed the house off twice (Jeff, Jason,), and have publicly gone back on your word. James isn’t even targeting you. Let the noms be, Jackie and Meg aren’t going to let James put up Becky this week. That would make James’s move totally pointless.

    Steve and Becky seem to equally want the other gone. I’m not sure what Steve’s game is at the moment. Does he actually think he stands a chance of winning against Vanessa in the final 2? And I get keeping bigger targets in the game as shields, but at the expense of being outnumbered? When their backs are up against the wall, I’m not sure how much Geeks N Freaks will remain loyal to Steve.

  15. I have to agree.. James by far did the best move this season. Shelli/Clay need to feel the hurt and pain of being on the block. Miss Jason, I think it’s the best revenge.

  16. Shelli, Clay, and Vanessa are pure evil. What did they hope to accomplish by throwing tantrums like 2 yr olds when they didn’t get their way? How could they be blind to the fact that they wouldn’t be in power forever? How could they not see that their actions in the game have consequences? Some of the houseguests were afraid to talk to each other, because they feared it would make Shelli, Clay, and Vanessa angry. Shelli is mad right now because some of the houseguests were talking to Steve tonight. Queen Shelli didn’t think he deserved friends without her permission. It’s pathetic. They acted like dictators. It was tyranny. They treated the whole house like toilet paper they wiped their butts on.They were willing to destroy the games of everyone else, but flipped out when the house fought back. What did they expect? Seriously? Shelli, Clay and Vanessa are the REAL three headed monster in the game.

    1. When did Vanessa throw a fit about not being in power?? I mean I have the feeds, and have been watching but must’ve missed that one. Vanessa was mad because shelli threw her under the bus, and really kind of has been for the last few days. Vanessa’s not stupid, she knows they can’t be in power every single week. That’s why she’s been building other relationships.

    2. well, to be fair, she’s saying that Meg is now pretending to be nice to Steve.

      I think Shelli is terrible but she has a point that Meg has been called out by Steve for a few weeks for being mean to him. Now she suddenly wants to be friends.

  17. in reading comments there is something that has baffled me a lot. I’m hoping someone can explain the thought process, because it’s not how my brain works, so I end up just sitting back and re-reading a lot hoping the logic will hit me if I keep reading the comment.
    okay, here goes:
    when shelli clay meg and Jason proposed a final four deal to each other there were cheers. cheers mixed with I hate shelli and clay but I could get behind that group.
    when Jackie and James talk about bringing in Austwins there’s I hate Austin I hate twins but that alliance sounds good comments.
    in my brain if I don’t like them, it doesn’t matter who they are aligned with. If they don’t change but the team they’re on does… do they suddenly become better people or better game players?
    Its really similar to the double standard I noticed about becky and john. she gathers intel for clay and shelli, she’s a ratsnitchtraitor evict her. He does the exact same thing and it’s oh no john be careful don’t get caught.
    Can someone explain to me this phenomena? Because my brain is sending up logic error bad code messages.

    1. I think no one wanted to see Shelli, Clay, and Van runs things from beginning to end. Austin and Liz are still slimy but they need them this vote to change anything. Jmac at least has funny DR sessions so we pull more for him than Becky.

      1. That’s it in a netshell. My brain doesn’t work this way either (not a chess player at all), so I’m often confused with the logic too. What (I think) it comes down to is this: we all have our favourites (JMac for me), so anything that can help his game, I’m behind…and what can help his game changes by the minute (with these HGs). For instance, I was pro-Becky until the last day or so because I saw her as being a good partner for JMac, but…notsomuch anymore. I’m not judging Becky overly right now because a) the current HOH wanted her out last week and b) Clay and Shelli DID help her last week – from her perspective, I can see why she’s doing what she’s doing. But is she still helpful to JMac’s game? Maybe not. I’m (now) down with another poster’s suggestion that JMac, James, Jackie and Steve form something to get out Vanessa next. Another good scenario might be…when Shelli goes (and I’m very much hoping she does), that Clay fills the Steve spot in that foursome. I like Steve, but it seems he’s a “ride or die” with Vanessa, and I’d like Vanessa gone. If JMac could “scoop” Steve permanently, fine, but I don’t think Steve will stop helping Vanessa.

    2. The fans don’t like it when one group of people dominates the game and steamrolls over everyone else in the house. The fans like to see power shifts between the two sides of the house, with both sides having an equal chance in the game. Right now James, Jackie, and Meg have the support of the fans, because the 6th Sense has been in power for a month. Becky is a floater. Becky is not loyal. She has a weak game and she is snitching to both sides of the house. She snitched on James and fans are mad because she is helping the dominate side of the house. People are cutting Johnny Mac a little more slack, because he is funny and provides fans with entertainment. When he does snitch, he is smarter about it than Becky. He chooses his words carefully. He is loyal. He isn’t snitching to both sides of the house, just to the 6th Sense.

    3. Yeah I have noticed that when Meg and Jackie are doing similar stuff with HOH power and calling people names (ie. fucking bitches) it’s totally fine, but when the other side does it, they are psychotic and bullies. I think Steve has shittalked James and no one cared.

      It’s kind of the thing, as long as you say you are an underdog or think some are underdogs, that team can exhibit bad behaviour and it’s great because it’s time they were able to be assholes.

      I don’t like Clelli at all though, mostly because they expected people to at least let them go to jury to f&ck.

      I just don’t think there are underdogs this season, it’s either you are playing the game or not. Becky and Steve have done absolutely nothing except give others info or leak info for others gain. Meg has ridden on James, Jason, Jackie throughout. They don’t actually need her except her vote.

      1. thank you to everyone that took the time to give an answer to my query.
        from what you’ve said I’ve gained a perspective on what seemed illogical to me.
        i’ll probably disagree with a lot of it still, but at least I have been shown why such comments are a thing without so much confusion.

  18. I can’t believe Shelli is actually thinking of a final four deal with Becky and JMac, she’s not even getting through this week! And it’s clear that James is trying to get out a power player so why they even think he’d entertain getting out Steve is clearly just desperation on their parts.

    Off topic but what is it with dentists. Dental school is not that hard, it’s not, it’s just a boring and annoying industry so not many want to do it. Dental school is nowhere in the stratosphere of medical school so that’s why med students resent the comparison yet dental students want to believe they’re on the same level. I know some stupid people who are dentists (which scares me about going to one) and I honestly don’t know any really smart people who became dentists. Go figure.

    1. I honestly don’t know how dentistry certification works in the US, but in Canada, it is not how you describe. Dentistry is one of THE toughest specialties, and most Canadian dentists get their medical MD first (8 years) and then specialize in dentistry for another 4 years. 12 years of university, plus 1000s of hours of updating skills and technology throughout their careers. Dentists need to know absolutely EVERYTHING medically from the neck up. They need to understand x-ray technology (a specialty in its own right). Many, many diseases show symptoms from the neck up (too many to list). The biggest one would be oral cancers – it is the rare dentist who is not able to spot early signs of this. Dentistry is a tough profession psychologically – who amongst us LOVES going to the dentist? A good dentist needs to be VERY psychologically sensitive to fear. So…pretty sure, you don’t really know what you’re talking about. Either that, or I’m never going to US trained dentist.

  19. I love the look on Jackie’s face in the convo with Vanessa = don’t even try to BS me, girl. I’ll work with you this week if I need to, but don’t even try…”

  20. Love the Barbie and Ken tears and fits. It’s clear those two are not used to not getting what they want, they aren’t used to having others do what is best for them, they are entitled fake jerks. I really want one of them to leave this week, preferably Shelli and I would love to be a fly on the wall when she discovers that she is one of the least popular players in the game. The fans hate her. Last I looked, in some of the fan favorite polls out there, even Jeff has pulled ahead of Clay and Shelli. I so enjoyed Shelli’s meltdown yesterday. This can still go wrong for James, hopefully Austin, Liz and Julia are picked for the veto, none of them would use it because they know it would be one of them on the block.

  21. I am having a hard time watching After Dark. If I hear the word “like” said every other word any longer I am going to develop a nervous twitch. Watching Austin and Jackie have a conversation is LIKE painful. There are so many other words that can be used instead of LIKE. The twins voice’s also are adding to the twitch factor.

    1. I actually like the twins voices, especially Julia. Liz does tend to draw out words a little too much but the tone of their voice sounds great.

  22. Clellie is history. Clay stays and will probably work with (duped and used by) Vanessa then discarded. Depending on who wins the next HOH, the twins and Austin may be the next target.
    Jmac may be biding his time and come on strong the next coming weeks.

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