Big Brother 16 Spoilers – Week 10 Summary of Events, HOH/Eviction Results

Going to keep this weeks short and sweet this week.. We’ve been waiting for something to happen all season but it hasn’t with 2 weeks of feeds left let’s hope for something. I don’t really care what just something unexpected would be nice. Earlier today Julie Chen tweeted that she will be announcing a new twist tonight.. kinda wonder what it could be this late in the game. Scroll down to see the picture.

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Big Brother 16 Spoilers – Week 9 Summary of Events, HOH/Eviction Results

One big Question came up this week, were Derrick and Frankie sincere about keeping Donny or was it just a ploy to save face with the fans? I think it was a bit of both with Frankie wanting to keep Donny more  than Derrick.

Donny knows the power centre of the house and he knows he’s on the outs because of this he started talking about how dangerous Derrick, Christine and Frankie are. Trying to cobble together something to challenge that group of 5 or if possible drive a wedge in so he can join up with a fragment. All these attempts failed.

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BB16 HOH Spoiler “At least I have a friend you don’t know how lonely I’ve been”

10:13pm Kitchen Donny and Nicole
Donny says he talked game to Christine figured he had nothing to lose. After he told her he got called into the diary room. When he came back Christine had hauled everyone up in the HOH to tell them.
Nicole and Donny know they are both going to be nominated and one of them is going home.
Donny – At least I have a friend you don’t know how lonely I’ve been
Donny – it’s a insurmountable Obstacle we cannot beat 6 people.. We’re not giving up we just realize it.

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Big Brother 16 Spoilers – Week 8 Summary of Events, HOH/Eviction Results

  • Donny and Nicole are on the block, Nicole gets sent to Jury.
  • HOH Winners are Frankie and Derrick
  • Frankie and Derrick plan is to evict Donny. To do this they need to nominate 3 pawns out of their own alliance.
  • Zach is asked to be the pawn who throws the BOB. Zach declines they are forced to draw the nominations using Skittles.
  • Christine is picked to be the pawn up against Donny, Cody and Caleb are picked to be the other 2 nominations. Official nominations are Derrick’s Noms (Donny & Christine) Frankie’s Noms (Caleb & Cody)

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Battle Of the Block Competition Results! “Old DON The Competition BEAST MONSTER!”

5:45pm – 7:10pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the Battle of the Block competition. During the nominations this morning Frankie nominated Donny & Christine. As the other head of household Derrick nominated Caleb & Cody. The night before Frankie & Derrick devised a plan to remove the guilt of their nominations by drawing skittles out of a hat the night before. The plan included Christine throwing the competition to ensure Donny stays on the block.
Battle of the Block Results:
Donny and Christine WON!

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Big Brother 16 Spoilers Week 7 HOH Results “If you want to put me up put me up”

Zach has a poem for Nicole

Roses are red, violets are blue
Roses are red, violets are blue
Your glasses are really cute, just like you
Ever since Day one I’ve had a huge crush cause you’re best
and the way I prove it is because I have no hair on my chest
I’d go on one knee right now and tell you I want to be with you forever
But instead I decided to write you a love letter
This letter is waiting on my desk at home

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Big Brother 16 Spoilers – Week 5 summary of Events and HOH/Eviction results

  • Brittany is evicted by a vote of 10 – 0 Zach and Frankie win the HOH
  • Lots of plans are thrown out there and every single combination of pawns is considered. Zach goes full wildcard (here, here and Here ) says he’s putting up Christine and Nicole, He calls Christine a floater says she does nothing for the alliance. She lays around giggles and cuddles Cody.
  • The target is ultimately decided to be Caleb, Amber or Jocasta depending on how the BOB and POV play out

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