Big Brother Canada 3 Week 5 Summary, Eviction and HOH results

What a week we just had, You can’t call Big Brother Canada 3 boring and predictable any more. A lot went on this week it was easily the best week so far for BBCAN3. I’ve tried to compile the complete week’s posts with all the videos enjoy 🙂
Summary of events

  • Johnny was evicted from the Big Brother House by an unanimous vote. Says in his exit interviews he’ll blow up Zach’s game if given the chance to come back in.

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Big Brother Canada 3 Episode 2 Eviction Risha vs Pilar

Monday’s premiere showed the 16 House Guests entering the house for the first time. They soon found out that the house is a) Amazing and B) lacking their personal belongings, food and furniture. The details were vague but from what they were told on the show they will have to earn these items. The other twist of the season was for the houseguests to each nominate two players for eviction. The two houseguests with the most votes will be nominated and given the chance to play for the Power of Veto.

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LIVE FEED SPOILER LEAK – Evicted house guest & HOH Winner REVEALED during the live feed BLACKOUT!

11:54am – 12pm During the live feed blackout there is a leak where the live feeds are turned on showing the house guests moving around the house. The leak reveals that DERRICK WON the HOH competition last night after FRANKIE was evicted from the house. The house guests are dressed to play in the veto but have NOT yet played!

Up in the HOH room – Derrick is putting on a back brace under his red veto shirt. Derrick then heads downstairs to the living room.

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Big Brother 16 Spoilers Rewind Episode

Most of the time twists rarely work out on BBUS and they end up BORKING the game. With that said as far as twists go I didn’t mind the BB rewind. The timing though was horribly wrong. They should have pulled it out during the Zach, Donny or Nicole evictions, one of the BIG fan favorites. Instead it happens near the end of the season and doesn’t give us anything other than one exciting episode on TV.

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Big Brother 16 Frankie wins HOH and they push the button

10:23pm Frankie wins the HOH they are contemplating pressing the button
The Card on it reads “The choice is yours it only takes one”
They decide to push the button a count down start

Derrick says there is something happening on Wednesday night. Cody and Caleb are excited they think it’s something good. Derrick thinks it might be a eviction, “It’ll be something that alters the game”.

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