Tyler “I know you’re trying to mend bridges but I think its better if people don’t see us hashing it out.”

POV: Kaycee Next POV: Aug 25th
POV Used NO POV Ceremony Aug 27th
HOH: ANGELA Next HOH: Aug 30th
Noms: Fes & Haleigh Have Not Fes, Haleigh, Kaycee

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8pm HOH room. Brett is giving Angela a private back massage. Angela – JC just comes barging into my room all the time. Brett – its his technique. Brett finishes up. Angela – that was amazing. I need you to help me with this (her bra). Brett – that’s not really my forte putting it back on. Brett – I think we’re in a safe spot. Angela – I can’t do anything tomorrow which sucks. I have to sit and watch everything go down. Brett – that’s a weird feeling. Angela – its terrifying. But right now the odds are .. Big Brother blocks the feeds. Brett – what if its a battle back? Angela – that would suck. Brett – that would f**king blow. There is not a single person that walks back in here that I would .. that it would even be remotely good for me. Angela – and considering I sent two out of the four home. Brett – yeah I get that. Were you really crying earlier? Angela – yeah it was about my diary room. I was talking about my sport and how it broke up my family. Brett – I’m sorry.

8:20pm Bedroom. Brett, Haleigh and JC. JC – I’m so bored. Halieigh – Would you rather? Brett to JC – would you rather have s#x with a girl? Haleigh – or never have s#x again? JC – Ughhh.. I don’t know. Brett – you’re so boring! Haleigh – would you rather get hit by a truck and survive or jump out of a seven story building? Brett – and what die? Haleigh – no you survive both. Everything is fine you break stuff. My answer is get hit by a truck. Brett – would you rather drink the sweat out of Fes b*tt crack… JC – oh my god.. the other one. Brett – or let Haleigh spit in your mouth. JC – let Haleigh spit in my mouth a thousand times. JC – would you rather make out with a boy hardcore or have s#x girl that shoves a cucumber up your a##. Brett – how big is the cucumber? I am not answering but I think you know what my answer would be. JC – would you rather lick Fes toes or have s#x with an out of shape 40 year old woman? Haleigh – what?! I’m not going to say it. JC – you would lick Fes’s toes. JC – I don’t like this game. Haleigh – okay we don’t have to play. I am sad. JC – we all are. Don’t let it consume you. Haleigh – I don’t want to leave tomorrow but I don’t want him to either. Do you know what you’re doing? JC – no, not yet.

9pm – 9:20pm HOH room. Kaycee and Angela. Angela – I don’t know why I am so sensitive right now. Kaycee – its okay, its hard in here. She talks about how her diary room got her upset talking about the repressed memories of her past and then JC made a comment that pushed her over the edge. (JC busted into the HOH while Angela was getting a massage from Brett and said this is going to make good TV.) Kaycee – I think it is so good that you let it out. It made you who you are today. Angela – I went for so long hiding. It feels so good to let it out. Kaycee – I am sure there are other girls out there going through the same thing you went through. Its a powerful story. We’re human its okay to have emotion.

9:40pm – 10:30pm HOH room. Tyler and Angela. Tyler – what’s wrong. Angela – I just can’t handle today. I just get irritated and tried everyone. Angela – everything is intentional. JC came in here while I was getting a massage made a big scene and said this is going to make god TV. It just made me so mad. Tyler – don’t let it get to you any more .. only today. Call him out on it. Big Brother switches the feeds. Angela – that was just a really f**ked up comment. Tyler – no one believed him. Haleigh joins them. Angela – I’m about to go do your GBM (goodbye message). Haleigh – just please be nice. I just hope Sam was nice. Just tell me you’re grateful that you met me. YOu know we’re going to be really good friends. You think I have amazing hair. Angela – I can’t wait to come to your.. Haleigh – ring dunk. Angela leaves to go to the diary room. Tyler – I promise you of all I know …you’re staying. I know you’re trying to mend bridges but I think its better if people don’t see us hashing it out. Haleigh agrees. Tyler – I think you’re going to go far because you really know this game and you’re a competitor. The competitions are going to be your style. Haleigh – I really, really enjoy your company and Angela’s and Kaycee’s. Its good to get a unified plan. Worst case scenario that random a## person (Sam) will put me and Angela up. She might put me next to JC. Tyler – she would put Brett or I up. She has been acting.. Haleigh – she’s been making comments about you and Angela. She needs to go Tyler. Tyler agrees. Worst case scenario she wins but we’re good competitors and she would need to get one of us to stay there. Haleigh – as long as she doesn’t win. Even if one of you win I’ll be fine with it. Tyler – it doesn’t benefit me for you to go.

11pm HOH room. Kaycee and Angela. Kaycee – There has to be a double. I think its going to be tomorrow. I just have a weird feeling. Angela – I have a feeling we’re good. I think Sam will definitely put Haleigh up as one person. Just as long as Sam puts up Haleigh and Haleigh puts up Sam. Kaycee – what about JC? Angela – JC would put up Sam and Haleigh.

11:17pm – 11:45pm Fes and Haleigh. Fes – You look beautiful. I won’t be able to kiss you for a long time. What are you going to do? Are you going to remember how to kiss? I know you kind of forgot after you had been in this house for a long time without kissing no one. Haleigh – shut the F**k up Fessie. You piss me off so bad. Haleigh – it pisses me off so bad that is something you would worry about. That you would think. Fes – I wasn’t worried about it. I am equipped. I don’t need you questioning me. Fes – well you know better than to question me. You’re looking at the REAL DEAL! Fes – my goodbye message will make you smile. Haleigh – good because I bet Sam’s is f**king brutal! JC’s is going to hurt my feelings. Fes – you’re not going home. Haleigh – I can think what I want. You don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. I will see you in the next 4 hours. Maybe if we get evicted together in a double eviction. I cannot live in this f**King house for a month without you. I will literally lose my mind. JC is the only person that I have that I enjoy but he is f**King erratic. Fes – what about Brett. Haleigh – Brett has his own intentions though. Fes – Brett is playing a really good game. He is good everywhere. And I would vote for him to win over any of them. Haleigh – I would vote for Brett to win over anyone but you, JC. Fes – I just like Brett because he’s been on the the block three times. Haleigh – I am fine with leaving tomorrow. I don’t want to leave here without you.

12:05am HOH room. Brett, Angela Kaycee and Tyler. Brett Kaycee – I have something that makes me speculate something too about tomorrow. Tyler – wait what?! Why? Kaycee – and I know its happening. Angela – why? Kaycee – they asked me if I won HOH who would I put up. They never ask me that. Angela – they ask me that. Kaycee – on a Wednesday night? We haven’t gotten past the first one and you’re already asking me about the next. Big Brother tells them not to talk about their diary room session. Brett – I cannot believe that Fes hasn’t even come up to me .. even with the most generic response. Kaycee – I think tomorrow is going to be a double. JC joins them.

1:50am All the house guests are sleeping..

Houseguests wake up

Feed Leak @1040 . the HOH competition for tonight. Feeds go down shortly after for HOH lockdown.


1:44pm Feeds are back..

2:03pm Tyler and Angela
Agnela saying that Sam came to her and asked who she should vote out. Angela told her to vote whoever helps her personal game.
A – she said I have no personal game.. i was like REALLY.. I don’t think it matter at this point
A – and she’s like you said Haleigh’s your target but you’ve been hanging around her this whole week
A – I was like, Honestly I don’t think I can beat fes in a competition so…
A – she was like, OK got it
Angela says she told her she can’t beat Fes in a competition.

Bret comes in Angela tells him the same thing.

Angela – last time I asked you to vote you didn’t why come to me now
Angela brings up how Sam voted to keep Bayleigh where she told Sam “Please vote out Bayleigh” and Sam’s reply “I’ll consider it”
Brett – doesn’t matter not a big deal either way

2:09pm fes and Haleigh
Fes – stupid a$$ f*ing game…
Fes – I’ve never slept in a blue bed.

Fes tells her to stop eating her hands.. “there’s no nail left stop biting.. ”
Haleigh – Please stop (no you please stop you have no hand left)

H – there up his today because he held the door open

Haleigh about JC and last nights door thing… “there in his a$$ today.. it’s like a big deal when he tied the door open.. Alison came and talked to me.. I don’t want him to get in trouble .. I understand… ”

2:14pm Tyler and Brett

Brett – I’m trying to get a read on JC to see where he’s at. He’s really worried
T – I know
B – He’s bugging out
T – he might be leaning the other way .. he might be leaning towards keeping fes.. he just doesn’t want to say it
B – no no no I mean after
B – he knows Fes isn’t staying he’s not stupid
B – every time i talk to him that all he says is how much he’s done (in the game)
Tyler mentions how JC calls it “our” alliance
Brett – yeah we vote together
B – he’s worried they are getting you (K and A)

Brett – I mean they just spend a lot of time together
Brett – he thinks Kaycee and Angela are working together .. he doesn’t think you are there yet
T – he has no clue about you and me though .. that’s why it’s so hard to figure out what to say
B – if JC wins HOH I think he might take a shot
T – I know.. but he won’t take a shot at us
B – Exactly.. we still have the numbers where we could win the veto and take one of them off
THey agree it’s too early for JC to take a shot (Helen said that also.. she kept saying up until production tripped her on that seasons battle back)
B – I’m like DUde we don’t need to do this.. that’s when he’s like ok lets stick to the plan.

For the bros on OBB ….


3:20pm Haleigh and Angela
Haleigh is telling her how everyone has reassured her she’s not going.
Angela – you aren’t going anywhere. don’t worry about it.. tonight you get to stand up give a shout out.. sit back down and play HOH
Haleigh says that even if it’s a double Angela is safe..
Angela – everyone is onboard with getting out Sam (Me and Scottie aren’t)
Haleigh – did you hear about the incident with JC and her last night.. it was… (F*ing GROD cuts the feeds)

Feeds go to reruns.. ceya all during the live Episode .
CBS sent up this..
Tune in the Live Feeds after tonight’s Big Brother 20 episode to see how the House guests react to the juror who battles their way back into the game. Plus, keep your eyes peeled because later tonight, the Head of household competition will also happen on the Live Feeds!

Big Brother 20 Live feeds    * 1-month free promo code ‘bingenow’ until 9/4 *

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165 thoughts to “Tyler “I know you’re trying to mend bridges but I think its better if people don’t see us hashing it out.””

  1. I’m wishing Scottie good luck tonight. He’s gonna make big movies if he’s in the house. He’s gonna make his way to the end and win.

    If Scottie loses I’m going to start campaigning for America’s fav.

    1. Well I’m certain that if you campaign for Scotters to be America’s fav he’ll probably end up doing five to ten in a penitentiary.

    2. I wanted Scottie to come back too until I read an interview that said he’d target Brett and JC. anyone next to Angela or Brett at the end will win. I would get rid of Tyler, Haileigh and Kaycee. Kaycee has the best relationships with everyone, and no one is targeting her.

  2. JC is now being portrayed as the bad guy to Angela and Kaycee because he said “this will make good TV”???!!! Cry me a damn river Angela, Jesus.

    Team JC, Kaycee, Tyler, Brett

    1. Sam has gotta stop snapping at JC. She doesn’t know what Hay And JC were doing. And she keeps repeating herself about it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. She’s upset because Brett gave Angela a super naked massage, says JC.

      1. I guess you’re not on Twitter. It’s the other way around. She didn’t snap at JC she helped Hayleigh and JC is spinning it like does. Making it like she snapped at him for nothing. Let’s open the bathroom door well you are in there on National television

        1. JC also tried tying the bathroom door open.
          Think you’d scream for production if a guy tried tying the door open with you going to the bathroom on live TV, Carlene??

      2. Sam snapped at JC because he opened the bathroom stall door on Haleigh and then left it open enough that she called out to production.

        1. On national tv on national tv on national tv on national tv on national tv on national. I guess people read/watch some and not all. What about the grapes kicking it off? It’s not Sam’s kitchen. She can’t allow you to enter when she feel likes. I guess she needs all the room in the kitchen even in space she’s not standing in. Damn can’t a dude wash some grapes off real quick.

        2. Exactly but you can’t win here. It’s like being in the house with L6

          She tries…. She’s crazy
          She’s quiet…. She’s a crazy
          She doesn’t eat……. She only likes HER food (Not everyone is use to healthy eating, I’ll bet no one on here knows what Hatch Green Chili is, so if I made it some might LOVE it but some might not)
          She cooks for everyone….. She kicked us out of the kitchen, who does she think she is. Why bring 3 bags of grapes when someone is making everyone dinner?
          She tried to play….. Let’s get her out
          She stays away…… She’s got to go she snaps at everyone
          She’s talks…. UGH she’s annoying
          She does talk…. UGH she’s annoying

          I give up. She can’t just be nice, she can’t try, she can’t just be herself she’s either crazy or playing the game

      3. And you can’t say she was in on it. If she was she would have just laughed not called for production. Plus not going for days and finally going you want peace. I can’t imagine going to the bathroom with a camera much less a braty little JC opening the door for everyone to see

        1. Per Spoiler Twitter

          Hayleigh DID complain to producers about JC refusing to close the restroom door on her though. It’s part of the convo happening.

          Discussions on JC happening NOW.

          If Tyler doesn’t formally complain to producers (he hasn’t), likely no removal just a warning. Tyler is already aware of what happened.

          But Sam is the crazy for “snapping” at JC

        2. Twitter Spoiler

          Hayleigh DID complain to producers about JC refusing to close the restroom door on her though. It’s part of the convo happening.

          Discussions on JC happening NOW.

          If Tyler doesn’t formally complain to producers (he hasn’t), likely no removal just a warning. Tyler is already aware of what happened.

        3. And let’s just say production shit the bed when picking Sam to enter the Big Brother house. For god sakes where is the screening for the wackos.

          1. For sure production loves itself a wacko. You just have to Google JC’s name and the “minion” footage pops right up, so to speak. JC, Vanessa, Sam, Audrey… I suspect casting got *exactly* what they were looking for when they put them in the house. Ratings and publicity, a wild and whackadoo house, controversy.

  3. Can anyone fill me in on how Angela’s sport broke up her family?

    Poor girl… that guilt had to be building up in her for so long. 🙁

    1. The gist was her mom sacrificed all her time & energy going to gymnastics practice & meets…. while her brother & dad rarely got to see either of them. Over time, her brother resented Ang for taking their mom away from him. (Ang was basically the golden child of the family)

      1. The problem is, it wasn’t necessarily Angela’s choice either. She wanted to have school girlfriends and act like any other girl her age, but she was pushed into gymnastics.

        1. Then sounds like to me that is wasn’t really her sport that broke it up. More like her mom broke it up by being a pushy “stage mom” so to speak. I don’t know the sport equivalent to stage mom.

          1. I don’t know… but from what I read it was just an all around weird situation where *everyone* hated it, included Angela and her mother. But the further they went, the more everyone felt obliged to keep with it. I think it was about scholarships and getting into a good school and it just kind of spiraled out of control.

            1. There seems to be a point of no return. She had trained for many years and seemed like she could do something with it. It’s like being a good plumber but hating your job. You make great money but hate waking up each day.

    1. Can’t wait to see Fes’ head explode at the thought of Scottie getting to spend time with “his girl”!

  4. JC held the toilet door open when Hay was inside. No question…JC is a really rude little bugger. Hay called for Production. However…Hay was in on the joke. And were apparantly laughing about it.
    Sam jumped in. Screaming at JC…( we all know Sam hates Hay..so Sam is trying to cover all her bases).
    I do think the house guests are onto Sam..and it seems she is rude to them all the time.
    I will say that I admire Hay’s game play. Prolly survival..but it is absolutely the right thing to do in the situation.
    Sam just annoys the hell out of me.
    I can’t BELIEVE how much I liked her in the beginning.
    Brett is also doing a great job.
    Things are going to get very interesting.
    Tyler’s plan is still taking Kaycee to final 2 if he makes it.
    He has NO idea how well liked Kaycee is.
    His best bet is Angela but he doesn’t see it a all.

    1. It’s all over the web about how JC was rubbing and kissing on Tyler while he was sleeping. Tyler even commented to Kaycee that he’s not sleeping with JC and how it makes him uncomfortable.

      1. I don’t understand why they want to keep JC in. I think he is rude and he is going to flip. With all that has gone on with him they should get him out next. Haleigh and Sam are easy to get out

        1. They needed JC until this week….now, not so much. EXCEPT that he will be the only one left in a few weeks who can’t win a physical competition. You need one pathetic comp person in the finals.

          1. And Tyler can’t be the one to send him to jury now or JC will be SUPER bitter & tell everyone in jury all of Tylers back handed game moves & taint them against him.

        2. Thus far, he has been a valuable asset to them through his manipulation, information gathering plus voting in L6’s favor.

    2. Join the discussion…I saw the clip (it was innocent to me) of JC when Tyler was turning in bed & from what I saw JC just turned at the same time, slightly touched Ty’s leg & hand, lightly kissed his hand it & pulled Ty’s bandanna back over his eyes, kindda like a parent would a child…now if he’s done this more than once or more, IDK

  5. OK…I have to figure out why I find it SO annoying when bossy women go into baby talk and being victims.
    First Kaitlyn…now Sam going all baby talk and clingy on KayCee.
    It’s just so fake.
    KayCee is very underated. She is the sympathetic warm person in the house..and everyone loves her.
    If Tyler goes to final 2 with her..KayCee wins by a landslide. Because this is one BITTER Jury.

    1. It’s not even really a question of bitterness. Level 6 is one big alliance that made decisions together. JC and Brett have been the ones doing the majority of the legwork for that alliance since about week 3 or 4. Kaycee and Tyler both stuck with a loyal alliance and made it to the end. Do you give the money that made a bunch of useless final 2 deals or do you give it to the one that formed actual bonds in the house?

      1. Yeah they did the leg work but Angela has won two HOH’s = blood on her hands, Tyler has won like 5 Veto’s and saved Angela and she saved him so don’t act like they have done nothing. Everyone in their alliance has a purpose and a role and that’s what makes it great plus the important thing, absolute trust!! Do you even watch???

        1. What the hell are you on about? Angela?? We’re talking about Tyler and Kaycee in the finale and who would win. Do you even read??

        2. Agree. Plus, I’m not sure L6 would have made it so far without the work and planning Tyler did in the beginning. He successfully infiltrated and manipulated Swaggy’s side. He knew when to push and when to back off so as not to expose the alliance and himself. Has he done things to protect his own game? Yes, I can’t fault him for that.

          L6 success has definitely been a team effort with each playing their role. When their backs were against the wall & they were forced to make a choice against an alliance member, I think they chose wisely.

          I also like L6’s attitude. They know it’s a game. When Kaycee and Angela were on the block together, K said it’s a game. .. it is what it is .. we just have to go out and win the hacker and then, the veto. Let’s go!

          The numbers are dwindling. I know they will have to make choices for their personal game but I hope they stick it out together for final 4. It would be fun to see 4 strong players from same alliance fight for win.

          Sorry for long post that probably no one will read. I’m bored … waiting for repairman and furniture delivery.

    2. I am Team Tyler all of the way —but this is truly one of the most bitter, childish group of people in years. (Rockstar, Bayleigh, for sure). However, are they smart enough to see that Tyler has been in charge or is he still the “dumb follower”?

    3. Yeah kaycee is likable however, in terms of strategy and what did you do to get to final 2, what she has to say isn’t pivotal. This Jury would have to be bitter as fuck to give it to her over Tyler, Angela, jc, or brett in a final 2 scenario. The truth is that Tyler has been more dynamic of a player.
      However looking at the morons who are in jury so far, it could happen.

      The different btw this season and the last, no-one (maybe beside bayleigh) has left hating Tyler, the way ppl left feeling about paul on his season.

      1. Yeah. Taylor is basically a nice charming guy with a cute twinkle in his eyes. To Bailey, he was an innocent wounded bird. She left angry but if Tyler is sitting up there with an L6 member, I would not be surprised if he had her vote. She may still have a little soft spot for him. Who knows? A lot may depend on how he presents his closing argument. The rest would follow Queen B’s lead with maybe the exception of Fessie. They need to get rid of Hayleigh at 1st opportunity because if she wins her way to final 2 with L6 member she could pull off a win.

        In truth, I think the Hive will be bitter and only for L6 is 2 of them in final. ????

  6. OMG. JC doing things to Tyler when he’s sleeping..and Now Fess telling KayCee that Hayleigh is like his little sister.
    I will say that JC is allowed to get away with a lot. He happens to be a person of short stature. That does not allow him to take advantage.
    He is a short normal human being. Very smart..very funny. A hella of a lot smarter than the tall Fess.
    Even so….JC. NO. STOP.

    1. Lot of buzz about what JC was doing to Tyler…CBS may be forced to act and that would eliminate the need for a double eviction.

      1. inquisitr.com/5050431/big-brother-20-jc-mounduix-caught-fondling-tyler-crispen-in-his-sleep-fans-demand-his-removal-from-the-game/

    2. That time Caleb was kissing on Amber while she was sleeping… and then CBS booked him on, like, 4 more shows…

    3. I don’t see the harm?? I watched the link below, and he put his hand on his leg and rubbed his arm, then fixed his eye cover. It looked affectionate, but not creepy, or intrusive…

      When I think fondled, I thought he cupped him or something.


      1. JC plays fast and loose with what is socially acceptable that’s for sure. In today’s twitter culture of outrage he committed a crime punishable by death. JC’s first incident was bad the second one was minor. Him holding the bathroom door open on Haleigh was the worst. I’m not sure what they should do..

        Foutte fans are calling for JC to be removed and two jury members to come back I think that would turn teh season Kraken.. If it’s serious enough for Haleigh and Tyler and they threaten to walk / press charges on JC then CBS needs to remove the monster. get rid of the double this season and just do the battleback or better yet don’t do that battle back and don’t do the double..

        1. They’ve been lenient, perhaps too much so in the past, but given the current investigation of the network CEO, I would have expected them to tamp this sort of thing down quickly this season.

          A couple of players got warnings over a few careless words, viewers got (mis)treated to warning labels and a portion of an episode because of the TMZ melt down over the meaning/use of a couple of words…but this kind of CONTINUING conduct appears to be ignored.

          I don’t think they should just throw JC out, or that throw it in the viewers face (again), but this kind of thing should be shut down. But then again, I never expected that the show itself, via Zingbot, would be calling a player a douche on a family show.

          1. JC also openly ate regular food & took hot showers during his first time as a have not & he wasn’t disciplined in any way, shape or form.

            Everyone else in the past has received a penalty vote when doing so.

        2. Not justifying or downplaying JC’s behavior in any way but CBS most likely won’t remove him from the game. However, at the very least, they should make him sleep alone in a bed. Right now, while there are still have nots, there are enough beds that no one needs to share. All season, people have complained about sharing a bed with JC because he hogs the bed, so I don’t understand why they continue to do so at this point. It’s hard to tell if Tyler was awake enough to know what JC did but If he is, he is probably embarrassed and doesn’t want to make it a public issue and just wants to avoid any chance of it happening again.

      2. Unwanted affection is intrusive. Nonconsent is no longer defined by the utterance of the word “no”, it is defined by no verbalized “yes”.

    4. It is hard to believe JC is an adult male. If he was average height he would not act the way he does and get away with it. He reminds me of a child mentally.

      1. Part of the problem is he’s playing this persona and everyone has a gray area because he’s gay and a little person and people see him as trying to be entertaining. Pam Dawber recently told a story about Robin Williams groping and flashing her all the time on the set of Mork and Mindy. She said it was all good fun because Robin was hilarious and his personality was such that the antics were more endearing than harassment.

        Not everyone can be Robin Williams though. Sadly Robin couldn’t be Robin Williams…

        Sorry that turned a bit bleak…I saw a cat taking a dog for a walk using a leash…

      2. Lotza…I agree. I think he uses his shortness as an excuse to be the way he is. It’s gross. I can’t stand the majority of this cast. I like the final four in Level 6 and that’s about it.

    5. OH MY GOD! I did further investigations, and I take back my previous comment. The man is a pig, and needs to STOP!

      I honestly could imagine me caressing someone in the middle of the night in my sleep, because I am used to sleeping with my husband and daughter. I am very touchy-feely, but the man is actually caressing him in a VERY CREEPY WAY!

  7. BTW…A FANTASTIC win by KayCee. It was not an easy comp..and was really an advantage to Fessie.
    I do understand fessie being upset…but KayCee is also a catcher…I say BRAVA!
    I do not *twit*..(well..not on twitter anyway ..smile
    But..Gosh. The people on there really do over react.imo.
    Wow…i really boggles the mind.
    I’m hoping for Scottie or Rocks to come back.
    I am hoping for Tyler to win it all…but..to be a really good player…he has to overcome the odds.
    If he does…then I put him in top 5 of all winners so far.
    Rocks hates him…Scottie, Hay Fess and Rocks see him as a threat.
    JC could turn..(unrequited love)
    Brett sees him winning and I do think Brett is smart and knows Tyler is a threat to his game..
    The odds are actually stacked against TYLER.
    Let’s see if he can do it. I I hope so. But he needs to be on his game..and at this stage..WIN a LOT of comps.
    Bring it Tyler.

    1. I’m thinking if Tyler makes it to the end, he will be humble and kind (shout out to Tim McGraw) towards the jury, which will be necessary to overcome the stupidity of the Hive and perhaps the saltiness of L4. I’d like to see Scottie come back. My husband doesn’t read this blog so when we watch the live show, I don’t spoil anything for him, He was convinced Fez had it, especially since he’s double KC’s size, has huge hands and long strides. I wish they hadn’t shown it with all the special effects and slow motion so we really could have seen them in action.

    2. Yep, now the game gets very real for Tyler. He does need to win a lot but he needs to win the right ones as well. Winning an HoH during the double eviction should be safe for him since he still has targets he can safely nominate without blow back but after that, having to make nominations is going to be more difficult for him. After the double he needs to win a lot of veto comps.

  8. The house is losing its pet when Faysal is evicted. I’m not calling him an animal, but he sure does act like one when things aren’t going his way. He is super cute, chases things in the house, gets his feelings hurt when he’s not getting the attention, pees on his territory, sleeps when he is bored, and is dumb as a rock. Sorry, that was super harsh. Fickle Haleigh won’t miss him too much, given Brett will be there to keep her happy. Many have said it, and my evil side agrees that Scottie returning would be great, just for the pure annoyance it would cause Faysal to know “his girl” is getting attention from both Brett and Scottie. Faysal hovers and casts a somewhat scary, stalking shadow. Since Haleigh has already expressed concern over her parents possibly not “accepting” Faysal, I think their relationship will lose ground. I don’t feel bad for Faysal. As a matter of fact, I admire that he is becoming more self-aware.

    Yet, we see another relationship heating up in Angela and Tyler. Tangela is growing closer every day and have a sweet affection for each other. “La La” has said to Brett and Kaycee that she isn’t interested in a romance for a while after the show, but I think that was just lip service. Tangela is already planning their trip to Hawaii and meeting each other’s families at the finale. I think they make a great match.

    Angela has walls up for a reason….said gymnastics made her so miserable, and then one day she just had enough and quit. She has said that she never talked about her emotions to anyone freely. When her mom would ask her a question, she would think and formulate a response that would not elicit further conversation. I’m so glad she has Kaycee to open up to (she talked with Haleigh about it, too).
    I honestly felt bad for Angela when she broke down last night. She is completely “on edge and fragile”. It’s obvious that she doesn’t like being portrayed as the “house bitch.” She mentioned that JC’s comments/joking about her being cold and insensitive struck a chord (I don’t think he even realizes how upset Angela is or why) as well as his “this will make good tv”. Her recent DR sessions focus on her childhood, which she said was “messed up” (12 years of competitive gymnastics from age 9 to 17). Angela said her gymnastics childhood was really hard (no childhood, in her words) because gymnastics was very serious and that it kind of broke her family up….she feels it’s her fault. Angela said her mom will “lose her shit” when she sees those DR sessions She said her gymnastics experience (coaches were very verbally abusive) changed who she really is….made her a cold person…someone who had to tune out all of the criticism and learn to not let it pull her down. She said she was horrible to her mother and never thanked her for giving ALL of her time/herself to Angela, sacrificing her relationships with her dad and brother; and she never said thank you to her mother for all the support. Not long ago, Angela confessed to a prior eating disorder and suffering from depression.

    I think one reason I really love this season is that there are some genuinely kind people this season. It’s endearing and refreshing.

    Kaycee is such an amazing person. I adore her, and I would be so completely happy if she pulls out a win this season. She reminded Angela that it’s totally okay to feel…to have emotions,,,to express them.

    The season is slowing down, but we have a jury member returning to the game soon to shake things up. The HOH will be exciting tonight, but it’s being preempted by freaking football here in Austin. I’ll watch through another venue….it’s just truly annoying. Wouldn’t it be interesting if Haleigh wins HOH. LOL!

    Lovin’ my Big Brother this season!

    1. I whole heartedly agree. You lose so much and of your childhood and growth when you start such hardcore intensive training for competitive sports at such a young age.

      As for Fes, even though he had such dumb abd clueless gameplay (still does) everyone seem to think he was a nice guy, myself included. Now, I just think he’s an asshole.

    2. I should really proofread before I post. Sorry for all of the typos. I need a full size keyboard. My fingers are too fat for a cell phone. I need a nap!

    3. Great post @Granny

      I know it’s more serious in nature, but wanted to suggest a different showmance name for Angela & Tyler ——- ****TangY

      My reason: because everything starts and ends with Tyler (tee hee)

    4. know you prob wont see this, but I was so looking forward to them doing a story on Angela, I think part of the reason they didn’t is because they had been doing the cold evil female edit with her… Seems some where along the line she slipped and said something then cut it off, because there not suppose to talk about it, she had said when she was called in this time to apply for BB, all they had left was evil edit,… she agreed to that, think they are not suppose to talk of it, anyway, I follow them online, and recently she was asking if anyone had a connection to publisher, so hoping she is writing her story, it would be helpful, I have identified with a lot of what she said.. and am still helped with her sharing of part of her story..

  9. I’d like to see Tyler and Angela in final 2 just to see them turn on each other in their final speeches

    1. Not going to happen. They can each try to win without “turning on each other”. I don’t get the thrill people get out of players who are close, turning on each other.

      1. They’re the final or five. They have dominated the house as a team. They need to either use the same tactics or devise new tactics against the other “bests” in the house. That’s why people can’t wait for the turn.

        That and the inevitable blow-ups and heartbreak…

  10. You think ur posts are funny, but they aren’t and your repetitiveness of the same perverted crap is old already. No one cares about ur purple panty fixation. Please get some help or a gf and give ur hand a break!

    1. Again, you’re not funny. You are the only one laughing at your stupid sad posts. I don’t hate you, I pity you. You are obviously a sad and lonely poster who can only get a girl through fantasy. 🙁

  11. -You may be right about Tyler. We will have to wait and see- the game keeps changing.
    -Now Fez ‘fell head over heels’ is in doubt. If you recall at the very beginning of the game, Fez was checking out all of the girls and Swaggy told him to go for Hay to firm up their alliance.
    -Also Hay said she didn’t mind flirting to go far in the game. We know none of the other girls (aside from Sam) are interested in Fez and he is lazeeee- Hay is convenient- love the one you’re with.
    -Brett was in a bromance in the beginning and is way behind on relationships and flirtmances.
    -JC is playing the role of Capt Chaos, but that will soon bite him if he’s not careful.
    -Sam is crazy like a fox- quitting smoking during this high stress game? Could that be an excuse for crazy behavior and snapping at others? Will her strategy work?
    -KC and Ang need to win comps if they want to win this game.
    -RS is my insane pick for jury battleback. She will be more entertaining than the others and they get rid of some othersbefore they have get her out again.
    -BTW Fez said Hay is like his sister- what kind of sick family…
    -The fun continues

    1. Both Kaycee and Angela have won comps. Kaycee just won the veto and previously the hacker comp. Angela has 2 HoH’s to her credit. She also had a veto left for her. Both of their comp resume’s are as good as anyone’s.

      1. Tyler has 5 comp wins. No one else has won more than two. There is still time left for them to catch up, unless Tyler continues to win more. Tyler won 4 veto comps and 3 of them were in a row (week 5, 6, and 7). If Tyler wins the next veto comp, he can honestly say he has won half of all the veto comps.

    2. KC and Angela have stepped up their game and are winning comps. Besides Veto win, she also won hacker, keeping it secret from other side. Angela has 2 HOH wins.

    3. Fes says Haliegh is like his little sister because even at this stage he’s trying to hide the showmance in hopes it won’t hurt her game once he’s gone. Haliegh was just the only girl that would give Fes any play. He got shut down by several including Angela, so he hooked up with the girl who was looking for a big dumb guy she could control to keep her safe. She used her wiles to keep him whipped while leading him around by the nose, but flirting with the other guys to hide the showmance and to crack the whip on Fes when he got too big for his britches.

  12. “Tonight, four bad players get to compete for the opportunity to suck at the game some more.”

    I can’t take credit for it but when I read it I loved it…despite the coffee on my screen.

        1. My wife follows Dr. Will’s tweets and that was a post from someone else to him. Dr. Will himself made this comment that I (also) thought was spot on:

          “Can all @CBSBigBrother #BB20 fans take just a brief moment to acknowledge an obvious truth: This is a fascinating group of HGs and it’s been at least thirteen years since we saw such solid gameplay!”

          As for the site being broken, I didn’t look in but a few minutes after the show and it was fine.

  13. Brett: (about Ang’s bra) “That’s not really my forte…putting it back on”

    HAHAHAHA He cracks me up…Brett for the win!!!

    1. Brett is awesome, I’m hoping a Level 4 member wins the game but I could live with JC too. As long as it isn’t someone from The Hive or Sam.

        1. LMAO…that would be hysterical. Just need Brett to win a couple more things that I can start advocating him as the deserved winner of BB20. Right now…he’s still just who I WANT to win lol

        1. Are you employing one of the hivesters to help maintain the site? If so, I’m amazed the entire internet isn’t burning.

  14. inquisitr.com/5050431/big-brother-20-jc-mounduix-caught-fondling-tyler-crispen-in-his-sleep-fans-demand-his-removal-from-the-game/

    This is just one article, there are many others and one that came up on my yahoo news feed.

    What do you guys think?

    1. They won’t remove JC. They never remove players unless there’s a legitimate, physical danger or they’re damaging studio property.
      Caleb was brutally stalkerish and abusive to Amber. Kissing her while she slept. They booked him on about 4 shows afterwards.
      Aaryn from BB 15 (not doing her the dignity of Googling how to spell her name)… there are 20 minute montages of her being spectacularly racist.
      Danger, not disgusting.

    2. Wow… this is the first I had heard of it. Disgusting that it happened and even worse that its recorded for the world to see. There is no denying it. I guess this makes it obvious why JC is so intent on getting rid of Angela. JC being expelled could impact the other players game and would also mean they are a player short since they already planned a double eviction.. so expect a “rewind” if that happens. There have been other incidences in the past seasons that seemed bad enough for production to step in and they didnt so, I dont see them doing anything about this either. Sadly, many will blame the “victim” and say he knew JC has a crush and shouldnt have been sleeping in the same bed with him in the first place. Its hard to protect yourself if you are asleep and you should be able to trust that unwanted touching would not take place when you are being videoed 24/7 especially. Im curious if Tyler will be told what JC did to him in his sleep by Production or if he knows and is just not telling KC.

    3. If it had been a man doing this to a woman their ass would have been thrown out (it’s sexual assault). JC has always been inappropriate with the others. He was yelled at by Sam and Production for opening the bathroom stall door on Hayleigh and leaving it open. Yes he should be booted out.

  15. Fes is creepy. . He’s always trying to manipulate Hay into a make out session. He’s a big selfish baby. Hay is trying to salvage her game and all he wants is to corner her off alone and make out. I don’t blame Hayleigh for being rude to him.

    1. Fes threw away his game for swaggy. Two guys that thought they were the alpha males in the house are both too dumb to pull off a good social game let alone win the whole game. Fes let swaggy tell him what to do from the beginning and then when a woman tried to help him in this game, he doesn’t listen to reason…

  16. I disagree about fez. Fez’s dialogue is insecure, controlling, and manipulative. He is constantly needing reassurance; do you love me, is it real, I am real, blah blah blah. He thinks he is better than everyone, and he is spoiled. I also think he has an ingrained prejudice against women. He may be nice, but these things really turn me off. However, I think hay is insecure as well, and it boggles my mind they are together. I dont know if they enjoy being toxic together? I just dont see any real chemistry between them. Just like real life, they can’t admit there is nothing solid, and hope something will magically happen.

  17. Fes – You look beautiful. I won’t be able to kiss you for a long time. What are you going to do?

    She is going to be kissing Brett you dumbfuck!

  18. Is it true that the perverted midget tried to bum rush Tyler while he was sleeping??? Will law enforcement be investigating? This lil monster has slapped women in the face drawing blood, thrown food in their faces, and now allegedly assaults Tyler prison style. What else does he get to do. Will he be pimping out houseguests and dealing drugs next? jus sayin

    1. Apparently he rubbed Tyler’s leg and arm and adjusted the sleeping mask thing. I’m not sure if there was anything more than that.

        1. I just read it- I am not sure -I wonder if CBS will at least mention it- if he goes do you think Fes and Hal will stay and no Battle Back ???
          I think it will depend on Tyler and Hal

  19. JC – would you rather make out with a boy hardcore or have s#x girl that shoves a cucumber up your a##.

    I think JC is getting more and more twisted. BB needs to step in before he starts acting on his sick fantasies.

  20. Let’s be real. Rockstar and Bayleigh have said the worst things about other HGs. All of them talk behind others backs but those two have gone way overboard. Bayleigh’s little tirade was unbelievably brutal and Rockstar’s tantrums over Brett and Angela have been disgusting. Angela had a bad GBM for Rockstar only after she found out that Rockstar had been calling her an entitled bitch who uses her body and looks to get whatever she wants. I like Hayleigh but she is the one who admits to doing that. How many times has Hayleigh said “I’m gonna put on my bikini and flirt with (whatever guy) to get them to do what she wants.

    1. Exactly! I was going to say the same but believe you have it covered. Only thing I would add is Hayleigh appeared to go along with it.

      On another note, besides Fessie being pouty, delusional, jealous & arrogant he is also controlling, possessive and a super creepy stalker. He’s not even a good stalker because it is so very pathetically obvious. Having said that, since they appear to be committed to having a relationship after BB, should she be cuddling with Brett? I understand that she needs to work on social gameplay and Fessie is being an ass about that. Don’t you think Haleigh takes it a little to far with Brett? I don’t think I can blame Fessie for being upset about that.

  21. Will Fes ever know what happened this season even after watching the TV episode when he gets out? Something tells me he will never truly know and will just jump on whatever narrative Swaggy/Bayleigh and the Foutte mafia on twitter will feed him.

    what do you all think?

    1. I agree! It was like last year when Cody won AFP and then Christmas said she wasn’t going to go back and watch the season. I’m sure she eventually did, but right afterwards she said she wanted to remember things her way. She was really pretty floored that the viewers did not like her group. I remember how many times she said she thought her or Josh would be AFP. Some folks just cannot be reality checked, no matter the evidence.

        1. ME TOOOOOO…I get sick when I think about it. Why, you ask? Well, because BB has always been my fave show and last season I was at the edge of the cliff, pretty much decided not to watch it anymore, but then decided one more chance hahaha

    2. Totally Si…I don’t think he will truly understand it. Just like u said, w/e Swagz tells him, he’ll run wit it. It’s so sad cause I liked him from the start, still do, he’s just clueless. And he does think Hay is his and gets way too jealous, way too quick.

  22. Halieigh is doing a good job integrating. She knows she’s “dead HG walking” but she also has confidence in herself to keep playing the game! As opposed to Fes, the victim, having his damn pity party. I don’t think he’ll ever get over losing to Kaycee.

    Just to teach Fes a lesson, I hope his pissy attitude effects him in the Battle Back! I want anyone but Fes to win! He’ll be so angry when he gets evicted, that after Julie yells him to get ready for the Battle Back right now, does he even have the wits or maturity to get his head back im the game??

    My preference for returning, based on attitude toward the game: Scottie, Rockstar, Bayleigh, Fes. And then whoever it is, if “they” or Hayleigh don’t win HOH, are on the block and back out the door.

    1. Hayleigh would be great in a zombie movie.
      Hay of the Living Dead
      Zombie 1: Braaaains! Braaaains!
      Zombie 2: Braaaaaaaaains!
      Zombhay: Fingers! MY fingers!

    2. He thinks his eviction speech is going to make all the remaining HG hate Angela….as if they cared.

  23. So, what news articles today have my sarcastic soulless inappropriate inner demon voice saying is “oh, so now tyler is a member of metoo?”
    Haleigh complained about the prank, we heard her call for production.
    Tyler has only ‘complained’ to Kaycee, but most likely hasn’t made a big deal about it to production.
    Is Tyler so much more interested in the money, and keeping numbers on his side, than any discomfort he may feel? That would actually fit with my demon voice’s thought.
    Okay. getting off soap box… but not going to burn it, because it’s probably going to be needed a couple more times.
    If spoilers are true, and the comp tonight is similar to the season 17 spinning on a rope comp (an endurance comp that lasted about 9 minutes with vanessa and dmac being the last two on the rope when the feeds returned from episode credits) what can we expect?
    Personal opinion: while Toxicstar has an advantage of lower centre of gravity, i doubt she has the upper body strength to stay on the rope long. The only way Festering Fes has the advantage is if his bulk causes the rope to spin less, but if he gains too much inertia like a wrecking ball that could work against him… but if the comp lasts longer than a half hour, his bulk will work against him. At least they let him break have not rules with hot showers, sneaking food in the bathroom, and staying in bed all day so he’s rested up. Bayleigh… not to be crass, but depends on whether or not the bunny died. Scottie did well on spinning himself in the veto comp when he was hoh. If he has enough strength to go along with his lack of bulk, he could swing fairly quickly. Most of the passive endurance comps I give the over all advantage to more wiry smaller competitors, and in most cases for such passive comps, i usually think healthy women will do well. By passive i mean standing in place instead of active movement.
    Other house guests: i wonder why kaycee was asked by production in d/r “if you won hoh who would you nominate.”
    I think the people that did well on the wall have the advantage in the rope comp… unless they react poorly to vertigo.
    Inner monologue inappropriate voice says,”maybe JC will spin like a tasmanian devil pendulum and fly into a wall, that would be entertaining, and karma would take care of future articles for a couple days.”

    1. It doesn’t appear to be much of a secret. Even the other brow (still attached) seems to know about it…..”BAYLEIGH is returning omg they don’t stand a chance all this girl does is balance & center herself. She doesn’t get dizzy easily. It’s ovaaaaa’

    2. The way TPTB worded the battle back it seems there may be two separate competitions as they mention “Tune in the Live Feeds after tonight’s #BB20 episode to see how the HGs react to the juror who battles their way back into the game.” READ: winner comes back into house. prior to HOH (spinning discs)/

      Adding further evidence is the picture looks like it incorporates lanes, balls and pushing a button implying some sort of race. TPTB also noted the HOH would be on live feeds LATER tonight.

      While Scottie appeared to be the best suited for spinning comp if this is a dash/throw balls BB back comp it favors Faysal who at 6’4″ is significantly taller than the other jurors (think his stride in the slide-N-slide in comparison to everyone else.

      *but for 8 puzzle pieces throwing off the resident soothsayer & this comp never happens.

      1. well you were correct about the separate comps. I had just assumed a rehash of season 17. we got a dumbed down version of a season 18 comp for battleback (it was 8 balls that season).

  24. Showing late in my area due to football. Earlier in season there was a web site where I could watch online. I have forgotten name. Help, anyone?

    1. Allison Grodner is going to do the dance of the seven veils. The last juror to look away wins.

  25. People keep commenting on how L6 is going to be bitter towards Tyler as they get evicted but I don’t really believe that. Yes, they all want to win, but I think they are so successful as an alliance because they know it is just a game. They don’t get emotional and don’t make it personal and they all know there is only 1 winner. They are all good friends and I think in the final 4, they would rather be evicted by each other than by someone from the Hive. This is probably why Tyler shuts JC down when he tries to target Angela and Kaycee. JC who constantly behaves like a petulant child and is obsessed with Tyler will definitely be bitter but I just don’t see it happening with L6. All 4 have won comps so I think it will be equally competitive without it having to get nasty. Some might think that is boring but it will be interesting to see how the final 2 convinces the hive side of the jury to vote for them. Out of the 4 of them, Kaycee would probably win against the other 3 unless the jury makes their judgement based on game play (comp wins + social). However, that is unlikely considering how personal the Hive has made everything. I think Tyler would win over Angela but I think the most unknown would be Brett vs Tyler. THAT would make an exciting finale!

    1. I agree. I really have not thought much about a Tyler and Brett final 2. That would be really entertaining.

  26. How will Tyler not win this game?

    Even If a foutte member wins HOH would they be able to take him out?

    If Haleigh wins I bet Sam goes home.
    If Fes wins I bet Haleigh goes home. (or whoever is working close to him)
    Rockstar would target Angela and Tyler but would lose the veto the renom would be someone on her side and they would go home
    Bayleigh would target Tyler and Angela so she might stop them..
    SCottie would nominate?

    So there’s tons of unknowns.. .even if half the things I said were jokes.

    Think bacj at the season it’s been one long joke.. I you would have told me last year that there was a season of big brother like this year I would have thought it was a joke scripted season.

    1. …and all despite the best efforts by production to level things out.

      About the only thing more they could have done for Kaitlyn would have been to zoom in on her face so you couldn’t see and extra pair of hands on both sides of her putting the puzzle together.

      If product were to orchestrate Bayleigh’s return, and declare her app as still good, she could take out either Tyler or Angela (my money would be on her targeting Angela) but she’d be gone soon thereafter.

    2. joke scripted season? I thought you skipped bbcan6. semi-joking (but more than semi serious).
      before doing interviews with bayleigh, i think Rock would have targeted Brett and Tyler. but I can def see the Angela Tyler too.
      Fes would accidentally pull a Nick of Nick and Phil and offer to go on the block himself. I doubt production would stop him.

    3. Has his gameplay been so subtle that he won’t convince enough of the jury he really played the game, little wounded bird with no friends.

  27. I truly think Fes will be returning. But. Bayleighs app is still good til final 8. Will they still let her use it if she comes back ? Could be pretty interesting if they want at least one power app to cause some drama. Everyone knows about it but there’s nothing anyone can do to stop it if she returns. I would prefer Scottie but my belief that BB manipulates the game for the most drama says. Fes or Bayleigh and they allow her to still use her power app.

      1. Duh…do I feel Fessie.

        What do you think? I don’t recognize it (all together) but is it going to be used for two different games; the battle-back and HoH?

  28. (From my morning post – an ode to today’s evictee)….

    Mirror mirror on the wall
    Why oh why did I drop the ball

    I know you’ve witnessed me get lost this week in my sleeping beauty tale
    I’ve been dreaming of starring on the Bachelor which is why I need to bail

    Tonight Rocky, Scooter and Bay join me as we attempt to battle back
    But in my role of Pouty McFesterson I’m about to get the final sack

    I’m so annoyed I’ll have to stand and hang on to a spinning disc.
    As a football hero I told TPTB catching balls was my top comp wish.

    So, as I watch Scooter get his second shot walking through that BB door
    I’m besieged with thoughts of Brett and him crawling all over the one I adore

    With my swagger renewed I exit BB with no more finger pointing or blame
    Hand me the soap opera role and roses so I extend my 15 minutes of fame.

    Don’t ask me about nominations or votes because they’re still a mystery
    I just know I’ll be remembered even if it’s the worst BB player in history.

    I exit anticipating my reunion with Swaggy C
    Just remember season 20 was all about me!

  29. First Simon…thanks for the ang gif. LOVE IT! Second…lit-er-ally can’t stop laughing at YOUR response to Hay saying “Please stop” (to Fuzzball)

    Simon: “No you stop, you have no hand left” OMG ROFL :p

  30. Do the evicted houseguests see all of their goodbye messages or just the ones that BB airs during the episode?

  31. Anyone hear of alligations of JC groping/kissing Tyler last night while he was sleeping? This after Tyler said he didn’t want JC sleeping in his bed. I also read another blog and it’s all over that. Calling for CBS to intervene. I don’t watch myself, see anything?

  32. I Can’t wait for BB tonight gonna be great!!! We will get to see HOH on live feeds.

    *** For all those who don’t have live feeds your gonna wanna get them for tonight, plus cbs has added a bonus where you will get ONE Month FREE with the promo code (BINGENOW) instead of the one week free n then it goes to $5.99 after the free month that’s pretty much the rest of the season for free .. What you waiting for go get them feeds so you dont miss anything and plus you can do it right here on this site n help Simon n Dawg out by doing it… #team level 6!!! Let’s Go!!!

  33. I agree about tyler, he has a pretty good read on people, except for woman that like him, Bayleigh had a crush on him, and that is why she was so hurt, also think she has some personal/emotional problems. But that is something else, she really liked him, and using that as strategy was not a good idea, I could see it would bite him too, and kept thinking, he was trying to get rid of her before jury, also he is young he has good ability to forgive others, but has yet to learn, that he needs to read peoples emotional abilities in life also, others are not so Altruistic as he is.

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