HOH Part 1 Of 3: Monte Vs Turner Vs Taylor
Part 1 Winner: TURNER
HOH Part 2 Of 3: Monte Vs Taylor
Part 2 Winner: ?
HOH Part 3 Of 3: Turner Vs Part 2 Winner
Final HOH Winner: ?
11:40pm The live feeds return – Turner won part 1 of the 3 part HOH!
Taylor – oh my god! That was just really crazy ..to one be a part of and two to watch you guys. Turner – I can’t believe I won the one spinning comp we had.. I just figure that is f**king insane! Monte – yeah. Taylor – that was a big grip one. Monte – I think it was yeah more grip .. I think it spun for a little bit. Turner – the toss was way harder. Taylor – the toss was ridiculous! Turner – the spin was not bad at all. Taylor – the spin was chillin’! I was like oh a break! Monte – I know right! Turner – there was one part near the beginning that I thought was tough.. the hang.. I was like this can’t keep happening!
Taylor – oh my god picking up a fork and a knife is difficult! Wild f**king day! Turner – I thought going into that just like the wall.. I thought you were going to take that because I thought Monte might have been too big and I thought you were just fit on that thing. Taylor – yeah.. but once it started bucking it was just.. Turner – if that whip didn’t happen do you think you could have had it? Taylor – yeah. Turner – f**k it .. got tomorrow (part 2 against Monte). Taylor – got tomorrow! Got tomorrow! F**K IT! I was definitely like Monte is too big for this. I thought the spinning was going to be too much for you. Turner – yeah. That sh*t was disrespectful! The bucking! Turner – I do wonder how Brittany would have done in that. Taylor give him the look below. Turner – I know she wouldn’t have won it. I would have just wanted to see how someone with a build would have done in it. Turner – I feel like in my head I can picture all scenarios what jury vote would go where but I have no f**king idea what Terrance would do with his? I feel like he has no affinity towards me, you or Monte. Taylor – it would go to Monte.
Taylor and Tuner talk about how the final episode will go. Taylor – Two comps, third live comp, eviction, then the 9th juror goes out and meets the jury, then you have to do the whole speeches, and then vote, and then don’t they do the whole here is what happened this season, and then reveal the vote. Turner – and then America’s Favorite Player. Taylor – YEAH… Michael. Turner – do you think so? After that whole Brittany, Michael, Kyle thing?! Taylor – AhHHHHHAHhhhahhh… Turner – I really don’t know. Taylor – Joseph then. But the cheers that Michael got when he went out. Turner – those were huge! Taylor – massive!
12:15am Kitchen – Taylor and Turner.
Taylor – she (Brittany) admitted to the vote. Turner – oh really? When? Taylor – when we were back there talking for a while and you guys were playing cards. Turner – what did she say? Taylor – I said that you guys were trying so hard to convince me that you were the vote.. can you believe that!? And she was like still Wow .. I can’t believe it. I told her what the worst thing I said about her.. it was before we knew what her job was and we were like what is she lying about. I was like who would wear their wedding ring.. like is it real, is Steven real?! I told her I said that and she laughed. And then she was like you know I really hope we can watch back and still be friends because we both had to say somethings to get where we are but it was always going to be to protect you. And then she was like there is going to be something that you are really not going to like and I was like oh you voted me out didn’t you and she nodded and said yeah. And I just cracked up because it is f**king funny. Turner – I am glad she admitted that. I am very happy she admitted it. Did you have any doubts it was me? Taylor – I did. I was over analysing EVERYTHING!
12:30am – 12:56am Turner tells Taylor about how he wants to steal the cat tray in the bedroom. He thinks everyone should take something. They head into the other bedroom and look for the snow globe. Taylor thinks Brittany took it. She said that Michael wanted something and she thinks its the snow globe. She said that Brittany is planning on giving it to Michael at his wedding but said she will have to have a conversation with him first to make sure they’re still friends. Turner and Taylor head back to the kitchen and chat about random things and past events of the season.
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Serves him right. 🙂
He won Part II, so…..
Bye, Taylor.
YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monte for part 2 !!
Let’s go !!
You know who wouldn’t have won that comp?
Has that sunk in for Taylor or Monte yet? Does Monte care?
Something that annoys me btw:
House guests that don’t know their season history forward, backward and sideways.
Not that it has mattered this season reallllly. They’ve only had ONE days comp.
Usually by now there’s been three, and the second part of the HOH is usually the fourth.
The third part? Has usually been juror knowledge, but recently some house history has been creeping in.
With the number of down days where they have nothing to do? Not knowing the days is gross incompetence.
Yeah it was a dumb move to keep Turner he is gunning to win this now
he sabotaged his chances at kyle, michael, and alyssa’s jury votes, never had jasmine’s, and is unlikely to get joe’s. he’s actually pretty safe to take to the end.
Yeah but if Taylor or Brittany win they are taking each other to F2. Now even if Monte loses the comps both Taylor and Turner are taking him to F2. Evicting Brittant was the best move for Monte
THIS is the part people keep missing. In order to win, you’ve got to be in one of those 2 seats first and foremost. If you’re not, you have NO chance to win, no matter WHO you chose to go to final 3 with!
“You know who wouldn’t have won that comp?
Has that sunk in for Taylor or Monte yet? Does Monte care?”
Q1 – Yes.
Q2 – Nope. Never will. Both too dense (either by way of birth or “dope” .
Q3 – Nope. He is concentrating on continuing to make his Pappa back home “proud” (” you know what i mean”)
We will see if my prediction of Turner winning happens. I do believe that Taylor would have known that. As far as Monte, he may still believe that he has a chance of winning over Turner while forgetting that he definitely would have won over Brittany in Final 2
He would of need to get there with her. She isn’t taking him. And Brittany wouldn’t have won part one but SHE Would HAVE WON PART TWO. In part 3 even a dog can win. So part 2+3 for Brittany – bye monte.
Part 2 often has a combo physical/mental component. Also, Brit is not a shoo-in for a mental against Monte. She lost that last veto to him bc her thinking gets very scattered and rigid.
The suspended HG wall puzzle is one that comes to mind.
does it matter? she’s in jury now. no one cares what we think “would have” happened. it is all speculation. now tell me, how sad will it make you if it is monte/turner final 2?
Maybe so, but in order to BEAT Brittany he would have to WIN the final HOH. If he doesn’t and he’s up against Taylor and Brittany, he gets 3rd place.
Given the final competition is almost always a mental one, and yes usually a crap shoot kind of know your juror competition, it’s the kind of comp Brittany would most likely do better at than Monte.
Nothing is set in stone, and Monte may lose to either Taylor OR Turner, but at least if he’s in one of those chairs, he has a shot. Taking Turner gave him the BEST odds of sitting in one of those chairs. It may not give him the best shot of WINNING while sitting in one of those chairs, but he couldn’t necessarily guarantee the best odds of both, so he had to choose the one that at least gave him a shot.
Now it’s gonna get interesting!!!!
Are we going to see Turner betray Monte too?
only if he is dumb
Really? Do you think Turner can win with a Monte F2?
In a Turner-Taylor matchup, Indy, Jasmine, Joe, Terrance and Monte would vote for Turner. Possibly Kyle, Alyssa, Brit, Michael would not. In a Turner-Monte matchup, Indy, Jasmine, Joe, Terrance, Taylor, Michael, Brit would vote for Monte – 7-2 Monte wins. Pretty sure Taylor conveys that the better odds for him are to go with her (and he’s already aware).
I don’t think that kyle is voting Tylor. Maybe only if he wants to show that he is voting for a poc.
He doesn’t need to blame turner for his end game. Turner was following the house atmosphere.
Turner vs. Taylor – Taylor has Alyssa, Kyle, Brit, Michael, and Jasmine on absolute LOCK (Jasmine can’t stand Turner, although she’s not high on Taylor either). I also think she gets Joseph due to the whole Dyre Fest shenanigans by Turner and Kyle. Turner probably gets Monte and Terrance. Indy unknown. 6-2 Taylor.
Turner vs. Monte – Monte gets Alyssa, Kyle, Brit, Jasmine, Joseph, Taylor. Terrance, and Indy. The only one Turner might get is Michael, and that’s because he’s bitter Monte got him, but he might be more bitter at Turner than Monte due to the whole “promise” thing, but what does it matter anyway? 8-1 Monte
Turner loses to both of them.
neither of them can win vs taylor. so the need to take each other if they have any brains. all the girls will vote taylor. michael will too. kyle will vote taylor if turner is sitting next to her in finals. others may vote for her as well.
The guys only have a chance with each other. Neither of them will win against Taylor.
it doesn’t matter what turner does, that jury segment last night really makes it look like he’s in a no win situation.
I think Turner is no idiot. He will kerp Taylor. Although Turner wins against both Taylor or Monte
You’ve got to think about the mind set of the jury. I’m thinking they’d give it to Taylor to make her the first female POC BB winner. Which irks me to no end.
I agree. I used to respect and like her until she used sex to persuade Monte to keep her. But I think she’d win against either.
Please stop saying she persuaded Monte to keeping her by sleeping with him. It just sounds ridiculous @ this point. ???????????????
Now MORE RELEVANT than EVER; given that she’s “in the back seat” AGAIN (no punt intended 🙂 ) under the attenuating circumstances relative to her !!!!
Oh, please!! Monte used Taylor. They used each other. I think it’s irksome when anyone chooses to have sex when there are cameras on them 24/7. I just don’t get it. Having said that, year after year, people jump on the wagon, slut shaming the women. Such moral outrage for the women. The men get a free pass! That is what really pisses me off. BTW, Monte is being an asshole about it.
“I think it’s irksome when anyone chooses to have sex when there are cameras on them 24/7. I just don’t get it.
Just take a pause, and reflect upon what you just stated.
Well, do you think for a moment, just for a moment, that while she was growing up, and attempting to learn (perhaps not) family, moral, social, religious, educational, artistic, literary, and ethical values, to name a few, that her neighbors to the left of her place of abode was Leave it to Beaver, and on the right The Brady Bunch ??
Objectively, her behavior would most likely be viewed as nothing but ghetto in MOST parts of the country, and by most people, such as yourself based on your observation and criticism.
She has demonstrated, by words or actions, to some, that she has a want for those personal attributes generally accepted by the majority as being “aspirational”and “desirable”, and ” admirable “. Same observation applies to the OTHER darling who now finds her a** in the jury house.
The consequences of her shortcomings typically manifest themselves later in life, and upon society as it burdens itself with her indiscretions.
“For a nickel I will”.
“For a dime I’ll let you do it twice”
“I used to respect and like her until she used sex to persuade Monte to keep her”
Now she’ll have an opportunity again (between now and next Wednesday) to use her “power play” with Turner AND Monte given that she’s on the last inch of her rope.
You will be ok
Maybe. Strong possibility that jury members are contemplating how “optics” might play on THEM later when they resume their lives in “The Real World” (the BB ancestor from MTV).
Makes sense for jury members to try to avoid in the future such bs as the following:
“You racist pig!!! You voted based of race. You voted based on sex! You voted (__________)” …. lol
Doesn’t June count as a woman of color? She’s asian and she won.
“Doesn’t June count as a woman of color? She’s asian and she won.”
What EXACTLY constitutes a “woman of color” ??? What are the enumerating attributes?? SERIOUSLY.
It would illuminating for us all if you could break it down for us, in analytical fashion, for the sake of intellectual and mental masturbation. SERIOUSLY.
Is “white” not a colour ???
Oh, but then we all could rant & rave how they should give it to a white male of the LGBTQ …otherwise it is just pure discriminatory of the jury.( being TOTALLY sarcastic here…I don’t truly go by that, but since Taylor is STILL spewing her racist idea of how it should be a POC (female) to win.) She is NOT deserving of a win….no one who is “carried” through a game should win…no matter WHAT race or orientation. Those who win comps &/ or play the actual game should be considered for the winner…not those who use a supposed sob story (or using sex ) to get there. But, we shall see…I know who I would vote for
Its aggravating to me as well but it is not a Racist Rant. If she won she would be the first women of color to win. That’s Facts!! Its no harm in wanting to be the first. The problem is being black women who makes it to the end does not mean that you are entitled to the win. When all you did was ride Michael’s coat tail just as much as Brittney. At least Brittney at times tried to think for herself. She has no game and is delusional if she thinks she does.
“Its aggravating to me as well but it is not a Racist Rant. If she won she would be the first women of color to win.”
Why use such vague and undefined euphemism like “women of color” for what she is, and call it for what it is: A Black female adult. There is nothing wrong with “FACTS”.
Why add to her possible identity crisis???
facts but it is the world we live in now. which is why monte and turner should know their only chance is against each other.
I agree. Turner will lie to still yet another HG and keep Taylor which will make at least 3 people on the jury that Turner has lied to. So if he’s F2 with Taylor she wins. And if he’s F2 with Monte, Monte wins. Turners resume is that of a betraying liar and I don’t see the jury awarding 750K for that!
Will Kirby also was a betraying liar and he won.
Will was next level though. No one was near his level.
He didn’t betrayed a lot of them. He was actually on the block beside a lot of them. They hated nicole as well. They also got to go hime to their families and relex lol
Dr. Will was a strategic and manipulative liar, who could look you in the face, lie to you, and have you feeding him cake with a spoon five minutes later. Turner is just a bad liar who leaves people mad at him and disliking him, with a desire to punish him for what he did.
Will was like the precocious child who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, but he’s so cute you not only let him keep the cookie, you gave him a second one. Turner is like the neighbor who borrows your power drill, doesn’t return it when he said he would, and when you ask him about it, he says either a) Somebody stole that from me last week. b) I lost it somewhere, but I’m still looking for it. or c) What power drill? He’s untrustworthy, has burned too many bridges and I just don’t see him winning because too many people just don’t like him much.
See the difference?
If Turner takes Taylor she wins, if Turner takes Monte Turner probably wins
“If Turner takes Taylor she wins, if Turner takes Monte Turner probably wins”
BUT what about if Taylor takes Turner AND Monte at the same time? Who wins there???
And for Brittany, it is impossible to win.
turner betrayed kyle, alyssa, and michael, was never all that close with jasmine or indy, while joe was much closer with monte and taylor (who also likely vote for each other). the only votes turner potentially gets are terrance and brittany.
“Are we going to see Turner betray Monte too?”
Well, I don’t know if I would use the word “betray” to depict Turner’s possible future actions (a.k.a. “strategy moves” or “big moves” here…lol).
The word implies a duty owed to another (or to a community), or some sort of transgression of confidence, trust, moral standard, etc. ARE THERE SUCH RELATIONSHIPS IN THIS TYPE OF BB ENVIRONMENT??? NAH !!! LOL
Provided Turner wins again (I’m not sure how this Part 1,2, and 3 are designed in terms of determining “game” outcomes), Turner will have that butcher knife ready (figuratively speaking…lol) (given that there was a past incident from a very early season, BB2 I think, whereby a contestant did actually place a butcher’s knife to another’s neck, and he (the guy with knife) was expelled from the program).
But getting back to Turner, it will likely go down this way:
Turner- Monte, Taylor (respectively), I love you both, but I’ve been trying to walk out of here with 750k in my pocket since day one. I didn’t come here to be kicked out. And so, to achieve my objectives, Monte, peace, love, but you’re out.
Turner – (ALL the blah, blah, blah of the BS above and possibly more). ….and therefore, I have to vote Taylor out.
The former “strategic”. The later possibly bonehead.
As to final jury decision /voting awarding the prize money, there may be a strong likelihood (or path) for Turner to win, and THEN, WE WILL HAVE AN UPROAR of how ” racist are those in the house who voted WHITE and not BLACK !!!!!!
That uproar is coming.
Something nice about the end of this season. Just watched the jury house when Alyssa’s telling them about Taylor sleeping with Monte. And all the members of the jury are smiling and laughing together. Which just goes to show, BB is a game and when they emerge from the game, they’re able to be real and look like they’re genuinely enjoying the moment.
And don’t worry about Joe – he wasn’t into Taylor at all.
Joe has a girlfriend back home, and he stayed faithful. It was mentioned via feed convos weeks ago.
Do you always trust what people say?
Ever heard of the phrase “Trust but verify” ??
I thought Joe looked upset when that came out so idk. I think he was into her.
I agree with you somewhat. Not sure how “into her” he was, but it appears he was at least interested and I don’t think he wanted to hear she was sleeping with Monte at all. Pretty much a big kick in the nutz to Joe, but I’m also of the opinion that it was a game move by both of them, so depending on how he feels about that (once they talk and determine what the true motive was) I guess we’ll see where things go, if anywhere.
Pretty clear Taylor and Monte are going nowhere.
Why is it almost every season, when a major competitor is finally in a position to be taken out, a dumb friend of theirs in in power and always chooses to keep the one remaining clear winner? Why?
Monte just made a $700,000 mistake by keeping Turner. Now he’s looking at $50,000 2nd place. Turner has a better track record and people on the jury love him. Where no one cared for Brittany on the jury and she doesn’t have a good track record. Which is what Monte could have argued on finale night.
Monte used the excuse to keep Turner as a shield during the season, but that excuse is nil now at top 3.
Wring move. Dumb dumb dumb
Because he thinks both Turner and Taylor will take him to final 2, (if he didn’t win final HOH), and Britt would take Taylor and Taylor would take Britt. And I’m not sure he loses to Turner…Terrance, Joe, Taylor, Michael and Jasmine will probably vote for Monte. Also 2nd place get 75,000
monte looks like he wins as long as he makes final, and taylor probably beats turner. the jury perceives turner’s game as too backstabby despite taylor’s resume being virtually non-existant.
I’m not so sure the jury likes Turner. He betrayed his promise to both Michael and Alyssa and has gained a reputation as a liar. I think Monte looks a lot better to the jury than Turner.
I see Monte as the winner if both are in F2.
I think 2nd place is 75K.
I hope Monte wins BB.
2nd place is 50K and a cruise.
no that is AFP
50K and cruise is for AFP
Isn’t $50,00.00 and a cruise for AFP winner…I believe so.
Whereas $75,000.00 goes to the 2nd place BB winner.
Although I don’t like Monte at all, I think he is considering this although I believe Monte, with his big ego, thinks he can beat them both. He must know that Turner has a better chance with the jury. Turner has always, or almost always, come away from the eliminations, looking like he is innocent or clueless.
yeah, but then people compare notes in jury and realize he wasn’t, and it’s gonna screw him because he still didn’t own it in his good-bye messages. the “house” decided bs he said to alyssa just cost him her vote and probably kyle’s along with it. michael likewise feels turner gave all the credit for michael’s eviction to monte so he’s leaning voting monte now. there’s a delicate balance to playing turner’s kind of game and it looks to me like he blew it.
Cause he actually was innocent. He didn’t intend for kyle , Michael and Alyssa to go.
nah, monte knows that if he keeps turner, taylor definitely takes him to final 2 and there’s a chance turner takes monte too. being in a final3 with brittany and taylor meant the final hoh was a must win for monte.
After last night, I hope that Turner Wins!!! Monte is not trying to play to win or he would have picked Britt and won part 1. Monte and Turner are not Cody and Derrick. Cody and Derrick never tried to blindside each other they were a real team. Turner is a lot harder to beat than Britt. Monte is only there because of Brit, Mike and Kyle situation. Turner has cut all of his major threats and only has loyalty to his F2 with $750k. So I would not be surprised if Turner wins the final HOH and pick Taylor. Because she floated to the end. She can not show any strategy at all. Wanting to make history as the first black woman to win. Is not a winning argument.
Monte would have won part 1. But Brittany is probably winning part two and three.
Last Night the Cookout were rooting for everyone but Monte. I wonder why?
So lame, Probably because monte went against tylor the first two weeks and isn’t so popular with the audience . . Looked like Xavier did wanted to say some good things about him , but was afraid from the comments they would get if they didn’t support tylor the most.
Cookout are all over Twitter, interacting constantly there. Taylor is the big fan favorite on BB Twitter which is why they are all huge Taylor fans. Monte not so much because of his actions towards her early in the game. That may not be the whole of it, but I think that’s part of it at least.
I was very surprised/shocked at how favorably the Cookout views Taylor. My read on her is that she is a vacuous airhead, self-centered, selfish, vain, shallow, petty individual. From the start the girls didn’t like her vibe and there is a truth in that. Her fantasy of how she would spend the money only on herself (car, clothes, a new glam life for herself) truly exposed her character. Nothing admirable about her.
Completely agree now with your assessment on Taylor. I initially liked her, as the season progressed all of those qualities you list became obvious. But throwing sex at Monte for the money was the finale for me having any respect left for her.
You know I agree that Taylor used the sex with Monte to try and advance in the game, but if you don’t think Monte did the exact same thing by having sex with her, than you are just being obtuse. The fact is they BOTH used it to try and get closer to the person they both felt they NEEDED to get closer to, to ensure they would make it to final 2. Monte wanted F3 with Turner and Taylor with BOTH picking him to go to final 2. Taylor wanted F3 with Monte and Brit with BOTH picking her to go to final 2. Taylor’s F3 didn’t work out, but it wasn’t for lack of trying, that’s for sure.
The sex between them was a way for both of them to try and cement the other person picking them to go to final 2 over the third person in the event they themselves aren’t making the choice. THAT’S IT! He’s just as guilty of it as she is, so stop making it so one sided. It’s just wrong to do that, when clearly he has just as much to gain as she does in any “gamesmanship” of any kind that may go on in that house, and while I may not agree with taking things that far to try to win, it’s obvious others don’t have a problem with it, and it’s not just females that do it. So, if you want to complain about it, at least be fair and acknowledge they were both gaming when they were “doing” each other.
“I was very surprised/shocked at how favorably the Cookout views Taylor”
They were told to be, and got $1 for complying.
Possibly jealous because Monte did not need an all black alliance to get to the end.
Taylor does not win she will get the boot.. Monte and Turner knows she will win.. Win or go home..
yeah, i think i’d like my chances sitting next to monte/turner better than taking taylor to the end if i was one of them. both of them played such similar games that there’s much less of a risk of bitter jury syndrome or that she pulls some crazy wild card argument that sways the jury like look how many times i was on the block or y’all a buncha racist sexists if you don’t vote for me. monte/turner’s pitch to jury is a kind of known commodity that i’d be much more comfortable arguing against.
Very much agree, Taylor is not the one to stand next to.
For sure she would win so I hope this rumor about Monte is winning HOH 2 is true.
Hmmm. Based on what I just read regarding the possible Part 2 winner, I am predicting that Taylor will be the final jury member
I hope so! She threw away self respect and I closed the book on her then and there.
Did you close the book on Alyssa when she threw herself at Kyle and sexually assaulted him until he gave in to her advances. Whereas it was completely consensual when it comes to Taylor and Monte…he made the first move. Plus, Taylor won 2 HOHs— Alyssa didn’t win a comp.
That being said, Monte and Turner will go to the final 2. Taylor will be AFP. Peace out…
There was no money involved with Alyssa and Kyle and the two of them cared for each other in a cute way. Monte and Taylor disliked each other all season, then Taylor used the sex to get him to keep her. It worked, until it didn’t ..
She never had self-respect !!!!!
Hmmmm…Do I see tears from Monte????
First person voted out of Survivor yesterday was? Yup you guessed it….
Yep, I figured it would be her. They need to keep strong in the beginning so the weakest has gotta go.
Not much choice there
taylor 3rd place? we love to see it!!
Rooting for Turner! Monte sucks. He is not half the guy he “thinks” he is. Can’t stand his narcissistic, egomaniacal character.
And I think the opposite, Turner is a lying scum, and I’m rooting for Monte!
The global tv article about final 3 says Monte won the second part of HOH.
Just in case anyone is still thinking rumor… The guy writing for the canadian network that airs the program says Monte won part 2. Given that the global coverage for both BBUS and BBCAN is the production narrative and spin put into words… I’d say it’s not a rumor anymore.
Monte definitely won Round 2! So glad! Taylor’s window of opportunity has narrowed considerably. Hope to see her walking to jury!
“Hope to see her walking to jury!”
Wearing her string bikini while showing not much to see??
Sorry, not doing a review of a recap episode. Not interested.
I’ll check in for the last 20 minutes to review the HOH part one.
Sounds like it was the same part one from last season, only hot dog instead of rocket ships.
Sounds like part two was, of course, an individual time comp. sliding with two comp names written on stars at a time, 30 total. Monte won by about 20 seconds. Another individual time comp for Monte. Just saying…. So Monte won both of the Individual time comps of the season… by only a few seconds each time? I don’t trust what you can’t see in full with individual time comps after season 21 (I didn’t trust them before, but 21 provided evidence stated on feeds that the times are whatever production wants. Kat Dunn comments about the stripping comp she won but production gave the veto to Jackhole, and the final Four minus Jackhole all talking about his tantrum making production reduce his time).
yes, i left out comics. we all know that one is questionable after season 23.
I think production is somehow involved in the outcome of some comps. After Turner won the 1st part last night, Monte was very down on himself. He went into the DR for almost 3 hours, when he came out he took a quick shower and went straight to bed without interacting with Taylor or Turner. It is a rumor swirling that sometimes they are provided scenarios and/or answers. My eyebrows raised when Michael’s belt “broke” in his final Veto competition.
denial is a terrible thing. we all know if anything production was pushing for taylor to win. she has just been outplayed by better players.
It’s ALL rigged for entertainment value.
Looks like an “homage” to the Cookout with hotdogs over a grill. I LOL’ed when they walked out and said “Looks like a BBQ” considering your name for Kyle’s quasi Cookout alliance speculation earlier this season.
Can anyone tell me exactly what Kyle said, I thought it was ” if Taylor goes over another cookout forms ” but I am now understanding it was something much worse. Can anyone tell me?