Turner “I am probably going to vote Alyssa out.. but don’t f**king tell Alyssa that!” *UPDATED*

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household:  Monte
Nominees: Brittany Taylor & Alyssa
POV Players: Monte, Brittany, Alyssa, Turner, Taylor
POV Winner: Brittany
Veto Ceremony: Brittany use the power of veto on herself. Taylor nominated

Lock your ranks in before midnight

Backyard Upper Level – Alyssa and Brittany
Alyssa – If there is something that you give me like a second chance I would really genuinely owe you my game and I would be able to be here and help somehow. Brittany – yeah. Alyssa – I want to be here so bad. Brittany – Yeah. Alyssa – you know how much this means to me. Brittany – I know. Alyssa – From all the tears and everything. Brittany – I know. yeah. Alyssa – no pressure at all. I am not going to pressure anybody or try and influence anything but please just be open to asking me questions and seeing if there is anything that I could say or do and if there is not just be honest with me. Brittany – yeah. Alyssa – because I won’t be like damn you.. I will be like okay, thank you for telling me so I am not blindsided. There is a lot to think about because Taylor has a great connection with you. She has a great connection with Monte. She has a good connection with Turner. It is a 750K every decision that is made. Taylor is one bada$$ powerful woman but that is also like.. Brittany – its hard too because you’re always thinking about jury management too.. if you’ve been working with people and you turn on that is that costing you the game.

7:35pm HOH room – Monte and Turner.
Turner – I just figured it would be easier for me to divulge my actual conversation with Brittany rather than with Taylor there because sometimes I don’t know what to share but I tell you everything so I was like I will just wait. Monte – yeah, what’s happening? What was the real shake down. Turner – so it was for the most part like that but I did learn some interesting things so I was just like but honestly I did pull her into the corner because I just didn’t want it to be all weird .. so I just wanted to talk it out because I knew she knew and I was just lie having a conversation about it .. but the interesting things I pulled from the conversation .. like I don’t know this is probably best not to say in front of Taylor but for no reason maybe it doesn’t matter. She was just like .. first she asked why I told people the information and I was like going to say well I have a final two with Monte and I tell Monte everything. So I was like I knew you were targeting me and she was like but how? And I was like Michael filled me in on the hammock conversation. I was like that makes sense ..that is the only plausible deniability I have. And she said well I highly doubt that. And I was like oh? Why? And she said because that talk we had in the bathroom was because Michael wanted me to talk to you and see where your head was at. And I was like that gave me some insight .. I don’t know if you knew that? Monte – I had no idea. Turner – And I don’t know if she is just trying to save her a$$… that is a very likely possibility. Because Michael was very specifically gung ho about targeting Brittany so I don’t think he would have just let that on if that was actually manufactured by Michael.. right?! Her trying to start the final two with me and tell me all that info was really something Michael wanted .. but I was like I don’t believe that at all. I am just going to let you tell me that because that doesn’t … Michael was way too on board with getting you (Brittany) out of this house.. and I didn’t even say that. I just said oh wow. She asked me where my vote was going to be this week. And I honestly .. I didn’t even know where the right place to be so I was like I am probably going to vote Alyssa out.. but don’t f**king tell Alyssa that. And I am definitely going to know if she tells Alyssa. I really wish she didn’t ask me that. Monte – I think it is fine. What is the benefit of Brittany going back to Alyssa and telling that. Turner – exactly.

8:15pm Brittany, Taylor and Alyssa chatting. Turner playing pool by himself. Monte is in the kitchen.

8:17pm Taylor and Brittany.
Taylor – did you talk to Turner about the vote? Brittany – yeah. Taylor – Everyone is on the same page? Brittany – yeah. (Voting out Alyssa) Taylor – page being keeping me? Brittany – yeah. He’s talked to you. Taylor nods. Taylor – its going to be tough for her to be 2 – 0 … but thank you. Even when it gets hard and scary I will always make the decision to protect us. Brittany – there is a route. Taylor – HOH and Veto. Brittany – if you or I win it .. we are both good. And I feel like we are the most solid pair out of any pairing in the house. Do you feel that way too? Taylor – yes, yes! They tried to tear us a part! Brittany – I need somebody that can win something .. it funny that her (Alyssa) pitch is the exact opposite of what I need. AND you would pick me if it came to the two of us right?! Taylor – yes! Brittany – I know you would but I just need to hear it. Even over Monte, you would pick me right? Taylor – yes.

8:42pm Storage room – Monte and Taylor.
Taylor – oh here we f**king go! Monte – big brother! BIG BROTHER! OH! They gave us two decks of cards!!

8:50pm – 10:30pmTaylor and Monte making dinner. Brittany offers to clean up everything if she doesn’t have to help cook.

10:50pm Backyard – Monte, Turner, Taylor and Alyssa
Monte – if you kids are up for it… could be another sleepover? Taylor – I’m down. Turner – I am down! I loved that! Taylor – It was great! Big fan! Big fan of the sleepover. Alyssa – do we invite Brittany .. but there’s no room. Taylor – no. Alyssa – but we have to extend the invitation somehow. Turner – she goes to sleep before us anyway. Taylor – she does.. its true.

11:30pm – 12am Backyard – Turner, Brittany, Monte, Alyssa and Taylor
They reminisce about past events of the season. Turner to Alyssa – there was this intense moment and I only want to say this going into jury that you know .. is that okay that I say this? Rather than you go into the jury house … like Kyle.. just so you know there was this moment that Kyle said after her talked about Old School where he was like that whole other side is going to be pissed with Alyssa when they realize the downfall of that side is all because of her. I am only saying this just so you know. Monte – which I can confirm he said all this. Turner – excitedly saying this to us. Instead of watching it and being like I wish someone would have told me. Alyssa – yeah I appreciate that. Monte – and to know now that it wasn’t actually a thing. Taylor – it was literally Kyle reading into something and interpreting it the wrong way .. taking the information and trying to protect himself. Alyssa – Ask me more questions. I have nothing to hide. I will share anything with you. Everyone keeps saying when I go into the jury house like I am not going to be able to make it through this week but hopefully I still have some fight left in me. And everyone is saying in the comp on Thursday like she (Taylor) is just staying. I hope you will still hear me out. Turner – whenever you make it, I wasn’t meaning this week.. That is not at all how I meant it. This week or next week or the week after. Alyssa – thank you. Maybe I am just over thinking it. Turner – I should have said “IF” you make it to jury. I wasn’t even thinking about you being on the block. Alyssa – okay.

12:15am Turner and Alyssa playing cards.

1:38pm – 1:50am Hot Tub and chatting about social media, pet peeves, dating, etc.

8:04am So this happened this morning.. To quote Taylor from earlier in the evening regarding the sleepover from the night before: “It was great! Big fan! Big fan of the sleepover.”

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115 thoughts to “Turner “I am probably going to vote Alyssa out.. but don’t f**king tell Alyssa that!” *UPDATED*”

  1. So many dumb moves this season. This is probably right behind Michael and Britt not taking out monte at brochella.

    1. It is easy to be an expert watching your television knowing everything that is going on. But either way Monte seems to have a very good understanding of what is going on. Making the smarter decisions to ensure he is sitting in the final 2.

      1. Monte and Terrance were disgusting trash talking the women. They both make me sick. If Monte wins it’ll be another piece of evidence that the way to get ahead is to demean women.

    2. so it was dumb they didnt take out one of their numbers and kept a member of the other side? I think Michael’s biggest mistake was not taking out turner the week terrance went home. He knew he was the back door target the week before and that week is the week he should have acted.

    1. Rumor had it that there was a kerfuffle between Joseph and Terrance when Terrance demeaned Taylor with his words. Tensions spilled over onto Michael. The rumor grew legs and ran. I hear Terrance remains in the jury house much to Indy’s consternation.

      1. You know why there’s rumors about the Jury House? It is because we don’t get to see any live feeds there which everyone started asking for in previous seasons when the House would become boring

      2. There are a lot of rumors that Spoiler Girl (who got exposed yesterday) is doling out.

        The main one is two-fold – (1st) jurors asked Kyle to provide more details about what happened & in the retell he spun the situation to be all Michael’s fault (the way I’m reading it is he literally tried to make it seem like Michael was the one saying things & he just went along with it). Clearly, Kyle isn’t expecting Michael to show up! (2nd) based on this intel & everyone turning against Michael, Indy decided to plant false information claiming Michael was a racist & said terrible things about Brazilians.

        SG said producers took the claim as real & bc they wanted to find it & air it on an episode had staff go through every second of live feeds searching for these supposed racist comments (and they found NOTHING). So now there is friction between production & Indy bc they know she lied.

        SG also said Terrance & Michael got into it – which isn’t surprising — but I suspect the jury members got an ear full especially if he was told Kyle blamed him.

        (Pure speculation on my part) it’s likely the jurors know Terrance ignored what Kyle did in order to keep his numbers advantage in the house so he tried to flip the vote on Taylor & then this past week pushed having the POC work together & was mad at her for voting for white woman tears over him & threatened to poison jury about Michael & Taylor (and since this sh*t just happened with Indy that’s not going to go over well).

        The part about Joseph also getting into it with Terrance isn’t from SG – that seemed to be coming from the Jaylor fanbase.

        And – this is also pure speculation but I’m assuming Attorney Michael was on full display & laid out the details he has about Kyle & Terrance.

        Sure sounds like the jury is lit & there are major divides within it.

        1. The problem I’m having with the SG rumor stuff:
          I’ve had spoiler sources in past bbcan seasons (people that I knew and worked with in the past). Because of the way that departments work I find it impossible to believe that she had a source that knew preproduction information (casting rumor that caused drama on feeds week one), as well as feeds information (meaning this same source also worked in the control room hub) and plotline information as well as comps information 2 weeks in advance (meaning this source was also in the writing department or also in the fabrication department) and this source is also a jury handler? They don’t film jury 24/7. They have two to three handlers in the house that are essentially babysitters.
          To have one source that has eyes on for ALL of those separate departments?
          Leads me to believe paid by production to leak information in order to spin the twitter fanbase.

        2. from a non production inclined semantic point of view this doesn’t really make sense to me.
          From Terrance and Monte’s conversations about the wall yellers, we know that everyone left in the game (including Joseph at that point) heard the kyle is a liar, kyle is a racist messages yelled. The fact that the network put out the statement that nobody heard is crap when Monte and Terrance discussed it and Michael mentioned it once. Brochella knows. The entire house may have been warned not to talk about it so it wouldn’t have to be storyline, but they know.
          Do I think Kyle tried to shift the blame? Does a bear shit anywhere it wants? Of course he would. But Kyle’s statement to the jury was just verification of what Joseph would have already heard.
          With the number of magazine contributors, and twitterheads going through feeds eager to find racially inflammatory comments, we KNOW that any Michael racist comments would have been front and center already, and complaints would have been lodged with the network switchboard, just like they were every time Kyle said something they took offense about. Twitter already had Michael cancelled as of week 5 for listening to Kyle and therefore being disloyal to Taylor. So we know they would have been looking, and they didn’t find anything that would have been video clipped and shared a couple hundred times. So the editing department combing weeks of feeds to find incriminating Michael dirt?
          That sounds a bit far fetched.
          More likely: Prodo is tired of Indy being Indy. Terrance tried to push a backup to Kyle’s twist on the narrative, and Michael arrived to rebutt.

          1. Yeah – I tend to agree with you that SG is a production ‘plant’. As for her having intel from various departments, she does indicate she has more than one contact inside – but what are the odds of that.

            I DO think Terrance fought with Michael bc that’s his M.O. (and more than one spoiler account reported that).

            The Indy stuff ???? – you’re probably right — she’s probably just driving the staff insane with demands & being difficult so they chose to get her back by having SG drop that tweet. (shrug).

            And yeah – even when Kyle was first doing the reveal at jury it felt like he didn’t want to fully commit. To your point – – they all know so from my perspective it felt very much like they had been managed to do that scene & present it how TPTB wanted.

            We’ll see what we get from the jury moving forward & whether TPTB use those edited sessions to continue to deliver the Kyle character restoration story arc & keep on the Michael villain arc (my gut says they’ll shift off the latter now that he’s out of the house – no? I mean he is a lawyer so you’d think they’d be cautious about pushing that narrative too hard).

      3. WHY would Joseph be upset with Terrance if Terrance allegedly demeaned Taylor with words?

        Did Terrance say to Joseph that Taylor was probably already in bed with Monte in an angling effort for 750k ?? lol

        What sayez the self-declared discussion group psychologist/sociologist about Taylor’s behavior now?

        A plotting mechanism by Taylor (jumping in bed with him) to exploit Monte’s alleged insecurities in dealing with women? lol

        Or is it a manifestation of primitive coping mechanism by Taylor in an effort to manipulate Monte’s primitive animalistic instincts in an effort to write an outcome favorable to her pecuniary interests?? lol

        EXPLAIN IT TO US house/discussion psychologist/sociologist.

    2. He might be and just coming back for finale night. But Indy is the One production is tired of it I guess she started a rumor that Michaels said something derogatory against Brazilians and production looked over all the live feeds and he never did

  2. Not sure if you have seen my clairvoyant boot list, made back on August 19th. lol “Monte for the win! Boot list: Kyle-Terrance-Alyssa-Taylor-Michael. Final 3 Brit-Monte-Turner – Final 2: Turner/Monte Votes for Monte 6 to 3”

    1. Yeah,and I didn’t need to be clairvoyant to know you’d post it again.So who are your 3 votes for Turner?Alyssa yes,Kyle maybe,and who?

      1. Turner has played a more impressive game than Monte and, between the rock and the hard place, Michael may give his vote to his LGBTQ housemate. Votes for Monte: Indy, Jasmine, Joe, Taylor, Brit, Terrance

        1. Turner’s game has not been more impressive than Monte. Turner won more HOH’s, but he made stupid moves. First, he put Kyle on the block when Kyle was his final two. The move he made helped others games and hurt his. Secondly, the last HOH when Turner had to nominate. The easy two nominees with Michael and Britney. To insure one went home. If Michael won veto by not being on the block Monte would have gone home, because Britney and Michael decided who went home. Turner did not nominate Michael because he was afraid if Michael won Veto while on the block he would target Turner next HOH. Turner played a scared game and did not nominate Michael for that reason….unneccessarily risking Monte. If Monte went home which he would have Turner would have been facing Michael/Britney/Taylor with no chance of winning HOH as he was outgoing HOH. And it is for that reason I credit Monte for getting Michael out not Turner, because Turner had no risk at this point…and really blew his HOH AGAIN.

  3. Just watched Sunday’s episode and if anyone should be voted out it should be Taylor. At least Alyssa tries to win Taylor didn’t even compete why should she get to go to the end. Monte and Turner will lose if either of them takes her to final 2.

    1. Taylor had to end her comp from PANIC in the dark.
      Monte couldn’t even show up for the veto comp on time.
      Whats your take on that?

      1. My take on that was he did it on purpose so he didn’t win veto. You can’t just pick and choose which comps you want to do. If you watch the show you can see what comps they do and if you can’t don’t apply to be on the show. Taylor thinks everyone should just let her ride their coattails same as Brittany with Michael.

        1. You can’t just pick and choose which comps you get to do. Monte is a snivelling trash talking coward. He doesn’t deserve to win.

    2. yeah, between taylor quitting hoh and monte not participating in veto, i’d be fine if they weren’t in the game anymore and we got turner/alyssa/brit final 3.

    3. Whole season Alyssa BEING TRYING and can’t win A THING which is better for YOUR then Taylor having a panic attack and couldn’t continue? This justify that Alyssa deserves to move on to final 2 then Taylor?
      My final two hope are:
      1st Taylor and Brittany, Taylor wins
      2nd Monte and Taylor, Monte wins
      3rd Monte and Turner, Monte wins
      Just waiting to see if it may happen.

    4. I can’t fault Taylor for having a panic attack. Dark, confining spaces can really shut a person down if they have claustrophobia or if they ever experienced some sort of past trauma. At least she attempted to try and complete the challenge. Monte was late to the POV which to me is way worse, although I don’t think that would warrant him to be voted out over it either.

      Also, I don’t see the jury voting for Taylor to win over Monte, she could possibly beat Turner since Jasmine doesn’t like him and she might rally the girls against him, but I highly doubt that would happen. I could see Taylor winning over Brittany and possibly winning over Alyssa.

      I see Monte winning over anyone left. I see Turner most likely winning over anyone but Monte. I see Taylor winning over Brittany and possibly Alyssa. I see Alyssa winning over Brittany and possibly Taylor. I don’t see Brittany winning over anyone.

      1. Taylor ‘possibly winning over Alyssa’ isn’t a possibility. They are both on the block and one will be evicted this week.

    5. cant see monte lose to tylor.
      turner , terrance ; indy, jas , even alyssa and kyle – all are for sure gonna vote monte.
      joe as well would choce monte over tylor.
      with turner i feel joe would do tylor.. but she still would lose.

  4. Zingbot- Alyssa, when I see you I cant help but think of a heavy winter coat in the desert. Dead weight and completely useless. Zing!
    Proof in the banana bread.
    Alyssa uses her emotional, bratty, feminine prowess to create such drama. Is Alyssa going to throw things at Taylor again because Taylor suggested to use the frozen overripe bananas for her recipe? Not a fan of Alyssa’s game play, it’s toxic.

    1. If someone wouldn’t have invited tylor over , everyone would of scream how she is getting bullied. But not inviting Brittany is fine

      1. Wondering how stinky Monty is going to be in the AM by sleeping next to Turner. MANY concerns at multiple levels with that creep.

          1. Turner.
            Don’t you think his general appearance is creepy and shady; supported by how he has played the “game”?

      2. After you live with someone for so many days you will know if you want to have a sleep over with them or not. Treatments towards Taylor was from day one without them knowing her. Big difference!
        My fingers and toes are crossed for Monte or Taylor to win since Michael is out.

    2. I agree, sleeping next to that many people would give me anxiety since I’m a germaphobe. However, sleeping on the butterfly floatie?!?! Yuck!! Brittany is the only one smart enough to sleep alone and get deep sleep.

  5. What a PATHETIC exchange between Brittany and Alyssa. Nothing but boot and leather licking by Alyssa, and Brittany can wear a whole lot of boot and leather by noting her size (in the game, of course… lol).

    AND Monte must lack a LOT of self -confidence in himself in dealing with women by trying to avoid a 3 girls vs 1 guy scenario (thus not putting Turner on the chopping block). Wow.

    1. Those 3 girl’s are pretty much floaters and coasters , while he and turner has moves on their rasome . So yeah, especially that he can’t win hoh next week, he needs turner not only has an ally but as a shield. He also KNOWS the girls talked about getting together.

      1. OR Monte may be exposing himself to pay Taylor future child support if Taylor is as “easy” as Alyssa (especially if Monte wins the 750k).

  6. We really shouldn’t count Britney out as she has come in a close second to several challenges and does have a couple of vetos under her belt

    1. In a rather disgusting desire, I would love to see Britney win the upcoming HOH or another PoV just to see the consequences of the monkey wrench will have on the remaining contestants.

      It is by no means a desire to see her win anything though. Her character as a person seems to be at the bottom of the pole, and based upon what has been broadcast on the program (coupled with the live feed dialogue), she doesn’t come across like a person that is trustworthy and honest in character.

      But who knows what she’s like outside the show.

    1. I agree…..very creepy….. to say the least….

      Only way I would consider jumping in bed in that house was IF INDY WAS ALREADY THERE… :-). yummy…lol

    2. I saw that! Omg. Is that Taylor trying to make sure she goes to final 2 with him or is it just hormones. Because she was definitely leading the moves…. lol

    3. Big gag. Um just fyi, monte, America thinks hold on (punny) just a bit longer to see if it’s real or game. What two weeks? Is she all about showmance for roles or air time? She is focused on them. Don’t get it. Stop. Why does this show push this so hard. Makes single people look like desperados. Rant over.

    4. Ugh Taylor. Why? He’s such a creep. Wait until you hear how he and Terrance have been trash talking you. He’s a snivelling coward to be so jealous of Taylor.

  7. It would be hilarious if because of not really getting deep restful sleep in, (I e. if the sleepovers continue,) they all drag a** into Thursday. Allowing Brittany to somehow pulls off an HOH win.

    1. You read my mind. I was thinking the exact thing. Brittany wins HOH Thursday and this whole boring game since Michael left is shook up. If she does win HOH. I’ll start to give her credit for being in the game.

      1. I’d rather she won POV since that’s who holds all the power. Her winning HOH just means she’s safe & even if she swept the comps she’d just be picking who makes the decision. So, only winning POV would offer far more interesting conversations – – especially if Taylor won HOH bc then it would be Monte & Turner having to pitch to her.

        I’m not a fan of Monte the misogynist — am I the only one who would enjoy him having to grovel to Britt & her being able to call him out for treating her like dirt when he is equally guilty of lying (playing the game).

  8. Cynic view:
    Taylor made out with Monte for one reason only. Manipulation.
    She knows Monte likely has a final 2 with Turner. She knows she and Monte have a final 2. She’s making sure she is Monte’s primary final 2 if he wins that veto.
    However, Monte. Bros before Hos Monte. You listened to his talks about women in the past 2 days, I’m not being off the mark when I call him Bros before Hos Monte. At all.

    Effect if the house finds out: Bye Taylor.

    1. Would have been better for her game had she screwed him Thursday or Friday BEFORE he decided who to put on the block as renom. Just saying.

      1. Seems like the Taylor “screw” of Monte would help, rather than hinder, Brittany’s “game”.

        “Girls, girls,girls”.

        It’s Alyssa’s turn to grab the bat (sorry for the baseball analogy… lol) and spread the password (legs) with Turner now to ” help her game”. lol

  9. Instead of being carried to the end by a man, she has decided to sleep her way to the end. Wake up Turner and Brittany and vote her out!!

      1. Wow – what a jealous bitch you are! What does someone like her even mean?
        It takes TWO to hook up! He doesn’t appear to be complaining. Maybe Monte is securing a jury vote also. Either way- why do you care!

    1. Steph….what makes you so sure Turner is going to get motivated to vote Taylir out on account of Taylor working on Monte in bed?

      Does it make more CENTS for Turner’s game now to turn to Alyssa to see what “trick” Alylla has to offer (It’s a cost and benefit analysis here for Turner because he would have to consider the risk he would take with Alyssa spreading while trying not to get Michael upset and jealous).

      “You know what I mean”.
      ” I got your back”
      “You hear what I’m saying”.


  10. I’m shocked that Taylor and Monte crossed the line and kissed (and maybe more?)…

    I mean sure it has been 70 days but at this point they can both see the light at the end of the tunnel so why complicate things?

    It will be interesting to see how this may change the game or if it was just a one off thing that they partially blame on alcohol.

    1. Oh my God me too!! What are they doing?? The game is almost over and Joseph will be quite upset to hear about this I think, yikes.

      1. I always thought Joseph was gay.
        Joseph is not into Taylor. At his exit interview with Julie, he said I hope she reaches out to me.
        Meaning I hope she doesn’t!

    2. The sexual tention between them two has been building up the entire 70 days! I knew this was coming when he asked her to put lotion on his back the other day! They are both good looking young and extremely HORNY! It’s Natural! Stop thinking it’s a game move! Taylor is very attractive and any many laying in bed with her would be thinking with his third leg!

    3. “Shocked” ??

      LOL….What a tramp (as reflected by the feed)….

      Webster’s: “tramp: a woman of loose morals”

      So, the querry to our self-declared / self-appointed house discussion psychologist / sociologist is as follows:

      Is it reasonable to expect someone to jump in bed with another if such would make it more probable than not at securing a 750k payday, when in the streets of America everyday there is a “handjob” for a nickel and a “blowjob” for a dime??

      What sayeth thee??

    4. “Shocked” ???? !!!!!!


      It goes with the turf…..TOTALLY expected and anticipated, and in line with preconceived “notions” of anticipated behavior of SOME individuals (typically females) when money is involved as (in the instant case 750k)

  11. I don’t really give a crap in this but:
    It seems to me that more and more Taylor and Alyssa are playing the exact same game, only Taylor tells people she doesn’t want to be seen as playing the game she’s playing.
    Doesn’t want to be carried by a man? She’s currently playing piggyback with the third guy that she wants to carry her in the game. Soundbite doesn’t match her actual game strategy. Alyssa? on her second guy, Turner pseudo platonically, but also tried to flirt with Monte.
    So… the shared strategy of Alyssa and Taylor is to find a man to protect and carry them, only Taylor says she doens’t want to be seen as being carried by men.
    Simple answer to that one: then jump out of the arms of the men carrying you.
    Go ahead, say I’m slut shaming. I’m not. Stride with Pride and own it if that’s the game you play. But OWN IT.
    Okay, I’m prepared to be cussed out and told I’m wrong now. Go for it, but attack my argumeat, with a counter argument, not me personally. Thanks.

      1. Michael deserves a bit of cred for being an overachiever and carrying two full grown adult women sprecifically, and an entire alliance in general on his back for multiple weeks.
        When Monte and Turner talk about how their alliance won all the comps… no, Michael won all the comps, and lost comps he wasn’t eligible to play until the de.
        For comp wins and team player judges of the game, that’s something they need to acknowledge.

        1. Michael is now a BB legend! People all over the internet are in absolute awe of him and want to see him on The AA. Myself included.

        2. Michael is the only reason BB was not a total snooze fest this summer. He made the game exciting and actually worth watching. He’s the only reason I watched this summer. I stopped watching ten years ago and by luck turned on one nite in the first week and spotted his potential for a great game right away!

      1. I activate the “self awareness of my surroundings” radar, and run towards a lighted and crowded area, and away from the dark alley.

  12. I feel like the Britt and Alyssa talk is more about Britt trying to put Alyssa’s jury vote up for grabs than actually making a plan.
    She’s revealed things she said to Turner (she mentioned Turner and Monte having a deal this week that Turner failed to question), but not really what Turner said. Loophole Turner will not see. Alyssa caught Turner saying if you are evicted don’t leave without hugging people. He was an idiot to say that btw. Makes me think his quiet “I love you, just kidding” that he said last night to Alyssa wasn’t so much a joke. He’s infatuated. Doesn’t make him a cheater, relax Turner real life person fans. Infatuation happens. It’s human. As long as he doesn’t act on it, it’s not serious.
    Alyssa isn’t pulling on her strengths she can use as an ally, but on her weaknesses that make her a lay-up. That’s not helpful to the house target at all.
    They both finally acknowledge that the guys saw them both as disposable.
    They both lie to Taylor about what they were talking about.

    1. So based on this conversation, it’s looking like Brittany is voting to evict Taylor?

      And Turner is a scumbag. He’ll soon find out that not only did Julie love Michael’s exit, but it’s become iconic on the internet. Actually Michael will soon learn that he’s now a Legend!!

      1. I don’t know if she actually plans to vote Taylor out or not. Though overhearing Taylor saying Britt had no game and was coached by Michael, when she knows Taylor slept in the HOH? She might.

        1. Wait – Britt overheard Taylor say that? (or someone told Britt Tay said that?)

          That’s terrible (for Tay) if true. And if Taylor really said that she knows better bc she used to have meetings with her F3 before she got smitten by Joseph.

          It feels like Britt-Taylor has been suffering a love-hate relationship going all the way back to Week 6 when Taylor won HOH & didn’t want to listen to anything Britt said. That was the week Tay began starting every sentence with ‘Joseph thinks…’ & I don’t think Britt ever got over it.

          Couple that with Taylor being okay with Michael leaving & we’ve got Britt even more annoyed bc she always made sure the trio with Michael was tight but that’s not the case with Monte for Britt (not that it’s fair to blame Taylor for his misogyny).

          Ultimately, I doubt Britt votes her out & regardless of the semantics between them I also doubt Tay wouldn’t take her to F2 if she had the choice & vice versa.

          1. Taylor Alyssa and Monte were talking. Britt must have heard them because Britt was then talking about coached by Michael coming out of Taylor’s mouth. She was starting to cry in the bathroom. It was before Alyssa and Britt started chatting.
            While it isn’t fair to blame Taylor for Monte’s attitude (he was so offended by the wall yeller he made a final 3 with Kyle, so offended by thre reveal that he got in a final 3 with Michael, but Britt is irredeemable), it IS fair to say Taylor was less supportive of Britt than Monte’s point of view, then separated more from Britt, isolating her, then slept in the HOH for two nights straight. That’s pretty telling about where Taylor is hitching her wagon from Britt’s point of view.
            Britt wanted the final 3 with Michael. She pushed it the day before the double. Taylor? Wanted the final 3 with Monte so essentially backstabbed both Britt and Michael.
            Reasonably speaking, Taylor has only ever wanted Britt to be final 2 because Taylor knows the house has no respect for Britt so with them as jury, Taylor wins.
            Whether Britt keeps Taylor or not, does Britt owe Taylor ANYthing? Nope.

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