Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Tucker
Nominees: Cam, Brooklyn and Quinn
POV Players: Tucker, Brooklyn, Cam, Quinn, Joseph and Makensy (Chelsie hosting)
POV Winner: Tucker
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: Angela, Kimo, Joseph
11:15am – 4:22pmThe live feeds are blocked for the power of veto competition. Tucker won the veto. (Surprise, Surprise!) It was the hide the veto competition. They’re excited that the backyard will be open soon since it wasn’t needed for the veto comp.
Bedroom – Tucker and Chelsie
Tucker – you still talking BRO! F**king clean up so athletic! Chelsie – you know he was going to come after your stuff. Tucker – I don’t give a f**k! He still was a little b**ch for doing it. Chelsie – Did he admit to it? Tucker – well that means you just did it all. Chelsie – I know. Tucker – all your sh*t was fine. Chelsie – yeah it was intentional. Chelsie – yeah when I saw all my stuff in there I knew it was intentional. Tucker – AHHH…he’s a f**king rat! Put the nail in your own coffin, again! I can’t wait to watch that footage and he’s probably cheering to the camera when he’s doing it. Chelsie – probably. He came straight for this room. Tucker – yup! Chelsie – I put money on it for sure! Tucker – I didn’t even come in here the first time. Chelsie – We just have AI comp to get through. Tucker – yeah that sucks, every f**king comp. So under pressure he’s not going to do good. He’s a piece of sh*t.
4:40pm Bedroom – Chelsie and Brooklyn.
Brooklyn – Do I just say if you use it on me. I don’t even know what I’d offer. Keep you safe if I try if I should win. I mean, it wouldn’t hurt. I can try. Chelsie – Yeah, just you know. Brooklyn – I don’t expect him to to use it especially with not knowing for sure who’s the actual target. Is that when? I mean, he just hugged me again, and he’s like, don’t believe a word he says.
Brooklyn – he will win everything! I’m like why are these people.. it’s only more this week though and I don’t know Im like do you not see that if one of them don’t winning HOH they will just do whatever the new HOH wants. Chelsie – no yeah. Brooklyn – which is great as long as it’s one of us and I don’t freaking go home but I’m trying to wait. I wouldn’t want him to use it. I think there’s no reason for him to take me down and use it on me and then put you up, that doesn’t make sense unless we can convince him that he should put Joseph up but he wants Quinn. Chelsie – Yeah, he wants Quinn allegedly. Brooklyn – You think he’s playing? Chelsie – a little bit. Why would he even offer to keep Quinn safe on the wall if Quinn dropped like why would he even done that if they have this big giant beef and with Tucker thinking he’s God and can win anything which he can right now. Why would he even offer that? Brooklyn – now it’s just if Quinn’s supposed to be staying on the block. Cam joins them. Brooklyn – Me or Cam’s got to win (AI arena) if he doesn’t change the block.

5:16pm Kitchen – The house guests are snacking and chatting about the veto comp. They talk about their hiding spots and how there were a lot of places they couldn’t hide it.
5:25pm Storage Room – Brooklyn and Tucker
Brooklyn – I’m not gonna ask you to use it on me, but if there’s an option moving forward though .. I truly want to be here. I’m playing a very honest game and that’s why I’m in this place in the first place and I’m standing by that. Tucker – It was not a personal vendetta. It was to put people up there that could beat Quinn. Brooklyn tells Tucker he did well. Tucker comments on how he won another. Tucker – I’ve been hiding things ever since I was a kid. And whenever I go into a new place like as I go to… I’ve had a bunch of Airbnb’s before I got my apartment. Its the little brother in me. Brooklyn – I want to be here. Tucker – Yeah okay.
5:40pm Unicorn Bedroom – Brooklyn and Rubina
Rubina – this one was all luck. Brooklyn – Oh yeah I’m not even, I know. I mean in my head if Quinn is the target and takes himself off.. Rubina – true. Brooklyn – I mean, which makes it. Rubina – Yeah. Brooklyn – I talked to Tucker in the storage room and I said, I’m not even going to ask you to use it because that’s unfair to you to put someone else up, unless.. Rubina – yeah. Brooklyn – you needed to. And I was like, I would be forever in your debt. And you’re not. It’s like I could win HOH next week. Rubina – Yeah. Brooklyn – And I have no real feelings towards you. There are different people and I mean that. Rubina – Yeah. Brooklyn – So I was like, just know that you have my loyalty. You keep me in this game, right? And whether that’s taking me off and using it, wonderful or making me fight for my life and hopefully I don’t go. Big Brother switches the feeds.
5:55pm HOH room – Tucker and Joseph
Joseph – We are going to kill for these people, dude. Tucker – These fucking clowns, Dude. Joseph – I think it was Brooklyn who did all that trashing. I think that was her. I was just running with it, right? Tucker – Yeah. Joseph – Yeah. No, dude, he’s telling me everything, bro. Tucker – I just need, I need to know who did that shit. Joseph – It was Brooklyn. You can tell she wasn’t saying shit. She was the only one not saying I didn’t do it. And that’s f**ked up that she let you go in on him (Quinn) without like saying, hey, it was me. That’s how you know. She’s a f**king snake. Do you still want Brooklyn to be the target? Tucker – We’ll see. We’ll see who wins this shit (AI Arena). Joseph – True. Well, you know, I’m with you no matter what. So if you want him out, then whatever. Tucker – Yeah, we’ll figure it out. Joseph – The only benefit of keeping him is he does tell me a lot of shit. Tucker – But yeah, he has nobody after Brooklyn’s gone. Joseph – That’s why it might be good to take Brooklyn out because she has pull over Makensy and Rubina. You and me are going to kill these fools. I literally teamed up with the best person in the f**king house. Tucker – So did I. Joseph – Yeah.
6:35pm Bumper Pool Room – Angela, Tkor, Quinn, Leah, Rubina, Joseph
They’re just chatting and relaxing.
6:37pm – 7pm HOH room – Kimo and Tucker
Tucker – I’m thinking the night before the ceremony as everyone’s fucking sleeping. Can’t believe it’s already Saturday. Go wake Chelsea up and be like I need to f**king talk to you and be like Chelsea. I’m giving you one chance to tell me the truth about you Brooklyn. And see what she says. Rubina and Tkor join them. Tucker – what’s the tea? Rubina – nothing. Big Brother blocks the feeds.
Kimo – Oh wait. So it’s still Brooklyn this week, right? Tucker -Yeah. Kimo – I mean, she’s the one. Tucker – I mean, she’s the one like mind controlling fucking Chelsie and Makensy. If they go, then it’s Chelsie, Cam and Makensy and they think they got Quinn. If I do save somebody.. If I do save anybody up there they will come after me and they would be the swing vote. Kimo – if saved Quinn, Quinn would not .. I actually don’t think Quinn would come after any of use. Rubina – 100%. Tucker – nothing with Quinn is 100%. Any chance he has to kick me out he will. I mean, he’s got 6 or 7 final twos. Chelsie can think and act for herself and that’s more dangerous. If I didn’t put Makensy up and then I took her aside and told her everything that might be enough to swear. But if I did it to Chelsea, Chelsea would be like fuck. She’s not going to come running over. She’s going to try to keep going with their plan. Makensy will sway easy. Joseph joins them. Tucker – what if I take Cam off. I got him beat every f**king physical comp. Joseph – the thing with Quinn we are all cool with him to a certain extent so I feel like we could try to .. you know what I’m saying? Big Brother blocks the feeds.
Rubina – are you still considering using the veto and taking someone off? Tucker – It would only be Quinn. I wouldn’t take anyone else off. It would only be him. I mean he’s the least of the threat of threats up there to me. But then when I think about it, like he beat Cam in the athletic sh*t.
7:10pm HOH room – Angel, Tucker, Kimo and Rubina
Angela – Are you still doing what you were thinking of doing? Are things changing up there? Tucker – I’m going to take Quinn off and put Chelsea up. It just seems the most logical thing. Chelsea and Brooklyn aren’t as powerful together. Angela – sounds good to me.
7:25pm HOH room – Makensy and Tucker
Makensy – Are you keeping it the same? Tucker – yeah I don’t really want to do anything else because its just dirty. That’s what everyone was asking me up here. I was just like, no, it was just too messy. I already have so much, so many targets on me. I’m going to be up next week. Pretty obvious. And everyone’s everyone’s acting buddy. Buddy. Makensy – I’ve noticed that this week. It gets so intense. Tucker – Yeah. Makensy – Well I know that Brooklyn and Chelsie are not putting you up because they’re they’re like even Brooklyn. Like, she’s not obviously pumped at me on the block, but she’s like, if I get off this, I’m not doing that shit. Tucker – Yeah. Makensy – how are you feeling about Kimo and Tkor? Tucker – I don’t know, they’re always together. There’s a lot of shifty people in here. I’ve just been trying to keep it straight and call people out on their sh*t when it’s appropriate. I would have put Kimo up. Tkor’s not a threat at all, so she can chill for however fucking long. I would have put came up if he wasn’t a havenot. It was going to be a mental thing. He wasn’t going to be good at it. Quinn’s gonna be so worked up and f**king sad and just too emotional to beat either one of them. he’s going home. Makensy – 1,000,000%. They head downstairs to eat dinner.
7:40pm Big Brother opens up the backyard..
7:48pm Kitchen – Kimo, Tkor, Joseph and Cam.
Kimo eating his havenot food overtop of the leftover sliders. Kimo – I f**king hate this! He adds some condiments to his havenot food. Kimo – its not bad. Its not THAT (slider) but its not bad!
Joseph & Kimo Lady And The Tramp a pickle!#BB26 @bigbspoilers
Kimo "I was going to kiss the shit out of you!
Joseph "I know, it got too close for comfort!" pic.twitter.com/dGocjx4WDz— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 18, 2024
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Wasn’t a good idea for Tucker to win another comp. He didn’t need to win this and it only paints a bigger target on his back.
He’s already got the big target on his back. May as well just keep going the way he’s been.
Yes, but that target is handpainted on artisinal moth-silk, by Descendant of Thieves.
I see, fine men’s wear reference. Okay, he’s privileged.
Tucker plays this game like I play chess: just to take all the pieces.(I play chess terribly; I play it like checkers, no strategy.)
Is Tucker that good (winning all the comps) OR does everyone else suck that bad ? It’s *b o r I n g* that Tucker wins virtually everything.
Go ahead Brooklyn get him to take you down so Chelsea can go up…oh what a beautiful week…let’s go Tucker….
After reading the last thread, Quinn’s loose lips may result in becoming a more tempting target for Tucker.
We’ll see what happens in the next couple of days.
I think Quinn will be fine. The story is muddled, but seems he said he was a pawn when Bklyn asked him about the target, and didn’t reveal that Tucker planned to use the veto on him. Not ideal, but not a total disaster.
Tucker is still very sussed out by Bklyn. You could see it in his body language when Bklyn spoke to him after veto.
Rubina is also working to keep Quinn. She’s going to tell Tucker that she thinks it was Bklyn who messed his stuff up during the veto. It was her.
Bklyn continues her messy and cocky play, which only pings Tucker’s radar even more.
I had no idea she was so petty! Does she expect to NEVER get put on the block? I hope he doesn’t blame Quinn or someone else.
What have we learned, class?
That’s right class,
equitable comps are irrelevant when Grod has pets she’s building her story around.
Show me the unedited individual time veto.
Show me the last 19 minutes of the HOH in full.
Show me tape on cam of Tucker sleeping in HOH before his first AI win…not practice session for the comp like they did in season 21.
Answer why the cast said HOH 1 comp wasn’t a win it was for plot and storyline.
Tell me how prodo knew Angela was going to be a havenot almost a week before her birthday when by usual rules as outgoing HOH she would never have been a have not.
Show me the overhead shot of the Last AI comp to see how that was won cus we have no clue.
Damn Grod’s D/R Monkeys have been working overtime.
This comp streak is starting to feel very…. bbcan 11. iykyk.
First chance they get take Tucker out, can’t stand his mouth!
A G R E E ! !
”Quinn did it” = “Thanks, Obama” in Tucker’s head. It’s just carved out a deep neural pathway that isn’t going away anytime soon.
Assuming Tucker keeps winning shit and inflating himself correspondingly, who is ultimately the cringier Big Brother Legacy: Tucker, or Frankie Grande?
Nothing cringe about Tucker. He is actually the person saving the whole new era of BB since s23.
I think a big part of why Quinn grates on my nerves so is how grimly extra he is in the diary room. He’s like a theater kid in there. Too loud, too amused by his own antics, and too close to the camera.
i think I’d really be fond of TKor IRL, but I can see how she’d be an annoying houseguest/competitor. Also, the first half dozen times I heard her say “Mmmhmmmm,” I thought she was being really sarcastic, and I thought, well, THAT’S not going to go over well.
Dawg, this reminds me of BB18 when during the H&S Nicole blew open Natalie’s underwear bag and threw them all over the room they were in. Gotta love the H&S comp just for the lasting outcome when it’s over and people hold vendettas because in BB18 Victor almost wanted to boot James out for breaking eggs all over the kitchen, those were the days… ???
Haha yeah and pouring gallons of milk on the floor so the other house guests slip and fall when they come running into the house.
I miss those days, we need more…
That was the best one ever in my opinion! Brett was hilarious!
haha yeah. I really don’t see why Quinn thought it would be funny to brush his teeth during the comp today when he realized he wasn’t going to win.
Is that Jeff smoking a cig in your avatar?
yup that’s Dawg’s avatar
HAhaha yeah.. the good old Jejo days lol
Well get ready for Godots whining that the new alliance doesn’t listen to them and doesn’t play just for their benefit instead of team benefit.
The object: Tucker still wants Brooklin out, but possibly pulling Quinn off the block gets some loyalty out of him. Replacement either Chelsie or Mak.
Kimo wants Mak.
Tucker says Chelsie because she’s more powerful and Mak is just a bobblehead for Brooklin as a mommy figure.
T’kor stares in the opposite direction saying nothing most of the convo.
Kimo still pushes Mak which is red flag if it’s a place holder to get rid of one of the Pentagon.
Joseph knows Kimo and T’kor are protecting Chelsie. Quinn told him.
Jospeh pushes Chelsie renom.
Angela is good with getting Brooklyn out. She wants to be the only mom.
T’kor leaves before Angela talks. Sure sign she’s already thinking of screwing over the alliance for Chelsie the same way she screwed over Collective for Rubina.
How much we got on the table that it’s more whining as soon as the Godots get together?
BTW…. the Collective was an 8. Kimo and T’kor were mad they were in the bottom 3. They knew they were in the bottom because Quinn told them. That means Quinn was more with them. So…. Quinn, Joseph, T’kor and Kimo were equal numerically in power to the other 4…. NOT at a disadvantage. They just like whining underdog.
One hour later.
T’kor is telling Kimo she’s annoyed and won’t vote Chelsie out no matter what.
Chelsie is targeting Kimo and Joseph if she wins, and is pushing Mak to do the same.
Chelsie is saying to Mak that she has an understanding with T’kor and T’kor is no worry to her at all. She tells Mak that Kimo is the same as Quinn just lying lying lying all the time.
At least FOR ONCE her Bashing is game not personal. It’s a nice change… considering it’s week 5 and this is only the 3rd time her attack has been about game not personal this season. Nice change. Keep it up.
So somehow T’kor thought she could blindside and backstab her preferred alliance, sending one of them home to keep her friend that does nothing for her game….
and she could still work with them.
She only wants to work with POC, and that’s the facts.
I get Identity Politics as a strategy…. but….
Let’s be 100… as much as Chels is targeting in what often seems to be Identity Politics, she is not playing a full Identity Politics game. She is counting on T’kor being all about Identity Politics to keep Chelsie safe, but it’s more of a one way street for a guaranteed Jury vote.
This is reminding me of the cookout arguing for 5 weeks about Hannah and Kyland not being FULL members of the cookout because they weren’t 100% black. And YES that WAS a thing. Who was THE MOST cookout of the cookout FOR REAL? Hannah.
Kimo and Tkor are actually still on the bottom. So it doesn’t make sense. Their both annoying too
They aren’t on the bottom though. It’s a frame of mind they adopt.
T’kor remains silent. Never gives her thoughts. Then bitches to high heaven that her perspective isn’t THE perspective of the group like everyone is supposed to have Telepathy.
I’m not saying be the squeaky wheel. I’m saying just sitting there silently when you don’t agree makes you your problem, not everyone else.
Gonna be exciting
Tucker please just keep winning to save this season.