Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Tkor
Nominees: Tucker, Makensy, Cam
POV Players: Cam, Tkor, Makensy, Tucker, Joseph and Angela
POV Winner: Cam
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: No havenots this week
Veto Results:
Cam – won the veto
Joseph – Punishment: 24 hour solitary confinement
Makensy – Prize: 1 week trip for two to Hawaii
Angela – Punishment: Backyard clean up (She has to pick up 1000 things)
Tkor – Prize: $5000 (Tucker gave it to her/didn’t take it)
Tucker – Punishment: unitard costume including waking everyone up to do it
5:18pm Kitchen – Leah and Angela
Leah is making dinner for everyone. Angela – I’m pretty proud of how long I’ve been able to be here. I’m proud of you too. My family didn’t think I could do that. Leah – Really. Yeah What did they say? Angela – Just that I’m older, you know?! Leah – No, you’ve been doing great. Angela – I’m sure they’re at home cheering you on. I know they are. I’m going to shock them with winning two HOHs. They weren’t physical challenges, but nonetheless I still won them and I know that they’re going to be shocked. Leah – you should be very proud. Angela, I haven’t even won one competition, let alone 2 HOHs.
Bumper Pool Room – Kimo, Joseph and Cam are fast asleep.
5:30pm HOH room – Rubina, Tkor and Quinn
Tkor – don’t tell anyone but I have predictions of who will win the next HOH. Quinn – who is it? Tkor – my prediction is on one of y’all. Quinn – it was a quiz one so it will be a physical one next or many an endurance. Tkor – I really hope the next HOH will be a physical one because I can’t compete so that I can just watch.
5:36pm – 6pm Big Brother switches the feeds to the animal rescue. When the feeds return – Tucker is wearing his BB AI punishment consume. He is talking like a robot.
Rubina – Nobody call him Tucker this week, its BB AI assist. You’re doing great. Best person for the job. Tucker – when is Joseph going in (24 hour solitary confinement). Makensy – probably tonight. Rubina – soon, tonight. Tucker – I am going to try and get some shut eye.
6:10pm HOH room – Tucker, Cam, Kimo, Rubina
Kimo is tossing food into BB AI Tucker’s mouth. Tucker – What is the human (Leah) making? HELLO, I’m Adele! Rubina – everything’s in that accent now. Tucker – I hope my thinking cap doesn’t fall off when I sleep.
Kitchen – Angela, Leah and Joseph
Angela – I just want to see my back to feel all the way back to the normal. It’s taking a long time. Leah – Yeah, it’s taking a while. That was horrible. I can’t believe you guys did that too. Angela – And now I’m going to have to bend over outside and pick up 1000
things. Maybe that will help it. I don’t know.
Angela – you know how there is always the cry baby every season. I never thought I would be that one. Leah – yeah but there’s no shame in that whatsoever. Its better to cry and have emotions, than not, you know what I mean.

6:35pm HOH room – Tucker, Kimo, Quinn, Rubina, Chelsie and Makensy. They all talk about how they think Angela is the BB instigator. They want to question her and see how she reacts. They compare when she played the game Mafia and how they could always tell when she was lying. Cam – when I came out of the bathroom, I was wondering if you all said something because she came out and she was looking weird. Chelsie – since your (Angela) power was stripped from you, you get to deep fake the whole house for a week.
6:50pm Storage Room – Joseph and Tucker
Joseph – I think Leah is getting the idea that it might be her. Leah seems like she’s worried that she’ll be the renom. Tucker – I think Angela might be the remon. Joseph – really that will be sick! Tucker – I mean we’re trying to figure out whos f**king in charge of all that sh*t. Angela is the number one suspect. Joseph – if Angela is the renom, she is going to blow up all our sh*t but whatever. Tucker – I mean she’s gonna think we have her back. I mean if it’s me and her that end up there I think she wouldn’t but I’m probably gonna win the AI arena. I’m pretty sure Makensy is the main target. Joseph – Oh yeah for sure. Tucker – Makensy is out if she doesn’t win that shit. Joseph – Yeah but honestly too you could make Angela feel really bad cause she did it. It’s her so you can make her feel like shit and she might not even out it cuz she feel so bad. Tucker – I don’t like making people feel bad though.
BB AI ASSIST – What year did the ice cream cone originate!?
Tucker runs upstairs and puts his head into the HOH room and says what year did the ice cream cone get invented!? He then goes by the bumper pool table to look up the answer. Big Brother then blocks the feeds.
Hey BB AI ASSIST – How many feet tall is Kilimanjaro? Central cone. Kibo? Tucker then gets up and runs to look up the answer. (This is going to be fun at 3am)
7:55pm Dinner time..
Hey, BBA assist out fo curiosity. Which British sovereign was the first to live in Buckingham Palace.
Tucker runs up to look up the answer. He runs over to the balcony to say the answer. He forgets the answer and says The answer is oh sh*t I forgot! He gives another answer but is wrong. He tries again and is wrong again. Tucker – can you please repeat the question? BB repeats the question. Tucker keeps trying but gets the answer wrong… Kimo, Rubina and Tkor go up and join Tucker for moral support. Tucker finally gets it “Is it Queen Victoria” BB “Nailed it!”
8:25pm Kitchen – Leah, Joseph, Cam, Angela, Quinn and Makensy.
Leah, Cam and Quinn are pretending they’re 100 years old.
8:43pm – 9:27pm Unicorn Bedroom – Leah and Chelsie
Leah – first of all, that one that came on today sounds like an old woman. Do you know what I mean? It’s so obvious now. And that’s why she probably made her been because she didn’t realize that it would hurt their feelings so much. Chelsie – And both messages were about Angela. Leah – What? Chelsie – Both messages were about Angela literally. Leah – Come on. Wait. Chelsie – 1st one was about Rubina teaching Angel how to twerk and the 2nd one was about Angela. Like why would that happen? She doesn’t know any other tea.
Chelsie – I think Tkor’s replacement nom should be Quinn. If people don’t get him out he will win. Quinn and Makensy can fight it out. But I think Angela will be the replacement. Leah – its not her week, that’s a waste of an HOH.
Chelsie – I think it’s a fair upgrade (Angela being the instigator for losing her HOH to Quinn). Leah – But the reason definitely was about her today is cuz she saw the reactions when she did a window. And now she’s afraid to mess with anyone else so everything will be nice. Makensy joins them. They agree that even if Angela goes up she won’t go home this week. Leah – because people want to drag her to the end because they can beat her. Makensy – me and Tucker are definitely the main targets. I don’t even know if Tucker is that’s the thing I think I am. Leah – I’m gonna figure everything out tonight. Makensy – its just so frustrating. I am telling you right now the main target is me. I’m telling you that 100% bro! Leah – they’re running this sh*t and they’re talking and it’s annoying cuz they’re laughing about it and they’re taking out everyone in this room.. all three of us are gonna be next. If it’s not this week, it’s next week. Chelsie leaves.
Leah – I’m going to talk to Tkor, I’m going to be like this. Open your eyes next week you can’t win. And if someone outside of your
pretty little circle wins, you’re fucked. You’re fucked!
10:05pm Backyard – Angela has her punishment of picking up 1000 (?) in the backyard. All the other house guests are lined up sitting down to watch her do it. She also has to use the decontamination shower.
Angela – Oh my god this is cold!!

Tucker – you can get this done before the sun comes up. Angela – I’m going to get this done in 4 hours.
BB tells Angela that she needs to decontaminate again. Rubina – she barely done ten! Leah – This is literally the hunger games. The house guests are eating popcorn and watching. Leah – if you guys had just all voted Ainsley in we all would have been better off. Makensy – If you had all voted yes they still would have said no. They just wanted to know what we voted to know which comp we would do.
Angela in the decontamination station.. @bigbspoilers #BB26 pic.twitter.com/Es38FVvFQk
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 25, 2024
10:42pm Kitchen – Tkor, Rubina, Quinn, Cam, Chelsie
They talk about how Angela has 12 hours to finish her punishment but that she’s only at about 80 or so. They comment on how she need to pick up the pace changing in and out of the decontamination suit otherwise it will take her all night. Quinn – I might stay up with her because I feel like she might get discouraged. Tkor – I’ll take a nap and then cover the other shift. Rubina – I’ll take a shower.. and then sit out there till 3 or 4 which is what I do anyways.
11:10pm Angela has to decontaminate again..
12am Tucker puts on his “night time” BB AI assist outfit.
1am Angela is still going. Time for another decontamination
5:20am This is how many balls Angela still has left to do…
5:50am The other house guests are still supporting Angela
6:20am Angela is still going at it…
9:30am The house guests are sleeping.. no cams on Angela..
10:23am Big Brother is waking up the house guests
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Joseph’s not going to like being cut off for 24 hours. He will be ultra paranoid when he comes out.
Three people should hide and then the others should lie and tell him there was a double eviction while he was in solitary, and a third person flounced out of the house.
Not going to lie that would be pretty hilarious. Tucker and Mackenzie just hide away and they can all see Joesephs reaction to the “eliminations” while he was in solitary. Make him think he avoided a nightmare scenario. One prank could tell a lot of information.
I thought Joseph liked to hide out and be alone for most of the time…because out of sight, out of mind for noms, generally. So, his “punishment” is getting to do more of the same, right?
Is there a cookout 2 in the house?
T’Kor is the only one pushing any race cards from what ive seen. If all the white people made an alliance, she would be the one crying racism up and down the house. She’s about as legit as her accent.
How’s that when Tkor pushed the flip on Cedric? Just because she’s helping people who happen to be POC doesn’t mean that she wants only them in the house. She also has been trying to save Leah who is white who she didn’t put on the block and put Cam on the block who is black
That’s pretty good logic until you consider Cedric was jettisoned ONLY in order to save Rubiina, a POC FEMALE, and someone T’Kor was and is working very closely with. That flip was only in the specific case it was those two left OTB, and not Cedric and Makensy (who won the Ai comp), in which case Makensy would have been given the boot.
As for Cam, she sure seems mighty happy that he won the Veto this week! Maybe she put him up because she wanted him in that comp to beat Tucker and possibly send him home? She and Kimo have been talking about doing exactly that since Friday night, and she hasn’t named a target yet for the week, so nobody really knows what she has in mind.
Frankly, I’m not sure SHE knows what she has in mind, other than protect Chelsie (she’s made that VERY clear), Kimo, Rubina and herself.
I think TKor wants a female (or Kimo) to win. Although she is not feeling Mac or Angela and she could take or leave Leah. I think she took a short ride with Tucker because she realized that she was on the bottom of her alliance and it would not get her further in the game. Cam is not her type of person and everyone kind of forgets Joseph. She would have ridden with Quinn too, but he proved to be a back-stabber and at this point she can take or leave him too.
I’m so mad tuck went up as pawn never do that . Leah or Quinn or any of them could went up including Chelsea !
Hope these ppl are next
Joseph is nice but not good at comps!
Tikor should nit had done that!
Most haven’t won nothing !
Tuck won most! I can’t watch it mo more cuz it’s boring!
She’s not the only one that would be crying, BB would be taken off the air you can count on it….it’s the world we live in today
There have been lots of all white alliances over the years… they just don’t call it that… ppl align with who they think they can trust
Or manipulate lots of tgat over the years!
She’s not the only one. Don’t forget one of if not the first alliances formed in the house was between Cedric, Chelsie and Cam and was called the Core. They didn’t include T’Kor because they were suspicious of how close she was to Kimo.
I agree and Chelsea is another !
And Taylor hale wanted her in! Most the ones that one hoh it was ball game and cam got. Veto card if tuck would had gotten it!
That shouldn’t be allowed but it was every year!
Darn it tuck
No. The non POCs are trying to go back to the stone age. Ya’ feel me coach? LOL!!!!
Every season you guys cry about a possible Cookout, but quiet as a mouse when players like Quinn and Tucker are given grace and free passes. Nevermind the many racist alliances of BB’s past. No one cries when women want to align. No cries when men want to align. No one cried that Matt and Rubina said they’ll look out for each other because they’re both Filipino. Let’s move on from this anti-Cookout hate.
Tucker should just make up any old answers to the AI queries. Holler them out with authority. Works for Chat GPT.
In case anyone is curious, the ice cream cone originated in 1904 at the St. Louis World’s Fair.
Reading and showering…. are punishments.
blink blink.
An entire generation of dirty morons is going to decide whether or not to pull our plugs.
Angela’s constant need for praise and attention just shows how much of a narcissist she is….and telling everyone how much she loves and admires them is so phony, I want to throw up…..please get rid of her……oh, Tbor, Goodwill called and they want their hat and bathrobe back. Also Tbor, you cannot hide your TRUE nature for too long…it’s beginning to show. I am sick of watching and listening to Kimo, what a coward and cry baby….please walk out the door…….again….BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICE to the house.
I agree about Angela can’t believe they kept her over tuck! Kimo hangs on tikor like a coat he can’t stand in his own feet and Quinn Tucker should had left him on block and booted him out
He’s back stabbed so is Mack!
They all are hope chelse goes and Angela with this phony whining
And they booted tuck out cuz he was comp beast entertaining for sure rest are boring
Please please please renom Angela
Double eviction will be coming up half this ppl are going to be gone! I’m gonna laugh cuz tuck is gone . So don’t care who gets in or new hoh
Angela could get in she’ll put up tikor and limo and there nit good at comps like tuck
I’ve enjoyed watching #BB26 houseguests this year. They seem to all genuinely like each other. Unlike #BB25 when Jared was constantly complaining about who he could not stand & even hated. I found a new appreciation for several HGs after the empathy & support shown towards Angela when she was being brutally & cruelly punished. I stayed up all night with the HGs as all but Tucker, Joseph & T’Kor supported Angela as she was being abused. This should deter any older folks from ever considering being a BB HG. The compassion shown by Chelsie & MJ was extraordinary. MJ walked with Angela as she carried the final 103 balls. If MJ survives another week, I really don’t think she’s going to talk about putting Angela on the block anymore. Don’t expect to see any of the houseguests about the house today, other than Tucker or Joseph. T’Kor only stayed up half the night.
Tuckers mouth opens really wide.
Right? It scares me!
Cam lucked into Beto cuz he took away! if tuck woukd blocked diwn those men with highest one he took veto! Cam looked into it !
Dint know what I’m gonna do with tuck there cuz these houseguests are boring and Lupe together thanks Chelsea and cam fir booting out tucker
I’m so upset that these ppl voted out Tucker and left Angela in there !
Boring house guests ! Tucker only one that was entertaining!
He did puzzles backwards dang it’s because Angela got him all flustered and he couldn’t think
So I don’t care I’m all done watching this biting show!
Double eviction will be coming up so 2 ppl going home all the ones that voted tuck out hope your next shouldn’t say that!
Kept te show funny and entertaining for sure no one else is funny like tuck hope they have another special big brother so he’ll come back !!