Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Angela
Deep Fake HOH Power: Quinn
Nominees: Quinn nominated: Makensy, Tucker & Cedric
POV Players: Cedric, Angela, Tucker, Makensy, Joe, Brooklyn
POV Winner: Tucker
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: No havenots again this week
5:50pm HOH room – Tucker and Joseph
Joseph – You f**king set them up and we knock’em down bro! Tucker – yeah! Joseph – you need to win next week Bro! Tucker – I need to win HOH so f**king bad. Joseph – yeah dude, I just hope its the wall. Tucker – oh my god if its the wall I am taking that sh*t to the house. Joseph – Cam asked me afterwards.. he was like we’ll get him next week. Everyone thinks we’re against each other. Tucker – Cam was not pumped at all, he was not proud. Joseph – yeah. I don’t want to stay here too long. I just wanted to say good job bro! Tucker – yeah Cam was f**king pissed on that one. Yeah lets f**king go dawg! I am coming for Cam HARD! Putting his a$$ up! Joseph – cool! Tucker – Cedric might fly under the radar next week.. like if he is still here but Cam.. Joseph – that’s cool because I am cool with him so we can.. Tucker – he still might go up there .. like it might be Cam, Cedric, Quinn. Or I would do Quinn, Cam and Leah because if it came down to Quinn and Leah.. Big Brother switches the feeds.
Joseph – I never told Quinn that I knew about his power. I never told him any information that you told me. I always kept it between you and me. Tucker – Yeah, I love you dawg! We really will take this all the way. I am sorry for picking you. Joseph – that was literally perfect because you picked me and then when I was outside, I was like, he’s probably gonna ask me to use it on him. And then I walked back down and I told Chelsea, he just picked me because I’m a weak competitor. They laugh. Tucker – we need a double eviction. Let’s f**king go! Joseph – they’re not going to see it coming. I love you brother. I am f**king proud of you. You’re a f**king beast and I am happy I teamed up with the f**king biggest f**King beast .. so we got this! Tucker – this is perfect!
6pm Bedroom – Joseph and Quinn
Joseph – so what you’re saying is tell Kimo to tell Tucker to not use it because Rubina would go home? I don’t think its worth it because he is probably going to win the AI anyway. Its just my opinion.. and he’s not stupid so if he picks up on that he might be like.. Quinn – he is telling everyone that I have all these final twos and I am getting close to you and its all based off what Kenny told him. Like YEAH because Kenny was locked in the game dude! Joseph – I think that he would sniff that. Quinn – yeah I think he is too skeptical of everybody. Apparently Tucker had Kimo ask Brooklyn if she would use the veto to save Tucker. So that’s why people are saying that we would be able to use Kimo’s trust to like pull that off. It shows that like there is a bigger game being played versus like just a bunch of people in a house. You know what I mean? Joseph – I’m sorry I’m missed that, say that again? Quinn – I think that if we try to pull off the move and it doesn’t work, that would convince him that there is because he’s already so skeptical of everything that would convince him that there’s a majority alliance and he might just start trying to shoot from him highlighting it. Am I super scared of that… No but if he gets that inside knowledge of us that puts us in a tough position. So I don’t know if its worth going for it. Joseph – yeah, I am always worried that Angela told him. Quinn – everything you tell Tucker, he is telling Angela. And everything you say to Angela, she is saying to Tucker. Joseph – yeah. Yeah I think it sounds a little hair brained. Quinn – I’ll straight up ask him ..I’ll be like hey you’re probably the only guy the game I have to ask this but are you using it on yourself? I told Brooklyn I was like whatever the game plan is I can’t even be within 20 miles of it otherwise I’ll just assume that I’m involved. Joseph – oh yeah yeah that’s a good point.
7pm Bathroom – Tucker and Makensy
Makensy – I’m worried for you this week and I was like if you don’t pull yourself off I don’t think you’re okay and I was like thank you Joseph. I was like that’s what everyone was saying to me last week. I know I would have gone if I was up there with Kenny. Tucker – You really think so? Makensy – I know so, everyone has told me well not everyone but..
Makensy – I was like good freaking job! Tucker – Dude, I was reading the room hardcore and especially after winning today and the last name yeah really absolutely people are so. Cam is OUT to get me! I know it! He wants to get me out! Makensy – really? Tucker – Yeah, he does because he’s just been floating. He’s being very sneaky but too bad I got two other targets before him.
7:12pm Bathroom – Rubina and Makensy
Makensy – I think if I was against Cedric, I would have your vote.. maybe? Rubina nods yes. Makensy – I feel like have the girls and Tucker, right? You know so Tucker, you, Chelsie, Brooklyn, Leah. Rubina – you need 6 this week. I think you could convince Angela. Makensy – yeah, I think maybe I can even get Quinn if it was against Cedric. Maybe I don’t know their relationship. Rubina – I don’t know either, but I’m like he did try and expose you. He’s in an alliance to expose you, but at the same time, who knows? I will go and compete if you want me to compete if there is somebody to get out I will go do whatever you all need me to do because I do enjoy competing like I actually enjoy like today was fun like it was fun to watch it sucks but like I love it.
7:35pm Bathroom – Cam and Tucker
Cam – Next time it’ll be me up there versus you and I don’t want to enjoy something if me or you don’t win. Tucker – I know everyone’s going after me. I know Chelsea and Brooklyn are. I know Leah is cuz she’s tight with Quinn. Cam – I hope it’s the wall, bro. Tucker – yeah I hope its the wall. I will do everything in the world to win that fucking wall. That’s what I’m saying and everyone’s game’s getting blown the fuck up for that. I think he is going to put up Rubina.
Quinn is losing his it because I exposed his sh*t. Quinn is lying hardcore. Quinn is a dangerous lying sloppy snake. I don’t care if he is in the bathroom. I would say it straight to his face. Cam – It’s like y’all shit talk. And then y’all are literally cool. Tucker – It’s straight game. It is straight game, bro. Cam – Which is funny because it’s like WWE. Tucker – Yeah, he’s a great person, and I’ll be chilling with him hardcore outside of here. I feel it. It’s like literally. It’s crazy game. This game is hilarious.
8:05pm Bedroom – Joseph and Quinn
Joseph – So what do you think? Do you think it’ll be 11 people left in jury? Or do you think it’ll be… Quinn – I think it’ll be 7. Joseph – Yeah. The only thing that I really think that could move the needle and I also I don’t want to say it out loud Tucker.. you know what I’m saying?! I’m guessing he’s well liked. I feel like they would want him in it (jury). Quinn – Yeah. Joseph – you know what I’m saying? So maybe they make it sooner. Quinn – that would be great. I would love him in there. Joseph – no yeah for sure.
8:20pm Bedroom – Joseph and Quinn continued..
Joseph – I think people just see you as like this big threat, you know. Quinn – I know, that’s my own fault. And so I’m like, pissed. I keep looking at the camera. I know I’m messy, bro. But like, I’m optimistic. I know I can work it out. Joseph – No, I know you can too, buddy. I think that at the end of the day depending on which threats are in the game.. Like do you think people really gonna be looking at you when we get to jury ..maybe but also you know if you make it far enough you could win it out, you know what I’m saying?!
8:40pm Bedroom – Quinn, Cam and Joseph
Quinn talking about what he should say to Rubina regarding why he is putting her up on the block – Like I would just say, hey, I just want to give you heads up.. Should I just say that it’s like you’re Tuckers closest ally? I don’t want to make anyone else upset with me and your Tucker’s close ally. So he’s going to be upset with me either way. Joseph – That’s actually not bad. Quinn – I don’t know what else to say. And on a personal level with this keeping a secret, she told me that, like, she’s rethinking everything that I said to her, like, even the personal stuff. And so that’s going to feel like a scumbag thing. But I have to do it. I mean, I could say I know that we’re rebuilding trust right now, but honestly, I feel like if you had to choose between me and Tucker, I wouldn’t even ever expect you to choose me over him so I’m putting you on the block. You’re literally just a placeholder. I do not want you to go home. Should I give her my word that I won’t vote for her? Big Brother switches the feeds.
9pm – 9:41pm Bathroom – Chelsie, Brooklyn and Joseph
They’re discussing the pros and cons of getting Makensy out or Rubina. Joseph says that Makensy doesn’t have anyone and doesn’t bother anyone. Chelsie disagrees with that statement. She follows me everywhere. Joseph – either of them would work with him. Chelsie – here’s my thing. I’m trying to work backwards. Tucker is the biggest threat to everybody in this house, especially our alliance. How do we mess with Tucker’s game? You get Rubina out! Joseph – so are we leaning to getting Rubina out? Chelsie – I don’t want to make that assumption until she’s on the block. Joseph – yeah.
Chelsie and Brooklyn alone in the bathroom.
Brooklyn – Honestly I would be fine with MJ going, she doesn’t do anything for us. Chelsie agrees. Brooklyn – I just don’t see Kimo and Tkor voting Rubina out. We’re in a really good position unless we do something stupid. Which if we vote out Rubina, he (Tucker) would be pissed! Chelsie – We have to win when it counts. Brooklyn – this is week 4. Chelsie – I don’t plan on winning anything till jury.
10:35pm Bathroom – Rubina and Tkor
Rubina is talking about her relationship with Tucker.
Rubina – there is a part of me that hates supressing something that I feel but then part of me is like b***h get your head in the game. Tkor – yeah. Rubina – Like there’s an angel and a devil on my shoulder. I just didn’t even think that this would be something I would have to deal with. Am I stupid! Tkor – expect the unexpected. Rubina – am I stupid? That was the number one thing that I was like I will never.. Tkor – that’s what everybody says before they get in one. Its usually the people that are preaching the hardest. Rubina – I was preaching the hardest! I hate it. I am so mad at myself. I need to chill on that right? Like its okay, I’m human. Tkor – exactly. Rubina – I don’t want to feel stupid. Maybe he doesn’t feel anything. Tkor – just talk to him. Rubina – oh hell no. Well we did already kind of talk about it. Tkor – and what did he say? Rubina – Ummm something along the lines that he likes me and if I was working in a bar he would be one of the guys that would talk to me. Tkor – its okay that y’all don’t know what y’alls relationship is in that sense but as long as you can define your relationship for the game. Rubina – no that is the important one for me. That’s why that doesn’t really matter. I know that we enjoy each others company, and I do feel connected to him and we’re sources of comfort for each other.. and we make each other smile. Cool, great but game-wise b***h! Yah!
Rubina smacking herself back into the game @bigbspoilers #BB26 pic.twitter.com/kHiTCFkzUI
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 11, 2024
11pm Backyard – Cedric, Brooklyn, Angela, Cam, Chelsie, Joseph, Quinn and Rubina. Cedric is telling them about a time he was with a girl for the first time. She wanted to but he was scared. He said he was “dj’ing” her for hours. Angela didn’t know what the meant so Brooklyn told her and Angela screamed.

11:25pm Backyard Mekensy shares a story about when she was younger and hadn’t done “it” before and her boyfriend at the time who had been with a lot of girls, flipped her over and.. Big Brother switches the feeds. When the feeds come back. Makensy says that it didn’t happen then but did a month later. Angela asked if it was the same experience and Makensy said no. She says he felt bad about it. Angela – I talked to my boy and I talked to my girls about what is acceptable what should be expected and it is their body and it is something that’s very special and for him, he knew obviously that you hadn’t done anything like that before for and for him to then turn you over face down not making eye contact. That is not special. He is he’s acting on an urge without thinking about your feelings and so I’ve always been very open and honest with my children from pretty young ages about what’s appropriate with their body and what is not and then when they had boyfriends I probably over share and I don’t feel bad about it my girls and my son are happy.
11:45pm – 11:55pm Bumper Pool Room – Tucker and Chelsie
Chelsie – I told Rubina this already, but she was like, I heard Joseph and Robina talking together that they’re safe. So it’s between Cam, Brooklyn and Robina is what she thinks. So I don’t know. Tucker – I don’t think anyone can trust him (Quinn) with all hiss final twos. Chelsie – Which is crazy. And I asked him about it. I asked him about it and he didn’t deny the fact that he had multiple final twos. Tucker – Yeah, it’s part of his strategy, but he has no problem lying about alliances or lying to people in the alliance. Chelsie – My fear is that he’s going to put Rubina up because he knows that she’s would vote for you. That’s my fear. And that’s what I think he would do that because he thinks her and I are. Chelsie – Yeah, for sure. Rubina joins them. Chelsie – I just filled Tucker in a little bit. Big Brother switches the feeds and then blocks them.
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I don’t want to see the second The Brigade
I can’t remember a season, that came across so blatantly as being rigged. It’s clear now, big brother wants that psycho Angela in, because she’s insane and causing drama, and they want this Tucker guy to stay because he’s a wild card. It’s crazy that they are definitely trying to help the 2. Gone are the days of doctor will, when I started watching. The last season I think I was really into, was the first season Paul was on.
taylor says hi
Cbs did everything they could to help Taylor win with week 1 no eviction, kyle situation, and exit interviews debriefings about Taylor mistreatment public perception.
Boohooo. Angea and Tucker are old school BB. Winning comps and creating drama. You would probably make a good trio with Tkor and Kimo. Boring.
I guess you prefer to watch f*cking boring “players” like Kimo, T’kor and Cam? I’d rather have Angela and Tucker there until final 3.
Guessing veto was individual time again.
Brooklin said she took 3 minutes, Cedric took 7 minutes. That would lead me to believe individual time runs…. which means just like last week, production decides.
So two comps wins are from… production decides comps. uh…. well that sucks.
Kimo and T’kor. This little waiting for Godot duo needs to actually DO any one of the nightly plans they come up with…. or shut up. No really. Have they proactively done ANY of their plans… ANY of them? Not to my awareness…. so, are they really playing big brother if their only claim to fame is other people included them in groups because they are a duo, or because they are poc, or because they are non threatening but have a vote?
cringe… why do i dislike ALL of them on a personal level? I can still acknowledge what little strategy we’re seeing… but we’ve seen it before and done better, so…meh?
so I never thought I’d say this… but i’m tired of camtalkers. It’s so… pandering. This season they aren’t as much revealing their game plan and strategy, instead being bitchy about their fellow houseguests. They’re parascamming not explaining their game. I’m unimpressed.
Heh heh, love seeing that little bitch Quinn get pissed for Tucker winning veto…. I just hope that real housewife Brooklyn doesn’t talk him out of not using it with that bullshit story they’re talking about…. TUCKER SAVE YOURSELF
I guess I’m too old. What is dj’ing?
Pleasuring a woman with just your hand. But just rubbing the cl%*. Like a DJ scratching a record
Learn something new every day at OBB 🙂
I guess some of us “old farts” were “DJ’s” back in the day, without even knowing it. That was back in the days when you would park in a new neighborhood under construction on a cul de sac, and fog all the windows up in your parents car (high school days).
But that was a long time ago…..I’m not even going to tell you how long. Now get off of my lawn!
Okay what does grod mean?
Ok gotcha.
over the pants rubbing.