Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Tucker
Nominees: Cam, Brooklyn and Quinn Chelsie
POV Players: Tucker, Brooklyn, Cam, Quinn, Joseph and Makensy (Chelsie hosting)
POV Winner: Tucker
Veto Ceremony: Tucker used Veto on Quinn putting Cheslie in her place.
Havenots: Angela, Kimo, Joseph
7:15pm HOH room – Leah and Makensy
Leah – why is no one including me in anything? This is just me, like I’m cool. I’m fun. I’m lovable. I’m smart. Makensy – I would
agree with that. Leah – me too. I was basically just trying because I had heard like just like some sh*t that had been said about me and Cam. I told him that and I was like well you know I’m just like letting you know that like I’ve just like heard sh*t about me or whatever and he he’s like well the only thing that I said about you is that you talk a lot and I was like me no I’m actually very quiet, modest and reserved. So most would say completely introverted. Like what a creative observation, this guy is a freaking genius! So observant! What’s next? Makensy – I don’t know. Leah – a Nobel Prize apparently that’s the other thing what like it’s just the way that like the same people who like go out of their way to like project that they’re like something or other are just like so opposite from like what they say they are.

Makensy – it’s hard because I love Chelsea but I think like if it’s like Chelsea and Cam are close. Brooklyn and Chelsea are close but then I think Brooklyn and Quinn are close. Tucker – Brooklyn’s a master manipulator and Chelsea’s the brains. Chelsea comes up with the f**king ideas and Brooklyn can execute them cuz she doesn’t care about lying and whatever and Brooklyn is Brooklyn has done anything to survive in here and has thrown everyone underneath the bus. She still has pull and can manipulate people. As long as one of the two girls is gone, their sh*t is never gonna happen again. Leah – Chelsie’s won on paper and Brooklyn hasn’t. Tucker – Chelsie won by luck and she openly admitted it. Tucker – I feel like Joseph is going to win an HOH. Leah – he doesn’t hate you. Tucker – no I don’t thinks so at all.
Leah – Even last night like they opened up a conversation to me
but being like what are your thoughts on like lingerie like wearing lingerie or whatever like they just want me to like talk and like and like they they want me to like open up about myself so that they can put it against me. Tucker – of course. Leah – and that’s so cheap and I just hate it.
Tucker – I did say something to Quinn, I said you got lucky there are bigger fish to fry than you right now. Makensy – when he walked in the kitchen did you hear him go haha? Tucker – what I said to him up here, I said to him in the kitchen as well. I’m just like bro. I f**king threw you and also it’s like I don’t give a f**k. He sucks at this game at this point. He I knew everything he was doing with Rubina I knew I played his game and fed into what the f**k I knew he was thinking about. I was I told him I was gonna use it. I was not gonna use it. I’m gonna finish when I started with Cedric and because and then and then I used it and I knew that Rubina was already going up and I knew that he was that I knew that he was thinking that I would crumble if she fell and be like crying miserable and then just f**king leave here bro. Are you kidding me? I didn’t come here for that shit. I came here to play this game! We don’t have a showmance. We’re like brother and sister. My f**king god dude!
7:45pm Backyard – Chelsie and Angela
Chelsie – I protected them with Cedric in this past week and alliances. I’m not gonna now flip. I’m gonna let the house make their own decision. I love them and I want all three of us to say and the house has to do with the house has to do. But I love them both and they’re great people and I will choose to not throw anybody under the bus. Nobody is not playing that game. I’m gonna be loyal. Angela – those are good decisions. Chelsie – thank you. Angela – you handled that so well. The way you conducted yourself. I was literally impressive. You handled that with dignity. First class all the way. Chelsie – thank you. I think all three of you did. Chelsie – I appreciate that. Chelsie – the non-truth things were hard to not address in the moment. I am proud of that. Angela – you should be. Chelsie – my parents are probably proud because 5 years ago it would have been a different situation. Its just a lot of work to love people even when things are like crappy. This is a game. This is a heightened Mafia. That’s what that is .. and I am not mad. Love these people in this house. I do feel like I have a lot of fight left in me for sure.
8:05pm – 8:23pm HOH room – Rubina and Tkor
Rubina – I’m so stressed out. Tkor – I’m thinking about it like he did not wanna put Makensy on the block. Rubina – I know we all suggested that, that’s why it’s a weird. Chelsie was a number for us. You know what I’m saying? Tkor – He did not want to put Makensy up? Rubina – No, not at all. Thor – because putting up Makensy ruins his relationship with her, you know, his final 3 you know what I’m saying. Rubina – here’s what scares me is that like I know he is a truth teller but he also can act.
Rubina – f**k bitch I don’t know… this game ..this game is exhausting. So much to be aware of and worry about. I’m a lover, I know I’m not a warrior or and it’s putting things in my brain that I in regular life I would just walk away from this so yeah. Tkor – Yeah I know. Rubina – I’ve trusted you since our very first conversation. Tkor – same girl. Rubina – I am so glad you’re here. Tkor – We just have to think about what is going to be best for our games in the long run. I don’t think Chelsie should go this week. Rubina – me neither. Which is funny because Brooklyn theoretically would have been better for my game. Now she.. I don’t want to be tied to her. Tkor – from what I can tell Leah does not like Brooklyn or Chelsie. Rubina – yeah she’s realizing they make fun of her in front of her. Tkor – Honestly I don’t have anything against Makensy, I just don’t want to play the game with her. Rubina agrees.
8:30pm Bathroom – Chelsie and Leah.
Chelsie – I wanted to say I’m sorry. I’m sorry if you feel like we’ve lost trust because I withheld stuff from you. But that was my reasoning for it. If anybody brings me into an alliance, I’m gonna be loyal to it. Leah – Of course. Chelsie – To fault to a fault. And it gets you to certain places. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. And these just didn’t. So I just wanted to say sorry and I don’t want to be weird. I love you. You were not on my mind at all. I even in my week of power and I tried to tell MJ that too. So yeah, I just want to say I’m sorry. I’m sorry. that I didn’t tell you but that was my reason for not telling you.
Leah – Yeah, no, I totally get that like I would not be mad like if someone’s loyal to their alliance like that’s quite literally the whole purpose of an alliance is to not make it public so like that is totally fine. Like I’m a very logical person. I think there’s a lot there’s a lot of stuff that has been like transpiring yeah and like it’s just more than that like I would not be more I would not begrudge anybody for being loyal to something they committed to that’s like very my on brand for me.
9pm Backyard – Leah, Tucker, Quinn, Angela, Chelsie and Cam are chatting about video games.
9:25pm – 9:40pm HOH Room – Joseph, Tucker and Kimo
Joseph – Any updates? Kimo – no. Tucker – Mackenzie is a 100 percent not on their team, but playing it very well now. Joseph – Cool. Tucker – Yeah. Hell yeah. She’s like, she’s like, dude, they just keep f**king lying and keep going and running it with me. And I’m just going with it. But they’re such f**king liars. Joseph – No way. Tucker – Yeah, hell yeah. I thought it would take her a while to see right through it. Joseph – hell yeah, cool. Tucker – its about to get very uncomfortable. It definitely was very uncomfortable and I wanted to say because sh*t’s about to get uncomfortable and like I know that wouldn’t be good for later. Joseph – Yeah. Tucker – And I hesitated so hard. I was like because it’s about to get very uncomfortable didn’t. Joseph – No, I think there was genius that I think it was a good way of letting everything out without throwing anyone specific person under the bus and that way they can kind of you know? Tucker – and even Cam seems to not like the way they were coming at it. Joseph – Yeah. How did he get duped? Tucker – He got duped just by their tricks like they would have f**king kicked him out too eventually. He was probably going to be the first one out of the five that was close.
Tucker – I heard today that the first week or second week you heard a guy and a girl in the bathroom stall with the door locked and they got.. Kimo – true. Tucker – He said it might have been the 2nd one too. Who the Fuck do you think it was? Kimo – I don’t know. Joseph – I mean, if it was the first week, I think we know it was (he’s thinking it was Makensy and Matt). Tucker – No, because Mackenzie was up here. Makensy heard about it too, and it didn’t seem like it was… Joseph – young Cedric? Kimo – was it Cedric? Big Brother switches the feeds.
The feeds switch back after a few minutes. Tucker – I don’t think the 6 has much to be worried about at all. You can see how much their energies change, how much Chelsea and Brooklyn aren’t f**king chilling with each other right now. And that could be strategic. But in the end, bro, they don’t have Makensy and they think they got Makensy.. and they probably don’t have Cam either.
9:55pm Backyard Hammock – Leah and Joseph
Joseph – how are you? Leah – I’m fantastic. Life is great. How are you? Joseph – I’ve been better, but you know, I’ll be alright. Leah – I’m scared for everyone else. I’m definitely not scared for you. Joseph – Do you think so? Leah – I mean, I know I’ve seen what’s happened in the past, you know what I mean? Joseph – Oh Dojo? Leah – No, but I actually take that seriously. That’s what I live by. Joseph – Right. Right. Yeah. Well, I appreciate you, girl. Leah – No, but I mean that. F**k him. Joseph – F**k him. Leah – I mean.. Joseph – in the words of a wise young man. Leah – no matter like no matter what happens, you literally have over a whole week to lie, cheat and steal and not be on the block. Just kidding but I can tell that .. I mean like from what I’ve heard. I haven’t heard anything bad except for like.. Joseph – Brooklyn and Chelsie. Leah – yeah, and like I don’t think anyone believes what they say. Joseph – I mean I have nothing to hide so. Leah – I mean I know that because I knew before it came out today. I was really worried that you would think that you would think that I was the one who did it.. But I did not. Joseph – I appreciate that.
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T,kor is quickly becoming a loose end…loose ends have to be cut…mark my words this conversation will go back to Tucker…your days are numbered T kor.
This whole week has been a t’kor mess and it could be the final nail in her proverbial coffin.
TKOR is very much a loose end who can’t win & she talks about wanting a Women of Color to win. So if you’re male & white you can’t truly have the bigot as an ally.
Why do my Spidey senses tell me we are looking at an Angela/Chelsie finale?
In what rancid Hell would you have us suffer tho
Big Brother 26
Angela: put her on as many mood stablizers and horse tranquilizers as you want, Grod… we all know she’s a whackjob. Still a nope.
Mak: Blindfolded Giraffe Girl with a sledge hammer… often uses herself as her pinata.
Cam: There’s a free washing machine. You don’t even have to put quarters in it.
Tucker: well we’ve seen your Hamza era and your Cody era… guessing we see your Paul era next? Not so Slick Grod… we see it coming. Still a nope.
Leah: like like okay like why doesn’t anyone like want to align like with you?
Joseph: Still no Muttley… still never cared… sorry Dick Dastardly.
Quinn: blink blink…. really? That’s the plan you’re going with? Seriously?
Kimo: cus every harem had a eunuch. Targeting based on who talked to Rubina’s man? Really… that thirsty????
Rubina: soon to enter her scorned era… can we call it that when we aren’t supposed to judge her stay on big brother love island based on her relationship? shrug.
Brooklyn: just had to get tv ready with an overdose of botulism toxin… Shamone. Heeehehe.
Chelsie: That’s right… butter wouldn’t melt in your mouth….suuuure you’re the victim… but your sock and drawer fetish is giving me the heeby jeebies. freak.
T’kor: in words you will definitely get… mmmmhmmmm.
Tkor: From what I can tell, Leah does not like Brooklyn or Chelsie.
Rubina: Yeah, she’s realizing they make fun of her in front of her.