Tommy “If we can sweep it under the rug and join back up together, we can get rid of Cliff.”

Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household Winner – Cliff
Have note are: Tommy, Christie, Jackson, Kat
Nominations are: Jack and Jackson

Powers in the game

Jack – Chaos
After chips have been drawn for a Veto player draw, Jack could force a re-draw for the players. This power could only be used once and is able to be used until there are six players left in the game.

Christie – Panic
At any of the next four Power of Veto Ceremonies, Christie can turn the Golden Power of Veto into the Diamond Power of Veto and allow the current veto holder pull someone off the nomination block, but instead of the Head of Household naming the replacement nominee, the veto holder names the replacement.

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8:25pm Cliff and Nicole. Cliff – how are you feeling. Nicole – I’m good. Cliff – that was kind of a gutsy thing I did. I just feel like we were going to get cut down one by one. Nicole – 100% but I just feel like I have to defuse the peoples.. Cliff – I know, it pulls you in a difficult spot. Hopefully, we’re still working together. Nicole – absolutely.. that’s what’s scary .. Jess came to me and said control your man up there. Cliff – really, well we’ll figure it out. Nicole – this is the only thing I feel comfortable with faithful in. Everyone else, no one is going to take me with them. Cliff – that’s the thing I know the six flipped and gave you the votes but if it hadn’t gone that way I think I would have only gotten an extra couple weeks out of here. So I just have to hope that Jack doesn’t win veto and if he does and Christie uses her power on him then that could be rough. Nicole – yeah. Cliff – if she did, he would probably put up Nick and Bella. We would just have to go with it and try and avoid the collateral damage. Cliff and Nicole head into the HOH room. Nicole – its difficult because its the six of them. Cliff – if we can make this work and get Jack out .. from a competition standpoint there isn’t anyone on that side that can give us much competition.. except maybe Christie. But on our side we’ve got me, Nick, Sam.. Nicole – and Jess has gotten close. Cliff – I think we could win enough to maintain balance. Its me and you and Nick and Bella and Sam but we don’t really have anyone where we feel like we’re at the bottom of the pecking order. Even though it was risky.. Nicole – I don’t want to be this middle person snake, manipulative person but I like that’s kind of where I landed. Cliff – we all have our rolls. I just hope we’re tight. Nicole – we are. Cliff – I talked about how you and I disconnected through Ovi. So people aren’t looking at us as this tight alliance. So continue to keep track of them and I will keep track of this side.

Tommy and Cliff. Tommy – I just wanted to say that I am sorry that I was emotional before. I really mean it, thank you. I talked to Jess and I really mean it when I say that I support your decision. I understand, I really do. Cliff – I am trying to do the best gameplay. Hopefully, I’ve proved it to y’all having not picked y’all. Tommy and Cliff hug.

8:36pm Boat room. Tommy and Jack. Jack – if its Jackson and I on the block .. because if comes down to a vote they have to be cool with me. Tommy – its not volunteering .. this is what was going to happen anyway. If Cliff wants to call it volunteering that’s fine. Jack – that’s bullsh*t it was happening anyway. Tommy – its going to be a tough week but I’ve got your back. Jack – I just realized that I have to still talk to him. Ultimately if it comes down to a vote I know I’ve got you, Christie and Sis but at the same time I’m a bigger threat. Like Nick and Bella are going to want to send me out. Tommy – I love Jackson but I’ve heard whispers that he is really aggressive towards Kat. The way he talks and sometimes that rubs people the wrong way. Not to say that I don’t love him but that’s in your favor. People like you more and want you around more. Jack – and the fact that he is on slop and I get to cook for everyone. I am going to win it tomorrow.

8:50pm Slop balls are ready.. Christie – Its not like there are more of them. We will put tinfoil on them and a death threat.

9:07pm – 9:40pm Bedroom. Tommy and Sis. Tommy – Today, I’m not talking to anyone. Tommorrow is a new day, I’m just trying to think about what to do moving forward. What if next week we say to Nick.. here is the truth.. you guys did this, you guys did that. If we can sweep it under the rug and join back up together, we can get rid of Cliff. And that brings us back together again. Sis – I just feel like no one would trust each other. Tommy – if we put everything out in the open. .. we need each other. Jack joins them. Tommy explains his idea to Jack. Tommy – the only way Nick would be on board is if we convinced him that he wouldn’t be on the bottom of the pecking order. Nicole joins them. The conversation turns to chatting about random things. Cliff, Christie and Jess join them.

9:46pm – 10apm HOH room. Bella and Cliff. Bella – if Jack comes down who would you put up? Cliff – Maybe ..either Holly or Tommy. I don’t know it would just be someone on that side. And it could be Christie because she has to decide whether she wants to use it or not. Bella tells Cliff that in order to keep Kat on their side Nick made an alliance with Kat including us call the misfits. Sam – what if Kat runs and tells Jess.. then Jess and Nicole will know they’re on the outs. Cliff – as long as she doesn’t say anything then I don’t have a problem with it. Sam – is annoyed with Bella.

9:50pm – 10:10pm Tommy tells Christie about his idea of getting back with Nick and Bella and go after Cliff and Sam. The way I play this game Nick has no reason not to trust me. Christie – Sam and Cliff are the better players. Christie – and then what we’re here with 3 couples? Like we don’t stand a chance with couples. I love Jack and don’t want him to go anywhere. Tommy – I think one of our six are going this week. It might be Jackson. Christie – I would much rather it be Jackson over Jack. I don’t want Jack to go. Tommy – if we band together, then we use each other to get farther in the game. Christie – I don’t trust that they won’t take the first shot at us. How do you trust someone who keeps burning us. Tommy – I trust Nick, because he never burned us. He burned them. Jack joins them. Christie – can I be honest, I can’t play for another second with Bella.

10:20pm – 10:35pm Tommy and Christie. Christie – its going to be a really complicated week. Tommy – I want to keep Jack safe, I really do. I want to find a way to save Jack because Jack is good for both of us. Jack loves us and will fight for us till the death. I know it. Christie – I still think Jack is just a smooth-talking sketch bomb. If someone is using the veto on Jack .. I have to use the power because if I don’t Cliff would probably backdoor me. Like I don’t want to use my power to save Jackson. I will only use it to save jack.

10:40pm Bedroom. Nick and Bella. Nick – I don’t understand why she (Christie) would not use it (her power). If they got me out it would be so good for them. Just like the same way we’re thinking if we get Jack out we’re so good especially if the vote is crazy. If its 5/5 Cliff will break it. I’ll make a speech .. I’ll be like we are very low on the pecking order and we’ll get stabbed. If we get Jack out we have a great chance to get to five or six together. All we need now is this veto. Christie’s power is annoying. Bella – if Jack stays its not going to be a fun rest of the season. He is just going to walk through.

(Jack tells Tommy, Sis, and Jackson about his Chaos Power)
11pm – 12am Camp Comeback room. Jackson, Tommy, Christie and Sis. Jackson – can I just ask do either one of y’all have a power? Tommy – no I don’t have it. Jackson – because I am just asking on my game .. I don’t have a power .. if Holly has it then Kudos to her for keeping a secret. If Sam has a power .. there are only 5 people that could have it four of which are in this six. Jack smiles. Jackson – you f**ker! Jack – I finished that motherf**ker in like 7 seconds. Jackson jumps on Jack. Jack – its nothing that great though. Christie – its still good though. It doesn’t even matter that you have it, it matters that they don’t. Jack – its called the Chaos power.. I am able to switch the veto player picking. Jackson – that’s big this week. Jack – that’s why I am confident going in this because we have two veto powers. Jackson – this is big! Jack – my thought process is this .. if two out of the three players are from six shooters then we ride with it. If not then we’ll re-draw. Christie – one of us has to win it.. if Kat is in it ..get her to throw it to one of you. Christie – Nick I feel like we could still work with … Bella needs to eat sh*t! I don’t like her. I cannot play in this game with her. She’s a conniving evil, immature, little mean girl, pit bull, reckless bomb! Nick has a heart inside and with out Sam and Bella he needs us. Kat joins them. Kat – I’m a bit of a veto champ .. if any of you get house guest choice .. you can pick me. Christie – I have a serious question .. if you win it and use it .. I am going to activate my power… then you would have to nominate two people. Kat – OHHHHh… I would rather throw it to one of y’all. Christie – perfect. Who’s side is Sam on? Tommy – he is playing both sides. Christie – he is not with us.

1:23 am Have nots

Discussions on how to get Belle on the block.

8:18 am Tommy, Jack, Kat, and Christie
Christie says Bella is after her “big time” so she’ll use her power to get Bella on the block using her power. Says that she knows Jack wants Sam but she’s not confident about the votes.
Christie – Cliff doesn’t mind that she gets out .. he just doesn’t want to get his hands dirty.
Christie – I can tell Bella to f* herself and she doesn’t go to jury

Jack – Bella deserves to go
Christie says Bella is toxic and has screwed every single person in this house and now she’s running around the house telling everyone she wants Christie gone
Christie – I want to send her home to the home she doesn’t have (ouch)
Tommy says Cliff may try to campaign to keep Bella because he sees her as a number for him right now

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89 thoughts to “Tommy “If we can sweep it under the rug and join back up together, we can get rid of Cliff.””

    1. It all depends on who ends up with the veto this week and if Christie uses her power. We’ll have a much better grasp on who’s out the door after the veto comp.

      1. Agreed This week there’s too much unknown pre veto and pre power to come up with a decent answer. hopefully, it’s one of the 6

  1. Best case scenario Christie doesn’t use her power , and either Jack, Jackson , Christie , are gone ! If not any of the h8ful eight will do.
    Worst case scenario , Christie realizes by not using her power someone in her alliance will be evicted, gets afraid it will be weakened and is given a chance to use it and does.
    Regardless , this week has the potential to be the best one yet !

      1. I would have asked her to promise not to use it pre-nom. If she refused, I would have said, “You’re leaving me no choice but to nominate you. However, if you promise not to use it, I will promise not to nominate you AND promise not to backdoor you.” Is it binding? No, but it gives her a reason not to use it (other than the fact she should save it to use on herself), and some people actually honor the promises they make in cases like this. It would have been worth a shot, and he had nothing to lose by trying it, but he didn’t.

            1. Yes, it must be activated during the veto ceremony, before the veto holder makes his decision. In reality, she must tell production at some point before the ceremony that she is going to use her power.

  2. And just when I thought Jack couldn’t possibly be any more unlikable than he already is…. He proves me wrong. I can’t wait to see the backside of him walking out the door.

    1. “Tommy – if we band together, then we use each other to get farther in the game.” You mean… Like an alliance??? Like maybe, FIVE different alliances? And make sure you include a couple of people that can’t keep their mouths shut.

    2. Can these people stop saying how much they LOVE each other? It’s exhausting …. and so fake.

  3. Tommy crying over Jack being nominated. Oh suck it up.
    Holly and Jackson. oh. um…. really. with the lights on and the cameras and ur just gonna start doing… oh. okay. took long enough for feeds to switch.
    Nick seems to think he can just jump ship to the other side successfully and take the reigns. Sure. He nominated three of them last week. but sure. arms wide open. because he’s the comp beast that won the nerf lawn darts luck comp.

    If i’m in that house right now, i’m grabbing whatever food is closest and sitting right next to Jackson and just devouring it. Every time he enters a room. I’m going to follow him around after rubbing spices on my hands, or keeping food in my pockets, using tuna juice as eau de toilette just so he can always smell food. Then i’m going to that freezer, grabbing all the food Jack is saving for Jackson, and cooking all of it. I don’t care if i’m not hungry. Heck. I might even eat some of the slop. And putting my water bottle in the fridge. And i’m just waiting for one of them to tell me i can’t while they sit on the block. Pull a Christie’s magic bladder tantrum about them trying to bully me while they’re on the block. loudly. in front of as many house guests as possible. Have a staged absolute meltdown. A cry on command shake and bake meltdown. 🙂
    But. i’m petty. really petty. grin. Can you tell i want someone in there to get petty right about now?
    Where’s the camp uniforms for have nots? Come on, in for a penny in for a pound.

    So they started with the concept of getting Nick out. Tommy is pushing for Sam out (as usual). Christie is now pushing for Bella.
    They haven’t played veto. Cart is three days before the horse.

    1. Because it’s possible she’ll slide with the remaining six and goof things up. Nicole, Cliff, Sam, NIck, Bella or maybe Jess needs to win the veto so Cliff decides the replacement. Christie might use it if anyone else wins it.

    2. Actually this week is all Kat. If she votes with Cliff the 8 (now 6) will lose a member as they should have 5 votes and Cliff holds the tiebreaker. The Arrogant 6 assume that they have Sam, Kat, Nick and Bella on their side. Nick and Bella know they are not really part of that alliance any more because the 6 drew the line in the sand by flipping the vote on them and trying to put the target them. Sam knows he never was paper of that alliance. It comes down to Kat. If she is as smart as she claims to be, she will vote with cliff because she knows she is not part of the 6 either. Even if Christie used her diamond power she can only save one of the 6. Even if she uses her power and one of the 6 wins the veto, Cliff still replaces one and Christie replaces one of she uses it. As long as Renoms a 6 it will come down to Kat to give Cliff 5 votes.

      1. Is Kat playing both sides to be in Jack and son’s good graces? Seems like she wants to ultimately side with the cool kids.

        I hate that she’s betraying Cliff. It doesn’t seem like she’s doing it to progress her own game.

  4. I HOPE but I WORRY!!!! That production will get involved to help Christie like they used to help Paul every week and they make it a win for Christie. I used to hate when production would just hand Paul a win for the week out of nowhere.

    1. Kind of like that word puzzle one for the power that everyone else struggled with but that Christy just happened to breeze through. I can’t help but think the production gave her the answer before the start of the competition.
      If she is there chosen winner then production obviously will break up the six shooter alliance and give Christy a come back story for the season. The other people in her alliance are just too unlikable.

  5. I love how cliff is suddenly the bad guy. Jack, “Cliff drew a line in the sand.” Gee who voted out who the week before???

    1. It seriously drives me f*ing crazy how these people talk when things don’t go their way. You f*ing voted Cliff out!!!
      Like yesterday Tommy was telling Cliff if he or Christie were winning this week HOH they were not going to put Cliff up. WHAT F**** not only did you both vote him out but he knows Christie was one of the MAIN reasons for it.

      I’m glad Cliff isn’t an idiot to get snowed by all these people.

      1. Cliff is the most rational person in the house except maybe Sam. Christie ricochets all over the place. I’m not happy with all these powers this year too. Let’s hope the veto helps Cliff but it seems the odds are piled up against him unfortunately:(

  6. question for you simon, when christie was talking to kat and said if she (kat) won the veto and used it, then christie would activate her power, and kat would have to nominate 2 people. is this true or is christie mistaken or just saying that to discourage kat from winning veto if she had the chance? also i thought she couldnt lie about the power she holds

  7. I just added an update from this morning.. Looks like Christie is going to use her power if she can and put Bella on the block.

    So Cliff, Nicole, Bella, Nick, need to win the Veto …

            1. Jack’s power: If he doesn’t like the names/chips that are drawn when they choose veto players, Jack can force a new draw for new names.

  8. I thought the whole point of saving Nicole was for the 6 to then bring her in? Other than a few conversations with Tommy, the rest have hardly spoken to her since saving her.

  9. LOL! The 6 are up this morning and all are still assuming they are a solid group of 9 (10 including Kat)…….silly fools. Keep assuming away and can’t wait till eviction night and find out the extra 4 “solid votes” and your expendables all figured out that they were your spare parts and start picking you guys off.

  10. 6shooters unnecessarily blindsided Nick & Bella (exposing themselves) with the vote and underestimated Cliff. Christie and Tommy are idiots because they were sitting pretty among the 8/9. They still had the majority with the six shooters in the nine and could have controlled this game (and had the DPOV to fall back on). Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy they did because it would have made for a boring season. But it was stupid gameplay and now it’s blowing up in their faces.

  11. Jack used his redraw power. (First pick was Cliff, Jack, Jackson, Holly, Jessica, ?)
    Power of Veto Players are – Cliff, Jack, Jackson, Sis, Sam, Kat

    1. Actually, that’s a pretty even draw. Even though Kat did well on that puzzle veto, I don’t see her or Sis as a serious threat against the other four. In a random game, I’d say Sam would be favored followed by Jack, Cliff with Jackson last because of his foot. I’ll be pulling hard for Sam and Cliff to keep the pot stirring! It’s also good that Jack’s power is burned now, but we don’t want Christie’s to be used to get Bella (ugh!) on the block, at least not right now. The misfits need all their votes to vote out one of the six!

    2. It also sounds like Christie is under the delusion that her power, if activated, will allow the veto holder to nominate two replacement nominees. That IS incorrect, isn’t it? Say Jack wins, she activates, Jack removes himself from the block and replaces himself with Bella, right? He can’t also remove Douche#2 and replace him with Nick at the same time? That would be one ridiculously strong power (completely nullify Cliff’s HOH)!

  12. Bwaaaahahahahahahahaha! Veto players picked ……….Sam, Jess, and Holly. Jack uses and now loses his power and the official veto players are Sam, Kat, and Sis. Looks like a push unless Kat does something silly if she wins. 2 powers gone and 1 to go. Will be sweet if Christy blows her power and one of the 6 still goes home and not to jury.

  13. I sure hope this plan works! Christie said last night she is going to activate her power of any of the six win the veto an they r putting up either Sam r Bella! I hope it works out for them!

  14. I was wrong about Cliff. I thought he was a waste of space and kind of a doofus. Now I think he is god’s gift to big brother. That was a bold move, putting up the jackholes. Kudos to Cliff.

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