Tommy “If I stay, I am going to get him (Jackson) out! I can do that!”

Head of Household Winner: Jackson
Nominations are: Tommy, Cliff Holly
Power of Veto Players are:
Power of Veto holder: Nicole
Power of Veto Ceremony: Nicole uses the veto on Cliff. Holly is the replacement.
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8pm Hammock. Tommy and Nicole.
Nicole – can you imagine.. and this is nothing against anybody but .. my family, your family and Cliff’s all there on finale night? Tommy – I think my family would be different than your guys because both of your families are very on board and my family isn’t necessarily on board. At least when I left. Finale night could happen! Nicole – it will happen! Tommy – yeah it will because if I stay I am going to get him (Jackson) out. I can do that. Or one of you will. Or we will together. I know that, that can happen. Nicole – it can. Three versus one is better than two versus two. Tommy agrees. Oh my gosh I would love to compete in the faces comp. Kemi’s nose…got it! Kemi’s teeth .. got it! Jess’s teeth it! Sam’s teeth it. Like a little more gummy.. like I know everything! I am ready! I am ready! Nicole – that’s so good. Tommy – Sam’s twinkle in his eye. Nicole – you know goals .. like I don’t want to be the first one out. Then I don’t want to go out before jury. Then I don’t want to be the first one in jury. Top eight or Zingbot or BB comics.. Cliff joins them. Nicole – the next milestone with the exception of this week hint hint. The next milestone in my head is my family in the audience. Cliff and Tommy agree. Nicole – That’s what I want more than anything. Tommy – I think it would be the best season EVER if I was watching. Cliff – I hope so ..I think we’ve done our share of drama and poetic justice. Nicole – I think so. Tommy – we’re going to get something fun tomorrow. We’re going to get some videos. oh my gosh! Nicole – I can’t cry anymore. ..I can but I don’t want to. Tommy – I don’t see crying as a sign of weakness. Jackson and Holly join them. Tommy keeps talking about the surprise he thinks is going to come tomorrow.

9pm Bedroom. Jackson and Holly.
Jackson – I sure hope they don’t take that conversation from the shower. (Wasn’t on the feeds.) Holly – no, there is no way. There is no way. Jackson – I would rather just self-evict. Holly – that would be cruel and unusual. There is a line that no tv show should ever cross and that is it. Jackson – that is what I thought until the letter in the mail.. Holly – HHHmm? Big Brother blocks the feeds.

9:12pm Bedroom. Jackson, Tommy, Cliff.
Jackson – I am not going to lie, I am pretty excited. Cliff – about it being empty? Jackson – no, about two and a half weeks. Cliff – oh yeah. Tommy – to be done. Jackson nods. Cliff – yeah, I am ready for it to be done. There is a part of that is not ready to say goodbye .. but nope .. I am ready to say goodbye. If we could get it done in the next week, I would do it. I am ready to wrap this up. The conversation turns to talking about sports.

9:35pm Nicole reads her HOH letter from her family and starts crying. Nicole reads part of her letter – “Everyday is close to winning and coming home.” Nicole – I want it so bad! I want my family in the audience on finale night! I just can’t f**k it up! I want it for me. I want it for my family. I want it for every person that I am representing. Tommy joins Nicole. Tommy – its a lot. Its 24 / 7 of the same thing. Its a lot. Nicole its going to happen. You’re amazing. It is. Nicole – I just hope so. Tommy – Oh my gosh Nicole! Come on! Who wouldn’t take you!? Who would evict you!? Nobody! And not for any other reason than .. you’re likable, people want you there, you’ve earned your spot. Its going to happen. You’ve managed to not be a target. You’ve made big moves and you’re still not a target. Nicole – I appreciate that. Tommy – I wouldn’t say that to anyone else and it doesn’t change how I feel about you. I want to be at the end with you. I think if you were sitting in the final 2 chairs anyone that is next to you should be very scared. They would have to really fight. No matter what I see you there. Nicole – I just want it so bad. So frig’n close. Tommy – you have to be ready for anything. Nicole – this is true. I know you’re in the same situation so I am sorry for crying. Tommy – its fine. I have hope.

10:15pm Hammock. Holly and Jackson.
Jackson – I don’t have a final two with anybody. Holly – wow, harsh! Jackson – I am just kidding you know that I am going to be sitting next to you on finale night. I hope I made that very clear to you and other people. Holly – same. I really hope this isn’t my last night in the yard. Jackson – it won’t be. Holly – I can’t get anymore ingredients for my campaign lunch. Jackson – why? Holly – because I’m on the block. Big Brother blocks the feeds. Holly – I guess I could make something else.

10:45pm Hammock. Jackson & Holly.
Holly – I am very realistic.. I do want to spend time with you, do fun stuff and make memories when we get outside of here. If we then go our separate ways then I am happy with that. Jackson – Same. Can we make a deal? No matter whether or not we are together I want to go on at least one trip every year with you. Holly – every year? That sounds like a pretty damn good deal. Trip a year for life. Jackson – travel buddy. They shake on it.

11:09pm Block buddies..

11:34pm Nicole – it looks like a volcano! Jackson – we are bored..

11:56pm – 12:30am Hammock. Tommy and Nicole.
Nicole – so close! Tommy – but I will be okay no matter what happens. I really will. I am a good sport. Nicole – I am a good sport. I just want it so bad. Tommy – I know. I hear that. I really do. I get nervous to want it so bad so I hold back but when I am in a competition .. I can feel it. Nicole – I can’t believe how far we’re come. Cliff joins them. Tommy heads inside. Cliff heads to the camera in the center of the yard and starts singing to Sharon “I see the moon and the moon sees me. Big Brother blocks the feeds.

12:30am Hammock. Cliff and Nicole.
Cliff – its hard. These decisions we’re making can be half a million dollar decisions. For us or certainly for someone else. Nicole – I am just trying to have faith that you make the decision that feels right and that’s all you can do. Cliff – what do we think is best for our game .. and if it turns out not to be .. as long as we can justify it for us down the road.. why did you do that? Well its because this, this and this. Well how about this? Well we didn’t know about that. And I can’t.. you’ve dealt with it all season and I’ve dealt with it some.. you can’t get personal. Because every person in this house right now, I really like. I don’t have issues with any of them. And I don’t want to do anything that would cause them not to.. have a chance at this dream ..but we have to. And if we don’t shut down their dreams, then we shut down our dreams. And I want to win.. and if I don’t win… I want you to win. Nicole – that’s how I feel. I want to win but if I don’t win I want cliff to win. I think we can do it. Cliff – I think its possible. People are going to be amazed. They’re (Jury) going to be wondering who is next. Nicole – They’re going to be shocked with Holly walks in.

1am Cliff and Tommy chatting about random things..

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146 thoughts to “Tommy “If I stay, I am going to get him (Jackson) out! I can do that!””

    1. Cliff (something like): I am an honorable person. I never break my word. We are the final four
      Nicole: I never lie, I will fall on the sword.

      Tommy…winner of $500,000.

  1. Big Brother sure blocks the feeds a lot!! It’s really annoying and so many times they are talking about stuff production has said or done. There’s a lot more production interaction than I have ever realized.

  2. I enjoyed the wine party last night and all the glimpses we got of the real Jackson/Mommy dynamic (creepy)……..but Cliff was a surprise when he repeatedly instigated a little fight between them by pointing out how different their life priorities were. Cliff had a good buzz going and held his wine glass like he was making a toast to them the whole time lol. He was really enjoying himself passive aggressively f@cking with them. Alcohol is a helluva drug.

    1. If Tommy’s in the final 2, the alliance will all vote for him. But, it’s still better to keep him to take out Jackson and then try to get him out. Jackson deserves it more than Tommy, but I want Nicole to win.

    2. I think he wants to pay Nicole back for telling him and Christy they were safe, then she got rid of Christy, his BFF.

  3. Cliff cliff cliff really??? NO we don’t want to see you unpack your suitcase for our entertainment!

    His talks to feeders kill me cuz he’s so condascending its not even funny!!!

    1. Thank You! I wanted to hear the J&H convo in the hammock. That’s a POP TV decision to air the most viewer interesting feed. Someone felt Cliff unpacking his suitcase would be ratings worthy! NOT

      1. Sometimes it pays to have the feeds. Sounds like POP TV has access to only one camera and you get what you get. (hammock talk wasn’t very interesting either, same old relationship talk)

    2. I have never liked Cliff much. All the weird things he does with his tiny hands… he Does instigate a lot with Jackson & Holly. On a personal level I’m not a fan of anyone this year (first time ever) I have watched BB every single year since it’s premiere. But this year has been pretty sucky game play. As of right now, Jackson should win but there’s still some game to be played so…we’ll see.

  4. Of course Jackson has asked for the HOH room back from Nicole after giving it to her because he’s already been in that room for three weeks in a row (his and Holly’s HOH’s). Of course he says it’s because Holly can’t sleep in any of the other rooms or beds. What a load of spoiled entitled crap that entire b.s story is.
    She had no problems sleeping with the peasants on week 2, 3, 4 most of 6 and 7.
    Reality: Tommy’s HOH, Cliff told Jackson and Holly that the cameras have probably captured their yuckfest shenanigans. Holly has been uncomfortable with sex outside of the hoh shower or hoh room because they are under the delusion that HOH room doesn’t show up on feeds that much. Juuuust like they thought camp comeback room wasn’t on feeds the night I saw things. bad things. things the poolboy and memaw the anti-porn advocate shouldn’t ought to be doing on camera.
    By the way, how much are we willing to bet that “letter” Jackson talked about getting was a gag order? From any number of sources given the stories he was telling in that time frame?

    1. What is this about the letter? I keep hearing him mention the letter, but somewhere Along the feeds I have missed it. What is that all about?

      1. while in the bathroom i think. after their latest shower calisthenics. Holly and Jackson are discussing how he hopes the conversations they have had in the hoh bathroom like the one they just had aren’t used on the show because they’d ruin him. she states that there is a line no tv show should ever cross. he states ‘i would have thought that too until i got that letter’ . The conversational reference is that he still thinks that things he has said and done that were… inappropriate… are being used in the show edit. he isn’t as worried about feeds because he thinks 2 maybe 3 thousand watch feeds, but he is worried about episode inclusion because millions watch that.
        The reason I am thinking gag order: he was discussing things and issues about his fraternity (his suspended until 2024 ?fraternity). he was discussing issues with his past and at that time his present girlfriend (yeah, he had a girlfriend he wasn’t willing to risk losing for Kat, but he was fine with losing over Holly). He further made reference to legal issues and ‘trumped up charges’ that he had discussed with Kat and later with Jack in front of Tommy. Kat on feeds mentioned he had legal problems involving domestic abuse the morning after this conversation with Jackson. THIS is the time period in which he received that letter (between weeks 1-3).

        1. Dear Holly, Do you really want to talk about crossing lines? Unless you want to be a porn star, don’t have sex with cameras on 24/7.

      2. I think it is just a euphemism for when Production spanked his peepee in the diary room early in the season about how some of his statements and actions were being perceived on the feeds and to knock it off.

  5. I seriously doubt that Nicole would be pushing so hard to keep Tommy in the game if she knew about his connection to Christie. If Christie can’t win, she’ll do everything she can to make sure that Tommy does if he ends up in the final two. And we ALL know how persuasive she can be. Hopefully if Holly is sent to the jury house this week she’ll spill the beans to the other jurors.

      1. “It would serve them right” for what exactly? I too think getting Tommy out is the better move here, but c’mon, it’s not like it’s a clear-cut decision. There are positives and negatives to both courses of action.

        People kill me throwing around the “worst season ever” nonsense the minute some houseguest makes a decision they don’t approve of.

        1. Nope, I’ve been saying worst season ever for 2 months and so has a lot of other people. I thought it was the general consensus of most people watching the game – if that’s what you want to call it. Just my opinion.

  6. Jackson is beginning to throw little hints to Holly but she isn’t picking them up. I think he knows that the tide has turned and has tried very subtly and unsuccessfully at that to break the news to her. Although as we have already come to know she has as much self awareness as Jess did. Maybe less. She really is the classic coattailer.

    1. It’s sad but I think you are right. Holly looks so miserable at times so maybe she is picking up on Jackson’s indifference but too late to play BB alone. I think the ‘couch’ blow up was very telling because of how J privately spoke to/at H afterwards.

    2. I don’t think Jackson cares anymore. i don’t like him either but Holly seems to be a high maintenance pain- in- the- ass. On
      second thought, they deserve each other.

  7. Cliff saying as a fan he would’ve enjoyed watching this season shows how much he is not a super fan lol this season has just been painful for us

    1. I think they always feel that their season was the most entertaining& that we are enthralled. Several times you hear them discussing what will be good TV. Even Crusty & Tommy discussed telling about their relationship. I think Crusty was supposed to let it slip in the jury house & Tommy tell to the rest. Then, they figured BB would feature that on the show. As far as Cliff’s crap last night, I think he was told to find something to do for the audience and that’s what he came up with.

    2. They still think BB21 was one of the best seasons. Are they in for a shock when they come out of the house to find they are one of the most debated as sadly worst.

  8. In light of present circumstances I can see Michie wanting to take tommy to the final two. If he wins veto I think Nicole will be gone. If he makes it to the final two with tommy he can unload the tommy/Christie connection on the jury.

    1. totally Agree , not necessarily because Christy
      .He is a high risk high rewerd guy and i see him going the toughest road.
      And he wont admit that but he will want revenge
      Not as much from being bitter for holly
      But for his ego that they did that on his hoh, when tommy is on the block

  9. “I can’t get anymore ingredients for my campaign lunch.”

    Well, there is one ingredient that she could add that would really spice things up…and cause a massive production induced blackout.

      1. You do realize I’m talking about Tommy’s secret advantage in the jury?

        I’d love to see her let that out of the bag while everyone has a large mouth full of food.

        1. Tommy used the veto on Cristie 3 times. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know they are working together. The fact they know each other isn’t that big of a deal now.

  10. I’d really like to know about the shower conversation and what the letter in the mail said. Ya think ole Jackson is starting to realize that America really does think he’s a pompous douche bag?

    1. I’ve a feeling that Mommy will tell him it’s just because everyone is so jealous of her big, handsome boy…and is probably a good explanation as to why he is the way he is.

    2. yep. His first clue was the updated HOH basket. Monogrammed slippers and robe with J=PD. Not to mention the Lifetime membership to Proud Douche Bags International Brotherhood. 😉

    3. But he has also been a gentleman at times and shows more maturity about certain things with Holly than she does. Annnd he’s a comp beast.

  11. Well right now looks like the fix is in goodbye Holly. Like how Mellon head basically told Nicole that he was ok with holly going. Now if Tommy sticks to HIS word throughs the hoh to cliff or Nicole then tommy and Mellon on the block. Yes come on veto by Mellon head.

      1. A deal with the devil…you think Jackson is honorable! He evicted Cliff banished him only used and manipulated, if Cliff and Nicole stick to a deal with Jackson they deserve to lose…at final four or five get rid of biggest threat if you can’t get Jackson then get his showmance! Tommy isn’t Christy ya he isn’t my favorite but neither is Cliff. I want Nicole to win but Tommy and Cliff are better than having Jackson win and sorry Holly showed how insecure she is, she needs some self worth and self respect and she will never get that with a Jackson type!

      2. I agree. The ONE thing they had going for them was their honor. If they screw Holly over they both should lose. I’m not a Holly fan but that isn’t cool.

      3. Deals are broken all the time on Big brother, that’s true Big brother not this fake love fest!!!!

      1. It would be the ONLY blindside of the season, wouldn’t it? They have always voted as the house except the errant vote from Jackson early in the season.

        1. And as blindsides go, not all that exciting but it could turn into a truly monumental blindside once Nicole realizes she saved someone with a secret jury advantage. Ultimately, she may very well be blindsiding herself.

        2. If i remember right , cliff was blindsided in his eviction and so is nick, bella , sam.. by his exit.
          But for the most parts, you are right , it’s a season with no blinsides including people knowing they are getting on the block

      2. Jackson has been trying to tell Holly it would be smart to vote her out. He told Nicole that he was OK with Holly leaving.
        Nicole is going to tell her on Thursday.

    1. It is a tough call. If they keep Tommy, he could compete against Jackson for the veto. The chance they take is that he turns on them to be two on two with Jackson. They keep Holly, that’s a no brainer who she is with. It’s not an easy decision on paper, at least to me. Either way it could be 2 vs 2.

    2. Maybe. If she leave without ever revealing Tommy’s secret to Nicole it would be hard to escape the conclusion that it is scripted.

      If she does reveal it and still goes, that could either be scripting or just really bad game play.

    3. I agree with you Jack. At this point you want to have someone you can beat in comps and in the end. Holly is not winning anything. Leaving Tommy in the game MIGHT be getting a better chance of getting Jackson out, but then you are just giving Tommy more to put on his resume. Get Jackson out yourself, and you can do that easier against Holly. If Tommy gets Jackson out Christie will be hyping that up to jury because she wants Tommy to win. She even said so numerous times!

    4. As far as the scripted part goes: of course. You can predict who will win comps by who is called in to d/r on Wednesday night, and disappears from feeds for over an hour. Take a look back as far as week three. There is always a d/r call on Wednesday night that goes for way longer than the ten minute calls everyone else gets to record goodbye messages. On numerous weeks house guests actually mention that certain house guests have been in d/r for over an hour. Low and behold they win a day later. I’ve found it odd on more than one occasion, especially given the tendency for one house guest to mention being given clues or suggestions ahead of time for comps that they won.
      As far as the take Holly for better odds at the final 4 HOH. That’s great for ONE of Cliff or Nicole. But then they have to compete in the final veto vs a pair rather than two individuals. The chances of one of the showmance winning veto is 50%. The chance of one of the two individuals is 25% each. If you are the member of Nicole or Cliff that didn’t win the HOH, how are your odds looking in those two cases. Which is the better option? Especially given Tommy’s offer to throw the HOH?

    5. Drama, scripted drama

      Epic End Battle. Edge of Your Seat Drama.
      Inflated/Hyped Final Showdown Teasers.

      Follow the Money.

    1. No way, he may even lose jack’s vote.
      And then get just two votes.
      I believe he should take cliff .
      I think he then has a shot getting Jessica and nick votes. (Along with jack,sis, Christy and holly)

  12. A lot of people are thinking that Nicole evicting Holly is good for her game…… but IF she is playing for 500k. Why would she evict the only person I would argue she could beat in F2???? She would have to go on a hell of a winning streak for anyone in jury to even consider her to win. I will agree that evicting Holly almost guarantees her second place though. So if she wants second place this is good.

    1. She’s in a pickle either way. Tommy has done well in the comps, holly won a single HoH. Some comps are more luck based than others. Holly has a connection to Jackson and little reason gamewise to not hold on until at least the final 3. Tommy at least seems to be solo right now. He’s a problem in comps though. Jackson and Tommy do well in similar comps. She’s stuck either with a duo or two strong physical competitors.

          1. I feel sometimes people thumbs down for who is posting even If they write, “Babies bring smiles when they laugh.” I’m sure there world be a ton of thumbs down. Who knows. This site was created for communicating different views however it’s sometimes difficult because it comes close to confrontational. I sometimes have to step away then come back a week or so later.

            1. I agree with you…I think some people do, do that. And I feel the same way…because I really hate confrontation, but when someone starts with me, it’s hard for me not to respond back in kind. I try not to…but I never respond back with ugly words because that cuts.

          2. What a thumb means isn’t always that cut and dried. For instance, “Jackson treated Holly like crap.”

            Thumbs up…I agree, he treated her like crap.

            Thumbs down…yes, what a despicable thing to do.

            We need more thumbs…and perhaps a middle digit.

            1. I can see this point of view. A thumbs up and thumbs down is hard to convey in a post easily without comment. I think that’s why some places are taking out the thumbs up and and down. Not that I’m suggesting that as an option here.
              We don’t live in a black and white world and BB21 is for opinions because it’s a hyper reality show within a game show.

          1. Me tooooooo….I’m lmao sooooo hard right now. I’m surprised you didn’t get any. I know this one for sure will. lol

    2. Look at how the jury will see it when Beth walks in there. They could be thinking…”well kudo’s Nicole…you won when you had too” then next comes Jackson? Even more respect for the game play

      1. Exactly that can influence the jury and def she will get props for not just getting holly out but if she wins f4 pov and sends Jackson out who was a monster competitor n who everyone thought was winning the hole thing n even said they eld prob vote for if he’s f2…. Major props nicole if u pull this off…

  13. I am still waiting on the promise on “Christie’s sister life”. That Tommy will go after Jackson (I know he was always anti Cliff)

  14. I get the point that you can’t keep Tommy because everyone in the jury loves him. What I don’t get, especially over the last month, is why so much hate for Tommy. I get that he is tied to Christie and they lied about their pre-existing relationship. I give them points for keeping it secret. So, I still wonder, why so much hate for Tommy? At first I didn’t like him because he seemed disingenuous. But, as time has gone by, he appears to be genuinely a good person. Just curious…

    1. You got is right he is disingenuous. Fake and I can go on and on and on, just look at his demeanor since he got blindsided by Christie leaving. Totally different guy. He was using her as a shield and could just sit back and play nice cop. Why is he up in the have not room if Nicole is going to save him. Why isn’t he being sweetie pie twinkle toes all the time? He is fake aa d now he is exposed. So just like a snake he slithers back into a hole for protection. Can’t stand this guy. If they have to use him to get watermelon head out I guess ok but honestly I’d rather watch Beth over Tommy

      1. They are all fake its a tv show and their portraying a charcter or did u not know this??? They do this every year and yet for some crazy reason ppl think its real….

    2. Why so much “hate” towards Tommy? Perhaps the “dislike” for Tommy was originally spurred by his association with Crusty…later people got to know Tommy himself more and don’t find him so “genuine”.

    3. Noneya and Swaggie, those are fair comments. I was curious for clarity. It is a real crap-shoot keeping Tommy of Holly. I guess it depends on their confidence in being able to beat Michie. Could be from the frying pan to the fire though. Smart play is to keep Holly as she should be much easier to beat in this HOH and then take your chances against Michie for Veto. But, yes, I was doing more asking for clarity about the Tommy hate then setting a defense for him. Thanks!

      1. I’ve notice an interesting juxtaposition on the ranking matrix (not just here) that might address part of the issue. Look at how Jackson and Tommy are tracking. Jackson was low to middle of the field and suddenly moved into the upper level and has stayed there.

        Tommy started in the lower half, made his way up and ultimately dropped back into the lower half.

        I seriously doubt that most people who visit this site are Jackson fans (I’d be shocked if they were), however, Jackson’s popularity rose as he became a threat to Crusty. My takeaway on that isn’t that Jackson is so much more liked (personally) but that he’s liked as the instrument to take out Crusty and now the other half of that duo, Tommy.

        Notice how Tommy is slowly creeping up right now? Again, I think that’s being driven by those who are more invested in getting rid of Jackson over actually liking Tommy.

        Nicole came from the bottom to the top quickly, whereas Sam and Cliff are in the running for second place. I’d say all three of them are where they’re at (along with Kat) because people genuinely like them. The only problem I see for Nicole and Cliff is that they’re going to be under the microscope the next couple of weeks and that could negatively impact their final standing in regards to AFP (and alternately raise Sam).

        1. You’re totally right Tommy must be the protest vote against Jackson. I always found it perplexing how Tommy ranked high even during the heydays of the gr8tful. I guess I was more bothered by his fakness. I gave him 1’s after the first couple week.

          1. Just look at the following that Nicole suddenly developed…first when she took out Crusty and now because she might take out Jackson’s weak ally (even thought he’s on board with that and it helps him out).

            I’d say most of the votes Nicole continues to get are because she’s just a nice, semi-innocent kid on the way to becoming that cat lady who still lives in her parents house while her current popularity in posts probably is really just about Jackson or Tommy/Crusty.

            1. Nicole was getting higher votes on ranking polls long before her HOH. She started getting votes as one of the unproblematic. The vote increased for being an outsider. It increased more when she was vilified by the gr8ful (every time they targeted someone, that house guest would increase in popularity). She further increased her rank about the time Jessica became HOH because it became obvious that Nicole was the strategist. Kat was only concerned with Jackson being the pawn. Cliff’s impulse was hey Jesscia use the HOH to make a deal like i did. Nicole came up with the plan. Cliff parroted it repeatedly. As the outsider underdog with the least problematic personality that was the subject of unwarranted attack by other house guests she was near the top of most polls LONG before Crustie got the ax.

              1. I totally agree. Her votes have long been due to her likability. It’s her sudden popularity with some posters which I doubt has anything to do with that likability and everything to do with her targets; be it Crusty or Jackson.

  15. If Tommy stays and delivers the Coup de Gras to Jackson,he will be an absolute shoe in for the winner of Big Brother!

    1. Of he can play it safe, work with Jackson to eliminate Fluff and Puff, and rely on Crusty to deliver him the win.

      Think about it a moment. Who has the best chance of sending him packing in the F3? Who has the best chance at taking him along to F2?

    2. Production’ s plan. Probably why Nicole was called to the Diary room so much Monday or Tuesday. She actually told Cliff she can’t win with Jackson in the house. But she was going to win. I think her one HOH and two vetos have made her head swell up. Always said she honors her word, Cliff too. Both do not honor their word.

      1. As a lot of people point out, lying is part of the game. For me, it’s when people make such a big production over being honest and true to their word…have no compulsion about lying. “This is the sword I live or die by. No, this is the sword I live or die by. Hey, look over there, that’s the sword I live or die by. Maybe.”

        Separate Cliff in this regard since he’s often explained he’d do anything to win the money, which included throwing Jess under the bus which should have waved a red flag to Nicole (at the time they were all part of Cliff’s Angels).

        Something about Cliff that people need to consider. Given how he has played, and how many times have we heard him on camera talking about keeping blood off his own hands, do they still believe he “let” Nicole win that competition because he wanted her to get a win? Or did he keep an eye on how well she and Tommy were doing and when it seemed she could pull it off, “let” her get blood on her hands?

  16. Once Holly hits the jury house she will expose the Crusty/Tommy connection to work the jury in Jackson’s favor. Jury will become bitter knowing T/C had an advantage over the rest of them and they all got played. Watch Tommy get to the end with the jury having this information, and loose. At end of the day he didn’t have to overcome as much as the rest that went in the house by themselves!

    1. Very true about how the jury will probably react. They tend to be very zealous regarding opportunities. Look at how they respond to returning players from their own own or previous seasons: “They had their shot, we need to get rid of them.”

      Look at how worked up some of them got when he thought that Kat and Holly may have had a peripheral familiarity with each other (and Crusty had no problem throwing gasoline on that fire). How will they react to knowing that Crusty and her “step-nephew” have known each other for many years?

      I just don’t know whether Holly will be the one to reveal that (or whether production will even allow her to reveal that). Holly might feel scorned enough (Jackson) or betrayed enough (Puff and Fluff) that she might not share that information.

    2. Tommy and Christy’s relationship outside the house doesn’t mean anything. They know each other through his aunt. They didn’t hang out together. They weren’t buddies. They weren’t even friends. They just knew of each other. They both said that at the beginning of the show. It’s such a non-issue and I don’t know why people keep bringing it up.

        1. Christie dated his aunt for many years. The only pictures of them on the web are from family events, etc. Side note: I’m not a Christie or Tommy fan but this is ridiculous. But then everything on social media is.

  17. If Nicole and cliff are too chicken shit to get Tommy out and try to get Jackson out themselves then Tommy deserves to win. Especially if he (Tommy) gets Jackson out.
    They could’ve tried to do this for themselves and their resume. But NO, they are to f’ing scared and want someone else to do it.

    1. Maybe, but I wouldn’t call either of the scared. Cliff made deals that none of us thought would get him to this point in the game. We all called him an idiot, and yet he is in the final four. Nicole harpooned the whale, in a big way on DE night and pulled out a massive POV victory to ensure her and Cliff final four. There are huge pros and cons going either direction with Thursday’s vote…and there are two whole days before that goes down.

      1. “Cliff made deals that none of us thought would get him to this point in the game. We all called him an idiot, and yet…”

        I do agree that Cliff has made deals. Many deals. All you needed to do was find the latest HoH and you’d find Cliff making a deal…particularly when he was HoH. When it comes to not being afraid, he sure has had a revulsion to “getting blood on his hands”; something he’s repeated many times. I don’t believe he “let” Nicole win that competition out of kindness to her but rather to throw the HoH and use her/let her get the blood on her hands.

        In reference to whether he’s an idiot or not, I’m not convinced. In a house full of people with the collective brilliance of a 12 watt light bulb, that’s like saying he wasn’t quite the dimmest bulb on the tree.

        Nicole isn’t an idiot…let’s just hope production doesn’t succeed in playing her for one.

  18. What is this letter in the mail that Jackson keeps referring to and then the feeds cut? I did not think they could get mail, but it appears a letter came with regard to Christie calling him abusive on the live feeds? What is up with that? I know she did it, but what letter???

    1. I’m trying to find out too. I know the abuse accusation against him was a fabrication, it was the same name, but a diff person…and people ran with it. Both the Knox County and Franklin County police departments confirmed that they have no arrest record for him. I’m sure Christie’s friend in production told her about it, believing it was true at the time.

      1. Seriously? How many ppl have the same name jackson michie… foubtful in the same county and age….

          1. Same…Mine isn’t THAT common…but there were tons where I grew up…and there are some even up where I’m living right now.

        1. You can go check it out yourself. I did cause I never just believe when someone says something controversial. Btw…it wasn’t even a chick who made the fake claim…it was a dude lol. Same with people acting like it’s a fact he used the N word. I stupidly believed it too and then decided to check. You can not like someone…but the lengths people go through to destroy someone, on a personal level, is crazy. And I know I’m not alone…but the more I found out several things were lies, but treated as facts…I found myself starting to like the dude.

      1. They haven’t actaully been that cut off. there was talk week one into week two that Kat was given access to a cell phone in d/r to make supervised texts. Holly spoke of getting Tommy to ask his in with production to send out messages to her friends and then she asked him if he’d go back to d/r to see if there were any responses.
        At the end of week one, they had a meeting while feeds were blocked in order to discuss the press coverage about the optics of the season thus far, specifically speaking to Jack and Jackson about how they were being perceived, and asking the other houseguests to yell out feedsfeedsfeeds any time subject matter went to a place that would add to any negative press coverage.

          1. but the fact is holly and kat and sis were aware of this, and used it to get messages to and from the outside world.

    2. It was KAT who mentioned the legal issue. Christie was saying he was horrible towards women because of the way he yelled at Kat when feeds were blocked way back when. Christie didn’t call him abusive, she called him disrespectful and bullying. Kat is the one that implied on feeds that he was an abuser.

  19. Holly should let Nicole know that Tommy knew Christie before the show . Nicole could then ask Tommy based on his answer she should then confirm the information with Cliff.

  20. It’s a shame the jury hasn’t seen this side of Nicole. They still think of her as someone you would take to final 2 because she is easy to beat. I doubt that Christie or Holly will spin for Nicole with the jury.

    1. No they will see video of every week comps and if she makes to f2 she will get to plead her case… seeesh do u ppl even watch big brother or is this ur first rodeo. Im assuming 1st time with the comments….

    1. What?! Making origami and making easter eggs is doing nothing?! Well there goes my days….crap…I thought I was doing good in this asylum! 🙂

  21. I think Nicole would beat Tommy. If he picks who he takes, he has to take Cliff, who has done nothing. Nicole can claim getting Holly out on Michies’ HOH – which I think is funny as hell. I don’t like her or Michie. He has to be the most ignorant man I have seen in a very long time. The way he speaks to the HGs but mainly to the women, makes me think he would be extremely emotionally abusive to any woman he is with IRL. He actually thinks he is respectable and polite to others because he would make them a tea/coffee in the morning – that doesn’t make up for the way he has made so many of the females cry in the house. He is just an arrogant, obnoxious A-Hole, IMO. Holly is a B, she deserves michie. Cliff and Nicole are just annoying. Not really a Tommy fan either, think I expected him to be better in the comps and he really wasn’t impressive at all. But, of the 5 in there, I will take Tommy over any of them for the win. No matter who wins the final HOH, if they want a sure win, they must take Cliff, anyone else will give them a run for their money.

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