Head of Household Winner – Holly
Have note are: Cliff, Nicole, and Jess get punishments
America’s Prankster – Nick
Nominations are: Christie & Nick
Power of Veto Players are – Christie, Holly, Nick, Jackson, Jessica, Cliff
Power of Veto holder – Jackson
Power of Veto Ceremony – Jackson did not use the power of veto
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8pm Kitchen. The house guests are talking about the evil clowns they’re seeing in the mirrors of the house. Christie – I thought one was coming but it was the smoke from the mac & cheese. Holly – I was so scared in the HOH room by myself. Nicole – that’s what goes wrong in every horror movie. Lets split up and then they die. So we can’t split up ..we stay as a group all night. Good idea? Good idea?! The others agree. Jess – I will be the one that dies last .. I’m a v!rgin. The vv!rgin always dies last. If they stay in the walls we’re fine. If they come out we’re dead.
8:26pm Holly and Tommy are in the storage room. An evil clown pops up and puts its finger to its mouth Shhhhhh…. Tommy sees it first and says “HOLLY!” Holly – F**K YOU! EW EW EW! Tommy – whoa!! Holly – what?! Are you trying to tell us something?! What?!
#BB21 Creepy Clowns.. @bigbspoilers pic.twitter.com/KV9seZAs7m
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 27, 2019
8:43pm The house guests eat dinner.
8:51pm The house guests see the creepy clowns again in the bathroom. They’re all scared to move around the house. Cliff isn’t worried about it. Nicole has Cliff walk around with her room to room as she’s scared but wants to see them.
9:40pm The house guests are playing / watching others play backgammon. Jackson’s eating a watermelon.
9:52pm Nicole comes out of the diary room. All the house guests have hidden in the HOH room / behind the couch in the bathroom. Nicole sees a clown in the mirror and gets scared. Nicole – I don’t know whether to laugh or cry! This is horrible! Where are they!? This is messed up!! I will stand here all night!! More clowns pop up in the mirror. Nicole – I need to pray to my god and make peace because this is how I die! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!!!
10pm Big Brother flickers the lights.. (LOL) Nicole – just let me outside.. I will gladly dig myself a grave and get in. She starts looking around the house. I don’t want to bring a weapon because I don’t want to hurt anyone. Nicole is freaked out. Nicole – hey guys I found a diamond power of veto come on out!!
10:04pm Nicole finds Michie behind the bathroom couch. He tells her that four clowns popped up in the kitchen and told them that they had 90 seconds to hide. Nicole goes up to the HOH room. She opens the door and the lights are off. She ends up finding them hiding under the HOH bed and in the bathroom.
Jackson tells Nicole he wasn't going to pie her.. #BB21 @bigbspoilers pic.twitter.com/Ff8WKwCrqS
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 27, 2019
10:15pm More clowns.. Nick – I am not sleeping anywhere near Nicole because they’re going to f**k with her all night. Nicole – thanks .. true friend!
10:50pm – 12am The house guests hang out in the bedroom talking about the clowns, past seasons, past house guests and other random things.

12:05am Backyard. Holly, Jess and Christie. Holly is worried about Nick getting evicted and then coming back from a battle back. Jess – he would be up against Jack, Kat and Sis.
12:30am Bedroom.
Tommy – do you want me to show you how I cuddle with my boyfriends? Nick – yeah. Nicole – do you guys want me to leave? Nick – I’m straight as an arrow. Tommy – which one? Nicole – yeah a curved one.
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I swear to f*king god Christie is a cockroach
Omg! She is like Edgar in Men in Black!!!
Does anyone have a side-by-side comparison photo?
Now that’s fu$king funny!
Wouldn’t b surprised if one of the clowns looked like Christie! Now that would b scary, lol
That’s not evil clowns it’s Grodner and Kass touring the set without makeup……
Hahaha poor Nicole
Right? Birds AND scary clowns? It’s personal! LOL
Hey I’m a 55 year old veteran of the infantry in the 101st Airborne and I can tell that I hate clowns. Just the previews of that film It was scary enough for me.
Something likable about her responses.
By far the easiest cast member to like this year.
Yeah it’s real likable for a grown woman to freak out over something she knows is fake. It’s one thing to freak when you first see it but quite another to carry it on for an hour and need someone to walk you into a room and to not want the lights off.
How in the world can Crusty chew whip cream?
Like everything else this season it defies logic.
Have you ever seen Crusty use a straw? It’s physically impossible she swallows them whole.
lmaooooooo with those jaws.. I guess she can do just about anything hahahahahahahahaha
That was too funny! Poor Nicole! Hahah and BB with the shade! Turning the lights off on her haha!
As Memaw Beth has another one of her Sometimers moments, I wonder, what would lead her to the conclusion that live feeds wouldn’t be on the HOH room all that often? Is this because they didn’t show the have not room all that often for the week that Jackson was in exile, so the two of them could make sweet pompous buildablock yuck whenever they wanted? No, not the week he WAS a have not (don’t give me flashbacks…. I’ve seen… things), the week after day 44. The week they went into overdrive with image repair. Yeah, he gained weight to be more relatable… sure. that’s why he gained 15 pounds as a have not. Had nothing to do with impulse control and rules not applying to him. Not whatsoever.
The other houseguests should just stand around Nicole’s bed after she goes to sleep. Then she’s sure to see a clown or two if she wakes up. Let’s all remember… she’s 24 while we’re all infantilizing her. 24. It’s funny and all, but really. 24. Meh, I think I’m a mean person, I enjoyed everyone hiding on Nicole and her subsequent freak out. Sorry. No there there’s coming from this corner. Just some that was fun, mixed with…. 24.
Nick makes the faux pas of calling this week Jackson’s HOH. In front of Memaw. Oh back in her day, that would have meant he’d have to go cut himself a switch. Yeah, I know the buzzard is only 31. I’ve also seen the old Beth pictures, and there ain’t no way all she’s had is filler. I’m thinking she might be 31, but her nose is maybe 9. Sure, I think she’s had recent filler injections (like in the last 2 weeks) judging by her no makeup d/r in the last episode. Those are some fresh injection marks on either side of her bottom lip, not scars.
As Jackson and Holly discuss the merits of getting rid of Tommy before Christie… yeah. I don’t really need to finish that thought. I’m sure the rest of you are sitting back and saying oh please somebody for the love of God smack their heads together. I’m sure people watching feeds are rolling their eyes, shaking their heads, yanking out their hair and saying anybody but Jackson for HOH because damn, ANOTHER another week of Christie? lol. (both another were on purpose).
BETH. scared. the. CLOWN.
There’s gotta be a million jokes there… and at least four of them are buzzing in my skull all at the same time and I can’t decipher them.
Do you reckon they meet all of the houseguests plastic surgery needs in the BB house or just Beth’s……cause that would require an adjoining warehouse…..
“memaw” lmao. I always think in my head…”I sure hope her grandkids aren’t watching”. Seriously only 31? I hope not cuz otherwise she isnt aging well at all
Maybe an unpopular opinion but imagine if the house guests talked about their fellow guests the way the fans do on line? Personally attacking their looks constantly. Supposed to “keep it game”. Big brother fans are the biggest of the bullies. And I don’t want the retort “treat them how they act in the house”. What has Holly done to you? why are your feelings so hurt by her?
BostonCat. We talk just like they do about others in the house. Have you not seen any live feeds?
Yes I have, I watch a lot of the feeds (not all, but a lot). I know that they do talk vile at times, but I cant say ive seen Holly treat others with THAT much disrespect. I am sure there are examples but she is human, you and I are human too and at some point have definitely said things we shouldn’t about others, right? I guess that is all im trying to say. I think sometimes we have to put ourselves in their position. I will say though, I will never make excuses for nick, Christie, jack and Jackson.. the stuff they have done and said is not excusable and I wouldn’t make exceptions for them.
That’s all! Definitely not my intent to attack :).
If you are offended, I’m sorry you have taken offense.
As far as keep it game goes, if you look past the colorful flourishes: i am reporting the events of that time period. Holly disussed thinking that the feeds don’t show the hoh very often. Nicole got pranked by the houseguests and the clowns. Until about 3 am my time there were jokes in the house that Nicole would be the target of more. Nick spoke about his state in the game at the moment, mistakenly saying he was nominated by jackson to Holly. Holly and Jackson discuss targeting Tommy next.
As far as what Holly did to me? Never met her. I’m not required to like her. I’m not required to play nice. I’m not about to give you the retort you offered. I’m far more judgemental and far more sarcastic than the people in the house.
From an non sarcastic stance, and written with complete sincerity: I appreciate your opinion, even if I disagree.
People are attacking her to getting plastic surgery at such a young age. You shouldn’t be 30 and look 50. Don’t know if you watch VPR but there is a bitch there that is 25 going on 70 after countless unnecessary work to her face.
My mention of the plastic surgery wasn’t to shame her for having plastic surgery. It was my questioning her statement on feeds where she said other than filler, she’d never had plastic surgery. I don’t think i believe that having seen older pictures of her compared to newer pictures. I’m questioning the authenticity of her statement, not plastic surgery, because if a change to her appearance improves her quality of life: go for it.
I feel the same way, it’s just unnecessary to make fun of their looks. It makes me wonder what those people look like that make those type comments. To me, that is bulling. This tells me they have bad hearts and weak minds. I bet if you asked them what their most enduring quality is they would call themselves tolerant.
Well I don’t know about the rest, but I’m 60-look 70, have a hump on my back a wart on my nose, wear glasses to correct crossed eyes, have hair almost to my ass that is usually in a ponytail (but surprisingly not gray yet), walk like a duck because I have bad knees, and yet somehow, even with a very sarcastic sense of humor, people seem to like me and never judge me on my looks. People going by looks are really going by the “inner” person in each dumb ass on the show…because outer beauty can’t compete with inner beauty, and most of the HG’s have none.
So basically you’re the wicked witch of the west but nicer.
I don’t know about “nicer”
Best response yet Wolfwoman……people should lighten up.
OMG dying that you’re calling her Memaw…. dying! I can’t even comprehend anything else in your comment! I’m gonna pee! Lol
Ever heard Peepaw?
Jack sons change in appearance is because he has no access to the “juice” in the house.
He may eat a lot, but he eats clean…hard to gain fat from what he eats.
Once someone is off their cycles of steroids, the lose muscle mass and begin to look flabby. He even mentioned in pre-entry interviews that he wouldn’t be able to lift as much weight in the house as he normally does….why the change? No “juice” to help keep his strength and muscle recovery up.
Looking at his jaw, maybe he is an HGH guy. Either way, none in the house.
Excuse my ignorance but why Beth?
When David arrived back into the house he thought her name was Beth.
Gotcha thanks. I missed that.
Nick “I’m straight as an arrow.”
HAHAHA BAAHAHAHA (not laughing at him cuddling, touching, etc w/ Tommy…laughing at his need to make this absurd comment)
I’m sure, cuddled up next to Tommy, he WAS straight as an arrow.
Did anyone else hear Nicole say a ‘ crooked arrow ‘ when Nick said that LOL
No I missed that…she’s undercover hi-lar-ious
Aww lol. Poor Nicole! It think it would have been funnier if they showed more of the conversation why Holly was called a buzzard
Tommy and Nick talked about it not meaning she was old but that Holly got “dead pickings from Kats left overs” with Michie.
Yeah let’s dig more into what zing bot REALLY meant and twist the boring zings into house drama. Come on NICK
Watched this on feed so funny and I love the dynamic of Cliff/Nicole
Well it’s Taco Tuesday again. I wonder what the houseguests (production) have up their sleeves for today? As for the clowns, maybe the next comp reward is a screening of the movie “IT” (open in theatres September 6).
I like how you built a plug for IT into your reply 🙂
Thank you…I’m a big Stephen King fan! 🙂
I seem to remember a few years back someone getting in trouble with a spoon touching ppl. It may have been James.. not sure. But I’m completely baffled as to why Nick can go around humping ppl and even have some make negative comments about it in the house yet he never gets called out? Ppl who don’t watch the feeds or read updates have no idea his level of cringe.
Exactly ! They have no idea, which makes me wonder, I despise Nick, but wanted him to win Prankster so he would put up Christie, did the other people not watching feeds vote for him because they like him….
Hi edit in the show is nothing like who he is on feeds, so there may be some that find him to be a tragic hero rather than the duplicitous bag of suck we see on the daily.
No. We all voted for him because he was willing to go after Christy, not because he was liked.
I couldn’t vote for him. Not only is he vile but now cockier thinking America like him
Exactly !
That’s why I voted for him. I should have known these lame a$$ people would pass up another opportunity to send her packing. If she makes it to final 2, she deserves to win. Ugh!!
Is anyone actually “deserving” this season?
Kat and Sam were the most entertaining.
Pretty much every podcast and feed following site had discussions of Nick being the one that would put up Christy…..a lot of casuals don’t like her either.
I absolutely loved Jess’s reaction to finding out Nick was the prankster. Her cluelessness and unawareness of what has been going on all summer is off the charts. “Why haven’t they called me for d/r” my modeling career needs the exposure.
IDK — Maybe because Tommy likes it??
production seems to have been worn down by jc’s creepiness last season.
My friend was surprised when I said that most of what Nock does and says can’t be aired on CBS.
I’m rooting for the clowns.
Best post of the season so far.
BB 16 was Zombies in the mirror, had to do with the upcoming HOH comp…maybe thats what the clowns are about? https://youtu.be/A3tDYucRSOg
“……maybe thats what the clowns are about?”
Which ones? Those on the other side of the mirror or those on this side of the mirror?
Either way, at least they got that right this season.
Zombies was perfect for BB 16.
I like what Wolfwoman said above. They will probably have a viewing party reward in the next comp.
What a boring week this is going to be
Last two weeks have seemed so long.
It’s even slower today than yesterday
Be thankful. There are some who swear that if Crusty had gone last week it would be boring as Hell around the house. So imagine what it would be like if she weren’t still there.
Maybe we will get rewarded next week with Christie and Tommy on the block. That would be awesome.
Could prank week end in a no eviction week?
Right? Or some sort of a rewind to erase last week? One could only hope.
With the way this seasons is going , if Christie is voted out they will probably make it a prank to keep her !! That would piss me off !!
Holly and Jackson have really become a power couple
Nick’s new campaign: he’s more likely to win comps than Christie (intended as better shield). He’s super tight with Nicole. He heard from someone who heard from someone that Christie would target men.
my opinion: pointing out it would be harder to get rid of you later is a bad idea. Pointing out how tight you are with Nicole puts her in jeopardy. Since your information is third party, and the second party never revealed it to Holly and Jackson: too easily denied.
further problems: pointing out Christie might put Cliff if she wins an HOH, from the guy that Cliff believes wanted to get rid of in his plot to remove Christie from the block and put up someone else to be voted out… just as dangerous.
Nick has been spending too much time in the bedroom plotting and not enough time noticing who is talking to whom. Again.
The only way he swings Cliff is if he swings Jackson. The only way he swings Jackson is to swing Holly. He’s got a major uphill battle here.
He won’t get Jessica’s vote. He isn’t even trying. He won’t get Jackson’s vote without Holly. He won’t get Cliff’s vote without Jackson and Jessica.
His biggest battle is convincing a bunch of brain dead people
Is keeping the stronger of 2 competitors smart? Jessica beat Christie in the veto. Nick came in second.
If you have two people that are socially dangerous, and one is also physically dangerous, and mentally dangerous in comps: why would you keep the more well rounded player over the person almost everyone distrusts?
I really can’t stand Nasty Nick…I always have to preface it when I say something. Having said that…he can easily swing Holly if he lays out his campaign coherently. She already was considering a lot of what he said the other night. I don’t know if he can articulate it properly though. It should be an easy gig.