Tommy “For my own conscience its eating me alive. If that’s the sword I die by, then I can live with that.”

Head of Household Winner: Jackson
Nominations are: Tommy, Cliff Holly
Power of Veto Players are:
Power of Veto holder: Nicole
Power of Veto Ceremony: Nicole uses the veto on Cliff. Holly is the replacement.
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8pm The house guests are still searching for the eggs. Nicole – My brain doesn’t work this way. I don’t know where to look. This is so frustrating!

Bedroom. Holly and Tommy.
Tommy – I can’t wait to be done. Holly – and just be out of here ..and friends. Tommy – yeah. Part of me wants to just tell Cliff and Nicole too. Just because I don’t like keeping secrets. Its not who I am. Holly – oh like tell them about Christie? Tommy – yeah. I don’t know.. I’m debating. Holly – I don’t know what it would do. Tommy – Yeah, I don’t know. Holly – I wonder if Christie told people. Tommy – I don’t think she would have. We said we wouldn’t. Holly – if I go to jury I won’t tell anyone. Tommy – I’ve never had a panic attack in my life but I think I came close to having one last night in the DR. Big Brother blocks the feeds. Tommy – its okay, whatever is meant to be will be. I don’t know what they’re thinking. Sure I want to campaign to Cliff and Nicole but I want them to know everything. I want them to know the whole thing and I want them to base their decision on that. I am leaning towards telling them everything so that they can make a fair decision and I am not bamboozling anyone. Its not that I don’t trust either one of you. For my own conscience it is kind of eating me alive. Like to try and fight to stay but have that .. it doesn’t sit well with me. I would rather be the guy that spilled a secret too early than known as the guy that lies. I am thinking of telling them tomorrow. Its scary.. it could change.. It could really affect how they see me but that’s okay. If that’s the sword that I die by, then I can live with that. Holly – I still can’t even really believe it. Tommy – I love big brother but part of me feels like I was gypped of the experience. Its a game.

8:25pm Kitchen. Nicole – I am not quitting until you find my last egg. Jackson – you’re not going to find mine. Nicole – you’re not going to find mine either. Tommy – I just want everyone to tell me where theirs are so that I can be out. Nicole – okay. Tommy – and then I will tell you where mine are too. He tells Nicole where his last two eggs are. A pillow in the boat room and the bottom of the arrow case.

Tommy is over with the game so Jackson secretly shows him where all his are hidden. On top of the RV, inside the bedroom lamp and one in the saddle.

8:44pm Jackson finds Nicole’s last egg.

9pm They end the egg hunting game by Michie revealing to everyone where his last egg was hidden in the saddle.

9:20pm – 9:40pm The house guests eat dinner.

9:42pm – 9:50pm Storage room. Holly and Jackson.
Holly – Tommy is going to tell them about Christie tomorrow during his campaign. Jackson – he is? That’s good! Holly – is it? Because if they want to flip and backdoor me they could use that as an excuse. Jackson – it doesn’t really make sense to keep him and potentially go to final two with Christie in his pocket. And Christie will be in the jury and campaigning for him. It doesn’t make sense. Holly – should you give them the heads up before hey Tommy is going to drop a bomb on you? Jackson – no because then that looks like we keep secrets from them. Holly – it wasn’t our secret to tell. He told you before the veto.. probably thinking that you were going to win it… so then we would keep him. The timing of him telling us was weird.

10:20pm Bathroom. The house guests are sitting around chatting. Nicole and Tommy leave. Jackson to Cliff – Tommy is more than likely going to drop a bomb of information. Not about us but more about him and someone that is no longer in this house. Cliff – okay. Jackson – and it was interesting because he told us but you will hear it .. it wasn’t about us, it was about his personal life.. so it wasn’t our secret to share. The way that he said it .. the way that he delivered it .. it was right before the veto. Almost as if he expected me to win. And wanted to almost use it as a .. not a sympathy thing.. a way of trying to get back in good graces. Does that make sense? Cliff – oh okay. Jackson – after Thursday as long as he gets evicted I will tell you. Cliff – he told me he is going to campaign but wanted to wait until after the veto ceremony. And I will be honest, I am going to listen to him. Holly – its his to share. Cliff – wow.. I am curious to see what he says. Holly – and I will be campaigning tomorrow as well. Cliff – and I know that Tommy and Nicole have talked. Not so much with me but I’m sure I’m next. And I have always worked with Nicole and I am curious what she has to say too. I am really curious what Tommy says. Cliff heads to bed.

Holly to Jackson – I did not like that response. Jackson agrees. Holly – I am done. Jackson – do not say that you are done. I did not like it but that does not mean that you’re done. Holly – what kind of a response was that? Jackson – I don’t know but you’re not done. Holly – F**K! Jackson – he didn’t say the plan is still good. I did not like that. Jackson urges Holly to go talk to Cliff / Nicole to make sure their final 4 deal is still all good.

10:50pm – 11:30pm They make a “9 / 11 We Remember” sign on the living ‘room coffee table.

12:10pm Cliff and Jackson.
Jackson – I worked hard this whole game but I would be worried that Holly would be picked over me in Nicole’s eyes. And I am worried that Tommy would be picked over me. Cliff – I know. Jackson – I feel like if I don’t win the veto, I am dead in the water. Cliff – yeah no, its a possibility. I am not going to argue with you. I will put it this way .. I want to go with Nicole wherever. I don’t want to go with you or Tommy because y’all are such .. either one of y’all could win it. But that’s the way the game is final 3 is going to be someone. That’s fine. I’ve always said I am willing to go to the end if I have to fight to win. If I do great, if I don’t.. Jackson – and I have voiced it to people that I would .. I would rather be up there with someone that has a very good chance of beating me and taking the chance and risk it because that means that person deserves to be up there. I don’t want to take the easy way. Cliff – I would rather go to the final three with me, you and Nicole. Than Nicole, me and Tommy. Jackson – same. Because in that situation you know that Nicole would pick you. Cliff – I know. If Holly went home I feel like it would be a duo of you, me and Tommy, Nicole, and Nicole and myself. I will be honest with you if it came down to it, I would take Nicole but I would send Tommy home. If she won, my guess is she would send you home. Just thinking it through. If Tommy won veto.. I don’t know what he does.. you or me. If you win, Tommy or Nicole. It just depends on where your head is at.. at that point. Jackson – I’ve voiced it to you where my head was at. I didn’t know it was even… Cliff – I don’t know that it is.. I just see them whispering a lot. I just see them (Tommy and Nicole) sitting out in the hammock and talking. Nicole has said that Tommy wants to talk to me. And I told him to talk to me. And he did that once and I told him until the veto ceremony is done, I am not doing anything. Jackson – I am just asking because you and I and Nicole are all guaranteed a spot next week. And you know my biggest concern is not being about to compete in the HOH. Cliff – I know. And I am not going to bullsh*t you and say everything is fine because I just don’t know. Cliff – there is a part of me that thinks my chance at success is just a little different than Nicoles. That is what is pulling me. I have to figure out where her head is at. Is she solid or is she waiting for me to give some direction or where its at? I will be right up front and honest.. Tommy worries me a lot more than Holly does in terms of competition and everything else. He knows his stuff very well.. and I don’t want to see him go further if possible. But we will see what they say. I won’t bullsh*t you if things are going one way or another. If it was a final four that came to a final three.. it would be You, Holly and me going forward. The problem is I think that Nicole thinks that would be the case as well. Jackson – its tough, I am trying to make it to the final 3 and I came in here by myself. Cliff – people play different games and if anything went that direction that wouldn’t still be more than happy to work things. I know he is going to be putting the pressure on Nicole. Jackson – and obviously I don’t want to see her (Holly) go but I understand that people have to do what is best for their game. Its tough, every week. These next two are going to be the hardest. Cliff – I know and as I’ve told several people .. there’s not a lot in terms of deal making. Its the people that win move on and the people that don’t, don’t. Jackson – I don’t want you to go anywhere. Cliff – well thank you. Jackson – I always do my best at competition and I don’t know what these next few are but I don’t want you going anywhere. Cliff – you scare me as a competitor but so does Tommy. I know who Tommy would take and I know who you would. Nicole is playing her own game too.

12:49am Cliff tells Nicole that Holly and Jackson told him that Tommy is probably going to drop a bomb of information about him and someone else that is no longer here in the house. I asked if it had to do with Christie and he said yeah. So you know what I am thinking. Nicole – yeah. Cliff – I don’t know if it affects anything. Nicole – does it?! Holly is a guaranteed vote for Michie, You’re a guaranteed vote for me, and I’m a guaranteed vote for you.

2:20am All the house guests are sleeping..

6:37 am 911 memorial

7:34 am zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

11:18 am houseguests up and the Origami begins

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176 thoughts to “Tommy “For my own conscience its eating me alive. If that’s the sword I die by, then I can live with that.””

  1. Does anybody think Crusty hasn’t told everybody in that jury house 15 times already …….she can’t keep that trap shut a second much less Beth who will be pissed when she arrives in a couple of days lol.

    1. She kept that secret for 79 days in the house. I mean, she’s horrible, but she kept her mouth shut on that subject for 79 days, even when TOMMY and JACKSON were going nuts about the Holly and Kat connection.

        1. Cliff knows or already put it together as soon as he heard. I think he will play dumb about the secret. Nicole might think Cliff was holding back on her if she finds out that he knew. We’ll soon find out.

      1. She did stay silent for 79 days…. but because she was still in the house and had some skin in the game. In the jury it’s bound to be leaked by her or Beth in my opinion.

    2. As a New Yorker who was there on 9/11 please keep in mind all those who lost their lives. We come here for indulgence for a tv show. Sometimes we need to remember there are some things bigger in life. God bless all of you who come to this site to indulge even if it’s just for today.

        1. Generally, the thumbs down has little meaning to me. There’s little rationale for them most of the time except when people get facts wrong, like I forgot Holly won a second HoH when I posted a day or two ago so those thumbs down made sense. Some people will agree some won’t and some are just jerks and trolls.

      1. As a fellow New Yorker who knows people who were murdered on this day, I find it disgraceful that people could thumbs down your comment. All I can say is ignorance is rampant in this world.

        1. I didn’t thumbs down…but just wanted to say sorry…because it stings not having known people murdered on that day, so I can’t even imagine. This goes to you to Jets!

  2. Perhaps production told Tommy to tell everyone before eviction to cover production’s a$$es in case he wins the 500k……likely but still unfair.

    1. Yep! It’s funny they can blow up the Kat Holly Jackson “know each other” scandal but forbids people from talking about the Chommy connection. Then for seemingly no reason Tommy blows up his own game to Holly N Jackson but they refuse to tell anyone? Even in jury? Jackson saying it’s not his secret to tell??? Like wtf is THAT???? Jackson n Cliff knew for weeks and wont use the info? It’s not a secret when u already knew about it morons! Big brother used to be a game where u needed to find any reason or secret (other than an alliance) to get rid of someone.
      Production Butt covering for sure!

      1. Kat told Jackson on day 1, even before the feeds. She didn’t give production a chance to tell her to keep quiet, so they had to mention it on the first episode.

      1. Hey supremeill haven’t seen u in awhile. How’s it going?

        Yeah production had a massive colossal hand in Rachel’s win. Jordan’s too. just Rachel’s really stood out to me at the time and still does

        1. I really hate her. I don’t know why they keep putting her on shows. I had to keep fast forward through amazing race this season because I can’t stand to listen to her either complain or cry or scream or even the most excruciating thing she does brag.

          1. I cannot stand Rachel. CANNOT. STAND HER.

            In general about a week after the show any hate I have leaves and I realize they are all flawed people playing a game.

            She is the only exception to this rule.

  3. Holly should have campaigned while drinking wine.
    At least she would be entertaining while being a disaster. Holly campaigning has become Nicole giving Holly life and relationship counseling. Big eyeroll for that campaign.
    Jackson is on babysitting duty: making sure Tommy and Cliff don’t talk.
    That doesn’t look sketch at all.
    Of course Cliff and Nicole already know about Tommy and Christie. They just couldn’t use the information because it was ill gotten (from outside sources) and used a d/r clip (production as strategy). They agreed not to use it unless it was public knowledge.
    Jackson and Holly worrying about Cliff’s response. Of course, it was one of the first times they couldn’t feel his breath on their back while he spoke with his lips puckered to their asses. I think that’s the only time he hasn’t been doting on them while speaking to them. Must be a culture shock.
    I’ve got lots of mixed feelings.
    It’s not like I like either of them on the block. Holly going: that causes Jackson distress and hardship. I’d enjoy that. A LOT. Okay, my feeling are less mixed now after saying that.

    BTW. just for anyone that, I don’t know… kept track of days. Jack became the HOH on House day 15. On day 23 Nick became HOH. Holly says they never kissed until day 23. Jackson was in bed with Kat the night of day 12. He ditched her on day 15. Holly and Jackson borrowed the HOH shower on what day? Was it during Jack’s HOH or was it during Nick’s? If they didn’t even kiss until day 23 as Holly is so fond of saying… what did the two of them do in the HOH shower when the borrowed it during JACK’S HOH? make the stool as a craft project?

    1. Shhhh…..Cliff must pretend he didn’t hear it clear as a bell thru a freaking bullhorn in the backyard……everybody in that house has to pretend they don’t know that’s why they shut down the feeds immediately after the incident to warn them lol. Whoever bullhorn dude is he came prepared he had Crusty’s DR recorded confirming her “special advantage”……

      1. From what i’ve heard: the actual message came from off the cbs production lot through speakers. No bullhorn. It included that they know each other, and a Christie d/r clip. The d/r clip was that she wasn’t sure if it was a blessing or a curse. Have I heard wrong?

  4. Hey simon I’m just letting you know that on the ranking grid Cliff is still in red with holly so it looks like Tommy made it off the block

  5. Addendum…….this is probably why Tommy added the caveat that he would throw the HOH to Cliff/Nichole… more “ cushion” from potential outrage from the remaining houseguests if he wins it all. More production fingerprints on this one too…..No surprise they would be happy with a Tommy win…. me not so much.

    1. Of course production has been telling him he has to tell Nicole and Cliff. there’s a reason he got two extra d/r calls today.

    2. I still don’t like the Tommy/Christie knowing one another advantage. Tommy telling them clears his conscience but does not erase two months of secrecy. I still think it will be better if they keep him and evict Holly to weaken Jackson. The fact that Jackson told Cliff Tommy was going to tell them something big only shows that Jackson will do anything to protect Holly and cannot be trusted.
      I don’t consider preparing them for Tommy’s secret a trustworthy endeavor because he is putting Holly first. That means he is showing them that he will do anything for her and not for Nicole, and Cliff. When it comes to the POV that would mean if they kept Holly, either Nicole, or Cliff probably Nicole, would go to jury. Keeping Tommy, they have a better chance without Holly there.
      Jackson has shown he, nor Holly by default can be trusted IMO.

      1. Considering tonight Holly said to Jackson “should i reveal to Cliff that Kat and I are friends and I voted her out to keep him?” not ‘Kat and I knew of each other but didn’t know each other and I voted her out to keep him.’ I think We’ve been bamboozled a little. Yeah, they aren’t almost family that went though, from what was said, a pretty acrimonious split causing a lot of family discord… but they’re more than just casual almost acquaintances. I get the feeling that production has perpetrated a lie downplaying their connection. It annoys me. greatly.
        Jackson and Holly have not acted as trustworthy allies, to any alliance they have been in. Ever. Let’s think about this. Jackson made the backup southern alliance week one. Holly had a final four with Sis and Christie and Tommy at that time. Jackson already evicted Cliff once despite the handshake (in my head it’s null and void, but Cliff is still using it). His rogue vote lie that he didn’t reveal for a month and a half was the impetus for Nicole being vilified by a mob. Meanwhile Holly is meangirling everyone, including her conversation with Sis about Nicole not even belonging in the game. Jackson revealed Holly and Kat’s secret without giving them a head’s up. He tried to LIE to Holly about what happened. He broke the six. He decided Tommy and Sis were too loyal to Jack and Christie and not loyal enough to Jackson. Holly. Holly detaches from her final 2 Kat, instead using her as a backup, and ultimately voting her out because the d was more important. We’re up to the creation of the final 4. or the final 4 and the final 4, because they were hedging their bets, even plotting to throw 2 hoh’s so someone else will take the shot at their allies. They have spoken ad nauseum about how Nicole sketches them out (gee, with Cliff’s taco bus run, of course they would). It’s like they expected Cliff and Nicole to be thankful for helping the showmance to be final two.
        In terms of game moves, I can say okay, fine with me. it’s game. In terms of neither owning their sh!t and revising history so everyone else is to blame for the cameras: they need to shut up. In terms of loyal and trustworthy: HELL no. I can respect the game moves as game moves. The extra crapola is just too extra and annoys me.

        1. It’s a game. Of course everyone is dishonest. That’s what makes it fun when “loyal” people turn on each other. If anyone thinks Jackson wouldn’t throw anyone under the bus including Holly they should think again.

          1. This sounds strange when all season people on here are making comments toward Christie and tommy when they were disloyal, y’all on here are just hypocrites. Only making problems and calling the people you don’t like out

            1. My distaste for Tommy and Christie is all about the unfair advantage they had coming into the game with at least 7 years of history with each other, plus both of them having some relationship with production prior to the season.

            2. A hyp-o-crite is “a person who indulges in hypocrisy” therefore one has to define hy-pic-ri-sy “ the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own behavior does not conform pretense.”.

              I don’t dislike Tommy outside the house. I dislike the advantage. Christie gets on my nerves. The annoying crying, the lying, did nothing, I don’t have to like everyone, it’s a free country. I’ve seen Tommy in some movies. The overacting on BB21 house was also annoying but he thought people like it.

              I would keep him over Holly now that Christie is gone. Is that hypocritical? I’ll be judged either way. Thumbs up, or thumbs down. People can choose. It was not the best casting choice in many BB fans opinions. Many don’t think it matters but people will always disagree. No one is always going to be happy with them.

  6. Oh look. After Tommy goes to bed: Cliff of course throws Nicole under the bus. AGAIN. Just like three weeks ago on Tuesday night. Just like two weeks ago, on Tuesday night again. Just like last week. Oh. that was Tuesday night as well. I think It’s part of Cliff’s Taco Tuesday. Eat. Make Jackson and Holly doubt Nicole. Go to Nicole and say he’s forever loyal to her.
    We should be getting the check in where Cliff tries to get Nicole to do things his way so he can leave the door open to get to final three ahead of her if need be. Any minute now.
    Cliff alone to camera says he is leaning to keeping Tommy. He’d campaign against Nicole if necessary, but that’s not the situation they are in (ed note: sooooo not time to campaign against her but giving her a bus grill to the face is just fine because it’s habit?). Cliff mentions he knows the Christie bomb, but won’t say anything until Tommy says something.

    Jackson and Beth are talking. Beth thinks she should reveal that she and Kat are friends and she still voted her out for Cliff. Jackson says NO. Jackson says he will tell Cliff and Nicole he’d take them to final three over Holly (ed note: riiiight, he’s campaigning for her at the final five, but will cut her at 4. not bloody realistic). He seems genuinely disturbed about funny business. The guy that suggested throwing 2 weeks of HOH (night before the double) so they can play the middle and let C/N and T/C take shots at each other, is upset someone else in his alliance is having ideas. puh. lease. AT the end of my tolerance level for the two they were going to stage a breakup. Oh, the foolish ideas just keep coming.

    So Cliff is going to talk to Nicole now. after saying he’ll wait until morning. Cliff believes Jackson is ready for Holly to go. Both think they scared Holly and Jackson more than intended, but didn’t want to blow smoke. Cliff mentions a final three with Holly and Jackson would more likely get Holly and Jackson to the final 2, leaving Nicole out 4th and Cliff out 3rd. (WINKWINK) Cliff reveals that Holly and Jackson say Tommy will be dropping a bomb about his personal life and Christie. Like they don’t already know what that means. Cut to Fish.

    1. Well pardon Cliff all to Hell for playing the game. He isn’t any HG’s Daddy. Name the last old guy that had a chance of winning this game. They are usually the first out.

      1. He’s what, 52? Everyone needs to quit acting like he’s an octogenarian that escaped from the retirement home and somehow ended up on big brother.
        Everyone should be judged by the same standard with their crap called out by the same standard, nobody gets a pass.
        The prize isn’t tiered by age.
        If he’s going to call someone his final 2, he should be a little less cavalier in week 8, 9 and 10 and 11 about throwing his final 2 under the bus. At least he should if he’s pulling the good people spiel. Imo it’s about owning their crap. I think of it this way: when J/H and C/T were aware and spoke of how their pair was trying to play the middle between the two others, Cliff was speaking of how they were the poor victims of the other two pairs doing so even though they ( N/C) were doing the exact same thing. When they talk to the camera alone to pitch their narrative, I expect them to own their game.

        1. Do you really expect him to be upfront with Jackson? You’re smarter than that. I’ve read you all summer. You’re just trying to make an argument where there isn’t one.

          1. It’s not the upfront with Jackson part. It’s the alone speaking to us part. He can lie to Jackson all day and i won’t make a peep. When he tries to schmooze the viewers with revisionist semantic: i take issue.
            If he were saying to us all is fair in the quest for money, so yeah he’s with Nicole but there can only be one winner, so subtly he’s throwing her under the bus for the last 4 weeks, again… i’d have no issue. Instead his talks with the viewers don’t match what he is doing.

    2. Cliff told feeders that his true F2 is Nicole. What he’s doing is called STRATEGY. He needs to campaign in case Jackson wins the Veto, so he send Tommy out.

    3. “Cliff: I want to go with Nicole wherever. I don’t want to go with you or Tommy”
      I don’t think that’s throwing someone under the bus.

      1. You can find definitive supporting (singular) comments from all the house guests that will support your own position at one time or another. The problem is, you can also find definitive (singular) comments that also run completely counter…and Cliff is no different.

        Just ask his angels about his comments and becoming traction for the bus.

      2. Listen to him discussing Nicole being the sketch for the vote. in any of the last four weeks. The purpose of that is to cause Jackson and Holly to doubt her. It always has been. And yet again, he tells Jackson that Nicole is the author of any funny business. That’s game. cool. If we’re going to look at the game they are playing, why is it that we’re only supposed to look at the good certain people do, and leave the dirty part of their game undiscussed? I’d prefer that he take ownership of his actions when he gives us his cliffnotes, not spout off tired crap that panders to the viewers but isn’t 100 reality.

  7. I hate the fact that Jackson and holly wouldn’t tell Tommy’s secret because ‘it wasn’t theirs to tell’. Ok are they even playing big brother like what is happening?? The calm tone of all the conversations are driving me crazy, can we have a good argument, I would even take a slight disagreement at this point. I’m just so bored.

    1. Jackson isnt telling because jackson wants Tommy to side with him when Holly leaves. But, Jackson actually did end up “sort of spilling” … Jackson and Tommy will become a stronger duo than Jackson and Holly were. Nicole and Cliff need to win form here on out!

  8. Think about it Nicole…and stop trusting Cliff. You saw how he didn’t hesitate to throw other of his angels under the bus.

  9. Cliff – I don’t know if it affects anything. Nicole – does it?! Holly is a guaranteed vote for Michie, You’re a guaranteed vote for me, and I’m a guaranteed vote for you.

    So Nicole is saying the same thing i always said about the Tommy and Christy situation , and you guys always hated my comments about that.
    Now what? You were so sure that revelation will change it all and it’s not.

    And cliff and Jackson convo was weird. Its like they were talking as if holly is not in the final 4 and Jackson is already thinking a head, instead of trying to save holly

    1. “Cliff – I don’t know if it affects anything.”

      Of course Cliff doesn’t want Nicole to believe it affects anything, while he’s busy positioning himself to be the F2 pick for Jackson, Tommy or Nicole.

      Wake up before it’s too late Nicole.

        1. one else is positioning them self with everyone else. Of course, when that is the only game he has everyone should expect him to play it.

          My hope is that Nicole will see through his BS.

            1. Sure if he’s in the position to take her to F2 he will.

              And if he’s in the position to go to F2 with Jackson, he will do it.

              And if he’s in the position to go to F2 with Tommy, he will do it.

              If Nicole has to go under the bus for traction, so be it.

              Myself, I think it would be extremely entertaining to see him next to Nicole in F2. How does he play that to the jury?

              Besides being the only player bold enough to take out Bella, I was the mastermind of everything Nicole did. I even let her win that HoH so she’d get the blood on her hands, not me. I’m the one who convinced her to take out a weak player and keep Tommy, risking her entire game and keeping the blood off my hands.

              1. I think he’ll ignore the Bella move because he was forced into it. Jackson was going to nominate her with Christie’s power. It’s not a selling point and will only make him look more manipulated.

              2. The point of the “game” is to be last one standing and now no one wants blood on their hands. Everyone wants a Kumbaya setting singing by the campfire so they don’t disappoint the jury. Cliff makes it so difficult to root for him anymore for his rat game.
                It’s getting harder to find someone to trust to get to final 2 with my favorite to win Nicole.

    2. It’s still diff though. Knowing someone for 3 months vs. knowing someone for 5+ years is diff. Here’s why….sure Michie can think he would vote Holly no matter what, and Cliff can think he would vote Nicole no matter what…but when the rubber hits the road….if they are presented with evidence of someone else playing a far superior game, or damaging info game-wise…they would flip in a heartbeat. We’ve seen that b4. But when you are legit friends with someone for a lengthy period of time…it’s going to take a lot more to make you not vote for them. Also…Christie will campaign much harder and deeper (lol) for Tommy, than Michie would for Holly or Cliff would for Nicole. Once again because the root is much stronger and you know way more about the person, so you have more tools at your disposal.

      1. When it comes to Having an absolute vote, the how long they’ve known each other question is moot.
        If Jackson is final two: Holly votes Jackson no if and or but. Look at her game personality. She votes Jackson.
        If Holly or Kat is in final two: Kat votes Holly and Jackson. again. no if and or but. Holly over Jackson in order to play up the crapola she was spinning in exit interviews.
        If Tommy is in final two: Christie votes Tommy.
        These are absolutes regardless.
        Anyone that gives Christie more power to push for Tommy in jury, is forgetting that bitter Nick has been pushing for the opposite for a week.
        In order to get to final three, let alone final 2: It will always be better to go against 2 people that aren’t in a known parasitic relationship. Example:
        Holly jackson Nicole Cliff final four: hoh is H/N/C competing. veto is all four. Holly and Jackson save each other no matter what. Harder for Cliff and Nicole because one of them becomes the target.
        Tommy Jackson Nicole Cliff final four: hoh is N/C and a throwing Tommy. veto is all four. Jackson has been extolling Tommy’s jury votes. Jackson takes out Tommy if he wins at a higher probability. Otherwise Jackson goes.
        I’d rather have option 2, because if I’m N/C I’m thinking it’s irrelevant who has what votes in jury if they don’t get past final four.

        1. That’s right another name
          And i actually see a showmance , when you have feelings towards someone for a lot stronger bond than someon from the family of your ex..

          1. I’ll try again…so why on earth would production go through such manipulations attempting to keep their relationship secret for so long?

            A lot of people claim that duos must be broken up. So how do you protect a duo? Hide them in plain sight. All the advantages of a duo, none of the risk.

            1. Why would production tell Cliff and Nicole they couldn’t use information from over the wall?
              Outside info cannot be used. It’s always been the case. After any over the wall shout the people that heard it are told they may not use it in game. It’s been discussed in previous seasons that they were taken into d/r and told to disregard any info they did not gain within the walls of the house.
              Why did they protect Holly and Kat? Coming up with the whole know of but don’t know each other ruse?
              Because of how the first revelation went over and because of who else both were connected to in the game. At the time, Jackson had not begun his image redemption, but it was already showing that was the route they were intending to go. Why has production stepped in to such a degree to help Jackson change his image?
              The number of things that are head scratching from production. And the list can only grow.

              1. Hmmm, I don’t recall production appearing to do anything to protect the Holly and Kat passing acquaintance and as to how the first revelation went over, I do believe the first revelation was Crusty and Tommy, when they ran into a room and talking about their relationship.

                So getting back to my question, since they didn’t seem to mind that Kat and Holly’s possible passing relationship was exposed (they let Jackson tell Jack), and since the first such relationship we knew of was Crusty and Tommy, why did production go to so much trouble to keep it under wraps for so long?

  10. I find it a little silly that “production’s fingerprints” have seem to be found on EVERY season of BB lately…. Think you guys are reaching.

      1. I think it’s likely the truth lies somewhere in-between. There is little doubt to me, though, that Tommy’s panic attack stemmed from Production’s pointing out that perhaps coming clean with the remaining HGs would bode well for garnering sympathy. Who could argue that Tommy’s shock at seeing Christie–then being tied with her throughout the game was maddening. Jackson revisited last night the fact that he and Ovi attended the same school and couldn’t believe he doesn’t remember him, considering THEY HAD CLASSES TOGETHER. All HGs likely have ties to someone in the game–the final twist held tight to the vest from Viewers.

        1. The University of Tennessee has over 28,000 students right now. It’s unlikely they had classes together unless it was a freshman core class and even that’s stretching. I’ve been in some of the UT classes and there could be hundreds of students in one lecture. Just because they took the same classes there are usually a dozen or more sections with some offered at the same times with different professors. I doubt those two would move in the same social circles.

          It does seem odd that there are just a few pockets of the country represented this season though. I doubt this was a designed twist from the beginning but rather just lazy casting.

          1. I was in a class at Texas that had over 500. The craziest was finding out near the end of semester, that my old friend Mikey was in it and I had no clue. I had not seen him since I was 14 because we moved abroad. It was wild!

          2. Ask anyone: I’m a conspiracy nutbar.
            If I were suspicious, I wouldn’t be looking at lectures for a connection between Ovi and Jackson.
            I’d be looking at Ovi’s role in student government. I’d be looking at Ovi starting a fraternity that year.
            I’d be looking at what was going on with Jackson’s fraternity (their suspension). If I were suspicious of their relationship, I’d be checking into student government roles on committees regarding on campus security and discipline. I’d be looking at campus news reports / releases and campus newspaper to see if there is in fact any correlation between the two.
            I haven’t been suspicious of those two, only because Ovi was first evicted so never cared beyond the show already downplaying relationships, so would they know each other? I haven’t cared enough to investigate, but that’s the avenue I’d go down if i were more suspicious.

            1. I think it’s very interesting how close all of these people are demographically outside of the house. I think they did it on purpose in hopes that people knew each other, or knew that people know each other. (If that makes sense.) I think we are going to find out about more preexisting relationships/acquaintances.

          3. But Ovi was the student body president. How would Jackson not know him. Maybe he didn’t know him but I highly doubt Jackson didn’t know who Ovi was.

            1. I’ll be honest with you. I didn’t know who the student body president of my university was in first year or second year. Actually, I still couldn’t tell you. I only remember the president in my third and fourth years because two of my on campus jobs involved public relations and campus tours and i was required to know. I’m not sure if it would be considered a large school, but at the time there were 64, 300 students.

  11. I just can’t anymore with Cliff, just can’t. I’ve been saying for weeks that Nicole needs to watch him, he always slyly throws her under the bus to get himself ahead yet she has never done that to him. Hell he has thrown numerous allies under the bus. I just call him Mr Puckerface because for weeks he has been puckered to Jackson and Hollys asses. I should be rooting for the old guy since I’m older, but his hypocrisy is too off putting, just personality wise the way he portrays himself on the show….ugh. Actually him, Jackson and Holly personality wise make a perfect threesome. Not a single one can own up to what they have done to others, instead just placing the blame elsewhere. If he was up against Nicole F2 I can seriously see him taking credit for her win in the double by saying “she didn’t know it but I threw it for her, I could have beat her but throwing it was better for my game” without also acknowledging Tommy was mere seconds behind her, because he can then in a F2 w/Tommy say he threw it to Tommy (if Tommy had won it that is). I am just soooo over this man.
    If Nicole doesn’t watch it, he will go F3 with Jackson and Skeletor.

      1. Simon…same here. He is so fake. When he won HOH and didn’t do what he should have, I predicted he wouldn’t. He wants everyone else to do the work, then he will swoop in and claim credit. What bothers me the most is Nicole legitimately likes the man and is going to be hurt on a personal level.

        1. Remember when Cliff threw Jess under the bus? You could see that Nicole was upset by that but ended up going along with it.

      2. Same. I am unforgiving of that candy-ass move.
        I also hate how he plays to the cameras, hoping for AFP …. please people, do not indulge this man’s lame overtures! By the way, who are we all voting AFP?

        1. Look up: between the write-up and viewer comments. There’s a poll you can vote on with your pick for AFP.

          Interestingly, Cliff is close behind Nicole in that poll, but still behind Sam in the daily rankings.

    1. Sounds like Cliff fooled you too. He and Nicole are solid, but if Jackson wins Veto, and Final HOH, Cliff would be a fool not to try to set himself up as the person to keep.

  12. Michie is sitting there telling Holly, why would Cliff keep Tommy, he’s not going to take you over Nicole to final two. Ummmm Hello Michie??? You’re saying you would take him over Holly? How does Holly not see this??? BB Gods…please let the buzzard go tomorrow night with Michie soon to follow. It’s time for these self righteous a$$holes to get what’s coming to them. #nicoleforthewin

  13. Maybe Nicole should split the vote, that way Jackson can get the blood on his hands! Nicole’s best chance at winning it all, is to go to the final 2 with Holly!

    1. what blood? Its the obvious choice for him
      Dont get that comment, sorry
      If they want Tommy out they can do it by themselves

  14. What does it say about Tommy’s true loyalty between the 2 pairs that he revealed his secret to Michie/Holly before Cliff/Nicole? It tells me he would side with Michie over Nicole and Cliff if they keep him.

      1. If Tommy were devious, he’d spin it. He’d say he figured Nicole and Cliff already knew, since it was the three of them in the yard on that night. He’d spin that’s what he thought was the reason for choosing to go after Christie rather than Jackson.

        1. I’ve no doubt that production is working on that and other excuses for him to make to those who remain in the house and also on the jury.

  15. If you make the final 5 in Big Brother you damn well better be able to smell betrayal, because they are all thinking it and they are all expecting it and at some point they are all going to do it if given the choice between that and $500K.

  16. After Cliff talked to Jackson, he told feeders that his true F2 was Nicole, and always would be. The old man is toying with Jackson.

  17. “Watch out, Nicole!! I smell “betrayal” in the air…”

    It would be poetic if she smelled it and aligned with Tommy or Jackson to take out the rotund one.

  18. Just like Nicole said does it really affect it…. No, holly is vote for jackson,jackson for holly, cliff for nicole or vice versa…. It doesnt matter as much as ppl are making it out to be and im glad tommy is telling then so ppl shut up already abt it being unfair…It has literally been a broken record hearing u guys on here all u ever talk abt! 3 couples all have the same factor their person wld vote for them in jury….big deal, NOT A BIG DEAL!!!! Ppl thru big brother history have tried swaying the jury for the person they like, sometimes it works, sometimes not….

    1. So getting back to an unanswered question that has been out there a while…if it’s no big deal why has production gone to such extraordinary lengths to keep it under wraps till now?

  19. in retrospect it seems like Nicole is making the better decision by breaking up the couple but with Christie in jury, everyone in jury except maybe Kat WILL vote for Tommy to win. period!! so evicting holly is a better chance for her and cliff to go to final 3 together but not a better chance for her to win the game and quite possibly gets her to 3rd place!!

  20. I am undecided which irritates me most . . .

    Jackson who one-ups Everyone in Every conversation or interrupts someone’s idea & makes it seem like he thought of it first.

    Holly who hesitates before joining in to make sure she lands on the same side or how she ends sentences with . . . . Yeah
    after a painfuil series of ummms & ahhhhs hoping the other person will confirm what she is thinking.

    d). All of the above

      1. Find any time in the series where Jackson admitted to a negative. He’s always deflated the negative, spun it as a positive, blamed someone else for his actions, or whataboutismed equivalencies. In every situation. Even when he owns up to dirty game moves, he puts the dirty part on someone else, and plays like he was dragged along against his will. When it’s game it’s game. When it’s the personal stuff he is a douche.

  21. I liked Sam. That’s it. This season truly sucks. Nicole got all cocky/power hungry when she won something so I’m not routing for her anymore. I am now routing for a final 2 with Jackson (he grew on me) and Cliff with Jackson winning.

    1. Thank you thank
      You for saying what I have been thinking about Nicole since the double !!

      I have been a Jackson fan from the beginning. And when he thought him and Holly were all alone I was cheering him on more

      I want Jackson and Tommy in final
      Two. I think that would explain the season perfectly

  22. So Tommy just told Nicole n Cliff about his connection to Christie
    He should tell them they r last to know lol
    (Even though they already knew in the yard)
    That’ll probably be his plea to jury. “I had to work with Christie and it was hard!!!”
    Then why did he use veto on her twice?
    Nicole was already questioning how wishy washy Tommy’s stories have been.
    Cliff says well there was an incident or time where we figured….and the feeds cut out
    Cliff already figured they were a duo early on with Cliff notes when Christie heard him talking. So why try to bring up the yard incident? I just can’t with Cliff talking!! Why can’t he just chill n be quiet n let Tommy spill his guts?
    First Tommy says he tells them because he was afraid Jolly would tell them n use it against him. He also says he worried about outside real world will view him. Then he says his mom told him honesty was the best policy so he was telling them. (Further validating his whishy washy ways to Nicole)
    This storyline blows!

    1. Watch Jackson and Holly’s sour grape reaction that Cliff and Nicole are even listening to Tommy’s campaign. I’m out of popcorn. When Jackson had to awkward pee to try to overhear or break the campaign, like there’s only one toilet in bbville? priceless.

  23. This eviction is a tough one because Tommy is so liked in Jury, not to mention you got Christie in there probably brainwashing people to vote for Tommy to win….do Cliff and Nicole take the chance anyway and evict Holly because she is a duo her and Jackson do win a lot!! I think I would still evict her and take my chances Tommy can’t win everything coming up. Also if things go right for them they could use him to hopefully get rid of Jackson.

    1. Holly won a crap shoot hoh Mellon head has been winning. Nicole screwed up I. The double by not putting up Jackson and Christie. IMHO

      1. If you put up Christie and Jackson then regardless of who goes you have three people coming after you. Probably even cliff turns on you to keep himself safe. Say cliff wins veto still and they send out Jackson. Christie and Tommy are mad Christie got put up and they target nicole. Holly is mad she took out her showmance and targets Nicole. You can argue which duo she should have targeted but she certainly shouldn’t have “targeted” both duos by putting one up from each.

  24. Question for the Jackson fans (because apparently they exist)
    What do you like about Jackson?
    A. The pomposity
    B. The douchebaggery
    C. Both A and B

    1. You do know that you could ask the exact same questions about all the remaining house guests except Nicole.

      With her you could ask an entirely different line of questions equally as damning? A 24 year old woman, who dresses and acts 12, who lives with her parents and whose favorite BB player is Paul.

      It’s all subjective. For instance, I don’t like Jackson but I also dislike Tommy, and I dislike Cliff more their both of them. Holly doesn’t bother me that much. I like Nicole but I do hope she becomes a young “woman” one day soon. I still like Sam, but over all, this crew has been entirely too unlikable and outright stupid for my taste. When being lucky that your opponent is even lamer then you is considered good game play, it’s a lousy season.

      1. I’m not referring to game play.I don’t judge how people play or what strategy they use,I judge them on how they treat others.

        1. “I’m not referring to game play.I don’t judge how people play or what strategy they use,I judge them on how they treat others.”

          Okay, so tell me, how do “the pomposity” and “the douchebaggery” fit into “how they treat others”?

          1. Have you not seen how he has talked to the other houseguests all summer?The condescending controlling and demeaning way he would speak to Kat and Holly,the vile conversations he and Jack would have about David Ovi and Kemi.

            1. So, none of the others talked like that to others, none of them talked about others behind their backs? So tell me, Cliff sitting back and deliberately goon baiting Holly when she was drunk and just compounding her misery, is that your idea of treating others right?

                1. You’re really seriously all wrapped up in this aren’t you?

                  And to think the network just let that go by.

                    1. You really probably shouldn’t watch reality TV shows…you get far to emotionally invested in them.

                    2. I’m invested in the truth.BTW I just posted a funny quiz and you took it seriously with questions so I responded with serious answers .Sorry you’re not interested in the truth.If you have an opinion to share make sure it’s an informed one and defend it.

                    3. I’m invested in the truth.BTW I just posted a funny quiz and you took it seriously with questions I responded to with serious answers.Sorry you’re not interested in the truth but if you have opinions to share make sure they’re informed ones and defend them.

      2. It’s ok to be 24 and occassionaly act like you’re 12…it’s just her personality. But to be pushing 32 and act like you’re 12 (including the hair do’s etc) then that’s really pushing it.

        1. Yes, occasionally…but not all the time.

          “Oh look, three new unicorns in the cereal. How long have I been in here?”

    1. I’m waiting to see how they present the memorial service on the show. I’m hoping that they’ll just show it and not USE it to anyone’s favor.

    2. It’s amazing that, with everyone putting forward who will end up winning Big Brother, I haven’t seen anyone root for Cliff to win

        1. Of course there is the question that isn’t asked a lot (but has been thought of thanks to a previous Big Brother winner): Which of the remaining houseguests will end up pulling an “Adam” with their winnings

          1. Jackson would buy a melon patch, Holly would buy a pool and hire Raoul the pool boy, Tommy would give half of it to Crusty before the restraining order runs out, Cliff would buy a couple of steers (not in brotherhood to the gonadless set but so people will stop saying he’s all hat and no cattle) and Nicole would use it to corner the market on My Little Pony memorabilia.

  25. Watching the live show and listening to Nicole say, “I promise” to Jackson and Holly that there will be no funny business, makes me lose my respect for Nicole completely. Yes, it’s Big Brother, but don’t promise and then break your promise. She did not have to promise. No one was questioning her or pressuring her. She gave her promise with no intention of keeping it. It probably won’t matter, but she’s lost my vote for America’s Favorite Player.

    1. If she is in the final two (Nicole) I will not watch. She has been carried by Cliff, Jackson, and Holly with the exception of two competitions. If they would have broken their promises she would not be in the game.

      1. Holly has won 2 comps. stabbed how many of her allies in the back? couldn’t even sympathy vote her final 2… but Nicole is the bad one?
        Jackson. where do you begin with his broken word. The reason he and Holly would have evicted Tommy isn’t their final four deal, he’s had so many final deals this season the only person not included in one was Jess. It’s because he knows he can beat Nicole or Cliff in more comps than Tommy. It’s that simple. That’s why he was more serious about the Cliff Nicole deal than the Christie Tommy deal. In his mind, he could beat them. This noble crap only applies to others, not to himself.

    2. It’s typical Big Brother and fabulous. Made us laugh. She’s a strong woman who was bullied as an adult. Let her fib.

  26. You know that there is not much going on in the house when……they show a houseguest packing up belongings in preparation for tomorrow

  27. So, Holly’s big campaign to stay is to bemoan playing nearly the entire season in a showmance. Two weeks left, final five and she’s frustrated that she’s “grouped into a duo”? As if she’d still be in the house without that duo.
    “I’m so okay with fourth.” Uh, yeah because you know Jackson will most likely win POV and take you to final three.
    Bet she won’t cry over being grouped into a duo then. No campaign conversation would be complete without the obligatory “I love you so much.”
    Can this season be over already? I couldn’t even pick three houseguests for AFP. I’d rather David get it because he spent the least amount of time in the house annoying me!

  28. Holly continues to wipe snot from her face with her hands as she talks to Nicole uhhgg!
    Get a tissue and a clue Holly. Perfect person to send to jury. She wont tell Chommy secret n shes a vote for Jackson. Nicole hope’s they have tissue in jury. Would she really even benefit anyone else’s game if she stayed other than jackson? Curious if anyone has an opinion on this

    1. What does she mean doesnt want to go out this way? Everyone gets voted out, gets put in block, gets voted out… she keeps repeating her self over to both Nicole and Cliff.

      1. It’s day 84 and she wants to start on that season long goal of being a good role model to young girls:
        imagine that. Young girls, you too can turn your back on your friends, talk behind their backs, have sex on camera, allow a man to talk to you like crap, and passive agressively cry and moan about how hard playing big brother is when your meat sheild is taking all the flack for you. a small tear rolls down my cheek.

        1. Another name
          You speak lies!!! Lmao
          Seriously she wanted to be an example?? WoW!!!
          It would be different if she were in her party college years and was looking to hang with a young frat guy. But she’s 31 not 21. In BB years that like 55.
          When Holly was HOH and asked others what she should do, she listened to them n then later cried and complained that the house hijacked her HOH. So what was her solution? Get more of the “d” and worried about the rash later.
          Look where THAT got her.
          She already knows she will look like a buzzard to the world and hopes the people she stabbed in the back will tell the outside world that she’s really a great person and role model.
          Nick already said buzzards (Holly) gets people’s (Kats) leftovers (Jackson). That’s what your BB friends will tell America about u Holly.
          Holly can be the role model for what NOT to do as a young girl or at 31

      2. Agreed Summer G.
        Go out like what? Probably because she was going after the “d” like it was the prize instead of the $500,000. She wants to leave looking like she played vs getting played

  29. Simon/Dawg, has the following ever happened before?. I just saw NIcole say to the cameras “If you want me to go to the DR, I am available “ Within 20 seconds she was called.

      1. “Yes, the house guests some times talk to production about things the need or want or if they want into the Dr.”

        I take it asking for a clue isn’t allowed?

  30. Cliff and Nicole split the vote,Jackson must break the tie. Who does he vote out and the justification? All responses welcome.

    1. Jackson votes out Tommy. HE KNOWS 100% he can beat Holly in final four veto, but also knows if she wins she keeps him.
      It increases his odds. His finely crafted man of my word play with honor edit would be ruined by pulling a Jon and Neda at 5.
      There is no universe where Jackson votes out Holly and bbmath loses her jury vote.

  31. interesting factoids:
    oldest winner: dick. age 44. season 8
    oldest runner up: karen age 53. bbcan 5
    oldest third place jerry. age 75. season 10
    oldest fourth place kevin. season 19.
    added that both celeb winners were over 40. marissa was 45. tamar was *listed as cough cough 41.

    1. The more the showmance divide and conquers their campainging while saying they are playing individual games, the more I say break that up. NOW.

  32. Having watched BB from the first, I wish they would go back to having to compete for food. I can’t stand it when they open the storage room and all that food & 15 watermelons are piled up. They have it so easy now, just lay around in the bed. Bring back the food comps!! Did they even do slop this year?? $500K, should have to work a little harder.

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