Tom “I was embarrassed for them. It just looked like an incredible display of poor sportsmanship.”

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7pm – 9:20pm Its a slow night in the CBB house .. Kandi playing solitaire. Ricky stretching and Tom laying in the HOH bed with the lights off.

9:25pm Bedroom. Kandi and Dina. Kandi – girl.. when you were asleep earlier, all hell broke loose. Dina – what the hell happened?! I could have slept right through till tomorrow morning. I got scared like what’s happening? Where the hell am I. Kandi – na… when I was up stairs playing pool with Tom.. you know how you said he light weight threatens you? Dina – it wasn’t really light weight .. he was like I’ll be really angry. And Ricky will come and play for me. And he was like you know Ricky will come to my side. Kandi – when I was playing pool with him earlier he was like I just want to let you know I am pulling Natalie off the block because I need Ricky out of here and I want to make sure you guys are …So I am thinking of pulling her off the block because I need Ricky out of here and I want to be sure if you were going to vote for Ricky. I told him I don’t like what you’re threatening. Big Brother switches the feeds.

11:13pm Lounge room. Kandi and Dina. Dina – I’m praying people … that the universe has our back. Dina whispers – and we have to because at the end we don’t want Kato and Tom mad at us .. and flip on that. Kandi – yeah, that is true. Dina – but I like him anyway .. he is just being reclusive. And if he is with us they’re going to be like Bla Bla Bla… but they’ll see that the proof is in the pudding… like they’re going to be cool because she’ll be here. They’re both so good though. But Tom is a better player. Kandi – he is. Dina – but you need a good player too. And Lolo comes close ..I am waiting for her to kick in. I think Lolo is so pretty ..she has to get her confidence built. In LIFE not in her GAME .. she is an amazing athlete. Nothing can touch her there. Kandi – I am just going to tell him. Look dude, I don’t appreciate your approach but I don’t want us to be arguing or have bad blood so I am going to let you have this one this time. And so we will just vote for him (Ricky). Dina – you better have a pinky swear. Kandi – although I still feel like it is the wrong decision. And I will just keep it at that. Dina – and Ricky doesn’t win. Lets go talk to him. He thinks Ricky is manipulating the girls but no .. we’re the strong ones. Kandi – what I do know is we better win a dang HOH so we don’t end up on the block.

12am Ricky is playing cards. Dina and Kandi are playing pool. Meanwhile in the bedroom. Lolo and Natalie. Lolo – I don’t think he his coming after .. like you think. He wouldn’t have given that conversation …like he did. Natalie – yeah but he did. Lolo – if he (Ricky) really wanted to go after votes he would be upstairs with Dina and Kandi. I am just keeping it real with you. He has just been chilling in the kitchen. I don’t want you to have negative feelings towards Ricky in the last few days .. I’m just being honest. Natalie – I know. Lolo – he already has one more vote to get over you. He’s been always truthful to us. He’s been a solid teammate. Natalie – I’m not trippin. If it goes down, it goes down. I can’t do anything about it. It is literally out of my control. Lolo – but if you just calm down and do the math, you already know that you’re going to be good. You need two. You have me, you have Dina, and you have Tay. And if you don’t have Tay.. then you have me and you Dina. Natalie – oh my god do you think she wouldn’t vote?! Lolo – I am just saying you have multiple options. Ricky has to get three.

12:54am HOH room. Tom spying on the house guests.. Tom heads down to talk to Dina. Tom tells Dina – I just want you to know that everything is fine and you’re safe. Dina – I cried in there to her (Kandi). Tom – I know, I know. I want you to know that everything is fine. I was hiding out. I don’t want to talk to anybody. Everything is fine. I am going to hide somewhere and sleep. Don’t tell anyone I came to talk to you. Dina – so still Ricky? Tom – everything is fine. Thanks Dina. Tom heads back up to the HOH room.

1:23am HOH room. Tom – I am satisfied with everything I’ve done on the show. I’ve won two HOH’s and Veto twice. I’ve made some good friends. This is a very .. its a time to reflect and be thankful for all the good things that have happened in the house. It would be odd to say that is hasn’t been a difficult thing to go through at times. Its hard living in close quarters with people that are actually gunning for you. I would say that some member of this season have gotten so into the season that they left their good sporting nature at the door. It has been very very vicious and mean spirited. When they win a competition .. they celebrate like you have never seen. The victory dance when Tamar won HOH… when they knocked out Kato. The victory dance… the display that they put on was frankly .. I was embarrassed for them. I don’t know that they are aware at how it looked. It just looked like an incredible display of poor sportsmanship. And it made me sad because we’re supposed to be having fun here. There are people in the world with real problems and we are very fortunate to be on an amazing and incredible journey playing this bizarre and crazy cool game. What I did today after winning veto .. is I made a decision.. I am not talking to them. I brought food.. as you can see I have pizza. I have salmon. I have cheeses. And I am not leaving this room until the veto ceremony tomorrow .. where I am going to surprise some people with my decision. Okay! I know people on the block and off believe that I am not going to use the power tomorrow but lets just say that nothing is off the table and its going to be an interesting .. interesting time. I don’t want to gloat or act overly cocky. I would say that everyone in the house wants to win more than I do. I don’t want to say that I don’t want to win because I do. I am going to try and win and I’m going to use ever bit of brain power and strength that I can muster to try and win celebrity big bother this year. But I am not going to trade my dignity and self respect for a few bucks. I mean a lot of money.. who are we kidding. Its actually a lot of money .. maybe I should trade my dignity and self respect for that. Look the thing is its a huge amount of money and people act a little strange and weird and discombobulated when that’s at stake. Everybody wants to win and that amount of money makes them do things that they wouldn’t normally. In this game people get ANGRY and it is frankly very revealing. You don’t know the extent to how quickly people will turn on each other just because of greed. Only certain people will do it.. I don’t blame them. They’re not actually in control of their actions. Dina has been very supportive. Kandi is too but I now know that after telling her something she will walk down the hall and tell everything you’ve told her. I am here in the HOH room .. one day away from being powerless. I am resigned to the fact that this could end quickly now.. I’ve got too much blood on my hands. I just know if I get put on the block next week, I have to win the veto.

2:40am All the house guests are sleeping..

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27 thoughts to “Tom “I was embarrassed for them. It just looked like an incredible display of poor sportsmanship.””

        1. Has been ever since the scandal broke of her hubbys salacious behavior…she’s been signing off that way ever since the end of last BB season

  1. Tom is correct about a few things:

    – The athletes and Tamar are all poor sports

    – They are all celebrities who have good lives outside of the house and as the GAME of Big Brother always does, true ugly personalities come out when money is involved

    – He is in trouble and his only true hope is winning the POV again

    I think most of the people in the house misunderstand Tom. He’s a good guy, quirky, but I think his words get twisted around often. He is definitely not malicious, doesn’t attack people, and if these celebrities think what he is doing is “threatening”, they’ve obviously never watched a regular season of BB! Let me remind Ricky that he was the first to point out to Kandi that this is JUST A GAME! He is acting like the BIGGEST baby. And Natalie’s big speech about her husband telling her “everyone deserves dignity and to be treated with respect” seems lost on her and her little gang bc ignoring someone who is trying to be pleasant and saying good morning to you is just childish. Oh, and Loco reading “the Word” is not helping her be a better person. She is just another #FakeChristian

    1. Tom is one of those people who get a little bit of power and becomes a tyrant. Then he rewrites history to favor himself. He has very off putting behaviors like putting Ricky on the block and then being overly friendly to him and pretend-offended when Ricky brushes him off. Then he runs around and tries to demand the girls vote his way except he changes his mind every other second. He’s the most difficult person I’ve ever seen on this show and that is saying a lot.

      1. I’m sorry Sunshine but have you ever watched a season of Big Brother? Tom is playing the game!!! He is HOH. He won the Power to make decisions and that’s what you do, you are allowed to question your alliance/houseguests who are closest to you if they are going to vote your way. HOH is has its perks and that’s one of them. Ricky has been an ass to Tom and Kato the whole game. Tom is just trying to be kind

    2. If Tom doesn’t win the POV for the second eviction, we could be looking at an all girls final.

      And that will be done without an all girl alliance

    3. For some reason, I cannot reply to the comment “sunshine” made on my post. So…

      Really sunshine? Tom is a TYRANT and the MOST DIFFICULT person you’ve EVER seen on the show??? You must live in a parallel universe somewhere bc I’ve seen PLENTY WAY WORSE then him! Just a few examples in no particular order, except for number 1 bc IMO he is the biggest douchebag I’ve EVER seen on the show and has no redeeming qualities:

      1. Paulie
      2. Paul (actually liked him in his first season)
      3. Aaryn
      4. Vanessa
      5. Gina Marie
      6. Amanda
      7. Chima
      8. Alex
      9. Austin
      10. Jessie

      And I’m sure there are plenty more that I missed!!!! Sunshine, I’m worried about you’re delicate little soul if you really think Tom is a tyrant.

  2. Tom is absolutely right LoLo Natalie and Ricky have not represented themselves in a favorable image they have probably hurt any chance of most people supporting their behavior. Kandi cannot be trusted she has her own agenda. Tom may be on the block soon but at least he can break up the three some. Tamara is wrong if she thinks those three are looking out for her they would put her up. Dina needs to start playing the game and quit being a follower. I hope Tom wins.

  3. Tom simply wants Ricky out and knows the others are going to try to get Natalie out instead. This is his second HOH where he is trying to get Ricky out and doesn’t want to fail again. He knows Ricky will win in the end if he doesn’t do it now. Ricky is laying low and avoiding getting blood on his hands, unlike Tom. So Tom is making it clear to the others that he might put someone else on the block instead of Natalie that everyone wants to stay. Hmmmm could it be Taymar, since she seems to be the one leading the charge to keep Ricky? Does Tom know that? His so-called “threats” are just him letting them know that he’s on to them. He is doing it to shock them into realizing he’s serious about getting Ricky out this time. He is just playing the game. It’s a shame he has to isolate himself upstairs just for playing the game.

    Meanwhile Ricky just lays about with the others and tries to manipulate them. Has anyone ever seen this former top athlete ever do a hard work out. I don’t have the feeds. Is he injured? All I ever see him doing is yoga, stretching, playing chess, or laying about in bed. Is he trying to appear less of a threat? Then in the final days he will dominate any physical or mental comps? I think Tom thinks Ricky is laying low on purpose. Probably no injury.

    1. I think Ricky is trying to upplay his new role as a “healer” (yoga, stretching, laying hands on other contestants while sweating profusely all over them) and ignore his former image and reputation as an athlete. He may be trying to make himself appear less threatening as a competitor, but he’s coming off as a sulky, mean spirited poor sport instead. I wonder how he’s receiving his bud in the house? Possibly through edibles? If so, he needs more bc when he’s mellow he seems to be a nicer person.

  4. I have found myself becoming more and more of a Tom fan. He’s not perfect, but I’ve yet to see any BB winner make it to the end without some flaws in their gameplay. Sadly, Lolo & Ricky have taken poor sportsmanship to a whole new level, and NEM has gone down the rabbit trail with them. I think NEM would be better off without Lolo/Ricky, but her gameplay and her reputation are now tied to the biggest baby and the biggest lunatic of the house. One last thing… all the talk of Tom “threatening” is beyond ridiculous. Telling someone they may not be safe if they do not vote your way is not a “threat,” it’s playing Big Brother.

  5. Wow. I really like Tom but he sure is in a constant state of evaluation. Liked Kato liked nay almost liked Ricky till he got all sticky but kandis voice irritates me Tamar when she’s silent she’s ok but as soon as she starts the head rolling hand exclaiming way of hers I shut her out lolo. Oh boy runs hot is understated she is very high strung for an athlete. I like Brian and little guy he hung with what’s his name. Sorry buddy never watched your cake thing Dina is tired and is rather harmless ike furniture. I got nothing for her. Believe crappy year due to casting this group oddballs

  6. I don’t dislike Tom. I don’t like the way he handles his HOH (either of them), or his usual read of his fellow house guests. He keeps trying to be cute and make tv moments that aren’t actually required, and probably won’t make the edit anyway. When he’s bending over backwards to save Loco and / or Natalie to his allies, why wouldn’t they feel like Tom felt when Ricky was shoehorned into the fun alliance? Would Tom have had a grateful attitude if he were told by an ally he isn’t trusted, so the ally is going to make a move that forces Tom to vote how they want? He would not.
    I get the feeling he fails to grasp the concept that HOH chooses the nominees, but ultimately the house chooses the evicted nominee. An HOH with a good grasp of social management can steer his allies in the direction he wants. Tom as HOH does NOT have a good grasp of social management.

  7. Btw, did anyone else catch the fireside convo between Tom and Dina where they were talking about what a great athlete Ricky was and Dina says, “Yeah, I remember watching him growing up”… Ummm, girl you are 56 and Ricky is 41… LOL

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