Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Tkor
Nominees: ?
POV Players: ?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: ?
10pm The live feeds return from the HOH competition.
Bathroom – Rubina and Kimo
Rubina – I am so proud of you! Kimo – no, me too Rubina – we believe in her so much. Yay. Fuck. I’m ugly. I’m because I love her so much.
She wouldn’t believe in herself. Tkor joins them. Rubina – Holy shit. Kimo – Wow, we can’t stop crying. Absorbed this. Rubina – Deserve it. Kimo – Yeah. Congratulations. Rubina – you almost got him last time. You were so close last time. This is your. This is your thing. Tkor – Yeah. Kimo – this is what the universe wanted! Rubina – yeah! You want you to win? Kimo – Exactly. Tkor – Obviously you two are safe. And Tucker and Chelsie.
Rubina – you cut off boundaries you don’t need to be there f**king an
hour because people want to talk for f**king an hour. Tkor – I’ll talk to you again if I need to. I probably want to keep it to 20 minutes. Rubina – Yeah it’s a max. You got this! Tkor – I can’t believe this. Kimo – everything happens for a reason. Rubina – I love this sh*t so much! Kimo – I love it, I love it, I love it! Tkor – Can one of you guys be my one on one first. Kimo – yeah of course. Rubina – never count yourself out. Never, ever ever! You need to know. You’re so special and you’re so amazing. You deserve everything. You know that you were never going to have a normal. You’re so amazing! I am so f**king proud of you! You’re really exactly where you need to be. Tkor – I’m scared. Rubina – there’s nothing to be scared of. You’re doing this girl. We got you! People have your back. We love you. You’re good. Tkor – God is giving me what I asked for. Rubina – you really asked for it and its coming full force!
10:12pm Unicorn Bedroom – Kimo and Tkor
Tkor – there are people I am obviously not going to touch. You, Rubina and Chelsie for sure. Kimo – this might be the last before jury. Realistically who do you not want in jury? Tkor – I don’t know. Kimo – Tucker might be willing to go on the block. Maybe Cam and if someone comes off Leah goes up. Tkcor – I Like Leah a lot. I genuinely don’t know. I think the best case scenario is me talking to everyone and then getting back to you and Rubina and going from there. Kimo – it would be better for Tucker to be in on it. He also wants help because he loves you. I don’t think he wants with you in a bind and I think he would go up. When you’re talking to people you already do a good job. Don’t give people too much information. Get information from people. See how people feel about other people. You can also be straight up with people and just ask. Tkor – I could ask who they see as threats to their game. Kimo – ask them what it would look like if they had power. Get a feel for Tuck.. I think he would be willing to do it for you. Stand your ground too. You got this. Are you nervous to talk to anyone? Tkor – not really. Kimo – I am just trying to think of a scenario where it doesn’t require you to go against an alliance right now. I know you dont’ want to put up Leah because you love her and you trust her but I also don’t think she would go home and she’s not in any alliance. You need the numbers right now, especially with a double coming up.
10:40pm Bedroom – Tucker and Kimo
Kimo – I am not sure what she going to do because there’s not that many options. Tucker suggests Chelsie. Kimo – I think she might protect Chelsie but outside of that I don’t know. Tucker – what about Quinn? Kimo – potentially. Tucker – or even Makensy. Kimo – I don’t know. I don’t want any of us to go on the block. Tucker – don’t want that either.
10:56pm Bumper Pool Room – Tucker and Rubina.
Tucker and Rubina celebrate. Rubina – that could not have worked out better. Tucker – I am so proud of her. Rubina – I know she counts herself out sometimes. Tucker – no but she is so determined! Rubina – I know! Tucker – that was the most beautiful win I have ever seen! She did so well! Rubina – and she is just so low key. Tucker – no one’s going to be mad at anybody. Cam fell asleep on the stage, so he wasn’t that excited. I still don’t trust Quinn. I think Makensy and Cam would be good and someone else. I am going to tell her what I think but that I don’t care what she does. I’m not going to hold anything against her. Its her HOH. She should do it as she pleases. Its more so going to be a talk about how to handle it because its fun, its really fun but it sucks. Rubina – I am so happy that she is having her moment. Tucker – I have a permanent knot in my throat. Its really beautiful. Rubina – I am like giddy and proud as f**k. What a great way to end the day. Tucker – at least we still get to hang out in the HOH room! man. I’m going to ask you can let let her slide this week, but fucking Chelsie was a part of throwing her name out there in the end. Chelsie’s the brains behind that f**king room. Rubina – at least keep her aware. Makensy and Kimo join them. Joseph – joins. Rubina – we are so f**king lucky to be apart of this season. Joseph – this season is so f**king cool.
11:45pm – 12:06am Bedroom – Tkor and Leah
Leah – It’s not easy because it’s not how I thought it was going to go the past couple of weeks like, and you can’t put up Angela because she’s, you’re so close with her. I don’t know if its still true but you could put up Makensy and say that its because you don’t talk game with her. I hate to go this route but the whole thing that happened last week with the blow up. I don’t know if there are still people that were a part of that. I don’t think there is a right answer. I respect whatever decision you make. You can tell me anything. I’ll be here for you. I have always been transparent and honest with you. I just feel for you because I know you’re a sensitive person. I am sorry I am not being very productive. Its just so hard to even believe what is happening. Tkor – I might try to circle back with you after the fact. Leah – I know you’re close with Cam and Chelsie still or else that would have been easy to do. Or even maybe like Quinn because he’s a good competitor. I trust in the fact that you will do what’s best. And don’t let someone try to take over your sh*t. Its yours. I know that you’re good with me. I’m good with you. It will stay that way for me. Just let me know. Tkor – thank you. They hug.
12:15am Bedroom – Cam and Tkor
Cam – well what did I say two weeks ago. Tkor – I’m not ready! Cam – how have the conversations been going? Tkor – I haven’t really talked to that many people yet. And people haven’t given me too much information. What would you do if you were in my position. Cam – So there’s not many people in the house that I would trust. I don’t have a target or I don’t have a vendetta against anybody but I just do think that everyone is targeting me for some reason even though I haven’t won a comp. I’ve kept the alliance tight and I haven’t bad mouthed anybody behind their back. I feel like there’s a hierarchy of people who they presume as the biggest threat and I’m second but in order to get to the first person they would have to get me out first. Ever since being on the block, people have been so cryptic even though I don’t really talk game like that, I just kind of check in with people and see how they’re doing but everybody’s been so cryptic so I don’t know where everybody’s at and it’s not like when everybody’s game got blown up. It’s not like I was the one scammer or anything. If it was me and Chelsie on the block would I have gone home? Tkor – yeah.
12:30am Bedroom – Joseph and Tkor
Tkor – non of these conversations have helped. Joseph – This is just my opinion. If you don’t, you know, I’m going to back you no matter what you do. I mean, I think you should. Cam, Makensy and Chelsie because I know he liked Chelsie but she wouldn’t go in any scenario and like, we can keep her safe. You know what I’m saying? And lastly, I don’t think she would even be mad at you because she knows she’s
on the bottom. She put you on the bottom of that alliance, and she
just you know, disregarded you guys and everything like this. She’s on the wrong side of the vote. Quinn would have voted with us, so I wouldn’t want to make either of them. Like Leah loves you like she tells me all the time that she loves you and Kimo. She wants us to all go forward together. Quinn, the same thing. Whatever you decide to do, I am going to back you 100%. I don’t think Chelsie would be mad at you and she would understand and she wouldn’t go home. Tkor – I don’t know Tucker offered to be a pawn. Joseph – That’s not a bad option if he wants to do it. We can keep him safe. If he is offering you’re not going to piss him off because he offered. We would just have to come up with a story why he offered. Tkor – He’s been offering to everybody whos been HOH. Joseph – yeah that works. What do you want me to tell people about what we talked about? Just that I made sure I was safe. Tkor – Do people usually ask you people do? Joseph – Yeah, like like Leah’s gonna ask me what we talked about probably should I just tell her she’s good or what do you want me to say? Tkor – I haven’t finalized my nominations. Joseph – I’ll just tell them that you didn’t want me to say anything about it. Tkor – Yeah. I’d say whatever you want to say. Joseph – Yeah, I’m just gonna. Tkor – I haven’t finalized nominations yet, so I don’t want to tell anyone they’re good. Joseph – except me right. Tkor – yeah.
12:43am – 12:56am Bedroom – Quinn and Tkor
Tkor – any suggestions? Quinn – Cam was just on the block and for flipping on the collective. I would be surprised if Tucker didn’t volunteer to go on the block because he’s bored. Who else is in the house? And if you put Angela up, it would keep Makensy calm because she’s so focused on sending Angela home. But I don’t want you to have
to do that. It’s like everyone in the house. They’re still making us do three. Tkor – what type of players do you view as a threat to you. Quinn – anyone in the collective because the would have an automatic excuse to put me up. I don’t think Angela would put me up. Makensy could win a comp, like that’s an easy one. Tkor – I think these are good suggestions but personally I don’t want to see Cam on the block again because I know that’s going to be super hard for him two weeks in a row but also my options are very very limited. Quinn – I am so sorry about your situation but I am happy for you. Tkor – lets say for right now it was Makensy and Cam and Tucker volunteers .. lets say Makensy or Cam win the veto who would be the replacement? Quinn – maybe Leah. You’re in a difficult position because there is no obvious target. You’re doing great. Everyone’s reaction is a testament to your game. You’re doing so great. You’re killing it. Tkor – thank you.
12:57am Big Brother calls Tkor to the diary room .. she’ll be getting her HOH room soon.
1:08am – 1:15am Tkor comes out of the diary room. Who wants to see my HOH room!? They head into the HOH room. Tkor – this is my twin sister! Joseph – Okay no twin twist!
Tkor reads her HOH letter – Its from my twin sister.
Hey, twin. How are you? It’s been weeks since I’ve last seen you and I miss you so much. It’s really weird because I realized that I’m expectantly waiting for you to text or cool. Whether it be about random things you want to wear and about. I think I even tried messaging you, but Mama told me not to send it just in case. I just really missed talking to you. I hope everything is going well. I know what you’re doing now. It’s completely outside of your comfort zone, but I am a mentally proud of you for taking this big step. You’re such an inspiration and I can’t wait to brag to my friends all about you. I mean, I already do that on a daily basis, but seriously, you’ve made me want to pit myself out there too. Yeah, also ain’t nothing too crazy going on over here. If you’re wondering everything pretty much the same as usual. Anyway, stay true to yourself. You don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not. And you definitely don’t need to make yourself small. You’re a beautiful person inside and out and knowing that I know you’ll be all right. Remember, no matter what happens, you did your best and that will never take away the love I have for you. You always inspire me and I can’t wait to see how you inspire others. Yeah. I love you forever. Ever from your bestie and twin. Cherie. Yeah.

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This week on As the Godot Turns, who will this week be more excruciating for, Tkor or us? Fortunately, Tkor has Kimo as her consigliere.
The PAINFUL week of mmmHmmm HOH. Cirie’s niece? Not to make fun of T’bore if she really does have a speech impediment but that London accent sh-1t is forced it really gets on my nerves! Doesn’t make her sound posh it makes her annoying af. How will production make this week interesting? Making Joseph AI Instigator? Yup paint drying on a wall will catch my attention more than watching this week. I can’t believe that Angela is still in that bbhouse. I wonder who she will be pimping her daughter to next. Gross humans in there just so gross.
Put up Angela, Makenzie and Joseph
She would be better putting up Leah, Makensy and Quinn.
dont think she would do quinn..
makenzie pretty sure wins that arene and then she loses a number from the six evenue
how is it a good idea?
Kimo already trying to get Tucker put up smh
Kimo doesn’t want Tucker out pre-jury.
Secretly, T’kor does.
Let’s be real. T’kor wants all the white people out.
That’s why she pushed the flip on Cedric huh smh
Cedric was up against RUBINA. Rubina is a POC and a female. To T’Kor XX and POC beats XY and POC. It’s as simple as that.
It makes me smh too.
Kimo was pushing for Tucker as soon as tkor and him spoke. He kept saying tucker wouldn’t mind.
Tucker / KImo:
Tucker volunteered for a moment and took it back. I think he realized Kimo was hinting but what do I know.
He’s now named EVERYONE that isn’t in the Sixth Avenue… that he was ready to ditch if HOH swung a different direction. The relationships with Leah and Mak last week were in case he needed numbers this week, or had his alliance turn on him. Same with Cam… who is a final 2 only when Tucker is worried he’ll be turned on. Good thing the edit completely cut the subplot out other than jealous Rubina d/r.
Learns Chelsie is off limits. names EV-ery-one else.
Special emphasis on Quinn was noted.
So Kimo is having one on ones. Sideye.
Cam is tired. I reiterate… will he even bother with a one on one?
That 5 minutes of exertion running back and forth 5 times a total of 100 feet has done him in.
He tells Chelsie who the 4 alliance is with Tucker, Rubina, Kimo and T’kor, and says if he’d won the other 3 would be noms, but T’kor would be safe. I don’t know if I believe him or not. I have no frame of reference when it comes to Cam because… Cam hasn’t talked game since The Ballers alliance formation day when Kenney was still in the house.
Rubina says to Tucker she thinks noms will be Leah, Mak and Cam. Informs Tucker, who is AGAIN saying Quinn, that T’kor likely doesn’t do that.
It’s almost like Rubina is seeking permission in the way she names people to Tucker as T’kor’s possible noms. Sideye.
Tucker pushes that Chelsie will be in T’kor’s ear. Likely, just like Tucker will push Quinn and Joseph will push Makensy and Kimo will push Leah. Everyone will try to push an agenda. IN ESSENCE RUBINA IS TRYING TO KEEP TUCKER FROM GOING PISSY IN THE WAY SHE IS APPROACHING T”KOR’S NOMS TO HIM.
So, T’kor as an ally of an HOH never gives her actual opinion.
Does she know how to listen to the opinoin of others? Does she stand up for herself or cave to voices in her ear?
OMG! The infinity of MMMMHHHHH
sure way to alcohol poisoning…
shot every time T’kor mmhmmms.
don’t do it.
Not even for Kraken.
The tkor drinking game may be the hardest of all time
ONE ON ONES…. the real ones not Kimo holding court PART ONE
My opinions of how each one is working out.
Tucker volunteered again. This time to T’kor.
Because he’s volunteered to every other HOH.
Tucker listed his cia operative observations on who reacted how during the HOH comp.
His observations are clouded by his preconceived notions as much as Chelsie’s notions are based on pre-conception. It’s sort of alarming to me how both twist nothing into earth shattering evidence without fact.
Listening to Cam talk to Chelsie… I don’t…. has he been paying attention?
How does he think T’kor puts RUBINA up?
I think Cam thinks noms will Be Angela, Mak and Leah.
What info did Tucker ramble to Cam last week while Cam was the pawn and they were final 2? Because…. I missed it. Sorry. Chelsie wants to know if Cam will give the Tucker info to T’kor. Cam pushing pull in Leah to CHELSIE… oh child. CHELSIE HAS BEEN NAMING LEAH A TARGET SINCE WEEK 2 BECAUSE OF CAM… and he says work with LEAH.
Angela won’t name names and tells T’kor to go to Tucker and Kimo for names. Next Question Angela does say Quinn and Chelsie are threats to her and Leah is a good person for Angela… a smart person told her that (Tucker and maybe Joseph).
Leah buses Mak as someone that doesn’t talk game with T’kor. The conversation is a lot of mmhmm and silences followed by non answer and so happy for you talk.
Leah side pushes indirectly Tucker as an option because then Rubina can play her own game (Leah is the only person that has verbalized T’kor’s own opinion that Rubina is not playing her own game because of Tucker’s influence… but is that a good idea to verbalize?). T’kor was subtly annoyed with Tucker to Leah when they discussed the possible vote flip, so this is the reason she’s saying this. They bonded last week and T’kor wants to keep Leah around… but imo that was not a good one on one because it seemed contrived in that Leah doesn’t talk game way. She offers T’kor breakfast in bed (like she did for Chelsie). Biggest pro for Leah is she has been pushing the ‘i’ve had your back since day 1’ for a couple weeks. If T’kor is preserving relationships that falls in Leah’s favor
HOH involved sounds and remembering the order of sounds? Something like that. T’kor was not trying to win she said. Given season pattern she should count her lucky stars.
In a TWISTED who put Cam’s brain in Joseph’s body… he tells Rubina he believes CHelsie is probably the best nominees. Rubina is playing along but knows the score…. or she drank from Cam’s bathwater too. Leah is a waste of an HOH Joseph says Quinn too. That will not help Leah, they worry she’s too close to Joseph.
Oh look, now he’s running to Kimo to push his agenda….
Joseph is pushing Cam, Mak of course, and Chelsie. So everyone with any reason to target Joseph is T’kor’s problem how?
CAM HAD A ONE ON ONE. He thinks Tucker is house threat 1 and he is house threat 2… and he wants final 4 to be T’kor, Kimo, Chelsie and Cam. Cam is told he would have been evicted if it was Cam and Chelsie on the block after AI (Leah already told him). Feeds cut, so we don’t know what Cam is saying and if it is the damning information he told Chelsie about Tucker…. OR if he’s telling T’kor Chelsie’s target list last week. Both are pretty damning, but who does mr. loyalty sell out? Or does he? Or did he just fart?
Cam couldn’t even win the Ainsley comp night one he almost got the worst time in the no comp…. why is he threat number 2?
Joseph pushes Chelsie Mak Cam. Says Leah constantly tells him she wants to go to the end with Kimo and Ti’kor and Joseph. Joseph is all about the Tucker pawn option since even if he loses both veto and AI the numbers are there to keep Tucker with Leah and Quinn on their side. Joseph wants ALL of his side pieces off the block.
Because Chelsie is a hard no…. Joseph eventually names Quinn.
Joseph pushing so hard with T’kor may sketch her regarding Leah. T’kor doesn’t assure Joseph that Leah is safe. He overplayed.
Quinn happy dances with T’kor. Mak looks like a sure nom. Quinn offers Cam, and says Tucker would likely volunteer, and choice T’kor wouldn’t like is Angela to keep Mak from being a nutcase. Quinn says nobody will be mad because T’kor is so loved in the house.
Quinn is pushing his agenda to T’kor: Mak, Cam, Angela… but not as frantically as Joseph did.
Quinn’s answer to renom if Cam or Mak win veto. pause… Leah? But then asks who T’kor would want to go home of Cam or Leah. Tells her she doesn’t have to answer.
T’kor is complaining that people haven’t been giving her much. Many have, but the names they are giving her are names she doesn’t want to hear. Tucker and Chelsie’s names have come up HOW MANY TIMES? At least as many as Makensy.
ONE ON ONES that haven’t happened before who wants to see my HOH room d/r call
Kimo is enacting his get Leah plan. Of course he is. Telling Tucker that Joseph tells Leah everything. Tucker says he doesn’t want to volunteer anymore.
Let’s remember: Tucker and Joseph discussed a final 4 with Angela and Leah as a side plan. Tucker’s current attitude seems…. odd. Kimo has been against Leah for weeks because she flirted with Tucker and with Quinn before that. Do you think Kimo resents the flirt strategy as a strategy he can’t easily pull off himself with ALL the guys? Valid question.
Or is he just mad that every time he bonds with a man… Leah is right there flirting.
Mak is pretty much a sure nomination barring major development. She names Quinn (someone it is hard to trust that is a physical and social threat that tried to get her evicted) and Angela (someone that is being carried and protected). Says she wouldn’t like to be a nom, and trusts Tucker, Rubina, Kimo and T’kor (like they weren’t in the HOH allll the time before veto ceremony last week) T;kor will note the grouping most likely. Says she trusts T’kor and can only give her what observations she makes since nobody does game talk to her really. Funny thing is for the naming of Names T’kor isn’t giving her mmhmm as much this time. Odd. I actually think T’kor just started liking Makensy…. no really.
Kimo now runs to Rubina saying Joseph tells Leah everything, that Joseph knows Tucker volunteered and that Joseph told Leah about the Underdogs (Leah was a prospective member of the underdogs and was there when they discussed forming…. but okay).
PRODUCTION has decided we don’t need to see T’kor and Chelsie one on one.
meanwhile, Rubina seems to be inferring that something is up with Chelsie, but Tucker isn’t going to like it and it has nothing to do with Tucker.
So… WHY are we missing this ONE on ONE… And what are they talking about re: Chelsie.
I could SPECULATE WHAT AND HOW AND WHY. I’m not going to.
Rubina one on one. T;kor doesn’t really WANT to protect Angela and Josepph. She doesn’t see them in her endgame vision. Joseph is being squirrelly is what Rubina is saying. He insists Chelsie would nom Rubna. Cam would but Chelsie? hmmm dunno about that.
Rubina says somebody made a racially inappropriate comment to Chelsie. So they cut off the one on one, but put Rubina out passing the information. That’s.
Tucker is saying he hopes it’s not a Leah thing like the Leo Character. I have NO clue what that’s about. Who is LEO? Pre feed? I remember hearing about 3 houseguests cautioned for inappropriate language pre-feed.
I’ve yet to see what they are talking about on feeds this season… if i missed this, and not just someone said someone said… but actual comments… tell me becasue I’m flying blind.
Last thing I saw involving Chelsie and Leah was Cam saying we have to work with Leah… given that Chelsie has been mad at Cam flirting with her Chelsie seemed unimpressed.
I’m not saying this is an AVERY from bbcan12 I am giving the only background i have on hand. I just haven’t seen Leah and Chelsie interaction tonight. Like… at. all. So where did this come from? I’m not taking a position because we don’t have information that is being kept from us. We don’t know who said what. so jumping to a conclusion?
With the Angela / Lisa argument, it was slipped up that ‘someone’ (cough cough Angela) used the word retard. We had something of substance there to inform judgement.
We have no name and no comment just thrid hand suppostition until we get the real poop.
Kimo goes to Quinn. Quinn denies telling Leah about Underdogs. Joseph is the opportunist who is doing what Quinn wanted to do, he’s pulling Leah in as a number. He says Joseph will flip on them in a heartbeat.
Go back to week 2 when the Visionaries started talking about pulling in the underdogs.
Leah was one of the people they pulled in… but they didn’t bring her into the final cut.
She’s known about that group since.
Joseph tells Rubina that Tucker’s block volunteer plan is great and they should do it.
Dig UP Joseph.
Instead we are treated to Rubina, Leah, Mak and Quinn doing animal noises and jumping around like idiots. Later we get Joseph telling Leah he will always look out for her.
Protecting Chelsie. Guilty to put up Cam after the last 2 weeks. Thinks MJ would actually be a good ally but everyone is throwing her name out as an easy nom.
She doesn’t know WHAT to do.
This is definitely new.
I know Chelsie is safe this week and maybe Joseph if she’s loyal to her Sixth Avenue alliance.
But this could very well mean the end of playing the game in the middle.
Literally one of the worst seasons ever ..
Nominate first anyone who has not touched the block. Please put up duck lips Leah.
Nominate Quinn, Leah & Joseph.
Quinn has already faced eviction. Only Leah and Joseph would be options, and T’kor can’t nominate herself.
tkor is so amazing , the entire house maybe besides mj is so happy for her.
Amazing at what?????
BB edited the conversations to make everyone believe that Tucker will either volunteer or be made a selection but it’s my option that he will be pissed if he is chosen with so many easy choices left after protecting T,kor and Kimo. If she does choose him he will have veto and AI to come down and I wouldn’t bet against him but what I would bet on is those two will be sorry.
“Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.”
I think Tucker would be a fool to volunteer for a 3rd time to go OTB, and if he makes it clear that he’s not volunteering and T’Kor nominates him anyway, she’s blowing up both her and Kimo’s games. He will switch from targeting Chelsie and/or possibly Quinn/Cam to targeting the two of them in a heartbeat.
It would be another moronic move in a season filled with moronic moves.
Here’s a few ideas for T,kor because it isn’t rocket science. You are supposed to be keeping notes during the week just in case you come into power DUH..So why not put up a few of those people who sketched you out this past week by hanging in the HOH room that weren’t a part of your ALLIANCE…Mckenzie, Leah there’s an easy 2 throw Joseph up tell him it’s because he has never been up and your alliance will protect him after all (DAN) will understand he’s a mastermind…wink, wink
Judging by last nights episode and T’Kor’s focus on how much time Tucker is spending with Leah and Makensy my guess is they will be nominated along side Quinn.