Tim “I’m making a strategic decision. To keep Mitch would have been a high risk chaos decision.”

POV Holder: Jared Next POV April 9th
POV Used No POV Ceremony April 4th
HOH Winner: Raul Next HOH: April 6th
Original Nominations: Joel and Mitch
Current Nominations: Joel and Mitch
Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas
Have Nots Joel, Ramsey, Brothers and Maddy

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9:30am In the high roller room – Maddy says that yesterday she was talking to Tim and asked if Kelsey ever told you in the audience right before she came on stage? It has to do with the brothers. (Loveita told Kelsey she heard someone in the audience scream not to trust the brothers.) Why do you think the brothers are so close and feel protected with Kelsey. Mitch asks but why would she want to help them, unless they split and she is waiting until they do. Maddy asks are they dating? Is Kelsey dating Phil? Are they cousins? Mitch says it had to be something in one sentence. Like Phil I love you. We have to find out. I’ll ask him. Mitch says that he patched things up with Kelsey knowing I’m probably going. This is a game. Maddy says I just want to know what it was. Mitch says I’ll ask him. Ramsey joins them and says he’s

9:45am – 10:15am Phil asks to talk to Tim, its nothing game related. He says last night the monster in me came out and it scared me and I rejected it. If I stay or go, its something I would like you to help me with. Tim says how you make sense of it in your mind is how you deal with it. Like I make up fairy tales. Mitch says I went half way down a path and then decided I couldn’t do it. Tim says my perspective is totally different than everyone else’s because I won. If I hadn’t it would have been different. I kind of made a deal with the devil. Near the end my friends could tells I wasn’t okay. I was starting to lose it. One of my friends tried to kill himself. Mitch asks from the show? Tim says yeah because he didn’t win. I don’t even know what to say that will relate to your life, just don’t take it out on family and friends. After I fled from the bad and focused on the good. Mitch says okay good I just wanted to talk to someone who would understand because you’ve been through this before. I’m a good person and I just don’t want other people to question that. Tim says you’re legacy will be known as a strategist not a manipulator. Mitch says okay good. Hopefully I get something else out of it since I won’t win. Tim says this experience is really amazing for character building. Mitch says that he kind of regrets a word choice in his speech that he could have replaced for another. Tim says cancer? No, don’t worry about that. Mitch says I had to make them angry. My use of the word was a scientific use not a personal use of the word. I guess I just had a moment of shame. Tim says people are different in here, than out there. Their reaction might have been acting as well. Tim says Canada will see your game as strategy and her as the dumb mean girl. We voted her in, not Canada.

10:30am – 11am In the bedroom – Tim says this week I am making a strategic decision. To keep Mitch would have been a high risk chaos decision. I want to be a part of the team that takes down the 3 and not give that to Mitch. Cass says I want Ramsey gone and then Rual. I might put up Ramsey and Nikki and if Ramsey wins veto then I put up Rual and get him out.

11:10am Big Brother blocks the feeds.

12:30pm In the bathroom – Joel tells Cassandra that he doesn’t understand why Ramsey associates himself with Maddy. Joel and Cassandra discuss the possibility of getting out Ramsey next week and one of the 3 (Jared/Kelsey/Raul) the following week.

Mitch asks Raul what does Kelsey know about the brothers. Raul says don’t f**k me over if I tell you. Raul then tells Mitch when Kelsey and Loveita got out of here people started screaming don’t trust the brothers.

1pm – 1:40pm In the bedroom – Ramsey talks to Mitch about how he thinks it would be better for his game if Maddy left. He says he doesn’t always agree with what she says and how she handles things. Mitch says if I were to stay I have to go after those three (Jared, Kelsey, Raul). Mitch says there are so many people I would love to go next week except for you, Maddy and Tim. I would just love to laugh in their face if any of the others left next week.

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1:50pm – 2pm In the storage room – Phil tells Ramsey that he is good in his books. Ramsey tells Phil that if he wins HOH Phil will not be put up. I know it doesn’t need to be said because I’ve said it a million times. They shake hands. Ramsey tells Phil that it doesn’t matter who you hang out with your talk to. It doesn’t bother me. Ramsey says I’m telling you right now .. we’re treading on thin ice… we need to get HOH. I don’t feel safe at all. I only feel safe with two people … Maddy and you. Phil says and if you guys put me up for game, I would understand that. Ramsey says dude that won’t happen.. not until at least final four. Phil leaves. Ramsey says to himself .. real connections, real connections, none of this fake sh*t.

Big Brother blocks the live feeds.. The feeds will likely be down until after tonight’s Eviction / HOH episode.

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35 thoughts to “Tim “I’m making a strategic decision. To keep Mitch would have been a high risk chaos decision.””

  1. I can see exactly what Cass is trying to do here. If, and I say IF she wins HOH, by trying to get Raul out, she is going to try to pull a Mitch by replacing Raul with herself in the Big3. It won’t happen. Kelsey is using her the same as the brothers, and at that point it would not look good on her to have gotten Raul out. Hope she tries it though. She needs to be taken down a peg or two in that house. She inserts herself in every conversation or demands to know what was said. She is playing on most peoples last nerve. Kelsey and Jarred barely tolerate her, and Raul doesn’t like her. Was quite surprised when Raul balked about putting the brothers up if Jarred used the Veto to take down Mitch. He wasn’t having any of that at all. He said if Jarred used it he would put up Cass. Loved that he stood up to Jarred. Jarred………….not so much!!!

    1. Cassandra doesn’t want to win HOH.
      She’s telling every single person in this house “we need to win HOH!” to get them fired up to try and win (for her), and to suggest to them that she’s “with them”.
      She’s nobody’s N°1 target, and she knows it.

  2. They are all just prepping Jared, Kelsey, Raul to get to the end. Is this a popularity contest? It seems like high school. Jared and Kelsey and prom king and queen and everyone wants to be a part of their crowd. Boooo this scene is getting old.

  3. I am rooting for Tim to win HoH this week. He seems to have been re-energized this week. Plus after his revelations with Nikki and Cass from previous week’s I think he will shake the house up good.

  4. So Tim just admitted he’s not going to vote to keep Mitch because of his own ego. He wants to be the guy who flips the house and get all the glory, not mitch. I liked Tim before but this is pretty pathetic.

    1. Maybe it’s time for Tim to be on the block to see what it feels like here.
      I really hope any of the Canadians wake up and realize he is playing to win and he is NOT their friend and advisor.
      I like(d) Tim, but he doesn’t get to pass judgement on everyone, decide who is deserving/not deserving and impose his own rule – I hate it when people do that in general.

  5. If Cass and Joel are foolish enough to go after Ramsey next week, then I hope next week is a triple eviction and a T3W member wins round 2 and takes out the Brothers, Tim, Cass, or Joel so Mitch (if he leaves) can say I told you so. These people are ridiculous. But more likely than not the Brothers and Cass will go before Joel because the people in the house don’t respect him as a player (thinking that he’s doing other people’s bidding).

    If Ramsey left after either Joel or Mitch then you’ll have Jared, Kelsey, Raul, and a pissed off Maddy, 4/9 of the people left in the house coming after Cass, Joel, the Brothers, and Tim. Nikki need only keep her head down and wait to make a move after the triple eviction to get to the end.

    And Tim and Cass are both so obvious in wanting to take Mitch’s place. Tim as the mastermind and Cass as the new Raul. I’m over Tim’s ego, and Cass thinking she’s the reincarnation of Neda. Girl you’re not lol.

    1. I think you are obsessed with Mitch. Move on. Mitch’s game is exposed, His game is over. If he stays, he cannot control anyone anymore. Noone trusts him 100%. What will Mitch’s game be from now on if he stays? Have you ever ask yourself that question? That is exactly everyone wants to know but Mitch does not have any plan besides targeting the 3 (Jared, Raul, Kelsey).
      If Mitch is a good player, he should make up a lie about Joe because he is campaigning against Joe (like Vanessa versus Shelly). Vanessa got backdoored and did not have a chance to compete in both HOH and POV that week but she survived. Mitch had a chance to compete in both HOH and POV to save his life in BB house but he failed.
      His eviction is due to a lot of mistakes he made along the game (play so hard, feel so comfortable with Jared in the game, thinking he can make Jared to do what he wants, evict Dallas to benefit Jared, eliminate other houseguests’ trusts and relationships too early, he voted for Kelsey to get back in, align with Maddy, who cannot even control her own HOH and who the whole house does not want to work with, not campaigning against Joe, he is campaigning for Maddy and against Jared, Kelsey and Raul and on on)

  6. I’m trying to think who are the targets of each player. If i have some wrong somebody please correct me.
    Cass: Ramsey Raul (anyone that has named her a target)
    Maddy: Kelsey (every time she speaks)
    Nikki: Kelsey (bedroom with Mitch)
    Brothers: Jared (from their couch whispers last night)
    Tim: the trio Kelsey first Raul secondary
    Ramsey: brothers, Cass, Kelsey, Raul (all the ones he’s named in a week)doesn’t want hoh because can’t handle the sight of blood.
    Raul: Cass, brothers (Cass preferably)
    Kelsey: brothers, Cass, Tim (from her last talks with Loveita)
    Jared: brothers.
    If this is true, the people in the least danger are Nikki and Maddy. Strange.
    I’ve left out Joel and Mitch. Mostly because I’m not going to conjecture who is leaving when the 1pm rush / argument hasn’t happened yet.

      1. Tbh, in terms of game yes. In terms of personality they’re all a bunch of jerks.
        I’d have a really hard time picking a favorite if I based on personality.
        I’m having a really hard time picking a favorite based on game.

    1. he should have kept Dallas…Dallas would have been loyal and kept Cass from trying to evict him…as well as causing a divide in the house, so he could go back to his hiding behind the louder players in the game

  7. At this point I really don’t know I really want to win in this game. Everyone I like goes home.

  8. The idiotic brothers are THE WORST! One of the major mistakes in casting for this show. They bring nothing! They are unbelievably stupid, uninformed, uneducated, paranoid, not funny at all, and gamewise the textbook examples of annoying floaters.

    1. I think the brothers are playing the better game than Mitch. As you know, they are a threat to everyone in the house. Ask yourself this question why are the brothers still in the house when they are more dangerous than Mitch to keep in the house? Their social game helps them. They are extremely careful when they share any information with anyone. They did not lie to anyone so far. They do not tell anyone their target is until the HOH and POV are played. They only go to work after HOH and POV are played.

      As you can see, they hang out with everyone (even Dallas said the brothers’ social game is very good). Noone knows which group they are committed to (there are 3 groups: Tim/Cass, Maddy/Ramsey, Jared/Kelsey/Raul).

      Whenever their names are pop up as a target, they go straight to confront with the person who wants to target them to shoot it down.

      They won 2 POVs so far which is the most win for everyone in the house right now. Nobody won more than 3 comps. How they are a floater then? In addition, they vote to evict someone to benefit their game every week. And nobody can tell them how to vote every week.

      When they know they are a target of someone, they keep it inside, playing it cool, waiting for the new HOH, then going to work. They are very self-control when it comes to play BB.

      1. To answer your first question. The Brothers WERE the target until Raul got drunk and spilled the beans to Mitch The original plan was to work with Mitch for a few weeks and get out the Bros and either Cass, Ramsay or Tim.

        Even after the POV there was still consideration to back door the Bros.

        The truth is had Raul not got drunk Mitch would have been safe this week and Raul would have eventually told him and then he would have had something the Bros got this week (TIME) to fix the issues between themselves and TTW.

  9. I honestly don’t care who wins We can see BB is putting Kelsey and Jared ahead of everyone else to win. Will i keep watching yes , but please please help i need an intervention. i am having these evil dreams of going into the house and giving everyone a shake to smarten up. it doesn’t make sense to me there are 7 people that can vote those guys out.why are they so scared of kelsey and jared ban together to get them out and take them off their high horse. But you know what they say you can’t fix stupid. They really need to put older than 20’s in the house for a season and get rid of this showmance and pettiness bull. older people would play for the money and not cry over a pimple or being teased about lips there would be great game play , evilness we could enjoy and cheer.

  10. I feel like production is trying to portray Raul like Gary on Season 1 even though Raul is basically useless

  11. The friend Tim is talking about is Ben from Big Brother Australia. He tried to commit suicide. Tim is also talking about a deal he made with the Devil and how he almost lost it and how unhappy he was after that. Believe it or not alot of Celebrities have made a deal with the Devil to become famous.

  12. Loveita’s revenge this week ….Mitch left her out to dry while trying to get her to do his dirty work…threw her under the bus everytime he could, and leaked info to the house while pretending to be in an alliance with her…and maybe the bros will be next cause they used the veto knowing she would be evicted, even though her and Joel protected them for 3 HOH’s….Love is still playing the game through Kelsey and I am loving it ! (and the extra bonus is that Dallas can see Mitch walk out the door behind him lol)

  13. My mean girl is lurking today. ….. I’m hoping when Nikki votes to keep Mitch she gets outrageously loud cheers the house will hear and that Cass, Tim, the Bros, Jared and Kelsey all get loudly booed.

    I have nothing against Joel (I actually like him), I just want the hypocrisy and ass sucking of the others to be pointed out to them via the audience’s reaction.

    AND I’m also PRAYING for a Nikki HOH. lol

  14. I thin I ramsey would do so much better without maddy. All maddy does is give negative energy. It’s probably her habit to snap and get mad but it isn’t very good for a partnership. Ramsey should align with others. Maddy thinks that she’s the only one who’s getting mostly targeted. I think that it could be opposit or the same. If anyone gets HOH Ramsey would definitely be on the block.

  15. Question: Joel’s lack of campaigning, was it smart? Is fading into the background better than throwing everything and the kitchen sink into campaigning at this point in the game?
    Maddy said Joel wouldn’t name targets to her, so she doesn’t know where he stands and can’t trust him. (She already screwed him once, and has the habit of repeating what people say. She wants Mitch to stay so why would he say one word to her about targets).
    Joel said Nikki won’t change her mind, so it’s not worth the effort.
    Ramsey told Joel he might vote for Joel to stay because being on the wrong side of the eviction might hurt his game.
    What could hurt Joel? A tie vote. Raul might be so famestruck by the idea that Mitch has 5 million subscribers that his “I’m going to be famous if I keep Mitch” might keep Mitch in the game.
    Should the brothers flip? Joel is a guaranteed number for them moving forward. Regardless of the Kelsey information. If they break their word to Joel and he ends up in jury it’s the same prospect as Mitch going to jury without the untrustworthy snitch justification.
    Should Cass flip? Silly. strengthens people that might target her. Her relationship with Mitch doesn’t help her game. Her relationship with Joel does at the moment.
    Should Tim flip? He knows Mitch has named him a target. He knows Mitch won’t jump on the timmytrain to Narnia. Only positive: forces the tie for a tv moment. Not his fault either way because both have said it’s okay if he votes against them.
    Should Jared or Kelsey flip? dumbest. move. ever. If the cancer comment was just for entertainment purposes, it shows that he can’t be trusted because he’ll say or do anything for a tv moment.
    I’m still 60:40 that Mitch will be evicted. But I’d be questioning the logic of the player that flipped the script, and be wondering what all of the d/r call downs had to do with it.

  16. The only reason Tim is getting rid of Mitch is because Tim wants to win now after seeing what he has seen this week from Jared, Kelsey and Raoul. He knows if he votes for Mitch to stay it puts a bigger target on his back right now. When Mitch is gone everyone is targeting the 3 headed monster or Maddy and Ramsey or at the very least Joel. No one is even looking at Tim and that is very dangerous. Sure Tim’s last HoH was all about a different scenario but now that he is in it to win it as he stated with his convo to Cass that changes everything. I really do believe that when Dallas was voted out last week he was disgusted by Nikki and in his mind he had to change the way the game was being played or just give up. That is why I stated in my last Post I wanted Tim to win this next HoH – is it the popular choice – NO obviously not – But he isn’t running around running his mouth like everyone else in that house either. Each week he gathers info from each evicted house guest and uses it to better his game not to mention the way the votes have gone. Him and Cass were the only ones not to banish Joel all week long this week and also said he would be safe if that is truly what happens tonight. They could be a strong smart 3-some – I know not popular but smart and would be fun to watch taking the others out. IMO anyways.

  17. Tim is my favorite to win right now. At first I hated the idea of an international player winning, but, Tim has been killing it. He may be egotistical and kinda crazy but at least he admits it. He’s not trying to be self righteous.

    I would love to see a Brothers or Tim HOH tonight. They need to get Jared! Please somebody.

  18. I didn’t like Mitch’s games—-but watching him fight to stay –has made me Love Him—-were has this new Mitch been all this time?…he is funny witty —brave– He has personality—I hate to be quoting Rihanna here but…. “MITCH WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFFFFFFFE?!”….sorry had to do it 🙂

  19. I love seeing your guys’ comments. So not only is this site amazing, but the comments as well. Thanks guys!! Gives me a much better feel for the house, without the unbiased edit for the TV portion. 🙂

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