Tim “I’m going to say if anyone votes against me and I stay.. I’m going to come after you!”

POV Holder: Ramsey Next POV April 16th
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony April 18th
HOH Winner: The Brothers Next HOH: April 21st
Original Nominations: Ramsey and Maddy
Current Nominations: Tim and Maddy
Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas, Mitch, Raul
Have Nots Tim, Cassandra, Kelsey

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9:50am Havenot room – Kelsey and Cass are packing up their things to move out of the havenot room. Cassandra tells Kelsey everything better go smoothly today. Kelsey says her game just puts you on edge. You never feel good. Cassandra agrees. Tim tells Cass I’m going to say if anyone votes against me and I stay.. I’m going to come after you.

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10:05am – 10:25am Havenot room – Joel asks Tim if he has a speech ready? Tim says I don’t know if I am staying. So I’m not going to be cocky or anything. I think that’s cocky and mean. Honestly if I do go, I put myself in that position. I think she could have gotten some traction if the brothers could have voted. If I do go people will tell me before the vote. Tim says in the diary room they were asking about my game plan and I was like I don’t want you.. I don’t even know if I want Canada to know my game plan… because then they could prepare for it.

11:35am Big Brother blocks the feeds for the rehearsal of the eviction.

12:40pm The live feeds return to the house guests eating / getting ready for tonight’s eviction episode.

Phil tells Maddy to spill the beans. You’re not done. I can tell that Jared would see positives in both and talk to Joel. Tell them who you’re going to put up.. Cassandra & Nikki. Maddy says I’ll talk to Jared. Phil says be powerful. Maddy says Cass is wanting to vote for me to stay but I need the votes. Phil says if you do this right now it will be one of the most legendary moves in big brother history. Nick tells her not to be emotional.
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Maddy tells Jared that he needs to be careful of Nikki. She is going to put up Kelsey and Cassandra. Jared says that Tim will be the next person I put up. He can get away with murder in this house. I personally want you to stay but I can’t change my vote. Maddy says Cass will vote for me if I have two votes. Jared says I think Cass is telling a lie. Jared says I just can’t make any waves with the brothers. Maddy says trying to get you and Kelsey out gets old. Jared says talk to Kelsey and if you can get her to switch her vote then I will. I just can’t live in a house with two girls constantly fighting. Maddy says I don’t know how to convince her that Tim will get her out. Jared says I am voting you out for her sake. I want to do it (vote out Tim), I just don’t kwow if I can. It comes down to no one wants to rock the boat. Jared asks who would you put up next week? Maddy says Cassandra and the brothers.

2:20pm – 2:35pm High Roller Room – Maddy talks to Joel and tells him to watch out for Nikki. She will have Tim no matter what. Don’t look out for the physical people look out for the people that are social. They’re being everyone’s best friends. Be careful of Tim, he has thrown the people that he is closest to under the bus like Jared and Kelsey. Maddy says Jared knows logically its better for me to stay. If I’m in the house you’re one step closer to the end. If I was gone and Tim was gone you could beat any of these people. If I’m still here you’re not anywhere close to being on my radar. Maddy says with this week there will be no risk with who you vote for. Joel says he appreciates her campaigning to him.

Tim sitting outside the high roller room while Maddy campaigns to Joel.
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2:50pm – 3:15pm Jared tells Kelsey his conversation with Maddy. Tim walks by and tells them that Maddy would beat him in anything. Jared and Kelsey reassure him that they’re keeping him. Tim says that pretty much everything she says is untrue. Kelsey says she pretty much said that you and Cass are playing us and want us out. Tim says I just don’t understand how someone can lie to get to the end. I swore I wouldn’t do that. Jared asks who do you think the brothers want out? Tim says me! Me and Cass! I’m already aware of that. Tim goes and tells Maddy that he thought she wasn’t going to campaign behind closed doors?! Tim says that’s pretty LOW! And there’s lots of lies they just told me you said! Maddy asks what are they? Tim says GOOD LUCK! GOOD LUCK!!

3:25pm Tim asks Joel if there’s anything he needs to clear up about what Maddy said. Joel says no. I’m not voting you out. I’ve never wavered in what I said I would do.

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29 thoughts to “Tim “I’m going to say if anyone votes against me and I stay.. I’m going to come after you!””

      1. Something fishy obviously. Why wasn’t this vote live? Because t was fixed.


        Come home Maddy, we are proud of you.

  1. Hey Dawg
    If they are bringing back all stars for bb18
    Who do you want to see and who do you don’t want to see
    I liked to see Judd bb15 , Eric bb8 , Danniele bb14 ,Meg & James bb17
    Don’t want to see FRANKIE bb16 ,Vannessa bb17,Amanda bb15 ,and any
    One who has already won big brother

    1. That’s a tough question .. I’m going to have to think on that one .. I would really want to have a good mix of the strategic players and the ones that cause chaos. No wet blankets.

    2. You want to see Meg and James the idiots but not real players like Frankie, Amanda and Vanessa. I guess game play is not the reason you watch Big Brother.

      1. I want to see players that entertain me not someone like
        Frankie who annoys the hell out of me. Every time he talked
        In that fake British accent I wanted to jab a fork in his throat
        To shut him up

  2. If it’s been the same pattern since jury the brothers will be going home next week!!!
    HOH – Raul – Jury Mitch
    HOH – Maddy – Jury Raul
    HOH – Brothers – Jury Maddy
    HOH – ???? – Jury Brothers

    It seems who ever is HOH goes home the next week.

    I hope this is the case. I don’t know which of the HG’s would make the move?? Joel / Tim put up brothers; Jared the brothers; and Kelsey Tim & Nikki.

  3. “Tim realizes that WE are now part of the popular kids that he is not a part of” This was said by dumbass Phil who deserves to go on the block or backdoored I can’t wait till his crush Jared throws him away yesterdays trash

  4. I don’t agree if Tim stays he wins. He is on a lot o people’s radar right now. This house reminds of the cartoon character “Dora” …. look it’s something shiny (they only really think about something if it is said out loud) or they all swim towards the HOH. The HOH never took the opportunity this season to make alliances to move forward that’s why the middle is doing so well. The middle better win cause they are all playing “all sides” and the targets are comparing notes and realizing what’s up.

    1. Phil was part of the ‘middle’ with Tim/Cass/Joel/Nikki and he basically jumped ship cause he thinks he can get Kelsey if Jared leaves, and he is buying her bull…and Phil has always wanted Jared to be his buddy….he could have kept in the middle still for some time and let Kels/Jared be the targets, and picked up the leftover…he got both his noms out this week so in a way the bros could have easily gotten off scott free…he should have gone to Joel and Cass and talked to them about what Jared told the bros, instead of trusting Jared who has been talking about getting them out since almost week one…I also can’t stand that Kesley and Phil flirt with each other whenever Jared is not with them…it’s kinda icky *shiver*..The brothers truly burned several bridges just cause Kelsey batter her eyelashes at them….

  5. i do not like the entitlement of Tim. He seems to think he has been honest in the game and will hold his head up high if if leaves?? He has lied and has manipulated, pitted people against eachother, etc etc He hates the fact Maddy lies and gets butthurt about her campaigning? But his best friend Cass is the biggest lier of them all and he thinks that’s fine. Tim doesn’t like when people think for themselves and can’t be controlled. He should’ve had to play the game against more people his own age who doesn’t treat him as a celebrity because no one dares to say anything back to him. Shame.

  6. I think I’d like to see Tim leave over Maddy. It would be good tv, and this season been severely lacking in good tv.

  7. Wish Tim would go tonight. Cannot stand his smug look & attitude.
    Cannot wait for him & Cass to get the boot!

  8. Wow! The creep with the 80’s hair stays.
    I’d rather see the Bimbo stay, more entertaining.

  9. If spoilers are correct, for the second time in two weeks the h/g’s don’t get to compete for hoh. Instead they watch as their family lifeline competes in their place.
    Man, they must really be pushing an agenda now. wonder what that is.

    1. One of those long time comps where you have to count.
      similar to last year’s house of horrors count time, only this time it’s count objects dropping
      to level the playing field….
      unless your family member is an idiot savant or an academic with some sort of phenomenal math skill.

  10. The brothers said they were blessed with brains, all week they thought they would have the last vote if it was a tie. Big Brother had to tell them there was no tie because there is only 5 people voting. Nick was also talking about the house being stupid and to wake up and smell the bananas! lol

  11. Honestly while I do like this season better than last year at this stage in the game I really don’t feeling like there is anyone truly worth rooting for. I have started to like Cass’ game more and more but I think she is playing for second unless she can really do something to prove she deserves it, at least to the jury. I don’t think Nikki or Kelsey should win. Although I think its respectable Jared has been a target and managed to stay in the house all this time I agree he isn’t really strategic and plays with his emotions as we saw when he was barely willing to talk to the brothers to keep himself off the block. I think don’t really want Joel or brothers to win as they have both floated this entire time and I just don’t think either should win, would be mad if brothers win. I think the only person whose game has been interesting and who is playing a good game is Tim but I’m not sure how I feel about a non-canadian winning although I think if he makes it to final 2 he should win hands down because he truly manipulated the entire season if he gets there.

  12. I do not understand why canada thinks it’s allright for an international to possibly win. If it were a Canadian in USBB or UKBB they would have been booted out within weeks. What happened to our thinking. It’s BB CANADA
    and a Canadian should win. Production reaks of involvement this year and if an international wins it all, I will never watch BBCanada again.

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