HOH: Sarah Beth
Nominations: BIGD Claire and Xavier (High Roller random nom)
Power of Veto Players: Azah, Alyssa, DF, Xavier, Sb and Claire
Power of Veto: Xavier
Power of Veto Ceremony:
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Big Brother Spoilers – DX going up. Fun times
8pm Bedroom – Derek X and Tiffany.
Tiffany – I really was so willing to share my secrets with you. I have never even done that to this day with anybody else. Derek – That’s what I was telling them (production), I owe my entire game to Tiffany. Tiffany hugs Derek. Tiff – you are amazing! You are supposed to be here. You’re so dope! I was like I bet he knows math! Chaddha (Hannah) is very smart. She is a little strategic. Its almost like I would rather you try to convince SB to put Chaddha on the block. Instead of you being on the block trying to campaign. Derek – Chaddha said that she is willing to go on the block. Right now I just have to focus on me not hitting the block. Tiffany – we could make everyone thinking that we’re voting out Claire but then we could vote for Claire to stay. If you touch the block, you’re probably going to go so you have to convince her to put up Chaddha. Unless you want to keep Claire and Chaddha goes home. They talk about how Derek could come back in a battle back. Derek – if I leave, I honestly think its going to be one of you… you, Chaddha or Claire.. Tiffany – that’s coming behind you. Derek nods yes. Battle Back is at 4? Tiffany – Yes, you would beat Britini, Me and Claire. Derek – I don’t want to compete against you. I want you to be in this house. Tiff – If I can’t beat you, I can’t beat them.. so you bring your a$$ back in and take them out. If I win over you then I win but if I don’t.. Derek – I can’t, I just cannot leave this house yet. I just can’t let Ky, SB and X and Alyssa win this game! Tiff – this is your game.. if you want something to be in SB’s head the way you see it you need to be the one to put it there. You cannot let him (Ky) put information in her head for you. Its the telephone game.. remember that.
8:20pm Bedroom – Tiffany, Azah and Big D.
Tiffany is impersonating Sarah Beth in a really annoying high pitched voice. Big D – you about to go on the block!
8:24pm HOH room. Derek X and Sarah.
Sarah – I think it would be one thing if it was just one thing like I think he can beat me in comps but I meant it when I said I think you have better connections in the house. I know that Tiffany, Claire and Chaddha are all more loyal to you than they are to me. I feel like I have a good relationship with Azah but she is going after Kyland which ultimately means she would probably be more loyal to you than me and that scares me .. like starting next week 3 votes is a tie. We are getting to the point in the game where you only need a few people to be die hard to you for you to skate through and I think you are way more well positioned for that than I am. So that is something I am thinking about a lot. I thought about that and I started thinking about the possibilities of who you could have sat beside on eviction night this week .. I think you would have stayed against the majority of the house. I think Claire and Tiff are the two most likely people that could have sent you home and that is really scary! Like you’re a good player. You’ve done really well. Derek – well I am sitting in this seat right now so I don’t know. Sarah – well a lot of that came down to luck this week. Derek – no that is totally fair. Do you think there is anyone else that has stronger connections than me? Sarah – I think should you stay with the intentions of working with Ky and me .. I would say no. Because you would have me, Ky, and whoever remains of Claire / Tiffany and Chaddha… and maybe Azah depending on where votes fell for the eviction.
Derek – where is your head at with next HOH and coin destiny? Sarah – I think I am in danger but I would be in danger regardless of who goes this week. I think a lot of people are putting me up so I don’t think it makes a difference. I am not totally convinced that Big D would come after me should he win it after having a conversation with him today that I thought went well.. But I am not sure that he is the only other person that has the money. There could be somebody else. There have been two competitions played but those didn’t tell you everyone that played or not. People could be telling me they played and then they didn’t so they could have the money. So I could still end up on the block with coin of destiny. And I don’t think I have a lot of control with who I send home this week that will make me significantly safer going into next week. Derek – so even if I am here and I can win coin of destiny and can make sure you don’t hit the block. Is it a question of whether or not you think I would stay true to that? Sarah nods her head yes. Derek – I see. This is hard because I can’t just say I won’t break that because there is no reason for you to believe that. Sarah – I think it did give me a bad impression last week that you would have preferred to see Big D stay … ultimately you did vote out Britini. But the more I talked to people in the house its become very clear to me that she was campaigning that should she stay and had won this HOH it would have been me and Kyland that would have been on the block.. and even though you knew that you still prioritized what you thought would be your game .. which I understand and I respect that as a player but is that a player that I want to put trust in and work with? Maybe not! Derek – yeah that is fair. What I will say is that when I was 60/40 was before I talked to her on my one on one she never told me that she was going after you two.. but after I came down and talked to other people it was made clear that she had told other people that.. which was definitely a factor in my ultimate decision but fair enough. I see where you’re coming from. Sarah – I know you asked to know if anyone is throwing you under the bus and I can say that nobody has. The only people that have talked to me are Claire and Tiffany and both of them just wanted to know where my head was at and didn’t campaign or push for anything. Derek – okay. Sarah – well besides Claire and for herself. Derek – Do you think you have a smaller list of names that you’re debating on now? Sarah – yes, I really never intended for Claire to go home this week and I would really like to have a better relationship with Claire and Tiffany. I don’t want to put up Tiff. And regardless of who I put up, I don’t want Claire to go. Derek – do you see a possible world where me, you, Ky, Tiff, Claire work together? Sarah – maybe.. I’m not sure and from my perspective I don’t know how much Claire or Tiff really trust Ky or want to work with him. That would worry me. And like I said you just need 3 votes so I think both of them would be more loyal to you than either of us and so whenever someone got to the point of wanting to flip .. that would just mean me or Kyland going home. Sarah tells him that she will think about it and let him know.
9pm Dinner time..
9:12pm – 9:45pm Hammock. Azah and Derek X.
Derek – do you think I have a chance against Claire? Azah – Its going to be a vote that.. lets look at these votes? Tiffany and Hannah where would they vote? Derek – lets say I have Tiff and Hannah. That’s not guaranteed but.. Azah – okay so you need four votes… 10 people in the house 4/3 … you need two more votes. So you would need me and Big D. I got to think about it and that is only because I usually go with what the HOH asks. I’ve done that with you, I’ve done that with everybody. The only person I didn’t do it for was Ky and that was just as a f**k you and I didn’t want him to leave with a unanimous vote. Big D .. you never know what will happen in the course of these 7 days. I will tell you that I will very seriously consider because I really do love you. Derek – thank you. AHhh.. I don’t want SB to win this f**king game! Azah – she will not win this f**king game. Derek – its her, Ky, X and Alyssa they probably think that they can just run the house. Azah – if you won HOH next week who would you put up? Your game not mine. Derek – if SB doesn’t put me on the block.. I can’t put SB on the block. Azah – that is the agreement you made with her? Derek – that is what I am trying to but I am not promising. Does it matter if I win HOH next week though because there is still the coin flip. Azah – I mean, I asked that because you have a very high chance at being the winner of that coin toss. Derek – If I do end up staying the weeks votes will show where I need to point and I think I will have a very high chance at veto once I take that shot. Do you have a preference? Azah – SB .. yeah SB. In this veto she came second. I already know she is strong in comps. I see how .. this is someone who was supposed to the target the first week of jury and has managed to escape every freaking time. She (SB) is like the little monster that I thought was like .. she is just a little monster. (LOL) She is like a cute little furby and then has turned into this monster.. I am like what the f**k. Derek – I know right. Azah – SB and KY are the two.. SB first. But that is just me. Derek – I don’t want to say too much before I hit the block but I will feel way more free to talk if SB puts me on the block. Azah – yeah. Derek – Y’all really about to send me to just with Britini waking me up at 7am.. I’ll be like where is the alcohol. I am going to lock my door! Azah – don’t say that. Yes she does scream in your face when waking up in the morning and throughout the day .. but she is good company. Azah – I don’t want to put any hopes or anything like that .. and I need to talk to him (Big D) because you need four. Derek – yeah.
10:30pm Derek X and Xavier are tossing an egg back and forth.. Xavier throws it and it hits the no risk / no reward sign and breaks.
10:37pm HOH room Girls night starts..
10:50pm HOH room. Claire does a toast for girls night – its been really really fun to be in the house with so many amazing girls. I definitely when I came on this season wanted to play with girls who were ready to win and play hard and I think all of you are and its been super super fun and I am glad that we all got to get together .. GIRLY GIRLS! They all cheers.
11:15pm – 11:30pm While the girls have a girls night .. the guys plan a scavenger hunt for the girls. The guys plan to hide the alcohol with a trail of riddles to decipher where the alcohol is hidden.
12:08am The plan is in play..
The girls chase Derek X (the distraction) as Big D tries to block them.
Storage room – They enter into the storage room and find Xavier. Alyssa – I don’t want to drink anymore. He tells them a riddle that sends them to the havenot room
Havenot room. Derek X send them to the land under the sea. (Coral room)
Coral Room. Kyland – you’re looking for the liquids that bring you joy?!
They end up at the backyard bar where they find the alcohol. The girls say they all had fun.
12:30am – 12:40am Big D, Xavier, Sarah, Alyssa, Claire and Hannah. They chat about random things. Kyland, Tiffany, Derek X
5:00 am DX still going up today.
8:55 am zzzzzz
9:59 am zzzz
10:03 am Houseguest getting wake up music.
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I’ll give DX this much at least he is campaigning but unfortunately it’s too late. My brain is thinking about Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
If only Tiffany and Hannah would speak to SB on his behalf, he might have a chance. SB made it very clear that she would like to get tighter with them.
Good idea! Especially Tiffany, I feel like she’d be the most convincing. We need that Christian flip vote energy lol All DX needs to say is: “Hey TIffy Toes, remember that time I was HOH and you tried to flip the vote on me? Well, I need you to go flip SB right now to save me.”
Yeah, but he SUCKS at campaigning! Every time SB makes a point against him, rather than counter her point, he says “That’s fair”, as if he agrees with her! That’s NOT the way to get someone to change their mind. You have to make a counter-point to the point they just made, to give them a reason for not putting you up, not agree with them. You even LIE if you have to to get them to change their minds. That’s how the game of Big Brother is played. It’s all about manipulation, social ability to steer people and how they think, reading the room and what’s going on around you and also about strategically winning comps. DX doesn’t seem to have a grasp on the social aspects of the game at all, bless his heart.
Yes!! He’s been saying, “That’s fair”. I view that as him being too soft! He needs to be more assertive. I hope he doesn’t leave; however, it’s wishful thinking at this point. He’s going to leave. Then again, anything can happen! I really hope he doesn’t leave!
I believe that he was raised to be kind, always show good manners, and to be a gentleman. I have heard Julie Chen speak about being raised in a strict Chinese household. It is these attributes that have made him endearing to the American audience. Unfortunately, it is a foreign concept to the players in Big Brother. Maybe he will get a 2nd chance and he will have learned that Big Brother is played by cutthroats.
That fair!
he seems like a passive guy im that way so i would be just like to a degree. Nice guys finish last lol… and I love DX but he needs to harden his heart and fight backin his campain just for the game atleast!.. I definetly agree with you.
Wish battle back was coming but i dont see it happening.!
I hope someone from the cookout wins HOH next week and evicts SB so that she can see that kyland never had her back and make her realize that her brain is tiny for backdooring DX.
DX has done this to himself and it is completely fitting SB is putting him out in backdoor when DX put up two kings players during his HOH reign betraying the royal flush. Dx made himself appear untrustworthy! During his HOH week 5 he put SB in horrible position with her kings team which is why DX is now being targeted by SB for a backdoor.
History has shown that when you are in a big alliance pre-jury and you want to target people within that alliance as HOH and put up a couple of people from that alliance it typically does not bode well for the person in power in the future. DX betrayed the alliance first and now he is paying the ultimate price for Targeting the kings. DX getting backdoored by SB is absolute karma!
That’s true. I thought DX going for the kings was a bad move. The aces in general were screwed ever since they let brent go, why let a teammate that could win hoh and safety go for free because of a bad ego?
Idk how dx has been with hannah for so long and has not even had the idea of the cookout being a thing. He could’ve blown up that alliance weeks ago and made a game for himself.
Now it’s cookout to the final 6. The only two hg that are in the running are ky and xavier. The other 4 just float and do nothing.
On the live show DX talked to Claire and said what if there is a big alliance we don’t know about and listed Tiff, X, Ky, Azah and BigD. Claire said “and Hannah”
She should also realize that Ky LIED to Brit shaking on keeping her safe. HE’S not trustworthy!!!
SB is going by what she knows, her brain is not tiny as you said. Look at the conversation she and ky had for hours, she is smart but all non CO just has to go by what the are told. We can see everything but the houseguest can’t. we out here know more than them. She will realize that there was an alliance long before she and ky became close. It is the game and this what makes it interesting.
Yeah! Just look at that conversation. She went into it thinking one thing, and when she came out of it, she ended up nominating the exact same two people Ky nominated the previous week! Now I’m not saying that means she has a brain the size of a hummingbird’s, but I am saying if she had one (a brain), she’d probably take it out and eat it.
If she was so smart, she wouldn’t be eliminating the one guy who just might be able to help her somehow survive past the top 9 or 8. Evicting him just ensures she’s one of the next 2 to go (SB and Claire).
It does not matter if DX campaigns or not. Anyone who is not a poc is going home.
When all the non-poc’s leave that’s when the BB game will start. Until then, it’s pretty boring as they get picked off one by one.
This season is the worst ever!
It just fuels racism, I don’t care who you are. Racism is racism not matter what side of the fence you are on.
It might matter if his campaigning kept him off the block!
Oh, and in case you haven’t noticed, DX himself IS a POC. If he goes home he will be the first POC to go home this season.
Alyssa is a POC too
Dont know the term poc which is literally coloured person backwards. He isnt part of the cool alliance this year hes the wrong colour. But heck theyd be mad if thete was an all chinese alliance. Funny
In case you have noticed, or even heard the CO discussing it, the CO was formed for all houseguests that are Black. Derek X is not Black.
Oh I totally noticed that. IMRU stated “It does not matter if DX campaigns or not. Anyone who is not a poc is going home.” clearly implying that DX is NOT a POC. He may not be black, but he’s clearly a POC, which is what I said. I never mentioned the CO at all, or the fact he is or isn’t black, so I don’t know why you felt the need to make this point.
What IS your point exactly?
But they aren’t black and that’s all that matters this season.
Do tell!
You mean, DXs private parts being referred to as an “egg roll” ?
Or in the past when an Asian house guest was told to “go eat some rice” …
Or the one when a girl couldn’t fight another in the “dark” because u can’t see her….(black)
What else is so obviously racist? Let’s point it out since we r on the topic.
I hope you had this same energy in past seasons when house guests decided to create an all male/female alliance. Or how about season 21 when Jackson Michie decided to choose people based on RACE and age. Also, to claim that this is the worst season is a bit farfetched, unless you’re referring to the house guests whimsically getting through this game without making strategic moves, then I would have to agree. However, I think it’s safe to say that season 15 with Aaryn Gries was the worst season by far.
And Michie was crucified by the public for it. But you never heard anyone say that we have to get all the black people out first.
I can’t speak for others but I had that same energy then. I mean I was taught when I was 4 years old two wrongs don’t make a right. I hated it when Jackson did it and called it out to my friends on that first night with who he nominated. I’ve been treated very poorly all throughout my life being the only black family in a small farming town. I dont excuse racism when it’s done to me done to someone else whether they are white or black it’s no matter. Saying well the reverse has been done before doesn’t make it ok now. Unless you’re saying it was ok then you have no leg to stand on saying it’s ok now.
This is the best season ever, I have been watching for years and it has ALWAYS been the same with alliances and pick out other one at a time plus being mean to then but this season has lots of caring houseguest especially the CO alliance. We agree, the real game will begin with the CO. I love big brother then and loving it more. The CO just need to keep on being kind to the non-CO as they are not like prior alliances. If it was not racism then, it is not racism now.
Except people def3nd it this year in the comments on yt saying oh because it Blacks doing it its not racist. Funny how its only racist if youre white. Thats why there getting away with it. They are getting people out tgat dont have this years correct skin colour so soley based on being white. And that is Racism no sugarcoating it to be pc or sjw. Racism.
The CO is racist by not including Hannah at first, she’s mixed as is Ky. They don’t include Alyssa who is Latino & I believe I read she’s black, Then Dx who represents the Asian community. CBS said they were going to make their shows 50% POC & then 50% white, which they did. The 6 CO plus Alyssa & Dx makes the 8. The cookout should be 8 strong if they had been true to all non whites. Now is the time for Tiffany or to break away & play the game they want to & show what a great BB player they can be! True fans! I want a player to win, which ever color that is just like past winners on Survivor.
if they worried about “minorities” making it to the end, they should keep DX. Keeping him out of the CO shows how their minds work.
Racism doesn’t feel good doesn’t? Imagine being a black person in America the last 500 years! Welcome to our reality outside of a TV game show
Again I hate this rhetoric. Two wrongs don’t make a right. I’ve dealt with a lot of racism being the only black family in a small farming town in the Midwest. We have to show we’re above that. Us being racist only makes the divide grow larger. If we truly want racism to end we have to not see color as well.
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Welp. Girls night in the HOH is cringey. As in soooo boring.
The boys are trying to come up with pranks. Ky suggests hiding in the have not room under the beds.
(me: please do, and I’ll nope list the first person that goes looking for him, this is our chance).
Game? Dx isn’t on the block and yet there is hysteria for Dx.
I like Dx… but really? Strategically he’s facile. He’s gullible. Not a good combination.
I’m still of the opinion we shouldn’t count anything as a certainty on Sunday. Veto meeting hasn’t even happened yet.
Even if he goes on the block there’s days of Buella and Hannah campaigning on his behalf… invisiClaire who? Once X is in x-ile… you really think Ky and Tiff and Hannah aren’t going to be ALL the way up the couch’s ass? Or crawling right into that bed with Azah? Really?
This week IS fifty shades of fuqed up, true enough.
I still don’t care who goes home. Neither option is truly playing a great game.
And yeah, I still think it’s Claire going. If I’m wrong I’m wrong.
Typed that before the latest episode of FRACTURE WATCH
While the girls night is happening….
the men of the cookout talk about going after Tiff and Hannah.
X is saying wait until 6 and we strike (he might have said 7 though).
Couch would like to take the shot sooner. like… soon.
Ky is pretending 6 is a good idea… but… I think he’d like to take the shot next week. gut instinct.
At least that was my read. Maybe i’m off slightly?
Definitely another fracture though.
If they take the shot next week at Tiff/Hannah they jeopardize having their games completely exposed. And I KNEW couch would want Tiff out – he’s been setting that up for weeks.
Was one of them talking more than the others & did you feel it was genuine? Ky was defending Tiff a lot with SB this week (makes me think he might just be playing a role with Big D). And X made a F3 with Tiff/Hannah — is that BS?
If it was primarily Big D – do you think X/Ky were just humoring him? I get the feeling the entire CO is getting a bit annoyed by his sudden prima donna actions. After two weeks of being the only CO (Grod) member to win $100 – he literally thinks he’s running the house & I can see that growing thin even with the guys very soon. Plus the banter is going to start to grow with the non Cookout evictees telling the CO they’re going to vote for Big D if he makes F2… that might end the guys desire to take him too deep in the game.
As much as everyone said DX cut Chris too soon, I wonder if cutting DX this soon will also hurt X/Ky.
I was thinking how interesting it was Tiff went to X to discuss keeping Chris (which is what HE wanted & didn’t do anything about it until he gave the go ahead). But he NEVER has gone to her to see what works best for her. Never even asked who she’d prefer staying between Claire & DX.
It’s seemed all season like DX wants to bring his Kings teammates with him to F10 (yes he wanted to keep all 3 that was the impression I got). SB was the only one he considered cutting. I find it hilarious he never got any shade for wanting to keep Chris but Tiff/Claire are getting nailed for that even though his vote went that way.
Tiff is the one who always considers the other CO member in those talks (except she’s never been big on SB & after this week we can see why).
Channeling the ladies (Hannah, Tiff, Claire, even Azah) going on a comp win streak starting with Chaddah winning Coin of Destiny to take out one of Ally or SB next week.
FYI – on tonight’s episode they showed:
I found it interesting that the first week with BB bucks, we saw the results. Last week, nothing…Guess that gave BB a chance to play with the numbers…
Yeah – this entire weekend was so heavily ‘produced’ (read: contracts were pulled out & shown to the hamsters to remind them they have to do what TPTB tell them to do).
Don’t be fooled…they played with them from the start! How else would a useless waste of space on a couch get $100? Nobody I know voted for him. Did you?
I think more than just Kyland told him not to play. Not sure about SB but I seem to remember X saying it to DX as well. As far as DF, he was used as a pawn twice
SB told him on Thursday night she wanted people to play & he was pushing not playing so “they” could win the Coin of Destiny the next week. On Friday before the comp she said – whatever you think is best. X told him he wasn’t going to play & suggested maybe he shouldn’t either. But they didn’t show that on the episode.
I know Another Name doesn’t watch the TV episode so I was providing some highlights from what was shown. Like Tiff/Big D fight that happened four days prior but they were trying to sell it as just occurring.
Thanks for that. I had a feeling they’d edit Couch as being logical and all about cookout and Tiff as the angry irrational bitch.
What everyone seems to skip about the argument, and why Couch was being nice? Couch had been told there was a flip movement happening, and Tiff was considering voting him out (she wasn’t). He was trying to butter her.
DX said from jump he was saving his money! Him not playing was his own choice form the start! Stop blaming the cookout alliance for bad game play by the non cookout members! DX dug his own grave! The CO only controls so much! The other folks have a Brian of their own! He chose to target the kings
Who’s Brian?
He must be the non-Cookout’s “pawn” – you know, the one they “handle” and treat like a pet. He’s so good at doing that none of us have ever seen him! His intel is not very good though. He’s been unable to figure out the secret alliance, or maybe he’s just too intimidated by social media to say anything to his handler about it?
Brian the “pawn”/person/pet! It’s perfect! Like being a “Victoria”! lol
lol…guess X will finally give Azah the attention she wants as he wants her vote (if he’s still there after veto). Ugh can’t stand Ky and/or the eyes he makes at the cameras when he lies. I love DX and want him to go all the way. Hope his distrust of Ky and X doesn’t waiver.
Warning – long post:
Always trust your gut:
I KNEW Hannah didn’t play Roulette — (see previous posts). At the time I found it really suspect that none of the hamsters were questioning why Big D didn’t play Roulette but expected to be removed from the block. And then had the audacity to only play for prizes & money while his bestie Azah was in danger & X is on the block.
No one was questioning why he felt so safe making zero sense & only served to make me believe the entire house is playing out a very specific script. Azah at least made her thoughts known to him (let’s see if he lands OTB vs. another CO in the future who she votes to keep!)
Hannah’s personality also struck me as someone who would pretend to have played but banked her money hoping she’d get $100 next week so she could play Coin of Destiny. It would seem logical for her to get $100 next week BUT if the edit shows her not trying to help Baby D stay &/or she votes him out she could emulate Tiff & drop to $50 (meaning unless she won $50 today she couldn’t play).
Ally won Roulette – playing herself!
DF/Hannah not playing also confirms my suspicions that Ally was playing against herself (essentially another comp thrown to her). It does seem like X & Ky have shifted off this stupid idea of throwing Ally HOH but I’m frigging annoyed by all the CO males being so protective of her (production induced?).
Fans need to spoil couch getting to play & ensure Hannah/(Claire) play:
My preference would be Hannah/Claire winning COD. The former would have no problem putting up SB and Ally (and then blaming it on Big D). By him getting the $100 he’s become even more annoying & moved up his rhetoric to claiming to be running the house now (I can’t). Notice how couch spews nonsense that Tiff is the only one he thinks has enough money to play — his hate for Tiff is palpable.
At least Hannah winning could potentially throw a wrench into the equation. Let’s say Ky/X go back to this dumb idea of throwing Ally HOH I could see Hannah putting up SB & Ky. Say something wonky happened & SB won POV — in that scenario I could see her put up Azah – and point a finger at Big D. Yeah – I’m all about taking Big D off his high horse (or ottoman if you will).
If Claire wins she’d definitely have no problem putting up all three CO males. It would be highly enjoyable seeing Ky/X/Big D scramble in that situation. Who would the house keep in that scenario? X is a comp beast – favorite to win, Ky & couch are both selfish but who has pissed off people more? Hmmm
If I had my druthers I’d like DX to stay (but only if he stops protecting Ky). Big D’s choice to put his own interest ahead of saving his shield (X) or protecting Azah didn’t go over well. It’s also affected his standing within the CO – Hannah was keen to keep him until F4/F3 & now wants to push Azah ahead of him with the hope the CO ladies go F3 (good luck beating X if you keep him until F4). I think Ky would be easier to beat personally.
My thoughts on how Coin of Destiny (COD) works:
If X doesn’t win HOH (which he’s now saying he might go for this week) then he’ll be on the block & my understanding is cannot be removed via the power. The reason that seems logical is his being on the block has nothing to do with the “typical HOH” it’s a punishment & if he’s HOH at F9 then he’d be on the block at F8 so it’s stand alone (IMHO).
The wording is anonymous HOH who takes over the week. That implies the winner can replace the initial two nominees and would have the power to also make the replacement POV nom. Otherwise they’d be calling this a “diamond power of veto” & only replace noms post POV.
If the above is accurate my guess is the the HOH would get safety only. The only part of that equation is whether they’d vote (I think TPTB left that ambiguous for a reason). My guess is the COD winner would take their turn going to the DR but not vote – only going in to keep their identity anonymous.
Side Notes:
SB’s HOH has been messy AF — she began the week saying the Jackpot was her priority to keep safe – then got puppeted to put up Claire.
Today she was talking out of both sides of her mouth to Baby D. She says she’s worried that Tiff/Claire/Hannah are ALL closer to him than her. Then out of the other side of her mouth tells him Tiff/Claire would be most likely to target him (sure hope he runs back & tells TC that). How she spins that sh*t if Claire or Tiff win HOH will be amusing to see.
She also spilled lies to X trying to bury DX prior to him going OTB. Pretty sure X knows she’s lying as he already knew the showmance DID want SB out & that SB DID know the plan.
Gotta say – I’m really hoping for a house meeting that will put SB on blast b/c I don’t respect her game. She targets her allies & helps her enemies all while pretending to be some savvy player but in reality she’s playing Ky’s game.
Can Hannah or Tiff save Baby D — and do they even want to?
Hannah told Tiff she planted a seed with Ally that she’s worried about what SB will do hoping it gets back to her. This as Tiff/Hannah agree her (Hannah) going OTB is the safest way to keep DX.
I didn’t see that convo so I don’t know if it’s real — but if true it was smart since we know Ally & SB both play the rat game. EDITED TO ADD: Found the convo & it wasn’t as good as Hannah made it seem – she told Ally “she would rather go OTB b/c she’d have a better shot at staying”. So she was snowing Tiff – b/c that ^^^ would only serve for SB to keep Hannah safe.
Not sure if there is anything Tiff could do that wouldn’t be considered suspect at this point. It’s a tricky road to navigate b/c Ky is so untrustworthy. There are two options. Tiff could tell him she’s worried that if him & X will be targets for everyone outside CO and while that seems relatively safe is it more important to have someone stay who definitely wants Ky to stay until F2?
Her other option is to say I mean I’m fine with X winning the season I’m just annoyed Big D could end up winning it all b/c he’s already started telling everyone he’s the mastermind of BB23. That little plant might be enough to get circle talk reeling again.
Tiff should get Hannah to plant another seed on how Big D is already planning his jury speech telling her/X how he’s the mastermind of the season. And how X got a bit uncomfortable so it’s clear they have a definitive F2 & will actually likely be the F2 if she’s honest.
Then get Baby D to (lie to Ky) & tell him that Claire was surprised to go OTB b/c SB told her she wanted to go the end with Ky/Tiff & her but cut Ky at F4! And also tell a second (lie) that he overheard Ally (either in bathroom or in DR leak) saying Ky has to go next so her SB can take out X the following week.
Yeah, yeah I’m pulling at strings — but I want DX to stay.
Karma is a b*tch:
It happens every season where the players have short term memories & commit identical errors expecting different results. Britini participated in the back door of her F2 partner and was surprised when his allies wouldn’t vote to keep her.
Baby D back doored Christian working with SB as the pawn who knew the entire time that was the plan. Now he’ll go on the block by her hand & likely leave on Thursday.
Similarly, SB put up Big D and believes he’ll protect her if he wins the Coup d’etat. But while she never let go of being OTB for DX (even though he kept her fully in the loop) why on earth would DF keep her safe if he has power? Ally won Roulette & removed him & SB told her she preferred Claire be saved (at least in the initial tell). So SB leaving at Big D’s hand would be in keeping with what goes around — comes around. Or for SB/Ally to leave under Claire would also be in keeping with payback.
To wit, with Big D so anti Tiff, if he won COD would he put her OTB? Or would he put up SB & Ally as he should if he’s really staying true to the CO? While many aren’t Tiffy Toes fans I far prefer a strategic gamer to an egotistical, delusional couch so even if she doesn’t win the game I hope it’s her HOH or vote that sends him to jury.
Btw — did anyone else catch couch had to give up a trip to Puerto Rico to come on the show (quarantining)? I thought this guy kept saying he had no money? He’s already been caught in other lies saying “I take care of my Mom” & also saying “I love my Mom b/c she’s still paying all my bills.”
Zero chance that the fans gave DF $100 two weeks in a row. Production did that. Now, he’s waxing poetic about how he masterminded the CO. Last night, he told Ky that the women in the CO need to pull their weight. Yep, he said that.
100% chance that DX is going on the block. He talked to SB last night, but he forgot to talk to the real HOH (Ky). His only chance is to convince Tiff/Hannah/Azah/DF that X/Ky will drop them for Alyssa/SB and win the vote. This will be a very hard sell because the CO has been loyal thus far (and nobody who isn’t in the CO is talking out loud about the CO). But the demise of the the CO women and DF will be letting X/Ky keep their “plus ones” the longest… and I think at least Tiff/Hannah know that. Convincing Azah/DF is the hard part.
Yeah, he started spouting that crap this week. When he said I am running this season – I created the CO & named it. X called him on it & said ummm I believe I was standing right beside you (X was implying it was a group discussion) & Big D backed down. Two days later he was saying the same thing again to Azah who gave him credit but I’m thinking she wasn’t in the room when they decided & only has Big D’s take on the matter.
I think him getting the $100 two weeks in a row has produced the equivalent of HOHitis which makes the fact Grod is the one giving it to him all the more frustrating. The CO are going to get fed up with his current braggadocio and selfishness quickly.
Azah was pissed he only went for the money in the POV. This from a guy who expects everyone else to ensure he stays off the block & they win comps but with X OTB & Azah/Tiff/Hannah potential re-noms he didn’t give a sh*t — even telling her – I came into this house alone & I’m leaving alone. Far cry from how he acts on every Thurs (unless X or Ky win HOH) when he’s worried he’ll be the nominee.
Last night he was back to claiming he’s the mastermind running the season/show to X & Hannah (who were NOT impressed). He was doing Hannah’s hot takes & she told him not to repeat what they discussed because the thoughts are only for feeders and meant to be kept private. — seconds later she caught him telling Alyssa (Hannah wasn’t impressed).
Ky also told live feeders the other night he would prefer to be working with SB, X & Ally plus DX. Then a few breaths later he said “I have the least relationship with Alyssa”. (Typical circle talk). X keeps saying the CO is the priority but his actions don’t match as he continues to try to keep his Kings teammates (asking Ky to throw the HOH to Ally for example).
I think this coming week will be vital to what happens with the CO & sure hope Hannah or Claire beat Big D in the Coin of Destiny comp (or maybe I should say I hope Grod doesn’t give the production win to DF). He’s a player I could see buying his own hype & telling TPTB to screw themselves as he tries to cut Tiff early.
As for DX – the past few days have all felt very staged. Baby D was more paranoid in prior weeks (even Ky’s last HOH) than he’s acted this week which speaks to production driven content. Like Another Name I”m 50-50 on TPTB shifting the target & doing it while X is on lock down (to stage fake content). We’ll see, but this week was so off the rails with Grod’s fingerprints blatantly on everything.
Can you imagine if Big D is the appointed Grodner pet & he ends up winning the season? What a waste of a cast who could’ve actually produced a great organic season.
I have thought that all along. When I saw he was cast and heard about all of his “hardships” I just knew that we could expect a totally scripted show rather than a
respective game. I was rooting for Baby D and now, after seeing the way that TPTB
have completely ruined the show in favor of Couch, it’s horrible. It’s one thing for the COOKOUT to come together in an alliance. Okay…probably scripted from the start but possible. But Couch has gotten the $100 each week…definitely no way. I think that
Production had promised him the win from the start. Why else would he even sign up?
He’s not ever going to get power unless it’s given to him, right? This season IMHO is just all bullshit that has gone way too far. I mean, I think that Production has told him so much crap that HE ACTUALLY BELIEVES HE IS RUNNING THE HOUSE! Come on…we, the viewing public are not idiots.
I loved the live episode yesterday when Big D tried to hash things out with Tiff. He has been mouthing off about her behind her back for weeks, calling her a b*tch and saying he’s going to tell her off. Then when he finally talks to Tiff, she completely pops off on him and he just stands there like a little baby and says nothing… Watching Tiff put him in his place was thoroughly enjoyable. I am seriously okay with anyone winning this season but him and SB.
Yeah – he’s all talk. I think he would go at her more if the wasn’t so scared (remember he was on the block).
The problem is I think he’ll gain the fan votes from casuals who don’t know the full context & look at Tiff as the aggressor. The same people who are buying the hooey he’s running this show – but if they watched the feeds they’d know he’s horizontal 90% of the day. The rest of the time he’s breathing heavy from being vertical, claiming his game prowess, complaining about the unfair comps, bad mouthing Tiff or whichever female he’s annoyed with.
Episode one I liked him & thought he’d be a favorite but by episode three he had plummeted to the bottom of my list.
Did anyone else catch the ladies discussing how they spun THREE TIMES in the first wild card & how Azah said she’d be pissed if the power screwed her? (implication being they kept spinning until they got the person’s name they wanted?)
LOL only two players above 2.5. DX’s lead over everyone else might be an all-time record.
WOW — Big D is getting really bossy & rude. Azah tried to broach keeping Baby D b/c she’s worried about the girls (Ally/SB) noting how Ky & X are with them.
Big D told her IF SHE VOTES TO KEEP BABY D — it’s like saying f*ck you to Ky, X & him – & then threatened her that if she did that hhe would be DONE with “them” meaning the CO girls (funny she doesn’t mention Hannah or Tiff but he automatically groups her in with them.
He’s on a major power trip & THIS is straight up bullsh*t — so Azah isn’t allowed to have an opinion or a choice & if she does then he’s going to cut her off? I hope Grod doesn’t ruin this season by handing him the Coin of Destiny — and truthfully nothing would make me happier than to see him cut asap. He’s becoming a prima donna who thinks everyone is there to play the game for him to win (which makes you wonder if that was the pre-season promise).
The very best thing that could happen this week is for him to lose COD & be the re-nom after POV sitting beside other CO members b/c nothing would please me more than to see him evicted.
Unfortunately Big D is CO and a vote. So him going to jury anytime soon is unlikely. I’ve notice the CO can bitch about each other and can be rude to each other but they still stick together. I’m not sure if they’ll make final 6 since that will be part triple eviction. At least only few more of BB and onto Survivor 41
OMFG – I just died of laughter….
This morning DX is up in HOH pitching SB saying he’ll keep her safe for 1, 2, 3 weeks whatever she needs & that if she puts up Hannah he’ll be losing his number 1 in the game.
Afterward SB is saying so I’d go from four protecting me (Ky, Big D, Ally, X) to five (switch out Ally/X for Tiff/Claire & add DX) versus two who aren’t (becomes Ally/X for not taking out DX). She seems to think keeping DX is a move that shifts who actually protects her or puts her up & is uncertain about Azah & Big D but is choosing to believe DF (of course b/c of what Ky is selling her). The mind bending of Ky of full display here since she entered the week feeling safest with the Jackpot & now stupidly believes X or Big D wouldn’t put her ass OTB.
I’m not sure if DX actually thinks Hannah would leave or if this was something they dreamed up to get her put knowing Chaddah would be safe. We know the CO would keep her and only need four of their five votes to pull it off meaning Tiff could still vote for Claire & DX could honor his deal by also voting to keep Claire (although SB would never believe him). It would be Ky, X, Big D & Azah keeping Hannah versus DX, Tiff voting to keep Claire. Ally would be the question mark — either X tells her to vote out Claire or keeps her in the dark either way Claire would be out by 5-2 or 4-3 at worst.
Shortly after Ky (of course) comes in to sway her back to taking out Baby D. Man he’s going to be really disliked by the BB faithful – b/c he’s just going to keep doing this to people. All the bullsh*t he spun to DX who doesn’t even recognize it’s Ky that is selling him down the river — poor kid.
He’s wanted this bromance so bad & being gullible will be his undoing. That said, SB is so sketch she has zero clues how big a target she is in the house believing that X, Ally & Big D will target Tiff & Claire. And hey maybe things would start that way — but Big D really WANTS SB gone.
SB — STUPIDLY— thinks if Baby D is gone she’s less likely to be put on the block & if sitting beside Ky more likely to stay (b/c that’s what Ky keeps telling her).
Two very telling comments from SB to Ky show her mind set & lack of game awareness (and her overall cruelty):
I don’t believe that he (DX) wouldn’t come after me next week. If Big D wins anonymous and puts us up, that would feel awful.
DX is like “you can see how loyal I am cause I am not going to throw people under the bus right now”. I don’t want you to be loyal to other people. Throw them under the bus to me.
SB also plans to tell Claire/Tiff that DX threw them UTB (once he’s gone so he can’t defend himself). Meanwhile he already filled in Claire on what he said & surely will also tell Tiff. The problem with SB is she has no clue that Tiff clocked who she was week 2!
I’d say her odds of leaving next week & sending out someone who can win comps like him who promised to keep her safe will result in her eviction. And she also hilariously believes Big D will beat him in the COD comp. Ummmmmmmmmmmmm – why would she believe that unless that’s what TPTB have told them will happen? He’s never come close to beating anyone let alone DX!
Dx knows Hannah wouldn’t leave.
Tiff almost outed the cookout to him by implication a few days ago, and pretty much did it again when she told Dx that Hannah and Claire on the block, the house (i think she listed names, shocking, it was cookout) are voting out Claire, but we vote to keep her and keep Claire’s jury vote.