POV Holder: | ? | POV Competition | Aug 29th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | Aug 31st |
HOH | Vanessa | Next HOH | Sept 3rd |
Original Nominations: | ? and ? | ||
After POV Nominations: | ?and ? | ||
Have Nots | Johnny Mac, Julia, James, Meg |
THE PLAN – Vanessa plans to nominate James & Meg
– James & Meg think only one of them will go up as a pawn with Johnny Mac
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1:40pm – 2:15pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds.
2:15pm – 2:35pm The live feeds return to all the house guests coming inside from being on a backyard lock down. Vanessa says that the good news this is the last havenots for the season. This week you must nominate 4 havenots! Johnny Mac volunteers, Julia volunteers and Vanessa tells James and Meg can be the other two. Havenot extra food is gum-slop! Steve says that was half of the house! Vanessa points to Austin and says she couldn’t nominate him because of their deal.
Meg comments on what other deals do they have?! Meg says this is going to be the worst week ever! I can already tell we’re going up. James comments on how Austin was laughing. James says Austin is such a baby! I don’t want to be a havenot, I don’t want to get nominated! Well what the hell did you come here to do!? They’ve got all these secret deals all over the place! Julia joins James and says she hates this. I am over this havenot bullsh*t! I am pissed!! Meg says if we go on the block instead of them, I am going to be pissed! James says might as well be. Might as well sign them the cheque.. because they’re going to win it. Just keep your cool though because we might not. Meg says she will.. I’m over it! I can’t wait to win HOH! I think the HOH might be days but the rolling one, which I might be good at. This week is going to be horrible!! James comments about Julia .. your sister should have made a deal for you. I guess you’re not in the final 3. James says I don’t want to confront her if she isn’t putting us up. James says I can bring up how Vanessa and I had a deal back when Clay was here that she said if I didn’t put her up .. She wouldn’t put me up plus 1 person of my choosing. I wish I remembered that last night when we were talking to her.
2:35pm – 2:40pm HOH room – Vanessa tells Steve that she has her speech ready. Steve asks to hear it but Vanessa says its better if he hears it for the first time during the nomination ceremony. Vanessa asks if he has worked things out with Johnny Mac yet? Steve says working on it.
2:40pm Big Brother switches the live feeds to the highlights.. its possibly nomination time…
3:29pm No Feds yet Nominations still going on
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Ugh I can’t stand Austin and his whorish lackeys. Why is Vanessa still protecting them?
Vanessa’s plan is to take out Meg or James then have Steve or John take out one of the twins so she can tell the twins and Austin it wasn’t her fault. She’s planning on loading the jury with those three as votes for her.
I don’t get it! Making big moves scores you points especially with jury. Sitting back and say “wasn’t me!” Just pisses them all off more. I don’t think letting other people make the big moves will reflect well on her because everyone knows that’s she behind it! Hello! Look at how Shelly treated her. I’d be shocked if Vanessa got her vote.
Shelli inferred wrongly that Vanessa’s campaign was to throw Shelli under the bus when the two of them were on the block. So Shelli is sucking lemons because she thinks Vanessa said bad things about Shelli. Vanessa didn’t throw Shelli under the bus. Shelli however said quite a lot (mostly passing the buck of Shelli’s own deeds) about Vanessa.
The truth is Vanessa threw Becky under the bus to Becky’s own alliance, thereby allowing them believe Becky had a secret deal with Shelli.
Vanessa has earned votes from the jury regardless of what you think she indirectly or indirectly responsible for almost every houseguests eviction. They will eventually get over it and vote for her for playing the game unlike most of these houseguests who hide behind her so they dont get blood on their hands! Aka Asstin.
Applicants and BB fans vote for the best player. Recruits vote on some ranking combination of popularity and personal distaste that only exists in their head. If you want jury votes from applicants – play the game. If you want jury votes from recruits – socialize and have someone else take them out. The best player wins only if they treat the recruits accordingly.
I dont think thats her plan. I am assuming Van is telling the austwins the truth, since she has always ran with them and her nom speech is certainly saying James is the target, not meg… so she wants to work with james after? I think not.
All signs point to her truly wanting to go to F4 w/Austwins!?
It really doesn’t make sense though, I know. But, she has already dropped hints she wants jmac gone to steve, and she wants Steve gone to austin. I get that she is pitting the sides after each other, to take the target off her. I just dont think she is ever going to turn on the Austwins… In fact, she is going above and beyond to protect them. I just dont understand her reasoning to be in the F4with the Austwits… Unless what people are saying is true, and she is bribing them so she can win?
Just reiterating what Hmmm said to answer your question as to why Vanessa hasn’t targeted Austinks and his twits. She is one step ahead. Has everything calculated.
Hmmm says:
Vanessa’s plan is to take out Meg or James then have Steve or John take out one of the twins so she can tell the twins and Austin it wasn’t her fault. She’s planning on loading the jury with those three as votes for her.
I say:
Brilliant! Way better than any other proposed strategies from the other tools left.
Van can’t put the twins on the block because she gave them her ‘word’. She is going to try to push out a goblin then boost jmac or steve to win hoh and pov next week. The new hoh and pov will be manipulated by van to put up austwins with the third wheel austwin as the pov backup. I dont think they know its DE on Thursday. Do they?
Need Pandora’s Box
Again like last year, one side is winning all the competitions… That makes Vanessa and Derrick look better than they are..
I wish Van would put up the Austwins. I almost hope they turn around and take her out next time. Sweet sweet justice.
The only one who has the guts to go after Austin and the twins
is James .
He would be all gung ho right up to Meg talking him out of it because she has a guy feeling…and we all know how well those gut feelings are working out for them!
Him and Meg had a chance before vote yesterday. They blew it. Noone to blame but themselves and Vannessas dumb gameplay.
in my opinion james does not have the balls to go after austwins, he has had plenty of opportunity to make strategic moves against them but choose not to because he was too scared that they would catch wind of it and drop them from the 5. running around and playing kiddie games was more important!
Man, It would be so great if after Vanessa’s big speech austin laughing at James and Meg there’s a rewind and they have to start the week over. Or James wins veto and HoH for double eviction. The look on the rest of the house guest’s faces… now that would be the look of the season.
8 people and 4 weeks. There is this double to bring it to 6 people and 3 weeks, so will there be a fast forward instant eviction or a double eviction two weeks in a row?
Zero chance of a rewind
Really James? Really? NOW you think of something to say!? You let meg do all the talking last night, and then you slept all day today. Wtf? I love James but he is killing me here. Idk why he didn’t make a move. Uggghhh may not have worked but at least TRY!!!
It could be the James is a fellow [email protected] you see when he kissed Clay on the lips?Anyone with that type of sensuality is okay in my book.James can look me up in Canada when all this is over.
I can see they are really working hard on teaching proper English and grammar in Canada. You might want to learn the language and the use of proper grammar before posting.
On another note 3 straight horrible casts, seasons and the blatant rigging of the show (last season Frankie solo BOB win and last night Vanessa non DQ HOH win) should equate to Robin Kass and Allison Grodner losing their jobs in casting and production but I won’t hold my breath on CBS doing anything intelligent to actually save this show. The show has beyond jumped the shark. Do everyone a favor CBS and show the replays of BB2, BB6 and BB7 so the kids can learn how to play BB before entering, because the gameplay that is going on in the house now and the past three seasons is garbage. The delusion in the house is the only entertainment this season. Austin Lou Albano comparing Liz to a better Janelle should instantly signal CBS security to enter the house and remove him. People comparing Vanessa to a mastermind like they did Derprick last year should mean Simon and Dawg no longer letting you post on this site. There is only one true mastermind or puppetmaster to ever play this game and that is Dr. Will Kirby. This is yet another season with ZERO all-star candidates.
Thank you as always Simon and Dawg for the updates, love the site and hopefully BB18 will get back to what made the show great aka Chilltown. If so I’ll see you then.
Meg is such a joke. Becky’s HOH could have changed the game. Meg did what was “best for her game.” Ah Meg you have NO game idiot. Can’t wait til I win HOH. Like you’ve had the whole season and all you do is dis folks on the block and pig out on Cheetos.
Deal was F5 but it’s looking like bye bye. Same money jury this week or out 3rd morons. Now they talk about targeting the twits. Who do you think has been helping them write the cheque nooblins? That would be you! No POV I really want to see one go.
BB terrible strategy…… anyone but me this week. Have fun with the twits til Thursday. ROFL
Meg suggested the idea of getting out Shelli instead of Vanessa.
James ran for the idea and pushed for it.
Meg and Jackie then reconsidered as it might be disloyal to Becky.
James then pushed the idea it was better for their (HIS) game, and Becky wasn’t one of them anyway.
All while Vanessa was imitating Audrey for a day.
Meg’s random thought. James’ execution of random thought into action.
He isn’t blameless.
I don’t think Meg even knows what’s best for game! Jackie and Becky being in the house would be best. Vanessa being sent packing would have been best. She just doesn’t have good judgment. How the hell can she live in New York and still be alive?!?
Why did they cast Meg? She’s spoiled the gameplay of the season. I saw that when Becky tried to make a big move. Meg spread the seed to ruin it, and every day since then, her decisions have just dug her own grave. Rather, its dug a grave for her outsider alliance.
I really don’t like this season, the only person I like is James. He’s the only one with any guts.
I agree 100%! I want to know why every “loves” John? Seriously? What am I missing by not watching the live feeds? They say he sleeps all the time. He acts like a total idiot. The interview last night with Julie was just plain awful – I can’t believe he’d act like that. The house guests talk about how he “yells” in the DR, so apparently he doesn’t talk like that the rest of the time in the house – just in the DR? Can someone who actually watches the live feeds confirm this please?
I just honestly don’t get why folks like him so much. He just acts stupid. 🙁 And I’m not being sarcastic or silly – I just don’t get it.
He acted like a complete “doofus” in the interview with Julie last night. If his personality in real life was a little more mature (he’s a dentist after all) I would have a little more respect. That’s gone now…….
Seriously I’m getting tired of this season. extremely sick and tired of Austin the twins and freaking Van. I was so such a big fan of James and Meg til they started voting off the wrong people. Beckys last HOH was disrespected and turned and twisted by Meg ans Jackie. Van would of have been gone by now and then Meg runs with her stupid mouth about Jonny when he provided clear info. At this point I’m going to sleep wake me up when James wins. The only true player of this game. Send Meg home this HOH I’m ok with that.
I was rooting for James and John but they are so naive!!! They had a clear picture of Vanessa’s game, out of a sudden she wrapped them both around her finger. As much as I wanted James to win I laughed when he was telling Meg that Vanessa was going after Austwins…. really James??? Are you that dense???
Austwins are pathetic. It was their turn for have nots. Austin is the one who said we do rotations, so your big smelly giant is a whiny piece of crap. Taking his turn would have made him look a little better, but now he’s playing the Frankie game. Good luck outside the house, wannabe on Bold and the Beautiful. Gagggg as JMac would do and Sorry not Sorry!
This whole havenot thing is beyond ridiculous. If I recall correctly, Skankie Frankie was exempt last year because of his “delicate constitution”. Havenots should not be decided on who you like/dislike, it should be a competition but no one person could be a havenot for more than one week ( Meg and Julia would lose the comps and be havenots all season ). Havenots could be decided at time of HOH, with the 4 last place finishers being havenots. To ensure HGs do not get complacement, the following week could be 10th place finish, 8th place etc. It needs to be changed up every week. Failing that, a wheel with each hgs name on to be spun and havenots chosen that way.
remember when Dr Will used a have not challenge to test Howie’s loyalty?
sigh. oh how I miss those gameplay moments that weaved perfectly into the game.
Been in wait till next week mode for the last 3. Really not happy. I think several of these folks are unappealing
James is so worried about a delusional shot at camping with Meg that he has lost focus on the money. This move was inevitable this week, at least one of them was going up. Why not both?
They blew the chance to get Vanessa out over shelli and then blew multiple chances to push Austin when he would go into his tough guy routine threatening to put up, or backdoor Vanessa….now it’s too late…for one of them….stupid wimp meg.
DON’T WORRY vANESSA, GET OVER YOURSELF, your speech isn’t all that special.
Here goes. the James/Vanessa deal. If I read each of them correctly:
James’ logic: they have a deal. true.
Vanessa’s logic: James breaks every deal he makes. true. (Jace. Clelli. Becky. Austwits he broke his word to all of them). So every deal with James is breakable.
Pick your poison. Both are valid.
BUT, Van NEVER lies ………………remember she has INTEGRITY!
I wasn’t picking a side. I was pointing out both logic avenues are valid.
But here’s an argument:
Vanessa didn’t lie when she made the deal. She believed James was good for his word. That was a big part of them making the deal. Both saying they were straight shooters that are good for their word.
James already had the deal with Clelli. That’s what prompted Vanessa to make the deal for herself.
James broke the deal with Clelli proving that he wasn’t a straight shooter whose word has meaning.
Therefore every deal with James is invalid on it’s face because James does not honour his deals, so deals with James don’t have to be honoured.
His integrity became worthless as soon as he broke one deal, so any deal thereafter should be considered nullified as entered into under false pretenses.
I don’t know if I completely buy that, but it will hold more water than I forgot we had that deal, even though James didn’t even remember it until today.
I hate to see Meg and James go up, but they did this to themselves. They had the chance to get Vanessa out, but said next week. You can never assume next week will work out and it didn’t. So, if they go, it’s all on them.
Plus Johnny Mac told Meg and James that he would go after Austin if they kept him. Not only did they not take that opportunity, they ran and told on him. Ugh!!!
Austin, The Ho and The Mean Girl and the Maniac have ruined this season. They are just plain nasty.
If Vanessa is so smart, why has she not figured out that hair all and Jo’s are not going to turn on each other.
James JohnStdve and Van could take out the garbage, then fight till the end.
Van is not game smart.
Faith is probably sealed. Still would like a Hail Mary .. I just hope James wins pov … Still don’t get Johny mac wanted to get Meg out .. She should be the final 3 of everybody .. No way she’s winning a thing nor nobody but James would be voting for her in final 2. But again Johny is completely clueless and still he gets sooo much support.. Last night interview was one of the most akwards interviews I have watched July doing .. She was giving him chance to react and say something that made sense and he kept babbling and saying so much no sense .. So disappointed he came back .
James needs to stop being so nice. Call that puss out.
he is not even playing the game. notice you get have nots, and MAC volunteers immediately. SMART. James and Meg continue to act like they deserve to be there, I am not sure why they would think that at this point
the sad part for me is James showed he had it in him to play an interesting/dangerous game of Big Brother, but once Jackie left so did his spine. he has been hiding with Meg ever since and even letting her make decisions for THEM. drives me nuts.
its amazing how someone not even in a relationship or any sort of romance can end up on a list of people like Big Jeff, Brendon and other male competitors who we never really got to see play the game alone, and I would have liked to see that- James is part of that group just without the relationship.
Meg says she will.. I’m over it! I can’t wait to win HOH! I think the HOH might be days but the rolling one, which I might be good at.
Meg win an HOH….now THAT is hilarious
You two should have backed Becky in getting Vanessa out,,How’s that working out for You now ??
Also..LameAZZ Austin is the biggest stinky crybaby BB has ever seen,,Grow up You Jack-a-lope
Funny when van says she doesn’t realize the entertainment value, or lack thereof, when she is constantly talking game. Does she think it’s the fake crying or hostile interrogation techniques she uses to wear down and attempt to sell her bull shit integrity/loyalty mandates. Or is it the no-sleep, whacked out, high speed , mumbling, paranoid rants she goes into? Maybe she’s worried that people aren’t entertained by a self-important model, lawyer, millionaire DJ degenerate gambler who has tons of money yet she’ll bribe others to win…
Do they let residents of the local zoo vote in BBonline polls?
Because methinks that the zoo sloths got together and got all the other animals to vote for Meg, she is ahead of Dawg in the fav poll! The sloths are in on a conspiracy, and Meg has a gut feeling that it would be strategically better for her if she was evicted this week. The spirit of Lawon haunts the BB house. Everyone…..PLEASE…..vote out Meg the sloth.
I’ve watched big brother for as long as I can remember but I just can’t bring myself to keep watching this season. It’s just awful.
does Steve really have much to clear up with MAC? on eviction he didn’t seem even slightly annoyed with Steve. he was even aware that he had to place a big target on Vanessa to stay in the house the previous week(Julie Chen needs OBB)
I just never got the sense that MAC felt betrayed by the guy sitting on the block next to him. I fully expect him to want to give Austin a filling without Novocain though. Removing Liz would be 100x more painful for Austin. that is where I would start-
its just hard for me to believe that if Jackie was still in the game instead of Meg, that she would have sat there with James and done nothing these past couple weeks.
Meg is an anchor to James’ potential game. and in the process has kind of ruined a lot of interesting developments. MAC ATTACK would be considered brilliant for his waiting until the last minute to campaign to them. they just flubbed it. just like they flubbed getting Vanessa out that door when someone was willing to take ALL the heat for it.
Oh, I hope that “was off the grid” comment comes true. That would make this season an all star show. If something doesn’t change and BB keeps having these crappie seasons, you might as well take the show off the air. It use to be the best show to look forward to, except for football of course.
James’s speech if he saves himself ,wins HoH and puts Vanessa and Austin on the block: “I’m not going to make a some long speech like Austin and Vanessa did. Mine is going to be short and sweet. PAYBACKS A BITCH! ” I know, I know but I can dream can’t I
SIMON or DAWG Please, please please, I am begging, get rid of that pic of Vanessa wearing the yellow headband. I have kept my mouth shut and fingers still for the past week or so but for some strange reason, that pic drives me insane. She has such a stupid, clueless, insipid look in that photo. Please humour an old lady and remove the photo.
Looks like James fate is over now so at least give him a favorite player!!! He deserved it. He made entertainment this show more than any other player.
The thing i would love to see on the finale is James winning fan favorite, and the producers decide to cancel this show and Julie Chen says to the houseguests the reason it’s cancelled is because people couldn’t stand the Austwits and Austin playing like a pussy led to the show being cancelled and they get shitted on for the rest of their lives. Now that would be great TV!
Honestly, I’ve just kind of lost all interest… whatever… blah.
I keep hoping that Vanessa will nominate two of the Austwins, surprising everyone. I doubt she will do it- too afraid to get “blood on her hands.” (I hate that phrase as well as “throw under the bus” & “brass tacks”.
So now Austwins can’t stand Meg/James and love JMac? Go figure…..
I am praying, like I did last year with Christine, that Austin and the twins get booed when they come out for their final appearance, whether it’s through eviction or the finale. If CBS has any hope of redeeming themselves with the viewers, they won’t load the audience with employees like they did for Frankie. This will sting badly as it seems they were stunned at the ovation JMac got when he went out. And I also hope Simon and Dawg leave these posts up so they can read what viewers really thought of them after the show is over. I want them to get a clear picture how they were perceived, which is not well at all. Without swearing a blue streak or going on a rant that would make me sound demented, I cannot express how much I dislike Austin, the twats, and Vanessa.
This season is the worst of them all. That has been said about other seasons before but I have never gotten to the point where I just disliked all of the people in the so called game. I am very disappointed in the game play. Vanessa fake cries when she feels as if she has been betrayed. All she has is her loyalty and her integrity lol. The rest just don’t even know why they are there. This season has gotten the last dime that I will put on this mess. Each year gets worse and worse but this one has made a believer out of me.
Simon/Dawg, I would prefer to keep my live feeds but for the life of me it has stayed black for two days and nothing seems to work. Help me! I am so frustrated and LF’s help when we have these huge storms in Florida!
The only thing I can think of to suggest is clear your browser cache and cookies. If that doesn’t work the only thing you can do is contact their customer support for them to fix a technical problem.