10:55pm Havenot Room – Tucker and Angela (Angela is have a nervous breakdown. She is super paranoid.)
Nobody’s being mean to me like, whatever. It’s just, this is, it’s hard. And you, you had the first thing, you know, that’s the hardest thing to do. It’s the hardest thing you know, everything. And that’s so hard. This is like what we all signed up for and fun, but it’s crazy. It’s a physical emotionally done. Things that are not good. I love people way too much, and I trust all this stuff is got to be water under the bridge, you know, cuz this is what this game is. You want to win. Tucker – you know how you already are a legend in a big brother world for winning that first thing in a brand new game. Angela – thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Tucker – It’s known that, like, the young cats always kicked the older cats out. You can tell me anything if you need to get stuff out. I am will be your vault if you need that. You know, I am not going to tell you. I am not going to ask for anything or whatever. But if you need to just get off your chest, you’re not the only one that knows stuff. Let me be that burden for you. I will, I’ll help you out with that stuff. Everything I promise, I promise on my mother and my father, but I will not tell anybody. If you need to get stuff out for me, I won’t be there for you.
Angela – He is running his mouth, but she Lisa was like, so, like, I’m cool. Matt I said to him. Matt like I am like like I’m like enamored but he’s a very good looking guy. I mean all of you guys are and I was like I know you’re probably gonna have a showman. So I know probably with who. I have a big mouth like that is a mom like always trying to set up people right. Immediately he took offence to it. I don’t know if it’s his game play but he immediately went on the offense. He thought I would put a target on his back. He went to everyone in the house ..like the majority and said I can’t believe she did that. She’s putting a target on my back. Tucker – I haven’t even heard that really.

Angela – He puts it out there again and he says… and then this is where it gets really awful. He says to me. And by the way, I have a lot of this is a cocky thing comes out of him like I didn’t. He was like by the way I have a lot of friends in this house I’m well liked and so like you know you put me up there I’m strong I’m put everything I have into winning that veto and pull myself off and he goes and you better watch out. yeah I’m taking you down is what he said to me that’s what he said to me. That is what he said to me. He threatened a 50 year old woman! Tucker talks her down and tells her that she just needs to get some space and sleep. He’s like you’ve been talking all day. You just need some rest. Cam, Cedric and Chelsie join them. Tucker explains they were just talking and she just needs to get some rest.
11:13pm Havenot room – Everyone leaves to give Angela space. Angela starts crying again – I am tougher than this! I don’t know why I am doing this! Oh god! I just want it so bad that I am making stupid mistakes!
11:30pm Unicorn Bedroom – Makensy, Leah and Matt.
Matt – I literally was like, if we wanted to make a 12 person alliance, we literally could literally if there was some like advantage to being like, let’s make a 16 person alliance. I literally think a 16 person alliance is possible. I literally swear my life. We could make a 16 person. No, it’s like house meeting and we’re like so and so thank you all for joining us. Everybody keeps coming to me and they’re basically like I’ve I feel like you got something going on I want to be a part of it. I have never mentioned y’all’s names but but I do that because I’m not showing any cards. I just I just keep insinuating that I’ve got numbers.. not even saying like I’ve got stuff going on. I was deflecting. I’ve got potential and I’m trying to figure out where I want to go the only person I’ve said that like not even in my work but I’ve only told Angela that you and I are close and I told well I told Brooklyn.
11:43pm Bedroom – Quinn and Joseph.
Quinn – I’m saying this because I like I really do like you. I was talking to Angela and she’s real worried about us talking to Matt she’s worried. Please don’t say this! Joseph – She already told me this earlier that she was paranoid about me. Quinn – She was like not disappointed she was like I think that Joseph is like kind of spying ..like I feel like they’re sending him and I was like I promise you he’s chill and I told her that Matt was kind of talking to us and I was like we can steer the conversation away from you kind of thing. Joseph – The crazy part about it and I don’t blame her it’s like paranoia but like I’ve been trying to get Matt to work with her and it’s not happening. He threatened her. Quinn – does he not know this is big brother.
Makensy – Here’s the thing. Listen, listen, listen. I’m not safe for 4 weeks now. She might be. I have the power for 4 weeks. I’m not safe. I feel like I’m safe because we have a good thing. Matt – Thank you for sharing. Makensy – I’ve been like really scared to share because I’m like I know we have this is like I know we have our own people outside of this.
11:55pm – 12:18am HOH room – Cedric and Angela.
Angela is like full blow broken record at this time. She is now recounting the whole issue she has with Matt he switched to tell her he now wanted Kenny out. Cedric talks about the two super powers in the house right now.
Joseph and Quinn join them. Quinn – everyone loves you. There is a team .. a squad. There is a squad of people. People like you. People are going to work to keep you safe. You are valued and you are heard. Angela – I’m a very stupid woman. Joseph -I was trying to make it work with y’all too (Matt and Angela). But I know it’s not going to now. Like, I know it’s like now pointless. Like I shouldn’t even try anymore. And I’m not going to like I tried and it’s pointless to have that like, you know what I’m saying? So like, we just need to go with. Joseph – we came up with our name. “The Collective”. Angela – I love it! Angela then goes back into her broken record spiral about Matt again. Angela – At this point right now I am just going to go back to happy go luck Angela. I know who I can trust 100 percent. Quinn – you have a team. Your intention was your intention to find a team. Angela – that’s what I wanted. Joseph leaves. Quinn – I feel like we could take this whole thing. Angela – Thank you. You were the best thing that’s happened in my life.. next to my kids, my family. You’re the best things ever happened in here. I love you so much. Quinn – I’m not even kidding you are my number one like it’s not even close. Angela – love you. I trust you with all the information. Quinn – I am working for us.
6:00 am July 20th Angela is still up talking to herself.
“Tucker is smart so smart Tucker”
She decides to go talk to him gets up and puts on her microphone but then decides not to “Should I leave this the f** along… yeah just have the knowledge.. just have the knowledge”
6:28 am Matt and Mackensy
Matt is complimenting her on her personality.
Mackensy “I feel so reserved in here I don’t even my full self yet.. ”
Matt – I love god and I love people
They talk about looks being important in a relationship but not everything.
Matt – my best friend you would get along so well she’s also 6 foot
Feeds flip to Angela laying in bed still spiraling.
6:40 am
Angela “And those that came and visited me last night. your performances were GREAT for a low budget movie”
Angela – the minute cedric walked through that door this morning… the middle of the night. It exposed Quinn it exposed Tucker and it exposed Cam and Lucky Kimo is like all in that right now
Angela – just FYI my mantra song is Sunday best I love that song that would make me very happy in the morning
7:56 am Houseguests getting up for the day. Veto players and Veto competition are planned.
the majority alliance shift.
first attempt
angela brooklyn leah rubina quinn cedric cam joseph chelsie. called off by angela earlier today.
second attempt
angela brooklyn leah mj matt cam joseph chelsie with cedric and quinn as ridealongs. proposed by joseph. pariall meet with angela. called off by joseph after meeting with chelsie.
third attempt
angela joseph quinn chelsie cam cedric t’kor kimo. called the collective. talk of maybe or maybe not brooklyn being a side piece.
problem: they settled on an 8 where one member is a nom, 3 members have no vote this week. As far as voting blocks go…. 4 votes isn’t cutting it.
problem 2: from comp one and talk of HOH performances, the collective is seriously lacking in comp skill that WILL be required sooner or later.
problem 3: everyone in first and second attempt not in final draft…. knows they were supposed to be in the majority alliance. Remember the Frenchie problem? That.
Target: was Kenney who the collective now think they can scoop into their number (no way from what Kenney was saying earlier, he’s firmly against Angela and Joseph big time). became Lisa because she wasn’t sympathetic enough to the HOH blindside nomming her. Perpetual add on to the target list seems to be the dumb and dumber showmance duo. Is a guy that tells everyone every plan in his head a huge strategic threat? If he was capable of half the crap that Angela thought he was doing, possibly. Is he a douche…. uhhhhyup. Do I care if he hits the block… uhhhhnah. Do i care if the moron female half of the showmance thought it was a good deal to bad mouth the HOH before noms hits the block… again uhhhhnah.
a) Tucker. everyone is quite fine with a bro playing lone wolf and not committing to any side or alliance or group. Why? If he ain’t with you he is against you…. and being lone wolf means he’s against everyone. That, in threat assessment terms means no bueno for ANYONE’S game… and they are quite fine with a lone wolf houseguest. Side eye on that.
b) I don’t so much dislike strategic game theory of a ratfloater game… and we’ve got PLENTY of ratfloater games around us. The supposed moral justification crap I’m feeling for HOW they are employing ratfloater strategy is a being put on a little thick.
c) Already in week one there is a rather alarming lack of ownership happening. HOH doesn’t want to own her noms is just the most blatant. I appreciate ownership. I don’t want victim noises and whining from positions of power.
People that are sort of annoying me:
Chelsie. sorry. I read her pretty quick… i think she Is annoying. oh well. maybe she’ll grow on me…. but i think they make a cream for that.
Angela. spin span spun. Ain’t nobody got time for her self created paranoia drams bs.
The moron couple. seriously move over Paloma and Vivek.
Kenney. with all due respect… play the game don’t whine about it. Seems to be judgmentally sanctimonious when it come to how the game should game. Maybe get off his ass and make connections with someone other than a bro…. He’s one step above Kimo… and that’s flatline calling tod in terms of game play.
I happen to like Chelsie. I hate that Angela goes into spirals but I understand it. I don’t understand why Lisa went into a spiral; did she think Big Brother was one long party? Also for the first time ever I have found myself begging a guy to put on a shirt: Matt (maybe because he seems to be cocky with nothing to back it up)
From what people were saying in the house, , Angela and Lisa were best buddies joined at the hip for 2 days. That’s why Lisa was telling everyone it would be a huge betrayal if she was nom’d on night one of feeds.
My read: Some of her more trusted advisors removed Lisa aa an obstacle to controlling the first HOH by badmouthing her and telling Angela how clingy and bad for her game Lisa was…. and susceptible to paranoia Angela ate it up.
SMH. People should know by now that Veto picks always happen at a particular time Saturday morning so Makensy, Matt , & Leah should not still be up
It’s going to take me a bit of time to retool my setup for no flashbacks.
Everyone seems to be trying to find ways to adjust
OMG. This morning is feeds gold!!!!
Yes, it was stupid wrong of him to ‘threaten’ her (at least at this point). However, her being a 50 year-old woman has NOTHING to do with it being stupid wrong.