“This is not what I came here for.. F* him and his attitude.. I’m not f*ing down with it

POV: Tyler Next POV: Aug 4th
POV Used NO POV Ceremony July 30th
HOH: Bayleigh Next HOH: Aug 2nd
Noms: Brett & Rachel Have Nots Fes, Tyler, Scottie

Big Brother Spoilers Rachel is going to be evicted and the HIVE is a mess

11:10am Brett securing Haleigh’s vote/

11:28am Brett and Kaycee
brett asking if getting Scottie’s vote is a lost cause
Kaycee – yeah.. JC onbaord to keep you right?

Brett – he came to talk to me
Kaycee – get close to Scottie and pin it on Scottie..

Brett mentions that Haleigh and Fes are already saying things about Scottie and him. Haleigh told Tyler.

(lol the hive)
Brett – honestly I actually do enjoy Scottie’s company.. he’s funny as f*
Kaycee – yeah
Kaycee – we are going to tell Bayleigh after.. (the vote)
Brett – yeah
Brett – Scottie and Fes.. lost cause I know ROCKSTAR is a lost cause like I’m not getting their votes
Kaycee – we need to get HOH this week fro real this time..

noon Bayleigh and Haleigh
Haleigh says last night she was sad missed her family.. she made herself something to eat and came outside
bay – I heard you were talking to Brett til 4 in the morning
Hayliegh – he came out here.. he was also sad .. he said he felt really isolated
Bay – he isolated himself..

Bayleigh – get over here.. don’t make things awkward..
Sam says the smokes bother them so she’ll move over here..

Haleigh says she just fell sad for Brett last night so they had a talk. They agree he’s a nice guy
Haleigh – Fess is treating me like sh1t
Bay – yes, I told Fes today that he’s really moody.. he was like in 41 days I’ve only had 2 moods
Haliegh says she has some points about the whole Brett vs Rachel thing, “I wasn’t aware of some of the things Brett revealed to me”
HAleigh says Rachel was campaigning against her when she was on the block with Kaitlyn.
Bayleigh says Brett has never come talk to her.
Haleigh mentions that Brett told her he tries to talk to bayleigh all the time
Bayleigh – I don’t want Brett in this house though.. Brett is dangerous
Haleigh – I agree
Bay – at the same time.. that’s frustrating to me Haleigh.. Brett’s never approaches me..

Hayleigh – between the two I know BRett better than Rachel.. but you know Rachel we;;.. you can assure me if she won HOH..
Bay – I don’t know what move she would make..
Hayeligh – is she working with Angela and Kaycee
Bay says Rachel will be a problem down the line.
Haleigh says she’s willing to pay money on Rachel working with Angela and Kaycee
Bay – she would put up Rockstar and JC
Scottie joins them..

They talk about giving Fes midol so he would stop being moody..
FEs comes out to run with Scottie

Hayleig – that’s another thing that’s pissing me off he’s treating me like sh1t
Bay – he’s pissed because you’re flirting with another guy
Hayleigh – I’m not flirting with the other guys what does that mean

BAyleigh says she’s spending more time with other guys than Fes
Haleigh – I tried to
Bay – I agree he’s making it hard… I told you we know he gets jealous over this stuff
Ha – he wouldn’t even let e speak to him
Bay – he irritated but at the end of the day he can’t get mad
Ha – at 10 o clock in the morning
Bay – he can’t get mad if he’s not going to talk to you
Ha – I feel like a f*ing idiot because I walk up to him hug him he’s like I’m about to run

Bayleigh says Fes told her that personally him and Haleigh might not be getting along but game wise he’s still in the same place
BAe – I was like of course I know you are..
Hayleigh – I’m not going to sit here and chase him around and be sad because he’s not talking to me
BAey – no but I don’t he excepted you to go talk to other people (WTF.. )
Hayleigh – I haven’t talked to anyone..
Hayleigh – there’s no reason to teat anyone like that and walk out of rooms..
Bay – it’s fess
Hayleigh – F** him and his attitude.. I’m not f*ing down with it
bay – you don’t have to All I ask is it doesn’t affect our game..

12:13pm Charolttes lair

12:20pm Kaycee and Angela.. (the new vixens?)

12:18pm Rocks, BAyeligh and Haleigh
Haleigh starts venting about Fes..
Bay – I need y’all to have a working relationship
Bay – we have to look at Fes point of view, you spend hours on the hammock with Tyler but you don’t spend hours with Fes,… that is humiliating to him
Haleigh – I TRIED

Rocks and haleigh are defending Fes for being pissed about her talking on a hammock all night with Brett. They are at least bringing up some of his point of views.
Haleigh – what .. I’m not allowed to talk to people now..

Haleigh – that’s not what pissed him offf
bayelgih – it’s adding up
Haleigh – I don’t want to deal with it.. this is not what I came here for..
ROCKS tells her to say “I love you we will be friends for LIFE for LIFE”
Rocks “lets be friends and accomplish our girls.. ”

Rocks – there’s a weird tension but it’s not going away if you ignoring it..
Rocks goes on about their alliance and how they need to ride or die ..

(Rocks and Bay are terrified right now)

12:30pm KAycee and Tyler
Kaycee says the other side is all feeling safe. Tyler thinks the other side all know about Bayleigh’s power.
T – I need to ask Rachel if she told Bayleigh that I told people what Bayleigh said about Angela being the replacement
T – I feel like she did
(when Tyler was saying that to Rachel as an excuse to not use the veto)
Tyler – Bayleigh’s on a power trip..

Tyler – one of us needs to win HOH even if Bayleigh does use the app next week and change our nominations
T – we have to win Veto and BAckdoor one of them
Kaycee agrees .. we have to
Kaycee – we have to I have a good feeling about it..
Tyler – BAyeligh wouldn’t put you up.. I need to make sure I’m clear with her to make syure she wouldn’t put me up
Tykler says but she might put me and Brett up
Kaycee – I’m in her ear
Kaycee – do you think she was tell bayleigh we know about the power (ZOMG)
T – no

Tyler brings up trying to talk to Sam for the last 48 hours but she’s been dodging conversations
Tyler – I need to tell JC that the other side is trying to reel in Rachel;.. she’ll vote her out for sure
Kaycee – they really think Rachel is staying..
T – that is why they are keeping her close.. they are telling her to be quiet
Kaycee says bayelgih, Haleigh and ROCKS are sitting in the corner of the backyard like they are “ontop of the throne”

T – dude Bayleigh is so irrelevant.. (he might have said Haleigh..)
Kaycee – she is she really is ..
T – we’re good.. on the right side of the vote every single week.. and we’re about to do it again.. they think they run sh1t
Kaycee – they do and it’s getting really irritating
Kaycee – they show it..

They talk about how they are a “BUD MANCE” “BUN MANCE”

12:41pm Tyler and Sam (we just got audio but the conversation took place in teh bathroom)
Tyler – are you OK to keep Brett
Sam – yeah, whatever you tell me ..
Tyler – taht’s teh plan
Sam – ok

1:00pm Haleigh and Bayleigh

Bayleigh – JC needs to go we need to get him away from Fes
B – JC needs to go quick
B – I feel Scottie will take care of Tyler … those are an interesting pair to watch even though Scottie says he’s watching Tyler.. Tyler is ALL for SCottie that doesn’t add up
H – you don’t fgee like that for somebody if it’s not reciprocated
B – it doesn’t add up
They agree Sam’s gotta go. haleigh says she’ll take the shot, “put up Sam and JC, backdoor Tyler if I have the opportunity”
H – I woujldn’t tell Fes
B – I would keep that a secret or Fes will freak out..

Haleigh says she feels something weird happening on Thursday .. Bayleigh starts talking about Swaggy coming back. (her favorite thing to talk about)

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44 thoughts to ““This is not what I came here for.. F* him and his attitude.. I’m not f*ing down with it”

  1. Can’t wait for Thursday. So much time for things to flip! Tyler or KC needs to win HOH next week. I think KC was right about outing Bay’s power app but I would tell the entire house (1 on 1) not Bay or Rocks. Creates paranoia, Focuses everyone on Bay & away from L6/5/4. Then if she uses it, anyone who wins veto will play it & Bay will go up & out. I’m so glad that Rachel has a big mouth.

    Wonder if Rachel will be so mad if evicted that she will out her alliances. She’s nice but really doesn’t have the temperament for this show. I also wonder if JC is going to throw a wrench with his vote. He’s done it before.

    Love this season!!!!

    1. I really feel JC WILL VOTE OUT BRETT! He is just telling them what they want to hear… He has always had his own agenda

      1. But his agenda always benefitted Tyler. He’s voting out Rachel, the only reason he voted Angie last time was to throw some crazy out there.

    2. Don’t understand why L5 think they have to tell Bayleigh after the vote that they flipped. I’m sure she will be able to figure it out.

    3. I think Brett should use the power app in his speech. Say yes, Bayleigh told me she has the power app and how she plans on using it. Then everyone in the Hive who are not aware of it will question her.

  2. After this eviction… is next week a double eviction week? or is it the one after? If it was next eviction that is a 9 person jury. It is also Tylers last week to use his power… or did his expire this week?

  3. Why Tyler is so interested into keeping Brett LOL Brett doesn’t win a thing and he sucks at his social game
    Pinky little bird Pinky sweet bird LOL
    someone should tell B swaggy sure is coming back to the house when Mexico is paying for the wall LOL

    1. My thought on why Brett: Brett’s presence keeps RS fixated on him. That’s one less person that will fixate on Tyler. Male /Female ratio just in case everyone starts considering gender alliances seriously. Bayleigh has revealed a secret to Rachel that she didn’t reveal to him. That implies Rachel has more trust and option than he does. to me, in order to make it further in the game, one must have options, one must have more trust, and one must curtail others from having more options and trust.

      1. Great analysis another name! Agree with you 100%! If you were in the house, I think you could give Tyler a run for his money!

  4. I feel bad for haleigh, fes is being a creep and bay tells her it’s her fault for talking to other men in the house. Wtf??

    1. How is he being a creep he is totally avoiding her and hasn’t came to her once about talking to other guys. he’s literally doing the opposite… ignoring her.

  5. Once again these comments are probably all gonna be bashing Fes and telling him to get over Haleigh…
    LOL if he’s avoiding her he’s obviously taken our advice and gotten over her.
    She’s treated him like complete sh*t behind his back and he’s never said one bad thing about her behind her back. It’s honestly in his best interest to team up with JC (who is ACTUALLY loyal to him) and ditch these 3 girls (Bay, Hay, Rocks) because 2 of them can’t win sh*t and Bayleigh got lucky and won a luck competition.
    Disagree with me all you want but Fes isn’t the one talking bad about the girls, it’s the girls that have been talking bad about Fes.

    1. Fezzy is basically one of the girls. I think Hay finally realized that Fez is gay.

    2. why would he team up with disloyal jc? he practically thinks they are a team anyway. Fes is going to look like a fool when he sees how much Jc played him. the most athletic and smartest girl on dumbte side is bayleigh. the fact that she came in third in the veto puzzle behind tyler and brett is impressive. she screwed up her game by trusting rachel. one of the dumbest moves in bb history. also screwed up by trusting tyler. It is not that hard to figure out the votes if you all trust each other. They are so dumb. they will realize when tyler wins hoh and throw 2 alliance members up

  6. Hayleigh says she’ll take the shot (put up Sam & JC, then backdoor Sweet Baby Bird). Yeah, but you gotta win HOH, Hayleigh, to take a shot. Meanwhile, Sweet Baby Bird working OT to make sure the vote surprises FOUTE/HIVES yet again.

  7. Bay is super irritating. I didn’t like her loud ass before HOH and now I really can’t stand her and her power trip. Literally annoying! ?

    1. There not enough thumbs up for your comment. Bay’s voice is irritating. Bay’s arrogance is being irritating. Whenever I see her on live feeds, I switch cameras.

      1. Don’t forget all that nose snorting either. Blow your nose into a tissue!!! I have to mute the sound when she’s doing that as she blows out my speakers, lol!

  8. Watching live feeds- Haleigh is extremely immature in the way she acts towards Fez. She allowed him to think there would be something between them outside the house and flirted like crazy with him. He’s not upset that she talked with Brett – he’s upset that she flirts and rubs on Brett . They were rubbing each other’s legs in the hammock last night and Fez sees it. Oh course he’ll feel upset about it.

  9. I like Tyler, and I think he’s a genius. I just want him to realize just how desperate Bailey is for his allegiance. He could probably tell Bailey he wants Rachel gone and she would convince her minions to send her home.
    I think if Ty and promised Bay a final two, she would go out of her way to protect him.. Heck I think she would even use her powers to save him if he needed it, and she might even get her minions to keep him if he was on the block against anyone but Haleigh and Rockstar.
    Bay might not be the wisest, she might have been blindsided by three evictions, but she does have the power to influence votes. And she seems pretty desperate for Ty’s loyalty.

      1. Three votes is a lot at this point, and it would be the 3 votes that Ty would has the most difficulty controlling.

    1. I’m still trying to decide if the player is getting played. I really don’t think bay is that good. But what if ….. she’s sucking him in. Making him feel safe. Gushing about him to everyone Then Uses her power and puts him up. Again. I don’t think she’s that good. But I can’t get the possibility out of my head. It would be great gameplay if it was.

      1. I don’t think Bay is good period.
        Her HoH has been her flailing around grasping at straws for people who she thinks can win comps to align with her.

        She’s as clueless Kaitlyn:
        She was going to put up Scottie who, although she can’t control, is loyal to her and her game.
        She put her trust in Rachel solely because she thinks Rachel is a competitive threat.
        She is betting her game on Tyler, even though Tyler is convinced Bay is coming after her.
        She volunteers Tyler excuses in an irksome way, misting herself without Tyler even having to say anything.

        She’s careless:
        She’s insulting Fessy way too much considering she entrusted him with her power. And Fessy gets very emotional about people viewing him poorly.

        She is also prejudicial:
        Super racist/anti-muslim comment against Fes
        Also, I am black and sure racism can be hurtful. But to devalue JC’s life experience, and to somehow believe that discrimination she might have felt for feeling being black is in any way comparable to what JC likely deals with are so incredibly narcissistic. It really does embarrass me.
        Like she grew up with more white privilege (whatever that is) than anyone in the house.

  10. Tyler – “I’m like a bird, I only fly away, I don’t know where my soul is (soul is), I don’t know where my home is. And baby all I need for you to know is, I’m like a bird, I’ll only fly away”

  11. It sure seems Bay’s power trip is running amuck. Bay needs to open her eyes and shut her mouth. The nasty comments about Fes, the physical threats against the other HGs and declaring herself “The Queen” are only going to make her a huge target. Yes, she has a power…but she forgets that she’s not the only one with a power. After this week I have lost ALL respect for her as I’m sure a lot of the other HGs have. Her attitude is going to bite her in the ass. Hopefully she’ll be gone soon. She’s showing her true self…and it’s ugly.

  12. Right On! I feel that all apps should expire at a set point . If Tyler’s is good for 8 weeks, sure sounds like production is throwing him a bone.
    Also, Fezz, leave Hay alone and play the game, use strategy, charisma or muscle, do something !!

  13. And I suppose Tyler isn’t using people to meet his goals?
    He’s flirted. Used emotional blackmail. Pitted people against the “other. Lied and betrayed.
    He gets a pass because like Sam said, ” he’s a guy who doesn’t know any better?
    Double standards and hypocrisy much.
    Hayleigh can do what she wants. She’s not harming fasals game so I don’t see what the problem is. Bayleigh didn’t beg him to use the veto. He chose to. He really needs to get over himself and start playing the game.

    1. In his pre show interview he said he was going to play the dumb surfer and quietly slide by while getting people’s friendship. Not tell them he is a super fan, being quiet and polite, not melting down (ever), and becoming Mr. Popularity across all the various lines is brilliant play. He has had enormous influence in every vote and originated a loyal group yet everyone thinks he’s alone. Brilliant.

      1. He’s the power player this season for sure.. Haleigh and Rocks are on to him though but I doubt they will have a chance to evict him. His cloud app and all..

        Unless Bayleigh and her crew can hit Tyler twice I would say he’s the winner this season. Just because it’s so early and he’s got such a leg up on the other players I may become a HIVE Fan . Just to restore the balance. Rocks come here and give me a hug.. 😉

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